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121-154 minutes

Personal Finances from Hora Chart


1. The natal chart which is otherwise called Rasi Chart or D1 shows all matters concerning the native in general.
2.  The Hora Chart D2 indicates wealth and money matters.
3.  The Drekkana chart D3 indicates siblings, diseases pointing out a particular part and of course death.
4.  The Chadurthamsa or D4 chart indicates places of residence, property owned and fortune in general.
5.  The Panchamsa chart or D5 indicates fame, authority and followers.
6.  Tha Shashtamsa chart or D6 indicates the challenges that are likely to face by native on the health front.
7.  The Sapthamsa chart or D7 will allow the astrologer to find out everything related to children and grand children.
8. The Ashtamsa chart or D8 indicates sudden and unexpected experiences and troubles including litigation.
9.  The Navamsa chart or D9 shows marriage and all matters related to one’s spouse, to one’s own dharma, interpersonal
and basic skills.
10. The Dasamsa  chart or D10 shows career and achievements of a native in a society.
11. The Rudramsa chart or D11 indicates death and destruction.
12.  The Dwadasamsa chart or D12  shows everything related to parents and all their blood relatives.
13.  The Shodasamsa chart or D16 indicates vehicles, pleasures and discomforts of a native.
14.  The Vimsamsa chart of D20 indicates religious involvement of a native and his spiritual evolution.
15.   The Chaturvimsamsa chart of D24 indicates learning, knowledge and formal education of a native.
16.   The Nakshatramsa chart or D27 indicates strengths and weaknesses inherent in a person’s nature.
17.   The Trimsamsa chart or D30 shows all evils, punishments, past karma, some diseases etc.
18.   The Khavedamsa chart or D40 indicates auspicious and inauspicious events, mother and her ancesters etc
19.  The Akshavedamsa chart or D45 indicates fortune, father and his ancestors and also religious activities of a native.
20.  The Shashtiamsa chart or D60 indicates the actions and karma of past life.


1. Divisional charts are not independant like Rasi chart. An
event can take place only when it is indicated in Rasi chart.
Event should not be predicted on the basis of divisional
chart alone.
2. A planet becomes powerful if it is exalted, situated in his
own sign, possesses digbala in divisional chart.
3. In divisional chart planets in 4th, 7th, and 10th houses give
very good results. They give good results in 5th, 9th and
11th houses, whereas the 2nd house is neutral in all the
divisional charts.
4. Any planet situated in 3rd, 8th and 12th from ascendant of
a divisional chart gives bad result during his period. Exalted
planets situated in these houses become powerless to give
good results.
5. Benefics on both sides of ascendant of a divisional chart
or of a planet increase good effects. Similarly malefics on
both sides increase bad effects.
6. Principles of Dasa – Bhukti are also applied to divisional
charts to judges the effects.
7. The effects of transits are also judged from divisional chart.
8. A debilitated planet in divisional chart gives bad results in
his Dasa or Bhukti concerning aspect of life denoted by
that divisional chart unless there is a cancellation of
debilitation e.g. Debilitated planet in
Navamsa – causes problems in married
Sapthamsa – causes unhappiness about children.
Chaturvimsamsa – causes dislocation or obstacles in
9. Any planet placed in 3rd or 8th house in any divisional
chart causes death like effects during his Dasa or Bhaukti.
e.g. To spouse in Navamsa
To profession in Dasamsa (like retirement or resignation)
10. A Planet situated in the same sign both in Rasi chart and
any divisional chart is called ‘Vargottam’ with reference
to that divisional chart. The results of Vargottam planets
are always good. The results of Vargottam planets as per
different astrological texts are as under:-
Saravali – Good Results
Chandrakalanadi – Results of Rajyoga and enjoyment
Phaladipika – Results as if planet is placed in own sign
Let us now see how various divisional charts are cast and
what are the principles of interpretation of some of the
important divisional charts.

Principles of interpretation of Hora chart:

1. Jupiter, Sun and Mars give pronounced effects in Hora of
Sun. The Moon, Venus and Saturn do so in Moon’s Hora.
Mercury is equally effective in both Horas.
2. In case of even Rasi, the Hora of Moon with be powerful.
In odd Rasi, Sun’s Hora will be powerful.
3. The effect due to a Hora will be derived fully if planet is in
the first one-third part of Hora. The effect will be medium
or nil according to the placement being in second or third
part of Hora.
4. During operational period of planets placed in Hora of
Sun, a native earns and accumulates wealth by own efforts.
During the planets placed in Hora of Moon, earning and
accumulation of wealth comes natural i.e. without much

Dasamamsa chart can pinpoint factors causing delays and

temporary disappointments in profession.
Principles of Interpretation of Dasamamsa Chart.
1. In Dasamamsa Lagna assumes a tremendous significance.
If Lagna is aspected by benefics, it becomes strong, then
it may be presumed that career of the native stands on a
good foundation provided, of course, Lagna chart does
not tell altogether different results.
2. If powerful Sun is posited in upachaya houses aspected
by Jupiter, native is likely to get recognition and eminence
in career.
3. If Dasa lord is strong in lagna chart and poised to give
good results but lacks adequate strength in Dasamamsa,
such Dasa lord may create uncertainties, under critical
sub – periods. A sub dasa lord unfavourably placed in
Dasamamsa from Dasa lord and afflicted with malefics
may even temporarily hold up anticipated results.
4. Planets in tenth house in Dasamamsa during their ruling
periods will better the prospects of one’s career.
5. If there is no planet in tenth house in Dasamamsa, then its
lord during its ruling period will confer honour to the native.
6. Planets aspecting lord of tenth house in Dasamamsa
should also be considered powerful with respect to one’s
7. The period of planets in kendra of Dasamamsa will be a
mile stone in one’s career.

Divisional charts come to our rescue by isolating each aspect of life from those
governed by a house. The study and analysis of Divisional charts serve the following
To have an assessment about the strength of each planet by studying its
1. placement in various divisions. Thus liability and asset of each planet is known
which adds accuracy to astrological predictions.
To identify the results of a particular aspect of life. This is done by studying the
concerned house in birth chart along with relevant divisional chart.
Each astrological text enumerates number of divisional charts. However out of these
sixteen divisional charts are considered relevant to important aspects of life and a
learned Vedic astrologer takes cognizance of these. These are known as sixteen
Divisional charts or Shodasvargas.
The details of these charts are as under:

S. No. Name of Divisional Chart Parts of a sign Aspects of life to be studied

1. Rasi(D1) Full/30 deg General well being
2. Hora(D2) ½nd  Part(15deg) Wealth
3. Decante(D3) or 1/3rd  Part(10deg) Happiness from younger co
Dreshkansha born, initiative
4. Charthuthamsa or ¼th  Part(7deg 30’) Fortune, net assets
5. Sapthamamsa(D7) 1/7th  Part(4deg 17’ Dynasty, progeny and
8.57”) happiness there from
6. Navamamsa(D9) 1/9th Part(3deg 20’) Spouse, general fortune,
marital happiness religious
7. Dasamamsa(D10) 1/10th Part(3deg) Profession, fame, power,
8. Dwadamamsa(D12) 1/12th part(2deg30’) Parents
9. Shodamamsa(D16) 1/16th Part(1deg 52’ Conveyance and related
30”) happiness
10. Vimsamsa(D20) 1/20th Part(1deg Worship, religious activities,
30’) spiritual progress
11. Chaturvimsamsa or 1/24th Part(1deg All types of academic
Siddhamamsa(D24) 15’) achievements
12. Sapthavimsamsa or 1/27th Part(1deg 6’ Physical strength and strains
Bhamsa or 40”)
13. Trimamsa(D30) 1/30th part(1deg) Happiness and miseries, evils,
misfortunes, chastity in
14. Khavedamsa(D40) 1/40th Part(45’) Auspicious and inauspicious
15. Akshavedamsa(D45) 1/45th Part(40’) Character and conduct
16. Shashtiamsa(D60) 1/60th Part(30’) General indications
Apart from above sixteen divisional charts, some astrological texts refer to
Shadvargas(six divisional charts), Saptavargas(seven divisional charts) &
Dasvargas(ten divisional charts). These groups refer to the following divisional charts:
Shadvargas: D1, D2, D3, D9, D12 & D30

Saptavargas: D1, D2, D3, D7, D9, D12 & D30.

Dasvargas : D1, D2, D3, D7, D9, D10, D12, D16, D30 & D60.

Division Primary Name Other names

D-1 Chart Rasi Bhagana, Bha chakra
D-2 Chart Hora
D-3 Chart Drekkana
D-4 Chart Chaturthamsa Tureeyamsa
D-5 Chart Panchamamsa
D-6 Chart Shastamsa Kauluka
D-7 Chart Saptamsa
D-8 Chart Astamsa
D-9 Chart Navamsa Dharmamsa
D-10 Chart Dasamsa Swargamsa
D-11 Chart Rudramsa Labhamsa
D-12 Chart Dwadasamsa Suryamsa
D-13 to D-15 Charts Not used in Vedic Astrology
D-16 Chart Shodasamsa Kalamsa
D-17 to D-19 Charts Not used in Vedic Astrology
D-20 Chart Vimsamsa
D-21 to D-23 Charts Not used in Vedic Astrology
D-24 Chart Siddhamsa Chaturvimsamsa
D-25 to D-26 Charts Not used in Vedic Astrology
D-27 Chart Nakshatramsa Bhamsa, Saptavimsamsa
D-28 to D-29 Charts Not used in Vedic Astrology
D-30 Chart Trimsamsa
D-31 to D-39 Charts Not used in Vedic Astrology
D-40 Chart Khavedamsa Swavedamsa
D-41 to D-44 Charts Not used in Vedic Astrology
D-45 Chart Akshavedamsa
D-46 to D-59 Charts Not used in Vedic Astrology
D-60 Chart Shastyamsa
Some higher Divisional charts
D-72 Chart Asta-Navamsa
D-81 Chart Nav-Navamsa
D-108 Chart Astottaramsa Nav-Dwadasamsa, Dwadas-Navamsa,
(are the two methods of chart
D-144 Chart Dwadas-Dwadasamsa
D-150 Chart Nadiamsa Chandra-Kala Amsa
D-300 Chart Ardha-Nadiamsa
1.       Other systems: There are other totally different Varga Charts based on other
criteria. Example – Astakavarga: The Varga charts constructed on the basis of the
contribution of Rekha[22] and Bindu[23] by the eight factors (Lagna and seven
planets from Sun to Saturn).

1.3.2   Technical terms:-

Like every other system, there are various technical terms used in the examination of
Divisional charts. Getting accustomed to the verbiage helps in understanding and
using the system.

1)      Varga: Division or Divisional Chart in general usage.

1. Amsa means portion and generally refers to the division of a sign. It also refers to
individual D-charts when used in conjunction with the reference to the division.
Example: Navamsa – Nav (Nine) + Amsa (division) refers to the one-ninth portion
of a sign and the D-9 Chart specifically.
2. Yoga means union and refers to the association of two bodies, whether mobile
planets/Lagna or static signs in any of the four methods of Sambandha[24]. Any
planet that brings about an association between the Lagna, Hora Lagna and
Ghatika Lagna by ownership, placement or aspect is termed a Yogada.
3. Subhapati: Subha means benefic and specifically refers to the Moon, as it is the
sustainer of this life. Subhapati is the dispositor of the Moon and its dignity in the
various divisional charts is examined to determine the health and longevity of the
native. If the Subhapati aspects or conjoins the Lagna or Atmakaraka, it is
elevated to the position of a Kevala. In addition if it associates with the Hora
Lagna (HL) or Ghatika Lagna (GL) it is further elevated to a Kevala Yogada and if
both HL and GL are also associated with the Kevala, then it is a Kevala
4. Karya Rasi is the house, which is the center of focus of the activity related to a
Divisional chart. A D-chart may have many important houses like a Dasamsa
where the sixth house is examined for service related matters or the seventh
house is examined for business, but the focus is the tenth house and for the
Dasamsa, the tenth house is the Karya Rasi. The Lord of the Karya Rasi in the Rasi
Chart should be well placed in the concerned divisional chart for the activity
(Karya) to prosper.
5. Karyesh is the significator of the Karya (activity) and will vary from one chart to
another depending on the activity involved. For example, in the Dasamsa
(profession) a person can have many Karyesh depending on the activities he is
involved in. As an example let us consider President Bill Clinton. He is a politician
and also a lawyer. The Karyesh for politics is the Sun (note – Moon is for
Bureaucracy) and that for a legal profession is Jupiter. Depending on the
placement and strength of these planets in the Dasamsa, the rise or fall or
changes in career can be studied and predicted. The concept of Argala is vital to
determine as to which of these Karyesh shall bloom or perish at any point of time
as the dasa’s change.
6. Karaka means significator and are classified into the three categories of
Naisargika, Chara and Sthira karaka. Details about Karaka and other basic
principles like Rasi & Graha drishti, Argala etc, can be learnt from any standard

1.4 Harmonics

Since the twelve sign division is the primary division, it follows that all sub-division of
the sign will fall in a sequence that repeats after every twelve divisions. Thus, for
example, the D-16 Chart (Shodasamsa or Kalamsa) will be the first harmonic (or
second cycle) of the D-4 Chart (Chaturthamsa). This can be expressed mathematically
as 16 = (12 x 1)+ (4); where 1 represents the first harmonic. Similarly, the D-40
(Khavedamsa) Chart is the third harmonic (or 4th cycle) of the D-4 Chart as 40 = (12
x 3) + (4).

Table 4 : Divisional Charts Cycle

Level of Consciousness Cycle/ Harmonic Divisional Charts range

Physical Primary (D-1 to D-12)
Conscious Secondary/ First harmonic (D-13 to D-24)
Sub-Conscious Tertiary/ Second harmonic (D-25 to D-36)
Super- Conscious Quaternary/ Third harmonic (D-37 to D-48)
Supra- Conscious Pentenary/ Fourth harmonic (D-49 to D-60)
The first cycle of divisional charts from Rasi chart (D-1) to Dwadasamsa (D-12) rules
over the physical plane and covers such matters as physical body (D-1), material
wealth (D-2), brothers & sisters (D-3), immovable properties (D-4), children (D-7),
authority over others (D-5), spouse (D-9), work (D-10) and parents (D-12). The
second cycle or first harmonic rules over the conscious plane. Technically it covers
charts D-13 to D-24, but Parasara has restricted the scope to the three primary areas
of mental activity namely Shodasamsa or Kalamsa (D-16) ruling over matters of
general mental happiness, luxuries, vehicles etc; Vimsamsa (D-20) wherein
spiritualism, occult studies etc are examined and Chaturvimsamsa (D-24) for all kinds
of learning (which is actually considered a heritage from the society). The third cycle
or second harmonic rules over the sub-conscious plane covering charts D-25 to D-36.
Parasara advises us to focus on two charts in this group, namely, Nakshetramsa
(D-27) for strengths & weaknesses and Trimsamsa (D-30) for all evils. For example if
the Moon is exalted and placed in a quadrant in the D-27 Chart, we can infer that the
native is mentally very strong. A weak Mercury in this chart can show speaking
disorders or a weak speech. The fourth cycle or third harmonic rules over the super-
conscious plane covering charts D-37 to D-48. However, the good & bad accruing to
the destiny of the individual due to the Matrilineal karma (seen from Khavedamsa
D-40 Chart [as 40 = (12×3) + 4] and that from the Patrilineal Karma (seen from the
Akshavedamsa D-45 Chart [as 45 = (12×3) + 9] are considered important in the
Shodasavarga scheme of Parasara. The fifth cycle or fourth harmonic rules the supra-
conscious plane covering the charts D-49 to D-60. At this level, the heritage
(equivalent of D-12) of the karma from past births is relevant and the Shastyamsa
(D-60 Chart) is vital. Parasara gives the highest weightage to this chart in the
Shodasavarga scheme. There are much higher planes of Consciousness and some
other divisional charts like the Nava-Navamsa (D-81), Ashtorramsa or Navamsa-
Dwadasamsa (D-108) and Dwadasamsa-Dwadasamsa (D-144) are used.

