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Ebenezer Theological Seminary


Core courses: 20, CM 501: Christian Ministry
Electives: 10, CM 502: Pastoral Care & Counseling
Total: 30 Subjects + Thesis Electives
CM 505 Theory & Practice of Preaching
1. Department of Old Testament
VIII. Department of Christian Education
Core Courses
OT 502: Introduction to the Bible (part-1) Electives
OT 503: Pentateuch CE 501 Christian Education
OT 511: O.T. Theology CE 504 Church Administration and Leadership
OT 501: Preliminary Hebrew IX. Department of General Studies
OT 504: History of Israel
OT 505: Poetical Books and Wisdom Literature Core Course
OT 506: Prophetic Movement with Special Reference to Isaiah GS 501: Research Methodology
OT 507: 8 th Century Prophets with special reference to the book of Amos Electives
OT 508: Minor Prophets GS 502: Languages: English, Hindi
GS 503: Communication.3
II. Department of New Testament
Core Courses
NT 501: Preliminary Greek
NT 502: Introduction to the Bible (Part-II)
NT 503: Synoptic Gospels with special reference to Mark
NT 511: N.T. Theology
NT 512: Biblical Interpretation (Hermeneutics)
NT 504: Johannine Literature
NT 505: Book of Acts
NT 506: Pauline Thought with special reference to Romans
T 507: I & II Corinthians
NT 508: Apocalyptic Literature

III. Department of History of Christianity

Core Courses
CH 501: History of Christianity
CH 510: History of Christianity in India
CH 502: Early Church History up to 600 A.D
CH 503: History of Medieval Christianity
CH 504: History of Reformation
CH 505: Modem Church History
CH 506: History of Ecumenical Movement
CH 511: Gospel and Kerala Culture
CH 512: Indian History and Culture

IV. Department of Theology and Ethics

Core Courses
ST 501: Introduction to Systematic Theology
ST 511: Person & Work of Christ
TE 512: Christian Ethics
ST 505: Soteriology
ST 506: Indian Christian Theology
ST 507: Modem Trends in Theology
ST 508: Theology in the Asian context

V. Department of Religion & Society

Core Courses

RS 501: Survey of World Religions

RS 502: Modem Religious and Secular Movements (MRSM)

VI. Department of Mission & Evangelism

Core Courses
ME 501: Introduction to Mission & Evangelism
ME 502: Contemporary Theology of Mission

ME 503: Principles of Church Growth
ME 504: Mission in Third World Countries

VII. Department of Christian Ministry


Elementary Hebrew: A study on Hebrew grammar, syntax and basic elements of

Biblical Hebrew and translation of exercises and parts of the Old Testament.
OT Survey: This course provides a survey of Old Testament books with emphasis on
the historical background, structure, content and peculiarities of each book.
History of Israel: A course of study based on the History of Israel and analysis the
significance of God acting in history. It gives a general survey of socio-political and
religious history of the people of Israel.
Pentateuch: The study of the first five books of the Bible to help the students to
understand the content, message and different sources of the books with special
emphasis on their theological content and different literary forms.
Poetical and Wisdom Literature: A course of study about the wisdom movement in
Israel and Hebrew poetry, and the poetical books of the OT, especially Psalms and their
value for worship today.
Prophetical Movement: It is a study on the background and development of prophecy
in Israel with special emphasis on the important themes of major Hebrew prophets in
their historical and theological perspectives.
Major Prophets: This course deals with the historical setting and theological
perspectives of major Hebrew prophets, with reference to the messages of Major
Prophets and the relevance of the prophetic ministry for today.
Minor Prophets: This course is a study on the prophets of 8 th century and other minor
prophets to enable the student to see the relevance of their message for today. This
course will also review the Prophetical Movement and the nature of Prophetic ministry in


