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"La Calorimetria di

Reazione per lo
Sviluppo e la Sicurezza
dei Processi Chimici"
30th Anniversary

Milano Palazzo Turati

8 November 2016

Fabio Visentin
Werner Rellstab 30 years of RC1
Geri Giger
The Reaction Calorimeter
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away ... 2

O mio dio adesso

cosa vorranno Qui è tutto
vendermi ancora... così costoso...
Siamo riusiti a
passare la

Angelo Bonetti

Paolo Cardillo
Marino Nebuloni

For internal use - Confidential

Agenda 3

1 A bit of history

2 The Harware and software development during 30 years

3 The unique thermostat principle

4 "Il Convegno" and "The User Forum"

5 Who wants to be a RC1 user?

6 What's the future? ...

For internal use - Confidential

Heat Flow Calorimetry - teh beginning 4

Willy Regenass Temperature-Monitoring in reaction

(Process Development at CIBA) mass and reactor jacket shows the
recognized: course of the reaction

Untersuchungen an
technischen Reaktionen
(Skraup Reaktion)

Presented at
Coll. on CRE
at Pont-à-Mousson

Geri Giger
The first Heat Flow Calorimeter 5

The idea was refined by an

adequate equipment
with a fast thermostat

The technology was used for

investigating various severe
accidents at Ciba-Geigy


The method got

a strong stimulus

Geri Giger
The first Patent 6

Apparatus for the determination of the thermal efficiency of chemical reactions

Willy Regenass
Hanspeter Gfrorer
Ciba-Geigy Corp.

Priority date: 1973

Geri Giger
First series of Heat Flow Calorimeters 7

High demand on instruments

from group companies and

Assembly a series
of about 20 units



Geri Giger
Second series of Heat Flow Calorimeters 8

Further demand on instruments for process development

Assembly a new series based on a modified design with
• improved thermostat
• digital control 1981

BSC-81 Bench Scale Calorimeter Thermostat

Geri Giger
The modified Patent 9

Heat flow calorimeter

Willy Regenass
Gerhard Giger
Kaspar Kuster
Heinz Achermann
Ciba-Geigy Corp.

Priority date: 1980

Geri Giger
Acquisition of Mettler by Ciba-Geigy 10

Ciba-Geigy Group Management wondered:

„How can we cooperate with this company
Let‘s test by an example!“

Heat Flow Calorimetry

Transfer the technology from

Ciba-Geigy to Mettler

First sketch of RC1

TCG-82 Thermostat Ciba-Geigy
Geri Giger
Agenda 11

1 A bit of history

2 The Harware and software development during 30 years

3 The unique thermostat principle

4 "Il Convegno" and "The User Forum"

5 Who wants to be a RC1 user?

6 What's the future? ...

For internal use - Confidential

From Classic "dark" to Classic "light" ... 12



For internal use - Confidential

1985 – 1996: from V2.1 to V3.3 13

 Monochrom  Color
 5 ¼ Floppy 3½
 20 MB HD  200 MB
 8086/8087  80386
 4.7 MHz Takt  66 MHz
 Real mode  Protected mode

For internal use - Confidential

The RC1e 14

1995 2007 - ...

For internal use - Confidential

1997 – 2006: from WinRC NT to WinRC 7.12 15

Online graphics & Evaluation Process Sequence  Based on Microsoft

Windows NT 4.0
 General file handling
(new, save, print, ...)
 Equipment database
(former sensor
database + ...)
 Process Diagram
 Process Sequence
(action list)
 Emergency system
 Evaluation (online and
 Help
 Software option
 Office version for offline
experiment preparation,
evaluation and

Process Diagram

For internal use - Confidential

... and the Real Time Calorimetry 16

2007- current

2007 - ...

For internal use - Confidential

2007 – current: from v3.3 to v5.3 17

- Modern and fluent GUI

- Chemistry table
- Open and analyse exps at the same time
- Report generation
- Improved non-iso calo algorithm
- iCSafety integration
- RTCal integration
- PAT probes integration
- iC Platform communication For internal use - Confidential
Software development 18

The software releases with the iC platform

Agenda 19

1 A bit of history

2 The Harware and software development during 30 years

3 The unique thermostat principle

4 "Il Convegno" and "The User Forum"

5 Who wants to be a RC1 user?

6 What's the future? ...

For internal use - Confidential

Area of application 20

 Process Optimization

 Safety measurement

 Small Scale Production

 Kilo lab

 Chemical synthesis.

 Process development.

 Scale-up.

 Mixing studies.

 Crystallization and solubility studies.

 Training of plant operations personnel.

For internal use - Confidential

RC1 internal thermostat benefit 21

RC1 internal thermostat

External thermostat

Tj RC1e
Tj Jacket Lab Reactor



External thermostat

The first minutes from the start of

an emergency are the most
crytical and the RC1 thermostat
principle make the difference in
Jacket Lab Reactor
the cooling perfermances
ensuring an extremely fast
cooling response.
For internal use - Confidential
Agenda 22

1 A bit of history

2 The Harware and software development during 30 years

3 The unique thermostat principle

4 "Il Convegno" and "The User Forum"

5 Who wants to be a RC1 user?

6 What's the future? ...

For internal use - Confidential

E poi venne il convegno ... 23

Ma come ho
fatto a
conciarmi così!!!
... devo
chiedere un
aumento al più
presto ...

Questo lo
Angelo B. faccio Sotto il
Angelo L.
fuori ... prossimoo

Questo sarà il
mio primo e
convegno ...
1st RC1 User Forum 24

Non credo ci
sarà un'altro ... Cosa faranno
user forum ... stasera per


Ma cosa sta
For internal use - Confidential
On paper 25

For internal use - Confidential

An incredible number of units ... 26

For internal use - Confidential

Agenda 27

1 A bit of history

2 The Harware and software development during 30 years

3 The unique thermostat principle

4 "Il Convegno" and "The User Forum"

5 Who wants to be a RC1 user?

6 What's the future? ...

For internal use - Confidential


For internal use - Confidential

Acknowledgments 29

 Max Linder  Gerry Ledesma  Thomas


 Urs Groth  Geri Giger  Werner Rellstab

For internal use - Confidential

For internal use - Confidential
Grazie a tutti 31

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