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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


S.Y. 2019-2020
GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze the statements/questions comprehensively. Write your
chosen answers on the answer sheet. Avoid unnecessary erasures/ markings on the questionnaire.

Multiple Choice

1. Which describe the flame color of the compound when heated?

a. Sodium chloride – blue c. Potassium Chloride - violet
b. Copper (II) Sulfate – yellow d. Boric acid – red

2. When the light from excited atoms of an element is passed through a prism, the distinct colored
lines produced are called
a. ground states b. excited states c. line emission spectra d. electromagnetic spectra

3. If electrons in an atom have the lowest possible energies, the electrons are in their
a. ground states b. inert states c. excited states d. radiation-emitting states

4. Most of the volume of an atom is occupied by the

a. nucleus b. neutron c. electron cloud d. protons

5. Which of the following correctly represent the electronic distribution in the Mg atom?
a. 3, 8,1 b.2,8,2 c. 1,8,3 d. 8,2,2

6. The following energy level diagram represents the outermost shell of what ground state element?

a. 7N b. 17Cl c.9F d. 4C

7. The electronic configuration of an atom an element with atomic number 8 is

a. 1s22s6 b. 1s22s22p6 c. 2s22p6 d. 1s22s22p4

8. How many electrons are needed to completely fill the fourth energy level?
a. 2 b. 8 c. 18 d. 32

9. Which orbital designation has the highest energy?

a. 2s b. 2p c. 3d d. 4s

10. When atoms share valence electrons, a(n) ___________ is formed

a. covalent bond b. ionic bond c. metallic bond d. chemical bonding

11. A triple bond involves the sharing of

a. 3 electrons b. 4 electrons c. 6 electrons d. 9 electrons

12. In nitrogen molecule, N2 how many electrons are shared?

a. 2 b. 3 c. 6 d. 8

13. Which of the following metallic elements loses two electrons to become an ion?
a. 13Al b.12Mg c. 19K d.11Li

14. Which of the following is TRUE about a polar bond?

a. There is electron transfer.
b. There is equal distribution of electrons between bonded atoms.
c. There is unequal distribution of electrons between bonded atoms.
d. There is no sharing of electrons.

15. What will happen to an atom after losing an electron?

a. become negative ion b. become positive ion c. become neutral charge d. remains the same
16. A sample contains 3.01x1023 molecules of sulfur dioxide, SO2. Determine the amount in moles.
a. 0.500 mol SO2 b. 0.600 mol SO2 c. 0.700 mol SO2 d. 0.800 mol SO2

17. Which of the following represent the Lewis symbol of C?

a. • C • b. • C • c. • C • d. C •
• •
18. Which of the following elements has three valence electrons?
a. lithium b. boron c. nitrogen d. chlorine

19. Which element is present in all organic compounds?

a. carbon b. nitrogen c. oxygen d. phosphorus

20. Which statement explains why the element carbon forms so many compounds?
a. Carbon atoms combine readily with oxygen.
b. Carbon atoms have very high electronegativity.
c. Carbon readily forms ionic bonds with other carbon atoms.
d. Carbon readily forms covalent bonds with other carbon atoms.

21. What is the name of the compound that has the molecular formula C6H6?
a. butane b. butene c. benzene d. butyne

22. Which class of organic compounds can be represented as R—OH?

a. alkane b. alcohol c. alkyne d. ketone

23. Juan Victor’s grandmother was cooking their supper when she suddenly stopped and said, “Oh,
the tank is already empty!” Then her grandmother asked him to buy another tank.
What did Victor’s grandmother ask him to buy?
a. gasoline b. water c. lubricating oil d. liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

24. Methane is a component of natural gas. What is the common use of methane?
a. disinfectant b. medicine c. fuel d. cleaning agent

25. The number of atoms in a mole of any pure substance is called

a. atomic number b. Avogadro’s number c. mass number d. isotopic number

26. Emmanuel Juan cut his finger accidentally when he was cutting his nails. He has to apply something
on his wound so that it will not get infected. Which compounds should he use?
a. formalin b. isopropyl alcohol c. water d. acetone

