Culture of Vietnam

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Culture of Vietnam

The culture of Vietnam (Vietnamese: Văn hóa Việt Nam The

culture of Vietnam) Originated from an Ancient Baiyue Kingdom in
East Asia called Nam Việt, which shared both Bách Việt and Han
Culture with the ancient Bronze age Đông Sơn culture being widely
considered one of its most important progenitors.[1] Han China
invaded and annexed Nam Việt in 111 BC leading to the first
Chinese domination of Vietnam.

Due to a millennium of Chinese rule, Vietnam was heavily and

remarkably influenced by Chinese culture in terms of politics,
government, Confucian social and moral ethics, and art. Vietnam is
Imperial City, Huế the former Imperial Capital of
considered to be part of theEast Asian cultural sphere.[2]
Following independence from China in the 10th century, Vietnam
began a southward expansion that saw the annexation of territories
formerly belonging to the Champa civilization (now Central
Vietnam) and parts of the Khmer empire (modern southern Vietnam),
which resulted in minor regional variances in Vietnam's culture due
to exposure to these different groups.

During the French colonial period, Vietnamese culture absorbed

various influences from the Europeans, including the spread of
Catholicism and the adoption of the Latin alphabet. Prior to this,
Vietnamese had used bothChinese characters and a script called Chữ
nôm which was based on Chinese but included newly invented
A Young Vietnamese woman wearing the
characters meant to represent native Vietnamese words.
traditional áo dài
In the socialist era, the Vietnamese cultural life was deeply
influenced by government-controlled media and the cultural
influences of socialist programs. For many decades, foreign cultural
influences were shunned and emphasis placed on appreciating and
sharing the culture of communist nations such as the Soviet Union,
China, Cuba and others. Since the 1990s, Vietnam has been exposed
to other Asian, European and American culture and media.

Some elements generally considered to be characteristic of

Vietnamese culture include ancestor veneration, ancestor
worship,respect for community and family values, handicrafts and
manual labour religious belief. Important symbols present in
Vietnamese culture includedragons, turtles, lotuses and bamboo.
Bái Đính Temple considered the largest complex
of Mahayana Buddhist temples in Vietnam.

Funeral ceremony
Religion and philosophy
Visual arts
Silk painting
Woodblock prints Wars played a great role in shaping the identity and
Performing arts culture of people inhabited the land which is
Music modern day Vietnam. In this Image, Kublei Khan's
Theatre Mongolian Invasion Fleet that was meant to sail
Water puppetry towards Japan for the third invasion of Japan, was
diverted to Vietnam and completely destroyed by
the Dai Viet.
Martial arts
Holidays and other important days
Public holidays
Other holidays
World and intangible cultural heritage
Cultural heritage sites
Natural heritage sites
Intangible cultural heritage
See also
External links

In terms of societal levels of organization, the two most important units are làng (village) and nước (country). The Vietnamese
usually say that "làng goes hand in hand with nước." Intermediate organizational units are quận/huyện (district), "xã" (commune)
and tỉnh (province)

Main article: Military History of Vietnam

Vietnam has a long history of warfare, which played a big role in shaping the culture and Identity of the people who now live in the
region known as Vietnam.

Major Events that shaped the nation to become the most militaristic nation in South East Asia are;

