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1. Diseases of Japanese Quail. Main Points on Disease and Diagnosis Newcastle disease is mainly characterised by acute lass of vigour, greenish droppings. drops in egg production and the laying of non-spotted eggs Marek’s Disease often occurs in Javanese quail aged 6-7-months, resulting in emaciation, followed by a high mortality rate. In salmonellosis, lethal white diarrhoea caused by Salmonella Typhimurium infection occurs at a high frequency Ulcerative enteritis is characterised by ulcers in the lower small intestine, frequently resulting in perforative peritonitis. In fungal infection, pneumonia caused by Aspergillus fumigatus often occurs in chicks immediately after hatching Coccidiosis is classified into the acute form. in which the caecum is affected and the chronic form in which the small intestine is affected. Cestodiasis is characterised by abdominal swelling and drops in egg production As the noteworthy diseases of Japanese quail, Neweastle disease, Marek’s Disease, ulcerative enteritis (quait disease) and coccidiosis arc presented. Japanese quail are raised mainly in Toyohashi but also across Japan, and if these farms are infected with epidemic diseases, the diseases cause more damage in quail farms than in chicken farms, since Japanese quail are always raised at a high density. However, recently, vaccination has become used widely and facilities have also improved, so that the occurrence of epidemic diseases fas significantly decreased. However, Salmonellosis, fungal infection and avian encephalomyclitis have been occurring, caused by poor hygienic measures in breeding quail and in the hatchery, There is a report of quail bronchitis caused by avian adenovirus in other countries. Noweastle Disease. This disease is caused by the same virus that causes chicken Newcastle disease (ND). Infected quail are characterised by defecation of loose and greenish droppings, drops in egg production, and the laying of non-spotted eggs and soft-shell eggs. Nervous signs, such as paralysis of the legs are sometimes observed, However, unlike chickens, respiratory symnptorns are observed in only a few cases, ‘The mortality sate is about 1024 in mature quail, however it sometimes reaches 50% in quail at the age of onset of lay. In a gross examination, swallen spleens, and blood follicles and soft follicles in the ovary are often observed, Atrophy of the ovary and oviduct are also seen, Begs are sometimes found in the peritoneal cavity. Unlike ND of chickens, haemorrhage in the proventriculus and small intestine is mild and respiratory symptoms are rare. Diagnosis should be by measurement of the haemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody titre and isolation of the virus, since characteristic lesions are few. As for prophylactic treatment, live virus vaccination is conducted by spray, however intramuscular administration of 3 doses the live vaecine is also performed in quail in contaminated areas 132 Marek’s disease Marek’s disease (MID) in Japanese quail is caused by Marek's disease virus, MD occurs at a high frequency in Japanese quail aged 6-7 months or over and the mortality rate often reaches 50-60% within 2-3 months of onset. No nervous signs are seen. However, anorexia, depression and emaciation are observed. In a gross examination, swelling of the liver and spleen (Fig. 1), white thickening of the duodenal wall (Fig. 2), and swelling of the proventriculus are observed, However, white nodules that are often observed in chickens are rarely seen, but yellowish white foci about I mim in diameter are observed, Histological examination reveals neoplastic prolifera- tion of lymphoid cells in the liver, spleen, ovary and intestinal mucous membrane. Infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells is sometimes obscrved in the peripheral nerves. Histopathological examination is required for making a diagnosis, sinee the small yellowish white foci in the liver caused by this disease are similar 10 foci of bacterial necrosis. For prevention, similarly to chickens, vaccination with herpesvirus of turkeys (IVT) in Japanese quail aged 14 to 35 days is effective Salmonellosis Fluffing, watery droppings and white diarrhoea are observed in chicks for several days after hatching, resulting in death, “The causes arc maitly Salmonella Typhimurium, S. London, or S, Infantis, and the mortality rate ranges from 5 to 70%, depending on the flock in which the manifestations of this disease appear. In @ gross examination, reticular foci of necrosis and haemorrhage in the liver, swelling of the spleen, and swelling and retention of cheesy exuciate in the caccum are observed. Tumorous formation is sometimes observed in the subcutancous tissue of the head in mature Japanese quail, Histological examination reveals multiple focal necrosis in the liver and spleen and pseudomembranous enteritis associated with various exudates, including catarrbal exudate, in the lower intestine as well as in the caccum. Large abscesses are observed in the subcutaneous tissue of the head (Fig. 3). Salmonella can be detceted in these Foci. Antibiotics (new quinolones) that show sensitivity to Salmonella are ellective for the prevention af the development of this disease and for therapy. If egg (vertical) transmission is suspected, hygienic measures should be performed in quail farms as well as in the breeding quail. In addition, control of rodents and other pests in the farms and disinfection of equipment and devices for husbandry are required. Ulcerative enteritis (Quail disease) ruflle ‘This discase is caused by Clostridium colinum infection. Depression, anorexia, feathers and standing with closed cyes are observed in quail that develop this disease, Subse= quently, excretion of watery diarrhoea is observed, showing an acute course and resulting in death in many cases. In & gross examination, haemorrhage and ulcers ure observed in the lower sinall intestine and caccum (Fig. 4). The ulcer is well demarcated and of various sizes up to Smm in diameter, Pseudomembrunous-like yellowish exudate is often observed in a large uleer. The uleer is often perforated, resulting in perforative peritonitis. Small yellowish white foci of ncerosis are scattered in the liver, and swelling, haemarrhage and necrosis are also observed in the spleen. Histological examination reveals many bacterial foci similar to C, colinumt in the ulcer of the intestinal tract or in foci of necrosis in the liver. DitTecontial diagnosis should be conducted, since this disease often occurs associated with histomoniasis (blackhead) or coccidiosis, Admin- istration ef streptomycin and terramyein is effective for therapy. Diseases of Fapanerc Quail, 153 Fungal disease Pneumonia caused by Axpergitlus fumigatus often occurs in chicks aged 2 to 3 days. Depression and gasping arc observed in clinically iil birds. Acute death within 3 to 4 days after onset and 30-40% mortality arc scen, Nervous signs are sometimes observed in mucormycosis. Gross examination reveals white lesions around the bronchi in the Jung and air sacs and histological examination reveals granulomatous lesions associated with the growth of fungi, Since therapy for this disease is difficult, adequate disinfection of the hatchers, brooders und cages should be conducted for prevention. Parasitic diseases Eimeria tsunodai that shows as acute course and B, bateri and E, uzura that show a chronic course are clinically important in coccidiosis. Drops in egg production and bloody dropping are observed in F. tsunodai infection, occasionally resulting in death. The caecum is the preferable site of infection and swelling and atrophy are seen, Haemorrhage and cheesy materials are observed in the caecum, Fine white lesions are observed in the mucous membrane from the Guodenum to the lower small intestine. Administration of sulfa drugs is usually carried out for prevention and therapy, Abdominal swelling and drops in egg production are observed in the case af cestodiasis, caused by Metroliasthes corurnix. Diagnosis should be carried out by identification of the parasites. Since bugs are intermediate hosts in cestodiasis, a pesticide should be used to contzol thom, Administration of bithionol at a dose of 150-200 mg/kg is used for treatment, 154 _Disesser of Tapsnese Quail

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