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AIM: globlalizing traditional ayurvedic knownledge to the world at large.

Project Components :

·0 Integrated Ayurvedic Wellness Centre

·1 Knowledge Centre, Research Co-ordination, Clinical Standardization & documentation

·2 Translational Research

·3 Finishing School

·4 International Academy, Digital Library, Tele Health, Incubation Centre

·5 Public Health Intervention

·6 Meditation & Yoga Hall, Music Therapy,

·7 Water sports facility, Nature Health Club

·8 Ayurvedic Food Court, Cottages

·9 Conventional centre and Medicinal Plant Cultivation and manufactures

Objectives :

The project aims to provide an enabling infrastructure, which will address to the current gaps in
the growth path of Ayurveda and enhance the opportunities with value added service and an
integrated approach with all other medicinal system. “World Capital of Ayurveda”.

The proposal is aimed at global acceptance of ayurveda by the world community at large.

The project will be designed in such a way that it blends the natural habitats with ayurvedic
tradition in a seamless manner.

promoting health tourism. Environment-friendly huts and cottages will be constructed to attract
more tourists to the village which will have specific standards to treat the demands of
international tourists.

One-stop destination
All supporting clinical departments will also come up at the village. The village will be a one-stop
destination for all the available ayurvedic treatments in a modern and scientific environment.

The project envisages setting up a fully equipped ayurvedic treatment centre (Centre of Clinical
Excellence) to which people from around the world will be attracted.

The concept is based on incorporating the amenities of most modern scientific developments
with classical ayurveda.

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