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2. Managing disaster risk, for all hazards, across the four phases of a comprehensive approach:
prevention, preparedness, response and recovery is the responsibility of the local, district and
state groups. Risk management forms the basis for disaster management planning and aids the
people who are responsible for the disaster management to be able to provide effective, efficient,
relevant and informed services to communities. To ensure that the disaster risk management is
effective, groups are to use an approved, recognized methodology that considers all possible and
foreseeable hazards, both natural and human-made. Another is the management of scientific
data to see who are the most vulnerable to disasters. Documents should also be clear and
available to the public for them to know the hazard identification and risk assessments to
stakeholders. Last is to use risk assessments to be able to inform the people what is happening,
such as the planning, response and preparedness of the community to respond to a situation.

3. PWD’s are important in the DRRM since lots of PWD’s have problems when a disaster occurs.
Blind people can run fast, but they don’t know where to go to, lame people can’t run, etc. PWD’s
know what they need when a disaster occurs. They may be able to create programs or projects
that will increase facilities to aid and be useful to be able to save the lives of PWD’s when a
disaster occurs.

4. Physical therapists should be involved while policies and plans are being developed that help
areas be prepared for disasters. They should be involved in preventive measure before, during
and after the disaster. Physical therapists may provide the right treatments and rehabilitations to
those who were affected by the disaster. Lastly people affected by the disasters must have
access to treatment including rehabilitation services to achieve the highest attainable level of health
and function

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