Elementary Greek: A course for beginners in Greek, including grammatical study of New
Testament Greek and practice in readings in the Johannine Literature and vocabulary
Advanced Greek: A review of New Testament grammar, vocabulary development, and practice
in reading. A comprehensive survey of morphology and syntax, an introduction to textual
criticism and the development of exegetical methodology with readings in the Johannine
NT Survey: This course gives a survey of New Testament books with the background,
structure, textual problems, major themes and peculiarities of each book. Introduction to the NT:
It is a study on the political, social and religious background of New Testament with reference to
analyzes of the principles of textual criticism and their application.
Hermeneutics: This course deals with the prolegomena to biblical interpretation; principles and
practice of biblical exegesis; and the question of hermeneutics in the historical critical tradition.
Synoptic Gospels: A critical study of questions and issues raised by modem research in the
Synoptic Gospels. Special emphasis is given to the message of Jesus and the theology of the
Gospel writers.
Gospel of John: An analytical study of the text with special reference to the theological themes
and concepts like-Christology, Holy Spirit, Eternal Life, Signs, Johannine dualism, the “I am”
sayings, the sacraments, eschatology, etc.
The Book of Acts: An exploration of Acts with special attention to the history of early Church. A
survey of the development of mission and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Romans: An analysis of the text with special attention to theology of Paul, with consideration of
the distinctive emphases of the epistle: Paul’s teaching on Judaism, salvation history, the power
of sin, righteousness, the Holy Spirit, and the future of Israel.
I & II Corinthians: A detailed study of 1 & 2 Corinthians. Apostle Paul’s ministry in Corinth, his
subsequent relations with the church in Corinth, the occasion, purpose, date and place of
writing. A study of the content of the letters with particular reference to the teaching on the Holy
Spirit, the Lord’s Supper, the Resurrection, the problems in the Corinthian church and the
Apostle’s solutions; the relevance of the teaching of the letter to the church today.
Apocalyptic Literature: Nature characteristics and purpose of Apocalyptic Literature in
general; Authorship, literary character, canonicity and historical situation at the time of writing
Daniel & Revelation; various types of interpretation of the book of Revelation; understanding of
the meaning of the pictures or images or terms. It is also a study on main theological thoughts in
Daniel & Revelation.
New Testament Theology: Study of the major themes of the New Testament theology; the
distinctive contributions of the biblical authors; and issue of the unity and diversity within the
canon of the New Testament.


History of Christianity: Development of Christianity from the beginning to the present patristic
period; medieval period; the Renaissance; Reformation; modern Protestant denominations; the
enlightenment; awakenings and revivals; the Wesleyan movement; 19 th century missionary
expansion and current theological trends.
History of Christianity up to 600 A.D: This course covers the history of Christianity from the
beginnings through its expansion inside and outside Roman Empire to the time of the rise of
The History of the Medieval Christianity: It is a study on the history of Christianity during the
medieval period (A.D. 590-1500). This study begins with Gregory the Great and ends with the
Renaissance in the Late Medieval period.
The History of the Reformation: This course deals with the Reformation movement between
1500-1700 with special emphasis on the political, social, and religious background of late
medieval period; Luther’s Reformation in Germany; The Swiss Reformation under Zwingli and
John Calvin; the life and teachings of John Knox and the Reformation in Scotland; the
Reformation in England; Radical Reformers; the Catholic Reformation, etc.
Modem Church History: This course deals with the state of the world at the eve of the modern
age- French Revolution; Industrial Revolution; Rationalism and its impact upon Christianity;
Growth of Science and its challenge to Christianity; Marxism and its impact on society and
Christianity with special focus on the ecumenical movement and the origin and growth of
Christianity in Asian countries, Latin America, Africa and other countries.
History of Christianity in India: This course deals with the history of Christianity in India from
the first century to the present day within the frame work of the socio-political and cultural
history of India with special focus on Christianity in India since the arrival of the Colonial powers-
Roman Catholic Mission; Protestant Missions; Christianity in North East India; Major Issues in
the 19 th and 20 th centuries-Mass Movements, Indigenization, Church unions, etc.
Ecumenical Movement: This course deals with the development of Ecumenical Movement and
progress towards church union and joint action between A.D. 1800 to the present with a
reference to early background. This study will also focus on the ecumenical movement in 20 th
century-World Missionary Conference, IMC, Life & Work Movement, Faith & Order movement,
the formation of WCC, Church Unions-CSI, CNI, etc.


