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together we smile
AA diversified business conglomerate, NMC, has its roots in the healthcare sector where it
enjoys phenomenal reputation with the establishment of leading healthcare institutions in
the region - the NMC Hospitals in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, and the New Medical Centre in
Sharjah. NMC Speciality Hospital, Dubai is a multi specialty hospital offering state-of-the-art
treatment using latest technological developments in the field of healthcare. NMC Family
Clinic at Jumeirah, Dubai and NMC Specialty Hospital, Abu Dhabi are the latest to join the
NMC stable renowned for its excellence as a healthcare provider.

National Hospital and the New National Medical Centre, both in Abu Dhabi, have further
expanded the sweep of NMC by reaching out to far-flung areas in the capital city with
quality patient care.

NMC has seen the string of successes in diversified businesses varying from Financial
Services to Trading in Pharmaceuticals, FMCG brands, Scientific, Laboratory, Education & 
Medical Supplies, Foodstuff, Retail Pharmacies, Gold & Diamond Jewellery; Advertising,
Hospitality, Real Estate, Information Technology, Engineering Projects and Services among

The state-of-the-art pharmaceutical manufacturing factory Neopharma at the industrial

suburb of Mussafah in Abu Dhabi complements in substantial measure the activities of NMC
in the healthcare sector.

The ISO 9000 series of certification accorded to the Trading Division and the NMC Hospital,
Abu Dhabi, testifies to its corporate philosophy driven by commitment to quality. 
Neopharma and New Medical Centre Group for Trading were awarded the 2006 Mohammad
Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Business Awards in recognition of their pioneering initiatives based
on the Business High Performance Model. 

The New Sunrise Industry in the field of biotechnology is yet another enterprise that NMC
plans to  venture into, the initiative credited as the first of its kind in the Middle East.

The architects of NMC's sustained growth are its Chairman, Abdulla Humaid Al Mazroei, and
Founder Partner, Managing Director & CEO, Dr. B. R. Shetty.

197 The first step is taken with the opening of the Pharmacy
197 New Medical Centre is started with the Dental Department
198 UAE Exchange Centre begins operations
198 Pharmaceutical trading commences
198 FMCG trading is initiated
199 New Medical Centre, Dubai, begins operations
199 New Medical Centre, Abu Dhabi, is given ‘hospital’ status
199 New Medical Centre, Sharjah, starts operations
199 New Medical Centre, Dubai, gets the ‘Hospital’ status
199 NMC Trading Division is awarded the ISO 9001 certification
200 NMC Hospital, Abu Dhabi is awarded the ISO 9002 certification
200 UAE Exchange sets up Offices in UK and USA
200 With the acquisition of National Hospital in Abu Dhabi, NMC becomes the largest
3 hospital chain in the UAE private sector
200 ‘Neopharma’ marks the NMC’s entry into pharmaceutical products
200 NMC's own consumer brand ‘Neocare’ is launched in UAE
200 NMC Hospital Abu Dhabi further awarded the ISO 9001:2000 Certificate.
200 Neopharma is conferred the 'Specialist Award in Pharma' by Arab Health ME for
4 being the best pharmaceutical manufacturing facility in the Middle East.
200 Zari Zardozi, Abu Dhabi - a unique Indian Restaurant concept opens.
200 NMC Specialty Hospital, Dubai commences operations.
200 Lotus Boutique Hotel, Dubai starts operations.
200 Bite Rite commences operations.
200 NMC Family Clinic, Jumeirah, Dubai is inaugurated.
200 NMC Specialty Hospital, Al Ain opens.
200 Neopharma is awarded the 2006 Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Business
7 Award in recognition of its pioneering initiatives based on the Business High
Performance Model in the Manufacturing category
200 NMC for Trading is awarded the 2006 Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Business
7 Award in recognition of its pioneering initiatives based on the Business High
Performance Model in the Re-Export category.
200 Bite Rite Resto Café Abu Dhabi is inaugurated.
200 NMC Specialty Hospital, Abu Dhabi opens.
200 Dakshin, the Indian restaurant at Lotus Hotel , Dubai wins the prestigious WHAT’S
7 ON AWARDS 2007 for Favorite Indian/Pakistani Restaurant, Dubai.
200 Lotus Grand Hotel Apartment, Deira Dubai inaugurated.

Envisioning the Future of Healthcare

At NMC, we have a vision of a healthy world. Welcome to our world where service speaks
the language of care.

