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Process Engineering:
Moving in
New Directions
Increasing worldwide competition will
mandate major changes in the way plants
George E. Keller, II, are designed. Seven key themes will
Technology Horizons
Paul F. Bryan,
guide developments.
Massachusetts Institute
of Technology

T he tools and practice of process engi-

neering have evolved significantly
over the years (1,2). This evolution
has included both the development
of new concepts, such as the unit operation and
the heat-exchange network, as well as new meth-
ods of analysis and optimization. The objective of
high cost of process failure. Table 2 provides an
estimate of the breakdown of costs to produce a
range of chemicals and plastics, and shows that
raw-material and capital costs usually dominate
the overall costs. Because plants cost so much,
they tend to be run for many years; in fact, many
units operating today are at least 50 years old. It
this article is to predict the likely directions of often turns out that it is cheaper to patch up, in-
progress in both these areas up to the year 2020. crementally expand, or debottleneck an existing
We have chosen that year to match the date of unit than to build a new one. Thus, if past trends
“Technology Vision 2020” (3), a study sponsored are even a modest indicator of future trends, we
by leading chemical-oriented groups, including can confidently predict that a large fraction —
AIChE, that has become a significant overview perhaps three-fourths or more — of the products
and planning document for prioritizing money al- sold in the year 2020 will be produced in units
lotted for research. that were operating in 1999. And, if this is the
To get a handle on potential advances, we case, it is also clear that much of the process engi-
started by assessing how the nature of the chemi- neering going on in the meantime will be done on
cal process industries (CPI) would evolve over existing units, to improve process performance,
the next 20 or so years — and the changes that upgrade capacities, and reduce pollution.
must occur to get there. This allowed us to identi- In a number of instances, of course, major pro-
fy seven process-engineering themes that will al- cess changes (see some examples in Table 3)
most inevitably be in play (see Table 1). With have revolutionized the production of a certain
these themes delineated, it was relatively straight- chemical or polymer. But, even in these cases, the
©Copyright 2000
forward to pinpoint process-engineering tasks time from the “eureka” to the point when that
that will address them. process dominates the industry has seldom been
American Institute
of Chemical Engineers.
Before discussing these themes, it is impor- less than 10–20 years. So, any new develop-
All rights reserved. tant, however, to understand the dynamics that ments, if they are going to have major impacts on
Copying and underlie the CPI. There is a tremendous resis- process technology and economics by 2020, will
downloading permitted tance to process change — primarily because of probably need to surface within the next five
with restrictions. the capital-intensive nature of the CPI and the years or so.

Chemical Engineering Progress January 2000 41


with the possible exception of restric-

Table 1. Themes for process-design
tive laws and tariffs in other countries,
improvements in the future. that more often drives the CPI
• Raw-material-cost reduction • Ever greater emphasis on process safety There are four basic strategies for
• Capital-investment reduction • Increased attention to quality reducing the raw material cost, once its
• Energy-use reduction • Better environmental performance price has been established:
1. develop a new pathway to the
• Increased process flexibility and inventory
product of interest using different and
cheaper raw materials;
2. improve the chemical efficiency
of existing or potentially new raw ma-
terials by using a better catalyst,
First, we will discuss each of the or upgrade an existing facility, only changing the reactor conditions, or
themes listed in Table 1, particularly new investment needs to be account- substituting an improved reactor;
their implications for the future. We ed for; previous, so-called sunk in- 3. boost the recycling efficiency of
will deal primarily with process de- vestment need not be considered. As raw materials and intermediates; and
sign considerations, because design a result, retrofitting, debottlenecking, 4. increase the recovery of the prod-
probably will be the dominating as- and upgrading are most often the uct. (In some instances, greater recov-
pect of process engineering. Certain strategies of choice for increasing ca- ery and sale of byproducts from a unit
improvements — either available or pacities, lowering unit production can reduce the fraction of the raw ma-
needed — fall under several different costs, etc. terial cost that must be borne by the
themes, which emphasizes their im- Let’s now look at the various fac- main product.)
portance and impact for the future. tors in order of their importance. The first strategy is primarily a
Next, we will describe a new and chemistry or biochemistry concern, but
powerful process-design paradigm — Raw-material-cost reduction a new process-design paradigm, which
one that has been slowly developing It is difficult to overestimate the im- we will describe later, can provide ben-
over the last decade. Then, we will portance of raw material costs for the efits. Process design obviously plays a
dwell briefly on the importance of U.S. CPI as the production and mar- role in the last three strategies. Most of
improved process control and, finally, kets for their products become increas- the process design tools already are in
we will draw some general conclu- ingly globalized. In addition, other place to deal with these strategies, al-
sions and recommendations for fur- areas of the world — certain parts of though continuing conceptual and soft-
ther action. the Near East and the Far East, for ex- ware developments would definitely be
ample — have access to cheaper raw helpful.
The seven themes materials like natural gas and oil than Examples abound for how improve-
For most large-volume (say, 100 producers in the U.S. Table 2 gives an ments in reactors have reduced raw
million lb or more per year) products, insight as to how economically devas- material costs. In the early days of
the two factors that contribute most to tating a raw-material-price disadvan- steam cracking of light hydrocarbons
the cost of manufacturing in a new tage could be. There is no other factor, to produce ethylene, reactor residence
facility are the raw-material and capi-
tal costs (see Table 2). The yearly
capital cost can be roughly estimated Table 2. Typical cost breakdown for
at 30% of the installed investment chemical production.*
and derives primarily from the return
on investment (about 20% for many % of Product Sales Price
Item Small Product† Large Product†
products) and depreciation (about
10%). Other factors — energy, labor, Raw materials 5–20 40–70
maintenance, taxes, waste abatement, Capital cost, including return on
investment and depreciation 5–30 25–50
etc. — typically contribute in total
Labor and period costs 10–50 <10
substantially less than 50% of the
cost. For smaller volume products, Energy 5–30 <10
there tends to be more of a parity Maintenance, etc. 10–30 <10
among the factors, although the sum * Source: (16)
† Small volume means 10 million lb/y or less; large volume means 100 million lb/y or more.
of the raw-material and capital costs
seldom is a minor concern. To retrofit

