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1. I don’t understand this word. Let meLook upit in the dictionary.
2. PeopleShakehands when they meet for the first time and when they meet after a long time.
3. Have a safe tripback to Danang! Thank you.
4. You can’t park here. It isillegal
5. The world’s current populationis around six billion.
6. I have known himchargeI was a child.
7. My son has a part – timejob at a café.
8. John is in chargeof organizing the project.
9. Whichtrain do you want to take – the one in the morning or in the afternoon?
10. The Internet is becomingmore and more popular and many people now have access to it at
11. I do exercise three times a week tostay fit
12. I see from your business cardthat your company has offices in Paris, London and Rome.
13. Therewon’t be enough room if everyone comes.
14. Unlessyou do better work than this, you won’t pass the exam.
15. You ought togo to the dentist’s before your toothache gets worse.
Passage 1: Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the questions that follow:
1. Where is the ancient town of Hoi An situated?
 On the Thu Bon river ( 30 Km south of Da Nang )
2. What is Hoi An famous for?
 Hoi An is famous for its old temples, pagodas, small tile-roofed houses and narrow
3. What are the houses in Hoi An made of?
 Wood
4. How old is the Assembly Hall of Cantonese Chinese Congregation?
 164 years old
5. When was Hoi An declared by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site?
 1999
Passage 2: Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the questions that follow:
1. What are Woman and Women’s Own?
 Women’s magazines
2. What word in the passage means the average number of magazines/ periodicals sold each
day, month, or year?
 Circulations
3. If you are interested in science, which periodical (s) will you read?
 New scientist
4. Can you find a serious article in Punch?
 Yes, I can
5. Fill in the blank with one suitable word from the passage.
 New Scientist is suitable for both kinds of readers – specialists and non - specialists
Passage 3: Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the questions that follow:
1. According to the passage, what are “technologies”?
 Research Cities
2. What is the main business of these cities?
 Study new technologies
3. How much will the government totally spend on the cities?
 $65 billion
4. How will private businesses help scientists and entrepreneurs in the cities?
 They will pay for research and development costs as well.
5. What is the question for the answer below?
 How much will the Japanese government spend for on each city ?
Over $ 2.5 billion
Passage 4: Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the questions that follow:
1. What does the passage tell about?
 The Italian fashion industry
2. Have imports been growing faster than exports in Italy in recent years?
 Yes, They have
3. Which countries are the competitors of the Italian fashion industry?
 The countries in the far East, South America and Eastern Europe
4. What does the figure“$6 billion” refer to?
 Clothing
5. Fill in the blank with the suitable word from the passage.
 Labour costs in the Far East, South America, and Eastern Europe are lower than those
in Italy.
We are all destroying the Earth. The seas and rivers are too (1) A. dirty to swim in. There is so
much smoke in the air that it is (2)C. unhealthyto live in many of the world's cities. In one well-
known city, for example, poisonous gases (3)A. from cars (4)C. pollutethe air so much that
policemen have to wear oxygen masks. We have cut (5)D. downso many trees that there are now
vast areas of wasteland all over the world. As a result, farmers in parts of Africa cannot (6) B.
grow enough to eat. In certain countries in Asia there is so little rice. Moreover, we do not take
enough care of the countryside. Wild animals are (7) A. quickly disappearing. For instance,
tigers are rare in India now because we have killed too many for them to survive. However, it isn't
so simple to talk (8) B. about the problem. We must act now before it is (9) B. too late to do
anything about it. Join us now! (10) D. Save the Earth!
1. It / important / John/ do / exercise / morning.
 It is important for John to do exercise in the morning
2. How long/ it take you/ ride / school every day?
 How long does it take you to ride to school every day ?