General Principles For Analyzing Divisional Charts: Some basic concepts about
divisional charts should be clearly understood before making use of these charts in
making predictions. These are as under:

1. These charts are not independent charts like ascendant chart. An event can take
place only when there is an indication of the same in ascendant chart. Event
cannot be predicted based on divisional charts alone.
2. To know about any particular aspect of life, concerned house in ascendant chart
is to be examined in detail. This will include the planets associated with that
house, the position of lord and significator of that house. In case any event is
indicated by examining that house, the same is to be confirmed through study of
relevant divisional chart. If event is not indicated by the study of concerned
house, the study of relevant divisional chart may not serve any purpose.
3. A planet posited in the same sign both in ascendant chart and in any divisional
chart is called a Vargottam planet with reference to that divisional chart. The
results of Vargottam planet are always good. The results of a Vargottam planets
as mentioned in different astrological texts are as under:
‘Saravali’ says that a Varottam planet always produces good results.
‘Chandrakalanadi’, another astrological text describes the results of Raj.
Yoga and enjoyment by a Vargottam planet whereas ‘Phaladipika’.
Says that results of a Vargottam planet are the same as if planet is placed in its
own sign.

However it is to be kept in mind that ascendant chart is indicative of the basic

strength of a planet. Therefore if a planet is very weak in ascendant chart it
cannot suddenly act in the above manner by being Varottam.

A planet becomes powerful if it is exalted, situated in its own sign or possesses

Directional strength in divisional charts.
5. In divisional charts planets in 4th, 7th and 10th houses give very good results.
They give god results in 5th, 9th & 11th houses, whereas 2nd is neutral in all
divisional charts.
6. Any planet placed in 3rd, 8th and 12th houses in divisional charts can cause
disaster to the relevant aspect of life when periods of such planets are under
operation. Even exalted planets posited in these houses become powerless to
give benefic results.
7. It is absolutely necessary for ascendant of divisional chart to be strong if one
wants to enjoy aspect of life relevant to that divisional chart.
8. Benefic planets on both sides of ascendant in a divisional chart increase good
effects of that aspect of life. Similarly malefic planets on both sides of ascendant
deprive the native the good results of that aspect of life.
Principles of main planet and sub planet periods are also to be applied while
analyzing the divisional charts
10. The effects of transit of planets are also judged in divisional charts.
11. A debilitated planet in divisional chart gives bad results concerning aspect of life
indicated by that divisional chart during operation period of that planet unless
there is cancellation of debilitation of that planet. For example a debilitation
planet in D9 can cause problems in marital relations, in D7 can cause
unhappiness about children and in D24 can cause obstacles in education.
12. Any planet placed in 3rd and 8th houses in any divisional chart causes death like
effects during the operation period of that planet. For example in D9 chart such
planet can cause death of spouse or divorce and in D10 chart it can cause loss
of job or retirement or resignation from job.

Divisional Charts (D-2):-

This chart is studied for wealth and prosperity of the native. Each sign of 30o is divided into two parts
called horas of 15º each. The Sun and the Moon are allotted the lordship of these two divisions or horas.
  In odd signs the Sun rules the 1st half and Moon rules the 2nd half.In even signs Moon rules the 1st half
and the Sun rules the 2nd half.

In other words, planets/lagna posited in the odd signs in the 1st hora i.e. 0º-15º are allotted to Leo and those in the 2nd hora
i.e. 15º-30º are allotted Cancer.  Similarly planets/lagna in even signs in 1st hora i.e. 0º-15º are allotted to Cancer and those
in 2nd hora i.e. 15º-30º are allotted to Leo.

Maharishi Parashara in his Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra reveals some techniques of analyzing the hora chart. It says that
Jupiter, Sun and Mars are good in Sun’s hora whereas Moon, Venus and Saturn are good in Moon’s hora. Mercury is good in
both horas. In an odd sign Sun’s hora is powerful whereas in an even sign Moons hora is powerful. There is another viewpoint
too. Benefic planets are considered good in even signs and in the hora of the Moon, where as malefics give good results in odd
signs and in the hora of Sun.

II method :

If a planet/lagna is in 1st hora in D1, it will be in the same sign in D2. If a planet is in 2nd hora in D1, it will be in the 11th sign
in D2, from its place in D1. In this method all the planets will be distributed in signs and hence the chart can be analyzed as if
it is a Rasi chart.  The position of 2nd lord, 11th lord of D1 and Jupiter are seen in D2.

it will denote:
a) Which of the parents will have greater influence on the native.
b) Which of the parent will have more affection to the native.
c) The relationship between the native and each parent.
d) The Financial position of the parents.
e) The Health of the parents.
f) Longevity.
g) Inheritance
h) Proximity with the parents.
i) Whether family business will be inherited.
j) Any disputes in family.


If Jupiter is in the Hora of the Father, it will denote that father will be well off and benefits to the native will arise from the
If Saturn is in the Hora of the father and if Saturn is a malefic, then there will be difference with the father as well as monetary
If Mars is in the Hora of the mother, Mother will have ill health.
If Rahu is in Hora of mother. native will stay away from the mother.

Mr. Mukesh Ambani born on 19th April 1957 at 07-13 PM at Aden, Yemen with Ketu Dasa at birth.Here is his Natal Chart
along with Navamsa chart.

The table below shows the strength as well as Nakshtra and Sub lords of the planets.

The table below shows the strength as well as Nakshtra and Sub lords of the planets.

Planets Degree Nakshtra Lord Sub Lord Comments (if any)

Asc 21.10 Jupiter Jupiter Dhan
Sun 06.04 Ketu Rahu Exalted
Moon 10.26 Ketu Saturn Friendly sign
Mars 27.20 Mars Jupiter Old age
Mercury 24.41 Venus Mercury Non-combust
Jupiter 29.51 Sun Rahu Old age
Venus 07.24 Ketu Rahu Combust
Saturn 20.27 Mercury Venus Enemy Sign
Rahu 26.25 Jupiter Venus Friendly Sign
Ketu 26.25 Venus Moon Friendly Sign
Ascendant being of 21.10 degrees, the most effective points (MEPs) of each house of the natal chart span between 16.10
degrees and 26.10 degrees. The only planet Mercury and to some extent Rahu and Ketu (near to the orbs of the MEPs) are
capable of influencing the MEPs of the houses through their occupation and aspects. The native born in the 4th quarter of
Moola Nakshtra ruled by Ketu and in Shasthi Tithi of Krishna Paksha. The Shasthi Tithi has been defined as Nanda Tithi in
Muhurtham Astrology, which is most auspicious, and stands for joyous and happiness. He has born in Adi (Vata) Nadi, which
gives susceptibility for bilious prominence. The functional malefics for Libra Ascendant are Mercury, Rahu and Ketu and in this
natal chart they are conveniently influencing the MEPs of the vital houses like that of Ascendant and 7th besides 5th & 9th by
Rahu as well as 11th and 3rd by Ketu. But, their malefiancé has been modified to a large extent here due to the following

Mercury – In the Nakshtra of Ascendant lord Venus as well as in his own sub, placement in a Kendra (7th house) along
with functional benefics Venus and Sun as well as receiving aspect of functional benefic Jupiter. Counting from Moon, the
Mercury is in a trikone (5th house) and from his own Mooltrikona sign Virgo, he is in 8th house, which is the best house for
Mercury to occupy.
Rahu – In the Nakshtra of functional benefic and first rated wealth giving planet Jupiter, in the sub of functional benefic
and another wealth giving planet Venus, placement in a best Kendra as well as trikone house (Ascendant) and receiving
aspects of functional benefics Venus and Sun.
Ketu – In the Nakshtra of functional benefic and Ascendant lord Venus, in the sub of functional benefic Moon, placement in
a Kendra in association with functional benefics Venus and Sun, receiving close trine aspect of functional benefic and
wealth giving planet Jupiter. There is also exchange of constellation between Ascendant lord Venus and Ketu. Ketu is in
association with two trine lords Venus (lord of 1st house trine) and Mercury (lord of 9th house trine) in Kendra (7th
house) has assumed the status of Yoga Karaka.


7TH HOUSE – The lord of the Ascendant (Trine and Quadrant lord) in a quadrant in the 7th house (the house for business)
along with 9th lord Mercury (the lord of luck and fortune) and exalted 11th lord Sun (the lord of income and gain) being
aspected by wealth giving planet Jupiter from 11th house (the house of income and gain) and Rahu (the planet of
opulence). Another occupant of the 7th house is Ketu who is giving Yoga Karaka result for being in Kendra associated with
trine lords Venus and Mercury. An exceptionally strong planetary combination for success in business. Besides, the Sun (a
royal planet) as well as dignified planets likes that of Venus and Mercury conferred the corporate culture in his business.
11TH HOUSE – The lord of the house of income and gain is kingly planet Sun who is exalted in the house of business.
Jupiter, the wealth giving planet and natural significator of 11th house is retrograde and posited in the 11th house being
aspected by friendly Mars (the lord of the 7th house) and Yoga Karaka Saturn from 2nd house (house of wealth) and Ketu,
who has assumed Yoga Kara stature for the position already explained above. However, the occupant of the 11th house
Jupiter is weak for being in the state of old age. But, this weakness has been overcome to a large extent due to the
extremely high strength of his sign dispositor, receiving aspects from two Yoga Karakas (Saturn and Ketu) as well as he
being in the constellation of Sun (exalted) and in the sub of Rahu (a fortified planet in the N/C) coupled with his
retrograde motion and occupying powerful sub divisions in all the auspicious divisional charts.
2ND HOUSE – The house of wealth is occupied by Yoga Kara Saturn (retrograde) and is aspected by Mars (7th as well as
2nd lord) and is flanked by his friend Rahu (the planet of opulence in 12th) and Moon (the lord of the 10th house in the
Nakshtra of Ketu and in the sub of Saturn) turning her to behave like a friend of Saturn. Rahu is in the constellation of
Jupiter moulding him to behave to a large extent as friend of Mars). Thus, the occupant of 2nd house (Saturn) and the lord
of the 2nd house (Mars) are flanked in between friendly planets enhancing the significance of the 2nd house (the house of
accumulation of wealth and savings) to a sky rocketing level.
YOGA KARAKAS – In this natal chart two planets are acting as Yoga Karakas and both are natural malefics viz. Saturn and
Ketu. When malefics turn benefics the success is obstacles free. Rahu another natural malefic planet has also turned here
to be a benefic. As such, there is no malefic planet in this chart and the path for excelling highs are obstacle free. However,
still there is a Rahu – Ketu axis which is running through Ascendant and 7th house (the house for business and
partnership) astrologically having the potential to damage the significations of both the vital houses and the planets
posited in it in a sudden spurt during the running of unfavourable period and transit. Such a situation calls for guarding
from deceptive elements, which may even emerged from close coterie.


Rahu and Ketu are occupying their respective houses of exaltations thus shading their malefiancé to a large extent.
The planets Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Venus are in the navamsas of natural benefic planets and are thus auspicious and
capable of giving benefic result.
Moon is in her own Mooltrikona sign in Cancer in a quadrant and is thus extra beneficial conferring the native name, fame,
prestige and high position. It is advisable that the native should take the advice of her mother in a squabbling situation.
Mars, Mercury and Ketu are in Pushkar Navamsas making the native fortunate, wealthy and splendorous. Moreover, there
are exchange of houses between Mars and Mercury taking the Mercury to his sign of exaltation in Virgo and Mars to his
own sign Scorpio significantly increasing the strength of Navamsa chart.


The huge and extremely good outstanding deeds of our past life(s) confer the rare opportunity given by the Almighty God to
take birth in a royal and wealthy family. Moreover, taking the legacy to higher highs successfully is a most difficult task, which
is also only possible due to the Blessings of Almighty God on the basis of extremely good and hugely performed outstanding
deeds by the nativity in the past life(s). Hierarchy and legacies are studied from the 8th house of the natal chart and the
planetary promises in the D-12 chart. 7th house of a natal chart signify business and 8th house ancestral hierarchy to the
descendants. There is an exchange of house between the 8th lord Venus (wealth giving planet and lord of the hierarchy) and
7th lord Mars (aggressive planet and the lord of business in the natal chart). That was what exactly happened with the
magnanimous Mukesh Ambani who inherited the businesses and estates of his late father. The 9th house (the house of luck)
from 8th house (the house of inheritance) is Capricorn in this Natal Chart, which is the house of immovable property (being
the 4th house from the natal ascendant Libra in the instant case) aspected by its significator Saturn with 33 SAV points at the
credit of the house contributed by the different planets. Therefore, it can be safely concluded that Mr. Mukesh Ambani has
born with the luck and fate to inherit properties from his ancestors and to take the glory to new heights through his own God
gifted abilities.

His Dwadasamsha chart, the divisional chart for parents, is also equally fortified with Sun (the natural significator of father) in
D-12 Ascendant with Venus, the lord of the hereditary of N/C. The Moon, the natural significator of mother is also strong
being in 11th house of the D-12 in the friendly sub division of 7th and 2nd lord Mars of the N/C. Moreover, the Ascendant lord
of D-12 is Mercury who is in 8th house (the house of hierarchy and the best house for the placement of business planet
Mercury in a chart). The 8th house and planet posited in it denote the nature of inheritance, and in the instant case it is facing
Argala (interference) from Ketu and Moon, respectively with Moon facing Virodha Argala (counter interference) from Mars. The
11th house of D-12, which denotes the ways parents help the native, is occupied by Moon having Argala of Jupiter, Saturn and
Ketu with Virodha Argala of Mars on Jupiter and Saturn as well as of Rahu on Ketu, respectively. D-12 Ascendant is Gemini, a
dual sign and it has Badhakasthan on 7th house falling under sign Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter. The Badhakasthan shows the
ways relatives try to obstruct the native from gains. Badhakasthan has Argala of Mercury and Mars. Other important features
of the D-12 chart are (i) both the Ascendant lords of Natal Chart (Venus) as well as that of D-12 chart (Mercury) are
occupying the same house in Natal Chart and thus mutually related, (ii) the 10th lord of the Dwadasamsha is Jupiter who is
placed in the 2nd house of D-12. In summing up the result of (i) & (ii) shows that the native is fortunate to have support of
parents and heredities the social status and wealth of father. The planetary distribution in D-12 chart in respect of the nativity
is as under:

Ascendant, Sun, Venus and Ketu are in Ganesh divisions. Lord Ganesh is the beloved son of Lord Shiva and mother Parvati.
Ganesh is the lord of wisdom, prosperity and remover of obstacles. He is very learned, intelligent, brave, noble, pious,
faithful to parents and lord of common people.
Jupiter, Saturn and Mars in Ashwani Kumars divisions. The male twins of Sun God are physicians to the deities. They are
wise, young, intelligent, skilled and expert in the science of healing and restoration of health.
Rahu and Moon are in Yama divisions. It signifies restraint, self-control, moral values, impartiality, justice, equality,
endurance, duty and responsibility.
Mercury is in Vasuki division, which denotes love for solitude, cleanliness, power of endurance and satisfaction.
Moon Hora




Rahu and Ketu

Sun Hora






The deity of the Hora is Pitr/Manes, which is indicative of the fact that the soul of the nativity is of someone from the
ancestors. The presence of the natural benefic planets like Jupiter and Mercury in the Moon Hora points towards the fact
that the native is sober, good-natured and serves his family. Following are the salient features emerged from the analysis
of his Hora Chart.

