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Volume 14

Jeremy P. Richards and Richard M. Tosdal


(ISSN 0741-0123)
Published by the
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A BASIN ANALYSIS APPROACH TO EXPLORATION (1 9 9 1 ) ISBN 0 -9 6 1 3 0 7 4 4 -7
AND HEALTH ISSUES (1 9 9 9 ) IS B N 1-887483-50-0
ANCIENT SETTINGS (1 9 9 9 ) IS B N 1-887483-52-7
THE ROLES OF ORGANIC MATTER (2 0 0 0 ) IS B N 1 -8 8 7 4 8 3 -5 3 5
Vol. 10 TECHNIQUES IN HYDROTHERMAL ORE DEPOSITS GEOLOGY (1 9 9 8 ) ISB N 1 -8 8 7 4 8 3 5 4 -3
DEPOSITS RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION (1 9 9 9 ) ISB N 1 -8 8 7 4 8 3 5 6 -X
Vol. 13: GOLD IN 2000 (2 0 0 0 ) ISB N 1 -8 8 7 4 8 3 5 7 -8
Vol. 14: STRUCTURAL CONTROLS ON ORE GENESIS (2 0 0 1 ) ISBN 1 -8 8 7 4 8 3 5 8 -6

Reviews in Economic Geology is a publication o f the Society o f Economic Geologists designed to accompany the Society's
Short Course series. Like the Short Courses, each volum e provides comprehensive updates on various applied and acad­
em ic topics for practicing econom ic geologists and geochem ists in exploration, developm ent, research, and teaching. Vol­
umes arc produced in conjunction with each new Short Course, first serving as a textbook for that course, and
subsequently made available to SEG members and others at modest cost.
© Copyright 2001, Society o f Economic Geologists. Inc.
Perm ission is granted to individuals to make single copies o f chapters for personal use in research, study, and teach­
ing, a n d to use short quotations, illustrations, and tables from Rn/ietm in Economic Geology for publication in scientific
wotks. Such uses must be appropriately credited. Copying for general distribution, for promotion and advertising, for ere-
aung new collective works, or for other commercial purposes is not permitted without the specific written permission o f
the Society o f Econom ic Geologists, Inc.
(issn 0741-0123) Volume 14


ISBN 1-887485-58-6

Volume Editors
J erem y P. R i c h a r d s Ric h a r d M . T o sd a l
Department o f Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Mineral Deposit Research Unit
University of Alberta Department o f Earth and Ocean Sciences
Edmonton, Alberta T 6G 2E3 University of British Columbia
Canada Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4


