Fixed Assets 978.84: Addition As at April 1, 2017 Deducion/S Ale

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Mar-18 In Cr.

Fixed Assets 978.84

Building 515.31
Leasehold Improvements & Furnitures &
Computer Systems 45.15
Office Equipment 34.48
Vehicles 2.67
Softwares 6.08
TOTAL 669.35

IT system upgradation 129.05

Fixed Assets
Property, Plant & Equipment 842.28
Intangible Assets 7.51
Intangible Assets under development 129.05
TOTAL 978.84


As at April 1, Deducion/S
2017 Addition ale
Property, Plant and Equipment :
Building 618 5,153
Leasehold Premises 1,000
Leasehold Improvements 335 499 20
Furniture & Fixture 263 158 3
Office Equipments 360 345 15
Vehicles 13 27 1
Computer (Hardware) 330 452 9
Sub Total 2,918 6,633 47
Intangible: * 0 0 0
Computer (Software) 199 61
FIXED ASSETS 3,117 6,694 47
Intangible Assets under Development
TOTAL 3,117 6,694 47
According to the information and
explanations given to us and the records
examined by us and based on the
examination of the registered sale deeds
provided to us, we report that, the title
deeds, comprising all the immovable
properties in respect of buildings, are held
in the name of the Company as at the
balance sheet date. In respect of
immovable properties i.e. buildings taken
on lease and disclosed as fixed asset in
the standalone financial statements, the
lease agreements for the said buildings
thereof are in the name of the company.

Operating Lease - The company has taken

certain premises for office and residential
use for its employees under cancellable
and non cancellable operating lease
agreements. Terms of the lease include
terms for renewal, increase in rents in
future periods and terms of cancellation.
The total lease rent recognised as an
expense during the year under the lease
agreements amounts to ` 5,039 Lakh (`
3,893 Lakh).
In Mn. 10
BLOCK Depreciation/Amortisation Net Block

Upto As at
As at March As at April 1, For the Deducion/ March March
31, 2018 2017 year Sale 31, 2018 31, 2018

5,771 67 31 98 5,673
1,000 67 16 84 916
814 249 43 19 273 541
418 117 31 3 145 273
690 136 59 7 189 501
38 8 5 1 12 26
772 229 60 9 281 491
9,504 874 245 39 1,081 8,423
0 0 0 0 0 0
260 154 31 185 75
9,763 1,028 276 39 1,266 8,498
9,763 1,028 276 39 1,266 9,788

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