The Hora Lagna belongs to Moon, which indicates that the native would earn wealth in land far away from his place of
birth. It may be mentioned here that the native took birth at Aden (Yemen), which is far off from India. Since he has
born in Moon Hora, he is virtuous, religious, helpful to others, has name and fame in the society as well as commands
regards and affection of his subordinate staff.

The two natural benefic planets Venus and Moon while occupying odd signs in Natal Chart are posited in Sun Hora in
D-2 chart making the native soft, mild, sober, intelligent and conferred the happiness of the continuity of wealth.

Three natural malefic planets viz. Mars and Saturn including Sun in Sun Hora turning the native to be bold,
courageous, determined, powerful and rich. But, since Saturn and Mars are posited in even signs in the Natal Chart,
their benefic results of the traits represented by the Hora Chart would be capped to the maximum extent of 70%.

The natural significator of wealth Jupiter in Moon’s Hora who is also posited in an odd sign in the Natal Chart helped
the native to become fortunate besides brilliant, religious, attractive and a devoted friend.

The natural malefic planets Rahu and Ketu are in Moon’s Hora and they have thus become neutral losing their evil
effects to a large extent.
The Hora chart is, therefore, supportive to the 2nd house signification of wealth in the natal chart. The 2nd house of
wealth in the Natal Chart is already fortified due to the presence of Yoga Karaka Saturn in it and aspected by its lord
Mars (lord of 2nd and 7th house/MT).


The professional affluence, which also include business, is assessed from the strength of the 10th house, if containing a
Mooltrikona sign, as well as assessing the strength of the 7th house for business in the Natal chart side-by-side reading of
planetary promises in Dasamasa chart. Here, is the Dasamasa chart of this famous nativity.

In the natal chart, 10th house is Cancer, the Mooltrikona sign of Moon. Therefore, Moon is the primary determinant of
professional matter. There is no secondary determinant of professional matter in absence of any Mooltrikona sign in the
Ascendant of D-10 chart. The sign Cancer and its dispositor Moon both are watery in nature and are thus the significators
of all liquid materials which include water, sea, petroleum products, import and export through waterways, etc. Moon is in
the nakshtra of Ketu (the planet for import) and in the sub of Saturn (the planet for crude, refineries as well as yoga
karaka planet for this natal chart). In the natal chart, the Moon is being aspected by Jupiter (the planet of wealth from
11th house, the house for success and materialistic gains), Mars (the lord of the 2nd house of wealth and 7th house
business from 8th house, the house of inheritance) and Ketu (the planet for import who has also assumed the yoga karaka
stature as already explained in Part-I of this article). Moreover, Moon (the primary determinant of professional matter) is
in a fiery sign Sagittarius ruled by the friendly planet Jupiter who is also aspecting the Moon. Here, crude needs to be
heated in different temperature to make various petroleum products. A nice combination of liquid and fire. In D-10 chart
also, Moon is in sign Pisces (watery sign ruled by Jupiter, the planet for wealth) being aspected by yoga karaka Saturn
(from 9th house, the house for luck and fortune). In Dasamasa chart, the ascendant being Taurus, here also Saturn is the
Yoga Kara planet who is occupying his own sign Capricorn (the 10th house of the natural zodiac). Moreover, Moon is
occupying the Dasamasa of Jupiter, who is in turn in the Ascendant of D-10 chart. Therefore, the primary significator of
professional matter here played the role model to spell out the area of success for professional matter in respect of this
famous nativity. Moreover, Mars, the lord of the 7th house (the house for business) in the Natal chart is aspecting the
Ascendant of D-10 chart from the Mooltrikona sign (Libra) of the corporate planet Venus, who is already playing a big role
as Ascendant lord of the Natal Chart and being posited in the house of business. All these favourable planetary
combinations made this famous nativity a big corporate of international name and fame.

In the natal chart, the 7th house (the seat for business and enterprises) is exceptionally strong in comparison to the 6th
house (the house for service) due to the following reasons.

Atleast 4 planets are occupying the 7th house (the house for business and enterprises) in comparison to none in 6th
house (the house for service).

The planets occupying the 7th house are Sun (kingly planet), Mercury (the planet of trading and retail), Venus (the
corporate planet) and Ketu (the planet who assumed yoga karaka stature because of the positions already explained in
Part-I of my article). Moreover, the 7th house (the house for business and enterprises) is being aspected by witty Rahu
(the planet for export and maneouvering) besides by Jupiter, the natural significator of wealth from 11th house (the
house for materialistic gain and success).

In addition, in the natal chart, Rahu (the planet for export), Ketu (the planet for import) and Mercury (the planet for
trading/business) are influencing the Most Effective Points (MEPs) of the 7th house and Ascendant either through
aspects or occupations.

All the planets in the D-10 chart are well placed and fortified with Jupiter being Dikbali (acquired directional strength).
There are also mutual aspects between Mars (the lord of the 7th house of Natal Chart) and Yoga Kara Saturn in the
Dasamasa chart.

The list of favourable planetary combinations for professional and financial affluences in respect of this nativity is long
and wide and cannot be discussed all due to obvious space crunch.

In my next astrological article (Part-III) on this renowned industrialist, I would discuss the planetary promises in his
following important divisional charts.

Division Four chart, also known as D-4 or Chaturthamsha chart, which is used as an astrological tool to assess the
planetary promises for immovable property (landed properties and houses).

Division Three chart, also known as D-3/Decanate or Drekkana/Dreshkon chart, in order to assessing the level of
courage, initiative, enterprises, communication skill and fortune of younger coborns.

Further discussion on Division Twelve chart, also known as D-12 or Dwadasamsha chart, which is studied to know
about the predecessors, their longevity and comfort, social and financial standing and amount of happiness one can
derive from them including the level of inheritance.

Division Sixteen chart, also known as D-16 or Shodasamsha chart, which is the 2nd harmonic of the 4th house (first
being the division four). This divisional chart put focuses on the happiness (4th house) of the mind (2nd harmonic)
through the experiences from luxuries and material comforts like vehicles, etc. The acquisition of immovable
properties and happiness from them come under its purview.

The astrological analysis of the result of Vimshottari Maha Dasas in respect of this renowned nativity.

Hora chart is a divisional chart obtained by dividing each sign into equal halves of 15
degree each. Therefore ach Hora is of 15 degree each and therefore zodiac is divided
into 24 equal parts. In the odd signs first Hora is of Sun and second Hora is of Moon.
In even signs first Hora is of Moon and is second Hora is of Sun. In Hora chart Rahu
and Ketu are always in the same Hora. This chart is prepared as under:
Sl. No. Signs Hora Lord Hora lord
(0-15 degree) (15-30 degree)
1 Aries Sun Moon
2 Taurus Moon Sun
3 Gemini Sun Moon
4 Cancer Moon Sun
5 Leo Sun Moon
6 Virgo Moon Sun
7 Libra Sun Moon
8 Scorpio Moon Sun
9 Sagittarius Sun Moon
10 Capricorn Moon Sun
11 Aquarius Sun Moon
12 Pisces Moon Sun
The Hora chart can be represented in any of the following diagrammatical form:

Planets are placed either in Hora of Moon (4) or in the Hora of Sun (5) depending
upon their positions in zodiac.
Hora Chart is used to analyze the wealth of the native. Therefore second house along
with significator of wealth is required to be examined in Lagna Chart and indications
available in Lagna Chart about the wealth of the native are confirmed through Hora
chart. Hora chart also provides us the clue about the flow of wealth in the native’s life.
1. Sun, Jupiter and Mars (male planets) give pronounced effects when placed in
Hora of Sun. The Moon, Venus and Saturn do so in the Hora of Moon. Mercury is
equally effective in both the Horas.
2. In case of even signs, the Hora of Moon is powerful. In odd signs Hora of Sun is
more powerful.
3. The effect of Hora will be derived fully if planet is in first one third part of Hora.
The effect will be medium or nil according to the placement being in second or
third part of Hora.
4. During operational periods of planets placed in Hora of Moon earning and
accumulation of wealth comes naturally i.e. without much efforts. During
operational period of planets placed in Hora of Sun, native earns and
accumulates wealth with lot of efforts.
Horoscope No 1

Mr Ravi Shastri, Famous cricketer of India born on 27th May 1962

Position of planets

Sun  1sign-11degree-58’
Mars 0sign-05degree-12’
Mer  1sign-26degree-58’
Jup  10sign-17degree-18’
Ven  2sign-11degree-24’
Sat  9sign-18degree-03’

Balance of Vimshottari dasa at the time of birth— Rahu 6years, 6months and 14days.

For the assessment of wealth of the native we have to examine the 2nd house in D1
chart and position of significator of wealth Jupiter. The lord of 2nd house is Mercury
which is posited in ascendant along with Sun. Venus is placed in 2nd house having
aspect of Jupiter. There is an exchange of lords of ascendant and house of wealth
Venus and Mercury. This is a very powerful Raj Yoga as far as 2nd house is concerned.
Significator of wealth Jupiter is having an aspect on house of wealth. Jupiter itself is
placed in quadrant along with Moon forming Gaj Kesari Yoga. This is an excellent
position of 2nd house which indicates that native should earn and accumulate lot of
wealth in his life time.
As far as Hora chart is concerned Sun, Moon and Jupiter are placed in Hora of Sun
whereas all other planets are in Hora of Sun. The native had the period of Jupiter after
the age of 6 years 6 months and 14 days and thereafter period of Jupiter till the age of
21years 6 months and 14 days. Jupiter is placed in Hora of Moon is D1 chart which
indicates that the period of Jupiter should be best for earning wealth as flow of wealth
should be automatic and natural without much efforts. Thereafter all planets whose
periods were to follow i.e. Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus are placed in Hora of Sun.
It may be seen that till the age of 21-1/2 years runs were flowing out of his bat
automatically and he was being declared champion of champions. Immediately after
start of period of Saturn position changed and his performance deteriorated. He could
not perform well and thereafter he became commentator i.e. he is making efforts to
earn wealth.

It mat therefore be seen that Hora chart can provide an important clue regarding flow
of wealth during operational period of a particular planet.


A senior government officer born on 18th May 1952 at 15.16 hours at Agra
Position of planets

Ascdt 5sign- 15 degrees-57’

Sun 1sign-4degree-11’
Moon 10sign-27degree-26’
Mars 6sign-11degree-24’
Mer 0sign-12degree-24’
Jup 0sign-11degree-25’
Ven 0sign-24degree-2’
Sat 5sign-15degree-28’
Rahu 10sign-02degree-44’
Ketu 04sign-02degree-44’
Balance of Vimshottari dasa at the time of birth— Jupiter-7years, 0months and 9days.
For assessment of wealth of native we have to examine the 2nd house in birth chart.
In this chart following factors are relevant concerning wealth:
1. Three planets namely Sun, Venus and Ketu are posited in their own Nakshtras.
2. All the three benefic planets Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are having an aspect
on 2nd house. Out of these three benefic planets Mercury is the lord of
ascendant, Venus is the lord of house of wealth and Jupiter is the significator of
3. There is an exchange of Mars and Venus.
4. Jupiter which is the significator of wealth is having an aspect on 2nd house.
5. There is an association of lords of 9th and 10th houses namely Venus and
Mercury forming Dharma Karmadhipati Yoga. Since this Yoga is formed in 8th
house this may not be very powerful Yoga.
6. There is an association of lords of 9th and 10th houses namely Venus and
Mercury forming Dharma Karmadhipati Yoga. Since this Yoga is formed in 8th
house this may not be very powerful Yoga.
7. All the three benefic planets are in 12th position from Sun forming Vasi Yoga
which is an excellent Yoga for happiness and prosperity in life.
In Hora Chart except Venus, Sun and Moon all other planets ate posited in the Hora of
Moon. Till the start of Venus dasa from May 2002, native had to work hard to get the
wealth. Immediately after start of Venus dasa there were other legal sources of
income which made flow of wealth very easy. Since during balance period of life he
has to undergo periods of Venus, Sun and Moon only, It can be inferred that he will
enjoy excellent financial status and will have easy flow of money.

Drekkara or Decanate (D-3) Chart:

Drekkana is a divisional chart in which every sign is divided into three equal parts of 100 each. Therefore zodiac is divided
into 36 equal parts. Drekkana chart is basically used for analyzing happiness from younger co-born and initiative. However,
there are several other uses of D-3 chart which will be discussed in this chapter.

The first Drekkana (00 – 100 ) of any sign is of the same sign, second Drekkana (100 – 200 ) is fifth from sign and third
Drekkana (200 – 300 ) is ninth from sign. Therefore D-3 chart can be casted as under:-

Table of Drekkana

Sign/ Aries Tauru Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Drekkana 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(00 –
100 )
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4
(100 –
200 )
9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(200 –
300 )

Since D-3 chart is used for analyzing happiness from younger co-born, we are basically concerned with 3rd house of birth
chart and significator is Mars. D-3 chart is studied in conjunction with 3rd house of birth chart and planet Mars.
There are 12 signs in zodiac & each sign has three Drekkana and therefore there are 36 Drekkana in zodiac. Each Drekkana
has certain characteristics which are discussed as under:-

1st Drekkana:– Man with a white cloth round his waist, dark complexion,
(a) pretending to protest, fearful red eyes and a lifted axe – masculine, armed, ruler
2nd Drekkana:-  Woman with red cloth, found of ornaments and food, pot belly,
horse-face, vinsty and single footed- feminine ruler Sun;
3rd Drekkana:- Man, cruel, skilled in arts, yellowish, fond of work, unprincipled,
(c) with a lifted up stick, angry and covered with purple clothes-masculine, armed,
ruler Jupiter.

1st Drekkana:– woman with torn ringlets, pot belly, burnt cloth, thirsty, fond of
food and ornaments – feminine, fiery, ruler Venus.
2nd Drekkana:-  Man possessing knowledge of lands, grains, houses, cows, arts,
(b) plughing and carts, hungry, sheep faced, dirty clothes and shoulders like the
hump of an ox -masculine, quadruped, ruler Mercury.
3rd Drekkana:- Man with a body like that of an elephant, while teeth, legs like
(c) that of a Sarabh, yellowish colour and clever in capturing sheep and deer –
masculine, quadruped, ruler Saturn.

