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1. I don’t understand this word. Let me Look up it in the dictionary.
2. People Shake hands when they meet for the first time and when they meet after a
long time.
3. Have a safe trip back to Danang! Thank you.
4. You can’t park here. It is illegal
5. The world’s current population is around six billion.
6. I have known him charge I was a child.
7. My son has a part – time job at a café.
8. John is in charge of organizing the project.
9. Which train do you want to take – the one in the morning or in the afternoon?
10. The Internet is becoming more and more popular and many people now have
access to it at home.
11. I do exercise three times a week to stay fit
12. I see from your business card that your company has offices in Paris, London
and Rome.
13. There won’t be enough room if everyone comes.
14. Unless you do better work than this, you won’t pass the exam.
15. You ought to go to the dentist’s before your toothache gets worse.
Passage 1: Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the questions that
1. Where is the ancient town of Hoi An situated?
 On the Thu Bon river ( 30 Km south of Da Nang )
2. What is Hoi An famous for?
 Hoi An is famous for its old temples, pagodas, small tile-roofed houses and
narrow streets
3. What are the houses in Hoi An made of?
 Wood
4. How old is the Assembly Hall of Cantonese Chinese Congregation?
 164 years old
5. When was Hoi An declared by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site?
 1999
Passage 2: Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the questions that
1. What are Woman and Women’s Own?
 Women’s magazines
2. What word in the passage means the average number of magazines/ periodicals
sold each day, month, or year?
 Circulations
3. If you are interested in science, which periodical (s) will you read?
 New scientist
4. Can you find a serious article in Punch?
 Yes, I can
5. Fill in the blank with one suitable word from the passage.
 New Scientist is suitable for both kinds of readers – specialists and non -
Passage 3: Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the questions that follow:
1. According to the passage, what are “technologies”?
 Research Cities
2. What is the main business of these cities?
 Study new technologies
3. How much will the government totally spend on the cities?
 $65 billion
4. How will private businesses help scientists and entrepreneurs in the cities?
 They will pay for research and development costs as well.
5. What is the question for the answer below?
 How much will the Japanese government spend for on each city ?
Over $ 2.5 billion
Passage 4: Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the questions that follow:
1. What does the passage tell about?
 The Italian fashion industry
2. Have imports been growing faster than exports in Italy in recent years?
 Yes, They have
3. Which countries are the competitors of the Italian fashion industry?
 The countries in the far East, South America and Eastern Europe
4. What does the figure “$6 billion” refer to?
 Clothing
5. Fill in the blank with the suitable word from the passage.
 Labour costs in the Far East, South America, and Eastern Europe are lower than
those in Italy.
We are all destroying the Earth. The seas and rivers are too (1) A. dirty to swim
in. There is so much smoke in the air that it is (2) C. unhealthy to live in many of the
world's cities. In one well-known city, for example, poisonous gases (3) A. from cars
(4) C. pollute the air so much that policemen have to wear oxygen masks. We have cut
(5) D. down so many trees that there are now vast areas of wasteland all over the world.
As a result, farmers in parts of Africa cannot (6) B. grow enough to eat. In certain
countries in Asia there is so little rice. Moreover, we do not take enough care of the
countryside. Wild animals are (7) A. quickly disappearing. For instance, tigers are rare
in India now because we have killed too many for them to survive. However, it isn't so
simple to talk (8) B. about the problem. We must act now before it is (9) B. too late to
do anything about it. Join us now! (10) D. Save the Earth!
1. It / important / John/ do / exercise / morning.
 It is important for John to do exercise in the morning
2. How long/ it take you/ ride / school every day?
 How long does it take you to ride to school every day ?
3. The nurse / kind enough / help him walk.
 Thu nurse is kind enough to help him walk
4. My grandfather / too weak / do this heavy work.
 My grandfather is too weak to do this heavy work
5. I/ working / the garden / when/ rain
 I was working in the garden when it rained
6. My brother / work / IBM / since 2007.
 My brother has worked for IBM since 2007
7. It / long / time / since/ last / see/ her.
 It has been a long time since the last time I saw her
8. My husband/play/badminton/weekend.
 My husband often plays badminton at the weekend
9. If/ my dog/ six legs/ run/ really/ fast.
 If my dog had six legs it would run really fast
10. It/ mother/ love /me/ most
 It’s my mother that loves me most
1. In spite of Jim’s good salary, he gave up his job.
 Although Jim has good salary, He gave up his job
2. You will catch a cold if you don’t keep your feet dry.
 Unless you keep your feet dry, You will catch a cold
3. My sister can’t buy the dictionary because she doesn’t have enough money.
 If my sister had enough money, She would by the dictionary
4. He acted so well that the audience was moved to tears.
 He acted well enough for the audience to be moved to tears
5. The teacher spoke too fast for anybody to understand.
 The teacher spoke so fast that nobody understand him
6. John is the most intelligent student in my class.
 Nobody in my class is as intelligent as John
7. People are going to build a bridge near my house.
 A bridge is going to be built near my house
8. Although it rained heavily, we went to school on time.
 In spite of the heavily rain, we went to school on time
9. Because of working hard, John passed the exam.
 Because John working hard, John passed the exam
10. I spent 15 minutes walking to school.
 It took me 15 minutes to walk to school
Translate the following sentences into English
1. Đáp máy bay từ Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh ra Hà Nội mất khoảng hai tiếng đồng hồ.
 It take two hour to fly from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Noi
2. Jane thích sống ở miền quê hơn vì cô ấy yêu thích vẻ đẹp thiên nhiên.
 Jane likes living in the countryside because she loves it natural beauty
3. Internet đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong cuộc sống hiện đại của chúng ta.
 The Internet plays an important role in our modern life.
4. Cô ấy nói tiếng Anh đủ giỏi để làm thông dịch viên.
 She speaks English well enough to be an interpreter.
5. Ô nhiễm môi trường là một trong những vấn đề nghiêm trọng nhất mà thế giới ngày
nay đang đối mặt.
 Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing the world
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese
1. Whether life in the countryside is better than that in the city depends on each
individual’s point of view.
 Cuộc sống ở nông thôn có tốt hơn ở thành phố hay không phụ thuộc vào từng
quan điểm của từng cá nhân.
2. In the past it was mistakenly thought that natural resources might never be used up.
 Trước đây, người ta lầm tưởng rằng tài nguyên thiên nhiên có thể không bao giờ
được sử dụng hết.
3. Do you think cars should be banned in the centre of the city to reduce air pollution?
 Bạn có nghĩ rằng ô tô nên bị cấm ở trung tâm thành phố để giảm ô nhiễm không
4. Hoi An has become a popular tourist destination in Viet Nam.
 Hội An đã trở thành một điểm du lịch nổi tiếng ở Việt Nam.
5. People should be encouraged to use more public transport to reduce air pollution.
 Mọi người nên được khuyến khích sử dụng nhiều phương tiện giao thông công
cộng để giảm ô nhiễm không khí.

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