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“We are astonished by the writer that gapes in to existence

instead we find a author."

”I am space and time, my body is in space and my soul is

time,'a0and those who shine light in your darkness. Myself.“

In a place where life is a dream of unreal illustration that is unseen,

tell me is the life we live worth fighting for than to be aware that
the cover is only seen by the readers? The cover is deep and
shallow my eyes is tinted yellow, the sun flower is brazen mellow
filled with pride and narrow, I can see the Roman vessel aimless
not to be found, the light house give trend to land there is where
the flower give birth to the Roman palace. Victory is finally in
there hands lost and found given a noun last for centuries called
bland, the brazen mellow filled with pride and narrow the sun
flower is not constant it has move on to find relish betterment. That
has consensual to lift and find its own pride in nature controversy
and win over the sun flower that has given faculty to the same
Roman palace. That can touch glory by given fame in the palm of
your hands you will see ignition the left hand is strike with flame,
the conscience brain witness the power you will claim that will be
your domain. "The generous minds have a horror that are called
facts they are brute beast of the intellectual domain."

A construct not capable of being cut down to the small alter of

casual asylum, is like a prevalence not equally for offprint of
consumption, it is not honour but a impostor, whatever I do I will
do it with the capacity that there will be a difference and there will
be action. The word alone has made a difference and that is when I
tell myself without action may not bring happiness but there are
things in this world that a man has to do to maintain his happiness,
no matter how great the cost or suffering may be and just
remember there are no action without happiness.

When I stare at the image in my head that is painted with

memories, the last two weeks that has been scratch with colours
mix all together, if you wonder what I am thinking of than you are
wrong, the fact is that I am merely recoding the wrong shades in
order so that my thoughts don't get mix up with the facts that
whatever has been said has been taken lightly. There are people
that will insult themselves just to insult you more just to get your
attention there is no use to respond to there false accusations, when
you do the colors will confuse your image than you will no longer
see the truth but the lies will confront your thoughts. Negative
thinking can be good for the brain but negative thoughts can effect
the good thinking, be more determined to belief that you can do
anything without putting yourself down to the ground and find it
unusually hard to get back up, that is how negative can be used to
find the opposite side to get nearer to the positive thinking to get
back up, and that negative thinking can create the thoughts to
believe in yourself and create the actual fact that you can do
anything. "Elevating the mind comes in manipulation to win."

Struggle is natural it comes in any form, pain is equal to love that

has no form, those who struggle to love and those who are in pain
to struggle, although it has the same amount imposition that is fair
when love fades in to dust than pain takes over, when pain fades in
to love than it can be called fortunate but the struggle is still
keeping its form, the more you hold on to something that is needed
for the other one to survive, accepting to what has happened is the
first steps you take on the long road to overcoming any misfortune
from here on fourth, In the room with four walls I see woman with
beautiful purls around their neck, is not the same chain that you
wear around your neck that makes you the weakest than the
weakest link in the room, when I outface the window it is a chain
after all, not the garden with short grass and a fence around the
surface but life itself it is a chain after all, as long as I have my
hands I will never stop writing. God has possibly created the world
with his fingers and when he decide to separate good and evil, than
the world is already ten fingers death and that is when I never lost

I conquer the sea the outside to my gentle me, the foreign sea
flowing in to the nile stoping the river with stones and piles, from
getting in to my fountain ruining my spring giving water to my
trees leafs fall by the cold breeze, learn the nature to there vacuity
when spring break there is where I rest my solitary, the cold spring
freezing my sunshine a warm bath ease my ice floe, in to my
boiling cleft that warmed my domicile making it cool poise
symmetry tween my abode, there is courtesy of the heart it is allied
to love from its springs the purest courtesy in my resting place
where I can take my silence for romance, a desire arises in the
mind it is satisfied immediately when another comes. Betwixt
which dissever two desires a perfect calm reigns in the mind, it is
free from all thoughts love or hate, do at least two things you hate
to do every day just for practise when the time is right, it will be
your perfection that will no longer need practise because it will be
part of you, than there will be no more unnecessary mistakes only
the mistake that you are perfect.

”I find my passion waiting for me on the road to riches driving to

find a perfect woman, that will make me complete and that is
where I will find my complete passion, when I desire to have not
only one but all, with one beauty that will complete my perfection
is in the end that life is worth driving for.”

Great man are like eagles and build there nest on some lofty
solitude, to be alone is the state of no attachments than to be alone,
great man are not easily to come in to existence they are hard to
find and those who are to be alone getting things done quicker and
they who see things on the outside but in the inside, nature can be a
wonderful thing it can be rare and not find easily when you are the
fortunate one who has found something unlikely a unique stone
that is not seen very often, and has seen the outside that is not that
interesting or looking. Thinking the faster it goes for trade the
better for something that is worthless and last for a few days not
realising that you have given away the most precious and rarest
stone that can change your life for ever that is very dear to history.

I believe that something that is not seen very often can be analyse
and measured and most likely be priceless it is dear to us the
beauty is in the inside and those who sees the inside takes to be a
great man, the unique piece can bring wonder to every day's living
and those who keeps it are stunt by the perfection it gives off.

”A stone wake up in your slumber believe it is a dream another

aspect in nature that is fake,
not seeing the renovate the inside of your relate, sell in to
your neglect that it is fake.“

The high moral elevation is your down fall the moment you give
the priceless stone away the poor information is a scam to take
your fortune away, It is in the hands where the eagles fly on the
highest top rush that some are not allowed that is your lost of the
greatest opportunity that you can find. Intelligent man see things as
they are and are not blinded by there own illusion people
commonly travel the world over see rivers and mountains, new
stars, garish birds, freak fish, grotesque breeds of human, they fall
in to an animal stupor that gapes at existence and think they have
seen something.
"Great man knows what to gain in the end if there is more to it,
than poetry is love that is seen by nature, nature is in the heart that
is where poetry belongs"

The sky line Is shining in to your dark light brown eyes I can see
the salvo on the man that desire you, the closes thing I can think of
is that I admire you, as time gets older it can never expire you and
those who say they will die for you is the love that will never
remind you that I am the one that lie for you, say to them that you
are mine the more I try to convince them I end up convincing
myself that I love you the more I try to disown you my touch want
to claim you. I image every detail on the mirror that reflects the
image on the wall when I turn and look back, I look at your tender
molle the craving is making me want you more.

I am a mile away in the desert drama the thirst makes me want

your clusia flava, I want to breathe in your sonar aroma that make
me feel the harmony stamina it makes me play music at marina to
make you my fantasy. You are my confidence to my shrinking
violet I can do anything when you are in my spot light never stop
the red light at night we look at the'a0fire lights, the fire works are
brighter than the star lights you are the only one that make me feel
that I am alive, you are the only one that can stand in my pride I
choose you over the outside to my heart the left side of my chest is
for yourself to claim, I will give up the moon to stand in your solar
rain, warm and cold that is how the weather change when I am
with you I see climate change.

The environment can be mother natures most authentic detail to

explain that her personality is thawing, mother nature and poetry
are one and the same, they share the same passion that has no
feelings but love matter in our own nature, to give reason to there
existence. The hours I spent with you I look upon as sort of a
perfume garden, a dim twilight and a fountain singing to it, you
and you alone make me feel that I am alive, other man it is said
have seen angels but I have seen the art of love in you, I have seen
the art that is painted on reality's wallpaper, in front of your beauty
with you in it, you make the wonder of the curious to consider you
to be Venus affection that give love to the pure devotion to others, I
consider you to be my red hurricane that no one can see you in
person accept for me, no one can endure my wrath when they are
closer than I tell them to be, I can not give my felicity to no one
else except for my Tiffany, the glasses that has turn in to diamonds
over the past century's is the gift of my memories that will never
go in vain.

I alter my self to make use of my alter ego to never let go that I am

you, and my trust is in my reflection is a dear friend that is trust
worthy, and no one else than my ego, friends are only there to keep
us busy when there is nothing better to do, time is precious I rather
spend it else where, that is why I keep my social ties only on social
media, it is much better than to be a phone call away than to be
influence by friends that talk about things that is less important,
and does not concern you, the more friends I have on social media
the less friends I have without it in person, that is why a friend to
all is a friend to non, the more likes and comments is a opinion that
only last half a day, that has no partnership and intimacy it is more
like unconditional friendship, that gives attention the moment I
accept your request.

To me health is the greatest possession, Contentment is the greatest

Confidence is the greatest friend,
Non being is the greatest joy.

“Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart

whispers back, those who wish to sing always find a song, at the
touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.”'a'a

Too many believe in false proof but I believe in you, they want to
make heaven on earth but I will make heaven on earth with you, a
handsome young man a body of matter without defined shape with
strong sexual desire is part of me, in the forest the goddess of
destiny get lost looking for her love, changing the weather in her
path, the rainfall soaking on the sand that leads to my trail that is
non existent, it is ironically fragile the water drain away the
moment you find me, and there I am sitting on top of the hill
waiting for a reason to jump, my destiny find me. "I have been
waiting four life's six blue moons and two days just to see your
beauty is still the same, that black calf is your second skin, I will
wait another blue moon just to look in to your eyes that my heart is
given to you in my hand."

“Eye for one you are the pillar under the sun, the way of fortunate
is like a milky way in the sky, witch is a number of small stars, not
seen asunder but giving light together.”

So it is a number of little scarce discern moral excellence, or rather

faculties and customs that make man fortunate.

“I am the moral custom to the narrative story's of stars that is in the

end only one day, and'a0 tomorrow will be the next sun rise.”
Rising to new higher hide's than it can be seen above becloud,
making a appearance kindly when the clouds swiftly move away.

"Narrow horizon skyline is like the visible stars in the day, when
the shooting star grand a wish, than the meteor will make the
skyline magical."

Ubiquity has no matter or form it has a spectrum line that is scope

and seen by all,
It is the environmental glamor in nature that is not seen very

She is my environment where romance take place where nature has

everything to offer, A star light strikes lightning in to our filial love
watching the sun rise burn in to lust, the morning star blush
rosiness, the orange red light it gives of.

“Every day we should hear at least one Little song, read one good
poem, see one exquisite picture, and, if possible, speak a few
sensible words.”

A bruise color melanized are loam bemire contaminate, contusion

anguish inside mental psyche, the soul can find optimism in philia,
where the colors is deep beneath intuition acquaintance, to a lover
in the heart where all the desires are lonely covert in imbue
colours, waiting to be diffuse in to sorrows, that will give
animation to your old dreadfullness, and bring new acquaintance to
fair love by your soul mate.

We console the ear because the heart is wanting, we make music

because the soul is loving, we sing together and make the world
complying, make it watch are ordinance in every tone we console,
music is a moral law, it gives soul to the universe, wings to the
mind, flight to the imagination, and charm to life and everything,
totally in any state or means that has the right to bring in to
existence, the lullaby sounds, and sing it out for everyone to hear,
music can give love experience, especially the love songs, the
vibration that shake off anything that does not involve love, music
is the voice for the heart to listen we fall in love with the quality.

I grow in the iniquity interlace shadow, I flow on nirvana diversify,

I find them staring in there windows, while I sing a song in grace,
that interface the limits that has no boundaries extend, and I can
accomplish it, in confidence to walk over the limit point, and find
myself where the grass is greener the sun shine is brighter and the
world is much more bigger.

I just want that galvanic on me, we have a thrilling conversation,

the talents excite wonders and admiration on how we make it so
far, we make liquor out of associated with woman and not with
man, and I drink in your potion your body is my remedy I want to
consume your equality, making me equivalent to your acuity, that
cures my timidity, I inhale ecstasy the sound of your better nature
taking me to complete bliss, the highest sensation excellence last
longer than seniority, to me you are more than a princess, what
ever you want to ask me I will make it come alive, I will make
magic with your semblance and make it fortunate, I promise you
the world that I will give you, I am the one that will fit on your
glass shoe, when it fit's I will be your prince, I will never let any
logical reasons break my promise, I will make them all come true,
I have plenty of reasons but not one of them are worth one
sentiment of your environment, not one of them can make me less
prominent, and not one of them can ruin my prophecy. "We have
become makers of our own fate, when we have ceased to pose as
it's prophets, unfortunately for those who were honored in the bible
are false prophets, the ones who were jailed and driven in to the
desert are the prophets of there own fate, driven by divine
godliness, and conceal there fate."

A man's character is his fate, no matter when it begins with

unfortunate value, your fate will be the outcome to your fortune, it
has to be consistent to make it happen, good things come with the
capacity of a thousand thoughts, seems like stars sparkling an idea
in your dark intellect, a plan that gives light to your emptiness, the
twinkle that flicker half a light year towards the sun, making the
dark intellectual plan shine brighter than your thousand thoughts
all together, without losing its spot light, and for those who are to
blind to see there worth, remember that your idea is called a star
that shine intellect into your outcome of fortune, and for the light
to shine, there has to be darkness, a empty plan that has no path to
go rather than to think sparkly thoughts, there is where the sun sets
on the beautiful image that your destiny want to see, when you
have arise as the one who made history and sunshine, out of
nothing than a simple star of gratitude. "Only the man who does
not need it, is fit to inherit wealth, the man who would make his
fortune no matter where he started."

“I started my journey at the surface in the end, not to say my

journey has come to an end, but to say every beginning has an

I recycle my voice when I sing, I go louder and louder with no

medicine to cure my hiccups, I try I try my voice sounds like
heaven with trumpets with a background symphony, can you hear
me play my sanity, I recycle my voice with natures chemistry, my
voice vibrate in there core a earthquake shake all there bad deeds
away, when music plays I can hear the end shout, that has a soft
cheer in my core, when the music stops I can feel the rhythm
endlessly flourishing to my appeal making every verse surrender to
my sounds, breaking the hard shell of the wall and find it's way to
the softness of love that enemy's are not a loud to see, but to hear
my voice playing endlessly in there fear, making sure that my love
songs is not taken for weakness instead it is taken for salvation, I
call it a godly act.

”Xanax perhaps cure the discomposure, but anxiety is the dizziness

of freedom.”

On a scale that takes to much folie on one side, can be lethal

vertigo of impunity paranoia.

Dolce delicacy and fragility make her look less anxious, and the
scar's that has been covered up with make up, no one can see that
her feelings is hurt, loosing control like a loose cannon in the
inside of her nature, that no pill on earth can cure.

And that she can only put on a Gucci dress make up on the outside
of her features, red high hills and precious jewels to keep from
fainting in to her fuddle pebble, that can ease her fire by looking

“Realising that her beauty can be taken for her happiness, watching
the world with a smile that her life is not in vain, there is much
more pain in this world that can make her stronger.”

And that music can make them dance to any tunes that she
endeavour by an easy yes, just looking at her loveliness the world
bow down to her originality, "I want her to be mine for infinity and
only I can tell that she is the one for me.

Putting the once at fault in there place, seeing her persistence is

made from grace, putting my hands on the shape of her face,
making a sculpture in her name the liberty for every woman.

“Reality is being remould nearer to the heart desires, time and

memory are true artists, taking my time memorising every detail
that her body claim working my fingers, remoulding her perfection
in to liberty acquisition for myself.”

Anticipating my needs to possess a work of art, that needs my

assistance for better culmination, to look at her body in person to
feel her shape with my senses is my work of art, and the time I take
to create her perfection is worth it.

Telling myself while I look at my masterpiece. "The originality is

the copy of your blown away raw beauty, that I will claim some
day for myself."

“Stark naked in front my gaze, admiringly inspire my personal

liking where only I can look at your loveliness.”

Day by day I am getting closer, a determine man only get what he

wants when he is passionate, ambitious and personally desired to
get closer to his wanting.

Ready and prepared for any obstacles that comes in between me

and my passion, the thing you want the most, has the most
attention and recognition and will always be the number one on my
list of achievements.

“Organising my vigilant ideas that will take place slowly, moving

with style in to my intellectual success.”

Leaping with a pride fullness knowing that my sculpture has come

to life she is mine, when she stand stark naked before my eyes
making the world stand still, as long as I say the word yes to her
loveliness, she will be mine to claim and my sexual desire that is
part of me, is on a high horse on her stature that makes every
single touch worthy of my sculpture that I perfected, and my touch
on her body I find that her skin was molded by God and perfected
by his touch making her not only divine, but being present at the
touch of divinity makes her the rarest woman on this'a0planet, and
the only one who walked this earth except for Eve.'a'a

Not knowing that she is taking me back to history to paradise,

when two humans was created to love each other and produce the
human race, making me feel that you have given birth to life, and
reason to my impulse, that she is my angel without having
children, that you are out of the Christian scriptures mythology but
your name are written in my book, the book to Poe-losophise the
truth of your existence, as long as I am consistent to make it
happen and It will always be my pleasure to think carefully of
mother nature's thawing, that my ice floe can change temperature.

“One thing that can never change is my nature that I have my fate
in my hands, I am firm in and will mold the world to myself.”

I can see the outside of the universe that there is no shape only
heaven's image that humans are made in his image, and we can be
gods of our own making, I consider my own making to be part
heaven, part God, and part of his universe, there is where I find
myself in the middle of the universe two planets away, in the third
planet called earth that has given birth to life and my existence is
to live in my godly image, that is who I am, that is who I will
always remain to be for infinity.

God is a word that has no definition to describe his might and his
existence has not been seen, only angels has the knowledge to
describe his superior but not his outline expression to his image,
that expression will remain hidden for eternity.

"My Lullaby on my waist paper is the reason why I left me, and
find my real image in the sound of god's voice is my voice his
touch is my touch, his creation is my creation that makes me his
son, and not his experiment to life to humanity's salvation to be
free from sin, my image is me my outlines of my exterior, you will
find his arterial in my veins.“


“He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need

because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a

There are warriors that fight for there country and are willing to die
for it, those who sacrifice there life's for the greater good, take it as
a noble death.

But the noble man is the one who wins the battle before the war
has begun, and when the time comes for armer and weapons he
will surly weaken his enemy's with his command that the battle for
glory has been won.

Enemy's can be studied and first you have to know your enemy,
than you find his weakness, than you weaken his strength and
power where it hurts the most.

Than victory will surly be the outcome to any battle, some get
confuse about there education that weaken there brain in believing
otherwise, that the actual truth is considered the opposite to there

”Sincerely to study a person is the outcome of life's self

cultivation, to improve your ideas and thoughts about the real
meaning to there foolishness, great man begin with themselves.“

And a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all

victories, improving yourself for betterment is the first step to
higher understanding of any essence in life cultivation.

Egoism is important to daily recommendation decisions, making

good choices is always the best outcome to any situation that
comes beforehand.

”Being the one who sees things naturally'a0can predict the worst
results and figure out any attempt to accomplish something.“

You wonder in a cycle that rotates around its own atmosphere

endlessly, waiting for a perfect orbit giving excitement to what life
has to offer.

Labile to becoming the up most reliable source in making yourself

a beast, is to have no fears of conduct or pressure but to have the
strength to bare the experience.

”Decency comes from the core, and is practice in routine to perfect

polite judgement.“

On the same platform where great extent is often taken for high
decency is in the person,'a0 and not his upbringing.