3. GEMINI: –
1st Drekkana:– woman with torn ringlets, pot belly, burnt cloth, thirsty, fond of
food and ornaments – feminine, fiery, ruler Venus.
2nd Drekkana:-  Man, living in garden, in armour, with a bow, warlike, armed
(b) with weapons, face like that of Garuda, fond of play, children, ornamentation
and wealth – masculine, armed, ruler Venus.
3rd Drekkana:- Man adorned, decked with gems, armoured with quiver and bow,
skilled in dancing, drumming and arts and poet – masculine, ruler Saturn.

4. CANCER: –
1st Drekkana:– Man holding fruits, roots and leaves, elephant bodied, residing
(a) on sandal trees in the forest, legs like that of Sarbha and horse necked –
quadruped, masculine, ruler Moon.
2nd Drekkana:-  Female worshipped on the head by lotus flowers, with serpents,
(b) full blown youthfulness, living in forests on branch of phalasa and crying-
feminine, ruler Mars.
3rd Drekkana:- Man covered with serpents, flat faced, crossing the ocean in a
boat in search of wife’s jewels- masculine, serpent, ruler Jupiter.

5. LEO: –
1st Drekkana:– Vulture and jackal on the Salmali tree, a dog and a man dressed
(a) in dirty raiment, leaving father and mother and crying – Masculine, quadruped,
ruler Sun.
2nd Drekkana:-  Man resembling a horse’s body with white garlands on the
(b) head, wearing krishnajina and kambalam, fierce as a lion with a bow in the hand
and bent nose – masculine, ruler Jupiter.
3rd Drekkana:- Man with a bear’s face, acts like those of a monkey, long beard,
(c) curbed ringlets and holding a stick, fruit and flesh –masculine, quadruped, ruler

6. VIRGO: –
1st Drekkana:– Female with a pot full of flowers, covering the body with dirty
(a) raiment, found of money and clothes, and going to the home of the preceptor –
feminine, ruler Mercury.
2nd Drekkana:-  Man with a pen in the hand, dark complexion, the head tied
(b) round by a cloth, counting gains and expenditure, covered over the body with
dense hair and holding a big bow – masculine, ruler Saturn.
3rd Drekkana:- Female, yellowish, covered by a white silk cloth, tall holding a
pot and a spoon, going to a temple with great sanctity – feminine, ruler Venus.

7. LIBRA:-
1st Drekkana:– Man seated in a shop in the middle of the road, holding
balances, clever in weighing and measuring with a small scale for weighing gold,
diamonds, and thinking of his capital, and the prices of the articles in the shop –
masculine, ruler Venus.
2nd Drekkana:-   Man with a vulture’s face, hungry and thirsty, holding a pot
(b) which is ready to fall and thinking of his wife and children – masculine, ruler
3rd Drekkana:- Man decked with gems, wearing golden quiver and armour and
(c) frightening and animals in the wilderness, resembling a monkey and holding in
the hand fruits and flesh- masculine, quadruped, ruler Mercury.

1st Drekkana:– Woman naked and without ornaments, coming from the middle
(a) of a great ocean to the shore, dislocated from her original place, the feet bound
by serpents and handsome – feminine, serpent, ruler Mars.
2nd Drekkana:- Woman fond of home and happiness for her husband’s sake and
(b) covered by serpents with a body resembling a tortoise and a pot – feminine,
serpent, ruler Jupiter.
3rd Drekkana:- Lion with a broad flat face, resembling a tortoise, frightening
(c) dogs, deer, boars and jackals, protecting localities covered with sandalwood
trees – masculine, quadruped, lion, ruler Moon.

1st Drekkana:– Man with human face and a horse’s body with a bow in hand
(a) residing in a hermitage, protecting sacrificial articles and Maharishis –
masculine, quadruped, armed, ruler Jupiter.
2nd Drekkana:- Woman, handsome, with the color of Champaca or gold, picking
(b) up the gems from the ocean and sitting in the Bhadrasana fashion – feminine,
ruler Mars.
3rd Drekkana:- Man with a long beard, complexion like that of Champaca or
(c) gold, holding a stick, sitting in a splendid posture and keeping silks and deer
skins – masculine, armed, ruler Sun.

1st Drekkana:– Man covered with much hair, teeth like those of a crocodile, body
(a) like that of a pig, keeping yokes, nets and bandages and with a cruel face –
masculine, Nigala, ruler Saturn.
2nd Drekkana:-  Woman, skilled in arts, broad eyes like lotus petals, greenish
(b) dark, searching all kinds of articles and wearing iron ear ornaments –feminine,
ruler Venus,
3rd Drekkana:- Man with a body like that of Kinnaras, with a Kambalam, with a
(c) quiver arrows and bow, and bearing a pot on the shoulder decked with gems –
masculine, armed, ruler Mercury.

1st Drekkana:– Man with a mind disturbed by oils, wines, water and food being
(a) brought to him, with a Kambala, silk cloth and deer skin and a face resembling
that of a Vulture- Masculine, ruler Saturn.
2nd Drekkana:-  Woman, covered with a dirty cloth in a forest, bearing pots on
(b) her head and dragging metals in a burnt cart loaded with cotton  trees in it
-fiery, feminine, ruler Mercury.
3rd Drekkana:- Man dark, with ears covered with long hair, wearing a crown and
(c) wandering with pots filled with iron, skin, leaves, gum and fruits – masculine,
ruler Venus.

12. PISCES: –
1st Drekkana:– Man decked with ornaments, holding a hand sacrificial vessels,
(a) pearls, gems and coach shells and crossing the ocean in a boat in search of
jewels for his wife-masculine, ruler Jupiter.
2nd Drekkana:-  Woman with a color more beautiful  than that of Champaka,
(b) surrounded by her attendants, and sailing in a boat decked with long flags in
search of the coast of the ocean – feminine, ruler Moon.
3rd Drekkana:- Man crying in a pit in a forest, naked and covered over his body
(c) by serpents and with a mind distracted by thieves and fire – masculine, serpent,
ruler Mars.

Depending upon characteristics of different Drekkana, these have been classified as under:-

1. AYUDHA; Human (Male)

Sign Drekkana
Aries I & III
Gemini III
Leo II
Virgo II
Libra I
Sagittarius III
Capricorn I & III
Aquarius I & III
Pisces I

2. HUMAN (Female)
Sign Drekkana
Taurus I
Gemini I
Cancer II
Virgo I & III
Sagittarius II
Capricorn II
Aquarius II
Pisces II

3. SARPA – SERPENT (Male & Female)

Sign Drekkana
II (Female),  III
Scorpio I & II (Female)
Pisces III (Male)

4. PAKSHI  (Bird)
Sign Drekkana
Aries II (Female)
Gemini II (Male)
Leo I (Male)
Libra II (Male)
Aquarius I (Male)

5. CHATUSPADA– Quadruped Animals
Sign Drekkana
Aries II (Male)
Taurus II & III (Male)
Cancer I (Male)
Leo I & III (Male)
Libra III (Male)
Scorpio III (Male)
Sagittarius I (Male)

The position of Moon in specific Drekkana denotes the nature, thinking and behavior
of native.
Moon in Ayudh Drekkana makes the native violent, angry, intolerant and

victorious over enemies.
– Moon in female Drekkana makes the native gentle, emotional, lover of art/culture.
Moon in serpent Drekkana makes the person full of anger, revengeful and

Moon in chatuspada Drekkana inculcates animal instinct and non-follower of

social and moral ethics.
Moon in Pakshi Drekkana makes the nature fickle minded, wondering from one

place to another and instability in profession.
Drekkana are also classified as under which indicates behavior of native according to
Sign Drekkana
Aries II & III
Gemini III
Leo  I & II
Libra III
Scorpio II & III
Capricorn II & III
Aquarius I,  II & III
Pisces II

2. PASHA (Noose)
Taurus – I
Capricorn – II


4. NIGADA  (Bondage)


Libra – I
Sagittarius – II

Sign Drekkana Designation Effect
5,1,11,8,10 I Evil or wicked minded, wandering
5,7,8,12 III KROOR nature, engaged in sinful deeds,
4,8 II quarrelsome.
4,12 I Giver of alms, pleasure loving, kind
12,6 II Watery hearted, wealth by farming, large
2,3 III bodied and emotional.
1,2,9,10,11 II
Happiness, wealth, having son,
7,3,6 I Saumya
kind hearted, handsome body.
6,9,11 III
1,4,10 III Bad conduct and character, evil
2,9 I Mixed eyed, violent nature, indulgence in
3,5,7 II sex

KHAR DREKKANA: 22nd Drekkana from rising Drekkana in birth chart is called khar Drekkana. This is represented by sign
placed in 8th house of D-3 chart. The lord of this Drekkana is called Kharesh which has potential to kill.
The Kharesh and planets placed in Khar Drekkana cause serious health problems during their main or sub periods.


36 Drekkana of kalpurush represent 36 body parts. If first Drekkana is rising in ascendant, twelve houses counted from
ascendant serially signify the twelve parts of upper portion of body. Similarly if second or third Drekkana is rising, twelve
parts of middle or lower body will be represented commencing from ascendant in serial order. The body parts represented
due to rising Drekkana are as under:-

House of Rasi Chart Rising Drekkana

1st Drekkana 2nd Drekkana 3rd Drekkana
1st Head Neck Pelvis
2nd Right eye Right Shoulder
3rd Right ear Right arm Right testicle
4th Right Nostril Right side of body Right thigh
5th Right Check Right cheek Right side of heart Right knee
6th Right Jaw Right lung and breast Right calf
7th Mouth Navel Legs
8th Left Jaw Left Lung and breast Left Calf
9th Left cheek Left side of heart Left Knee
10th  Left Nostril Left side of body Left thigh
11th Left ear Left shoulder Left testicle
12th Left eye Left shoulder Anus


Apart from analyzing happiness from younger co-born and initiative, D-3 charts are put to number of uses which are
discussed as under:-

The chart is very useful in predicting the success or otherwise of journey

1. undertaken by native. Results of rising Drekkana at the time of start of journey
are predicted with reference to their form, action and nature:
If Drekkana is agreeable, bearing flowers, fruits, gems, treasure
or aspected by benefics, prosperity will attend traveler’s march.
(b) If armed, will be victorious.
(c) If aspected by malefies, traveler will be defeated.
Journey undertaken in Ayudh Drekkana may lead to defeat, litigation or
If Drekkana happens to be serpent or bondage, the traveller will be
disgraced, imprisoned or die.

The beginning of legal case under Article 302 or verdict of a case in Pasha
Drekkana means getting death punishment or hanging.
If there is chatuspada Drekkana and it has the association of malefies, it causes
3. death of cattle in native’s house.  Cattles should not be purchased in such
Characteristics of Drekkana helps to determine the nature, appearance or other
peculiarities of a person involved in theft in Horary astrology.  In answering a
question connected with theft, the followings indicate various aspects pertaining
to theft.
Lagna: Time when article has been stolen or lost, direction in which taken, place from
– where it is lost, direction in which taken and locality in which it is concealed.
Age and Caste of thief.
Navamsa:- The nature of article lost.
Drekkana :- Nature and form of thief.
5. Study of D-3 Chart helps us to analyze general characteristics of native.
Source of death is predicted with reference to characteristics of rising Drekkana
of 8th house.  The source of death indicated by various planets is as under:-
Sun – Fire, fever, weapon, bile, enemy.
Moon – Cholera, water diseases, hepatitis, drowning in water.
Mars – Fire, weapon, blood disease, wound, surgery.
Anemia, madness, falling from tree, landslide, earth quake,
Mercury –
natural disasters.
Jupiter – Fire, revolt, easy death.
Venus – Urinary problems, veneral  disease.
Saturn – Poison, wind disease.
Rahu – Leprosy, poison, snake bite, small pox.
Ketu – Accidents, urinary problems.

D-3 chart is of great help in identifying the body part which will suffer from
disease.  The various body parts indicated by Drekkana have already been
discussed above.  Planets placed in same Drekkana (Movable/Fixed/Dual) as
rising Drekkana will affect the portion above neck.  Planet falling in second type
of Drekkana from rising Drekkana will affect middle portion of body whereas in
third type planet will affect lower portion of body.
1st Drekkana of each sign is called Karma Drekkana, 2nd is called Bhoga
Drekkana and 3rd is called Nasha Drekkana presided over by Devarishi Narada,
Maharishi Agastya and Brahma Rishi Durvasa respectively.  Dreakkan of movable
8. sign represent Rajsik Gunas, Manushya and presiding dirty is Brahma Rishi
Durvasa.  Drekkana of fixed sign represent Tamsik Gunas, Raksha and presiding
dirty Shiva and Mahrishi Agastya. Drekkana of dual signs represent Satvik Gunas,
Devas and presiding diety is Vishnu and Devarishi Narada.

Drekkana of dual sign have best qualities being Karma Drekkana

represented by Devas
Drekkana of movable signs represent Bhoga, Reksha and presiding deity
shiva  and Mahrishi Agastya. Such natives should practice disciplined life.
Drekkana of fixed signs is Nasha Drekkana, Rajsik Gunas & presiding deity
3rd is Brahmarishi’s Durvasa.  Native born in such Drekkana must live
unattached and frugal life.