27. Which hydrocarbon compound has a double bond in the molecule?

a. ethane b. methane c. propene d. propyne

28. Avogadro’s number of atoms of any element is equivalent to

a. the atomic number of that element c. the mass number of that element
b. 6.02 x 1023 particles d. 100g of that element

29. How can the knowledge about mole be useful for the environmentalists?
a. Mole concept can be used in environmental monitoring.
b. It gives information on the most dangerous pollutant in the atmosphere.
c. It gives a feedback on the kinds of pollutants present in the atmosphere.
d. Mole concept can be used in quantifying the amount of pollutant-particles released in the

30. The mole is an experimentally-defined unit. One mole is the number of particles found in 12.000
grams of:
a. Carbon-12 b. carbon-14 c. oxygen d. hydrogen

31. As the atomic masses of the elements in the periodic table increase, the number of atoms in
1 mol of each element
a. decreases b. increases c. remains the same d. becomes a negative number
32. How do you calculate the molecular weight of a compound?
a. by dividing the weight of atoms of the compound
b. by multiplying the weight of atoms of the compound
c. by subtracting the weight of atoms of the compound
d. by summing the atomic weights of elements in that compound

33. Which of the following quantities would have the greatest mass: one mole of carbon atoms, one mole
of neon atoms?
a. one mole of carbon atoms c. one mole of neon atoms
b. one mole of helium atoms d. they would have equal masses

34. You were given a set of four test tubes. Each test tube contains 100 g sample of the following elements.
If the elements are all monoatomic, which test tube contains the largest number of moles?
a. Carbon b. Potassium c. Sodium d. Iron

35. One gram molecule H2O contains how many moles of molecules and number of molecules?
a. 1 gram molecule H2O = 1mol of molecule = 6.022 x 10 23 molecules of H2O
b. 1 gram molecule H2O = 1.5 mol of molecule = 3.011 x 1023 molecules of H2O
c. 1 gram molecule H2O = 1.5 mol of molecule = 6.022 x 10 23 molecules of H2O
d. 1.5 gram molecule H2O = 1mol of molecule = 6.022 x 10 23 molecules of H2O

36. The mass of the substance divided by its molar mass gives the ___________.
a. ratio of the substance
b. number of moles of the substance
c. grams of the substance
d. number of particles of the substance

37. Bohr’s theory helped explain why

a. electrons have negative charge.
b. most of the mass of the atom is in the nucleus.
c. excited hydrogen gas gives off certain colors of light.
d. atoms combine to form molecules.

38. For an electron in an atom to change from the ground state to an excited state,
a. energy must be released.
b. energy must be absorbed.
c. radiation must be emitted.
d. the electron must make a transition from a higher to a lower energy level.

39. Use statements A, B, C, or D to judge the correct answer.

a. the 3d sub level is filled before the 4s sub level.
b. the 3rd principal energy level only contains 8 electrons.
c. principal energy levels get closer together as they get further from the nucleus.
d. orbitals are always filled in numerical order.

40. Which pair of atoms would most likely form an ionic compound when bonded to each other?
a. calcium and fluorine b. silicon and nitrogen c. two oxygen atoms d. two fluorine atoms

41. Why do two nonmetals generally form covalent bonds with one another?
a. they have similar sizes
b. they have similar electronegativities
c. nonmetals prefer to share electrons rather than transfer them
d. they have similar ionization energy

42. The atomic number of oxygen is 8. The atomic number of sulfur is 16. Compared with a mole of oxygen, a
mole of sulfur contains
a. twice as many atoms c. an equal number of atoms
b. half as many atoms d. 8 times as many atoms

43. In which pair of hydrocarbons does each compound contain only one double bond per molecule?
a. C2H2 and C2H6 b.C2H2 and C3H6 c.C4H8 and C2H4 d. C6H6 and C7H8