42 January 2000 Chemical Engineering Progress

times were several seconds; in modern Table 3. Examples of step changes
reactors, residence times often are less
than 0.1 s, and temperatures are up to in process technology.
100°C higher. As a result of the better
New Process Effect
reaction conditions, chemical efficien- Fluidized-bed catalytic-cracking Became the premier process for
cies to ethylene have at least doubled. production of gasoline and molecular-weight reduction and
A similar picture presents itself in cat- other fuel fractions octane improvement in refineries,
alytic cracking to form high-octane while producing higher yields of
gasoline. Improved catalysts made gasoline than previous processes
possible new generations of fluidized-
bed and dilute-phase reactors, and Low-pressure oxo technology Obsoleted high-pressure technology,
for C3, C4, and C5 aldehydes producing much higher chemical
yields to gasoline-range materials im-
efficiencies and reduced investments
proved dramatically.
Today, new applications are being Low-pressure, gas-phase fluidized- Obsoleted almost all high-pressure and
sought for distillation reactors, which bed polymerization technology for solvent-based polymerization
have the potential for reducing yields production of polyolefins technologies, cutting both investment
of unwanted byproducts. This technol- and operating costs
ogy and others combining reaction and
separation are promising and active Reactive-distillation technology (a) Became the premier process for
production of methyl acetate, with
areas for process engineering research.
dramatic investment and operating-cost
In addition, engineering goals such as reductions by eliminating the need for
lowering pressure drop, boosting heat complex azeotrope-resolving columns
transfer (better temperature-profile and increasing per-pass conversions
management), and improving resi- (b) Became the premier process for
dence-time-distribution management in producing methyl tertiary butyl ether
large-scale reactors are worthy of con- (MTBE), minimizing azeotrope
tinuing study. separations and increasing per-pass
Tools are in place, for the most part,
for the last two strategies, which pri- Simulated-moving-bed adsorption Became the strongly favored means for
marily involve better designs for exist- technology separating p-xylene from other C8s,
ing processes. New technology offer- long-chain olefins from paraffins, and
ing a step change in performance, fructose from glucose
though not plentiful (see Table 3),
should at least be considered when Pressure-swing adsorption and Have made significant inroads against
planning new or expanded facilities. membrane technologies for gas cryogenic distillation for air separation
separations and hydrogen recovery/purification,
especially, in the former case, for lower-
Capital-investment reduction volume production rates
We already have mentioned the
highly-capital-intensive nature of the
CPI. The very large investments re-
quired to erect most plants places a cally reducing the capital intensity of gigantic improvement in contacting ef-
major barrier in the way of tearing facilities is equipment downsizing, ficiency would seem to count for much
down old facilities and building bigger, which often is called process intensifi- economically. Two factors, however,
more modern ones. Instead, the prima- cation. (For more information on pro- blunt the technology’s appeal. First, the
ry pathways to capacity increases and cess intensification, see the articles on radical downsizing requires additional
more efficient operations are debottle- page p. 22 and p. 35.) The Higee pro- investment in equipment to spin the
necking, retrofitting, and incremental cess — in which distillation takes place rotor, and energy costs may actually in-
expansion. Only in cases of a major in a high-gravity field — is a well-pub- crease if electricity is needed for that
chemistry breakthrough or where a sin- licized example of a radical rethinking spinning. And, second, the ancillaries
gle key product can be made by a high- of what a distillation column should of a standard distillation column — the
ly upgraded process (see Table 3 for look like (4). Here, radial, countercur- reboiler, the condenser, the piping, the
examples of both) will the economics rent flows of vapor and liquid contact control systems, etc. — are essentially
favor replacing an old facility with a each other in a rapidly rotating cylinder unchanged, while all of the other costs
new one. of packing; heights of theoretical plates associated with installing a piece of
One proposed pathway to dramati- of one inch or so are possible. Such a equipment are virtually the same. Both