3. The nurse / kind enough / help him walk.
 Thu nurse is kind enough to help him walk
4. My grandfather / too weak / do this heavy work.
 My grandfather is too weak to do this heavy work
5. I/ working / the garden / when/ rain
 I was working in the garden when it rained
6. My brother / work / IBM / since 2007.
 My brother has worked for IBM since 2007
7. It / long / time / since/ last / see/ her.
 It has been a long time since the last time I saw her
8. My husband/play/badminton/weekend.
 My husband often plays badminton at the weekend
9. If/ my dog/ six legs/ run/ really/ fast.
 If my dog had six legs it would run really fast
10. It/ mother/ love /me/ most
 It’s my mother that loves me most
1. In spite of Jim’s good salary, he gave up his job.
 Although Jim has good salary, He gave up his job
2. You will catch a cold if you don’t keep your feet dry.
 Unless you keep your feet dry, You will catch a cold
3. My sister can’t buy the dictionary because she doesn’t have enough money.
 If my sister had enough money, She would by the dictionary
4. He acted so well that the audience was moved to tears.
 He acted well enough for the audience to be moved to tears
5. The teacher spoke too fast for anybody to understand.
 The teacher spoke so fast that nobody understand him
6. John is the most intelligent student in my class.
 Nobody in my class is as intelligent as John
7. People are going to build a bridge near my house.
 A bridge is going to be built near my house
8. Although it rained heavily, we went to school on time.
 In spite of the heavily rain, we went to school on time
9. Because of working hard, John passed the exam.
 Because John working hard, John passed the exam
10. I spent 15 minutes walking to school.
 It took me 15 minutes to walk to school
Translate the following sentences into English
1. Đáp máy bay từ Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh ra Hà Nội mất khoảng hai tiếng đồng hồ.
 It take two hour to fly from Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Noi
2. Jane thích sống ở miền quê hơn vì cô ấy yêu thích vẻ đẹp thiên nhiên.
 Jane likes living in the countryside because she loves it natural beauty
3. Internet đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong cuộc sống hiện đại của chúng ta.
 The Internet plays an important role in our modern life.
4. Cô ấy nói tiếng Anh đủ giỏi để làm thông dịch viên.
 She speaks English well enough to be an interpreter.
5. Ô nhiễm môi trường là một trong những vấn đề nghiêm trọng nhất mà thế giới ngày nay
đang đối mặt.
 Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing the world today.
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese
1. Whether life in the countryside is better than that in the city depends on each individual’s
point of view.
 Cuộc sống ở nông thôn có tốt hơn ở thành phố hay không phụ thuộc vào từng quan
điểm của từng cá nhân.
2. In the past it was mistakenly thought that natural resources might never be used up.
 Trước đây, người ta lầm tưởng rằng tài nguyên thiên nhiên có thể không bao giờ được
sử dụng hết.
3. Do you think cars should be banned in the centreof the city to reduce air pollution?
 Bạn có nghĩ rằng ô tô nên bị cấm ở trung tâm thành phố để giảm ô nhiễm không khí?
4. Hoi An has become a popular tourist destination in Viet Nam.
 Hội An đã trở thành một điểm du lịch nổi tiếng ở Việt Nam.
5. People should be encouraged to use morepublic transport to reduce air pollution.
 Mọi người nên được khuyến khích sử dụng nhiều phương tiện giao thông công cộng để
giảm ô nhiễm không khí.
 You missed the beginning of the film because you were late.
 Jane needed to relax, So she went on holiday.
 Excuse me! Can you tell me How to get to Big C supermarket, please?
 Factories and vehicles Produce waste which goes into the air and rivers.
 When I saw a thief in the living room, I was really frightened
6. As soon as we finish eating, my sister takes the plates and glasses to wash them up.
7. We don’t understand this word! - Let’s look up the word in the dictionary.
8. I missed the bus, so I had to go home by taxi.
9. I can’t find him anywhere now.
10. Scientists in many fields are studying ways to increase food production.
11. Which city do you think is Europe’s “fashion capital” today - Milan, Paris or another?
12. Fashion has become a big business and the top models have made large fortunes.
13. People shake hands when they meet for the first time and when they meet after a long
14. Do you mind if I smoke? - Well, I’d rather you didn’t.
15. I don’t remember much about John. I don’t know what he looks like


Read each passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
Passage 1
 What was Nobel's invention?
 Dynamite
 How was he when he knew his invention being used for bad purpose?
 He was extremely unhappy
 Did he give all the money to his relatives on his death?
 No, He didn’t
 What was his money used for?
