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Age Basic strength/ Core Important Outcome

conflict virtue Pathology event
The infant must form a
1 Infancy Trust vs. Hope Withdrawal Feeding/ first loving, Trusting
Mistrust comfort relationship with the
caregiver, or develop a
sense of mistrust.
The child's energies are
directed toward the
Autonomy Toilet development of physical
2 Early vs. Shame Will Compulsion Training/
skills, including walking,
Childhood and Doubt Dressing
grasping, and rectal
sphincter control. The
child learns control but
may develop shame and
doubt if not handled well.
3 The child continues to
become more assertive
Preschool Initiative vs. Purpose Inhibition Exploration/ and to take more initiative,
Guilt play
but may be too forceful,
leading to guilt feelings.
4 The child must deal with
School Age Industry vs. Competence Inertia School/ demands to learn new
Inferiority Activity skills or risk a sense of
inferiority, failure and
5 Identity vs. Social The teenager must achieve
Adolescence Role Fidelity Repudiation Relationship/ a sense of identity in
Confusion Identity occupation, sex roles,
politics, and religion.
6 The young adult must
Young Adult Intimacy vs. Love Exclusivity Intimate develop intimate
Isolation relationship relationships or
sufferfeelings of isolation.
7 Each adult must find some
Middle Generativity Care Rejectivity Work and way to satisfy and support
Adult vs. parenthood the next generation.
8 Ego The culmination is a sense
Maturity Integrity vs. Wisdom Distained Reflection on of oneself as one is and of
Despair life feeling fulfilled.

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