Chemical Engineering Progress January 2000 43


these factors have limited commercial recent reviews by Westerberg (2), to the problem of how to effect signifi-
Higee installations to a very small num- and Bumble (7)). Of particular con- cant capital-cost reductions in the in-
ber. cern has been sequencing of separa- vestment-intensive CPI.
More successful have been various tion processes (almost exclusively
incremental improvements like the ad- distillation at this point) for multi- Energy-use reduction
vent of structured packing for distilla- component mixture resolution. There Many people regard energy costs as
tion columns. The CPI now rely exten- are now available a number of so- a, if not the, major contributor to the
sively on these packings, particularly called structure-dependent tech- overall cost of production. In general,
for retrofitting columns to achieve ca- niques, including superstructures (8), however, this is not true (see Table 3).
pacity increases or better separation. state-space representations (9), and Furthermore, even for separations,
New versions of structured packing process graphs (p-graphs) (10). Very which is the area that accounts for a
continue to be introduced. recent information (11) suggests that large fraction of the energy usage, in-
Another strategy is to reduce the the p-graph approach may be the vestment implications — return on in-
number of vessels in the process, main- fastest computationally, as well as vestment and depreciation — nearly
ly by combining more than one func- the method most likely to find a truly always outweigh energy costs (15,16).
tion into the same vessel. Two out- optimal solution. As time goes on, Therefore, energy-use reduction al-
standing examples are the distillation these techniques will incorporate ways must be studied in concert with
reactors in the production of methyl other separation processes like ad- the investment implications of that re-
acetate and methyl tertiary butyl ether sorption, membranes, and extraction duction. Not to do so can waste large
(MTBE) (5) and other fuel ethers such so that these unit operations can be amounts of research dollars. Consider
as tetra amyl methyl ether (TAME). In realistically situated in a flowsheet to the proposed use of supercritical fluids
the methyl acetate process, combining give economically optimal solutions. as MSAs for many large-scale separa-
reaction and separation also eliminates Mathematically simpler methods tions. Researchers were able to find
the formation of several azeotropes, based on heuristic approaches are systems for which energy costs were
dramatically simplifying the overall also available (12). lower than for more conventional com-
separation scheme. For both processes, Another relatively new technique petitors such as distillation, azeotropic
the economics are such that the distilla- — a structure independent one — distillation, and extraction. Subsequent
tion-reactor-based process has virtually called mass-exchange-network (MEN) economic analyses showed, however,
eliminated all competition. Other re- analysis (13,14), which has some simi- that in virtually no case could the in-
searchers have been investigating larities with heat-exchange-network vestment in the supercritical-fluid-
membrane-containing reactors for (HEN) analysis, gives truly vital pieces based process be borne. Today, essen-
equilibrium-limited reactions. Selec- of information: targets. Targets can in- tially the only new separations using
tively removing one product from the clude such items as the minimum pos- supercritical fluids are those for which
reacting stream increases conversions sible makeup-water addition, separa- traditional MSAs are ruled out because
over those attainable with the normal tion characteristics of the optimal of toxicity concerns — for instance,
equilibrium condition. The major — mass-separating agent (MSA), the some separations involving foods,
and perhaps insurmountable — barrier minimum discharge to the waste-treat- pharmaceuticals, and biochemicals.
to commercializing such systems is the ment system, as well as other economi- Nevertheless, energy-use reduction
large disparity between typical rates of cally critical parameters. The impor- remains a legitimate field for process-
reaction and permeation. For example, tance of these targets is that they quick- design efforts and research. Perhaps,
space times for commercial gas-phase ly show how the results for a given the most important step taken in the
catalytic and noncatalytic reactions are flowsheet compare to the best possible last 20 or so years has been HEN anal-
in the order of 0.1–5.0 s. No highly se- performance. Such targets can be de- ysis (17,18,19). The techniques that
lective membrane known or projected termined independent of the eventual have been developed under this rubric
has a permeation rate that can begin to final structure of the flowsheet; then, provide simple means for visualizing
match these rates of product formation. the technique can be used to home in heat flows throughout a process, as
One major job of process engineering on the optimal flowsheet. well as for understanding how various
in the next decade will be to identify Advances in both structure-depen- streams can be heat-exchanged to min-
combined-reaction/separation-system dent and structure-independent tech- imize the need for hot and cold utili-
candidates. niques over the next decade will make ties. But, the most important aspect of
Development of process-sequenc- the highly complex problem of synthe- this analysis may well be the concept
ing and process-selection techniques sizing the economically optimal flow- of the target, just as in the MEN analy-
has been a rapidly growing and fer- sheet, both for new and retrofit situa- sis discussed earlier. HEN analysis
tile area over the last few decades tions, more or less routine. These tech- provides a simple means for arriving at
(see Ref. 6, for example, as well as niques, in turn, will speak powerfully the absolute minimum energy usage