 For a prize
 How often is the Nobel Prize given?
 Every Year
Passage 2
 What kind of accounts do most people save their money in?
 Their savings accounts
 How do banks make money from lending?
 By charging interest
 What do banks use the money that their customers deposit for?
 Lend to people to buy new houses, cars, or to start businesses among other reasons
 What do people use their checking accounts for?
 Pay their bills
 Where can people keep their money?
 In bank
Passage 3
 What did people do before money gave specific values for things?
 They simply traded items
 What do people save for the future or pay for their houses, cars, goods, taxes?
 The money that earn money from the jobs they work
 How long have people used money?
 For hundreds of years
 According to the author of this story, what is money?
 Money is what use to buy things
 What currency is used in the United States?
 The Dollar
Passage 4
 What colors can we use to make green paint?
 Blue and Yellow
 Why is Green called a secondary color?
 Because you can make green by mixing two primary colors
 What are Green products often made from?
 Recycled materials or those that are safe to throw out in the trash.
 Is Green also the name used to describe the movement to make products that do not harm
the Earth?
 Yes, It is
 Which phrase used in the passage has the same meaning as “get rid of”?
 Throw out

Passage 5
 What is the largest living animal to have ever lived on the planet Earth?
 The Blue Whales
 What does a blue whale eat?
 Tiny creatures known as krill
 How long can a Blue Whale grow?
 100 feet long
 What is baleen?
 Plates in a Whale’s mounth
 Are Blue Whales larger than the largest dinosaur that ever lived?
 Yes, They are
Instructions: Complete the following passage with the missing words.
Today computers come B. in all shapes and sizes. There were still big computers for companies or
universities. There are other special computers for factories. These large computers tell the
factory machines C. what to do. But there are also small A. personal computers to use at home
or in an office. There are even computers in telephones, television D. sets ,and cars. These
computers have to be small. They are so small that you cannot D. almost see all their parts.
Computers are very useful, but they also can B. cause problems. One kind of problems is with
the computer's memory. It is not perfect so sometimes computers A. lose important information.
Another problem is with the machinery. Computers are machines, and machines can break down.
When the computers break down, they may B. erase information, B. like chalk on a blackboard.
Or they may stop doing anything at all. And there is D. another different kind of problem with
computers. Some doctors say they may be bad for your health. They say you should not work with
computers all day.
 there / be / two / double bed room / bathroom / toilet /
 There are two double bed room, a bathroom, and a toilet
 living room / have / traditional / antique / furniture /
 The living room has some traditional antique furniture
 Paul / Jenny / want / rent / cottage /
 Paul and Jenny want to rent a cottage
 children / like / garden / very much /
 The children like the garden very much
 they / plan / stay / there / summer holiday .
 They plan to stay there on their summer holiday
 The time / arrival hasn’t / announced / time / departure /, either.
 The time of arrival hasn’t been announced, the time of departure hasn’t either
 He / prefer/ travel / car / by plane.
 He prefer to travel by car to by plan
 She / both / skillful dancer / a good singer.
 She if both a skillfull dancer and a good singer
 The teacher / only give / us / test / also explained / lesson.
 The teacher not only gave us the test but also explained the lesson
 My sister / washing / dishes / while I / work / in / garden.
 My sister was washing the dishes while I was working in the garden
Use the words given to rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means
exactly the same as the original sentence.
l. She wanted to know if I had studied English for a long time.
-> She asked me:” have you studied for a long time”
2. I don’t take sugar in my tea any more.
->I used to drink tea with sugar
3. I would like you to help me with this difficult homework.
->Please help me with this difficult homework
4. The old man is weak. He can’t walk far.
->The old man is not strong enough to walk far
5. The mother made the son tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
-> The son was made to tell nothing but the whole truth by He mother’s
6. Women drive more carefully than men do.
-> Men do not drive as carefully as women do
7. It is essential that the students are informed of these new changes.
-> The students are essential informed of these new changes
8. I started working in this company in 1990.
-> I have worked in this company since 1990
9. Although the weather was bad, we went out.
-> Despite the bad weather, we went out
10. Her job is badly paid so she wants to leave the company.
-> She wants to leave the company because her job is badly paid


Translate the following sentences into English.