Han conquest of Nan-Yue First Chinese Domination of Nam-Viet

Trưng Sisters - Two sisters who were generals who ruled or
f three years after rebelling in AD 40 against the first
Chinese domination of Vietnam. They are regarded as national heroines of Vietnam.
Lady Triệu - Female Warrior General; successfully resist the Chinese state of Eastern Wu during its occupation of
Lý Nam Đế - Baiyue (Bach Viet Magistrate) who becameEmperor and rebelled and createdVạn Xuân after seeing
how the Baiyue and Chinese in his realm were mistreated by their northern counterparts.
Battle of Bạch Đằng (938) Decisive defeat of Southern Han Chinese forces ending 1000 years of Chinese
Mongol invasions of Vietnam successively defeating the Mongolians 3 times ending with the battle of Battle of Bạch
Đằng (1288) being a Decisive Defeat for the Mongolians with their entire fleet being Annihilated.
Lam Sơn uprising Le Loi defeats the Ming Army, Ending the fourth Chinese domination of Vietnam. Ming Empire
officially acknowledged Vietnam as an independent state. Lê Lợi took the throne and wasdeclared Emperor of Đại
Việt (大越).
March to the South/Nam tiến expansion of the territory ofVietnam from the 11th century to the mid-18th century .
Turning Đại Việt from an East Asian State, to an South East Asian State, after annexing South East Asian kingdoms
such as; Champa, Laos and Cambodia.
Siege of Tourane a Punitive campaign from Empire of France, Kingdom of Spain and The Philippians to teach the
Vietnamese a lesson ended up, as a defeat.What had begun as a minor punitive expedition had turned into a long,
bitter and costly war the Allies were forced to evacuate leading to a ietnamese
V Victory. This defeat later escalated
the situation and lead to the colonization of Vietnam.
First Indochina War: Battle of Dien Bien PhuDecisive Vietnamese Victory over France, ending the colonialism in
Second Indochina War: Tet Offensive Strategic and Political Vietnamese Victory was the decisive blow to the
American Public's Moral, leading toOpposition to United States involvement in the V ietnam War to Skyrocket
leading to withdrawal of U.S troops and Involvement ending in theFall of Saigon and the Reunification of North and
South Vietnam.
Third Indochina War: Cambodian–Vietnamese War removal of the
Khmer Rouge Regime and Pol Pot, ended the Cambodian Genocide:
triggered a Punitive Chinese Invasion. The Continued occupation of
Cambodia with regular forces and fending of f a massive Chinese
Invasion with militia forces, lead to a Vietnamese Victory. [3]

Kinship plays an important role in Vietnam. Unlike Western culture's emphasis on
individualism, Eastern culture values in the roles of family and clanship. Comparing
with Eastern cultures, Chinese culture values family over clan while Vietnamese
cultural values clan over family. Each clan has a patriarch, clan altar, and death
commemorations attended by the whole clan.

Most inhabitants are related by blood. That fact is still seen in village names such as
Đặng Xá (place for the Đặng clan), Châu Xá, Lê Xá, so on so forth. In the Western
highlands the tradition of many families in a clan residing in a longhouse is still
Vietnam was a dominantly
popular. In the majority of rural Vietnam today, one can still see three or four matriarchal society prior to Chinese
generations living under one roof. rule, which brought in Confucian
patriarchal values. Countless female
warriors such as; Trưng Sisters, Lady
Marriage Trieu,Tay Son General: Bùi Thị Xuân.
Are National Heroines proving to be
[[File:Don tiep trong le an hoi engagement ceremony
Adept capable warriors and Leaders
(Vietnam).JPG|thumb|right|250px|The family of a Vietnamese bride line up to
and are highly revered with Roads,
welcome her groom at their betrothal ceremony
.]] Shrines and Temples built to Honor
The traditional Vietnamese wedding is one of the most important tradition in
Vietnamese occasions. Regardless of Westernization, many of the age-old customs
practiced in a traditional Vietnamese wedding continue to be celebrated by both Vietnamese in Vietnam and overseas, often
combining both Western and Eastern traditions.
In the past, both men and women were expected to be married at young ages. Some mountainous places exists "Tao Hon" because
one of the couples are too young to get married just 13 or 14 years old. Marriages called contractual marriages were generally
arranged by the parents and extended family, with the children having limited make decision on the matter. In modern Vietnam, this
has changed as people freely choose their own marriage partnerscalled romantic marriage.[4]

Generally there are two main ceremonies:[4]

Lễ Đám Hỏi (betrothal (engagement's ceremony): Some time before the wedding, the groom and his family visit the
bride and her family with round lacquered boxes known as betrothal presents. The quantity of boxes must be an odd
number. The presents includeareca nuts, betel leaves, tea, cake, fruits, wine, other various delicacies and money .
The presents are covered with red paper or cloth, and they are carried by unmarried girls or boys. Both families
agree to pick a good date for the wedding.
Lễ Cưới (wedding ceremony): On the wedding day , the groom's family and relatives go to the bride's house to ask
permission for the groom to marry and take his bride to his house. Guests would be invited to come and celebrate
the couple's marriage. The couple pray before the altar asking their ancestors for permission for their marriage, then
to express their gratitude to both groom's and bride's parents for raising and protecting them.