44 January 2000 Chemical Engineering Progress

and number of heat exchangers — the second example is the Buckau Walther economic power of these approaches,
targets — attainable for a given set of refining system for ethanol (6), in sometimes called pull strategies. The
heat sources and sinks in a process. which two main columns and a two- highly popular book “The Goal” pro-
Additional techniques help the user column azeotropic-distillation system vides an interesting introduction to this
factor in considerations involving safe- are cascaded in such a way that there is subject (23). Discontinuous processes
ty, location, etc., to arrive at practical only one steam addition. But, despite can be difficult to manage from a just-
targets for energy use and the number the obvious energy-use reductions pos- in-time standpoint, because the inven-
of exchangers. It is difficult to overesti- sible, there seems to be a genuine re- tory of each product must be built up
mate the importance of the ability to luctance to use this technique. Process to cover the periods when it is not
calculate a target at the start of a study. control problems, real or imagined, are being produced. Furthermore, just-in-
HEN-analysis routines already are em- a likely contributor, and further ad- time strategies have been developed
bedded in a number of process-design vances in process control technology primarily for plants in which many
software packages, and many process and real-time composition sensors parts are assembled to make a relative-
engineers currently use these routines. would help in reducing this reluctance. ly few final products; these strategies
They should be applied to any new-fa- Solving startup and shutdown prob- can be difficult to apply to plants in
cility design, as well as for modifica- lems with cascaded columns also will which a few raw materials produce
tions of existing units. be required. many products. Two books and an arti-
In the separations area, the thrust of Energy-use reduction will continue cle (24,25,26) now provide us with
much research has been to lower ener- to be important where the energy sav- some excellent directions for imple-
gy usage by finding alternatives to dis- ing can more than counterbalance the menting time-based approaches in the
tillation. This effort has been only very new investment required to achieve it. kind of discontinuous manufacturing
modestly successful, because the capi- Numerous retrofit applications will that is found in our industries.
tal-cost increases incurred by these al- occur, because existing plants’ sunken Smith (24) pinpoints many bene-
ternatives quite often have more than investments need not be considered. fits, economic and otherwise, of re-
counterbalanced the reductions in ener- ducing the time between when raw
gy costs. On the other hand, improve- Increased process flexibility materials arrive at a unit and when
ments in distillation (for example, new and inventory reduction product is shipped. For example, in-
packings that give more stages when One of the greatest misunderstand- ventories are minimized, and the cost
retrofitted or that permit use of lower ings regarding the CPI is that they con- of storage, which can be roughly esti-
reflux ratios) have brought about ener- sist primarily of continuous or long- mated at 20% (27) to 30% or more
gy-use reductions for attractively small term, steady-state processes. In fact, (28) per year of the average value of
investments. Mix and coworkers (20) well over half of the production ton- the inventory, is cut. To effect these
have summarized the major techniques nage and dollar income come from dis- benefits, however, requires a new set
for energy-use reduction for distilla- continuous processes: batch, semi- of metrics for measuring how well a
tion. In addition, Kunesh et al. (21) batch, and campaign. Campaign pro- process is performing, and Smith
have shown that distillation columns cesses are particularly important. In spells them out elegantly.
often can use low-pressure steam from such processes, product A is made, For the most part, these two books
turbine exhausts, creating a very-low- often in a steady-state operation though assume that the manufacturing unit ex-
cost heating source — this, along with not necessarily so, for a certain period ists, and the problem is how to operate
low capital cost, is why distillation can that may last from perhaps hours to it in the most economical fashion. The
be such a formidable competitor. days. Then, reactor conditions and pos- issue for process design in the future,
Heat-cascading of distillation sibly reactant composition are changed however, will be how to design units
columns can provide major energy-use to manufacture product B in the same that take maximum advantage of the
reductions, but commercial examples equipment. Several more products may wisdom involved in the new manufac-
of this technique are few and far be- be made before product A once again turing paradigms. A few of the ques-
tween. Cascading involves using the is produced. The overwhelming major- tions that must be answered include:
heat that must be removed from the ity of polymer processes are of this na- • What must be done process-wise
overhead stream of one column as the ture, that is, a single reactor and down- to drive stored inventory to the lowest
source of heat for another column. This stream processing system produces a value that meets business expectations
operation is quite similar to that of a portfolio of final products. for on-time delivery to customers?
multiple-effect evaporator. A way of Just-in-time strategies, especially • How do we minimize the econom-
visualizing cascading is given by Ho when combined with quality consider- ic penalties associated with the transi-
and Keller (22). The double column ations, have become a highly popular tion from making product A to making
used in cryogenic air separation is the theme over the past two decades. The product B? How do we minimize off-
main example of cascaded operation. A Japanese were the first to show the specification-product output, waste