Younger co-born are examined from 3rd house from ascendant and significator
is Mars.   In case of sister Venus also acts as significator.  The first younger co-
born is examined from 3rd house, next from 5th house (i.e. 3rd from 3rd) and so
The following principles are helpful in examining happiness from younger co-

The ascendant of D-3 chart is of prime importance in analyzing happiness

from younger co-born.  If ascendant of D-3 chart is strong having benefic
1. influence, the native will have younger co-born and will get happiness from
them.  If ascendant of D-3 chart is weak having malefic influence, native
will either having no younger co-born or will suffer from them.
The relationship between lord of ascendant and lord of house representing
2. the individual co-born will decide the relationship with that of individual co-
If the Drekkana lord representing or individual co-born is well placed
having association of benefices, the co-born will live a long and healthy life.
The planets in 1st Drekkana gives results in the beginning of Dasha, in the
2nd Drekkana in the middle of dasha and in 3rd Drekkana during end of
Dasha.  The results of retrograde planets including Rahu/Ketu will be in
reverse order.
The sex of co-born is examined from the lord of sign ruling the individual
co-born in D-3 chart.  If lord is exalted or conjoin male planets the longing
will be male.  If lord is debilitated or conjoins female planets, the co-born is
5. female.  Saturn and Mercury are female planets, but generally Saturn
represents female and Mercury represents male co-born.  If lord is neither
in exaltation or debilitation sign nor conjoined with any planet, then sex of
co-born is determined from nature of sign occupied in D-3 chart.
Male birth signs:- Aries, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces.
Female birth signs:  Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and

If lord representing co-born is placed in male Drekkana, it will favor male

co-born or if in female Drekkana, will favor female co-born.
Male Drekkana
Sign Drekkana
Aries I & II
Gemini II & III
Cancer I & III
Leo  I,II & III
Virgo II
Libra I, II & III
Scorpio  III
Sagittarius I & III
Capricorn I & II
Aquarius I & III
Pisces I & III
Balance are female Drekkana.
Example Horoscope I:
Longitude of Planets are:-

Ascendant – 8s – 11° – 55′

Sun – 5s – 7° – 20′
Moon – 7s – 28° – 15′
Mars – 7s – 9° – 20′
Mercury – 5s – 22° – 32′
Jupiter – 6s – 16° – 57′
Venus – 4s – 28° – 00′
Saturn – 5s – 28° – 44′
Rahu – 2s – 15° – 54′

Balance of Vimshottari  Dasha at birth-Mercury-

1 year 7 months 11 days

3rd Lord is placed in 10th house with lords of 9th and 10th houses i.e. Sun &
3rd house has an aspect of lagna lord Jupiter and significator of younger co-
born i.e. Mars.
(C) Significator of younger co-born Mars is placed in its own sign.
(A) Venus and Ketu are placed in ascendant;
(B) Ascendant lord Mars is placed in its own sign and is Vargottam.
Native was blessed with younger brother in the main period of Mars and sub period of Mercury.
Example Horoscope No.2

Longitude of Planets-

Ascendant – 2s – 18° – 19′

Sun – 4s – 26° – 01′
Moon – 9s – 20° – 01′
Mars – 3s – 22° – 53′
Mercury – 4s – 9° – 07′
Jupiter – 11s – 18° – 34′
Venus – 4s – 11° – 55′
Saturn – 5s – 10° – 16′
Rahu – 10s – 16° – 42′

Balance of Vimshottari  Dasha at the time of  birth-Moon –

2 years 5 months 25 days

a) Lord of 3rd house Sun is in its own sign.
Significator of younger co-born Mars is debilitated but has aspect of Moon
and Jupiter.
c) 3rd house has association of benefic planets Venus and Mercury.

a) Ascendant has the aspect of strong Sun and Saturn.
Lord of Ascendant Venus is in 3rd house and Mars is placed in 6th house
having strong aspect of Saturn and Jupiter.
c) Sun, the lord of 3rd house of ascendant is placed in exaltation.

It may be seen that thought the significator of younger co-born Mars is weak in both D-1 and D-3 Chart, it gets due to
strong aspect of Jupiter  in both the charts.
Native was bless with 3 younger brothers during main period of Mars and sub period of Mars, Saturn and Venus
respectively.  However younger brother born in the sub period of Mars was having health problems.


Ascendant – 6s – 21° – 50′

Sun – 0s – 15° – 48′
Moon – 6s – 7° – 30′
Mars – 4s – 5° – 13′
Mercury – 0s – 0° – 49′
Jupiter – 4s – 6° – 40′
Venus – 1s – 28° – 51′
Saturn – 4s – 27° – 03′
Rahu – 4s – 2° – 45′

Balance of Vimshottari  Dasha at birth Rahu –

16 years 10 months & 18 days

Lord of 3rd house Jupiter is placed with three malefic planets Mars, Saturn
and Rahu.
b) Significator of younger co-born Mars is close conjunction with Rahu.

a) Ascendant lord Mercury is placed with debilitated Saturn.
b) Ascendant has aspect of Saturn and Ketu.
c) Lord of ascendant of D-1 Venus is in 8th house in both D-1 and D-3 Charts.


This is not the Chaturthamsa divisional chart (D-4), which indicates residence, houses, properties and fortune.

Table: Reckoner of Chaturthamsa (Turyamsa) Divisional Chart (D-4)

(Prospects of acquiring immoveable assets – Property & fortune)

(All figures represent signs)

Signs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Division
7°30’ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
15° 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
22°30’ 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
30° 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Table: Reckoner of Chathurthamsa Harmonic Chart (H-4)

(Hindrances in Professional Success)

(All figures represent signs)

Signs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Division
7°30’ 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9
15° 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10
22°30’ 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11
30° 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12

All moveable signs start from Aries, fixed from Leo and dual from Sagittarius. The signs follow successive and regular order.
The same principle of Division is followed in D-16 – Shodasamsa Chart. This chart can also be called H-16. H-4 indicates
hindrances in achieving success, whereas D-16 (or H-16) indicates happiness derived from material success in life. Therefore
H-4 is very important tool to know if a person will succeed in his pursuance of a particular profession or vocation.

The fourth Harmonic chart, or H-4, indicates the goal, which the native is called upon to actively pursue. The square aspects
are most important and informative in H-4 charts as these provide additional information, which is not readily available in the
Natal (radical) chart.

The square aspects between the planets in Radical chart make the native aware that these forces are pulling him in different
directions and that he needs to bring them together for success in his profession. These strong planets placed in a square
aspect to each other, act as mutual Karakas and are able to lift the native to great heights.

On the other hand, square, semi-square or quincunx aspects in the H-4 chart indicate that the native is unable, finds it
difficult or lacks the power to bring integration or harmony in the forces created by such planets. The native may either have
immense difficulties or may meet failure if he pursues professions indicated by such planetary combinations. Two planets,
opposite to each other in H-4 chart, will pull the native in different directions, and the native has to bring them together in
order to be successful in the outside world.

If a T – aspect (i.e. planets square to each other in three different houses) is operating in the H-4 chart, it creates great
disharmony. The opposing planets are already pulling the native in different directions. The third planet, in square with both of
these, will put a hindrance in overcoming the disharmony that is being created by the two opposing planets. If the overall
personality of the native is weak, these square aspects act as an excuse for inactivity, and the native adopts a defensive
attitude in the face of hostile atmosphere. The malefic in the T-aspect will not allow the native to succeed and as such the
profession indicated by these planets should not be adopted so that the native is at peace with him and may not have to put
forth efforts in vain.

These adverse aspects create a peculiar situation in the lives of most natives. The native will spend his life battling against
odds and struggling to prove that he can demonstrate qualities, which, in fact, are not available to him. For example, the
native may have limited resources but may spend lavishly to hide his poverty. A weak H-4 chart kills the native’s initiative. This
chart shows the direction in which native has to strive to achieve success. This is indicated by the square aspects in the H-4
chart. The type of odds which the native has to face can be assessed from the nature of the planets. If the third planet is a
benefic and under good influence, it will definitely help the native in his striving. A malefic will destroy and deny all efforts.
Striving can lead to great success or to great failure; the common factor is simply the striving. The Upachaya and Argala
principles will decide the course of action.


This chart represents two aspects of the Universe namely – (1) Spirit or Energy or Atma – the spirituality of the native, and (2)
Material Nature – or Prakriti – the material aspect of the life.

The Panchamsa Divisional chart represents spirituality in the native, and his ability to separate these two constituents (Spirit
and Prakriti) of the Universe or within himself like the saints do.

Each Rashi is divided into 5 equal parts of 6° each. Planets in the 5 parts of an odd Signs go into Ar, Aq, Sg, Ge and Li
(respectively). Planets in the 5 parts of an even Signs go into Ta, Vi, Pi, Cp and Sc (respectively).

Table : Reckoner of Panchamsa Divisional Chart (D-5)

(Spiritual authority – ability to isolate from material world and to become source of inspiration)

(All figures represent signs)

Panchamsa Odd signs Even signs
0° – 6° 1 2
6° – 12° 11 6
12° – 18° 9 12
18° – 24° 3 10
24° – 30° 7 8

This division indicates the capability of the native to distinguish between his spiritual and material life and set his goals
accordingly. (In Trimshamsa D-30, the planets play major role; where as in Panchamsa Rasi is important. A planet in its own
Trimshamsa will give good-qualities and happiness. A sign in benefic influence in Panchamsa will indicate material prosperity
along with spiritual strength)

Note : There is a different basis for judgement of Panchamsa and Trimshamsa Divisional Charts. Each Panchamsa Division is
guided by the sign and the role of planets becomes secondary. Whereas each Trimshamsa Division is represented by a planet
linked with any of the five elements (viz. Ether, Fire, Air, Earth and Water). Trimshamsa indicate the involvement of the Jeeva
with basic elements and then finally subjected to misery. Planets act like seed for all miseries. Signs though represent material
existence but Jeeva does not feel part of the same. This is the basic difference in these two divisions. As a matter of fact, both
D-5 and D-30 charts are almost same, the difference being in the emphasis and basic approach.

On the other hand, Panchamsa harmonic chart (H-5) indicates natural inclination of the native in dealing with and feeling at
ease in acquiring skills for particular profession. I sincerely believe that Maharishi Jaimini has referred this Chart in Sutra


In this Harmonic chart, each sign is divided into 5 equal parts of 6° each. The first 6° of Aries sign commences from Aries and
then follows the regular order from Aries to Pisces. The H-5 chart is very useful in the overall analysis of career and

In professional or material life, this chart indicates the capability and ideas of the native – in bringing together the
things/persons that exist or operate separately in nature into a formal relationship with one another. Thus, this harmonic
indicates the power of the native to assert his authority to bring a formal order into all aspects of life, be it science,
engineering, art, culture, organization or through any profession or vocation for that matter.

Table : Reckoner of Panchamsa Harmonic Chart (H-5)

(Power and authority – capability of bringing together of things/persons into a formal working relationship, group or order).

(All figures represent signs)

Signs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Panchamsa
6° 1 6 11 4 9 2 7 12 5 10 3 8
12° 2 7 12 5 10 3 8 1 6 11 4 9
18° 3 8 1 6 11 4 9 2 7 12 5 10
24° 4 9 2 7 12 5 10 3 8 1 6 11
30° 5 10 3 8 1 6 11 4 9 2 7 12
In Panchamsa Harmonic Chart, each moveable sign starts from its own sign ( as in D-9 chart), fixed sign starts from its fifth
sign (in Navamsa Chart its starts from its Ninth sigh), Dual sign starts from its ninth sigh (in Navamsa it starts from fifth sign).
The signs move in regular successive order.Thus Panchamsa H-5 and Navamsa D-9 charts act as complimentary to each other.

The H-5 chart indicates the concept of making, arranging, building, constructing or forming something new, using the things
available but existing separately in nature. This chart is most prominent and powerful in scientists, mathematicians,
engineers, painters (commercial), musicians (mainly instrumental), actors etc. The H-5 chart helps to understand the
capability of the native to deliberately construct or create an order or style.

The conjunction of planets in good houses, provide the ability to succeed in a profession indicated by those planets. Moon-
Venus conjunction may indicate a brilliant musician, Mercury-Mars conjunction – a design engineer, Mercury-Venus – an
excellent computer software engineer, Mercury-Jupiter may favor chartered accountancy, Venus-Mercury-Jupiter conjunction
may indicate a C.A. who may also be an excellent software originator.

If the planets are in trines to each other, the native finds pleasure and enjoyment in his work. An opposition of planets
indicates the desire of the native to create order in a structural way. Squares indicate a good struggle and an effort towards
finding an appropriate solution and goal.

The strength of the ascendant and the 5th house and their lords are the key factors when judging the D-5 and H-5 charts.
Parasara and Jaimini have not given hint on the construction of these charts. This is an open field for research.

With the help of the Panchamsa H-5 chart, the commencement of a particular profession can be judged. The various Yogas in
the D-5 chart should be properly assessed. Planets which are placed in the 11th house from the Dasa Rashi, and are either in
their debility or in their exaltation, help to accrue material benefits. This is an important principle applicable to all charts.


The Saptamsa is a divisional chart showing the activities and results of sexual interaction. To see the fruits of this sexual
interaction, ie., children, the analysis of Saptamsa is to be done. Hence this division is seen for children, grand children, their
possibility, well-being, prosperity etc. It is the view of some astrologers that in female charts this division signifies the
husband’s well being and proeperity. It is also belived that with regard to progeny better results are obtained from female
charts than from male charts.

Each sign of 30 degrees is divided into 7 equal parts of 4 degrees 17 minutes and 8.57 seconds each. In odd signs the
counting starts from the sign where the planet is posited and in even signs counting starts from the 7 th place from the planet.

Deities of 7 Saptamsas:



These are the 7 Rasas mentioned for the 7 Saptamsas in Odd rasis.

In even rasis the order is reversed.

First child is to be seen from the 5th house, which is the 11th from the 7th house. This is for first wife. For second wife’s first
child, the 11th house from 2nd house is to be seen as 2nd house indicates second wife.

Arudha pada of the 3rd and 9th houses from lagna and Sun indicate the ability to conceive. 3 rd house which indicates
copulation is vital in detrmining the persons ability to conceive. If Sun is placed in the 2/12 or 6/8 axis from Arudha pada of
3rd or 9th house, it indicates a physical obstruction in conceiving children.

As per Jaimini Sutras:

Mercury, Saturn and/or Venus in Saptamasa lagna tend to deny children or progenic bliss. Mercury and Saturn are eunuch
planets and in D7 lagna they deny fertility. If Venus is also associated there in D7 lagna or trines, then the person has had
excessive sexual encounters and the chances of progeny are depleted.

For female charts 9th house and for male charts 5th house should be considered for procreative success.

Sun, Jupiter and Rahu in the 9th house will indicate many sons. Sun, Rahu, Jupiter and Moon are son-giving planets.

If both child giving planets and child denying planets are present in D7 lagna a child will be born after some delay.

If Mars and Saturn are in the 9th house of D7

1. i) a Dattaputra is indicated
2. ii) it also indicates a marriage with a widow / divorcee who already has child from previous wedlock.

iii)                Indicate begetting a child through a kinsman as the native may lack procreative ability or otherwise.

If the 9th house in D7 chart is an odd sign there will be many children and if it is an even sign few children.

For male, the first progeny is from 5th house, the subsequent children are judged from the 7 th ,9th ,11th etc. This is continued
till 3rd house. The next house should be 5th house but as we have already started from that house, the next house will be the
4th house and the subsequent houses will be the third from it.
For females, the first progeny is from 9th house, the subsequent children will be from the lords of 7 th , 5th , 3rd and 1st etc.
The above method is adopted here also.

Sun, Rahu, Jupiter and Mars are male planets. Venus, Moon, Ketu are female planets. Saturn and Mercury are eunuch planets.

If the lord of the child (5th lord or 7th lord as mentioned above) joins a male planet or a planet in exaltation, the child will be

If the lord of the child joins a female planet or a planet in debilitation, the child will be a female.

If the sign lord of the house is a male planet, the child will be a male and if the dispositer of the  house is a female planet, the
child will be a female child.

The gati either changes or ends when it reaches one of the nodes, unless Jupiter is strong in Saptamsa.

In male charts 5th house is the controlling house for children, while in the female chart, the it is th 9 th house. The 6th and 10th
houses are respectively the maraca houses. Hence their lord (maraca lords) should be analysed with respect to the houses of
the children and their lords. For eg. 5th lord vs 6th lord, 7th lord vs 6thlord, 9th lord vs 10th lord etc. From this one can analyse
the Aristha of a particular child.

If the lord of the D7 lagna is posited in such maraka place, the person will not have inclination to get children. Similarly, if D7
lagna lord is in the house then disease may delay or hinder childbirth

Moon is the significator of Mother. Its weakness in D7 indicates the inability of the mother to carry the child. See in which
saptamsa Rasa the Moon is posited. By consuming that particular Rasa, and worshiping Mother (Godess), the mother can get
potentiality to carry the child. Chanting of Santana Gopala mantra is the most auspicious.