 Mỗi ngày chị ấy bỏ ra hai tiếng đồng hồ để tập yoga.
 Everyday, She spends 2 hours practices yoga
 Không ai có thể nhấc cái máy photocopy lên được vì nó quá nặng.
 No one can lift the copier up because it is to heavy
 Điện thoại công cộng không phổ biến bằng điện thoại di động.
 Public phone are not as popular as cell phone
 Đây là lần đầu tiên anh ấy tham gia vào các hoạt động xã hội.
 This is the first time he has participated in social activities
 Ngày nay người ta thích sử dụng các phương tiện giao thông công cộng hơn.
 Today People prefer to use public transport.
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.
 Because there has been an error in the shipping department, their order will have to be
checked again.
 Vì đã có lỗi trong bộ phận vận chuyển, đơn hàng của họ sẽ phải được kiểm tra lại.
 We received Mr. Wright’s application form yesterday. He is a very promising candidate.
 Chúng tôi đã nhận được mẫu đơn xin việc của ông Wright hôm qua. Anh ấy là một
ứng cử viên rất hứa hẹn.
 I spoke very slowly so that the man could understand what I said.
 Tôi nói rất chậm để người đàn ông có thể hiểu những gì tôi nói.
 If you need further information, you can ask her to complete C.V
 Nếu bạn cần thêm thông tin, bạn có thể yêu cầu cô ấy hoàn thành C.V
 Each of us must be aware of the necessity of planting and protecting forests if we are to
avoid natural disasters.
 Mỗi chúng ta phải nhận thức được sự cần thiết của việc trồng và bảo vệ rừng nếu
chúng ta muốn tránh thiên tai.


1. Can I get information about train times at any station?
2. How much does it cost to reserve a seat?
3. Look! There ’s a car park. We can park there.
4. Sally, would you like to go on a picnic this Sunday?
5. You won’t get a cold if you take vitamin C.
6. My close friend has a great collection of stamps from all over the world.
7. The meat so was rotten that it had to be thrown away.
8. After fighting the fire for fourteen hours, the firemen succeeded in putting it out.
9. We had champagne because it was my birthday.
10. To spend time with my children is the most satisfying job I’ve ever done.
11. Paul spends much time Playing games every day.
12 . Don't drink so much beer. It’s harmful to your stomach.
13. Do you think of yourself first , and other people second?
14 What is the most popular country in the world for tourists?
15. We must have a computer system that works well regardless of the cost.
Passage 1
 Why is Mexico City a very interesting place to visit?
 Because It has some great museums and lots of fascinating old buildings.
 How are the people there?
 Very nice
 Where should you visit when you are in Mexico?
 You should definitely see the Mayan temples near Merida.
 Are the hotels cheap in Mexico?
 No, They aren’t
 What is the name of the resort mentioned in the passage?
 Acapulco
Passage 2
 What is St. Patrick's Day?
 It is a serious religious holiday in Ireland
 What country did St. Patrick's Day come from?
 Ireland
 What color do people wear on St. Patrick's Day?
 Green
 If people don't wear that color, what will school children do to them?
 School children may pinch you
 What do people like doing on this day?
 On this day many people also enjoy going to a pub and drinking beer
Passage 3
 What does the number of homeless people depend on?
 How the homeless are defined
 Where do street people sleep?
 There are street people - those who sleep in bus stations, parks, and other areas
 Who did sheltered homeless use to live with?
 Their families or friends
 According to liberals, what causes homelessness?
 Homelessness is caused by a reduction in welfare benefits and by excessively priced
 What do liberals want?
 They want more shelters to be built for the homeless
Passage 4
 How many continents are there in the world?
 Seven continents of the world
 What are famous in Europe to visit?
 The castles and museums of Europe
 What can people explore in Asia, Africa and the Middle East?
 The vast exotic cultures
 Why do people want to explore the world?
 Because It gives them a better perspective about the earth and the people living on it
 If you want to visit other countries, what should you get with you?