Chemical Engineering Progress January 2000 45


generation, cleanout costs, and exces- al recommendations may be especial- Increased attention to quality
sive lost time during the transition? ly important for process design in the This will address both quality with
• How do we make the process as future. a little “q” and with a big “Q.”
operator-friendly and easily control- There are other sources of help out- The meaning of quality with a little
lable as possible? side of the CPI — in particular, the nu- “q” is the everyday sense of “excel-
• How do we integrate the process clear industry provides some guidance lence” or “superiority.” In the context
design into an overall business strategy for process design of highly hazardous of chemical products, this could mean
for on-time supply of high-quality reaction systems. This industry has de- minimizing:
products to customers? veloped reactor designs that require • total level of contaminants;
To deal effectively with these ques- neither human intervention nor that of • level of a specific contaminant; or
tions will require the development of instruments and utilities to shut down • variation (from batch to batch,
process design strategies that integrate safely and without release of radioac- shipment to shipment, etc.).
unsteady-state operations (startup, tive material for the vast majority of One example of the first type is
shutdown, and transitions) with steady- possible incidents (see Refs. 33 and when the contaminants are inerts.
state operation of the process. And, 34). And, even for the remaining types These serve as diluents in process
achieving a truly optimal overall de- of incidents, the safety aspects are streams. In recycle processes, the only
sign will demand that process design- maximized. This is called a state of way to eliminate them may be through
ers interact in detail with business near inherent safety. For process equip- the use of purge streams — but such
planners. We simply don’t yet have the ment containing potentially explosive streams also can cause the loss of valu-
tools to produce such designs in the atmospheres or reactors producing a able feeds and products, as well as in-
best way possible. Developing tools to highly hazardous product such as hy- crease waste-treatment costs. The sec-
accomplish these tasks is probably the drogen cyanide or ethylene oxide, pro- ond bullet includes cases of contami-
single most important, highest impact cess design techniques that minimize nants causing formation of undesirable
area for process design research over the likelihood of all types of excursions byproducts (e.g., sulfur-containing
the next 20 years. from safe conditions would be ex- compounds in fuels), poisoning cata-
tremely useful. Some of these tech- lysts (e.g., metal-containing com-
Ever greater emphasis on niques already exist, but more could be pounds in petroleum), or degrading
process safety profitably used. performance in end products (e.g., di-
The frequency and severity of in- Storage of large quantities of enes in olefin monomers). The third
dustrial accidents seem to be decreas- flammable or toxic feeds, intermedi- bullet always applies, because it is
ing. Despite this, public awareness and ates, and products also creates the po- harder for a downstream process or
concern over such accidents, especially tential for major safety incidents. As product to consistently meet specifica-
when they involve release of toxic ma- will be discussed in more detail later, a tions if an upstream process is not
terials to the environment or create a key issue for process design will be to under close control.
safety hazard to the general populace, minimize the amounts of material The meaning of quality with a big
is growing (29). This automatically stored in the outside-battery-limits part “Q” has been the subject in recent
dictates that engineers vigorously and of the process. years of innumerable books, articles,
continuously strive to reduce accidents. The transport of toxic and courses, presentations, and meetings,
Such accidents can occur in three flammable materials between process- as well as corporate and international
places: within the processes, in plant ing sites raises other major safety is- standards. Gurus such as Deming,
storage areas, and remotely from the sues. Tank-truck and railway accidents Juran, Feigenbaum, and Crosby each
plant facility, for instance, during trans- that place people in danger, cause have offered their own views and won
portation from one site to another or in evacuations, block roadways, etc., are their own adherents. “Quality” here is
remote storage terminals. particularly visible safety hazards. In not a measure of superiority or inferi-
Kletz has been a prolific chronicler the future, a toxic-intermediate-pro- ority. It simply means: “On time. On
and interpreter of CPI accidents ducing unit may have to be sited next budget. Within specifications.” Once a
(30,31,32). He has made a host of to the units that process this material specification, such as purity, has been
practical design suggestions that will into safer forms or final products. agreed upon between supplier and cus-
undoubtedly be heeded by many oper- Such a scenario would minimize stor- tomer, a Quality product meets that
ating and design companies. These age of the intermediate and risk of specification, while a sub-Quality one
recommendations range from quite transportation-related accidents. The does not.
particular ones, e.g., concerning welds challenge for process design will be to Because it virtually always is more
on specific vessels, to general ones, efficiently integrate processes in a way costly to exceed a specification than to
such as minimization of inventories of that minimizes the likelihood of all meet it, we are led back to the third
hazardous materials. The more gener- possible accidents. bullet above: minimizing variation. If

46 January 2000 Chemical Engineering Progress

purity levels, for example, vary widely limits the use of blending to help ond, most of the opportunities proba-
over time, a producer to avoid making achieve consistency, and less holdup in bly will present themselves as end-of-
any off-specification product must aim processes, which can make process pipe applications.
for an average level that exceeds the control more challenging. (We’ll elab- It seldom is realized that a large
specification. A process design to ac- orate on this point in a later section.) number of sources contribute to pollu-
complish this will certainly be more Building plants to make multiple prod- tion in most processes. Table 4 lists
expensive than one that needs to aim ucts also will be more difficult when some examples. Note that the genera-
no higher than the specification. high product consistency and purity tion points are within the battery limits
The future holds ever-more-strin- level most be maintained. of the process, outside of the battery
gent requirements for both little “q” limits, and in the distribution system.
and big “Q.” Purity levels are being Better environmental These points include leaks, waste
pushed higher by concerns about performance streams as a result of less-than-100%
downstream processing, product per- The hierarchy for dealing with pol- product yields, as well as less-than-
formance, the toxicity of certain lution problems, as formulated by a 100% efficiency in separations, losses
byproducts, and the environment. The study group sponsored by the Chemi- in the tank farm and in product trans-
drive toward greater consistency will cal Manufacturers Association (35), is fers, and so on.
continue because of the ongoing need source reduction, recycling, and, last Technology for dealing with the re-
to minimize the variation in end prod- of all, end-of-pipe treatment. Process covery of volatile organic compounds
ucts and the expense of waste or re- design strategies for pollution abate- (VOCs) in gas streams seems to be
work in production. The need to meet ment in the future must deal with two well in hand, with a large number of
industry quality standards also will problems. First, most of the facilities processes competing for use (see Table
become increasingly important; ISO in 2020 will be expanded and upgrad- 5). Humphrey et al. (36) and
9000 is already a de facto require- ed versions of current plants, and, sec- Humphrey and Keller (6) have shown,
ment for doing business in Europe,
for example.
Some process-design implications Table 4. Many sources typically contribute
of these trends are: to pollution from a process.
• Better process models are needed
to accurately design for ultra-low im- • Raw-material cleanup. Removal of feed contaminants, e.g., sulfur and nitrogen
purity levels. compounds, various nonreactive species (diluents), as well as reactive species that
• Expertise in new separation and form byproducts.
reaction technologies will be required • Raw-material storage. Leaks, breathing losses, tank filling.
to design processes to minimize impu- • Utility (steam, electricity, cooling water) generation. Carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide,
rities and wastes. nitrogen oxides, metal salts, ash.
• Overdesign and safety factors • Reaction/separation system.
must be minimized if our designs are • Catalysts with low chemical efficiencies to desired products.
to be economically competitive. • Gas-cycle and liquid-cycle purges.
• Flexibility to maintain consistent • Byproduct and product losses during purification of products.
performance in the face of feedstock • Incomplete separation of product(s) from byproducts and reactants.
composition variations, process upsets, • Off-specification product(s) produced as a result of process upsets or
seasonal variations, etc., must be built poor process control.
into designs. • Off-specification product(s) produced during transition periods for batch,
• Improved process-control strate- semi-batch, and campaign operations, as well as during startup and
gies, software, and sensors are es- shutdown procedures for all processes.
sential to support consistent process • Cleanup solutions from batch, semi-batch, and campaign operations.
performance. • Gas and vapor losses from vacuum-pump vents, still vents, etc.
• Partnering with customers to de- • Losses from reactions in which solids are formed and handled, e.g., from
fine expected future specifications, not various conveying and drying systems.
just the current ones, must become an • Intermediate and product storage. Leaks, breathing losses, tank filling.
integral part of the design process. • Distribution system. Leaks and breathing and filling losses from product-transfer
Finally, we should note that some of systems, tank trucks, tank cars, and barges.
the other future thrusts will make the • Regional supply terminals. Leaks, breathing losses, tank filling.
quality task even more challenging. In- • Biotreatment and incineration facilities. Vaporization losses of organics to the air,
incomplete biodestruction, biomass generation, carbon dioxide.
ventory reduction, for example, im-
plies both less storage capacity, which