Funeral ceremony

When a person passes away in Vietnam, the surviving family holds a [Wake
ceremony] or vigil that typically lasts about five to six days, but may last
longer if the surviving family is waiting for other traveling relatives. The body
is washed and dressed. A le ngam ham, or chopstick, is laid between the teeth
and a pinch of rice and three coins are placed in the mouth. The body is put on
a grass mat laid on the ground according to the saying, "being born from the
earth, one must return back to the earth." The dead body is enveloped with
white cloth, le kham niem, and placed in a coffin, le nhap quan. Finally, the Decorations placed around a coffin at a
funeral ceremony, le thanh phuc, is officially performed. home funeral in Da Nang

The surviving family wear coarse gauze turbans and tunics for the funeral.
There are two types of funeral processions:

Traditional: The date and time for the funeral procession,le dua
tang, must be carefully selected. Relatives, friends, and
descendants take part in the funeral procession to accompany the
dead along the way to theburial ground. Votives are dropped along
the way. At the grave site, the coffin is lowered and buried. After
three days of mourning, the family visits the tomb again , le mo cua
ma, or worship the opening the grave. After 49 days,le cung that, Tet Vietnamese New Year Festivities in
the family stops bringing rice for the dead to the altar
. And finally, Chau Doc, Vietnam.
after 100 days, the family celebratestot khoc, or the end of the
tears. After one year is the ceremony of the first anniversary of the
relative's death and after two years is the ceremony of the end of
Modern: Nowadays, mourning ceremonies follow new rituals which are simplified; they consist of covering and
putting the dead body into the coffin, the funeral procession, the burial of the sike into the grave, and the visits to the
In Vietnam, the family of the deceased undergo a ritual after 100 days of them passing away, where the whole family sits in pairs in a
long line up to a single member of the family. A monk (Thay Cung) will place a thin piece of cotton over the family member's head
and ring a bell and chant while rotating the bell around the deceased's head, sending them in to a trance and open a way for the
deceased to return to the living. A bamboo tree with only leaves on the top with small pieces of paper with the deceased's name
written on them will start to wave when the deceased is coming. They believe that after 100 days the deceased may return to this
realm and "possess" the body of the member of the family undergoing the ritual and once it is completed the other members of the
family can communicate with the spirit of the deceased through the tranced family member

Normally this ritual will take all day to prepare and then as long as 6 hours praying and chanting, changing the family member at the
front of the line. Afterwards they will then burn a paper house and paper made possessions (that which the deceased would have
loved during his/her life) so that they may take it through to their next life with them.

Religion and philosophy

Religion in Vietnam has historically been largely defined by a mix of Buddhism,
Confucianism, and Taoism, known in Vietnamese as the Tam Giáo ("triple
religion").[5] Catholicism is also practiced in modern Vietnam.[6]

Ancestor worship is common in Vietnamese culture. Most Vietnamese, regardless of

religious denomination, practice ancestor worship and have an ancestor altar at their
home or business, a testament to the emphasis Vietnamese culture places on filial
Hanoi's One Pillar Pagoda, a historic
Buddhist temple
Vietnamese literature includes two major components: folk literature and written
literature. The two forms developed simultaneously and are profoundly interrelated.

Vietnamese folk literature came into being very early and had a profound effect on
the spiritual life of the Viet. The folk literature contributed to the formation of
Vietnam's national identity with praising beauty, humanism, and the love of
goodness. Legends, fairy tales, humorous stories, folk songs, epic poems have a
tremendous vitality and have lived on until today

Written literature was born roughly in the 10th century. Up until the 21st century,
there had been two components existing at the same time: works written in the Han
characters (with poems and prose demonstrating the Vietnamese soul and realities; "Mysterious tales of the Southern
thus, they were still regarded as Vietnamese literature) and works written in the Nom Realm" (Vietnamese: Lĩnh Nam
character (mostly poems; many great works were handed down to the later chích quái), dated from Vietnam's
generations). Later Lê dynasty

Since the 1920s, written literature has been mainly composed in the National
language with profound renovations in form and category such as novels, new-style poems, short stories and dramas, and with
diversity in artistic tendency. Written literature attained speedy development after the August Revolution, when it was directed by the
Vietnamese Communist Party's guideline and focused on the people's fighting and work life.