”Great things comes as rare as they are found, and good things
come as easy as they are estimable.“

A beast can not be captured and controlled, but if you take the
smallest cub away from his duties and animality, he won't know
that he is a beast, and when you feed him yourself without blood
and his nature of power, when he grows up his anger will increase,
and he will devour you for trying to be a master of a lion king, he
is the one who will never complain for the weakness he endure, it
only makes him stronger.

For what you find in yourself, is much more greater than nature
find in cosmos, there is more wisdom in your body than in your
deepest philosophy.

There is much more excitement in the wrong things than good,

virtue is a quality most people denied to possess rather than to
loose eternal bliss, and enjoy before what comes after nothing last
forever but the afterlife is perpetually evermore.

”If I take death into my life, acknowledge it, and face it squarely, I
will free myself from the anxiety of death and the pettiness of life,
and only than will I be free to become myself.“

Beastly man give orders on a lay out page that has to be followed
step by step, and before the last steps are taken few make it out
alive, because they are not capable to follow his instructions.'a'a

It takes a certain intelligence to read the language and follow his

instructions, as the word refuge is not taken for shelter and their
safety is not included by their own stupidity, is nothing but a
mistake to hire imbeciles, I will consider a man that does not run
away from battle, warriors, and those who fear there courage will
be weaken is a man that is not worthy of victory, and give there
life's away to those who find courage in there weakness.'a'a

In order to do something properly is to have confidence in the right

manner, the right time and the right mind, is the secret to do
anything your heart desires.

A heart that follow dreams is slumber thinking, once awake tears

arise disappoint limping, realise life heart broken sinking, drown
simply while eyes blinking, mind intrinsic relic lacking, ease the
pain old memory napping, get it done my fingers snapping, the
worst is over every time I am second, the best is first and I have the
weapon, I am the beast with stripes around my lapping, around my
flag flapping, on top the ice mountain, I clime the heights on top,
the one who made it happen, and my longing days are over when I
end up first and not second, celebrate the moment my heart burns
high feathers flapping.

Victory is mine that is where I rest my altitude on the heights of

my happiness, where only I can go to feel the fresh cold air on my
face free from life's alum waves, holding me back to embrace my
successive ways, I worked hard to earn my ambitious taste to get
what I want is my pleasure to better days.

”The momentous thing in life is to win over the souls of the good
and evil.”'a'a

The person who is capable to win over a person's trust can be trust
worthy, means he went true great difficulty to earn your trust.'a'a

But he who wins over the good people souls takes himself to be
good for others, and the one who win over the evil takes himself to
be good for the wicked, he who is wickedly good is sane and is
equally admired by all, see him for who he truly is a man with
admiration to others that has no need to hide his inappropriate self,
he is sufficiently spectacular in attraction acuity and personally
dangerous, and live dangerously pertinent, the world is countlessly
infinite, space is timeless, dinero is greatness, man is reckless,
power is statements, food is alleviation, somehow it all seems
contagious, addiction is outrageous, inaccurately weakness, some
die for wages, poetry is a heartache expressing feelings, blossom in
to love gaining healings, beauty can be revive in to Phoenix, on the
verso pages words can be tactless, thoughts is priceless, no point in
madness, my love remain Flemish in the language only we speak
Love is canvas furnished and embroidered by nature's imagination
image, perfect softness not to touch but to love, comfort fabric is
made out of calf love, fragile tenuously get easily fragment, the
heart needs two things to keep it's warm form, tenderness and duty,
the duty to out task your vows, is a promise remaining plight and
tenderness is fictional heat warming cold loneliness, thawing
hailstone doors keeping rivals out from hurting you, I am burning
your desire with heat to see my devotion affectively in your eyes
compelling yourself to feel the same affection to my simmer, cold
summary season your presence give me meaning, her heart can be
vixen, travel the world we end up in Texan togetherness is no
accident we live life to maximum.

I give her my happiness in return she give me excellence, the once

you met before me was characterless lack of love lack of charm,
lacking anything that involves time, finding yourself in prolific
progeny there is where she find her new self alone in her stars
giving thought to her light, than I walked in to her life with a
beastly form in her mind dimension hoping to be found, there is
where are love fall in place there is where are grace in twine with
are fate, It is amazing how passion can make love yearning.'a'a

Yearning my conscience in to your core I can feel my love in the

centre healing warm, healing slowly in time, the few hours I am
with you it feels longer in time than we long more in one year
together, than in one hour.

One hour is enough for me to understand that are triplicity, love is

another person who brings us together, we have become one word
with three dimensions, Rene Descartes has the same experience
and the dualistic theory of mind and matter he coordinate, started
when he found that love has a mind of its own, bringing life to
tenuity minded feebleness.
It can makes old feel new, the wrongs feel right, the lust pleasure,
and revive from agony, anything that involves pain in the heart can
be relieved, simply to let your alter ego that is called love takes
over your emotions, falling over again telling me a woman's
personality is the secret to be surprised.

Surprising you in every opportunity I can find never getting tired

are love is brand new, two galaxy's we both posses stars of thought
in the sky are love symbol is blue elegance, after every'a0horizon
we are complete over again, nothing is more surprising than close
eyes, colors and gifts asking nothing in return, people who has
given us there complete confidence believe they have a right to
ours, the inference is false, a gift confers no rights.'a'a

“Rights has consistency it arise from conspiracies, the facts has no

lies, it arise from truth, verity has no fantasies, it arise from reality,
dreams has no existence, it arise from unconsciousness.”

Slumber has no awareness around subconscious mind, when I am

accustomed to sleep and in my dreams to imagine the same things
that lunatics imagine when awake, it can be three times more
dramatic in control to my favour.

It takes a genius to write a book but every genius has a tincture of

madness, I always try to say in a sentence for what it takes a author
to write a chapter, authors looks at the world and see two physical
image, nature and poverty, reason poverty is to know more out
universal cognition, to improve skillfully making the unknown
known for those who seek cognition in every day thoughts, and the
experience out of actions.
Reason nature is wonderful it can be explained and unexplained,
poetry gives meaning and fantasies gives unexplained
imagination's that grows in the mind, deep inside wonders
possibility, confuse the two physical image, you will get
philosophy and poetry called poe-losophy, cognition will never be
the same, love will never be stupid, wonders will never be
unrealistic and life will never go fruitless, It will be called the tree
of life that bear fruit the roots of education are bitter but I can
assure you when you have grown in to your full self, and consume
the water hidrosis growing strong and healthy, the fruits will be
much more sweeter.

The sweeter the fruit the better the termination will be in the end,
and in the end when all is complete than you will have a few
choices left, to plant a new seat to grow more importance, to
increase your growth in to betterment, or enjoy with what you
already have achieved and consider it more than enough to stay

Taking care of your health and protecting your retention is very

important to be safe from knave man, those who you think is trust
worthy can as well be the same one who can deceive you, keep
your eyes open trust the one who you wake up with, brush your
teeth with, eat with, travel with, and the same one, non else than
the reflection in the mirror, staring back at you with the same
shadow in the light, same thoughts and same intellect is the person
that is yourself.

Trust in yourself to get things done without asking for help,

because there is where every thing goes wrong and when you have
trusted a knave, the same person you trust the most is yourself will
no longer be trust worthy.

Trust no one else than yourself, and just because I believe in you,
does not mean I trust you, because I don't, it means my options is
open for opportunities that can make me more independent to rely
on myself and no one else, and that is what life is worth living for,


“A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion

to religion, subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from
a ruler whom they consider god fearing and pious, on the other
hand, they do less easily move against him, believing he has gods
on his side.”'a'a

Power consist out of possessiveness, not all are fit to possess

control to rule over others, it takes a rare desire to govern over
others, and the greatest tyrants is the one who wants to govern.

The world is in the shape of one eye it depends on how you look at
it, you can make the best around it's surface areas, in every corner
there is some one who sees his future in a different path, and make
it his destiny.

Those who remain the same are fools, opportunity has a lot to offer
in every corner in life, some imprison there self thinking they are
free and happy, as the world has nothing to complain about.'a'a
The truth is complaining, and blaming others for your own
misfortune means you are looking for change, when blaming
yourself means you are changing slowly, and when you blame no
one else means you are no longer the same person.'a'a

Consider yourself free from being chained, than you will see the
world truth fully and behold the world is at your grasp.'a'a

We rule to become kings, we destroy to rebuild, we kill to take

fertility in our own hands, we devour enemy's so they can not reign
over us.

We become history of our own making, empires is the route to any

history that offers itinerary, either move towards it and claim your
domain or go against it.

Fate comes in mysterious ways, in different forms, be alert for the

alarm when the time is right, you will hear the bell ring, that is
when you wake up from bed and realise, it has come to your
disposal to be in control of your own making, it begins with time
and end with victory.

Patience is the key to success we try hard to open the small doors
when the key is locked from the inside out, try to go bigger than
yesterday, all thou it is much easier with words but improving
yourself takes hard actions, real thoughts and lenient confidence,
recreating your arrogance, makes a better successor.

Successive doors will never be locked out, the key comes in time,
doors will open by its self, and those who wants the same
successive doors, must follow the same rules, than it all comes

At first it will be the hardest, your lenient confidence will soften

the hardness, and embroider it in to the gentle material, wearing it
with pride.

You will make it look like a deity that has come out of the shadows
and walk on the riches itinerary.

“Tenacity won't stop, motivation will never be as persistent as a

purpose to a certain goal.”

Leaders share one thing in common and that is to never let false
proof, expose to the public, unless it proofs the opposite to their
illegal arrangements, hiding the actual exposer for themselves,
keeping each other safe cause if one fall there entire organisation

Anaclitic is when the one who follow orders fall, their safety is
satisfied the leaders is in the dark cleaning their trails behind them,
as long as the plans are intact, organisations will remain strong,
relying on jurisdiction.

Years may past seasons may change, but one thing that will remain
the same, is the project comprehending instance, information is
lethal to society and in the wrong hands it can be secretly stimulate
into certain degrees.

Opacity in there hearts and souls, darken there feelings into degree
or state to have no sympathy for others, acardia contains hatred or
revenge, survival is what drive a person to merit, danger can be fun
especially when you are the monster, it is much more than
excitement and pleasure, it's about taking back, that has been taken
from you.

Regard their own family is seen as royalty,'a0respect and

protection is there greatest treasure to what extent they gain is
beyond civilisation expertise.

Refinement is what they make it to be, without there participation,

than it will no longer be accretive.

Apterous is taken for humans without wings, small insects that get
walked over by giants, is the world we live in today, those who
cannot fly has no'a0heights of happiness.

Happiness can come from any source, the ones who gets happy
from another's fame is a fan, his artistic quality is deepen by
meanings that the entire body, heart and soul is taken to bliss, rarity
creating happiness for everyone to experience his greatness, and is
seen in form of love, and is taken for themselves.

Love is profound happiness, comes from moment to moment,

holding and never let go and when that grip is not loosening, than
the love is mend to be in your grasp.

Heartless man love them self's, thinking they are not cable to love
anything is absurd, there love has to be measured in quantity, and
there is always enough for one more.
Because all the pain and sorrows they endure during heartbroken
events, has made them wiser to realize love can be pointless
without baring the lovers pain, as well as to reprieve it, to bare
there burdens, those who experience this quantity of pain knows
exactly how to deal with it.

It can kill you from the inside in order to heal your wounds one
must be heartless and she will love you for taking care of her heart,
allowing it in to your shelter keeping it safe, no one will dare to
crush her core when they find her bodyguard has no heart left and
will destroy anyone who try to take hers without permission from
him, especially her friends that she held dear.

I believe one must take care of one's property, when one loose his
property for greater good than he will take twice as care of the one
he desire the most.

"All murders are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to
the sound of trumpets."

Killers get easily caught when they are witness at a crime or

evidence that points fingers directly at them.

The ones who kill with absolute power, has committed the ultimate
sin, and has included the entire universe to participate in his
destruction, when there is no one to blame but'a0themselves.

His crimes will be unpunished and the once who will give the
punishment is the same one who causes destruction, he will remain
the leader and conquer his mission and punish the apterous
humans, for his wrecking is his first numbers of killing.

Pacific ocean has plenty of fishes no matter how many get caught
there will always be more, and the humans that are caught in
fishnets are prey for the lion's to survive on his territory.

He might drown knowingly if he go take a swim with them, he

knows he will be weaken not'a0being able to breathe under water
surrounded with trout.

Keeping away is not his only options, he has plenty, to control the
public, solitude is his meditation staying sane is his focus, and not
getting attach clear his vision with unnecessarily interference.

Accretion is naturally occupied, construal addition is provisionally

precaution in making the intricacies look missionary seldom.

Elaborate can be assisted atonemently in doing indemnity to get

there, without damaging the provision dogma.

Believing in narcissistic patriot will do anything to maintain its

stability, even when religion is taken for occupation rights, it will
be included as contrast.

Life is a pilgrimage, the wise man does not rest at the road side
inns, he marches direct to the illimitable domain of eternal bliss,
his ultimate destination.
And has no time for prolixity to speak verbosity, his interests gets
his attention non to less waisting time unintended.

Proud to take his journey on foot walking with grace in his right
hand, keeping him company for he knows the longer it takes the
more prosperous the outcome is moderately sufficient.

And a wise man takes one step at a time, there is a few things they
all have in common, that all great things are conceived by walking.

Walking and thinking is one and the same, clearing your

conscience is reopening alchemist minded.

“Panacea in restoring new ideas comes in non medicine emetic,

sickness is not the cure, but the mind is the remedy.”

Exploring new ideas is keeping the mind traveling in wit, finding

new land and build a strong foundation in mental psyche, starts
with a career where no one has navigate in your excellence.

In the open see the world has to many directions, where shall I go?
the ocean is as blue as the sky clear for the eyes to see, survival is
my navigation and my believes keeps me breathing, in my lungs is
pump with air that is free, all alone in my company is the same
person that is me, Incomplete I am looking for life something I can
call my own, some strange foreign land where l can find
everything my essential hope will one day be complete.

We scale on water, measure my drift, waves fall off cliffs, when the
water loose its balance, I loose my aim, dark shadow's cover the
sky's, stars seems to bare light, flicker a thousand glints per
second, loose my scope to see my side, over hundred hours looking
at the sky takes me to figure out the north star is delight, to help me
find my innocents with no lies.

Telling me at a certain time to keep wake at night, it brings

centuries of moments when the north star is always right, is easy to
find it when you close your eyes take a few deep breaths think
twice before opening your eyes, than see the reflection in yourself
than look at the star that is most bright, north star will never lie
when you loose your hype, giving you comfort and hopes that you
never need a telescope or compass in the night.

For some it can be there relaxation to stay alive at moments when

there is no signs left to say. “Hey I am here to help you get better
in the dark times.” we all want a guardian but one star will always
reflect in your believes, some call it a guardian angel.

Thou believe angels are light, thou believe humours are lies, thou
believe rumors are blanks, falling plates on earth is pieces from
space, planets brake down it gives relic sense, old is done it is
recycle brand new, only if the broken pieces can be fix with glue,
than my organs won't give me thought that I need to fix the pain
with pills and substance to keep me going.

That keeps some people going is the mind believing it needs

nostrum to keep itself from falling sick, what it needs is sanity and
less persuasion.

A tyrant persuade to gets what he wants, because his believes

always involves the community's, his leadership is not without
scope, his destination is not without the north star, he reflects his
vision no matter how dangerous his impulsive drive's him to amiss.

Three things he does not forget, to make him'a0fall sane in

situations, close his eyes take a deep breath, reflect his star of
thought with in himself than find the north star that will lead him
to where his destination was first a dream and has come in to

His fate is stronger than his soldiers to never miss lead them, they
will give there life's for his honour, and his undefeated record will
never go futile.

A tyrant trust in himself, his nobility is his'a0sublimity, his lifestyle

is very modern, he looks at the world with honesty, and ancient lies
is told for those who he deceive with his pride, feels that they
deserve vanity and plume in his name.


“The exploring of my punctum on the map, Is at a place

where only shadows watch the inside of my terror.”

Making me sane to clear my mind, cleaner than the dirt of my

milieu covering the eyes with no reason to see, the foretell of my
future the outcome of my prediction, silence of alalia give me no
reason to speak to your overactive self of steam, I am the ice to my
heart beat, the warmth to my cold feet, the fire when my voice sing
at the fountain by the river stream falls.
A rose with one string is faded in style, standing and smile
spontaneous in front of your radiance, the exact same rose is
famous for a thousand poems, and a thousand words can describe
my hand holding it out for you, I looked everywhere for a perfect
gift at all the exotic places on earth, I lost all hopes than I decide to
write down a poem of my appreciation for you, on my way home
my heart starts to ask me, why not make a thousand in one?, why
not travel back to the garden of eden, one of the most exotic places
I have been to, when that rose is nothing more than a splendid
splint put together a perfect proposal of love.

“You see I have time travel just to thank God that he created you
just for me, and in return he has given me the first rose, he has
made for this moment to give to you.”

While he is watching he waves romance in the air can you breath

in the magic?, this means you are my destiny a gift from heaven
itself, when you keep your ear near to the rose you will hear
heaven singing lullaby's arrows to the heart, that heals away all the
error that will never return, this rose will be the symbol that are
love will always return, the thousand poets will make me sing
every thing is about you, the hundred quotes will quite to be
without you rather than to be with you.

Poetry only make sense when you adept in to the environment of

love, It can be crucial than what we make of it, we can make
anything sound beautiful just by a few sensible words.

“The secret to beautiful words are the secret to beautiful world's,

that you fantasize and make them come alive.“
And the best to revive love is when it has died out, and has been
buried with mold that has no shape for over four years, that is how
long I fantasize to make your love come alive, the more I dig into
your fantasies I found that it resembles to mine, we create are own
world until end of time, the longer we love the longer we live in
our home that is adorned with colours, those who are only adapt in
the environment of poesy can see the red, blue and grey in the
years we have been together, a perfect rose can bring anyone
together the rare scent in that place for centuries,
waiting for whatever.

”Paralyze in my conscious given a perfect rose not to move, I call

it a perfect storm.”

A stormy rose with music around her furry coat, keeps me warm
when her anger rain over the land, I can see fire ablaze in her eyes
while houses, trees and lands are blown away by her single blow,
the storm that can devour any object in life, because life is
heartless there are people with the same mentality, while I am safe
rapt around her furry coat, controlling her anger when she is done,
she is resting in my arms cherishing her my beautiful rose, I can do
anything with you by my side, I can do anything for you to see you
smile, and her greatest talent is the music she sings for the world to

Aerophile my heaven nile I come from miles to see you smile, high
heels dress with flowers and colours around your rial, is worth a
million styles, rosy silene is beauty I describe within, I can see the
inside of your lamp, it is brighten light, very lite, it can out grow
blight, when the rosy silene blossom in to heights beyond the
unconventional eyes, to see her take away there contrite vice, her
words say the right verse, in a sentence that is un curse, heals the
very same impulse, on the stage her performance burns integrity in
to lust, thriving such good advice is in the end an electric praise,
burns energy in to her grace, she can go for hours without a tear or
sweat on her face, not getting enough is what they say, I watch
every move, and every trace, her body is filled with ambitious hast,
the more her fans watch her it can never go to waist, they are all
stunned by her reflection in there glooms, giving light in blues,
when the sun rise dive in the noon, when her show is over, her fans
move with heat to see her loom, than when she left with me, it was
never to soon.