The lord of the house should be considered lagna for the child. If this lord is having good relation with the lagna lord of D7,
the relationship between the parent and child will be very good.

Other principles of analysis:

The D7 lagna lord must be seen in relation to the position 5H, 5L in


Secondly, the position of Jupiter, Lagna lord of D-1 have to be checked in D-7.

The position of 9L and planet Venus are to be checked in D-7.

That means, lagna lord of D-1, 5L, 7L, 9L, karaka Jupiter and Venus are to be seen in relation to Lagna of D-7. If there is any
affliction one may have delayed progeny.

See the position of Jupiter, Lagna lord and 7th Lord of D-7. If there is any affliction, the progeny will only after performing
certain Santhi-Karmas.

If there is any affliction to 9th lord, 9th house and Venus in D-7, in relation to lagna lord of D-7, then there will not be any
progeny at all.

Venus is given so much of importance because Venus is the significator of semen.

Number of children:

Ist method: Count the number of planets falling in between 5 th lord and karaka Jupiter. The number of strong planets falling in
between 5th lord and Jupiter indicate the number of children.

(Counting from 5th lord to Jupiter, including both)

IInd  method: In D-7, see the number of rasis the 5 th lord of D-1 travelled from his house, ie., 5th house. That much number of
progenies one will have. The Kshaya rasis and planets should be excluded.

IIIrd method: Association of planets with Lagna lord of D-7 in D-1 and vice-versa.

These are the few methods to see the number of progeny. Now a days these are not applicable because of family planning
methods adopted by the people.

Different Bhavas of D-7:

Lagna: This will indicate the longevity, physical stature, complexion, colour, mental disposition, fame, and sudden fall of
progeny. The promise of progeny is also seen from D-7. The dasa/antar dasa of the D-7 lagna lord or planets in lagna can give

2nd house: Secret ambitions of progeny, their longevity, welfare, children’s well-being, their capacity to inherit the ancestral

3rd house: It will indicate about the prowess, strength of children. This will also tell about the children’s native (self). The
death of the native is not only connected to his Karmas, but also his child’s his karmas as well as his father’s karmas. That
means, the 3rd house of D-7 will indicate the longevity of self. It will also tell about the person’s immediate travels. Success in
a place outside his father’s house can be seen from 3H of D-7.

4th house: This tells about the happiness one will enjoy from their chidren. Enjoyment, fame, recognition, attachments,
responicibilities, accomplishments in materialistic pleasures achieved from children can be seen from this house. The
permanency and arishta can also be seen from this house (12 th house to 5th house).

5th house: This will indicate about the Poorva Punya Bala, intelligence of progeny, Godly inclinations, following of religion by
the children.

Sun in the 5th house of D-7 is not considered very pious. Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are considered very good. The
children will be self illuminated and need not have guidance towards wisdom. Knowledge of Vedas, Sastras, Tarkam will be
very good with the progeny.

Saturn or Mars in the 5th house of D-7 indicate Putra dosham. The remedies for such a Saturn are Pooja to Kaalabhairava,
offering white butter to Lord Anjaneya or lighting Tila Deepam. On Saturdays before Lord Shiva. Undertaking of Brahmachary’s
studied on his shoulders is also one of the remedies.

For Mars, propitiation to Lord Subrahmanya or Pooja to the ShatKona yantra, Kumara Bhojanam & Vasra Daanam.

For Sun, donate the first child. Any affliction of 5th house by debilitated planet, inimical planet, or otherwise afflicted planet is
not considered very good. Errosion of intelligence factor of progeny is indicated. Particularly debilitated Mercury or inimical
Moon in 5th house is not at all good for the progeny.

Exalted Venus or Jupiter is extraordinarly good.

6th house: This house talks of diseases of progeny & Balarishta. Placement of Mars in 6 th house is considered to be
exceptionally good. It gives Pushti, the vitality to the progeny.

Placement of Mercury is not good, alongwith Moon it is worse.

If Lagna lord of D-7 falls in 6th house or otherwise afflicted, the progeny will not rise in life than their parents. The child’s
recognition will be till the death of father.

Placement of Jupiter in 6th house is also considered very good.

If Mars&Jupiter, Saturn & Sun, Venus are placed in 6th house, physical discomforts of emotional crisis of progeny can be
indicated. The projeny will suffer from certain complexes or phobias in their life.

If Moon & Mercury are afflicted in 6th house, the progeny will never have steady progress in their life.

The afflicton of Soumya grahas in 6th house by Rahu/Ketu or Saturn will indicate that certain negative forces will be pullig
back the progress of the children.

Because 6th is the 9th from 10th house, the children’s profession and because of 3rd house of 4th house, the child’s education
may suffer.

As a rule, the 6th house should be Riktam, Vacant, to make the 6th house afflictionless. The lords of 6th house goes into
Kendra bhava or associated with malefic planets like Sun & Mars is a good placement.

If 6th lord goes into Kona bhava, though it is not very bad, it will not give full potentiality to the native’s progeny. It may spoil
the karakatwas of the Bhava, where it is posited, but the karakatwas of its own bhava will be held prominently. It makes a
person isolated in life.

6th lord in 2nd House or 11th House, the person will get support from his relatives, Dayadees.

6th lord in 2nd house will make a person long lived and happy.

6th lord in 6th house is the second best position.

8th lord or 12th lord in 6th house is the third best position without any conjunction of any benefic planet. This will indicate that
the person will not have any untoward incidents in life.

6th house and 6th lord are to be seen from Mars also. If both are well placed in good axis, the person will have good life and he
will not have any Akala Mrityu to his children.

If there are extraordinary yogas in 6th , 7th and 8th houses, the children will be very happy.

7th House: This will talk of Aristhas to progeny. Take 5th lord of D-1 along with 7th house of D-7 to assess the arishta.

5th lord of D-1 with 7th house of D-7 talks of Arishta to 1st progeny.

7th lord of D-1 with 7th house of D-7 talks of 2nd progeny’s Arishta.

9th lord of D-1 with 7th house of D-7 talks of 3rd progeny’s arishta.

Another method:
5th lord’s nakshatra lord will talk of 1st progeny.

Suppose 5th lord is Mars and Mars is in Jyesta. So the nakshatra lord of Mars is Mercury. See Mercury and the 7 th house of
D-7 to talk about Arishta to 1stprogeny.

Take Mercury’s nakshatra lord. Suppose Mercury is in Moon’s nakshatra. Moon position and the 7 th house of D-7 will take
about 2nd progeny’s arishta.

Transiting position of Rahu or Saturn or Mars alongwith Putrakaraka Jupiter on 7 th house of D-7 will talk of Arishta coming to
the concerned progeny.

8th house: This will indicate longevity of native’s progeny. Incurable diseases, that may come to progeny will also indicated by
this house. 8th house and 8thlord talk about to whom the incurable diseases will come. Secret ambitions, Govt. displeasures,
punishments, etc. will be seen from 8th house.

9th house: This will talk of Keerti, Bhagyam of progeny. Here lagna lord, 5 th lord or 9th lord of D-1 or D-7 with Sun, if placed in
9th house of D-7, the Bhagyodayam of child will be after the departure of parents.

Long distance travels, Pitru Runam, Pitra Putra arishtam, Devata Prakopam will be seen from here. Which God or Godess
should be propitiated by which progeny to get success will be indicated from this house.

10th house: Fame, status, achievements, Deerghayu of progeny (8 th from 3rd ) will be seen from this house.

If 10th house is well placed by 10th lord or Sun (even debilitated), it indicates Deerghayu.

Placements of malefics in 10th house ( Mars & Sun) is very good.

Jupiter & Venus, if they are in own sign or in exaltation in 10 th house of D-7, will give fame to progeny.

But presence of Moon & Venus in 10th house of D-7 will give recognition but fame will not be there.

Mid cusp lord of 10th house in D-1, if having strength in D-7 chart, the progeny will be extraordinarly well placed than the

11th house: This will talk of amicability of the progeny, terror amongst co-born, their status, relationships, friends of progeny.

If malefics are spoiled in 11th house, the progeny will suffer due to jealous of others.

Rahu & Ketu will get afflicted in the following circumstances.

If they are in direct motion, if they are in static motion, if associated with retrograde planets.

When Rahu is afflicrted in 11th house of D-7, one should be very careful. Pumpkin Bali is to be given to Godess Kali, to ward of
evil Drishti, jealous etc. Bali is to be given once in Uttarayanam and once in Dakshinayanam of every year.

Afflicted Sun in 11th house will give diseases to children. The child should wear Surya Yantra.

Afflicted Moon in 11th house will spoil the girls in the family.

Afflicted Mercury will spoil boys in the family.

Afflicted Venus will spoil wife in the family.

Afflicted Jupiter in 11th house will spoil parents in the family.

Afflicted Saturn in 11th house will spoil old people in the family.

12th house: Expenditure, losses, untoward happenings, police or juditiary interference of progeny will be indicated.

Sun & Mars in 12th house is

Saturn and Mercury in 12th house indicate that the person will not be interested in sex.

Jupiter & Venus in 12th house is good for progeny.

Normally, 5th house dasa, in India, will give marriage

This is the same as the Saptamsa divisional chart. This is an important chart, which has a strong bearing on profession and
career just like the H-5 chart. Saravali says, a planet in dignity makes the native courageous, rich and famous (on account of
his inherent cosmic creative ability) in Saptamsa chart. Thus Saptamsa does not only indicate cosmic ability to procreate
children, but the overall role of the native to maintain the continuity of cosmic order.

The seventh Harmonic chart indicates cosmic order. That is why the Saptamsa chart indicates progeny, the way of the cosmos
to continue a native’s lineage. (Compare it with the fifth harmonic, the H-5 chart, which indicates the capability or idea of
making, arranging or constructing from things lying separately in nature.)

The H-7 chart indicates creative imagination or destructive illusion. It is a harmonic not of unchanging truth but of sudden
flashes of light and darkness; not of an objective but of a subjective reality; not of knowledge but of intuition or fantasy.The
H-7 chart, if strong, represents creative artists, painters, writers, architects or statesman with vision. On the negative side,
this chart can represent murderers and criminals.

The ascendant, seventh house and the 9th house and their lords should be strong and under benefic influence in the H-7
chart, this will help to manifest and shine positive creativity in the native. This Harmonic represents the dynamic force of the
native’s inspiration.

I have introduced four Harmonic charts in this article. The Chaturthamsa Harmonic H-4 shows the goals, which a person is
called upon to strive for in order to gain victory over the odds faced in his profession. The Panchamsa Harmonic H-5 shows
power and authority for the creation of a new order or style, the Saptamsa Harmonic H-7 ( or D-7) shows the nature of the
inspiration used and the Navamsa Harmonic ( or V-9) shows the SKILLS and joy/fame derived from perusing a particular
activity. This joy comes from the highest goal of the Jeeva which is to establish himself in Dharma; a goal, which will also bring
him a deep understanding, both within himself and the beyond. The goal of this highest joy could be achieved by striving
(H-4) and by co-operating with the outer world (H-5) using a positively inclined inspiration (H-7).
The ultimate goal of life is hidden is the Navamsa (D-9) and it is considered the most important after the basic radical chart.
The second most important chart is Dasamsa (D-10), which indicates rise and fall in professional life of the native as well as
his ability to perform with the help of bosses, colleagues and other assistants available to him and workplace. The role of H-4,
H-5 and H-7 charts are important but of secondary importance.

Simple and easy way to decipher D-9 (Navamsha Chart):-

Navamsha,is the 1/9th portion / Amsha of a sign which is of 30°. Therfore each Navamsha is equal to 3°20′. D-9 chart is most
important in predictive Astrology. It is a complementary chart to the natal / birth chart wherein planetary strength is
assessed. This chart indicates all about marriage, spouse, partners and skills of the native. In Vedic Astrology, D-9 Chart is
said to be essential to consult for accurate predictions. Simple and easy way to decipher D-9 (Navamsha Chart):-

A planet in same sign in both Rashi and Navamsha chart is said to be ‘Vargottama’ and gives excellent results during its
Dasha/Bhukti/ Antara periods and also in Transit. Planets become Vargottama in following cases:
Movable signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) and in first Navamsha (0°- 3°20′)
Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) and in 5th Navamsha (13°20′ – 16°40′)
Dual signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) and in last Navamsha (26°40 -30°)

Timing of Marriage
Navamsha Lagna Lord in Kendra – early marriage
Navamsha Lagna Lord in Trikona –slight delay but will get married in time.
Navamsha Lagna Lord in Dusthana, spoilt by malefics like Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu – Marriage beyond 30 years.
Navamsha Lagna Lord is extremely spoilt – Denial of marriage.
Navamsha Lagna Lord in 7th House, 7th Lord in 12th House – marriage in 23rd or 26th years of age.
8th House of Rashi chart is 7th House of Navamsha, Venus in Navamsha Lagna, marriage in 25th or 33rd years of age.
If Venus in seventh House or the Seventh Lord or the Lagna Lord of Navamsha is all afflicted then one can say that it
amounts to no marriage. It would rather be better if such a person’s does not marry.

Nature of Spouse
The native will get beautiful, cultured, intelligent wife and will be prosperous and wealthy in his life if Navamsha Lagna Lord
Exalted, in Moola Trikona or in Own house.
In other Vargas posited in Kendra / Trikona
Do not have any aspect / association with malefics.

If Navamsha Lagna Lord is in Dusthana, debilitatated and has aspects of malefics, the native will get mediocre / bad
natured wife.

Married Life
If in Navamsha chart
7th House and 7th Lord are aspected by benefics or Venus is in good House, the married life will be smooth and happy.
If 7th Lord is Sun or Mars the husband and wife will be mutually honest and trustworthy.
If Sun, Mercury is posited in 7th House, there will be extra marital affairs.
If Venus is 7th Lord and is exalted or posited in Lagna or 7th House, the native will have associations with many women.

If in Navamsha chart
5th House has benefics, 5th Lord is in associated with benefics, the native will have good progeny
5th Lord of Rashi chart is posited in Kendra /Trikona of Navamsha chart, the native will have good progeny.
5th House and 5th Lord are spoilt by malefics, the native will not have happiness from his children

7th Lord of D-1 /D-10 in own house or exalted – Very good progress in profess

Timing of marriage

1. Saturn, during transit, should create a relation with 7th house or 7th lord from Lagna, Moon or ‘kalatra’ significator
Venus (for men) and Jupiter (for women).
2. Examine whether Jupiter also creates a relation by way of conjunction or aspect. Check also, if Jupiter during transit
creates relation with 7th house or 7th lord from Moon or significator Venus (and Jupiter) or lords of their stars

2. Delay in marriage
3. When Sun, Rahu and Saturn aspect the 7th lord or occupy the 7th house from Ascendant/Moon it indicates considerable
4. When Venus, Moon and Saturn are in 7th house marriage can be delayed upto the age of 30 to 35 years

3. Spouse
4. Marriage to a person in far off place is indicated when Moon is in 7th house and malefics occupy 5th and 9th houses from
Moon marriage.
5. Early marriage to a partner living nearby can be predicted when Venus occupies 7th house and aspects its own
6. If the Sun and Venus are in 5th, 7th or 9th house, there can be weakness to the limbs of the spouse.