Modern Vietnamese literature has developed from romanticism to realism, from heroism in wartime to all aspects of life, and soared
into ordinary life to discover the genuine values of the V

Classical literature generated such masterpieces as Truyen Kieu (Nguyễn Du), Cung Oán Ngâm Khúc (Nguyễn Gia Thiều), Chinh
Phu Ngam (Dang Tran Con), and Quoc Am Thi Tap (Nguyễn Trãi). Some brilliant female poets are Hồ Xuân Hương, Doan Thi
Diem, and Bà Huyện Thanh Quan.

Visual arts
Traditional Vietnamese art is a part of art practiced in Vietnam or by Vietnamese artists, from ancient times (including the elaborate
Đông Sơn drums) to post-Chinese domination art which was strongly influenced by Chinese Buddhist art, as well as Taoism and
Confucianism. The art of Champa and France also played a smaller role later on.

The Chinese The chinese arts influence on Vietnamese art extends into Vietnamese pottery and ceramics, calligraphy, and traditional
architecture. Currently, Vietnamese lacquer paintings have proven to be quite popular.

Calligraphy has had a long history in Vietnam, previously using Chinese characters along with Chữ Nôm. However, most modern
Vietnamese calligraphy instead uses the Roman-character based Quốc Ngữ, which has proven to be very popular.

In the past, with literacy in the old character-based writing systems of Vietnam being restricted to scholars and elites, calligraphy
nevertheless still played an important part in Vietnamese life. On special occasions such as the Lunar New Year, people would go to
the village teacher or scholar to make them a calligraphy hanging (often poetry, folk sayings or even single words). People who could
not read or write also often commissioned attemple shrines.

Silk painting
Vietnamese silk painting is one of the most popular forms of art in Vietnam, favored for the
mystical atmosphere that can be achieved with the medium. During the 19th and 20th
centuries, French influence was absorbed into Vietnamese art and the liberal and modern use
of color especially began to differentiate Vietnamese silk paintings from their Chinese,
Japanese and Korean counterparts.[8] Vietnamese silk paintings typically showcase the
countryside, landscapes, pagodas, historical events or scenes of daily life.

Woodblock prints
A folk art with a long history in Vietnam, Vietnamese woodblock prints have reached a level
of popularity outside of Vietnam.[9] Organic materials are used to make the paint, which is
applied to wood and pressed on paper. The process is repeated with different colors.

Performing arts
Silk painting of Trịnh Đình
Kiên (1715-1786) in the 18th
century, exhibited in Vietnam
National Museum of Fine
Vietnamese music varies slightly in the three regions: Bắc or North, Trung or Central, and Arts
Nam or South. Northern classical music is Vietnam's oldest and is traditionally more formal.
Vietnamese classical music can be traced to the Mongol invasions, when the Vietnamese
captured a Chinese opera troupe. Central classical music shows the influences of Champa culture with its melancholic melodies.
Southern music exudes a livelylaissez-faire attitude.

Vietnam has some 50 national music instruments, in which the set of percussion instruments is the most popular, diverse and long-
lasting such as đàn đáy, đàn tranh, đàn nhị, đàn bầu ... The set of blowing instruments is represented by flutes and pan-pipes, while
the set of string instruments is specified bydan bau and dan day.

The Vietnamese folksongs are rich in forms and melodies of regions across the country, ranging from ngâm thơ (reciting poems), hát
ru (lullaby), hò (chanty) to hát quan họ, trong quan, xoan, dum, ví giặm, ca Huế, bài chòi, ly. Apart from this, there are also other
forms like hát xẩm, chầu văn, and ca trù.