Portents to this assertion find expression in the Specialty Hospital and Family Clinic in
Dubai. Another super-specialty hospital in Abu Dhabi is open, reinforcing the towering
presence of NMC as a healthcare leader in the region.
The NMC Specialty Hospital in Dubai is a centre of medical excellence offering
state-of the-art treatments using latest technological developments in the field of

The same holds true for the new hospital in Abu Dhabi, where major procedures
for liver, kidney and heart are being planned using hi-tech medical and diagnostic

Neopharma, the state-of-the-art pharmaceutical manufacturing facility at

Mussafah, in Abu Dhabi complements the functions and activities of NMC in the
healthcare sector. 

Major forays are in the offing in the field of biotechnology with the New Sunrise
Industry, that is the first of its kind in the Middle East, that NMC will unve

NMC Brand Identity

The NMC Corporate logo consists of two main elements – the NMC logotype in black and the
stylized Red Crescent. Together these two elements combine to project the image of NMC
as a strong, dynamic and caring conglomerate and its successful foray into diversified and
emerging fields.

The solid yet fine logotype is representative of the unshakeable and reliable character of
NMC and its presence in the UAE for three decades.

The stylized Red Crescent is symbolic of the smile that NMC brings to your life, by touching
it in innumerable ways
Corporate Governance

H. E. Abdulla Humaid Ali Al Mazroei - Chairman, NMC 

"The true grandeur of humanity is in moral elevation, sustained, enlightened and

decorated by the intellect of man."

A befitting expression or succinct epithet remains yet to be coined to conjure up versions of

certain visionary qualities and indefatigable zeal, that trigger changes to the course of
destiny, to open new vistas to bask in the new-found glow of excellence. H. E. Abdulla
Humaid Al Mazroei, Chairman of NMC is verily the personification of these attributes that
hold new golden keys to new eldorados.

The eventful life of Mazroei is an absorbing journey through the labyrinths of governance
and politics, diplomacy and statecraft, business, commerce and industry. Accounts of his life
and achievements run almost in parallel track to that of blazing trails of the United Arab
Emirates, from its emergence as a nascent state in 1971, to occupy a pride of place among
the comity of nations today. 

Graduating in Economics from Baghdad University in the year 1968, Mazroei joined the
Government of UAE, placing his services at the disposal of the nation and its people. He
played a pivotal role in those early days as Director, Development Office, before joining the
Ministry of Communications as Undersecretary. His rise in the government hierarchy was
meteoric as he was promoted soon to the post of Undersecretary at the Ministry of Foreign

There was no looking back and it was only a question of time before the Rulers were quick
to spot the spark in him as the results he produced surpassed expectations.

He entered the higher echelons of the corridors of power in 1977 with induction into the
cabinet as the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, where his sharp political acumen, astute
statesmanship and sound principles of governance, combined in full measure to lend form
and substance to the evolving nucleus of policies that have been the harbingers of the
growth, progress and prosperity that are the hallmarks of the nation and its people today.

As a life-long learner, it is not surprising that during his political career, he gained a wealth
of knowledge and experience across a broad spectrum of financial disciplines, human
resources and manpower management, all crucial ingredients in the recipe for success. The
breadth and depth of his engagements and commitment found further fruition during his
tenure as Advisor to the Presidential Court, culminating later in his joining the league of
pre-eminent ranks with his appointment as the UAE Minister of Justice. Mazroei presently is
Member of the Board of The General Authority for Pension and Social Security, Chairman of
Union Insurance (P.S.H) and Member of the Board of Abu Dhabi International School.

His variegated experiences in conceiving and fostering entrepreneurial initiatives found

matching synergy of enthalpy in the business acumen and rectitude of Dr. B. R. Shetty, to
signal the beginning of a relationship as a business mentor, trusted partner and close friend,
as Chairman of NMC. Thereafter, the power of exponentials has marked the growth graph to
speak the language of business, as new stars were born, littering the business firmament of
Dr. B. R. Shetty - Founder Partner, Managing Director & CEO, NMC

“The real secret of happiness is not what you have or what you receive it's what
you share."