The Authors:
Byron Berger Steve Ludington Richard H. Sibson
U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Geological Survey University of Otago
MS 964, Federal Center MS 989, 345 Middlefield Rd. Departm ent of Geology
Denver, CO 80225-0046 Menlo Park, CA 94025 PO Box 56
USA USA Dunedin
Tel. +$03,256-5533 Tel. +650.329.5371 New Zealand
Fax: +303.236-3200 Fax: +650.329.5374 Tel. +64.3.479.7506
E-mail: E-mail: Fax: +64.3.479.7527
Jean Braun Nick Oliver
Research School of Earth Sciences Economic Geology Research Unit
The Australian National University School o f Earth Sciences Richard M. Tosdal
Canberra, ACT 0200 James Cook University Mineral Deposit Research Unit
Australia Townsville, QLD 4811 University o f British Columbia
Tel. +61.2.6125.5512 Australia Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Fax: +61.2.6125.5443 Tel. + Canada
E-mail: Fax: + Tel. +604.822.3149
E-mail: Fax: +604.822.6088
Stephen F. Cox E-mail:
Departm ent o f Geology and Alison Ord
Research School o f Earth Sciences CSIRO Division of Phaedra Upton
The Australian National University Exploration and Mining Department of Geology
Canberra, ACT 0200 PO Box 437 University o f Otago
Australia Nedlands, WA 6009 PO Box 56
Tel. +61.2.6125.0045 Australia Dunedin
Fax: +61.2.6125.5544 Tel. +61.8.9389.8421 New Zealand
E-mail: Fax: +61.8.9389.1906 Telephone: +64.3.479.7519
E-mail: Fax: +64.3.479.7527
Thomas G. Hildenbrand E-mail:
U.S. Geological Survey K Howard Poulsen
MS 989, 345 Middlefield Rd. 34 Walford Way
Menlo Park, CA 94025 Nepean, ON K2E 6B6 Richard K. Valenta
USA Canada MJM Exploration
Tel. +650.329.5303 Tel. +613.723.1766 GPO Box 1042
Fax: +650.329.5313 Fax: +613.723.7192 Brisbane, QLD 4001
E-mail: E-mail: Australia
Tel. +61-7-3214.9245
Robert C. Jachens Jeremy P. Richards Fax: +61-7-3214.9133
U.S. Geological Survey Department of Earth E-mail:
MS 989, 345 Middlefield Rd. and Atmospheric Sciences
Menlo Park, CA 94025 University o f Alberta
USA Edmonton, AB T6G 2E3
Tel. +650.329.5300 Canada
Fax: +650.329.5313 Tel. +780.492.3430
E-mail: Fax: +780.492.2030
Mark A. Knackstedt
Research School of Francois Robert
Physical Sciences and Engineering Barrick Gold Corporation
The Australian National University 7257 Dunver
Canberra, ACT 0200 Verdun, QC H4H 2H6
Australia Canada
Tel. +61.2.6125.2495 Tel. +514.732.0021
Fax: +61.2.6125.1884 Fax: +514.732.0021
E-mail: makllO@ E-mail: frobert@bai rick.eom