We reflect are self in the moments we find the sun invading the
shadows, enlighten to see the true meaning, some try to hard to
reach for the sky when the flowers are on the ground in front there
eyes, the same once unseen the ornaments and look for the
unreachable sky decor, when all they have to do is to look down
and find the most onomastic flowers with several colours,
fragrance and names just waiting to be considered worth there
attention, but my historical garden I have been to, is wad with
flowers that still exist today all over the world, for I could not have
chosen the perfect one to give to my rosy storm, and when fate lost
its way in return it has given me a perfect stormy rose in eden,
making us the moon and the sky the planets will never say
goodbye, in the hands afflatus when are love has died out, you
were the the one who saved us.

Love compel it self when it thinks with the heart, revive itself over
again when the lover talks in surprise, poets trice magical highs
blinky eyes, toes highs, good advice, romantic lights, stars hides,
clouds cover the stargaze to see the skyrocket lights, pouring over
the souls in the florid nights, we find resplendency in every
lambency we see sparkles in our eyes immediately when the
horizon phase, it's angelic ways sparkles radiance on our face,
twilight hour is what we call it in every day's, is a new feeling in
corona blaze, when the nightfall, are love can never be replace.'a'a

Allow me to wake from aestivate, I want to see the sun every

morning awake, take me back to renovate, the pleasure takes me to
heavens gate, open paradise just for a moment let me feel your
rapture before the sun sets, that is when it reflects my innocents,
but with you I see fairytales, Imagine rainbows, hang gloss, hand
gloves holding my hand skate on cold ice, moon lights, high fives
competing against couples brings happiness, couples sandals
walking on the beach and feed wales, ocean sales in the middle of
atlantic waves breathing in sea salt to wash away are neglect
attention, and focus on the radiant waves in relax dimension,
finding peace as the world passes, I vision the most brilliant travel
occasions, as the world rotates with my absents, I extent the most
beautiful essence in some parts of the world, places we can go to,
making the universe are gentle eyes.

Fairytales and the wales is what I look forward to anyways, I can

feel my body digest my surroundings sinking in my skull
penetrating my nerve fibers from my brain, that over think every
situation, that I am in to solving my problems when you are the
piece completing my life and solving the pathways to my brain,
giving sense of thought that my image is not complete with a little
imagination, less hesitation, more elevation and with you in my
image next to me.

And will never set are path separately, over seeing the miss deeds
rapidly, the faster it goes means the past is nothing more than a
paper with words that has been written on dust, and has realize that
what has been done is garbage in the dustbin of natures thoughts,
cleaning the absents and never regaining the past memories,
because the present moments is worth sharing to make a better
future to be equal in everything including are treasures, when the
dust has fade away in to thin air, blown in to visible powder that
will never be seen or recollect again forever and ever more.

Is in the end a fairytale with realistic memories gaining happiness

from each others laborious excitement and never getting tired ever,
in every moment we share from here on forth, will be like we are
the only one with the magic, that cast wonders in realistic
fantasies, world galleries seeing true every picture in the universe
falling in love with galaxy's, the same word has two meanings,
natures leaves in the shape of hearts falling very generously on our
gentle hair, and billions of stars that is known as astronomy, it can
only be seen with astronomical telescopes in cosmic, that is
trillions of miles away for us to experience what they can only
dream of, is a story line that only me and my rosy silene can be
part of, is the character we become love love only enough for two
to be in love, no one else matter, except for what comes first.

One is always enough, two will always be us, hush your lips kiss
my rush, such haste speed slowly in to lust, take my time tease
your body with my tongue, cheeks turn rosy pink red, blush into a
miraculous flame, burning me up from inside into a loveable
gentlemen, my fingers sly explore your paradise, take me to the
sky in to heavens eyes.

I can see sparkles over again arise in to my life, I will always fall
in love all over again with the same touch, the same rush and the
same bliss, must is where I belong, have to be is at my home, next
to my garden of bliss starring paradise in your eyes, your body my
highs, she takes me to a place no one has mise en scene, sheets
cover with no cameras and themes, only me and my miss is in
In means to be my angelic spouse equivalent partner, and over
night making you my angelic equivalent angel with a rhombus
diamond ring and a stormy rose, makes a perfect proposal of love
in shape of hearts surrounded by your very close eyes, surprising
you over again, opening your eyes, but this time with a stone
glance the more she looks, she can't stop saying yes.

Yes yes yes echo inside my electric shock, stunned in surprise

reminding myself that you are mine, is a day dream fairytale with
realistic'a0love effects, stopping my emotion, taking in a silent
breath, overwhelmed by her answer, is my love story and is
recognise by every lover out there, a perfect ending brings happily
ever after beginnings in every moment we share together has no
ending only new realistic fairytales, that is yet to begun under the
sun we fall in love all over again.


“The universe may have a purpose, but nothing we know

suggests that, if so, this purpose has any similarity to ours.”

Our similarity is to live in a purposeful manner, striving one self

completely is a universe accumulation in knowing in edition,
resolving resources, is in finding the true meaning of existence and
its believes.

By any means necessarily to improve growth and being able to

understand why are purpose is not the same than others, maybe
because we are not created the same way.
Are purpose define us, and are believes is what makes us the
person we are destined to become, in a universal sustainment.

There are no extra pieces in the universe, everyone is here because

he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the
big jigsaw puzzle.

Purpose is future, we are the future, the present is live, the things
we choose to do in action or say in words is irreversible, when time
is calculated in a twenty four hour glass a day, every second
quantity of sand that falls can not be expected to be turned over
and to live the same day over again, no, every day is new and has
no exuberance in reliving the past twenty four hour glass.

The saying goes think before you say something, but exactly
before you think to say anything start by saying excuse yourself
and say nothing, sometimes its better to leave words unsaid than to
relive the same mistake the next day again.

Words is powerful in thoughts and knowledgeable in action, living

out the task and you will inaccurately be claiming your own
requisition in a twenty four hour glass over night, becoming your
own making in your sleep and collaborate in thought, because even
sleepers are workers and collaborators in what goes on in the

As I stand up from slumber with curiosity, taking a look at the

wonders of the world, standing on my two feet, falling deep
drowning in my thoughts, through space the universe encompasses
and swallow me up like an atom; through thought I comprehend
the world.

Standing and reconcile with my conception, interaction a physical

field in elementary particles, facing mass with my eyes close in
dark matter, gravitation pulls me in, closer in to photon radiation,
charging my thoughts in motion, gaining energy in comprehending
neurons in my brain validating those matter around me, in the
world standing on the same footsteps just by being still the hole
universe surrenders.

The sound to my better nature is silence, and less violence, music

in silence is genre, opus, piano, and violin makes one perfect
wagner in style melodies, playing charmingly dramatic
performances that comes from the soul and is heard by the

Music was first created in heaven and was past on in to the rare
souls of mortals, performing for the entire world to hear and unite
all humans in one universe, listening to the sounds, tears, joy, love
and overwhelmed emotions is in one soul and is guaranteed for the
entire human population to express there emotions true music

Oh music accumulation when I am alone you make the hurry seem

patient, learn that every thing comes in time, gives me time to
listen, I play a song of my liking in nissan, the month when my
water gets to its lowest point the moon moves further from my
oriole lunar eclipse, darken the sadness when the bird spread its
wings, sings beautiful music not to see but to listen, is the months I
felt less hopeless.
Realistic visible light from inside, shines brighter when the moon
gives its full attention, allowing the sun to arise in rotation giving
exaltation light in happiness in side my comfort, when the moon
has rest in, hope has accidentally fallen in, in to my consistency
blinded by my light, and caused to stuck in my viscosity to live
with me like a glutinosity, following me constantly in every word I

Neurons epileptic retro convulsions, confuses brain function

befitting past engram, must occupy illusion to imbalance once

“In dealing with unfortunate customs, reliving the same useless

fantasm, is nostalgically in leis, but the future is a channel,
choosing your reverberation in a purposeful manner.”'a'a

New chapters is with no confusion, occupation, living life with no

ransom is a healthy education worth living.'a'a

“Gathering thoughts is to reconcile once intellect, to finding the

perfect obscure, and work on it until it flourish in to opulence.”'a'a

Starting verbally, in action moving squarely, to your goals with no

attractions coming your way,'a0focus in a strate line on the run
way, knowing time is short in vision, quickness kick-starts the
beginning to terminus, “only in the end is time to rest”, never
giving up is the only thing that make sense.

The only reason that gives me strength to out live the daily task, is
not achievable over night, no, but time can sometimes be offshore
counting you down, on the expire date when the numbers in time
reaches zero, rest assured that life will have no universal interest
left, in moving passionately towards any thing that involves a

Accuracy comes in evaluation, courage and expectation, to move

away from astray, comes in tolerance to out live the unfortunate
environment that you witness in your surroundings, wind comes
from a certain angle, gust in a certain change, huss in resentment,
do not apply to his enquiry the truth that his words speaks, flee
breeze away in cold temperature, warmed by fire, in his last breath
of words, he wants living for another hour.

Realize he made his mistake in shortening his life, his courage over
takes his survival while his pride made him suffer, such painted
pain is initial in his final lesson,'a0he learned, was that his words
asunder in lands, is waves in breathless air, believing he is no
longer there,'a0 when his lungs, tongue and lips is livid in gas.

His fire ablaze truth but went to far, his silence has no limit but his
poetic words has taken limit and make the nation question his
heroic oppugn, to there false prophetic cultism and unreliable
devotion cause bitterness to his sweet dulcet, aggressively the
nation over power him taking his generosity for'a0insult was not
his intention, he only wanted to help the nation try to escape by
seashore, they saw him on dry land capture him and turn his gas
fluid words in to authentic fire, his pain his shame was taken for
laughter he was taken to calvary mistaken his talents for Patsy
barrage, and taken his life while they watch him burn alive what an
heroic master he was.
While the universe cry a great man lost his life, in that moment the
clouds burst in to shattered tears, every flood, river fountain, ocean
numb, is weak in anger in hearing him scream burning in fire
knowing they can do nothing from stopping his life expire, his
individual talents has given life to the universe in a different
aspect, opening his eyes to new'a0 possibilities and just by a
simple misunderstanding it has fade in to thin air, only his artistic
work is left to bare his sad history with pride.

Lifting up his name by his admirers, letting them know true out
history that life can sometimes be out of favour, rather using it
wisely, lacking in moving in a helpful manner letting them figure
out the truth by themselves, making you realise is the least you can
do for what has happened to generosity in addition, illusions in leis
never change, it over takes, act in thinking making you weak, in
disproving viability in not seeing the true meaning of liability, is
for those who follow leaders without trend and hides his false truth
in liberty true his encompass image.

Every human has the right to gaze at the world, with the right to
think freely of speech and how to conceive the world in a
fundamental integral,'a0judgmental manacles,'a0'a0interpret peril,
salvation is not for all, cuffing the wrong judgments creating your
own prison, is your salutation, regards is not for looking at the
world with integrity, but in desiring some one elses welfare, has
nothing to do with good will or saving your self, it has to do with
your interest in serving the once who will take your only rights
away from you and are capable in doing nothing about it.'a'a

“Enviously can be good in considering yourself to be better in

growth, in negative covetously means loosing your dignity, vanity
and plume in yourself.“
Feathers such delicacy is the finish touches, when heaven falls
upon us, imagine birds without plume, is worthless to image us
without a touch of blue sky's, little canonize, the smell of freedom,
fresh air, cold breeze on our face, insulate grace, tasting savour
zephyr moist, drying throats, purging lungs, heart race, in need for
water refreshing every living cell in your body, is worth feeling for,

”When we sleep we die a little, when we awake we live a little, in

every moment we take, we can see ourselves getting closer to the
near end.“

Fear that we might regret, the things we have not chosen to out
live, once is always enough when you live it the right way,
knowing the life you have lived made you the person you are
today, whatever you can call it, make sure the word regret is not in
your statement.

Living life without regrets, does not disturb your future, there is
still time left to make new regrets, if you consider it to be in your
vocabulary, it will be remorse, nonstable, in need to fill your past
desires can be the outcome to a new mistake, regarding the future
as in living past tense.

Moments is the best parts in our life, whether emotional,

heartbroken, love, compassion or solitary is in every moment we
share with ourselves that makes us special, sensible, sensitive
towards others, is a lesson learned moving in to the future with
experiences that we bare, and is no longer a burden because the
future is where are new chapters new characteristics, changes and
better days are, believe all things has a reason every thing comes in
time, falling is one hurtful experience no matter how severe the
pain is, one simple remedy can apply, keeping your wounds green
it will heal in time.

”Universe, ah space and time, reminds me when I look at myself in

the mirror, it all comes back to me, how I perceive the world in a
non nostalgic manner, awaken from slumber, no more dreams
illusion is no longer a counted number.“

To be included in to my numbers of universal affairs, the universe

gives me the purpose to see tomorrow's sun rise, blue sky's, natures
green eyes, sunsets, stars, moon lights, and the dark clouds, feeling
cold air true my hair just to see the next day come alive is worth
living for to my near end.'a'a


"They find inspiration in others, I find inspiration in wonders

of fairytales, poetry comes from imagination, without evocation
and mental picture and gods image, nineteen nine percent of
existence will be disabled."'a'a

A gentleman's nature revise every man's nature, on how he

convulsively impress a woman, when his anger is reachable how
will he control himself over a woman, in rage of aggression?

Answer is quite simple a man without principles and refinement,

inflict his anger physically and there for will always be mentally
weak, and loses great many things is very common in every
generation through out history, rarely a man with the quality, being
a gentleman are mentally strong and find his situations non
approachable, and the once who has the power to anger him are not
content, and are able to leaf things as they are being sane makes
him over power his enemies without a lift of finger.

A gentleman find every detail in a woman astonishing, first he

think of her flaws and find it flawless and look deep inside her soul
seeking for her duskiness, and find his eyes gaze in to her kindness
and finds excellence, he wright down every detail in his
subconscious mind trying to find the reason why caprice is
growing stronger, blooming with the needs to possess her beauty
her loveliness her unique tranquility and her ravishing exterior, his
answers has not been answered and his curiosity will seek for
answers getting closer to her in every opportunity he can find, that
is a man with action, finding his complete self in the needs he
desire the most.

I see a woman with galactic views I see darkness in her dark eyes,
my fondness for stars make me describe her as an angel with
billions of mystery's to discover, a book with trillions of magical
moments to read and unfold, if only we can live forever I will write
down millions of poems to describe the stars in poetic
acquaintance with me and you, I say it in thought. “Your heart is
made out of angel dusk, your soul is made out of space wonder's, is
hard to look in to the goodness interior because you are very
prideful letting no one see your true worth.”

Is worthier than the moon and stars, falling skys, diamond mines,
gold mines, I will delve in every whole in the ground where all the
riches of stones are working harder to afford, and dig in to the
ground owning every mine there is no matter how much of energy,
late nights, projects, contract's I have to go true I won't stop until
you are pampered in purls, diamonds, jewels and gold, satisfied
myself by seeing you happy is my life in exchange for your

Just to realise your worth are more than the universe itself, drives
me insane'a0while I groove a tunnel in to the centre of this world
until I see flames burst in to volcanos, to make you my queen and I
am your king, is my hard work paying it's effort in royalty, my
mental image is my creation in what we are living up to be royalty

“Seeing you I reflect myself in radiance, natures conduct in finding

valiance, millions athletic miles to find one sibelius, you standing
by the window looking succulent, easing my fountain by drinking
from your lush fruits, is in the end a realistic whoops, I love the
embroider, I love the dress matching the shoes, the beauty is
perfected by your molded loops, one magic sentient describe my
sunlight on your blooms, I love your smile beaming evince dear.”

My heart and soul is filled with bliss fear, that I might never see
you as my baronial atmosphere, with you until there is no more
hemisphere, Fertilea, oh Fertilea we are the balance to love poise,
the marriage to couple spouse, the poets to Shakespeare's love in
heritage, the stars light in galaxy's, the blues to the ocean
tremulous, sounds like feminist, cheering us two for giving reasons
compeer to there worth is much more, they looking at our integrity,
while waving from a palace.

Oh darling violet are blue, this feeling is new, you watching me

playing my violin in musical blues, sounds like the same old
poems making me cruel, imaginary female is what I see when I
look at you, in every thing I do is a fairytale book, giving life
meaning for us two, music is what we live up to, instrumentals,
melody's, and love nous, is mind blown.

“As always my subconscious brain over think every thing when it

comes to sharing the best moment possible, with someone special,
in the name of love.”

We as man has power in venerate, some man takes his nature and
mold it in to a garden, where he can see his true nature by
understanding himself, relaxing his tensile, clearing his mind from
unresolved issues, my number one speculation, and some man are
still searching for value, in places where they will never
understand the true meaning of reverence, it can be gain in anima,
not by persona.

The heart is very active, matter of fact it is the most alive part of
the body, second to none comes the brain, we often think from the
core in the left side of our chest, pain in the heart can kill evil
thoughts, suffer is merely an obstacle, over comes when love heals
heart diseases, dreadful pain doctors can cure with medicine,
guarantee is not considered, healing is not considered, the word
love is a feeling every tear smile it knows the soul has immortality,
and supernatural abilities that is associated with our scars and
wounds, when we are left with no body and heaven shed light on
our disposal second changes is not given without reason, it is
because some part of our being is not for filled, gentleman nature
find his needs and live his life knowing his abilities comes from his
heart, soul and brain, and for fill every one of them starting with
his tremendous soul.

Nature controversy we have come to a disagreement, about my

being, we argue about my existence on this planet, why can I not
be complete? why is my three abilities not in my favour? and why
love has such entity? arise to rise when it see parts of me I never
had, nature smiles back at me with no words left to say and give
me a sudden expression, showing me sun flowers, embellish
landscapes and my animality abilities that everything will be okay,
I take it like no one has never shown me such beautiful vicinity, if
nature goes out its way to show me such visionary landscapes, than
my questions has been answered and everything will turn out well
in my honor.

We hope to much and expect to little we ask questions to those

with no rhythm, and they answer us back with no riddle, we hope
some amazing person will arrive tell us all about ourselves and fall
in love with the things we believe we deserve, we don't expect
much of who we are or want to be believing hopefully that things
will work itself out, just like you want it to be, is not a strategy
hopefully it can be, but expecting the worst that can possibly
happen open your eyes to see nothing is done perfectly in this
world, unless it is done by the person who thinks how it should be
and how it should be is for you alone to decide.