Chemical Engineering Progress January 2000 47


intimate intermingling of experimental

Table 5. Typical process options for
research and development with process
removal of VOCs from vent streams. modeling and design. In the traditional
approach, an idea from the laboratory
• Membranes (nearly unlimited, 90–98%)* is researched and developed into a pro-
• Pressure-swing adsorption (PSA) (probably about 20%, 99+%) cess with only periodic dialogue with
• Fixed-bed, temperature-swing adsorption (TSA) (a few %, 99+%) and guidance from process designers.
• Wheel-based TSA (1,000–5,000 ppm, 90–98%) An experimental package is assembled
• Moving-bed TSA (a few %, 90–98%) and, as the project moves toward the
• Biosorption/biofiltration (a few %, 90–98%) pilot plant, more and more process-de-
• Absorption (nearly unlimited, 90–98%) sign activity is initiated. Finally, the ex-
• Refrigeration (unlimited, 50–75%)
perimental package is complete, and
• Freezing with, e.g., liquid nitrogen (unlimited, 99+%)
process and detailed design begin in
• Incineration (unlimited, 99+%)
The new paradigm involves the ini-
* The first number in parentheses is the estimated maximum pollutant concentration in mol.% in the feed.
The second number is the estimated maximum % removal.
tiation of serious process design right
at the beginning of a project. In fact,
following the initial eureka, the first
however, that no single process domi- streams within the unit. From some of activity should be the development of
nates economically, and that the picture the examples given by El-Halwagi a flowsheet with material and energy
is quite complex. Certain synergistic (14), it appears that favorable retrofit balances, a thermodynamics package,
combinations of these processes are yet and process-modification economics very rough equipment sizings, and a
to be explored. For liquid streams, the could result. This situation is similar to simple economic model. Many guess-
picture is one of adequate technology the use of HEN analysis, which engi- es and approximations undoubtedly
— the biotreatment system, for exam- neers have relied on for years to identi- will have to be made in this early
ple — but there is room for innovation fy retrofit and modification opportuni- flowsheet, but the purpose of this ac-
and cost reduction. This is especially ties in many processes. Further addi- tivity is to focus the experimental pro-
true if carbon dioxide must be classi- tions to the MEN concept may be nec- gram as quickly as possible on the
fied as a pollutant, because a biotreat- essary to make it as powerful and user- critical technical and economic ques-
ment system converts the majority of friendly as possible. tions regarding the process. Will cer-
the contained carbon into this gas. The An extremely important aspect of tain separations be difficult because of
job for process design in the future for process design for overall waste mini- azeotrope formation? Will reactor con-
end-of-pipe treatment systems will be mization is water reuse and wastewater ditions be highly important to the utili-
to reduce the complexity and, especial- minimization. A new book (37) covers ty balance for the process? Is there a
ly, the cost of these systems, and to re- this area very well, and gives many in- minimum chemical-efficiency barrier
turn as much useful product back to the dustrial examples. It includes recent for an economical process? Will the
process as possible. work on water-pinch technology bulk of the investment be in the reac-
As far as improving the process it- (which is akin to HEN technology) for tor section or the separation section?
self, there are several possibilities. In- determining the absolute minimum Can alternative separation schemes be
creasing the chemical efficiency of re- amount of fresh-water makeup to a employed to reduce the overall com-
actions, as discussed earlier, is espe- process. Application of the methods plexity and cost of the separation sys-
cially important. A second strategy is described in this book potentially can tem? The subsequent research-and-de-
to raise the degree of separation in cut both the overall investment and op- velopment (R&D) program then cen-
columns and other devices so that less erating cost of a process, as well as re- ters on a nearly continuous dialogue
product is lost. (A higher recovery of duce fresh-water usage. In the future, between laboratory staff and process
product benefits the profitability of the the approach described here should be- designers to answer such questions.
process in two ways: by providing come a key element in any comprehen- Specific laboratory results are used to
more product for sale, and by eliminat- sive process-design effort. update the process model, which, in
ing the cost of treatment of unrecov- turn, is used to suggest further areas
ered product as a waste.) And, a third A new paradigm: for experimentation.
strategy is to use the MEN analysis integrating process design So far, only anecdotal evidence is
discussed earlier. This analytical tool with research available for judging the benefits of
seems especially well suited to mini- There is a powerful extension of the this way of doing process develop-
mize, for example, makeup water, as use of process design that, to date, has ment, but our experience indicates
well as the volumes of waste and other been little exploited. This involves the that 25–50% cuts in both R&D costs