4. Matching of horoscopes
5. Matching of Guna/Kuta can be done considering the birth star of boy and girl.
6. If the maximum number of gunas is 36 and a minimum 18, the match is approved as Guna/Kuta compatible.
7. A happy married life is indicated if
8. The Sun of the girl’s chart and the Moon of the boy’s chart are 120 deg apart
9. The Sun of the girl and Moon of the boy interchange their houses and
10. The Sun of the girl and Moon of the male aspect each other.
11. The match is approved if Samasaptama is present
12. Ascendant/Moon/Navamsa of the girl is 7th to the Ascendant of the boy.
13. The running Dasa of the boy and the girl should be mutually friendly
14. There should be no Dasa Sandhi at the time of marriage.

5. Love Marriage
6. Successful,
7. If the 5th house and 5th lord , 7th lord , Venus and Jupiter in both the charts are strong.
8. If 7th lord , 5th lord and Venus are strong with benefic aspect/s and related to each other
9. Unsuccessful
10. If Venus is in 7th in the natal chart and Navamsa.
11. If Venus , Mars and Saturn in 7th or Saturn in 2nd house.

6. Marital Separation/Discord/Divorce
7. Separation is indicated if Mars and Saturn relate to the 7th lord or Venus.
8. Discord is indicated
9. if Mars, Saturn and Venus are together in 8th house.
10. If Mars and Saturn are in ascendant
11. If Venus is in an angle opposite Mars and Jupiter, divorce is indicated

7. Second Marriage if
8. Moon and Venus join together and are strong.
9. 7th lord’s Navamsa is debilitated, combust or in enemy’s house.
10. Venus in 2,5,8,11 sign with Ketu or aspect of Ketu
11. Moon and Saturn in 7th house.

8. No Marriage if
9. Ascendant lord and 7th lord are in 2/12 position.
10. Ascendant lord and 7th lord in 6/8 position.
11. 7th lord and Sun in 1, 4 ,7 and 10 signs

Marriage is a sacred institution that imposes equal moral, social and spiritual responsibility to husband and wife. The
institution of a hindu marriage includes the Saptapadi or the taking of seven steps by the bridegroom and the bride jointly
before the sacred fire. The marriage becomes complete and binding when the seventh step is taken. The bride and the groom
vow that they would be true and loyal to each other and would remain companions and friends for a lifetime.

Here are some general combinations in navamsa regarding married life.

1) Navamsa lagna aspected by a benefic can give a happy married life.

2) Navamsa lagna lord aspecting navamsa is a good combination for a peaceful married life.

3) If navamsa lagna and navamsa lagna lord are vargothama then, ur spouse will be very adaptable.

4) It is better to have a navamsa lagna with a subhakartari yoga which will help u to tide through any difficulty.

5) Benefics in the 5th or 9th to navamsa lagna indicates that u r handsome.

6) If navamsa lagna happens to be 9th or 12th to the janma lagna, physical needs may be very high.

7) If navamsa lagna is associated with many malefics, there could be extra-martial relationships.

If the lord of 3 or 6 or 7 or 10 is posited in the 7th to navamsa lagna ur spouse may have a career in law.
9) venus in the 7th to navamsa lagna indicates disharmony in marriage.

10) If the lord of 7th in rasi is in 6 or 8 or 12 to navamsa lagna, married life may not be pleasant.

11) If the lagna lord or the 7th lord are associated with incendiary planets, then there could be separation.

12) Conjunction of Moon and venus and if one of them is debilitated, there will be no happiness from marriage.

13) If the 5th from the navamsa lagna is occupied by Jupiter and venus, u could get ravishing beauty as ur wife.

14) If the 7th happens to be the house of saturn and if malefic are in it, the spouse could look old or it could be a second

15) If venus is in the amsa of Mars or in the house of saturn without any benefic aspect, there could be sexual perversions.

16) If venus is in the navamsa of Moon, the whole married life will be full of problems.

17) If the 7th lord conjuct with the 6th lord and also venus, there will be separation or divorce.

How to read Dashamsha Chart (D-10)

The 10th House represents the ‘Karma’ or ‘Profession. Planets in 10th House, planets aspecting 10th House, 10th Lord and
planets aspecting it and the Navamsha dispositor of 10th Lord decides profession. The nature and Tatwa of the sign of 10th
House also gives us a clue about profession. Karakamsha (Navamsha of Atma Karaka) also gives us some information.
Similarly, understanding the nature of planets which become significator for profession and the planets exerting influence on
these planets is necessary.

Dasamsha or one-tenth part of the Rashi Kundali represents the Profession and is to be used for detailed analysis while
profiling one’s career. After you have extracted all the information from Rashi chart then only proceed to D-10.

The Dasamsa chart should be analyzed in detail independently. This chart has a great say in the choice of profession. The
Dasamsa chart indicates success and failure, rise and fall in professional life. A strong ascendant and 10th house and their
lords indicate that the native will succeed in his profession. The 9th house and its lord indicate growth in profession. The 2nd,
6th and 10th houses of the D-10 chart comprise the Arth (finance) Trikona and, as such, these houses are very important to
judge prosperity through profession. A strong planet in the 10th or the 7th house is a boon as these houses are directly
linked with professional success.

The 3rd and 8th houses are death-like houses. A planet in the 8th house will give extreme difficulties in the profession during
its Dasa. Similarly planets in the 3rd house have the capacity to curtail or sever the professional link, and may indicate change
or retirement from job. Planets in their own signs, exaltation, or under benefic influence, may reduce the difficulties and
extreme conditions may not occur.

Narayan Dasa should be applied to H-5 and D-10 charts independently. The application of this Dasa on Divisional charts can
be learnt from the book ‘Narayana Dasa’ by Sanjay Rath, published by Sagar Publications. This is the only book available in
the market under this title and on this subject. The Narayana Dasa charts out the professional life in an excellent manner. It
may be remembered that the Signs represent physical existence. As such all Sign Dasas are better indicators of the native’s
physical and material achievements, whereas the Nakshatra Dasas which depend basically on the Moon indicate the
satisfaction derived by the native on account of material gains.

Important: D-10 is to be analysed as chart by itself

Lagna Lord in Own House / exalted – Good job.

Karakas for profession, namely Sun, Saturn and Mercury, if any one of them in own house – Good job.
Sun in own house / exalted – good job and will become a good leader in politics.
Sun or Saturn in Upachaya (3,6,10 and 11) – Good job
9th Lord in 9th House – Success in profession.
Venus alone in 8th House – Lucky and excellent success in profession.
7th Lord of D-1 /D-10 in own house or exalted – Very good progress in profession.
10th Lord of D-1 / D-10 in own house / exalted –Very good job.
Lagna Lord, 6th Lord and 9th Lord of D-1 / D10 Lords, if any one of them is debilitated –No success in profession.
Lagna Lord in 9th / 9th Lord exalted – Business (Self employed)
If Capricorn has malefics – Indulge in bad / evil /illegal profession.
Rahu in Lagna – Temporary jobs / frequent transfers/ bad prospects in profession
If Lagna has any two planets, namely, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter or Venus – will become Jyothishis, Veda Pundits or Sanskrit
From  Moon Lagna, if 6th  and 9th house has association with Sun and Saturn –Quarrel with superiors and hence
uncertainty in profession
10th House / 10th Lord associated with Saturn – Unemployment / dismissal from service.
10th House / Lord or Karakas like, Saturn, Sun are associated with a debilitated planet – Greedy, infamy and goes to jail
on bribery charges.
D-1 Yogakaraka in Lagna or aspecting Lagna – Raja yoga in profession.
If 2nd, 9th, 10th and 11th Lord are together – Will reach top in business.
During Dasha / Bhukti of Benefic planets in Kendra – Promotion and success.
During Dasha / Bhukti of Malefics planets in Kendra- Setback, demotion, disgrace etc.
During Dasha / Bhukti of planets in Trikona – assistance / help from friends and well wishers
During Dasha / Bhukti of planets which are powerless, malefic or debilitatated occupying 10th House – Lot of difficulties in

1. In Dasamamsa Lagna / lord of the lagna assumes a tremendous significance. If Lagna is aspected by benefics, it becomes
strong then it may be presumed that career of the native stands on a good foundation provided, of course, Lagna chart does
not tell altogether different results.
2. If powerful Sun is posited in upachaya houses aspected by Jupiter, native is likely to get recognition and eminence in career.
3. If Dasa lord is strong in lagna chart and poised to give good results but lacks adequate strength in Dasamamsa, such Dasa
lord may create uncertainties, under critical sub – periods. A sub dasa lord unfavourably placed in Dasamamsa from Dasa lord
and afflicted with malefic may even temporarily hold up anticipated results.
4. Planets in tenth house in Dasamamsa during their ruling periods will better the prospects of one’s career.
5. If there is no planet in tenth house in Dasamamsa, then its lord during its ruling period will confer honour to the native.
6. Planets aspecting lord of tenth house in Dasamamsa should also be considered powerful with respect to one’s profession.
7. The period of planets in kendra of Dasamamsa will be a mile stone in one’s career.

The Trimshamsha -D30.

* The Trimshamsha is the “Anahat Chakra” (अ��द च�कर), basically ruled by Mercury, and represents “Mahaloka” (lower than
the “Janahloka”.. It is mainly concerned with speech, the way of presentation, worldly wisdom and all that Mercury stands for..
The following sloka from classics support this :
“अनाहते च ��शा�शो बाली�च�ता बुध�तथा”
* According to Parashara, all sorts of arishtas fall in the province of Trimshamsha… The term arishta is used in the sense of
that is not desired or unwanted.. Thus the failures, accidents, lack of physical as well as mental comforts and calamities
should be checked from this chart….
The same is stated in another work as “��शा�शे �नध���म” indicating this chart is related to non-existence to non being…
* Trimshamsha in a female chart has a peculiar speciality and the same will be discussed later…
••Basic Rules Of Studying D30••
> In Trimshamsha chart the Sun in Aries or Scorpio and the Moon in Taurus or Libra are supposed to be placed in their own
signs.. In this regards ‘Parashara’ states :
सूय�: कुज��म ध�ते भाग�व�य �नशाप�त !
��शा��के �व�च��यैवम�ापी �ेहव�समृतम !!
> In another quote of the ‘Parashara’, the sage specifies that one may check the Trimshamsha chart similarly as an natal
> In a Trimshamsha chart if the Trimshamsha lord is well placed in an angle or trine, associated with benefic planet/planets,
falling in a good rashi, exhibits good effects, comforts, sound health and satisfactory longevity….
” सद्�न�त: सत य�द सौ�यरा�श ”
> Debilitated or combust malefic lord of Trimshamsha prompts adversities and generates rivalry with close relatives… The
relevant quote from classics is as under :
“��शा�शेपो पापखगो�तनीचो यदा तदा ब�धु�भराशु वैरम”
> The Trimshamsha lord, either banefic or malefic, if happens to occupy 6th, 8th or 12th house inspires troubles from the
“��क�सथतचे��रप�भ�तवाक �यात”
> A malefic Trimshamsha lord in 6th or 8th house with with other malefic planet/planets is cause of accidents or unnatural
> Such a Trimshamsha lord associated with weak Moon generates disorders in general behaviour of the native and diseases in
ears or spinal cord…
“अस�द��युतशचेत मानसे �वणपृ�गद� ना”
> The Sun and Mars or Jupiter and Venus in the 8th house of Trimshamsha chart generally leads to a possibility of accidents,
while any of above mentioned forming relationship with the lord of 22nd Drekkana yields to brutal death…
�त� वदे द �व��त आतपादवा !
�वषा�मृ�त: �यात मृ�तभे गु��याम !!
> Except Saturn all planets from the Sun to Venus in their own Trimshamsha, generate fairly benevolent results, while Saturn
in its own Trimshamsha disburse disease, disturbed mental status, lack of practical approach and excessive tensions…
रोगी मृत�वदार: �या���म परदाग�: �व��शांशेक�जे !
••Trimshamsha And Personality ••
+ Qualities, character, actions and temperament of a native are always reflected in this chart..”Varaha Mihira” and “Kalyan
Varma” both have highlighted this opinion… In the ‘Laghu Jatakam’ “Varaha” states as under :
“�तवं रज�तमो वा ��शा�शे य� भा�कर�ता�क”
+ Simply look at the Sun in this chart and start analysing the certain traits of the native but this should be done strictly as per
the dispositor of the Sun in Trimshamsha chart according to characteristics (Greha Sheela) as follows :
••Mars : Aggressive, believes in Danda neeti, adamant with hidden anger, valorous, tamoguna, always protesting and
••Saturn : Believes in divide and rule (Bheda Niti), wavering ideas, tamoguna, animal instinct, lack of awareness regarding
personal hygiene and inclination towards wine and drugs…
••Jupiter : Submissive, hidden self pride, tackles situation wisely as well as elegantly in friendly interaction (Saama Niti),
educated, rational and humanitarian….
••Mercury : Believes in Bheda Niti, deals like a businessman, friendly, social, soft spoken with traits as that of Saturn…
••Venus : Traits almost like Jupiter, fond of luxurious and refined tastes,
>> The ‘Krishneeyam’ and ‘Sangram Vijyam’, South Indian famous classics reveal :
“सा�नो �ी�वा�गरस� दं डा�धशो �दवाकरो�व�जौ
दाना�धपा �शांको भेद�य बुधाक�पु�ो च
सूया��म�शचे��पू�� प�ीसमान� सरीसृप शच��
��पद� भृगदे वगु� चतु��द� भू�मपु�ाक� ”
>Trimshamsha And Rajayogas <
All the Yogakaarka planets or any of those strongly disposed in Trimshamsha chart manifest much better yoga effects during
their relevant dasha.. In this context “Kalyan Varma” in his book “Saaravali” states :
“एकोअ�प �वहग: कुया�त पंचमांशगते नृपम !
सम�तबलस�प�शच�वत�नभेव च !!”
— In this sloka the word “Panchmaansh” stands for Trimshamsha…
••Trimshamsha And Female Horoscopy ••
> Our sages highlighted the aphorism that “Streephala” (Delineation of female characteristics) is a prime domain of
Trimshamsha, hence the prime traits or character of a female native could easily be inferred from this chart…
The Trimshamsha rashi of natal ascendant or the natal Moon (which ever is stronger) directs the basic attitude and inclination
of a female native.. It is stated in the classics :
“श�शल�न�मायुकते: फलं ��शांशकैरीदम:!”
••Aries Or Scorpio Lagna : A native born with sign Aries or Scorpio in natal ascendant and it goes to Trimshamsha of Mars, the
native will be highly sensual and will be occupied in friendship since adolescent..
–While in Trimshamsha of Mercury the native is clever, a trickster, delusive and not trustworthy…
–In Trimshamsha of Saturn the native struggles for her existence and identity, one is not recognised even after the excessive
labour and efforts..
–In Trimshamsha of Venus native is mysterious, secretly clever, diplomatic and offensive in her general behaviour..
–In Trimshamsha of Jupiter native is noble, religious, exalted and humanitarian….
••Taurus Or Libra Lagna : While natal lagna falling in Taurus or Libra and Trimshamsha lagna belongs to Mars produce
swinging ideas and preferences, native is not much praised among the elite, one tends to overestimate herself..
–In the Trimshamsha of Saturn causes separation, hazards and rehabilitation at material level…
–In the Trimshamsha of Jupiter, Venus or Mercury makes the native virtuous, noble, reliable, born with special qualities and
most appreciated, outstanding in her tastes, a good listener and prominent in high society….
••Gemini Or Virgo Lagna : While Gemini or Virgo sign rising in natal ascendant with the Trimshamsha lagna be of Mercury or
Jupiter manifest praiseworthy effects..
–In Trimshamsha of Venus inclines her to perform experiments in relationship with opposite sex…
–If the Trimshamsha of Mars happen to rise the native is delusive and artificial in general behaviour…
–If Saturn happens to be the Trimshamsha lagna lord gives her some masculine effects in actions as well as in appearance…
••Cancer Lagna : When natal ascendant happens to be Cancer with Mars, Saturn or Venus’s sign rising in Trimshamsha lagna
the female native is autocratic, sensual and not showing appropriate respect to her husband and destructive at the same time.
She will be noble and virtuous when Mercury or Jupiter happens to be Trimshamsha lagna lord…
••Leo Lagna : When sign Leo rises in natal ascendant the seers has praised only Jupiter’s sign rising in Trimshamsha lagna,
while other signs rise in Trimshamsha lagna makes native dictatorial in nature and all possible inauspicious effects….
••Sagittarius And Pisces Lagna : When Sagittarius or Pisces sign rises in natal ascendant a native is generally qualitative,
gentle and exalted in all the signs rising in Trimshamsha lagna, but in addition she might be having less sexual urge if Saturn’s
sign rises in Trimshamsha lagna…
••Capricorn And Aquarius : When any of the Saturn’s sign rises in natal ascendant at the same time Jupiter’s sign rise in
Trimshamsha lagna the female concerned is much affectionate to her family but in case any of Venus’s sign rises in
Trimshamsha lagna she may have some abnormality in her generative organs. Other signs rising in Trimshamsha lagna are not
much auspicious…
Important : Here are few words from great B.Suryanarayan Rao regarding Trimshamsha chart. He mentions in his book “Stree
Jaatka” that :
(1) If Saturn and the Moon are together in sign Aries in the natal chart and both occupy Trimshamsha of Mars, the female will
commit adultery with loafers in streets…
(2) If the Moon and Jupiter happen to occupy sign Cancer and both are in the Trimshamsha of Mars the female will have
plenty of lovers..
(3) If in the above combination as mentioned in para supra (2) Mars also joins in Trimshamsha chart female having this
combination will become a prostitute….