Making your decisions carefully and trimly rational is your best

interests, never letting someone else make decisions for you, never
trusting someone to live your life for you, take control and drive to
where no one has gone before live a life no one has dream of
before, it start at the exact same moment when you consider
freedom the quality of natures vicinities, going where the
embellished landscapes are is the first stop to take and look what
nature has in store for you all this time, wonders of beauty that was
mine all along, just by understanding reverence is my own
happiness'a0that I find in my self not by pleasing others finding my
self in natures garden there is where my true self belong.
My love is like ocean sea with no clean water to keep the ocean
species alive, there is not enough shelter to let the smaller species
survive, my love is like a detonator no one is allowed on my
territory it consumes time, when you step on the ground on the
wrong line death will be the red colour on the floor counting your
last seconds down, me looking in to your eyes there is nothing I
can do to make you read the warning "DANGER" before you lost
your mind, now I am stuck alone to think what could have been If
you were mine, maybe I should open up more and let my guard
down be less alarm about my hard times, what if is the question I
try to predict that my heart shed will be the last crimes, nothing is
guaranteed in my life, that I will be with someone that can make
me want them until there is no more hostility, until my last breath
is a smile that I have end up with someone special.

Someone that can make my fountain reflect colours of light, her

halo can make my spring fall, reflecting her sun light, rainbows
make the rivers flow, glossy yellow to my ocean edges, cleaning
my dark greenish blue water as it spread to the surface,'a0giving
life to ocean species, a work of art you have done in deed, the kind
of woman that can bring the best out of deliberation no matter what
has been done it will always be in my best interest.

The true man want two things danger and play the reason he wants
woman as the most dangerous play thing,'a0a woman with
merriment makes pleasure twice as fun in the same interest she
knows how to keep him dangerously active, speaking eloquence
with one another is powerfully grave, relationship will last longer
when trust is eloquent, intimate, and elegant, no one can turn them
against each other and when trust gets powerful there is where
there love form, symbolise there worth is worth dieing for, doing
what ever it takes to keep one another alive no matter what the cost
or sacrifice as long as they are not set apart, it is worthy, and to
require such value one must qualified for a gentleman's nature.

“A garden was first planted by God, the man first nature to see, and
find it to be the purest pleasure in words, to explain how can it be?
possible to love such beauty and poetic words, and there is where
romance grow.”'a'a


“Because philosophy arises from awe, a philosopher is bound

in his way to be a lover of myths, and poetic fables, poets and
philosophers are alike in being big with wonder.”'a'a

Sublime in lofty is supreme thoughts, on how to consider the truth

to have myths and legends, interest readers to poets to write down
a little fantasy, to make there readings come alive.

Unaided to do something is believing in yourself to do it on your

own, to write something is confidence to create something so
common, that every one gets a chance to understand your phrase.

Idealistically for the world to understand your writings, you must

enter a world with wonder and fairytales to understand the
difference between fantasy and reality, and combine the two and
create one world as you gape in to existence.

Revive every sentence in a feeling from your senses from what has
been said, readers will realise something much more deeper in
them, feeling a strong connection with the sublime philosopher
makes them become better dreamers, lovers and understand life in
and outs, as they continue to absorb every thought in lofty.

“Accolade his unique wisdom is a gift that will live perpetually

evermore, to inspire musers to learn his unique prudent to become

Tactical events in the future is good to be known, it has no

meaning to prove its goal, after a few years that goal has been
proved to become famous, and will make the artist mystery must
deeper than it seems to be.

Tenacity is being found some where between purpose and desires

to make that certain goal, that will change everything, is planned
with severe detail to make the out come so perfect, that every idea
will fall in place exactly where it suppose to be.'a0

Illustrating and expose some mystery along the way, to open your
eyes and see a meaning gives light, and makes you want to solve
more puzzles, the closer you get to crack the view, the more
difficult it will become to see the full picture, time is in needs to
expose it's arduous transmission.

Great many will try to solve it, as fast as they can but it require a
kind of eye site, seeing in to its radical on how it appears to be, as
in known.

Admonish there wrongs is pleasure in the artists core when they

give personal attention to his work no matter a author, painter or
artistic magician, it is mostly about detail refinement on how to
make it joyfully amusive, for there admirers to see nature in his

Sentiment is in every human being, to get that feeling is a trilling

goosebumps coming from the spinal cord when something
attractively glimpse your eyes, raises the skin arouse in the
stomach calling the hearts attention to look and can't stop gazing at
it, with the feeling, the need to possess such unique piece of art is
breath taken and will always make your day perfect, possessing
something so rare that everyone hearts beats for, gives a smile to
there sadness for what they don't have.

Gratify there needs in not paying attention to artifacts, that is less

interesting and are not merit, it does not bring the same vibration
and effect on the person who has richness in taste, to speculate it's
work are not the same upsurge and captivation as the one who
makes your skin crawl with temptation.

Naturally when that feeling arise again be sure that one will do
anything to have the next priceless art, with a high price to have it
in his divine collection.

Is a philosophical interest it tells you about its history in unspoken

words, it speak to you in a language that only you can understand,
responding back with marvel intellect.

Recollecting it's past memories is in deed a work of art to get ahold

of, secrets that only you know is seen inside the most wonder of
natures thawing climate change, the weather makes your heart
warm and your skin cold is a star reflecting it's light from the south
and the cold weather from the north pole, makes the'a0 world a
living antique fortunately at your grasp.

A paintbrush is faded in style the colors has different opinions

about its flair, to master the paintbrush the hand waves in the air,
round a circle in to a circle like the mare, go in detail to make the
world your snare, paint it like your last art and be unfair be more
creative in to stare, close your eyes think deep in to blare scream
answers is always there, take it passionately like you just don't
care, you know that you know it's opinion is always flair, colors
stand out in the way they stare look where the semblance take you
to a world you will wish you were there, misleading you to a place
where it signify to be complete, showing you a new world without
even being there.'a'a

Philosophy is so rare it can last for centuries and the message will
still be clear, takes you back in time and the present share one
thing in common that the world we live in can not be replaced, not
by reshaping it's round form one missing piece than the world will
be a disaster, it is flawless as it is, not that we are trying to change
it but making a difference can change the way on how we perceive
it, on how we turn it out to be has great possibilities never stop and
consider the world to be differently, move on with life rewards is in
the choices we make that give options successively and how to
choose options rationally is to consider things perfect, as the world
don't like to be evaluated judge fully wrong.

We are the pieces that complete this world there is more than
enough reasons to judge the wrong once for there crimes they
committed, but in the hand of divine it is not for us to play god,
games is child's play, to bring justice in are own hands was written
down to punish the criminals to in prison them for there crimes is a
godly act, balance is what'a0keeps the nation stable without rules
and criminal laws on the one side than the entire system collapses
in to a world with no more equilibrium to govern nationality, that
is why we all should do are part to keep are balanced equally

“Evenly fluctuation bringing deviation norm to establish balance is

a strong foundation, that no earthquake or windstorm can
dismantle the walls around your equality, to make it loose its

I don't believe that are talents has condemnation, I strongly believe

a natural endowment is not culpable, to blame are abilities to make
are believes virtually preposterous, acting on our raw talent is what
makes us highly unique and very prominent that has not been done
before or has been done elite, is stated to make ridicule wrongly
contempt to provoke laughter is pretty much how every elite find
there talents to be unusually interesting, when it has find
confidence to be apart of something much more greater than there
surroundings, it will bare greatness and bring shame to devoid

Those who have no talent find interest in there favourite

entertainer, and work hard to become imitations of there natural
endowment, believe they can be just as great to be the best, but is it
possible to succeed in success without having the talent to make it
happen is a question only hard work and sureness can answer, it
has action in it, the answer is inside where that voice tell you it can
not be done and you denied its opinion, put twice the strength and
confidence in than nothing will become impossible for you to say
it can not be done, some create there talents and find that there
creation has become there natural ability and has been there
missing self until it is complete, only than will your true prominent
be just as great or get more than enough attention on there self
creation is amazingly entertaining.

Are own making can be whatever we desire, to study yourself can

be a task to understand your interest is a question that every person
needs answering to there feelings, how do we approach situations?
react in circumstances, how do we perceive are environment? learn
who we truly are, there is where it reveals are hidden talents in side
are unconscious brain wait to be release for the world to witness
it's exquisite style is optimise complete.

“A philosopher curiosity interest other individuals, it is for his best

interest to see truth in a great deal of lies, and open the eyes of the
unseen writing down facts and give consent for the blind.”


“When do you call your soul? what idea you have of it? you
can not of yourselves, without revelation, admit the existence with
in you of anything but a power unknown to you of feeling and

The moment I feel my soul is the very same moment the skys
open, is a divine nature establish for I will be unknown to think in
silence, doors will open the key will be my wholeness, the first
door will be unlocked and I will name it robust, my exertion will
smell like gold musk, ordinary will be contrast and I will bare no
rival is only against myself where challenge will be betterment,
one self can only envy one which is not who you are or want to be
is a disappointment to another who has everything and comment.
“Love has no belong to wish for another's treasure if it is not to
love what you have, than admiration has no meaning.”
To love yourself is the responsibility to take care of your lover, a
female soul give love from the heart in her core needs care, she can
feel the connection when that signal from the one who loves
himself over the world knows how to take care of himself and
inflict the same measure of tending on her is unpleasantly lovable,
hey not all love has to be pleasant to be a true lover, and if
unpleasant can be lovable than just imagine how pleasance will be
like heaven.

“Those who love themselves are knowledgeable in revelation, they

know much more about life that of the thinkers about others.”

What else is there to love yourself? true life many hurt themselves
because they care less about themselves, I mean if it is not enough
to put your personal self worth last, and make the same mistakes,
what purpose do you serve? to live for others to make them happy
and see you suffer, many don't share the same, they won't
understand your blame, humiliation is just a game, players play for
fame, the once who go true shame takes there next steps carefully
perhaps so carefully that they increase there personal worth, when
they stand still and look at others everyone looks lame, no
constrain is now or never time is at the tip of heather, the way I
see, it should only be you and your ladder clime on top where the
view is much better, to see, I just realised what has been said gives
reason to adoration it was meant for yourself not for those who put
you last, instead of claiming your love they play to be above and
fail when you start to acknowledge who you are, no down fall can
break you down, is only temporary to be low,'a0low density is fast
to go faster one must start slow.

The point is taken widely is up to you essentially to give meaning,

concise is meaningful enough to gist in small words to make sense,
revelation is meant for all is important to know truth behind tattle
because maunder can make revelation rove away from disclosure,
misguide you to the opposite direction where you are suppose to
go,'a0is only a lesson to learn not to teach those who fail to get
where hoarder wealth is given upon us by providence, it is known
guidance is a blessing from above, it is unknown guidance is taken
by friends who has equivocate the rights given from those who
believe there prosperity leads to abundance, is less adequate lack
of false display, caught up in the moment is a brail on display to
catch small crowds who listens with inexpedient, inappropriately
get captured, and loose there site to pure salvation in cause of
temptation, don't let your nous get confuse the brain can be trick
unknowingly in crowds who give special attention to misuse there
judgements for there interest.

Gumption is what we use to get out of situations that apply help,

people who has sound of common sense is thoughtful to help there
self, to see, before they have fallen in to a trap that is easy
mistaken for gesture, to move accordingly to there tunes is played
with there hands in manipulation, and find pleasure in malice is
interesting enough to ease their needs.

Power adjust in concision what secure in the mind is a power in the

inside it has little to say about deviation, to free the mind is caution
to be save and steady, aware that danger has a mind of its own
when it sees impuissance, rule over fallible, to establish modulate
you will find words is less said in tone, rhythm and speed, rulers
know concision is to be mastered when the world has questions
and they give orders with valuable answers, powerful answers is
given not taken and replaced, words require knowledge to make
sense to all ears but does words require knowledge to be powerful?
answer is concision is said powerfully mastered and those who
perfect concision has knowledgeable power in the inside and has
little to say about everything, and most likely is a leader.

“Every real philosopher has a revelation in progress, for he seek

much more out of plain sail, he will choose voyage, and airborne
out of plane side, dive in to hydrosphere, walk on the sea floor,
explore exotic views in the planet they can never escape from there
real life is devalue interesting.”

It makes a philosopher loose interests in dull accusations against

devalue behaviour, devalue humans share to many things in
common to be considered the same, unique is one and the same,
the same to be like no one else, and one to be the only one who are
in existence, my mind has written a sentence for those who has no
lantern, pages with blue lines is to write straight thoughts,
transparent is light blank pages can not be seen in the dark and
there for is emblem artistic.'a'a

See the beauty with in oh hello ecstatic are you the one who make
me feel decalcomania? I vision every detail with colors spectrum, I
draw a line in dark blue to make nights look less limbo, I create my
image with straight thoughts never loose my way to fantasies, it is
in love to make the world manifest, to see beauty with in, no blind
eyes can be eye struck if not to feel attracted to love that has no
extraneous beauty is a beast with claws and when love has
affection, a magical world opens it reveals'a0a prince who was
hiding inside fauna and reality eye sunset is to see no more
darkness that love was meant to be at least.

I consider things indescribable beyond expectations, beyond the

limits and absence, education will it be enough to explain what I
see before my eyes? will I gain essence in the form of love? when I
mastered my words and say I can never be in love, is a broken
mirror shredded scars, pieces lost in exchange to be alone,'a0blood
is boiling my heart is soiling come and join me on a monday
morning, is only one day that we can be together when time is lost
I feel less pressure, true the weak there is no flirtatious, only in one
day I am touching her body splendor, consume the rest is always
my end game, is only in love that we can be innocent.


“A book, too, can be like a star, a living fire to lighten the

darkness, leading out into the expending universe.”

A star with in is what make me slim, dim the lights I still shine like
gleam, a star with in is a wonderful thing a melody strum is played
with flame, burn the stage with hell exchange for heaven sake,
gravity moon binary star, sensuous more universal blah, strenuous
more la-di-da, resplendency plaws, recitation mors, rehearsing my
words perfect quietus fall asleep eternal concordance, live forever
is a herald performance, ubiquity starry witty, at the valley hazard
sally, nearly there I see galley,'a0war travesty souls field of battle
rebel against there master ocean sail on the surface man fight
sapless, war is won my time is helpless move on to valley scope,
my body structure is mortal but a legend is forever lope.

Those who relive plight can never define might, a true story can
never relay it's sight, it was told on a friday night it goes,'a0sadistic
was never servile understand my tedious, only one'a0restriction
should be considered serious, only with me will pleasure be
curious my touch must never fade in to another male fingertips, I
want it to last longer than whim urge, as far as the sun set, as far as
the stars and the moon met, as long as my soul comply to velleity
that is how far I will go to make the star my eyeful that is you.

I will give the moon that is not for me to give, at night I wonder
how I can snatch the moon, nature make me a thief in the night I
want every beautiful compose in nature that bare light, I want it to
be only for you and me, no one deserve such spectacular sight, but
we do, we can do anything we put are mind to, that is what we are
stars in seven steps, but still shred the law conviction is such a
bore, but when I get catch I will replaced the light in seven words
and disappear with you to shallow map to a place called seven
lands, seven bridges, seven landscapes and seven lamps is actually
seven stars that I still kept to beautify are home on the world map.

A shooting star tantalum the wind blows miraculously in sanctum,

when my wish accure to make the stars fall knowledge be untold
for, will it come true or is it placed phantom or make it look
beautiful like phantom orchids, the ground and sky is my handling
torpid, when I am under the sky and walk on the ground I feel less
notice, to a place where nature has no symptoms to make me fall
sick limp terms, more action and fly like a free bird over the sky
decor falling is not for me taxes leaguer, no matter how hard you
try to hit the ball you will see the hard side is always soft just like
the once who pretend to be heartless, they are soft like soft soffits.

Pretending harder and harder to be in control for what they don't

know, revelation is much more deeper than there darkest
puncture,'a0scarier than there most horrified fears, and when it is
complete they will be done for, the world is big but the smaller
objects can only be seen out of space to look small, a star is seen
small from out of space and that is why on earth I am the biggest
star of all, some take it to far but nothing is taken more far than the
world to be unsure about a unborn star.
When I stand in the garden at night I take a look at the stars I
wonder why, a sudden idea thinking, who would have thought stars
can be the opposite of darkness, who would have thought it will
make the outside world look more attractive, make the sun the
exact same one, a star with endless light to look like the outside
world has unspeakable beauty, well only one has come up with the
thought, the experiment was a mind blowing idea, was a big bang
in to existence and was successful like the universe has no question
to ask than to accept God has created a hidden universe in our
souls as well, a hidden soul in the body to serve a purpose to out
live life and to rise to eternal bliss, eternal damnation is for the
sinners who has committed crimes with a dry desert and has no
water to wash away there sins, and die with thirst and hunger to
feed there soul they must inflict pain to give reason to God, that
there fountain has no waterfall and seek for help and shelter, and
has no rainbow in the end to make it look beautiful with colors of
light to redeem there soul, is in the end a desert with no an illusory
hope, to leaf the desert and find paradise to feed there soul, nothing
but desert vice.

A great men who starts with nothing only need two things to keep
him going is his mind and pen, two simple things is the most
difficult to take control of, his mind shall not be deceived by
illusion from those who manipulate the situation and make it less
worthy to accomplish his nature of refinement for the mind to
achieve greatness, the pen symbolise education making himself
wiser, stronger the mind to conquer his dreams with the power of
thought, is in his mind to see and his words to write, and they who
teaches those are manipulated to believe there truth is not false,
truthful man with boundaries knows the truth will be wrong to say
in public for there false truth is printed inside there brain and can
not be removed with words or action, they can only die knowing
there believe has made them who they are, imbeciles.
“Reading my own thoughts is like a book with no words, the title
has not been written, those who wish to write, should write, is in
the mind where diction is written down before it reaches the world,
beautiful words in a touch of thought is for everyone to read sense
of a authors module.“

The book I write is like a fireball with a journey to paradise, the

fire starts small the more it rotates around its own axis it burns in
to flame and form a indefatigable to lighten up like the sun, in
other words a star to fire up the darkness to enliven the world with
radiance and the book with knowledgeable module is called a star
to lighten the universe, is in the author who makes himself a writer
in thought with impeccable standards and believe to change the
human mind to make it the best to become better than yesterday,
brightening the future in the person who find his work beyond
expectations, because not all readers share the same taste in words
to describe there language similar to there world, state of
environment to understand that not all words are worth reading and
written the same, my first book I fall in love with was a romantic
book and it made me think about reality's point of view and see
myself as the character in the book, and believe the more I read I
can spread my wings and fly to a place where my mind can
comprehend my future, on a open page, where I can write my
thoughts with a new beginning forever more is one exciting
journey to heaven gates and not damnation.


“Ah poetry my friend who makes the garden sing for me

every minute I see a beautiful rose, to give, who might stole my
heart and I blame natures security who are suppose to prevent love
birds from getting in to my romance.”'a'a

She who kindle my nature on fire, make me believe she is the only
option left to keep from burning my garden treasure and gold fruit
tree, to melt it in to a flat pancake, is embarrassing enough to ask
her for help when she makes my heart hunger in breakfast hour, I
can not help but to feel is her plan to make me fall in a romantic
trap, with no armer to protect myself from one beautiful short word
I can not spell out or say it out loud for her or stand her hearing it
say it to me, the word love is on my tongue and I will swallow it
hole for nothing was more beautiful than my garden she burned to
the ground and left me screaming her name in my misery that I
don't know yet, is her fold my world is turned upside down by her
unbelievable sharp brown eyes that can see right through my
woods, me searching for a home to give my garden of nature a
place I can call home, her jaw dropping beauty with curves and
edges I never thought will make me be so unreasonable to ask her
for a place to stay, and she replied, “Yes.”