48 January 2000 Chemical Engineering Progress

and in the time to reach the final-de- process issues quickly and to elimi- is not economically viable and then
sign stage can be achieved. The cost nate much of the development-pro- having to change direction. If our sav-
and time savings come from the abili- cess recycling — that is, working on a ings estimate is confirmed in other
ty to identify and concentrate on key certain process route only to find that studies, then this new paradigm

13. El-Halwagi, M. M., and H. D. Spriggs, 27. Wacker, J. G., Prod. and Inv. Mgmt.,
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(1996). lenges of the 21st Century,” presented at 31. Kletz, T. A., “Learning from Accidents,”
4. Martin, C. L., and M. Martinelli, AIChE Ann. Mtg., Miami (Nov. 1998). 2nd ed., Butterworth-Heinemann,
“Preliminary Distillation Mass Transfer 17. Umeda, T., J. Itoh, and K. Shiroko, Boston (1994).
and Pressure Drop Results Using a Pilot “Heat Exchanger System Synthesis,” 32. Kletz, T. A., “What Went Wrong?,” 4th
Plant Scale High Gravity Contacting Chem. Eng. Progress, 74 (7), pp. 70–76 ed., Gulf, Houston (1999).
Unit,” presented at AIChE Nat. Mtg., (July 1978). 33. Forsberg, C. W., et al., “Proposed and
New Orleans (1992). 18. Linnhoff, B., “Use Pinch Analysis to Existing Passive and Inherent Safety-
5. Degarmo, J. L., V. N. Parulekar, and Knock Down Capital Costs and Emis- Related Structures, Systems, and Com-
V. Pinjala, “Consider Reactive Distilla- sions,” Chem. Eng. Progress, 90 (8), ponents (Building Blocks) for Advanced
tion,” Chem. Eng. Progress, 88 (3), pp. pp. 32–57 (Aug. 1994). Light-Water Reactors,” U. S. Dept. of
43–50 (Mar. 1992). 19. Linnhoff, B., D. W. Townsend, D. Energy, Oak Ridge, TN (1989).
6. Humphrey, J. L., and G. E. Keller, Boland, G. F. Hewitt, B. E. A. Thomas, 34. Forsberg, C. W., and W. J. Reich,
“Separation Process Technology,” Mc- A. R. Gut, and R. H. Marsland, “A “Worldwide Advanced Nuclear Power
Graw-Hill, New York (1997). User Guide on Process Integration for Reactors with Passive and Inherent
7. Bumble, S., “Computer Aided Plant De- the Efficient Use of Energy,” IChemE, Safety: What, Why, How, and Who,” U.
sign: Waste Minimization/Pollution Pre- Rugby, U.K. (1994). S. Dept. of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN
vention,” CRC Press, Boca Rota, FL, in 20. Mix, T. J., J. S. Dweck, M. Weinberg, (1991).
press (2000). and R. C. Armstrong, “Energy Conser- 35. “Designing Pollution Prevention into the
8. Floudas, C. A., A. R. Ciric, and L. E. vation in Distillation” Chem. Eng. Process: Research, Development and
Grossmann, “Automatic Synthesis of Progress, 74 (4), p. 49–55 (Apr. 1978). Engineering,” CMA, Washington, DC
Optimum Heat Exchanger Network 21. Kunesh, J. G., H. Z. Kister, M. J. (1993).
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pp. 276–290 (Feb. 1986). Still Towering Over Other Options,” Versus Competing Processes for Recov-
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tillation Networks,” AIChE J., 38 (11), Integration,” in “Recent Developments 37. Mann, J. G., and Y. A. Liu, “Industrial
pp. 1,769–1,800 (Nov. 1992). in Chemical Process and Plant Design,” Water Reuse and Wastewater Minimiza-
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Further Reading
Goal,” 2nd rev. ed., North River Press,
Eng., 23, pp. S1,007–1,010 (1999). Great Barrington, MA (1992). Douglas, J. M., “Conceptual Design of
11. Kovacs, Z., Z. Ercsey, F. Friedlander, 24. Smith, W. K., “Time Out: Using Visible Chemical Processes,” McGraw-Hill,
and L. T. Fan, “Separation-Network Pull Systems to Drive Process Improve- New York (1988).
Synthesis: Global Optimum Through ment,” Wiley, New York (1998). El-Halwagi, M. M., and V.
Rigorous Superstructure,” Comp. & 25. Smith, W. K., J. L. Ingraham, and D. Manousiouthakis, “Synthesis of Mass
Chem. Eng., in press (2000). M. Rurak, Target, pp. 27–42, (Jan./Feb. Exchange Networks,” AIChE J., 35 (8),
12. Barnicki, S. D., and J. R. Fair, “Sepa- 1993). pp. 1,233-1,244 (Aug. 1989).
ration System Synthesis: A Knowledge- 26. Srikanth, M., “Synchronous Manufac- Forsberg, C. W., and A. M. Weinberg,
Based Approach” I & E. C. Res., 29 (3), turing,” South-West Publishing, Cincin- Ann. Rev. Energy, 15, pp. 133–152
pp. 421-432 (1990). nati, OH (1990). (1990).