BYRON R. BERGER graduated from Occidental College, Test Site, with the purpose of examining environmental
Los Angeles, with a B.A. degree in economics, and from die restoration issues, (3) study of crustal structure and funda­
University of California at Los Angeles with an M.S. degree in mental geologic processes related to earthquake and vol­
geology. From 1971 to 1977, he worked in the Minerals canic hazards in die central and western United States (pri­
Exploration Department and Minerals Exploration Research marily the New M adrid seismic zone and rift systems on
Division, Research and Development Departm ent, of the volcanic islands such as Hawaii), and (4) determination of
Continental Oil Company. In 1977 he joined the U.S. Geo­ die location, attitude, and displacement history of potentially
logical Survey, where he has been a research geologist and dangerous, often concealed faults in the San Francisco and
has served as Chief, Branch o f Geochemistry (1983-1988) Los Angeles areas.
and Deputy Chief, Office of Mineral Resources (1988-1992).
He is presendy a member of die Crustal Imaging and Char­ ROBERT JACHENS received his B.S. degree in geology
acterization Team and conducts research on (1) thermal, from San Jose State University and his M.S. and Ph.D.
mechanical, and hydraulic coupling in ore formation, (2) degrees in geophysics from Columbia University. He was a
the environmental geology and geochemistry of mineralized research associate, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observa­
areas, and (3) the development of tectonic and structural tory, from 1972 tol976, and has been a geophysicist with die
models of epizonal hydrothermal mineral deposits for min­ U.S. Geological Survey from 1976 to the present. Jachen's
eral resource assessment applications. primary interest is in the application of gravity and magnetic
techniques to die solution o f geologic problems. Work has
JEAN BRAUN is a fellow in the Geodynamics Group at die included studies of tidal gravity, temporal gravity changes
Research School of Earth Sciencesat the Australian National associated with tectonic and volcanic deformation, earth As­
University. His research specializes in computational model­ suring due to groundwater extraction, regional geophysics
ing o f geodynamic processes, including fluid transport in in mineral resource assessments, plate tectonics of western
permeable media. He holds a B.Sc. degree in physics from North America, continent-scale relationships between grav­
die University of Liege, and a Ph.D. degree in oceanography ity and upper-crustal geology, and die tectonic evolution of
from Dalhousic University. the California coast ranges. His m ost recent work has
focused on die use of regional gravity and magnetic anom­
STEPHEN COX is professor of structural and economic alies to understand the structure o f and offsets on faults of
geology, jointly in the D epartm ent of Geology and the the San Andreas system, applications o f geology and geo­
Research School of Earth Sciences at die Australian National physics to defining the hydrogeologic framework of aquifer
University. His research interests are primarily in the cou­ systems, and the creation and visualization o f 3-D geologic
pling between deform ation processes and fluid flow in maps.
crustal regimes, widi applications to ore genesis and crustal
mechanics. His research is pursued via field-based studies, MARKKNACKSTEDT is an Australian Research Council
microstructural and microchemical analyses, and high-pres- Queen Elizabeth II Fellow in the D epartm ent o f Applied
sure/high-tem perature experim ental studies. He holds a Mathematics a t the Research School o f Physical Sciences
B.Sc. (Hons) degree from the University of Tasmania and a and Engineering at the Ausu alian National University. His
Ph.D. degree from Monash University. research interests include multiphase flow in porous media,
application o f percolation theory to the geological sciences,
THOMAS G. HILDENBRAND is a geophysicist with the U.S. and characterization o f disordered materials. He holds a
Geological Survey in Menlo Park, California. He received his bachelor’s degree from Columbia University and a Ph D.
B.S. degree in engineering physics and his M.S. and Ph.D. degree from Rice University, boil) in chemical engineering.
degrees in engineering geoscience from the University of
California at Berkeley. He began his career at the U.S. Geo­ STEVE LUDINGTON received his B.S. degree in geology
logical Survey as a postdoctoral fellow from 1975 to 1977. from Stanford University in 1967, and a Ph.D. degree in geol­
From 1984 to 1990, he served as Section Chief and then as ogy from the University of Colorado in 1974. He worked for
Chief of the Branch of Geophysics, an interdisciplinary team the mineral indusu y from 1969 to 1974, doing exploration
devoted to die theoretical development and applicadon of in the central and southern Rocky Mountains. In 1974, he
potendal-field, elecuical, and remote sensing techniques. As joined the U.S. Geological Survey. He has worked for the
a research scientist, Hildenbrand is interested in interpreting Survey in Denver, Colorado, and Reston, Virginia, and since
potential-field data by developing geologic models address­ 1987, he has been in Menlo Park, California. Until the mid-
ing the origin and evolution of crust in various tectonic set­ 1980s, Ludington was a specialist, interested in Climax-type
tings. Recent research activities have been directed toward molybdenite deposits and other mineral deposits associated
extracting geologic information from potential-field data in with evolved granites. More recently, he has participated in
the ( 1 ) assessment of mineral resources on local and regional mineral resource studies in Costa Rica, Venezuela,
regional scales in western United States, (2) investigation of and Bolivia, and in Nevada. He coordinated the National