I smile with amazement in my remould universe, she said yes, for

the first time of my life I believe in that four words I swallow and
let it digest through my body and flush it down the pipes where it
is no longer needed, it is she the same woman that makes my legs
numb and make me repeatedly swallow my heart's meaning in four
letters I can not say, I will live with her until I have plant a new
seed and grow my golden tree once more luckily I have taken one
passion fruit with me before it all turned in to a disaster, and have
eaten the last fruit to ease my hunger in breakfast hour or else I
wouldn't stop myself from getting a taste of her lush fruits, now I
have to wait hopefully for my seed to bloom and grow in to a
beautiful long tree with the color of gold and the smell of Fertilia
perfume, isn't it wonderful how my life has a opportunity to get a
chance to have a woman with such perfection and yet I can't stop
my mind from thinking she has planned this from the beginning to
come inside and rule over my heart beat, I am suspicious about her
love even thou it has nothing to do with me, first we have to
become friends and I can't help but thinking we are already friends
I mean she gave me a place to stay it sounds like friendship
material to me, I barely know her name, “Inconvenient.“

But enough thinking for now let me thank her first I walk up to her
with confidence and say. “Hey I just wanted to thank you for
letting me stay at your home for a while, it is very kind of you.”

She respond. "No it's fine I have plenty of space and it is good to
have someone around to talk to, I mean I have two empty
bedrooms you can choose which one fit you the most, oh and a
friend in need I am there to help.“ she is very generous I can see it
now why I get this rush feeling I can't explain every time I see her.

”Thank you but it just akure to me that I don't know your name and
we are already considered as friends." she is a very attractive
young woman in deed, “Fertilia.” my eyes widen, “Fertilia.!!“ is
the same name I call my garden perfume, but there is no need to
tell her, she is the one who burned my treasure garden after all, she
is the one who somehow manage to get in to my heart and break
down my walls, with natures security its impossible to get through
in to my romance and yet again nothing is impossible, for love to
be magical. ”And my name is The Morningstar like the sun, its a
pleasure to be your friend Fertilia.“ and, ”The pleasure is all mine.“
she say.

After a few days living with Fertilia was very magical we have
come to a deeper understanding that we feel the same about each
other, at least that is what my intuition say, and I am never wrong
about my insight, maybe this time I am, Fertilia smile I made her
laugh with my transcendent approach to her undeniable perfection,
she is beaming in origin making me fantasise me and her walking
on our garden where romance take place, entwine our fingers
looking at the stars in space, with the moon eclipse, red as the heart
beat in my veins and that is what I think of in a few seconds while
I look at her beauty. ”Fertilia how come you live in this house
alone all by yourself?“ I want to know if she has someone special
in her life. ”Well to keep a long story short, my parents past away
when I turned twenty one and after my career I wanted to move on
with my life to a place where I can forget the past, not my parents
off cause but it made me realise that I need some alone time with
myself and bought this home and I lived here for the past four
years, focusing on my music and don't go out must my friends is
on the other side of this planed traveling is like one of my favourite
things I like to do.“ this means she is twenty five years old and
alone, single in a good way and she is a singer as I recall, the
studio where she record her music the door is always closed when
she is working on her talent.

”I am undefined to hear about your parents, I lost my parents

before I was born they never exist to me, and I am glad I am the
men I have become today, you should let me hear your music some
time I am kind of a singer myself.“ that is me saying I am curious
of what is going on in that locked room she keeps all to herself.
”Perhaps I should, how about now? I have been working on a song
for two but If you sound like an old barytone grandpa.“ she
chuckle with her hand in front of her mouth. ”Than we have to do
it unprofessionally just for fun okay." It is fine with me she will be
surprised any way I am one of the best singers in my city after all,
they call my city the next Hollywood talent voice most of the stars
you hear today on the radio is from my place. ”Than we must
begin and start of with a professional vibe.“ I say it like an artist
who has just signed his first autograph.
She open the door as I walk in to the room it is bigger than I
expected the studio is professionally in place everything you need
to create an album is in this room. ”Wow this is wonderful.“ as she
stare at the microphone she say. ”I know a studio designer my
friend can't stop talking about him, he works with big time
producers and artist and lucky for me he has flied to LA this year
and I gave him a call, and say I am the friend of Sandy James and
he say he can help me, and I send him my address and he came
over and designed this room right away and perfected every detail
with his music team,'a0for a large amount but it is worth it."

”He must be some designer who has created a professional studio

like this, let's start shall we.“ after listening to her voice my ears
are sensitive like I can hear all this instrumentals make sense in
one go, she is an extraordinary singer her vocals makes my skin
crawl with hope that my fruit tree will grow just as beautiful as it
was before, I don't know if I can live without my treasure garden, I
probably die some where, but with her I feel alive like I remember
the moment I have grown my fist Fertilia flower it was
breathtakingly surprising, when we sing together is like the sky
open is almost like two birds flying over the world searching for
the same word, crossed each others path with desperate need of
navigation to find love, as we look in to each others eyes the last
words of the song she wrote is. ”And It was a fairytale in the end
mm mm.“ the song is about the forbidden knowledge and
venomous snake who manipulated Eve to eat the apple tree and
seduce her other half to do the same with a mystery to the modern
world. ”This is one good song, you are a great writer Fertilea.“ I
can't stop saying her name after every sentence, maybe because it
reminded me about one tragic event that took place. ”It is all good
now you have come along, let's record the song, you know the
words right? and you are not a bad singer at all.“ she give me the
paper where the song is written on. ”Yes I do and I liked it, lets get
to it.“

After recording the song she edit some finish touches to it. ”I have
been working on this Instrumental for weeks now, it might be
complete by tomorrow evening or so we can watch a movie if you
like.“ movies is my favourite time alone, with her I can watch
movies all day long, just to be with her presence. ”Sure why not,
let's watch a movie together.“

We have similar taste in movies we both like romance and trillers,

but since we are only friends we watch a triller movie, my personal
favourite is vampire movies there is something about vampire
movies and immortality, the action and mystery's I can't stop
wondering how exciting the movies get when it is about a heartless
vampire with no human emotions, who fall in love and try to
impress the woman, that has a golden heart, is more like a triller
turned in to a dark romantic, self centred, ardent authentic movie
and she happens to have one, when I am the one suppose to choose
a movie we should watch, definitely this one it looks interesting.
”Sagittarius ring.“ I play the movie when she say. ”Sagittarius ring
I haven't heard of that movie before must be one of the new movies
I bought in England last month, it sounds interesting let's watch it."
I hope she likes vampire trillers. ”Its a vampire movie I thought a
triller might do us good since it is very cloudy and raining

This is the best movie ever it started with such intense detail on
how the name become to about the title of the movie, that is how
great trillers begin, me sitting next to her, snacks on the table it
feels like home I relax my self and put my feet on the table, I want
to pull her closer and taste her lips, but something tells me I must
not take it to far and break the boundaries on where the line is
between me and her, are friendship, and give a good impression
about myself, the movie is exactly the way I ascribed it with
fervent authentic heart taken and burgeon confidence, halfway of
the movie this is the part I have been waiting for, this is where the
heartless killer fall in a romantic trap and find himself propelled in
need to possess her body and soul for himself to live another day.

”So do you like the movie Fertilia?“ I think I know the answer to
my question. “Yes I love it.” she say, we enjoy it so much, is
almost as if we are the characters in the movie, I am the heartless
monster she is the innocent young beautiful woman with a
ravishing appeal to my personal liking, as the story goes the
legendary family has been in war with the jealous brother who
wants to be king of his older brothers covenant and defeated him
with his powerful forbidden ring, only the royal family maintain
the ring on there fingers and there is only two of them, and when a
mortal human slide the Sagittarius ring in there finger there soul
are consume in to the ring draining the energy of the flash, is
irreversible it gets darker by the minute, but there is a prince who
has been hidden from the public eyes, in a safe place with his
mother, and I see myself as the prince who has this unbelievable
gifts and has been captivated by a princess to be, with the destiny
to take back what's his and win over his lovely woman to be, is a
challenge only his burgeon confidence can achieve.

The next day in the morning I think of what she said about the
song we recorded yesterday, in the evening or so it will be
complete, I have a good feeling about the song, when I decide to
walk around the room and explore a little, I must say her house is
lovely, I have been in every room watch every detail of the house
interior, Fertilia has good taste in decorating her house with rather
eye struck paintings and art as well, and just when I decide to go
rest a little longer, I come across a magazine with her face on it.
“Interesting.” this means she is a model but how come her career is
music, maybe she meant to say, she wants to start a music career as
well, I will ask her when she wakes up.

After resting I want to go and make me a cup of tea, caffeine is

very bad for my health, in the kitchen there she is my woman
pouring her a glass of water, at least is what it looks like. “Good
morning Fertilea I have come to make a cup of tea, would you like
one?” I make a very delicious cup of tea. “No thanks I only drink
water at this time of hour.” I remember to ask her of the magazine I
saw laying some where in the store room. “Fertilia I came across a
magazine with your face on it.” she is silent I should ask her a
question, “Are you a model?” she look surprised that I have ask
such a question. “Yes I am, its my professional career actually I am
looking forward to start a music career, I was told by my friends I
use to sing with, its one of my talents, and that is the reason why I
have a personal studio in one of the rooms.” she has everything
figured out, model, music what more can a men ask for, she's like a
golden trophy no one can touch only to look at, the conversation
keeps on going, Its amazing how we can speak in such dramatic
tone, and still have some things to say. “So The MorningStar." she
say my name with such daintiness. “Why do you say my name in
every sentence?” she noticed. “Uh because it reminds me of
something I lost and found, you have a lovely name by the way, I
am just getting used to knowing you that's all.” my garden will
grow soon and I wish it can be immediately because I can feel my
stable slipping away, to ease my needs is either her lush fruits or
my fruit tree, I have to wait until my golden fruit tree is fully

“I am going to the studio and produce are song, you can come
along if you like, I can't wait to play it, I had a dream last night we
are performing in front a big crowd on stage.” I can imagine. “Yes
let's go to the studio and it's your song I just wanted to help.”I say,
in the studio we spend hours finding the best instrument to go with
the chorus and verses and finally we are done, she nows her stuff
when it comes to producing hit songs I have listen to hit songs for
a very long time know, and this song is one of the best, her friends
was right she do has talent for music, talk about everything I had
dreamt of to have found someone like her and here I am talking to
a super model witnessing her become a pop star is beyond

It has been a week after her song is complete we loved the song we
singed together and I savoured every second of it, I want to tell her
this urge in my core that has been bothering me ever since the first
moment she turned my world upside down I want to tell her how I
feel, time waits for no men but time is what I need to make it
magical, I wonder for how long she's going to allow me to live
with her, is odd thinking that she helped a stranger like me, I am a
handsome young man but she is kind hearted with all the qualities
to build a strong relationship with, is her big golden heart who
makes me numb in coordinate to her selfish side the qualities that
can make angels fall out of heaven.

Fertilia looks happy she is about to say something I am curious to

why she looks so exciting it must be good news. “The
Morningstar.” I love it when she calls my name. “The song we had
made has gone viral on the music stream.” wow this is exciting
news from seeing her so worked up. “The same day the song has
been completed I released it on the stream and the buyers loved it,
they can't believe a model like myself has a talent for music, I have
more followers on social media is like my music career has just
sky rocket only with one song, fortunately for you we have a show
in tree days from now to perform are song In front a live audience
isn't it wonderful? thank you for helping me.” she say it with that
look in her eyes me perform In front a live audience is more than I
had in mind this means we are getting some where closer with are
bond and love of music. “This is great news I guess your dreams
are coming true as you wished, even I can imagine me and you on
stage singing your song.” this is the best news I had heard after my
tragical event, “No is not my song is our song, we sing it together
it will be inappropriate to say is my song alone.” perhaps she is
right we are a team now.

For the past few weeks has been amazing, Fertilea makes me see
my future before my eyes when I look at her quality's that gives
pleasure to my senses, the song is successful and I just can't help to
see that there is a reason why I have met her by accident, we are
destined to make music together is in our soul we are the pieces
that complete are verses in love, no wonder are song is so popular
to the public ears to listen to the meaning that we are meant to be,
destiny is what I see to put my heart in piece, on stage we are the
soul to the universe, we sing are hearts out to make are voice ins,
we make the world tour are ins and out, we are focused on are goal
to make the world fall before are grasp The Morningstar and
Fertilia is what we are meant to be, my name rise to the top like
The MorningStar on the music billboard are fans see that are
integrity can never fall apart to one another, after the show was
successful we started working on our album is exciting how my
life changes the day I met her, as months past we are getting closer
by day to release are first official album I can't wait to see what my
rainbow looks like in the end with her.'a'a

Oh Fertilia she make me fall out of paradise, out of my garden to

survive to live another day, I ask her for help what does she do?
make my life my destiny, makes my dream reality, music is what
brings us together trust makes us worthy to be more than friends
she is my Fertilia woman who sings with me, every time I am in
her presence in the studio to make are world look like heaven, only
if I can tell her how I feel will she except that her beautify makes
me touch the sky when I keep her loveliness to myself in thought,
that she will be mine in future, my treasure fruit tree is my time in
need I will tell her when our album is complete in a minute when
are fans sing are songs on repeat, only than will Fertilia see that we
are meant to be, when the skys will never fall asleep to are love is
clouds in deep, counted number ocean seep, every sunrise every
drop I safe my cup replete of her sensual love is my wish to wake
up next to her with sensual stars to give her worth a priceless moon
from the start, the moment when she except my love.

One year has past are album are one hundred percent complete, the
fans loved it are careers are exactly the way we hope it to be I have
more than enough dinero to start my own life, buy my own home
to plant my garden once more just as it was before and a place to
call it my home, but I can't help to think we are meant to be, I am
glad I have met her I want her to feel the same. “The MorningStar
you have been with me ever when I dreamt to be a popstar and you
have help me to become everything I am today, a singer and share
my music with the world, thank you.” she smiles at me with that
look in her eyes that light up the sky coming closer and kiss me on
my cheek, for me one kiss is not enough from what I feel in this
moment my heart's hunger can't get enough and I kiss her on her
soft lips and taste her lush fruits, this is what I wanted from the
very beginning and it last longer than I thought it to be, her voice
say softly in my ear. “Take me.” we both know how this is going to
end and I want it to last longer than forever, Fertilia is the woman I
want to be with, she makes my days seem like minutes, one year
will be like ten a lifetime will be forever, infinity is heaven with
you, is my layover at her paradise is my journey in heaven's eyes I
can see truth it is allied to love, in the heart and soul is courtesy it
is allied to me, I can see it in her eyes, we make love until the sun
fall at night over again, with our magical binary star that is we.
This is what I need Fertilia and me with my Fertilia garden holding
hands to never let go of my other half, living life in romance this is
where we both belong she inside my walls, natures security to
protect are love from outsiders is only meant for two, the world we
live in is at are grasp we for filled are goals in a sort period of time,
the world is are living witness that are power over fame are wealth,
I give her a priceless moon and she give me her heart, I give her
my love she give me her life, I consider her to be my universe
when she consider me to be space and time, as are hands in twine
we look in each others eyes. “My love for you are stronger than are
mutual gravity in stars that keep us together, my world is reality to
die for your fantasy is no illusion to our vanity is truth for I revolve
around your heart.” the moment I confess my feelings I am sure
she will understand how much she means to me, she say. “And you
are the air I breathe, the one I seek my love is no longer mine but
for you to keep.” I taste her lush fruits once more and I will never
get enough of her lush fruits never get use to her taste, the feeling
give me wings in this moment I kiss her hand and fly to a place
called poetry love nature, we will live forever until are life expend
this is are rainbow in the end.'a'a


“Mother nature is the mother of destruction, beauty, poetry

and nature with all those qualities in a woman takes only two to
master poetry and destruction, everything else comes naturally in a
woman who are seen as a goddess intactness.”'a'a

It Is true when I say not all woman are the same, it takes a lot to
become a woman, take this from a womaniser, the word poetry
comes not from her writing or love of poetry it comes from her
heart and live inside her core when it finds a reason to open up to
love, the quality of a goddess will be her next step on water to
infinity, her strong contentment is a obstacle that block the road to
her destination, she will cause destruction with no effort to break a
nail and over come every obstacle life throws at her and with
mother natures illegal rights, she will be the woman of the year
with no comparisons to her imitation.

I personally admire a woman with mother nature qualities, who

over come even the impossible and make it possible, naturally
made from God hands to prove that beauty is not from the inside
but from the outside as well, the beauty that are in the inside of a
person are so to be said to look from the heart, but the eyes look at
the kindness everyone can be kind but a witty saying proves
nothing and those who believe in it is absurd,'a0beauty is what
comes from a woman exterior her outlines of every detail her
perfection is claimed to her self, not to share her flawless self with
no one but to give meaning for her talents that inspire awe in a
males heart to find a desperate need to love her even when he is no
longer in any position to claim her love, or in any position to win
her heart makes them come better lovers to there life partner and
find peace in what a man needs to strive to make his flaws the
perfect edges, to build a strong foundation to give his partner a life
beyond expectations, only comes from passion and the need of

When pleasure is not find in sumptuous or with a woman, I

pleasure myself, from it I make my future much more simpler
when I discover pleasure comes from the person who endure so
much suffering, he uplift himself from the abyss and want more
with the desire to have both sumptuous and a goddess intactness, a
woman with every quality similar to his with pure love to give, a
woman waiting for him without knowing where or when he will
arrive from but knows deep in her soul he will, and he who live in
the future and let the past fade in to the wind far from his path will
find her, when his journey to have sumptuous as his own, only than
will he arrive with wings and surprise her with his heart in his hand
to give, when they have come together and form one heart and soul
to complete each others half, I will find pleasure in mind, body and
soul with my desire to give her everything she has been waiting
for, and more than she could ever ask for, pleasure is from a
woman who I can love from me.

Poe-losophise seem from guidance eyes, in mind I see a sign, keep

focus on one chapter at a time, I write with an open mind to close
the walls behind my failure, to leaf with no association with others
and my past, the journey I am about to take will lead me straight to
my wings and fly, no more roads no more traffic nothing will get in
my way to sumptuous, to make it there I must go through
windstorms, water floods and nature has the right to torment my
situations but not the once who cause it to happen, for they who
find pleasure in my suffering will bare ten times the pressure I
have in duress with gentleman nature without a lift of finger.'a'a

A windstorm stronger than my two feet blows me back from where

I started, water rise up to my chin I keep on breathing, nothing last
forever even four seasons change, I keep on pushing forward and
breathe like my lungs have enough oxygen in my blood to
breathe'a0 only when the water has drain to a garden that needs
rain to keep on living, and the water gives life for the plants and
trees for me to keep on breathing is a win win to grow a new
garden is amazingly fragile.

