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NEARLY two thousand years ago Jesus Christ, teachers, messiahs and prophets were apostles
commended and commanded his chief disciple of God, messengers from the Most-High. They
Simon Barjona thus : 'And I say to thee that had their own apostles too. Mahavira had his
thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build Gautama. Buddha had his Mahakassapa and
my church, and gates of Hades will not pre- Ananda. Christ had his twelve apostles led
vail against it. I will give thee keys of the by Peter. Prophet Muhammad had his Abu
kingdom of Heaven and whatsoever thou shalt Bakr. Sarikara had his four apostles. So
bind on earth shall be bound in the heavens, were Guru Nlinak's successors who were all
and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, shall his own apostles in a way.
be loosened in heaven.' Simon the poor An apostle is chosen by his Master, trained
fisherman now became the Apostle Peter, the by him and guided by him. When the Master
rock on which Christ built his mighty church, departs, his glory and power descend upon the
possessing the keys to the kingdom of Heavens apostle to inspire him to fulfil the commis-
and invested with the power and authority sion entrusted to him. Working for his Master
'to bind' or 'to loose' things on earth. with unflinching devotion, meditating upon
One thousand eight hundred sixty years him constantly, the apostle in course of time
later, a similar scene was enacted in the big gets completely identified with the Master
room of the Cossipore garden house. The himself. That is why in the apostolic succes-
Paramahamsa, ailing for nearly a year, was sion, each of the persons who occupies the
imparting final instructions to his beloved seat is revered as the original apostle or the
Naren (the future Swami Vivekananda) to Master himself.
keep his 'flock of sheep' together, to train The choosing of Vivekananda as his apostle
them in a life of renunciation and to work by Ramakrishna was done before either of
with their help for the spiritual regeneration them was born in this world. Ramakrishna's
of this ancient land of India. Even the direc- vision of the seven sages and of one of them
tion to build a new type of monastic organi- being chosen by the Divine Child to follow
sation incorporating within it the ideal of him down to this earth testifies to this. He
serving suffering humanity as a manifestation even knew when Narendra was born, since he
of Divinity came from the Master himself. had a vision in which he saw a ray of light
Given the guidance and armed with the spiri- from KiiSi entering the Simla area of Calcutta.
tual power tangibly transferred by his guru The first meeting between these great souls
into himself, 'the king of men' (Narendra) at Dakshineswar has been graphically des-
ere long became' the king of ascetics' (Yati- cribed by both of them. It is clear from these
raja) distributing wisdom and bliss eViveka descriptions that the Avatar had met and
and Ananda) to a large section of humanity recognised his apostle, whom he had been
both in the East and in the West. eagerly expecting, though the apostle himself
An 'apostle' is 'one who is sent', 'an had yet to go a long way in recognising his
envoy', 'a legate '. Sent by whom? May be Master.
by men, may be by goomen, may be by God After getting confirmation of his earlier
fIimself. All the great religious leaders, visions by testing Narendra on his second
visit, Ramakrishna started the spiritual minis- organised effort. Hence the second task that
try of his disciple in right earnest. Dry intel- Ramakrishna put on his shoulders was to
lectualism, bordering often on sarcasm or prevent' the boys' from returning to the world
cynicism or atheism which was slowly gripping and to make excellent monks out of them.
young Naren's mind as a result of the study With these monks he had to found a new type
of Western philosophies, had to be knocked of monastic order. To build such an organi-
out first. Ramakrishna's earnest attempts in sation and to work through it, material help
this direction often met with little success. was necessary. To get this, he could go out
Naren could hold his own. Poor Rama- of our country. That Ramakrishna himself
krishna would sometimes be nonplussed by had willed this is evident from the fact that he
the scintillating logic of his brilliant disciple. appeared in a vision to Vivekananda urging
But then, the Divine Mother would come to him to go to the West and subsequently con-
his rescue! What he could not do through firming this in the vision he granted to Sri
logic, he would achieve through 'magic', by Sltrada Devi, the Holy Mother.
the magic touch of his hands, thereby helping After the Mahasamadhi of Ramakrishna,
his beloved disciple to transcend the bondage Vivekananda toured the country extensively
of his own intellect and get at the truth by to get a first hand experience of the nation's
direct experience. Within the space of about problems. He discovered to his dismay that
three years, the mighty intellect of Narendra the greatest problem of the teeming miIIion~
had been sufficiently chastened, humbled and of India was hunger and want. It was a crime
refined to accept the super-sensory experiences and madness to teach them religion. Had not
of his guru and Master and to surrender at his own Master told him this plain truth? So,
his feet. the first task in this regard was to work for
The Master always bestowed a very special the amelioration of the massses on the physi-
attention on his beloved apostle Narendra, cal plane by building orphanages, feeding
sometimes lavishing his love on him, some- houses, free dispensaries and hospitals. Relief
times subjecting him to severe testing and at work in times of emergencies and calamities,
other times giving a direction to his seJf- natural or otherwise, was also a part of this
confidence or exuberance or enthusiasm. As scheme. Another phase of the work was the
a result of such meticulous training Narendra building up of educational institutions to dis-
was now fully ready to start on the road to seminate the right kind of knowledge which
the fulfilment of his Master's cherished dreams. helps man not only to earn his bread but also
Towards the end of his earthly drama, to build up his character. Finally, the great
Ramakrishna spent long hours in privately teachings contained in our Upanishads and the
instructing Narendra about the work he had to Gita which had been relived and corrobo-
do when he himself was gone. He gave him rated by Ramakrishna in his own life, but
a taste of the Nirvikalpa Sam.'idhi for which which had been sealed all the~e years from
he had been hankering, but subsequently the masses, had to be broadcast far and wide.
'locked up' that experience. He specifically It was with these ideas revealed to him on
entrusted 'the boys' (his future monastic the Rock of Kanyakumari, that he set out for
disciples) to his care and transferred his the West from where alone he could hope and
spiritual powers to him three days before the expect to get the necessary help. But then, as
final departure. he himself has said, he did not want to go
The main mission that Ramakrishna as a beggar. India had enough spiritual
entrusted to Vivekananda was the regeneration wealth accumulated over millennia, which she
of the Motherland in which spirituality had could freely give away and of which the
fallen to a low ebb. No man, however great, material West was badly in need. He could
can accomplish such a task without a weII- distribute this wealth in return for the help he