 Money and Passport
Passage 5
 When do most people take a shower in the United States?
 In the morning
 How often do most people take a shower in the United States?
 Once a day
 Where is the showerhead usually mounted?
 On the wall
 When taking a bath, what do children often do?
 Play with small toys
 What do people have to do if water gets on the floor?
 (They have to) clean the floor with a towel or a mop.


Instructions: Complete the following passage with the missing words.
Many of the things we do D. depend on receiving information from other people. Catching a
train, making a phone call and going to the cinema all involve information D. that is stored,
processed and communicated. In the past this information had to be kept on paper B. in the
form of , for example, books, newspapers and timetables. Now more and more information is
put A. on computers.
Computers play an important role in our everyday lives, sometimes without us even realizing it. C.
Consider the use of computers in both shops and offices. Big shops have to deal with very large
D. amounts of information. They have to make sure that there are enough goods on the shelves
for customers to buy, they need to be able to reorder before A. stocks run out, to decide which
things are selling well and go on. All these processes are performed quickly and efficiently by
computers. A lot of office work in the past involved information on paper. Once it had been dealt
with by people, the paper was C. put aside for future reference. This way of working was never
C. particularly easy or fast. A computer system is much more A. effective .
 The woman / have / five children / go shopping / every weekend.
 The woman has five children and go shopping every weekend
 She /always/ talk/ noisily/ classroom.
 She always talks noisily in the classroom
 He / learn / lessons / as / careful / his brother.
 He learns lessons as carefully as his brother
 He / speak / English / good / than this brother.
 He speaks English better than this brother
 Lan /visit / Uncle Ho / mausoleum/ several times.
 Lan has visited Uncle Ho mausoleum several times
 They / swimming / river / while we / playing / football.
 They are swimming in the river while we are playing football
 I / listening/ radio/ when / cousin/ arrived.
 I was listening to the radio when my cousin arrived
 We / only speak English / also sing English songs / our club.
 We not only speak English but also sing English songs at our club
 He / neither/ clever / hard – working.
 He is neither clever nor hard - working
 He / rather spend / holidays / a farm / at /seaside.
 He would rather spend his holidays in a farm that at seaside


Use the words given to rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means
exactly the same as the original sentence.
 This is the first time he has been to Vietnam.
 He has never been to Vietnam before
 Lan has been collecting stamps for ten years.
 Lan started collecting stamps for ten years
 The sea was too cold for us to swim.
 The sea was not warm enough for us to swim in
 Although the weather was very bad, we went out.
 In spite of the bad weather, we went out
 I arrived late so I didn’t meet her.
 I didn’t meet her because I arrived late
 “Where have you been?” she asked me.
 She wanted to know that where I had been
 She did not go to the concert, so she missed her idol.
 If She had gone to the concert, She wouldn’t have missed her idol
 The test was less difficult than I thought.
 The test was not as difficult as I Thought
 The student started writing the essay at 2p.m and finished an hour later.
 The student spent ………… hour writing the essay
 I think you should for give him one more time.
 If I were you, I would for give
Translate the following sentences into English.
 Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh là một trong những thành phố đông dân nhất Việt Nam.
 Ho Chi Minh City is one of the most populated cities in Viet Nam
 Ngày càng có nhiều người chọn sống và làm viêc ở thành phố này vì đây là một thành phố
đáng sống.
 More and More people choose to live and work in this city because this is a worth
 Anh nên bỏ hút thuốc lá vì nó cực kỳ có hại cho sức khỏe.
 You should give up smoking because It is extremely harmful to your health
 Các con gái của anh ấy không những xinh đẹp mà còn thông minh nữa.
 His daughters are not only beautiful but also intelligent
 Nhờ có yoga, tôi thấy tâm hồn mình bình yên hơn hơn bao giờ hết.
 Thanks to yoga, I feel my soul is more peaceful than ever before
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.
 Since July 1995 Vietnam has been officially recognized as a full member of the Association
of South East Asian Nations.
 Từ tháng 7 năm 1995, Việt Nam đã chính thức được công nhận là thành viên chính
thức của Hiệp hội các quốc gia Đông Nam Á.
