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Melancholic individuals tend to be analytical and detail-oriented, and they are deep thinkers and

feelers. They are introverted and try to avoid being singled out in a crowd. A melancholic personality
leads to self-reliant individuals who are thoughtful, reserved, and often anxious.

How They Show Love

The melancholic temperament is prone to keeping their feelings guarded. Because of this, they are not
as likely to express love verbally or emotionally. However, they do show people that they love them
through being dependable and reliable, and by doing things for the people they care about. In short, if
you know someone with a melancholic temperament look at their actions for validations of love rather
than words.


Melancholies have a natural leaning toward being analytical and intellectual. They often see the result
of a project long before its completion. They are good at looking at a situation or problem from all sides
and seeing all possible outcomes. This makes them very effective problem solvers, planners, and

Mood Extremes

Although the melancholy temperament keeps their emotions guarded against others, they are very
emotional. In fact, they may be the most emotional of all the temperament types. These high running
emotions can lead to mood extremes. They will feel elation very strongly, but that mood can be easily
broken if something even slightly bad happens. Other times they will be very gloomy or depressed, and
depression does tend to run more strongly through melancholy temperaments.

Task Oriented

Because people with melancholic temperament are very introverted, they are not people oriented. This
makes them more task oriented. The melancholy loves to have tasks to complete. They like to stay busy,
and they will tackle their to-do list with relish. They are usually extremely efficient and productive
workers regardless of their career or job duties.


Melancholies are also perfectionists. They have a very set idea of the perfect situation, the perfect way
to do things, and the perfect outcome. They tend to set nearly impossible standards of quality and goals
for themselves and others. When perfectionism is not achieved, they can become easily angry, although
they will not be likely to show it until it becomes so pent up over time that they reach a breaking point.


The melancholic temperament tends toward a fierce loyalty of friends, family, co-workers, and
employers. The loyalty must be earned, but once earned they will be loyal for life. They are quick to
make promises and commitments to those they are loyal to. And, they will undoubtedly meet or exceed
those commitments for the people that they care about the most.

Melancholies are very self-motivated by their perfectionism. They are motivated by their standards
more than rewards or the threat of punishment. They prefer it if they can get more than one chance at
something because they always feel that they can do a better job the next time. This drive to be the best
and achieve perfectionism is all the motivation that they will ever need.

Knows Limitations

Because melancholies are very analytical and perfectionists, they know their limitations. You will rarely
see a person with a melancholic temperament take on more than they can handle. They know exactly
what they can and cannot do. If they are being expected to take on more than they can handle at one
time they are not afraid to speak up and say that they are not able to meet the commitment. At the
same time, because they only take on what they can handle, they are really good about meeting

Over Thinking

Melancholies tend to over think everything, which can lead to problems. They are very quick to jump to
the offense when in conversations because they are so emotionally intense. They also tend to jump to
unfounded conclusions or suspicions when dealing with others in various social situations, and their
overthinking will only exacerbate these thoughts. They tend to become inactive due to excessive self-
reflection and overthinking different situations and the past.

Quiet Personality

The melancholy temperament is very calm and quiet, but don't let that fool you. Inside their emotions
may be raging. They simply choose not to show it. They tend to remain very calm and quiet even in the
face of extreme anger. However, if they are pushed too far or for too long, they will explode, and the
result will be devastating to the person their anger is aimed towards.

Melancholies are calm and quiet even when surrounded by frenetic activity and chaos. Their demeanor
portrays a certain level of contentment, even when they may not be feeling content. They have a very
harmless approach to life.

Melancholic temperament people tend to be extremely patient. They have a level of patience that
makes them really good teachers or parents. They do not become easily frustrated when teaching or
talking to others. They are also able to wait for things to happen or wait in long lines without much

Societal Order

People with melancholic temperament love the societal order of friendships, family, relatives,
relationships and even work relationships. They accept their role in the grand scheme of things and are
happy with that role. They like that everyone in their social circles has their duties and roles to play.
They work well in team environments where everyone has a role to play and specific duties that they
contribute to the team. They also do well in organizations where there is a definitive hierarchy.
Loves Details

Melancholy temperaments love to keep track of little details. They are the ones that are going to
remember everyone's birthday and anniversary. They have fantastic memories and will easily remember
the names and personal details of people that they just met. They like to focus on any matter that
requires their attention and has a lot of details to keep track of. Their power of recall is one of the best
traits of a melancholic temperament.

