Nhận XÉT: Physical activities

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Lớp học có không khí, học sinh tương tác tốt : có biểu cảm, nhiều hoạt
NHẬN động thú vị cho hs 1. Student-centered cần áp dụng nhiều hơn nữa: các hoạt động cho HS thay GV nhiều hơn
XÉT 2. Check understanding tốt, từng bước nhỏ, dễ hiểu 2. Hạn chế nói TV: thay bằng các cách diễn đạt khác / vẽ mô tả trên bảng
3. Chuẩn bị kĩ: có đạo cụ thêm cho lớp học


- Hello class. How are you today?

- Attention of all (S) - (T) count 3 - 2 -1
Hello - Who am I? Am I a student?
- Introduce (T) - (T) say "Hello class. How are you today"
- I'm your Teacher today. My name is … .

Physical activities - Let' stand-up, do after me

- (T) ask (S) to act:
Up - down ; Big - small - [Up - Down] X 2
Warm-up - Warm-up activities Up - down ; Big - small
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9Vex9CAJVo ; High - Low
High - Low; Fast- Slow ...
Fast- Slow; Left - Right; Yes - No
Left - Right; Yes - No - Sit down. Thank you everyone

- Everyone, T QA is new & I want to know who are you.

So we'll say our name 1st -> introduce the person on our right. Do
you understand?
- Ask (S) names - (T) ask (S) name
My name is QA and she is …
Introduce Introduction - Write team-names on - (T) divide (S) to 3 teams
board - (T) write team-name on board
- 1- 2-..5 You are 1 team

What's your team-name?

- 3...2...1, sit nicely

- (T) show flash card, ask " What's this?" - Everyone, what's this?
- Review Vocab - (S) answer / write words -> get point Who knows? Raise your hand
5' Review Vocab Flashcard
- Practice writing action fi gure, ball, bike, blocks, cars, doll, game, Can you spell ..
plane, puppet, stuffed animal, train Can you write …
Very good, 1 star for you

- Make for me a sentence with I -> Student says " I get up at …. "
- Explain Vers changes - But this is not me. It's Jane. so Can you say I? -> No, it's she
with He/ She/ It - Why do you say " She"? -> Because it's a girl and there's only 1 ->
Review Structure
- Review some verbs: So we say " She gets up at …"
goes/ finishes … - Why do you say "gets"? can you say " I gets up.."? -> No

- Now, do you want to play a game?

Class, please sit in the circle.

- Now, I'll play the music. When music stops, who has the envelope,
- Review Vocab
- (S) sit in circle => pass the cards => opens and says " It's a …"
Activity 1: Pass the - Practice speaking
5' Music in Phone - When music stops, (S) speak Vocab - Everyone, when music stops, what do you do?
envelope - Check pronunciation
- Class speak together Do you open it? Do you say the word?
- Individual
- What is this, A?
"It's a …"
Class, all together "It's a …"

- Now, look at here. Can you tell me:

+ where is the ball?
- (T) show pictures to describe in/ on / under
IN/ ON/ It's in ....
- (T) ask (S)
UNDER 2' Present In/ on/ under - Review In/ on/ under Pictures In/on/under + where is the doll?
+ where is the ..?
REVIEW It's on ....
+ where are the ..?
+ where are the cars?
They're under ....

- Open your book page 148

What can you see in the picture?
- (S) listen to the CD & point
- Now you'll listen to the CD & point to the picture
- (S) listen again & circle
What do you do? U listen & point
1. doll on the shelf
Ex 35 - SB: Listen & - Practice listening
7' CD player 2. action figures under the chair,
circle - Individual - Now, you'll listen again & circle object
3. ball in the toy box,
What do you do? U listen & circle
4. stuffed animal on the bed,
[Pause] "Where is the ..?"
5. plane under the desk
- [T write answers on board in order]

- Close your book, put it on your table

- Do you know what it is? It's the dice. We'll play speaking game
with this.
- A, can you come here?
Ex 36 - SB: Speak with
A & I will roll the dice.
partner - Practice speaking - (T) number flashcards of objects on the board
8' Dice + Me, 1st. it's 2. I'll look at No.2 and ask " Where is the ..."
- Individual - (S) take turns to stand up -> throw dice -> ask & answer
A , you look at No.2 & answer " it's ..."
Activity 2:Roll the dice
+ Now it's your turn, A - roll the dice.
+ Thank you, A.
- Everyone, do you understand this game?
What do you do with the dice?
What will you do next? You'll look on the board to ask & answer

- [Draw 1 ball] How many ball are there?

Who know, raise your hand
[Draw 3 balls] How many ball are there now?
Present Grammar - T draw 1 ball -> "There is a ball"
There is/ are + draw 3 balls -> "There are 3 balls"
- [Erase 1 ball ] What can I say now?
5' There isn't / aren't - Review Grammar + erase 1 ball -> "There isn't a ball"
Is there / Are there + erase 3 ball -> "There aren't 3 balls"
- [Draw ?] What's this? It's a question mark
Yes/ No + draw ? -> "Is there ..."
How can I make a question ? I switch ...
Who can read for me?
Who can answer this question?

- Each student from each team will sit in 1 chair here.

3 lines - 3 teams sits in 3 lines - Now I'll ask you questions & count 3 -2 -1
Marker - (T) ask questions -> (S) answers = writing on the boards you need to listen & write a full sentence on the board. After U
- Practice writing
8' Activity 3: Board race Rubber + How many dolls/ bike/ blocks are there? finish, U sit down on your chair
- Group-work
Pictures + ____ a stuffed animal? Yes,___ / No, ___ Which team write answer 1st will get point. OK?
(On/ offline) + ____ 8 cars? Yes,___ / No, ___ What do you do ? You listen, run & write on the board
Will you write 1 word? Will you write a full sentence?
What will U do when finish?

- (S) match right vocacb - Open your book page 149, do ex 37 & 38?
Ex 37 - Match vocab - Review vocab
1 f, 2 e, 3 b, 4 a, 5 d, 6 c
- Look at ex 37. What do you do? You match the pictures
What is No.1?
- Look at ex 38. What do you do? You match the words to make a
What is No.1?

1st team finish these exercises will get 3 stars

- Open your book page 149, do ex 37 & 38?

- Look at ex 37. What do you do? You match the pictures

What is No.1?
- Look at ex 38. What do you do? You match the words to make a
Ex 38 - SB: Match - (S) match right sentences What is No.1?
- Review grammar
grammar 1 d, 2 f, 3 b, 4 e, 5 a, 6 c
1st team finish these exercises will get 3 stars

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