would get from there. His Master had shown readjustment of its ancient philosophies and
by practical demonstration that all religions values in the context of the changed circum-
were true and that all of them lead to the stances. This is exactly what Ramakrishna
same goal. He could give this moot wonder- and Vivekananda did. They brought out and
ful message of the harmony of all religions. broadcast the esoteric truths to the masses in
That he did give this message to the West and a way they could understand. Vedanta was
succeeded to a marvellous extent in another made practical by connecting it with day-to-
aspect of fulfilling the duties of his apostleship, day life. The dividing line between the sacred
is now a matter of history. and the secular was wiped out by showing
Before he voluntarily shed his mortal coil that the secular can be elevated to the sacred
on the 4th of July 1902, Vivekananda had by just changing our attitude towards it.
established a mighty movement and had put Humanitarian service was converted into the
it on a firm foundation. The momentum worship of the Cosmic Spirit. Monasticism
given to it by him would carry it forward for was released from its cocoon of personal libe-
a few centuries more. Not only that, his life, ration and recharged with its real spirit of
personality and teachings had already become dedication.
a primary source of inspiration to many a Looking back now, we can safely assert
great Indian who would work vigorously for that the Prophet of Modern India was abso-
the uplift of the Motherland. lutely right in choosing his Apostle, who has
The regeneration of a nation often needs faithfully and forcefully carried out his
a reappraisal, a reinterpretation and even a Master's commands .



SWAMI VrVEKANANDA preferred the term smaller individuals do? We can discover in
'synthesis of yogas' to 'harmony of yogas'. us the' dominating sentiment' and strengthen
And this for very good reasons. Harmony is and deepen that sentiment by fervour. Then
the combination of parts so as to form a the other sentiments that represent other yogas
consistent and orderly whole and the peace- will come to join forces with it. This they
ableness that issues from this whole. Synthesis do because they are autonomous wholes and
is more active and more complete than har- possess an integrating power innate in them-
mony. It is the action of understanding in selves. So then synthesis in the present con-
combining and unifying data into a whole. text means three things;
The yogas are not parts; they are autonomous (1) recognizing the autonomy or complete-
wholes in the sense that each one of them, ness of each yoga;
independently of the others, can bring man to (2) unravelling the 'dominant sentiment'
the zenith of perfection. But, only highly in us ; and
gifted persons can do that. Take for instance (3) strengthening the latter so that the
Buddha. By Karmayoga alone, by the central other sentiments come to join their
teaching of Karmayoga, self-abnegation, he forces in a converging and synthesizing
reached the zenith. Once on the summit, effort.
Buddha manifested the highest perfections of Man is one complete unity. The yoga teach-
other yogas like Bhakti and Jnana. They iog affirms this unity and the 'wholeness' of
were made to converge. What shall we, the human individual.

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