Survey of Systematic Theology: Introduction to theological formulation and consideration of
the doctrines of revelation, Scripture, inspiration, God and creation, man, sin, Christ and
salvation, Holy Spirit, the church and last things.
Soteriology: This course tries to understand the meaning and content of salvation in biblical
and historical perspectives and to consider the implications of that understanding for the life and
witness of the Church today especially in the Indian context with special reference to man’s
need for salvation; biblical understanding of salvation; salvation in contemporary Christian
theology and salvation in the Indian context.
Indian Christian Theology: A study of the contribution of the Indian Renaissance leaders like
Ram Mohan Roy, K.C. Sen, Goreh, Advaitic understanding of Christ, Ramakrishna,
Vivekananda and Radhakrishnan; Re-thinking Christianity in India: Chenchiah, Chakkarai,
contemporary contributors-Devanandan, M.M.Thomas, Samartha, etc. with special reference to
recent Evangelical Theological Development.
Christian Ethics: Biblical perspectives on contemporary ethical issues facing the church and
the minister: divorce, abortion, euthanasia, genetic control, sex, war, racism, ecology, etc., and
the church’s social responsibilities.
Person & Work of Christ: This course deals with the Person and work of Christ referring the
following themes: Christological titles, Christology of Apostolic Fathers, Christology of Church
Fathers, Alexandrian and Antiochene schools of thought, Christological controversies,
Chalcedonian formila, Christology of Scholastic Theologians, Christology of Reformers,
Christology of Western thinkers, Christology of some Indian Christian theologians, etc; and the
various teachings on the doctrine of atonement.

Major Religions: Historical survey of the origin and growth of religions from primitive levels to
the major religions of humanity and consideration of the important teachings of non- Christian
religions with special reference to major religions in India: Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism
and Sikhism. This course will also give special emphasis on how to communicate the gospel to
the people of other faiths in Indian context.
Modem Religious and Secular Movements: To acquaint the students with the 19 th and 20 til
century religious and secular developments in India; to understand the impact of these on the
social, religious and cultural life of India ; to equip the students in communicating the gospel in a
meaningful way to the religious and secular reform movements and their impact upon

Introduction to Mission: Survey of history, theology, culture and methods of Christian mission,
with special emphasis on recent developments, crucial issues, and future trends, ending with a
special study of missions in the local church.
Contemporary Theology of Mission: A study of contemporary views and trends in the
theological world and an attempt to evaluate them in the light of the biblical theology of Church
and Mission with special emphasis given to Asian theologians; a study of mission theory and its
effect upon the development of the modem missionary movement with particular emphasis on
19 th and 20 th century missiologists: Anderson, Venn, Wameck, Gutman, Allen, Clark, Kraemer,
and others.
Principles of Church Growth: It is a study on the principles of church planting and church
growth with special emphasis on the relevance of these principles applicable to other Asian
countries and in other contemporary situation.

Pastoral Care & Counseling: This course deals with the principles, techniques and theories of
counseling with emphasis on counselor characteristics, helping skills, the various types of
pastoral counseling, the counseling problems, the uniqueness of Christian counseling.
Christian Education: This subject deals with the basic psychological principle underlying the
teaching learning process; objectives and principles of Christian education with special focus on
the teaching ministry of· Jesus; a brief history of Christian education- education among early
Christians, education during reformation, Rise of Sunday School, Missionary educational
programs in India; different methods of Christian education.
History and Theory of Preaching: This course introduces to the student the various styles of
preaching in different centuries of Christian era with reference to: the background of preaching
in the O.T & N.T; survey of the characteristic features of Christian preaching in different
centuries Great preachers: Chrysostom, Spurgeon, Luther, Stanley Johnes, etc.; Characteristic
features of Christian preaching; Sermon construction.
Life and Work of the Christian Minister: This course deals with the context of Christian
Ministry in biblical and historical perspectives with emphasis on the Ministry of Jesus, the
ministry of the apostolic Church, ministries in the historical perspective; the qualifications of a
Christian Minister; Christian Education; nature of Christian Ministry in contemporary world.

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