Two of the most widely known genres are:

Imperial Court music: When referring specifically to theNhã" nhạc" form it
includes court music from theTrần dynasty on to the Nguyễn dynasty. It is an
elaborate form of music which features an extensive array of musicians and
dancers, dressed in extravagant costumes. It was an integral part of the rituals of
the Imperial court.
Ca trù: An ancient form of chamber music which originated in the imperial court.
It gradually came to be associated with ageisha-type of entertainment where
talented female musicians entertained rich and powerful men, often scholars and
bureaucrats who most enjoyed the genre.It was condemned in the 20th century
by the government, being tied falsely withprostitution, but recently it has seen a
revival as appreciation for its cultural significance has grown.Ca trù has been
recognized by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of
Humanity since 2005.
In the 20th century, in contact with the Western culture, especially after the national
independence, many new categories of arts like plays, photography, cinemas, and modern art
had taken shape and developed strongly, obtaining huge achievements with the contents
reflecting the social and revolutionary realities. Up to 1997, there have been 44 people
operating in cultural and artistic fields honored with the Ho Chi Minh Award, 130 others
conferred with People's Artist Honor, and 1011 people awarded with the Excellent Artist
Honor. At the start of 1997, there were 191 professional artistic organizations and 26 film
studios (including central and local ones). There have been 28 movies, 49 scientific and Typical Đông Hồ folk
woodblock print of a carp
documentary films receiving international motion picture awards in many countries. :)

Hát tuồng (also known as Hát bội): Traditional Vietnamese opera:
A theatre form strongly influenced byChinese opera, it transitioned
from being entertainment for the royal court to travelling troupes
who performed for commoners and peasants, featuring many well-
known stock characters.
Cải lương: A kind of modern folk opera originating inSouth
Vietnam, which utilizes extensivevibrato techniques. It remains
very popular in modern Vietnam when compared to other folk
Hát chèo: Chèo is a form of generally satirical musical theatre, A trio of Vietnamese musicians perform
often encompassing dance, traditionally performed by V ietnamese together. The man at centre plays ađàn
peasants in northern Vietnam. It is usually performed outdoors by nhị.
semi-amateur touring groups, stereotypically in a village square or
the courtyard of a public building, although it is today increasingly
also performed indoors and by professional performers

Water puppetry
Water puppetry (Múa rối), is a distinct Vietnamese art form which had its
origins in the 10th century and very popular in northern region. In Water
puppetry a split-bamboo screen obscures puppets which stand in water, and are
manipulated using long poles hidden beneath the water. Epic story lines are
played out with many different puppets, often using traditional scenes of
Vietnamese life. The puppets are made from quality wood, such as the South
East Asian Jackfruit tree. Each puppet is carefully carved, and then painted
with numerous successive layers of paint in order to protect the puppets.

Despite nearly dying out in the 20th century, water puppetry has been
recognised by the Vietnamese government as an important part of Vietnam's Water puppet theatre in Hanoi
cultural heritage. Today, puppetry is commonly performed by professional
puppeteers, who typically are taught by their elders in rural areas of iVetnam.
Vietnam has 54 different ethnicities, each with their own traditional dance. Among the ethnic Vietnamese majority, there are several
traditional dances performed widely at festivals and other special occasions, such as the
lion dance.

In the imperial court, there also developed throughout the centuries a series of complex court dances which require great skill. Some
of the more widely known are the imperial lantern dance, fan dance, and platter dance, among others.

Communication in Vietnam, like other countries in the region, is indirect, based upon rapport and respect, and relies heavily on body
language. Showing agreement by saying "yes" shows respect even if the person does not agree with what's being said. For example,
one would say "yes" to an invitation even if one does not intend on attending. The individual would simply not attend. Breaking this
rapport or disagreeing is deemed disrespectful. Face facial expression is crucial to Vietnamese, so they are usually very indirect with
what they say and usually avoid stating their opinion in case they are wrong. It is considered to be polite if women speak softly when
they talk. If they talk with a high volume in their speech, it is considered to be negative.[10] Children are unable to disagree with
elders. Smiling is often used as an apology. Eye contact is usually avoided. Taboo things in western culture, such as asking about
one's age or salary during an initial meeting, is normal. Storytelling is often used as a form of communication.

Vietnamese cuisine is extremely diverse, often divided into three main
categories, each pertaining to Vietnam's three main regions (north, central and
south). It uses very little oil and many vegetables, and is mainly based on rice,
soy sauce, and fish sauce. Its characteristic flavors are sweet (sugar), spicy
(serrano pepper), sour (lime), nuoc mam (fish sauce), and flavored by a variety
of mint and basil.