Chemical Engineering Progress January 2000 49


should rapidly come into vogue, at quickly as possible. Achieving process posed process so they can be assessed
least with chemical engineers, if not stability and nimbleness will mandate at the earliest possible point. This
chemists. more complex control systems than paradigm essentially minimizes the
There are a number of commercial- just simple feedback control. amount of research recycling caused
ly available process-design programs by spending time researching an idea
that can be used with the new Key improvements only to find that the resulting process is
paradigm — e.g., ASPEN Plus, Chem- in the offing uneconomical or impractical and then
CAD III, HYSYS, and PRO/VISION We predict that process design will having to start over again.
— with the choice often depending progress in at least two important di- Finally, improved process sensors,
upon personal familiarity with a partic- rections over the next 20 years or so. including real-time composition ana-
ular package. It is essential, however, First, there will be improvements in the lyzers, and process control technolo-
also to include a believable economic- “technology” of process design, pri- gies, will be necessary to achieve the
estimation program for the paradigm to marily in response to the pressures of desired process improvements, as
work well. the seven themes discussed above. well as to provide the control neces-
And, second — and likely at least as sary to fully realize their economic
The role of process control important, there will be improvements benefits. CEP

As mentioned before, quality, both in the ways in which process design

with a little “q” and a big “Q,” is a will be used.
major theme in manufacturing, and In the first direction, we can expect G. E. KELLER, II, was, until his retirement in
1997, a senior corporate research fellow,
improved process control is a key that the pressures for change will drive and manager of the Separations and
issue for achieving our quality goals. us to more precise and less expensive Process Fundamentals Skill Center at Union
But, the process changes driven by designs, both for upgraded and new fa- Carbide Corp.’s Technical Center in S.
several of the other themes also will cilities. To achieve these designs, we Charleston, WV. He now is principal of
Technology Horizons in S. Charleston, WV
require better process sensors and con- increasingly will focus on several ((304) 744–3152; Fax: (304) 744–3152;
trol technologies. For example, the ef- major areas: E-mail: He
fort to reduce investment will cause • MEN-based and other techniques presently is involved in economic-
equipment to be downsized to the for investment- and energy-use reduc- development activities, consulting,
developing new adsorption technology, and
greatest extent possible, eliminating tion and pollution abatement; promoting university/industry research
much of the extra volume in process • heat-cascading of distillation relations; he also is an adjunct professor at
equipment devoted to helping smooth columns for effecting major energy- both West Virginia and Marshall Univs.,
out the process or providing a safety use reduction; and a consulting editor for AIChE Journal.
He is a member of the Nat. Acad. of Eng., a
margin for producing on-specification • unsteady-state, nonlinear mod- Fellow of AIChE and the Amer. Inst. of
product. Likewise, surge tanks will eling, and other process-design tools Chemists, and is a registered Professional
disappear. The desire to increase pro- for batch, semi-batch, and campaign Engineer in West Virginia. He has received
cess nimbleness or flexibility also will processes; three AIChE national awards, the latest
being the Institute Award for Excellence in
put a premium on reducing surge ca- • inherent-safety concepts for pro- Industrial Gases Technology in 1999.
pacities within the process. cess and storage tanks; and
These changes will make processes • simple but believable invest- P. F. BRYAN was a research scientist for Union
more subject to being out of control, ment-estimation packages that allow Carbide Corp. in S. Charleston, WV, when
this article was written. He now is a senior
that is, they will become more “jittery.” for quick evaluation and comparison of lecturer in the chemical engineering dept.
Therefore, without improvements in process improvements. of Massachusetts Institute of Technology
process sensing and control, the frac- In addition, we have noted other pro- and director of the Mt. Vernon Station of
tion of off-specification product that cess-design directions. the David H. Koch School of Chemical
Engineering Practice, Mt. Vernon, IN ((812)
must be recycled, blended, sold for a Gains in the second direction will 831–7663; Fax: (812) 831–7409; E-mail:
lower price, or destroyed in the waste- come from adopting the new paradigm, as well as a consultant
treatment system will increase — a of combining process design and pro- in separations technology, thermo-
highly unsatisfactory outcome. Better cess research from the very first eureka dynamics, and process synthesis.
Previously, he taught at the Col. Sch. of
process-dynamics models will be need- in research clear through the develop- Mines, and worked at Chevron Research.
ed to describe the unsteady-state be- ment stages and beyond. This He received a BS from Penn. St. Univ., and
havior of processes; in many cases, this paradigm provides an improved basis a PhD from the Univ. of Calif., Berkeley,
description will require nonlinear mod- to evaluate the economic and technical both in chemical engineering, and did
postgraduate work at the École Nationale
els. The obvious goal will be to pro- aspects of ideas, to compare and rank Superieure des Mines, Paris. A member of
duce the most steady-state-friendly different process concepts quickly, and AIChE, he is active in the Separations Div.,
process possible, as well as one that to identify the critical few difficulties and will become its chair in 2001.
can change from one state to another as — the potential fatal flaws — in a pro-

50 January 2000 Chemical Engineering Progress

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