The presence is now but is considered to be futuristic to a goal,

action is what makes your futurism in favour to where you want to
end up or dream to become, who you believe is the person you are
destine to be, reality is in every persons life the way they live,
speak and think but it does not mean you have to adapt to there
reality to speak and think they way they do, if you adapt evolve to
who you want to be those who believe your reality should be the
same as theirs, are small minded and function slowly to believe in
there stupidity is useless and not in your best interest, they have
decided their fate and know is your turn to decide your own, create
your own, to become the purpose to a reality so'a0optimistic you
see forward to a world where you can have anything your heart and
mind desire, comes easily by realising there reality is a perfect
illusion with a purpose to have nothing intended to be great and
living a miserable life has no relation to your goals, "reality is in
the eyes to see the world for who you want to be in future."

A goal in reach takes a lot of effort but what else is there to do than
to live for something much more greater than your present, to be
given opportunities by no one else than yourself, a person who
needs himself rely on no one to make his goal culminate, choices is
given and some are taken, given the chance to make it better is not
always the better outcome, find a reason in every thing there is to
take prudent and sound interested in increment to strengthen
stability for a brighter future.

What is there to it to make a woman happy? what is there to it than

to love a woman that makes you happy? when you are ready to
give it all just for a moment to see her, what if is the question every
lover ask when mother nature knows the answer to what there is to
love a person and make them love you just as much, as you give it
all for her or him, is one mystery every one has not solve yet, or is
love a mystery before the relationship has begun to say the words
what you feel? I wonder how can a person love someone before
they have met, is it because the qualities in that person is so rare is
hard to miss see it and pay special attention with a feeling you can't
describe, I love a mystery and I can solve it with a simple yes,
anything is possible and before love has any contact to touch, feel
or even speak to, my heart will say love is the truth to tell before I
have met her, when that woman is the only one that give reason for
my hearts meaning, I will give it for her because I no longer need it
for myself, and will travel the world to find her just to look at her
in the eyes with inspiring admiration and give her the only thing of
me that is worth her existence, is my heart in symbol of love, when
she don't need it, he will die knowingly he has cut out his heart
from his soul to take away the pain, and that she is the only person
that can keep him alive, only to pick up his heart where she has
thrown it away and keep it in a box, where she possess love in all
forms of hearts is her treasure chest, the queen of hearts with
priceless artifacts, his soul live with shame and smile for she has
taken his heart to a safe place, and to never ask it back she will
need it in hope that she will choose his love over everyone who has
done the same for her.'a'a

When you are the only one that love her for her and not her
background or fame, is the quality you see in her eyes that make
you want to die for her, the spirit with no lies that you will live for
her, is one mystery only hard evidence can proof only if she could
give him one chance to make her happy one night to see similar
between two half's, I wonder what will he do to prove that nothing
is worth more than loving her, and wait for her answer yes to his
confession for love is meant for her alone, "love is a symbol in
four words to give to a stranger to keep it safe and trust is what
brings them together."

“I love myself more than the world, he who is autolartry is
free from ancient believes, he believe in his own trust, in his God

He who love himself does not disappoint himself, he will do what

ever it takes to get reconnoitre,'a0is she who takes him for a selfish
lover, she knows he went to war to win back his life and freedom
from people who surrounded him unexcused chained him and say
its good, when they seek to ruined him with humiliation and hide
pride from his existence, to make it look like is good for him, he
has come back for her after the most severe battle he has won with
the universe accumulation in his favour, and make the story look
like a god who fight for his throne amongst the divine, when they
are humans that mistake him for a push over to walk over him like
he barely exist, nothing else matter to him than to see himself to
where his wildest dreams takes of to some deems, he has figured
out life and even thou he live it is hard to explain to what life really
is in words, to think of how humans buried themselves in a grave
to believe heaven is there outcome, life is reality to choose your
own path wisely and make the mind a powerful weapon to conquer
the world, because freedom is the only thing to take us where
heaven is all about, a great artist see his works in reality and take
pieces from it to form music, that is in the soul and make the world
his genre.'a'a

He knows what to do when he has won the war, he find the woman
he left behind and he has made a promise to her that he will return
to her soon, and has for fill her promise with a smile on his face
and say he will be with her forever, when she thinks forever is
about a couple that gives there heart and soul to one another to take
care of there most priceless possessions, a treasure that last forever
is a gift to die for, when he has promise himself he give his life for
hers, when a love relationship has something like that to get a hold
of infinity becomes a symbol and will last forever even when they
are no more, heaven will bring them together and never let go to
there love is stronger than a magnet with no opposite feelings and
pull closer every hour of the day and become one in harmony.

For the world to know I put myself first, I do what I say cause my
words is important to contrite action, I make myself better than
what I can appear to be to others, honestly I can be whatever I
want to be is who I believe is my future, in order to make my
future I must have my fate in my hands so I can wheel it and
swallow it hole, let my body digest every portion I can take
through out my vein's, future and life to make any misfortune go
away like I never had bad luck before in my life, I get excited
when I see myself in the mirror making eye contact, I get a rush
feeling when I see a woman I desire with my eyes close, I image
my future brighter than the moon reflecting the sun pose,
sometimes I reflect myself without even realising the stars is
shining right through my shadow following me to my astral sky, I
look around for a person inside my form and there is no one there
only me trying to become what I am suppose to be and forget how
much I love myself when I host importance to my self worth, is
worth less than I see them all together in who I want to appear to
be when I am myself, so long as I am alone I can spend more time
with myself because time is priceless, he who make time for the
things he loves is always happy and enjoy being with them, he
knows what come first in his life and a woman's love is stronger
than his weakness and his strength is to protect her gentleness, his
softness is power to get what he wants is a better understanding to
what it really is about to take control is less action rather than to
make them do what he wants them to, does not require fighting
skills but sensitivity.'a'a

Why do we love are self's is it like a lighting strike and make the
magic falls, and use it against are will to get what we deserve or is
it a feeling when we open the doors to our future, as the water in
the clouds getting heavier I rain on my parade as my anger gets
colder I learn to control my emotions, and when the lightning
strikes I make magic with nature and use it to what I deserve and I
believe I deserve everything, energise my senses to be ready for
the worst and make the best of my life come faster, the closer I get
the clearer I can see my vision, a sensitive person will never hurt
himself getting out of danger is to make sure he gets to live another
wonderful day embracing there deems.

Loving myself it is me loving myself look at myself I can't get

enough of myself, this chapter I write it is about myself to the
world it left me speechless to say everything in thought is not
about me, is good to know everything is not about me If it is than it
will make no sense, for the world and myself to make sense I take
a look true an open lens only I can see for what they hope to be
not, and when they look at me they will pay special attention to
who I am and what I can become and that is not what I am all
about, I am so much more than a simple plot, I can be heartless
than a diamond rock is not easy to break or can afford to make a
interest to trust a priceless missing rock, bestial is what I am in a
form of human flash and blood.

I never thought of how important narcissus is to myself when I see

no other reason to find myself in a situation to choose between me
and the world when I chose myself, when I created myself I will
say it is a fact that I am reborn again, now that I am alive I have to
wait to get what I deserve because there are some humans in this
world that don't want to see me succeed, wasting my precious time
with there illusion that I am brought to them to set them free, when
it is more to less lies they told them self's, humans will always
believe what they want to believe even when they don't understand
the truth or the real meaning and there for do not deserve better
than there feeble minded, they have made everything worst than it
already is the possibility for them to keep on moving is to keep on
doing there duties as imbeciles who has no common sense, life is a
game to them the more they loose the more they play, and I use it
as my amusement to watch them fail when they think they are
winning against life, when the wise man knows life is not a game
but a mystery, that has tried to figure out the true meaning of life
when it relates to one or more words that is God, sin and heaven
but what is sin? for me sin is for those who believe there Gods
punish there wrongs, crimes and for me there Gods are suppose to
believe they can only punish there worshipers when the billions of
humans barely believe in there existence nor pray to them or
worship them, than tell me what is the point if the gods has only
power over a few millions when there is a god who created humans
only for a purpose to seek truth and make it worth living for
because life can be complicated, so it comes to me that the
understanding of the gods was profound by humans and brought to
life by there imagination to see truth in there glory that last for
centuries more to come, and what better worth is there than to
create something that last forever was nothing more than a artist
with imaginary facts that inspired other artist and believers in truth
to create there masterpiece with a sense of humour to give a divine
massage to the world with a mystery that life is about are believes
and those who believe in there art, are admirers to give meaning
for there creation has found truth in there imagination is highly
worth dieing for, and will be liberated from sin is a story told for
those who believe in pessimum for the after life which no one
actually knows if they will gain eternal happiness.

Have you ever felt the need that something bad is going to happen
and you have to safe yourself from it before it destroys you, when
you can help a person in need but if you do you will end up hurt in
the process, what will you do if you were in that position to help
the person knowingly that you will end up in danger or hurt in the
end? for me It all dependence on who the person is and how close I
am with that certain person, you don't want to loose yourself in a
ruff situation where you are in danger because you think help
where you can, make sure you know the person well enough and if
you can ask for advice from someone more experience in such
situations that will be a lot more easier for you to see what is
possible, for what you can do is ignore putting yourself at risk for
another person is not a option unless you love her or him to give
whatever it takes to help them and make the harm disappear but
that is another story, I will ignore don't think it is a test from God
when everything happens for a reason make it your reason to stay
safe and be proud of the choices you make because life can be
about every day choices you make to out task your judicious

That is what it means to put yourself first seek the better outcome
for your self, every one is not fortunate enough but bad luck has
nothing to do with your fate and what you believe in now does it,
is it true that sadness bring genius? yes it can be for those who has
learned that something in this world can not be given but to earn it
and who works to earn there fortune has been through great
sadness, is for the best because if it was not for sorrow there would
have been no beautiful rainbows after a stormy night, when I am
ask what is my favourite colors I will surely say rainbow color,
green for nature, blue for sky, yellow, orange for sun and red for

Why choose one when you can have it all, I want what I need, I
want to get where my heart belongs and I need to reach my
destination I could have said material objects like for instance
fortune fame and much more, but one who has a goal includes
them all when that destination is so far from where you are at this
very moment is much better to have a mental image about your
dreams and when I say dreams I don't mean your unconscious
mind where you wonder inside slumber thinking, I mean the dream
where you are well aware of your environment, your surroundings
and I need to paint every detail with every color I like to make my
vision look as if I know exactly how I am going to get there with a
tincture of good fate.

Truth can be find in the things we love, are history, hate,

philosophy and the things we don't understand much to make out
whether it is good or fatal, truth is pure hearted with the slides of
bad intention makes truth more than a sentence or two, but only
with intentions that are bad truth are put out on a series of display
complications, it can be a number of things why bother to get to
acknowledge them all when it can be translated to a sentence or
two while time is being wasted on good fragility and for that is the
beauty behind the madness.

Love can be my one and only myself can be whatever it desires to

be, I can not easily be persuaded to loose my interest I am self-
centred to find my self satisfied when I have what I desire only
than is my needs at ease, I can be cheerful when my behaviour is
always optimistic to expect the best showing good spirits and
adhere to get what I want to need is a world never without me but
always with me in it.


"How the beautiful origin springs-bloom in to three different

colors white, pink and purple before it was divided separately and
can not live there plant life without being with each other, only
have tree seasons once a year and repeats it form the next.“
Painted Daisy reminds me when things was simple, I was traveling
to a place for my interest to Asia to relax my mind for a few days
while I am on my laptop busy looking for a decent five star hotel to
spend my days I must say it is a lovely place to be, the air is lighter
and it feels refreshing was a windy day by the way, the people and
culture is much different from where I come from,'a0I was never in
to cultures, rituals and religion but Asia is something unique to see
in person the Hotel I have chosen have a beautiful outside view
with all kinds of garden trees and flowers are separate, and when I
decided to take a nap after my long flight from Spain I did not
count the hours but I can say while I was on the aeroplane I haven't
slept one bit, after my beauty sleep I will go walk around and take
a look at the view where young couples go walk around than rest
my head on the soft pillow, perhaps I can take a picnic basket with
me and have my dinner their where it is peace and quiet but first is
time to rest.

I slept the entire day I guess my plans are ruined for today maybe I
should stay for a few days, one weak than it is back to business as
usual I am kind of lucky the fact that I have an entire weak for
myself in this month of the year, nineteen May the month where all
my hopes and dreams may come alive a man like myself always
has things to achieve and there is no such thing as enough success
in this life, it is one of the things I have learned through out my
career every purpose starts with an idea and ends with failure or
success and failure is confidence from mistakes to learn the next
will be different, I spent my night watching a few episodes to get
me through the night and the room service are open twenty four
hours I can order anything I want so I order pizza I was craving
something fast and easy to eat, right before the moment I think of
my relationships with females and I think in mind, ah woman
makes random seems frequent and the highs higher with a smile on
my face, they all are professional relationships never had I ever
date one of the workers at the company It was never business and
pleasure, because I find my business pleasure full enough to enjoy
my wealth and I think is time for me to take my vacation for
pleasure if there is a woman worth to make her mine, I always see
myself as the one who gets easily attracted by woman but lately I
have been so focus on my career I barely knows what it feels like
to sleep next to a woman and talk to her eloquently effective, I can
read a woman from the inside out I can tell from their personality,
expressions and the things they talk about who they really are but it
takes time because I have a rule when it comes to having or want
to have a relationship with a woman,'a0I believe every woman are
not the same every woman are unique and only a little few are
special'a0and are imitated by others, that's right my rule is to find
someone special who are being imitated, I don't want to have any
relationship with a female who are a carbon copy of a woman who
I see worthy of making mine, and if I do go for carbon copies
believe me when I say there is where everything goes wrong, it
was never ever meant to be for me to kill myself mentally and
waist my time with them physically, rarity is what I go for, for me
it is mentally healthy and worth my time...

The next day is sunny a perfect day to go out and explore the city,
after I have explore I will get back to my evening plan me and my
picnic basket but first shopping, I like buying clothes that suit my
needs modesty is my clothing status old fashion is history for me, I
enjoy the best of my time in Asia after spending my hours
exploring the city and buying designer clothes is more like
becoming my habit to collect beautiful clothes when I travel to
other countries, I went back to my hotel and take a long shower
and put on some fresh clothes to wear looking at the mirror
wearing something new and expensive, so I look on the menu and
it seems to me that their is a picnic venue for today, I order it and
let them know I want it set up in a few minutes everything was
arrange for me at some place beautiful with perfume flowers the
perfect place to relax when I look around their are people
meditating, couples holding hands, some slow dancing listening to
music, staring at each others eyes, smiling, I can feel a relieve I
couldn't have chosen I better place to relax myself at this very

Painted Daisy longing to be together now that I am all alone and

nothing else to do I can tell you a story about Painted Daisy, there
was tree flowers who was born together they bloom from the
ground, I know right who would want to listen to a story about
flowers, the moment I walk past a gorgeous woman who I can't
stand allowing her walk easily, I want to make conversation with
her so I stop her and look at her in the eyes and ask her if there is a
place comfortable where I can sit down and for her to let me to it,
so I ask her to keep me company, I can already sense from her
expression the vibration she gives of this can be magical, she takes
me to a place where the grass is soft and we sit down we talk in
small words I like it that way, I can read her ins I have to say I
haven't felt this curious since the moment I saw her, the
conversation we are having enlighten me to get to know her outs I
don't want to sound sexually interested to her radiance when I
think in mind I want to make love to her,'a0she is perfect I can tell
we have a deeper connection.

Tree seasons once a year will I see her the next year to come, we
are meant to be the reason to bloom in to each others whim, we
grow still young until we grow old I can see myself with her for
years to come, who would have thought we could fix each others
love in this broken and beautiful world, a magical relationship
always starts with a rush and'a0romance to bloom in to a desires
young man, she is one of those women every other women wants
to be alike, a carbon copy and what better way to make them more
zealous when she is with me, a wobbling structure with every
garble cestum is a story that was told to listeners and my story is
told for lovers who are blinded to imagine love birds with a magic
fairytale and make it sound like a mystery of wonders for them to
experience personally to feel love with close eyes, when I sit on
this soft grass with her body close to mine I can feel love with
close eyes, now that we are together we can make the world are
treasure the present of the story I am telling is where it all started at
this very moment where I remind myself, love is the moment from
every star a memory why we are together, I can imagine her on the
other side of the world with a ring on her finger living her
luxurious life we made for each other, she is mine now and I
wanted to make my memory last of how my life was before I met

She is my woman and after my vacation I am going back to our

love, without her my life wouldn't be like it magically appear to be,
she is my soul mate she reminds me of that every day when I think
of her and what better way to take it back to where it all begin,
back to where the flowers bloom in to a spectacular prime, I sit on
the same soft grass she let me to nine years ago I can remember
everything so clearly like it was yesterday, my weak of prosperity
this is where my life began happily to all those man who are in
such a state to give up your self for someone dear, spark that
moment and savour every minute on the first date you will never
know if she is the one and after years it will take you back to the
memory to where it starts. "A heart is a beginner task to find
someone special in beauty art her body, soul, features and heart."