 Human beings are the only species that can choose either to look after the world or to
destroy it.
 Loài người là loài duy nhất có thể chọn chăm sóc thế giới hoặc tiêu diệt nó.
 He spends at least three hours a day practicing the guitar.
 Anh dành ít nhất ba giờ mỗi ngày để tập guitar.
 Scientists want to use solar energy to take the salt out of sea water.
 Các nhà khoa học muốn sử dụng năng lượng mặt trời để lấy muối ra khỏi nước biển.
 Studies say that people nowadays have more free time than ever before.
 Các nghiên cứu nói rằng con người ngày nay có nhiều thời gian rảnh hơn bao giờ hết.
 Vietnamese people are very friendly and hospitable.
 We haven’t ever thought of going abroad for a holiday because my husband is afraid
of flying.
 Doctors also try to prevent disease with good advice. They tell their patients to eat the
right kind of food and to exercise daily.
 He was in charge of a large number of men.
 When he retired from his job, the director presented him with a clock.
 My brother had a baby daughter, and she is my first niece
 Smoking is a very bad habit, which many people find difficult to break
 Though it was raining heavily, he went out without a raincoat.
 No child below the age of sixteen will be admitted to this film.
 Do you know what time the train gets to Ho Chi Minh City?
 You ought to go to the dentist’s before your toothache get worse.
 We have plenty of time to catch the train, so there’s no need to rush.
 He is really keen on fast food.
14. Unless you do better work than this, you won’t pass the exam.
15. Many doctors specialize in only one kind of medicine. For example, ophthalmologists are
eye specialists.


Passage 1
1. Where was Mozart born?
 Austrian city of Salzburg
2. When did he take the first step into the world of music as a composer?
 1761 when he was five
3. What did he do on his first tour to some major European countries?
 Tour and give concerts
4. Why is it possible to name Mozart “A travelling composer”?
 Because He spends almost a third of his short life
5 What expression in the passage means “an exceptionally clever child”?
 Child prodigy
Passage 2
 Who is Cupid's mother?
 Venus, the goddess of love
 What does Cupid use to shoot people?
 He shoots people with arrows of love
 What day is Valentine's Day celebrated?
 Valentine's Day on February 14
 What are the most popular flowers for Valentine's Day?
 Especially roses
 What do school children in the United States do on Valentine's Day?
 They Make special Valentine’s card for their classmates
Passage 3
 When did the Chinese start to use paper money?
 6 00 A.D
 Who was Marco Polo?
 Famous Italian explorer
 What did Marco Polo tell Europeans?
 System of payment when he visited the East
 When was paper money first used in Europe?
 1600
 Why did banks in Europe begin to print notes?
 Because Banks notes were much easier to use.

Passage 4
 What are dolphins regarded as in the sea?
 Friendliest creatures
 What have some scientists suggested?
 Dolphins have a language
 What do other dolphins do when a dolphin is ill?
 They look after other dolphins when they are ill, care for pregnant mothers and
protect the weakest in the community, as we do
 What does the author think about Dolphins’ society?
 Dolphin’s is more complex than people previously imagined
 Do dolphins use words to communicate with each other?
 No
Passage 5
 What is Vietnam’s New Year known as?
 Tet Nguyen Dan or Tet
 When does the Lunar New Year start?
 It begins between January the twenty-first and February the nineteen
 What do Vietnamese people usually do to prepare for Tet?
 They tidy their houses, cook special food, clean and make offerings on the family
 How long does the Lunar New Year last?
 Ten days
 Why are the first three days the most important?
 Because they will influence the whole year.


Do you want to take part in the battle to save the world’s wildlife? Animal Watch is the book
which will (1) B. involve you in the fight for survival that (2) D. faces many of our endangered
animals and show how they struggle on the (3) A. edge of extinction .
As you enjoy the book’s 250 pages and over 150 colour photographs, you will have the
(4)A.satisfaction of knowing that part of your purchase money is being used to (5) B. help
animals (6) D. Survive from the comfort of your armchair, you will be able to observe the world’s
animals close-up and explore their habitats. You will also discover the terrible results of human
(7) A. Greed for land, flesh and skins.