Vietnam also has a large variety of noodles and noodle soups. Different
regions invented typicallydifferent types of noodles, varying in shapes, tastes,
colors, etc. One of the nation's most famous type of noodles is phở
(pronounced "fuh"), a type of noodle soup originating in North V
ietnam, which Vietnamese phở, noodle soup with sliced
consists of rice noodles and beef soup (sometimes chicken soup) with several rare beef and well done beef brisket
other ingredients such as bean sprouts and scallions (spring onions). It is often
eaten for breakfast, but also makes a satisfying lunch or light dinner. The
boiling stock, fragrant with spices and sauces, is poured over the noodles and vegetables, poaching the paper-thin slices of raw beef
just before serving. Phở is meant to be savored, incorporating several different flavors: the sweet flavour of beef, sour lemons, salty
fish sauce, and fresh vegetables.

Currently, Vietnamese cuisine has been gaining popularity and can be found widely in many other countries such as Singapore, the
United States, Australia, Canada, South Korea, Laos, Japan, China, Malaysia, and France. Vietnamese cuisine is recognized for its
strict, sometimes choosy selection of ingredients. A chef preparing authentic Vietnamese cuisine may incorporate the ingredients
provided in these countries, but generally will prefer ingredients native to iV

In feudal Vietnam, clothing was one of the most mportant
i marks of social status and strictdress codes were enforced.

Prior to the Nguyễn dynasty, people not of noble birth could dress quite liberally with only few restrictions on styles. For example,
wearing yellow color in the Lý dynasty was tolerable since the Imperial clan wore red and white color. However, things changed at
the beginning of the Nguyễn dynasty. Commoners now had a limited choice of similarly plain and simple clothes for every day use,
as well as being limited in the colors they were allowed to use. For instance, commoners were not allowed to wear clothes with dyes
other than black, brown or white (with the exception of special occasions such as
festivals), but in actuality these rules could change often based upon the whims of
the current ruler.

The Áo giao lĩnh (襖交領) was a traditional cross-collared robe worn by Vietnamese
before the 19th century. During the Nguyen dynasty, it was replaced by the áo dài
and became obsolete.[14][15]

The Áo Tứ Thân or "four-part dress" is one such example of an ancient dress widely
worn by commoner women, along with the Áo yếm bodice which accompanied it.
Peasants across the country also gradually came to wear silk pajama-like costumes, Vietnamese Conical Hat(Non La)
known as "Áo cánh" in the north andÁo bà ba in the south. worn by a Vietnamese Girl

The headgear differed from time to time. People of the Lý dynasty and Nguyễn
dynasty often put on a plain piece of cloth wrapped around the head (generally called
Khăn đóng), while in Trần dynasty and Lê dynasty leaving the head bare was more
common. Beside the popular Nón Lá (conical hat), a vast array of other hats and caps
were available, constructed from numerous different types of materials, ranging from
silk to bamboo and horse hair. Even the Nón Lá (conical hat) used to take several
different shapes and sizes, now only two styles still persist. For footwear peasants would
often go barefoot, whereas sandals and shoes were reserved for the aristocracy and

Nguyễn Monarchs had the exclusive right to wear the color gold, while nobles wore red
or purple. In the past the situation was different, Đinh dynasty and Lý dynasty rulers
wore red, and Trần dynasty emperors wore white. Each member of the royal court had
an assortment of different formal gowns they would wear at a particular ceremony, or
for a particular occasion. The rules governing the fashion of the royal court could
change dynasty by dynasty, thus Costumes of the Vietnamese court were quite diverse.
However, certain fundamental concepts applied. Portrait of Nguyễn Quý Đức
(1648-1720) wearing áo giao lĩnh
The most popular and widely recognized Vietnamese national costume is the Áo Dài. Áo
Dài was once worn by both genders but today it is worn mainly by women, except for
certain important traditional culture-related occasions where some men do wear it. Áo Dài consists of a long gown with a slit on both
sides, worn over cotton or silk trousers. Adoption and enforcement of Aó Dài took place in the mid 18th century by the rulers of
Huế. They decided that their garments had to be distinctive to set themselves apart from the people of Tonkin where áo giao lĩnh and
nhu quần were worn. White Áo dài is the required uniform for girls in many high schools across Vietnam. In some types of offices
(e.g. receptionists, secretaries, tour guides), women are also required to wear Áo Dài.