“In heaven I look down on earth's clouds I catch A glimpse in

a female eyes, I am curious that my theory is one hundred percent
that her eyes are midnight blue.”
I think about her with my eyes close I think about her image inside
my brain, I am a angel in heaven and I am not the one to blame I
watch her every beauty when I think of her I say in mind me
longing for you are longer than your hair, every time I want to go
closer to you my heart beat pump through my veins like the red of
her lips, I want to tell her my poetry instead I bite my tongue I bite
it so hard the pain is making me want to kiss her lips, if only if she
could be my solar eclipse the ocean will be refreshing in the night
like her blue eyes cover the clouds in the day, and when I see her
the silky dress on her skin makes me want to bite my lips, If only if
I could have a paint brush I would paint a portrait of you and me
together with flames around are invisible love burning lust in to
romance I felt the moment I saw her.'a'a

She turn me back in to an artist in to all my burning sells her

prayers call out my name it makes me feel alive, I think her beauty
will make me fall out of heavens sight, her every loment in my
tenancy grows stronger to pull me closer to her everyday, her love
right compassion my heart is confessing the days in heaven I think
of her three times over and every time I do l picture me next to her
with my hand entwine her aim, the deeper I go in detail the more I
go insane how can I give up paradise only for observation it makes
no sense, but for her the world make sense through an open

When I want to listen to her voice just to hear for what she has to
say when she moves her body all the way, I hear her sing a Lullaby
that plays beautiful music in the inside of her voice, I hear a timber
in my ear drums calling her name in the inside of my interior that
is not me, I look at her from a far away distance that only I can see
I find a sanctum in the offshore of the most beautiful surface of the
world, the more I look at her the more saltation wants me to fall to
her fountain of better nature, heaven is the place I have been all my
life I can never give it up but for you I will give up my life, she
made me more than just a loving artist she bring me from only, in
through my secure devotion towards my sensual love to what it is
to be right now, I only wish to be with her, an angel divinity must
never mingle with humans sanctuary in person but to me she is
more than just a mortal soul on earth, she is a goddess with every
right to be happy to make her mine she inspire awe in a immortal
angel falls, I will pour a river forever over her glider soul than she
can fly with me to a secret place, where divinity goes and embrace
there habitual love for two couples to face, yes that is right I want
to face you with my eyes close with your lips touching mine, I
want to taste every symptom in the opposite to make it last longer
to say my philosophy is right that your lips is my cure, from every
desire that bleeds in every moment we give starts with a kiss and
never end with a hurtful mix, dreams and scar's, it hurts me to
think that I can only imagine and day dream about'a0me being with
you when I have decided today I will explore my deepest desire,
the few minutes you look up starring at the skys the reflection of
your blue eyes is the few minutes I look down on her perfection,
spreading my wings while standing on the surface falling from
complete bliss like a shooting star fall to grand a wish, and I wish
to make her mine my desire can no longer be waisted on memory's
about her.'a'a

”I have sacrificed the outcome of your future where you will end
up some day, for my pleasure.“

Falling from paradise I can feel the wind in the air on my face, I
know there will be more bliss when I am with you, my divine
feathers flap in to my back feather, as I instant touch the ground
with my two feet for the first second, I say to myself like it is my
fate. ”I have come for the woman that I have desired for the past
decade and my time has been spared to make her life my light and
space." and there you are beautiful as ever surrounded with flowers
she loves picking flowers from the rarity gardens and variety of
colors in her hand, as she gently pick a sun flower thinking about
love saying softly in her thoughts wonder if love can ever be lost,
resembling the sun flower with her heart picking of one by one a
yellow flower and say to herself hope the outcome will be yes, he
loves me and pick another he loves me not, I want to see the last
flower I am curious what it will be, if not she will frown if yes she
will smile exactly how a woman with nobility will react, he loves
me not as she pick the last flower he loves me she smiles with a
gloomy transcendent in to my universe, it is the perfect opportunity
to make her mine, a perfect opportunity when I go closer to her I
see kindness in her rollicking that looks like malice and the smell
of pride in her exhibit makes me want her more, she gets
interesting by the minute without even talking to her or
approaching her I hope she takes me for who I am, and how can I
forget the fact that she has been praying for half a life time until
now for a life partner, I have answered her prayers before I
consider her to be mine in revelation, than I found out it is my fate
truly for her to be mine no matter what the consequences, I have
studied her body and her interior and everything about her she is
very special and dear to me I know it more than she knows it
herself, because I am here for nothing else but for her, when I look
at her I have come to a conclusion that what I feel the other women
feel the same for me, but for what it is worth my love is ten times
stronger than there's together and her worth is a goddess intactness
and is not compared to my desire, for when they look at me. We
will be known in all the lands and I will make it worth while every
one will know me for my divine stature she is the only one that can
make me fall out off paradise, the only one that can make me look
deep in to heavens eyes. "Dear your eyes look like heaven to me.”
I know you are irresistible but your beauty reminds me of heaven
every time I look at you.
She is the one that makes me want her more than anything else, I
can make it last forever when I am with her, even when there is
nothing to go back to I am glad that I have found her, the past exist
no more and she has become my future, let me consume you, I will
make it pleasure until there is nothing left, I want to breathe you in,
recreating the outside of my exterior, to make you mine forever,
every day with you feels like paradise I want you more than life
itself, and here I am savouring the first romance with you, no one
will take away the flare in our solar that will light away the
darkness in our blindness, when we are together we shine more
light than those around us, we are gazing at the stars above at night
the stars are more than we can count me sitting next to you, dear
my love there is a star that is me sitting beside you.

I see fire in her eyes when she looks at me, I see a craving in her
soul it is meant for me, I witness something beyond vanity, the
more fire that burns out I have come to a conclusion the sun
resembles me, we can burn the lands for eternity dear, when are
fire has died are sexual desire will burn in to flames over again.
“She turn me from asses in to a lovable gentlemen." I can never
include any woman to compare to her, I can never let any fountain
to rush over are magical sanctum, she is my woman I want to be
with her every lantern. "We were two stars far away gravity pulls
us together like we belong binary star in my soul I sing a song."
this is for every lover who belong just remember my love for her
was a milky way. "We shine so bright we include the universe to
are love making song." than we will live forever and the fire
between me and my love will never burn out for eternity.

"When A poets love remains a secret, and a lady glances in
his thoughts she will surly give him inspiration to what is lost, he
was a lover who express himself with unique tenderness no one
saw until the hour he felt to write to her'a0arouse, it left him

I console my mind I get a feeling love is coming from a unknown

source, I betrayed my foes to take revenge on the love of war, I
conquer the outside of my gentle me, I breathe in fresh air at the
open sea. "I let go of my tidal wave when my emotions spill I feel
free." there truth was told it was meant for me, the lies was cold
the spring disbeliefs, summer is over and yet I feel light years
away from the north star, I get the opposite meaning from what I
am about to say, I say. "My mind loose control and my emotions
take over." I get high of her touch when I am sober, It was always a
poets duty to tell a magical story in a short sensitive amount of
words, I will give the true meaning to what love is worth only for
my beloved, only she can make me feel hopeless and prideful at
the same time, only she can make me feel powerful and weak with
the same glass of red wine. “I ease the red of her lips keep from
touching mine.” we fade in the presence of are love making

I ask a lady if she can be my heart beat, I ask myself can I feel my
heart bleed, to many emotions rise from a cold breeze, am I getting
weak when I shiver, will she keep me warm with her thick gentle
feathers, some will never understand this when I say she is my
angel, I can feel her panacea heal me from beside me in the left
side of my chest, I know is crazy some might say I can't live
without you beside me, she is the reason for my recovery in my
saddest moments, I gaze at her pictures she post on my
expectations, I can see my future with no one else when I look at
her, the reason I am sad she is half a world away from where I love
her, I will travel my mind ghost to every satellite to track you
down dear, I will make it magical when I picture me and her in my
fantasy, In my phantom brain just for a while I send my emotions
to her warm domicile. "A far dream blossom between me and you
my darling."

I forget my heart excuse no pun intended for a refuse to be a word

of spew, in a world full of emptiness some wish there was only
few, every rhythm every rule I keep my head high to swim never
drown in my own thoughts, I float on the clouds with a feeling I
can't explain, I repeat the word love in every sentence yet again,
lost track of time in my absence of there expanse, I was expected
to give love a new home and mine was a few sense, I get caught in
my dream with loose ends, I tied my lack of self aware to the apple
tree of knowledge, I blossom I grow intelligence unfold as for the
pages I write is for the lady who make me feel unsurprisingly

My body and hers was set apart to give temptation, just a linger to
feel affection. "Sex is worth a lime of diamonds with someone
special." her expressions is a gallery to splatter colors on the floor,
after a dirty night the rainbows glide over her tears of joy, my love
right compassion is full of her moist, pleasure is the one thing I can
never denied when I am with her. "With her my strong desire is fire
through the chlorine sky."

I lock myself from the outside, I expect no one to walk in to my

life, "The wildest mess can be my dirtiest truth." I trust only the
unexcused, a door with no key to use. "I lock myself to tangle my
shoes when I fall the rain storm strikes down like lightning from a
unknown atmosphere." don't look down on me I am just traveling
the world with the unseen, I lost my key along the way, when
someone trass pass on my garden it is okay, no one can get in to
my fortress, a key with no door is my weapon to keep away the
outsiders that don't belong.

I am focused on a layer with no compensate, only one question

will I reach without falling in? to a world where time is helpless,
giving no meaning to breathe through my fire lungs assess, will I
burn or will I shine brighter than my future tomorrow, for I know
every minute is worth my time alive change a different mind, I tip
toe on my perfection one flaw can ruin my highlights of reflection,
my mirror is when I say you are beautiful as eloquent, there was
never more than three of me, I was never less than what I see
myself to be, my greatest poet is my vision of ecstasy I see the
world through a different me, my eyes will always be skys of
hemisphere colors ocean blues, green grass nature pelagic pose
while I walk true the night a mystery seeking while the sun expose,
there is where I reveal myself to the world. "The MorningStar." the
one who will make the star rise again me.

A halo drift around a endless void, I wonder is it the universe with

endless worlds. "A radiant of light to see in the darkness, I blow
out the kindle I find myself at a place where nothing is redeemed, I
light myself from within a halo in my every whim, unsatisfying
burning the shadows around me, I lost my company at a red light I
am stuck yet again all alone. "Those who last forever only get to
live one day." I savour everything when love say. "I will save you
for my sake." and there I am talking to myself reflecting myself in
radiance no one can find me. "Those who seek solitude are not
afraid to say they love themselves."

And when I foretell something I did not see, when I image her I
see inspiration, I see sun flowers grow, landscapes move shallow,
birds fly to the north seeking shelter, in every breath I take I
breathe in her sonar aroma a godly feeling that she is right here
beside me. "Wow she embrace awe in my soul." she is a vision
when I close my eyes I feel her body take over as I mold her
perfection from the ground, a vision to remind me her beauty
makes my art and poetry comes alive. "Every poetic artist needs
love to keep his vision going for they can live forever." and my
saddest moments is when I say If I can't have the woman I love, I
want to give her more than what I deserve I believe I deserve
everything, than this diamonds I have for her will be worthless, she
is the girl of my dreams and the world bow down to her originality,
how can I gain her love when she means more than the world to
me, how can I stop a river that has spill over me like my emotions,
I go and take a swim and I fall down a waterfall and find myself
laying on fountain grass. "I am lost." where she miraculously
appear to be, the woman I so to speak is my destiny and my love
for her was more than I could ever imagine, and makes me wonder
what if my veins was colorful will I spring over a rainy day, what
if I grow wings will I fly to the moon and back, without gravity
holding me down to for fill my wishes, what if she cry hoping it
will drain my misery away, what if I spread my wings and reflect
my light over her cloudy day,'a0 what if I make love to her and say.
"My heart ache bleeds with rapture and you ease my pain away."
only than will I truly be free and only than when she is with me
together for eternity.


Art such beauty I sit in the dark I wonder why I write about
love, a'a0wonder sneak up behind me ask me why not hate the
woman you love, she has bring you nothing but pain, I reply. "Pain
is for the love with no excuse to be with her." as long as there is
still time my heart will still beat, to what life has to offer my
thoughts about her makes me feel alive, and the pain makes my
mind realise she is the only one for me, have you ever been so lost
that your own soul could not find you? that is how I feel when I am
lost without her, from the very beginning I knew she is apart of me,
and the art of love is what I feel when I am with her.

She has a sunny smile stars in her eyes, a halo on her head body
like a saint the more I describe her, the closer I get to loving her,
her heart is priceless her voice is perfect every detail of her exterior
is flawless, she left the other man clueless when she walk up to me
I kiss her hand she taste like ecstasy, her blush makes my knees
numb this urge makes me love everything about her, her perfect
makes me want to possess such qualities only for myself, but I
only need her to be mine for tonight, she takes me to paradise
while I look in to her stars eyes, I see a universe in her soul she
seem delighted by my love making sex, my touch explore her body
her voice is music to my ears I fall in love all over again when the
sun sets.

From the grass green to the ocean blues, I stretch my desire over
the beauty moon, stumble over my own two feet, from today I
walk with the stars and shine as bright as them, I sleep with a
goddess her name is Fertilia,'a0I sing with angels and make
beautiful music, the universe smiles at me with expressions I have
never seen, I see a magical forest with snow falling on one tree and
leaves, I see fire spread from a volcano to a river, I witness how
nature creates its own fundamentals, from my universe to hers we
share the same moonlight stretching over the sun set to each others

In the bottom of the ocean there is a blooming sensation, I dive in

searching for what I might have lost, not knowing what it was is
for the curious, I find my heart upside down in the form of love,
drowning for I will not found that sensation again, I take it
thinking it will die out soon, I put pressure on my heart thinking it
will bare no rival to loose against life, I take it to my lover she
revive my heart with a shocking sensation, It bloom in to existence
my growth yes that's what it was. "My love for her needs romance
to keep on growing."

Fear is in my sentence I write, a poets love is homeless with truth

of lies, tell me every lei there is I will believe in every word you
say my dear, because your lies give me truth and your asylum give
me shelter, I will never lei to you because your leis give me truth, I
will write a song just to ascribe how we belong in this atmosphere,
I share it with the readers and hemisphere, I will give you half of
my soul, and the other half is to keep me up float a poets love is
why I feel closer to you, I slumber awake to dream of you, my
subconscious mind is filled with love I never knew, until I find a
fairytale in your truth.

Oh dear when I think of you, I want you to be my princess,

marriage can be arrange for any occasion, I am speechless when I
finally say. "From the very beginning I only love myself and I have
inflict the same measure of tender love for you." I might not have
touch her feel her every desire is unpleasantly but rarely loveable,
and if unpleasant can be loveable, than just imagine how pleasure
will be like heaven and I have said it, imagine it before.

The grass and trees natures only wish to grow, I bloom in to

existence and I have never seen snow, in real life before, to me life
is more than just an obstacle, material burn faster than wood, as I
grow I try to make this poem more substantial, through my
encompass image, we can live together in a universal sustainment,
and behold the universal is more magical. "After a cloudy day."

Time is of the essence of good fragility, time waits for no man, but
time is what I need to make it magical, patience is a key to unlock
the mind of time, intelligence knows when to act upon prudent and
wait for thy perfect opportunity to rise from where he increase his
sanity, is only in good time to succeed in his visionary master plan,
to achieve greatness was his dreamt of success. "When love to his
soul gave eyes he knew things are not as they seem, the dream is
his real life, the world around is his dream."

My subconscious mind flow above water waves, I drift to a narrow

see, I am asleep and awake, I sway my hand on her waist,
memorising the way her body move my spine, I sigh, she is a
dream and I am awake, I love the way her kiss escape a mile away,
we both share the same adrenaline, to keep from fainting in to our
thoughts, I vision her canvas keeping me warm, I land on her shore
and she welcome me in to her soul, we dance to the sound of are
love making song.

I reflect myself in radiance to out stand light in darkness, there is

where I create myself I picture myself in the mirror looking
daintiness, my beauty is non avoidable, I can tell by the way she
stare at me with stars in her eyes, my exterior sweep her of her feet
like when she fall I will be there to catch her flaws, and for the
partner I so to safe become flawless in every way, when she walk
on her high heels, without falling in to my arms, I will never forget
her heel she left behind and I will find her for the second time,
founding her was not easy but when I saw her, I give her the align
of approach, there was only three of me, the fourth was love and it
was meant for you my darling. "I am apart of you and you are apart
of me, come on baby make us complete." and right there we were
with the same steps and breath when I fit on, for she has lost.

To what it was to what it wasn't, come on baby let's make love.

"We will find are love in the sky." I want to make our moments
tears of joy, half apart from each other, meet me where the two
skyline cross each others path, one are yours and one are mine, no
matter where you are, I can find you baby, In the night I can see
you, look at the sky through the chlorine night we reflect the same
stars of love dear, to what are love has come to, to when are love
has initiated the stars above, Is when the skys find us magically
and reveal are love in the sky, with the clouds fade dark grey and
the moon and sun switch positions for half a day. "There my love
we will find are love in the sky, because what comes in the mind is
termination for the heart to adjust."

High in the sky a heart shape align, trees inhale are halitus, gives
us oxygen to breathe in life on a bloomy day, as the sunshine
collapse and the darkness takes over, hope goes side ways, valuate
for it is not gone forever, for the light to shine there must be
darkness, the next day the brightest star rise from the north, and
hope has find it's way to good pessimist. "Every being heart and
soul has a line of the direction, to keep the spirit safe is shelter
from the north to never loose thy direction."

I have lived this world for thousands of years, reborn from every
death of me, I will never get use to loving the stars when I look at
it, at night, I see myself as one of them and there is where I belong.
"And imagine a book full of stars giving a priceless sense of

Strong rage and passion my love fight for limbo I compel myself to
be unforgettable, I convince the world I will never be forgotten, "I
forever is a atom from every sentiment through every century."
history can be forgotten but not every word my name will be
written on the walls of immortality, my world can be a cloud of
judgement when I say forever is me.

"Her touch of perfume attracts every part of my being, she

pull me closer with her eyes, her scent is like a revelation, her lips
is soft like fragile clouds there is where she takes me, with a gentle
cold breeze cooling the warm feeling in my core, her breath of
cologne is priceless to my health."

I shall breathe you in, and I shall kill myself to never breathe you
out again, as long as I can keep my breath that's for how long I can
live without you dear, I probably die if I breathe in every thing else
that is not you, your aroma is my life force, your essence keeps me
alive, because the time I spend with you I can never say the word
goodbye, I want to be with you every time of the day without you I
am restless, I waist my time dreaming romance, keep complaining
about the things I don't have when all I need is you, I should have
said I love you, when I see you time stand still just for a minute, I
look deep inside my feelings your name is painted on my interior
inside my veins, my heart is boiling my heart is soiling I need to
see her every morning when my eyes spill on her flex, I want to be
like a Phoenix to relive every moment with you, for my life dear.
"Every lover find the need to end there casual life and find a
hidden desire for her and find that it is true love."

A sweet taste when my lips apart from yours, eyes contact sparkle
when our gaze look deep in to each others soul, I try to image your
beauty on my mental wallpaper, so I can look at you every day
when I wake up from a nightmare making me comfortable that
warm me from the inside out, your radiance light me from the
inside with no gas, is it the sparkle in your eyes, is it the sweet
taste of your lips that makes my knees numb or is this vibrations
from your heart awakening this volcano in my core bursting in to
flames, making me comply to your senses every taste every lust
every sentiment is for you, oh dear your taste is sweet like heavens
gates opening to paradise, and explore your touch is heavenly to

Your scent is pure like your heart I have never felt anything so rare
as this lovable sensation in your core, it is so powerful I can feel it
from another galaxy, but the road I chose leads me to another
destiny and you will be my love forever more.

A ridicule of potions which one will you choose, a fairytale book

with pages with no numbers which one will you choose, by luck I
survive a horrible experience between love and hate, a potion to
drink to ease my fate, will the outcome be my good strength to
what I can, I have chosen love because poetry will be nothing
without it, is it true that fiction has a potion for every existence that
we see as not real, well I convict a blessing in a bloomy spell.

We could have been the moon, we could have been the sky, we
could have been anything that involves time, I am your glass and
you are my red wine, I will drink every taste on your body, my
tongue will shiver your legs, just don't let me fall and break my
heart like you did before, we could have been the galaxy, I am your
star and you be my universe. "My love."

I drive the wheels I loose control to what I might feel, a path has
such strange surprises, the end is why I keep on going or to reach a
destination that will allow me to live alone, I drive my way to seek
solitude, driving alone to find a new beginning after this end, a
universal lies is pointing directly at me, the woman I thought will
be my pilgrimage is part of this universal lies, I ease this misery to
feed my brain courage and pressure to keep me sane, maybe love
wasn't meant for me only destruction and power is my lesson to
understand what has been taken from me, I always wonder how
would life be when I am with her, I sense strong positive vibrations
from her helping me shaking of this negativity in my environment,
but even when she help me without realisation she is still part of
this universal lies, and for the worst of this disaster maybe telling
her that I love her will give me eyes to see we are never meant to
be, even when my core tells me the opposite, no emotions left to
weep, my great mind need knowledge from my ancient soul,
maybe I have drove this old road before in my past life, I want to
awake millennium of untold story's that I live before when my soul
was the witness, only then will I know the map to every road and
maybe just maybe if possible will I find her love, love is not meant
for my brain at all times.