Animal Watch is packed with fascinating facts. Did you know that polar bears cover their black
noses (8) A. With their (9) C. paws so they can hunt their prey in the snow without being seen,
for example? Or that (10) C. from each orang-utan which is captured, one has to die?
This superb (11) C. publication has so (12) B. impressed Britain’s leading wildlife charity that it
has been chosen as Book of the Year, a (13) B. title awarded to books which are considered to
have made a major contribution to wildlife conservation. You will find Animal Watch at a special
low ( 14) D. introductory price at all good bookshops, but hurry while (15) B. Stocks last.
 I / wish / can / go / cinema / last night.
 I wish I had been alble to go the cinema last night
 Yesterday / I / write / my friend / who / live / Ho Chi Minh City.
 Yesterday, I wrote to my friend who lives in Ho Chi Minh City
 Although / he / strong / he / not / open / door.
 Although, He is strong, He can’t open the door
 Every year / thousands / people / kill / natural disasters.
 Every year, Thousands of people are killed by natural disasters
 Hundred / people / die / world's largest volcanic eruption / 1991.
 Hundred of people died in the world’s largest volcanic eruption in 1991
 Her book / which / publish / last month / become / best seller.
 Her book, which was published last month has became the best seller
 Yesterday / we / go / walk / although / weather / cold.
 Yesterday we went for a walk although the weather was cold
 He / could / more money / working overtime.
 He could make more money by working overtime.
 My husband /get / at five / badminton
 My husband gets up at five to play badminton
 The pilot didn’t talk / the passengers / the stewardess /, either.
 The pilot didn’t talk anything to the passengers, the stewardess didn’t, either


1. The remark was so unexpected that she didn’t know what to say.
-> It was such an unexpected remark that she didn’t know what to say
2. You’re the best guitarist in the world.
-> No one in the world can play the guitarist as well as you
3. It was a waste of time writing that letter.
-> I needn’t have written that letter
4. “Let’s check everything once again,” said the man in chief
-> The man in chief suggested checking everything once again
5. Because his leg was broken, he could not play football.
-> Because of his broken leg, he couldn’t play football
6. The flat has been painted three times so far.
-> We have painted the flat three times so far
7. " I've seen the film three times, Alice", said John.
-> John told Alice that He had seen the film three times
8. He didn’t remember anything about it, and neither did she.
-> He forgot everything about it, and so did she
9. Jane is a more careful driver than Robert.
-> Robert doesn't drive carefully as than
10. Listening to records isn't as exciting as listening to live music.
-> Listening to live music is more exciting than listening to records


Translate the following sentences into English.
 Chơi thể thao mỗi ngày là một trong những cách để cải thiện sức khỏe.
 Playing sports everyday is one to improve health
 Chúng tôi đã quen với việc đi làm bằng xe buýt
 We are used to working by bus
 Chị ấy có thể nói tiếng Anh như một người Anh chính gốc.
 She can speak English as an original English.
 Chúng tôi thường đi bơi vào những ngày cuối tuần.
 We often go swimming on weekends.
 Loại bánh này thường được làm từ bơ, sữa, đường và trứng.
 This type of cake is usually made from butter, milk, sugar and eggs.
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese.
 On hearing that she had passed the exam, she was moved to tears.
 Nghe tin cô đã vượt qua kỳ thi, cô đã xúc động rơi nước mắt.
 He spends at least three hours a day playing the guitar.
 Anh ấy dành ít nhất ba giờ mỗi ngày để chơi guitar.
 When choosing an English book, you should make sure that it is suitable for your level of
 Khi chọn một cuốn sách tiếng Anh, bạn nên chắc chắn rằng nó phù hợp với trình độ
tiếng Anh của bạn.
 It was believed that the natural resources could never be used up.
 Người ta tin rằng tài nguyên thiên nhiên không bao giờ được sử dụng hết.
 Henry is a brilliant swimmer, she represented America in the Olympic Games.
 Henry là một vận động viên bơi lội xuất sắc, cô đại diện cho nước Mỹ trong Thế vận
hội Olympic.

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