In daily life, the traditional Vietnamese styles are now replaced by Western styles. Traditional clothing is worn instead on special
occasions, with the exception of the white Áo Dài commonly seen with high school girls inietnam.

Martial arts
Vietnamese martial arts are highly developed from the country's long history of warfare and attempts to defend itself from foreign
occupation. Although most heavily influenced by Chinese martial arts, it has developed its own characteristics throughout the
millennia in combination with other influences from its neighbours. Vietnamese martial arts is deeply spiritual due to the influence of
Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and is strongly reliant on the "Viet Vo Dao" (philosophy of Vietnamese martial arts). It is
probably most famous for its scissor kicks.

The general Vietnamese term for martial arts is "Võ-Thuật." Some of the more popular include:

Vo Co Truyen Viet Nam (Vo Thuat Co Truyen Viet Nam)

Vovinam Vietvodao
Vo Thuat Van Vo Dao
Vo Thuat Binh Dinh
Vo Bac Ninh
Vo Nam Huynh Dao (Master Nam Huynh Dao)
Vietnamese martial arts remains relatively unknown in the world today when
compared to its counterparts from China, Japan, Korea or Thailand. However,
this is seeing a definite change as schools teaching various styles of
Vietnamese martial arts are starting to pop up all over the world, notably in
countries such as Spain.
Vovinam demonstration in Germany

Holidays and other important days

Vietnam celebrates many holidays, including traditional holidays which have been celebrated in Vietnam for thousands of years,
along with modern holidays imported predominantly from western countries.

Among the traditional holidays, the two most important and widely celebrated are the Lunar new year (Tết), followed by the Mid-
autumn lantern festival (Tết Trung Thu), although the latter has been losing ground in recent years.

Public holidays
Date English name Local name Remarks
January 1 New Year's Western Tết dương lịch
New Year's
Largest holiday of the year,
Between late falling on the first three days of
January– Lunar calendar; in practice,
Tết (Lunar New Year) Tết Nguyên Đán
early celebrations are held during the
February weeks before and after those
four days.
April 30 Liberation Day Ngày miền Nam hoàn The day Saigon fell to North
toàn giải phóng, và Vietnamese forces and Viet
ngày thống nhất Việt Cong forces overthrow South
Nam. Vietnamese government. and the
start of a transition period to the
formal reunification of Vietnam
May 1 Labour Day Ngày Quốc tế Lao Celebrates the economic and
động social achievements of workers.
September 2 National Day National Quốc khánh Commemorates Ho Chi Minh's
independence Day speech in Ba Dinh Square in
1945, declaring Vietnam's
10/3 (lunar) Hung Vuong Kings Ngày Giổ Tổ Hùng
Commemoration Day Vương

Other holidays
A traditional lantern procession during
the Mid-Autumn Festival

Date English name Local name

March 8 International Women's Quốc tế Phụ nữ
October 20 Vietnam Women's Day Ngày Phụ nữ Việt Nam
November 20 Teachers' Day Ngày Nhà giáo Việt
December 25 Christmas Giáng sinh/Nôen
June 1 Children's day Tết thiếu nhi
15/1 (lunar) Full moon of the 1st Rằm tháng giêng
3/3 (lunar) Third lunar month's Tết Hàn thực
third day's festival
15/4 (lunar) Buddha's Birthday Lễ Phật Đản
5/5 (lunar) Midyear Festival Tết Đoan ngọ
15/7 (lunar) Full moon of the 7th Rằm tháng bảy hoặc
month or Piety Day Lễ Vu Lan
15/8 (lunar) Mid-Autumn Festival Tết Trung thu
23/12 (lunar) Kitchen guardians Ông Táo chầu trời

World and intangible cultural heritage

Vietnam has a number of UNESCO-listed World Heritage Sites, as well as cultural relics deemed as intangible heritage. These are
split into specific categories:

Cultural heritage sites

Hội An: An ancient city and trading center.
Imperial city of Huế: Complex of monuments in the former imperial capital.
Mỹ Sơn: Ancient temple complex of the formerChampa civilization in Quảng Nam Province.