But there is not one desire that is apart to make me not want to be
without you, I try to hard, think to deep move to quick sometimes I
feel so weak, my conquest to see it through the end is my
satisfaction I feel much more stronger when I get closer to her
breath of perfume, the future hold nothing more than a practical
observation to such perfection that is her, my mood is on point for
a fantasising scure the only thing I truly need in the end is pure,
pure love, her pure heart and her pure soul as good as I want this to
go she is the only person I want to know, her importance is first on
my list under my category called love I wright her name like a
catalyst on my memory when I think of her I want her to call out
my name, and right there at that very moment I feel alive, I feel
like no god has ever felt before when he discovered love for his
first time, strong love is one powerful instrument to play when I
sing to her with my eyes close feeling this rapture in my soul
making me proud to say I love her even more, I felt the need to say
this out loud loving you gives me a universal feeling no words can
ever display but I don't want to feel embarrassed when I think and
actually say I love you almost for more than I love myself.
Means I finally die to live to live for her and die for her my pure
darling I give her my heart, without her consent I want the same
from her in return, I wait while my life drain away I feel like
dieing I need her heart to keep on going, her heart is priceless and
so is my soul I want to give her, last seconds of my life she
appeared with a gloomy sensation in her hand and squish her heart
it in to my chest, I feel the tenderness in her soul is one good
salutation she has done indeed with her I feel more alive than
dieing with my opposition for love, but the truth is my hatred was
never fair and I try my best to love myself when my heart's
affection belongs with you. "I need you to love me dear." honestly
I need to die for you and be in your death forever, any battles
before you, I will conquer the world for you my darling. "My
sweet tenderness of love." my perfection you are a goddess
intactness, my love for you are greater than this worlds atmosphere
that keeps us alive, my love for you are more that I could ever
imagine, her shape knuckles feels like diamonds so cold and flare
similar to the diamonds in the form of her sparkly eyes reflecting
the stone so bright like the sudden moon shine, her fingers melt
like gold on my skin and keeps her shaped perfectly mold, I only
want her to surround me with her touch of gold enthusiastically
healing my scars I fall in love with her smile, I make my self laugh
when I think of her, I feel much more better of her expressions
towards love surrounding my soul with pure joy.

Warmth is in truly all the time, fire chest warm in my gline, slide
on cold ice like shiver like fine, I am trying to say you are divine,
surely I want to make you mine, I think about this verse and every
line artistic love is one true passion, trine is me, four is love our
formality between her and me when it comes to are lovable
integrities. "Is one pure sin together we are never wrong is on the
fall is'a0a saint, we are elite definitely divine."
I will do anything for you until end of time is funny how we met,
we met by are zodiac sign, is like the universe consider are fate to
be loveable where we cross paths and will never walk away from
are destiny that is we because I love you dear, her breath of
perfume my heart at ease I can feel it in my chest, can she reach
my point of view to see how many times I prevail If I tell her I love
her before she loves me will I fail, to claim her and make her mine
I hardly believe dreams has seed's to grow but certainly I knew for
me to grow in to her lover I must believe in my fairytale, no
illusionary universe is similar to reality but who says I can't be
romantic about my love for her, and who hasn't that of a gentleman
who are in love dreamt of a world where everything is magical in
any ways size or forms because every lover needs a little bit of
magic to make the night romantic with someone special, as the
stars fall across the sky her breath of perfume light sparkles in my
eyes and the meteor was never a simple broken rock from another
planet it has come as a shooting star to grand a wish for my love to
be with her, and so it shall be that the universe are in my favour
because it knows how much I love her and there is where my
dream comes true.


"The disembodied spirit is immortal, there is nothing of it

that can grow old and die, but the embodied spirit sees death on the
horizon as soon as its day dawns."

Supernatural makes the impossible possible only the unseen has

immortality, so it is that every mortal being has a reluctant
disembodied believe in the spirit and soul, reality can be a foe for
illusion to grow no one would no there brain has been consumed
by disbelief when actually there believes is there source of there
weakness and stupidity, humans in general. "One can only cherish
his mind full of glory, to sacrifice the worst for the best."

A sudden change is always what brings patience to a sudden time

to reach, but the waiting period always takes a lot out of you, if it
is worth the wait than nothing will be worth your time focus on thy
self, because no body can see the invisible desire that is for filling
your heart. "The invisible desire in the heart is the reason why the
spirit protects the soul for the mind to feel every wish to grant." a
day of dawn is a sweet helicon a place to see a flawless sun is like
music has been discovered for the ears to hear, a part of a sinful
instrument waiting until the sun comes is a cheer, is it me near to
my death or a wake up call to live forever? but what it truly is, is
out of this world and it is not my time to reach yet, my soul get to
live on, in my body of mold I adjust the perfection shinning my
skin turns into gold, I feel like a new man with no strings or foes to
hold me back but sometimes I feel my life is a chest game with
black and white squares all around my feet surrounding my
environment waiting patiently for me to make a move with there
devilish plans to cause destruction on my unknown docket, when I
move a piece and my opponent says of it, that piece can not be
move than I move the piece that is unknown to cause damage.'a'a

Because of its tremendous solemnity death is the light in which

great passions, both good and bad, become transparent, no longer
limited by outward appearances but the cause of destruction is
what gives the broken man a new foundation to build on, black and
white can be a custom or ritual to be in control but the power
construal in the mystery of dol is the missing piece of a soul, it
requires no sympathy to feel the need of suffering over others
being near to death, because the wise man knows if it was him in
such underlying situations his death will be sooner than later, for
he has done nothing to endure such deadly encouragement, off
cause it always brings me back on how humans always crave to
take valuable things for what is not there's, believe it is good truly
it only means despair and regret to there feeble minded self there is
where innocents suffer unsatisfying, with there participation in
lying. "Hiding the truth from the un cunning is like fooling
yourself to be royalty when you are nothing less than the victim of
your own prison." victimising the truth is like convincing yourself
not for the eyes to see your lies is unknown to the darkness and for
him who dwell seeking are being deceived with his own pride,
when light falls upon him you should better know that the'a0truth
that is already known, can not be lied to but the wisdom on his
tongue is called venom and the silence on his lips comes with a
definite brain full of mysterious plans waiting for his opponents to
move, the hesitantly indefinite piece, is left with no choice but to
see there outcome will consume there time and interest forfeiting
the game, and is named chess is born with one victory. "That is the
soul purpose of life to never give up because paying attention to
detail is like getting paid for discovery."

As the rain falls upon me I can see the storm rise up from the
ground sundering small but still swirl to keep its form,
outrageously inspire horror in order to control is one tornado swirl,
destroy everything around it the weakest stability of any object of
life are easily falling apart only if lucky will the strongest among
the vulgar be left to survive, because if there is any doubt that a
universal individual can escape the storm is only he who has
permission or the power to do so, those who are stuck with wages
better yet to say goodbye to your weak foundation where you have
build your life's worth on the brick of destruction where the wind
blows the fallible away.

A soul purch into the wind tell me how many feets will be stuck to
the ground? as a root in the ground grows deeper my vision
becomes clearer only the brave and powerful souls will survive this
horrible storm that feeds on those who has cause pain on the
wickedly sane, thy supernatural being must remain safe and has
planted its roots on a universal scale to maintain its balance it must
bare no rival to acquaintance for it is up most importance and can
never be considered equal to humanities hand.

Helping thy self can be one truthful mistake or is it a lie a mistake

to tell the truth? well nothing can be better than knowing the
unknown but only if it is worthlessly false thy can see the truth by
the opposite, in breaking the boundaries is when the line has been
drawn to keep you out from reaching the destiny that is worth your
ability to be in control is one truthful way of telling you, that your
heart and soul has power to overcome and overstep any boundaries
holding you back in life but the brain is the execution of any
misdeed that has been done to you and combining the two organs
and one supernatural soul makes your reality in the real world a
rainbow, and see every color when others only see black and white,
is modest to your new adventures with no obstacles to stop a
supernatural being is not going to last forever...


“He dream a wishful beam as he close his eyes his mind gets
darker to see for what he has become, a strong circular seems to
gleam around his feet, he walks with courage on his shoulders, he
runs he runs his legs gets heavier by the day. "Who can stop a man
or a woman with a purpose to prevail it's actions?" a wise man
once said to me a light can be seen no matter how far away one
may be in a tunnel vision, as long as you can see in the dark you
will be able to find, what is yours or what is lost. He still carry
those words in his pocket of destiny only the rare philosophy's can
be held accountable for his vocabulary of words, a beautiful
sentence keeps his mind focus on who he truly is and what life has
become he achieve what he needs, his struggle brings him closer to
competent, a rare view in his interior, in his soul he sees the world
differently than once before his unique figments drives him to
lexicon, become aware who ever share the same interest can only
be twenty five percent of the population because the world we live
in incessantly paradise is only for the flush but affirmatively only
few can claim there own paradise, as long as he has his wisdom of
comparison about himself with no one else. "Self control is a aura
of an orange soul without its balance the whole system collapse
and fail to complete its psyche with fortunate bliss."

A day dreaming scam or a life lesson to learn to avoid pitfalls, a

blind man or the eyes to see for what is not there, a curtain or a
concrete wall to protect your privacy? his unconscious deliberation
takes his thoughts carefully and make it very hard to comprehend,
a justified collaborate time is when a traitor try to in courage you
to make the wrong choices and he has not done so because he is
perfectly balance and well aware of the pitfalls in his future.
"Those who try to be the nightmare in your dreams find great
passion in your suffering but when you have awake out of there
deviltry you can spoil there constancy, and be the monster in there
reality causing great fear upon those malice'a0who enjoy seeing
you weak." power is not something he wants to give or loose for
what his desires bleed for doesn't mean he will die for it, live a life
long enough to say a life time was enough for him to complete his
hearts caprice to make it last forever legendary, when conquering
the world is his bloodlust well he pleads to wrong his enemies. "A
intellectual nourishment become patiently a vivid plan of action."
for he knows first you must do what you have to do in order to do
what you want to, a person with action comply with no accidence
or get accuse for his wrong crimes it depends if that someone has
the intellectual nourishment to over see the possibility to getting
captured. He doesn't do any actions without a plan his mind linger
in the dust where there is nothing else but sand, seldom in being
free is one part striving for majority but where he is right now is in
the middle of the desert seeking for what is lost or is his body lost
and his soul eager to be free? one drop of rain is what he gets when
pain in his heart overtakes his emotions he can not endure the
feeling or control it, after his philosophy tells him there are no
greater emotion than tears but even the saddest moments can make
you one of the strongest person there is because what is in the heart
is called love and it can be your greatest weapon to make the soul
purify, as it pours in to his cup it must be a hallow or just water to
clean his dry throat. "For it was a test from a unknown paradise, it
can be whatever he needs it to be, if he drinks it than it shall be
water and wet his dry throat but this cycle will last forever, but if
he has consider his soul to be sanctify, his soul pours over and
clean his venial blunder in his cup he shall be free from being
tested and live a prosperous life." well he has done exactly that for
he is wise and he knows a everlasting suffering was not his
punishment to bare and thou his destiny is in his reach, he has pour
his soul in to his cup of deliberation and the desert where he is so
to be has drained his sin, for what was left of his pure soul is
transcended back to his body, walking with a smile on his face for
he has complete his mission of conduct.

An illusionary hope can be a dream while one is still conscious,

but what he has experience was real as the day light from the moon
in the night it appears to him to see the world truthfully, eyes is
round the pupil is black his mind is sharp but his thoughts are vet
and his vision is clear like the white clouds awake and the dark
clouds asleep, he always deprive to what is his, and he do it out of
facts he concentrate on what's next and take parts of action step by
step,'a0those who doesn't matter to him he neglect and mostly
those he despise is humanities feebleminded self, praise to his
name because he has overcome the most difficult obsticlals and the
negativity that has been bestow up on him was dark magic to take
his power and fortunate away for the good of there own interests
and maked him the unwitting victim, burdened him with a heavy
adverse karma a malevolent force blocking his present life to
stagnate in misfortune, by hijacking his beneficial angelic karma
exchanging it for there own karmic dept trapping him in a mere
illusion that last forever, while he has suffer so much pain and tears
overflowing his heart he still say the word love to the woman he
wants to be with, I don't believe there is anything that can stop his
good will and to for filing his heart desires, and yet he remains
strong by conquering himself for the moon knowing one day he
will take it for himself and give it for the woman he held so dear in
his heart, because his heart is numb from all the pain he
experience, and his eyes has dried up from all the tears he cried in
silence, this sentence rever to the song no tears left to cry by the
woman with the voice of lust. "A tear in silence is like a drop in the
ocean where the blood rivers comes together and form one
commotion in a place, in the heart it bleeds for love, it yearn for
lust, as cold as it gets only she can warm his heart once more."

A deity with highly sensitive sense and a developed animal reflex

nerve, his true nature is about to reveal that is who he truly is, it
can be one sentiment of an occasion his time is of the essence
where everything will soon comes his way. "A sensitive man can
express the best humour on the most harsh of times he feels natures
most severe emotions, tears are rain, thunder are rage, fire is
power, grass and trees are the life cycle of living it is smiling on
thy sunshine while blooming radiantly optimistic, always seeing
and expecting the best even out of the most torrent floods, and he
who feels the fire in his veins was a sensitive diety in truth."

A flowering tender a sunflower manner without nourishment it

slender it grows with knowledge and excel with pride, it has
everything it needs in it self to hide, for a beautiful fragile radiant
flower I think of you every hour, he fall in love with a women she
reminds him of it, and he says to himself, I will protect you
because your heart resembles mine, we are everything we are, and
who we are suppose to be is more than the open eyes to see, to
what we can, to what we can become I will do anything to for full
your hearts desire my love, "In the moon the love is invisible it
shines from the inside but reflects on the outside, when a halo of
love reappear around the moon, is when his eyes has gaze into her
eyes penetrating in to her soul and it resembles his ,for what love is
worth it can become someone's destiny."

As there elements is fire hers and his but when two flames comes
together, he imagine the ground shake with lava fire is a
earthquake bursting from the depth to the sky touching the clouds,
love can be flames fire can be power in every hour the fire spread
out of the volcano it express there love together, she shall have the
moon they shall have a volcano he shall be the thunder and she
shall be the goddess of there love. "Strong love can be a powerful
thing when you believe one is better than two, it gets stronger
everyday and love has no limit because it grows and last forever,
because when love has a reason to shine and it shines from within
it can never be dim or light out, eternal flame is the opposite sex of
eternal love."

When God created the opposite sex for he knows the strongest of
passion comes from the heart, I strongly believe the heart was
nothing more than an organ but when he felt a strange sensation in
his heart he gave the most powerful element called love and has
blessed them with it, for he knows I will someday realise this
feeling in my core for someone special, without it ever exist the
light won't be the sun of eternal flames, but its existence have over
takes the darkness and it has become night and day until the love is
no more the sun will die and that is not possible because love has
an eternal flame. "After death love still remains if possible they
can come together on a higher angelic lever, only love will follow
the soul no matter where it goes, it shall never be set apart the bond
between the soul and love will share the same light together
forever." yes it is true when he say a fire feather is a divine softness
and it is his treasure to remind him from where he has come from,
a diety with sudden devotion for himself is like the sun and the
moon are a couple, and this cycle is meant to be forever, "Jupiter
the planet belongs to his and the moon eclipse is his, it is a star at
his disposal and it is apart of his, the universe can be his its in his
favour, it is there for his, what is his, is about to be his life force."

If he can he might live forever if his death is on the horizon his

mind become transgender, when thy signal comes from heaven he
responds with thy sensor, but when the light falls upon him thy
must better know the light belongs to his, and he shine from within
because what he is, is light from above his heart is made of fire and
his soul is made from a magical ocean but that ocean was first a
fountain and than a river over the years his soul spread to the
surface of his body's interior, when his mind is still up float his
love remains on fire, his past was fading he was never a lier he
seeks for truth, and truth only he has found from thy resource with
in the dept of his destiny, and what is his destiny? the world will
soon see to what he was meant to be. "A proud circular with no
arrangement to be in control for what he already knows must be a
thought of gold, patience has no proud evolution but in developing
yourself takes time to build a fortress to live alone." He disagree
with how humans puts him down make him swim in a pool of lies
all they do is take and commit crimes, on the controversy it is a
universal affair the truth is a underground organisation takes his
pride, his birth right and everything that is his by right away, frauds
and thief's is what they are, a country which is suppose to be a
rainbow nation participate to make him suffer intentionally while
they get paid by thy malice who seek to destroy his precious life
forever, and thy invincible hand of darkness is a curse to see him
fail in everything he strive for, he wants to accomplish in his life
time, when his period is of great despair, and that is nothing less
than one hundred percent the truth, "The truth is one beautiful
sentence but a lie is one hurtful deceive, a lie is like a fiction with
unrealistic truth, to believe in such truth than your reality is no
longer of this world, your world become an illusion of most

Who ever said his tongue can shoot, a venom snake is on the loose,
its words is written on blue lines it cures the mind from dark times
it looms and grows, it takes advantage of every thy opportunity it
can find but from the sensitive side it knows if one has not taken
advantage of every opportunity to act, one's character may remain
entirely unaffected for the better, it is always over protective and
self-centred it moves with constant fate and form endeavours with
grace, it has a humour of sage and only if it strikes with venom it
can get out of this cage, its path is maze its light is Satan the prince
of darkness is well aware of his pain, but his soul will always be
his and never someone elses property, because he knows love to
his soul gave eyes, he knew things are not as they seem the world
is his real life the world around is his dream, and for what he sees
is the unseen and there is where he finds the truth, his intuition is
glorified with sentience.


My date of birth is 03/12/2000, I am a male artists who

embark on a journey to great opportunities, I have written this
book in South Africa, I always wanted to be a poet and a
philosopher and what better way to put them together and create a
new diction. (Poe-Losophy)... and don't be intimidated by my age I
have an old soul. Well this is my first book and will probably be
my last, this book has and will in the future always be a reminder
about my self and my thoughts, "A thought comes from the mental
imagination and explore the galaxy." As a philosopher and a poet I
want you to explore this galaxy with me, my book Guidance To
Poe-Losophy is a dream come true and it is quite personal, and this
book is apart of my life, it is a book about my life and the
mystery's I unfold is the truth, I have written this book by myself
to make me realise anything can be done when you put your time
and action in to a certain degree. And from a author to the world.
"Let your heart desires be free and live a life worth living because
without it, my book Guidance To Poe-Losophy is more than a
lesson but a road to comprehend and be your true self."

Because I feel generous I am going to travel the world and help

where I can and this book of mine is important to those less
fortunate, when I say help where I can I am starting a "FUND
RAISE" and please cooperate for me its very personal, every dollar
counts. Bank Details. Swift Code, "CABLZAJJ." Branch Name,
"Head Office." Bank Address, "CAPITEC, 97 Commercial Road."
(Account Number Is, 1652499693) and the name of bank card is
MR EP SCHALKWYK ...My book is included. thank you.

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