Note : This topic has been elucidated by “Varahamir” and “Kalyan Varma” in their respective works. All the results as
mentioned above should be checked through lagna and the Moon lagna (whichever is stronger of the two) and must be
correlated with other general readings.

ASHTOTTARAMSA-D-108:-(How to see the next birth(D-108):

Lagan, 2nd, 3rd and 4th houses of D-108, gives information about our past life, next four houses gives information about our
present life and last four about next life in particular.The 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses of D-108 are of utmost importance
as they are the houses of next birth in our Next birth chart or they are pure reflection of our next birth, without any mix up,
before going ahead Note that Increase / decrease in the strength of each planet from shatyamsa (D-60) chart to D-108 chart
can be used as a mirror, to see nature of our karmas in this life.12th house of D-108 is the will give you the final decision as
that will the native receive “moksha” or not.

1) If Atmakaraka is placed in 12th house of D-108 chart (in strength) with sun. (Atmakaraka should be in strength, swarashi,
uchh or Mooltrikona)

Moksha is due in this life.

2) If 12th lord is placed in 12th house of D-108 chart with Atmakaraka in strength (there should be no other aspect) and sun
is in its swa or uchh rashi.

Moksha is due in this life.

3) If all the planets are present in their own or uchh rashi’s, moksha is due.

4) If suppose 4 planets are exalted or swarashi in D-108 chart.

Then 3 births are still left for native to experience similarly if only 2 planets are not exalted or swarashi, 2 births are still due.
If 12th lord is placed in lagan of D-108 chart, One birth is still left for the native to experience, if placed in 2nd house, 2 births
are left similarly in this manner if placed in 11th house, 12 births are still left to experience.

Planet aspecting or present in lagan or 7th house of D-108 chart, Will give information regarding the qualities of the native
that dominated him in this life Or about the qualities which were most visible to the external world in this life and the strength
of that planet will determine that, how well he has carried those qualities in this life ( If the native has misused those very
qualities, then strength of that planet will show a decrease as compared to shatyamsa chart). 2nd and 4th houses of D-108,
will give a very clear indication about the family, we would be getting in the next birth.

Presence of mercury, Jupiter, Venus and moon in 2nd house (in strength), Presence of Venus, Jupiter, moon in 4th house (in
strength) will clearly indicate the royal next birth.

Exalted planets will also show the same thing.

Number of planets placed in 11th house of D-108 chart will account for number of births left for the native.

2 planets— 2 births

3 planets— 3 births.

Here i want to clarify that actual count of number of births would be obtained only after the application of all the conditions
(which I am describing in different posts).

We all know that 3 gund dominate us namely tamsik gund, rajsik gund, satvic gund. Placement of dual rashi’s in the Kendra of
D-108 chart will represent the dominance of satvic gund in our next life. Similarly, chara rashi means tamsik gund & Sthira
rashi gives rajsik gund.

After applying, above mentioned condition, also check the strength of the corresponding planets.

Jupiter and sun for satvic gund, Venus, mercury for rajsik gund and Saturn, mars, Rahu, ketu for tamsik gund.

Or you can say if satvic planets are weak and Kendra has dual rashi’s then satvic gund will not dominate.

On the strength of sun, moon, Jupiter and lagan and satvic rashi’s (satvic gund) and weakness of rajsik and tamsik gund, we
can decide that whether person will go to “uchh loks” after death or will again take birth on earth.

“Remember there is a difference between getting moksha and going to uchha loks”

After getting moksha, soul goes to “Param dham, vaikunth lok”, uchh loks Can be dev lok, Brahma lok etc.

If atma karak is getting exalted in D-108 chart and lagan is having, very strong shubh mala yog (like placement of uchh
planets in 2nd, 12th and lagan) and also sun and moon have good strength, then the soul would most definitely go to uchh
lokas (in next life).

Influence of sun, Jupiter, Saturn, ketu and moon (in strength) on 9th house of D-108 clearly shows that native would follow
spiritualism in his next life.

Nature of Lord of 6th house in D-108 will show the nature of kind of enemies you will face in your next life and its placement in
D-108 will show, that on what cost you will defeat him or you loose to him.

For example if the lord of 6th house is mercury- enemies in your next life would be intelligent and would be an expert in
planning as Mars- shows ,they would use their muscle power, Jupiter- shows ,they would be very knowledgeable and calm.
Similarly nature can be determined.

Now if suppose 6th lord in D-108 is placed in 2nd house.

It would give an indication that your family member is involved in the conspiracy and his aim would be your family or money
and to defeat him, your speech and money power would prove beneficial in the next life.

(Paap prabhav on this 6th lord would mean your defeat)

If suppose 6th lord is place in 5th house, It would mean that enemy will have a direct impact on your mind.

He can ruin your mental peace and progress of your kids in next life and to defeat him, your intelligence would prove

Similarly results can derived!

Placement of uchh or swarashi planets (should include Atmakaraka) in the 4th, 8th and 12th houses of D-108 chart is a clear
indication of liberation from birth death cycle after this life.

Note that no planet should be in deliberation in D-108 for the fulfillment of the above condition also the 3 planets in 4th, 8th
and 12th houses should not enter in a planetary war.

Nature and strength of the 10th lord of D-108 chart indicates the nature and strength of karmas we are doing or going to do,
in this life.

Placement of the 10th lord in D-108 will signify the qualities or parameters involved in carrying out those karmas. For
example If 10th lord is sitting in the 7th house, It would mean that karmas have an attribute of business, foreign travel,
reputation building, Involvement of females etc.

If 10th lord is sitting in 2nd house, It would mean that karmas are linked with money (w.r.t qualities of that planet), family,
speech (public speaking etc), teaching etc.

Few more concepts about D-108 chart, through which our current life could be neatly sketched.

Just learn this;

1st house of D-108 chart is the sum outcome of 5th house of (shatyamsa chart, Navamsa and Lagan chart)

2nd house of D-108 chart is the sum outcome of 6th house of (shatyamsa chart, Navamsa and Lagan chart)

3rd house of D-108 chart is the sum outcome of 7th house of (shatyamsa chart, Navamsa and Lagan chart)

4th house of D-108 chart is the sum outcome of 8th house of (shatyamsa chart, Navamsa and Lagan chart)

5th house of D-108 chart is the sum outcome of 9th house of (shatyamsa chart, Navamsa and Lagan chart)

6th house of D-108 chart is the sum outcome of 10th house of (shatyamsa chart, Navamsa and Lagan chart)

7th house of D-108 chart is the sum outcome of 11th house of (shatyamsa chart, Navamsa and Lagan chart)

8th house of D-108 chart is the sum outcome of 12th house of (shatyamsa chart, Navamsa and Lagan chart)

9th house of D-108 chart is the sum outcome of 1st house of (shatyamsa chart, Navamsa and Lagan chart).

10th house of D-108 chart is the sum outcome of 2nd house of (shatyamsa chart, Navamsa and Lagan chart)

11th house of D-108 chart is the sum outcome of 3rd house of (shatyamsa chart, Navamsa and Lagan chart)

12th house of D-108 chart is the sum outcome of 4th house of (shatyamsa chart, Navamsa and Lagan chart)

Presence of strong lagan adhi yoga in D-108 chart will surely reflect.

That native will become an emperor in the next birth.

For example; If moon, Jupiter, mercury and venus are present in 6th, 7th and 8th house with strength in D-108 chart like;

Venus exalted in 6th house, moon exalted in 8th house and Jupiter in 7th house.OrJupiter exalted in 6th house, mercury
exalted in 8th house and moon in 7th house.OrMoon exalted in 6th house, Jupiter exalted in 8th house and venus in 7th

11th house of D-108 will account for net result of all the accumulated desires in all the previous births.

For example; Presence of uchh ketu in 11th house will show that all the desires of native all fulfilled and therefore will become
one of the indications for final “moksha”

Presence of uchh Saturn in 11th house will show that, path of meditation on which native was walking in his past births is still
left unexplored, which would take one more birth to be explored completely.

Uchh Jupiter in 11th— would mean native has acquired all the knowledge in his past lives, and will enter in a phase of
meditation in next life.

Uchh venus in 11th— It would mean that all the worldly desires for the native are fulfilled, and will now start acquiring
supreme knowledge in his next life.

Similarly results for other planets could be derived, ABOVE results are applicable only when there is no malefic influence on
the said planets.

Any relation between trikond lords and 11th lord in D108 chart would most definitely mean that native is not following
spiritualism in this life and he is moving away from satva gund.

Similarly relation of trikond lord with 12th lord would mean that native is on the path of spiritualism in this life.

Above results are conclusive only when the involved planets are free of malefic influences

Strong relations between 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th lords in D-108 chart is a clear indication that native would lead a
very luxurious life in his next birth without following the path of dharma.

Strong relations between 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 12th lords in D-108 chart is similarly a clear indication that native would be
devoted to the path of dharma in his next life.

If the D-108 chart have uchh or swarashi planets in 1st, 2nd, 12th, 5th, 9th houses with no malefic influence

on 4th ,6th,8th and 10th houses then native will acquire a seat of Indra in his next life and would mean that Lord Indra has
taken incarnation on earth due to some curse.

If all the planets are present in the 12th house of D-108 chart, It would most definitely assure him, next life in vaikunth lok
(Lok of lord Vishnu).

If all the planets are placed in 3rd, 7th and 11th house of D-108 chart, with Venus and mars conjuncting each other. It would
mean that Native will earn money through prostitution in his next life.

Facts on D-108 may look less relevant and may appear to have a tenuous basis but the case is just reverse.

Only few people in India, know about the correct usage of shatyamsa chart (D-60) with the help of Moola dasha and let me
assure you that if someone knows about the same , THIS D-108 chart will turn out be the Platinum chart of the whole Vedic

From the ancient times itself, astrology is used as the prime tool, which could help us to understand the karma cycle of the

The above understanding involve a very close tracking of the strengths of planets present in our charts and then as per that
to , bring a change in our day to day deeds

so that we can achieve our final destination (Attainment of enlightenment).

CHANGE IN THE STRENGTHS OF EACH PLANET FROM SHATYAMSA TO D-108 is the final verdict of that understanding.

D-108 is the first rough sketch of our next birth chart.

So if the strength of the venus is decreasing from shatyamsa chart to D-108, we very clearly know where to improve as it
would mean that, we are not on the right track as far as the qualities of venus are concerned hence we have a reasonable
chance to alter that rough sketch ( and This very knowledge is the purpose of the whole astrology)

Lagan and navamsa charts can tell you nothing concrete about these most important aspects of astrology.

Hence D-108 is the most important chart- to see the progress of our soul.

You can derive the conditions of moksha from 2 ways

1) D-60, D-108

2) Death chart.

Both will give the same result and both can be independently analyzed

Whatever rules I have listed in this thread have to be applied simultaneously.

For example; let me first list all rules concerning calculating number of future births, once again.

1) Number of births left as per the placement of 12th lord.

2) Number of birth left as per the, Number of planets who have not gained “swarashi, and exaltation strength”

3) Number of birth as per the No. of planets placed in 11th house.

See whether rule no. 3 is applicable or not (like if the 11th house is empty apply the first rule)

Find out the number out of the rule no. 1 or 3(which ever applicable)

Then add the Number derived from rule no. 2, you will get the no. of births left.

If rule 3 is applicable then add that no. also to the final number.

POINTS TO BE NOTED or exceptions;

1) All the rules which I have mentioned for giving MOKSHA preside over above three rules.

2) If a planet is getting swarashi or uchh in 11th house, DO NOT the count that planet for deriving no. of births left.

Atmakaraka, sun and moon are very important planets in D-108, If all three are either swarashi or exalted and If any one out
of these 3 gets exalted in 12th house of D-108 with no malefic influence, then it confirms Moksha

Further any paap prabhav on a grah further adds to the number of births equivalent to its Maximum rays.

Sun = 30, Mars = 6, Jupiter = 10, Moon = 16, Mercury = 8, Venus = 12 & Saturn = 1

Here point to note is, any planet could prove malefic as per its placement and conjunction in D-108 chart.

like if exalted venus is aspecting Jupiter placed in Virgo with its neech aspect then no. of births from Jupiter would become
3(6-7,7-8,8-9)+12(contributed by venus rays)

Also remember that if a planet is exalted or swarashi then the added births due to planetary rays SHOULD NOT be taken into

Like if the same Venus in pieces aspects exalted mercury in Virgo then there would be no added births from venus rays.

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