Dr. Bavaguthu Raghuram Shetty, popularly known as Raghu Bhai and BR, set foot on the
dunes of the Arabian Peninsula, in what was at that time for him a new and strange
landscape in the United Arab Emirates, way back in 1973, with modest credentials to
profession as a pharmacist. Some have reasons to believe that his auspicious name 'Raghu'
presages the advent of dawn, blazing new trails, alluding to ancient literature tracing the
lineage of the name to the Sun Dynasty.And for sure, the sun rises, somewhere, sometime,
and for sure, all the time, in the wide blue sky, signifying eternal hope and cheer.

The fledgling nation was then on a frog leap, but abounded in opportunities that Dr. Shetty
was quick to spot, particularly in the field of medicine, his sense of purpose and
determination culminating in the establishment of the NMC Hospital in Abu Dhabi, the first
of its kind in the country, with branches in Dubai and Sharjah following suit. These hospitals
along with National Hospital, New National Medical Centre, Abu Dhabi, the state of the art
NMC Specialty Hospitals in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Al Ain and NMC Family Clinic, Dubai treat over
one million patients a year.

The success story signaled the spawn of new enterprises, as Dr. Shetty set about his plans
for diversification that led to major forays into a bewildering range of businesses spread
over distribution in pharmaceuticals, FMCG brands, scientific/medical equipment, 
foodstuff ; financial services,  pharmaceutical manufacturing,  hospitality, advertising and
public relations,  gold and diamond jewellery, real estate, information technology,
engineering projects and services. Dr. Shetty has now embarked on the path of innovation
in Technology in the fields of Nanotechnology, Bio-Technology, Cell Therapy and Tissue

Neopharma and NMC Trading were recently awarded the 2006 Mohammed Bin Rashid Al
Maktoum Business Award in Manufacturing and Re-Export categories respectively, in
recognition of their pioneering initiatives. Based on the Business High Performance Model,
the award evaluates and recognizes the performance of companies from both management
and performance criteria. A company's strategic initiative, leadership perspectives, quality
imperatives, corporate culture, corporate social responsibility, performance output, outcome
and impact are appraised. His Highness Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-
President and Prime Minister of the UAE, Ruler of Dubai presented the awards to Dr. B.R.

Business, however, is by no stretch of imagination, Dr. Shetty's exclusive preoccupation. His

abiding interest in education has put him at the forefront of the largest community school in
the region as its Chairman. Dr. Shetty has also invested in a medical institution in the north
Indian state of Uttaranchal and has been appointed to the board of directors of the Haldawni
Medical College. Besides heading numerous international groups, he is the Founder and
Patron of the Indian Pharmaceutical Association in the Emirates and was President of the
Abu Dhabi Cricket Council. Dr. Shetty also holds the post of Member of the Advisory Board
(Financial Sector), Economic Department, Government of Dubai, UAE and the
Pharmaceutical Committee, Dubai.
Presiding over such an extensive business empire has not deterred him from finding time for
charitable causes. In fact, the dizzying heights of success have driven him to overtake his
own shadow as a humanitarian to the core, that gives his passion for business a quality of
mercy and compassion, going by the large number of beneficiaries of his largesse.

Awards and accolades have been heaped on him in recognition of services and contributions
that have benefited organizations, individuals and institutions. The Karnataka Rajyothsava
Award, the Rainbow Laurel Award instituted by the former Maharaja of Travancore, the Arch
of India Gold Award of the NRI Institute in London, the epithet Dharmadarshi from Sri
Krishna Mutt, Udupi, are just some light showers in the heavy rain of tributes. He is also the
recipient of the 'Lifetime Achievement Award' that was conferred upon him on the occasion
of the historic IPCA-FAPA joint Congress held in Mumbai.  He was recently awarded the
Pravasi Karma Ratna Award, the third Indian to be so honoured.

Georgia State University of Atlanta, Georgia, USA has conferred the highest academic
degree, the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters (D. Litt.); ‘in recognition of his noble
service to humanity.’ The honour which was conferred by the University on 13 January,
2005 will add to the lustre of the many accolades already received by Dr. Shetty; in
recognition of his achievement in various spheres of activities. 

Dr. B. R. Shetty was also conferred the 'Lifetime Achievement Award’ by the International
Medical Integration Council and The Optimal Healthcare Group (India) for his outstanding
contribution to the Healthcare Sector. 

On 29th November 2005, the U.S. India Friendship Society, Chicago presented Dr. B. R.
Shetty with The Distinguished Entrepreneur Award  "in recognition of his exemplary
leadership in business and for exemplifying the noble ideals of humanitarian service."