Natural heritage sites

Phong Nha Cave located in Quảng Bình Province
Hạ Long Bay
Intangible cultural heritage
Nhã nhạc: a form of Vietnamese court music
Cải lương: Southern Vietnam-styled opera
Space of gong culture
Ca trù
Quan họ
There are a number of other potential world heritage sites, as well as intangible cultural heritage which Vietnam has completed
documents on for UNESCO's recognition in the future.

See also
History of Vietnam
Cinema of Vietnam
Communications in Vietnam
Media of Vietnam
List of museums in Vietnam
Politics of Vietnam
Vietnamese name
Vietnamese language
Vietnamese studies
Lingnan culture
Military history of Vietnam

1. Embassy of Vietnam in the United States of America. "Evolution of culture" (
5324/ Archived from the original (http:// August 9, 2011. Retrieved 2010-05-16.
2. Columbia University East Asian Cultural Sphere(
Archived (
m) 2008-02-27 at the Wayback Machine.
3. K. W, Taylor (May 9, 2013). A History of the Vietnamese (Cambridge Concise Histories) Paperback – May 9, 2013.
Cambridge University: Cambridge University Press (June 28, 2013). pp. 80–100. ISBN 0521699150.
4. Peter C. Phan (2005).Vietnamese-American Catholics. Ethnic American pastoral spirituality series. Paulist Press.
ISBN 0-8091-4352-6.
5. "Religious fusion in Vietnam" (
ous-fusion). Retrieved 2017-09-15.
6. "The World Factbook — Central IntelligenceAgency" (
s/vm.html). Retrieved 2017-03-09.
7. " 'Cultural additivity' and how the values and norms of Confucianism, Buddhism, andaoism
T co-exist, interact, and
influence Vietnamese society: A Bayesian analysis of long-standing folktales, using R and Stan"(
tract=3134541). WUH-ISR Working Paper 1801 (Centre for Interdisciplinary Social Research) . March 4, 2018.
Retrieved March 12, 2018.
8. Art of Vietnam (
9. Forbes, Andrew, and Henley, David: Vietnam Past and Present: The North(History and culture of Hanoi and T
Chiang Mai. Cognoscenti Books, 2012. ASIN: B006DCCM9Q.
10. Stephanie, Fahey (2007)."Intercultural Communication Between Australia & V
ietnam." Society and Culture
Association. University of Sydney.
11. "Nonverbal" (
nverbal.html). Retrieved 22 November 2015.
12. "Communication/Values" (
VIETNAM/communication.cultural.values.html). Retrieved 22 November 2015.
13. "Communicating with Vietnamese people" (
with-vietnamese-people.html). Retrieved 22 November 2015.
14. Vu, Thuy (2014), "Đi tìm ngàn năm áo mũ"(
-nam-ao-mu/654967.html), Tuoi Tre, retrieved June 16, 2015
15. Unknown, T.Van (2013), "Ancient costumes of Vietnamese people" (
os/78314/ancient-costumes-of-vietnam.html), Vietnamnet, retrieved June 16, 2015

Releasing the 2009 Population & Housing Census Preliminary Results. People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City
Vietnamese culture and society. Embassy of Vietnam in the USA.
How do Vietnamese people communicate with others?
A History of the Vietnamese (Cambridge Concise Histories) Paperback – May 9, 2013

External links
Viettouch. This site is dedicated to the promotion of Vietnamese history and culture; seereviews of the site. This site contains articles discussing many aspects of V ietnamese culture such as
clothing, festival and provides guides and tips for travelling to iVetnam and understanding the culture of Vietnam.
Vietnamese Culture
Vietnamese culture and society. Embassy of Vietnam in the USA.
Vietnamese Culture and History.
Vietnam Cultural Profile
Vietnamese Culture and Traditions
Vietnamese Poetry
Vietnamese Culture and Traditions
Vietnamese culture index – Vietnam Online
Vietnam in photo

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