Comfortable In Routines

Melancholies are most comfortable with set routines. They hate surprises. Surprises or abrupt changes
in routine can throw them off balance and may cause emotional outbursts. They tend to be very happy
with the routines of their life, including social commitments, and do not see them as a waste of time.
They could not imagine living their life in any other way.

Goal Oriented

Melancholic temperament people are extremely goal oriented. Their analytical thinking allows them to
see all of the potential outcomes of a situation, making it easy for them to make and keep long-term
goals. They like to stick to a plan and get it done within a specified time frame, so they are good at
meeting deadlines. They are very efficient and great planners.

Deep In Thought

As a general rule, melancholic temperament people are almost always deep in thought. They are very
serious people who don't do a lot of joking around. They tend to dwell on events, including things that
have happened in the past. This also means that they are prone to hold grudges because they cannot
easily forget wrongs done to them. If a melancholy person is extremely quiet and doesn't seem to be
paying attention, they are probably lost in thought.


Melancholies are often very creative. They may be artists, musicians or writers. If they are none of these
things, they approach problems with a creative mindset and are known for thinking outside the box.
Their creativity extends to all areas of their life. They are likely to come up with creative ways to show
people that they care about them, and they are going to be creative at work in finding new innovative
processes and ways to do things or ways to tackle a problem.
People with phlegmatic personality are unassuming, agreeable and intuitive. They possess the ability of
“web thinking”, i.e. to see the relationship between many bits of data they collect.

List of the Phlegmatic Personality Type Traits

1. They love to follow and enforce the rules.

2. They receive joy by giving it to other people.

3. They have high levels of emotional intelligence.

4. They blame themselves quickly and often.

5. They are honest.

6. They prefer to defer decisions to other people if possible.

7. They like to spend time by themselves.

8. They are warm and cooperative people.

9. They are creative and imaginative.

10. They like to cook.

11. They like to take long walks by themselves.

People with choleric personality type are very savvy, analytical, and logical. Extremely practical and
straightforward, choleric people aren't necessary very good companions or particularly social.

Finding the Strengths of the Choleric Personality Type

1. Optimism
People with this personality type tend to see the whole picture. They focus on their goals to create
positive outcomes whenever possible. Even when something negative is lurking around, they tend to
look at events in an optimistic way through their goal-oriented approach.

2. Leadership
People who have the choleric personality type are born leaders. Their desire to be active allows them to
engage with others at a core level. They’re willing to make changes when the situation calls for it, while
still knowing when the time is right to let others learn. They aren’t afraid to delegate tasks to others or
help teach specific skills to let others finds success.

3. Decisive
People with this personality tend to make quick choices. Most of their decisions tend to be correct. On
the off occasion when the wrong choice is made, they move to make things right as quickly as possible.
They are also willing to correct others if they feel like something wrong is going on. Their strong will can
be uncomfortable for others at times, especially in social situations, because they don’t care about the
rules of engagement. If something needs to be fixed, then they fix it.
4. Motivational
Choleric personalities set goals constantly. They encourage their teams to work together, which is a skill
that comes home with them as well. That makes these people very reliable, showing up when they are
needed to push others toward a positive conclusion. Their independent nature allows them to succeed
when there are numerous friends or only a handful around at any given time.

Finding the Weaknesses of the Choleric Personality Type

1. Details
People with this personality type tend to focus on the big picture only. They want to make fast decisions
to maintain forward momentum toward that goal. Because of that haste, they can sometimes overlook
or analyze details that are required for individual goal steps. That leads to mistakes, which can impact
the quality of the work they perform.

2. Manipulation
Choleric personalities are extremely good at manipulating others. They push people who make mistakes
in their eyes to the limit, often driving them away. Then they create emotional circumstances which
place the blame on the person being pushed away. It is not uncommon for this personality type to
create false results, which make it look like goals were achieved, and then be able to live in that fantasy
world for quite some time.

3. Overbearing
People who have this personality type are constantly pushing others to be their best. They leave no
room for other people to breathe. Results are expected, and they want them constantly. This creates an
environment where everyone is busy all of the time. They are intolerant of interruptions or setbacks,
preferring a “tough love” environment where the negative tends to be the primary focus of feedback.

Sanguine personality type is described primarily as being highly talkative, enthusiastic, active, and social.
Sanguines tend to be more extroverted and enjoy being part of a crowd; they find that being social,
outgoing, and charismatic is easy to accomplish.