44. To which group of hydrocarbon does the molecule with the structure belong?
a. alkane b. alkyne c. alkene d. ketone
45. What happens to the boiling point of hydrocarbon compounds when the number of carbon
atoms increases?
a. remains the same b. decreases c. increases d. increases then decreases

46. How many grams are there in 2.1 moles of sodium?

a. 48.3 grams b. 0.0913 grams c. 11.0 grams d. 20 grams

47. How many molecules are there in 45 grams of aluminum trifluoride?

a. 2.28 x 10 27 molecules c. 1.12 x 10 24 molecules
b. 3.23 x 10 molecules d. 1.73 x 10 28 molecules

48. One time, your mother came home from the public market complaining about the defective weighing scale of
some vendors. Your mother finally decided to act on the matter. What do you think is the best thing for her to
a. Stop buying from these vendors
b. Report them to the barangay captain
c. Tell the vendors to have their weighing scale repaired.
d. Scold the vendors in public

49. Which configuration is possible in an excited state of electron?

a. 2He : 1s2 c. 11Na: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3d1
b. 1H: 1d d. 10Ne: 1s2 2s2 2p5 3s1

50. As the diferrence in electronegativity between two elements decreases, the tendency for the elements to
form a covalent bond:
a. Increases c. Remains the same
b. Decreases d. Sometimes increases and sometimes decreases

51. Element X belongs to Group 1. Which of the following best describes element X?
a. high electronegativity c. low electronegativity
b. high ionization energy d. a non-metallic element
52. Your teacher gives you a sample of an unknown element. It is solid, yellow, not shiny, and it breaks when
you try to bend it. What is a reasonable conclusion for you to reach based on these observations?
a. The element is metal
b. The element will conduct electricity
c. The element is non metal
d. The element is malleable

53. How many moles of sulfur are in 53.7 grams of sulfur?

a. 1.67 moles of sulfur c. 16.7 moles of sulfur
b. 1.76 moles of sulfur d. 6.17 moles of sulfur

54. 3.70 mol of C2H4 was reacted with 7.30 mol of O2 resulting in the formation of CO2 and water. What is the
number of moles of water produced?
C2H4 (g) + 3O2 (g) 2CO2 (g) + 2H2O (g)

a. 48.7 mol b. 4.87 mol c. 14.6 mol d. 7.40 mol

55. Use the following terms to create a concept map; valence electrons , nonpolar covalent compounds, polar,
and lewis structure.

56. The symbol “n” in the Bohr theory of atomic structure refers to
a. the energy of electron c. the number of electron in an energy level
b. the total energy of the atom d. the orbit in which an electron is found

57. Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3Molar Mass = 80.06g/mole) is a substance use to produce dinitrogen
monoxide (N2O), a dental anesthetic. Determine the mass percent of N in ammonium nitrate?
a. 35.00% b. 40.65% c. 39.50% d. 36.00 %

58. Ethyl butanoate (C3H7COOC2H5) is the substance responsible for the aroma of pineapple. What is the molar
mass of ethyl butanoate?
a. 118.00 g/mole b. 117.12 g/mole c. 120.12 g/mole d. 116.18 g/mole

59. Phosphates are used heavily as fertilizers because phosphorus is an essential micronutrient in the growth of
plants. However, heavy use of fertilizer may result in phohsphate pollution of lakes, rivers, and other bodies
of water. What are some ways of reducing phosphate pollution in the environments (Your answer should not
be more than three sentences.)

60. Environmental concerns have led to the development of plastics that are labeled “biodegradable’ formulate
an experiments to study how well biogradable plastics break down. Write at least the overview of your

Prepared by: NORBERTO D. GUBAN

Science Teacher I

Contents Checked: EDNA B. GABRIEL RAYMUNDO B. REYES Jr., Ed. D

OIC/ Science Coordinator Principal IV

Contents Noted: VIC B. VILLADOR

District Supervisor

Contents Checked/ Verified ANTONIO P. FAUSTINO JR.

EPS I, Science

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