Further, in recognition of his accomplishments and exemplary acts of devotion, compassion

and generosity towards the community and ultimately the development of the emirate of
Abu Dhabi, Dr. B. R. Shetty was recently honored with the Order of Abu Dhabi. This award
has been given in the memory of late Shaikh Zayed under the guidance and auspices of H.
H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi.

On January 6, 2006, the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) bestowed
Dr. B. R. Shetty with the Pravasi Bharatiya Community Service Award 2006, for his service
to the community. GOPIO’s Pravasi Bharatiya Community Service Awards have been
established to honor those NRIs and PIOs who have provided significant community and
public service to the Indian Diaspora around the globe and/or to India. Dr. B. R. Shetty was
also conferred the First “Gulf Udyog Rathna” Award by United Associations of Karnataka -
Kuwait on 24th November 2006 for his contribution to the community. 

Dr. B.R. Shetty was conferred Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award by President of India Dr.
APJ Abdul Kalam on the concluding day of the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas for 2007 in New
Delhi. This award is conferred on Dr. B.R.Shetty in recognition of his outstanding
contribution towards the betterment of the large NRI community. Besides other yeomen
endeavours, his unstinted commitment, dedication and tireless efforts to bring quality
healthcare services at affordable prices to the masses have earned him a place in the hearts
of millions. 

An optimist who relishes the prospects of any challenge, it comes as no surprise that he
envisions a happy and healthy world, confident in the belief that the long, winding road
ahead will sport milestones, eminently superior to those bearing testimony at present.
Business Sectors

» Hospitals
» Pharmacies
» Special Medical Services
» Hearing Care Centre
» Holistic Medicine

» Neopharma
» Neocare
» Emilam Industries

Beauty Salons
» New Beauty Centre, Abu Dhabi
» Tariq Salon, Abu Dhabi

Beauty Salons
» New Beauty Centre, Abu Dhabi
» Tariq Salon, Abu Dhabi

»Scientific Equipments
» Aabharan Jewellery
» Opticals

» Creative Line Advertising, Dubai

Information Technology
» Reliance Infotech

» Foodlands, Abu Dhabi
» Foodlands, Dubai
» Zari Zardozi, Abu Dhabi
» Lotus Hospitality 
» BiteRite, Abu Dhabi

Real Estate
» Reliance Real Estate
Socio-Cultural Activities
Involvement of NMC in various Socio-Cultural Activities:

Support to Victims of Natural Disasters and Calamity

Relief for People of War Ravaged Lebanon 
Medicines and critical care items - Dhs. 1.3 million
Pakistan Earthquake 
Medicines & Medical Aid - Dhs. 1.1 million
India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines 
Tsunami/Earthquake Victims, Medicines & Donations
Typhoon Victims, Medicines
January 2001
Gujarat, India 
Earthquake Victims, Medicines & Supplies - Dhs. 1 million
September 1999
Earthquake Victims, Medicines & Supplies - Dhs. 500,000
September 1998
Flood Victims, Medicines & Supplies- Dhs.250,000
Latur, India 
Earthquake Victims,Medicines & Supplies - Dhs. 500,000

Educational / Medical Relief

Chairman, World Bunts Trust

Endowment fund raising - Rs.3 Crores (2002-2004)
Chairman, BRS Trust
Scholarships / Medical Relief
Board of Trustee
Manipal Medical Relief Society - (Since 1990)
Social Cause
Mumbai, India
Donation to building Bunts Ladies Hostel.
September 2002
Support Group, UAE - Support to Muslim Educational Society
Free medical camp for less endowed - Dhs. 10,000
December 2000
Palestine cause
Medicines & Supplies - Dhs. 200,000
Mumbai, India
Donation to building Bunts Conventional / Community Hall.
New Delhi, India
Donation to building Karnataka Sangha Building.
Karnataka, India
Donation to building classrooms.
Medicines & Donation to Satya Sai Orphanage.
Pakistan, Shaukath Khan Cancer Hospital

Hotline Schedule:

With the interest and positive feedback Hotline has received from within and outside NMC,
the editorial commitee has decided make it a bi-monthly issue. Now NMCians can look
forward to six issues of Hotline in a year and can be active particpants in the making of each
issue.Your involvement and contributions for Hotline are welcome.
NMCians can look forward to HOTLINE in the following months. 
November 1st 
On Jan 1st 2005, a new editorial committee for Hotline will be declared.
Till then happy reading!

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