Very Social

People with the sanguine temperament are extremely social creatures. They are very outgoing and will
be the first to shake your hand, hug you, clap you on the back, or start up a conversation. They find it
easy to make friends. They may be relationship hoppers because they have short attention spans and
can easily fall in love. A pure sanguine temperament is truly a social extrovert.


Sanguine temperament people are optimistic. They prefer to see the bright side of life, and they like to
live life to the fullest. They are not as likely to see the bad in a situation as they are good. They believe
life is an exciting fun-filled experience that should be lived to the fullest extent at all times. They like to
live their lives fast and furious and get frustrated when they become stagnant.

The sanguine is the most impulsive of all the temperaments. Because they are all about living life to the
fullest and living in the present, they tend to act on impulse much more frequently than other
temperaments. They do things because they sound like a good idea at the time and do not always think
about potential consequences. They only want to do what appears to be fun and exciting. If they are
bored and something exciting comes along, they are likely to jump at it regardless of the consequences.

Excels in Communication

Sanguine temperament people are excellent communicators. They can get the point across in a way that
many other people cannot. They are great motivational speakers, and also great salespeople. The
sanguine temperament can likely sell ice to an Eskimo, simply because they are so friendly and
persuasive. They may not, however, be very good listeners, so when it comes to open communication in
personal relationships, they may be lacking.

Pleasure Seeking

Sanguine temperament people are always seeking out pleasure. They are more likely to do pleasurable
activities than those that are boring or required. For this reason, they may not be very responsible at
times. They may find it challenging to stay on task if something is boring or undesired. For this reason,
sanguine temperament people may be job hoppers, always looking for the job that will give them

Live In The Present

Sanguine temperament people tend to live in the present, instead of the past or the future. Because
they do not think about the past, they may not easily learn from their mistakes. Not thinking about the
past also means they are not prone to hold grudges. They also do not think about the future, instead
focusing on what opportunities there are at the moment. A pure sanguine is not likely to have long-term
goals or plans.

Tend To Exaggerate

People of the sanguine temperament are prone to telling tall tales. They tend to exaggerate when
talking to other people and telling stories of events that have occurred. They are also prone to
exaggerating their feelings and ideas, and they are frequently melodramatic in their approach to
problems that may arise.

Need Constant Reassurance

Sanguine temperaments need constant reassurance from their loved ones that they are loved and
thought of often. They appreciate gifts of toys and gadgets the most when it comes to methods of
showing them that you care. Sanguines are more likely to stay in a relationship if they are getting lots of
attention, time, and gifts. They are more likely to stay in a relationship long-term if they are constantly
getting reassurance that they are loved, and the other person isn't going anywhere.

People with the sanguine temperament are so talkative that when you find information about sanguines
the trait is often listed more than once. They will talk to anyone and everyone. There is never a quiet
moment when you are around a sanguine person. This can be dangerous for children and teens who
have the sanguine temperament because they are likely to talk openly and freely to strangers.

Attention Seeking

Sanguines are seek attention. If they are not getting enough attention from their partner, they may find
a new one. If they are not getting enough attention from their friends, they won't cut them off, but they
will go out in search of people that will give them the attention that they crave. Sanguines are the class
clowns, the jokers that are always trying to take center stage.


People of the sanguine temperament are extremely expressive of all of their emotions. If they are angry
or frustrated, you will most definitely know it. If they are happy, they are going to be extremely bubbly
and energetic. If they love you, they are going to tell you and show you in a million ways every day. They
are most likely to be open and honest about their feelings because they are unable to hide how they feel
even if they try, which most likely they won't.

Sense Of Humor

A sense of humor is inherent in all sanguine temperament people. Their sense of humor is most likely
going to be light. However, because they are often blunt, some temperaments can take their jokes the
wrong way. If they do offend someone with a joke, they are quick to apologize and make it right. They
prefer to laugh and smile and they want the whole world to laugh and smile with them.

Forgive And Forget

Because sanguine temperament people live in the present, they are quick to forgive and forget.
However, they expect the same treatment. They will apologize and expect to be forgiven, and the
incident will be forgotten just as quickly as they would do so.

High Self-Esteem

Sanguine temperament people tend to have high self-esteems. While good self-esteem is important and
generally seen as a good thing, sanguines can sometimes be seen as too full of themselves or selfish.

Intense Emotions

Sanguine temperament people feel emotions intensely and are not afraid to show their emotions.
However, they can be fickle, and their emotions can change rapidly. Living with a sanguine can be like
living in an emotional rollercoaster. They feel and express all emotions intensely until the moment
passes, then they move on to the next thing or emotion that has distracted them.

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