local structures affecting groundwater flow at the Nevada Mineral Resource Assessment o f the U.S. Geological Survey
for precious and base metals. At present, he is engaged in vey of Canada, he is currently a consulting economic geolo­
using regional geochemisu'y to elucidate the tectonic frame­ gist who specializes in structural geology of ore deposits. His
work of the northern Great Basin. research has focused mainly on problems of significance to
the global mineral exploration and he has authored or co-
NICK OLIVER is professor of economic geology and Direc­ authored 55 journal papers and reports. He served as an
tor of the Economic Geology Research Unit at James Cook associate editor for Economic Geology from 1993 to 1998 and is
University, a position he has held for four years. Previously he a fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists as well as a
held academic posiuons at Curdn University, Monash Uni­ member o f the Association of Geoscientists o f Ontario. He
versity, and research posiuons at CSIRO and the Carnegie currently teaches a graduate-level course in structural geol­
Institute Geophysical Laboratory, where his research ogy and ore deposits for the mineral exploration program at
involved analysis o f large hydrotherm al systems through Queen’s University.
combinations o f petrology, geochemistry, and structural
geology. He has a B.Sc. (Hons) degree from the University of JEREMY P. RICHARDS received his B.A. degree (1983) in
Queensland and a Ph.D. degree from Monash University. geology from the University o f Cambridge, UK, his M.Sc.
His research experience covers a broad range o f deposit degree (1986) in economic geology from the University of
types and geological settings, from banded iron formations Toronto, Canada, and a Ph.D. (1990) in economic geology
through various epigenetic base metal and gold deposits, from die Australian National University. After holding a two-
regional alteration patterns in the Mt. Isa block, Yukon gran­ year postdoctoral position at die University of Saskatchewan,
ite-related gold, and greenstones and metamorphosed mas­ Canada (1990-1992), he joined the faculty at the University
sive sulfides in Finland. With collaborators in CSIRO and die of Leicester, UK, and was Course Director of the Mineral
minerals industry, he has applied numerical modeling to Exploration M.Sc. program from 1994 to 1997. He joined
assist with interpretation of field and mine patterns for most die University of Alberta in 1997, and is currently associate
of these districts. He is a fellow of the Society of Economic professor of economic geology. Research interests have
Geologists and was awarded the 1999 Mineralium Deposit# spanned a wide range in both pure and economic geology,
Reviewer of die Year. and include investigadons o f Keweenawan and central
African copperbelt geology, alkalic-type epitherm al Au
ALISON ORD received a B.Sc. (Honours) degree from the deposits in Papua New Guinea and British Columbia, por­
University of Edinburgh in 1977, and a Ph.D. degree from phyry Cu-Mo deposits in Ontario, and in Chile, Argentina,
the University of California at Los Angeles in 1981. From and Ecuador, and volcanology and structural geolog)' of the
1981 to 1984, she held a postdoctoral research fellowship at Central Andes. In the face of the current downturn in metal
Mon ash University, studying the effect of defect chemistry on prices, his most recent foray is into sand and gravel resources
the strength of quartz at high pressures and temperatures. in Alberta. Actually, there is a lot o f gold in those gravels!
She joined the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation o f Australia (CSIRO) in 1984 as a FRANCOIS ROBERT is a graduate o f Ecole Polytcchnique
research sciendst in the division of Geomechanics. She is in Montreal, where he received his B.Sc. (1978), M.Sc.
now a chief research scientist in the division of Exploration (1980) and Ph.D. (1983) degrees. His doctoral work focused
and Mining, leading the research group, Structural Controls on the geology, structure, and hydrothermal characteristics
on Mineralisation. H er principal areas o f research are explo­ of the Sigma gold deposit in Abitibi. Following one-year post­
ration o f the fundamental controls o f mechanics, solid and doctoral studies at the Univeraty o f Michigan, where he stud­
fluid, on the form ation o f giant ore deposits, including ied fluid inclusions o f the Sigma deposit, he joined the Geo­
numerical modeling of deformation-fluid flow-thermal trans­ logical Survey of Canada, in 1985, as a research scientist with
port-chemical reaction feedback systems. She has interests the mineral deposits group. His research focused largely on
also in 3-D vision systems for the mining and mineral pro­ the geology and structure o f gold deposits and districts in
cessing industries, particularly remote and automatic systems metamorphic terranes, in Canada and abroad. He worked
for determ ining joint structures in pit walls and fragment closely with industry and participated in a num ber o f mis­
size distributions on muck piles and conveyor belts. She is on sions for international agencies and governments. He
the editorial board o f the AustralianJournal ofEarth Sciences received the Society o f Economic Geologists WaldemarLind-
and is a member of the Geological Society of Australia. gren Award in 1990 for his work on gold deposits. In 1997,
he joined Barrick Gold Corporation as Senior Research
HOWARD POULSEN was bom and raised at Thunder Bay, Geologist. In addition to his other duties, he serves as in-
Ontario, and attended the University o f Waterloo (Honors housc technical consultant on different projects worldwide.
B.Sc. degree, physics, 1970), Lakehead University (M.Sc.
degree, structural geology, 1980) and Q ueen’s University RICHARD (RICK) SIBSON graduated with a B.Sc. (Hons)
(Ph.D. degree, economic geology, 1984). With more than 25 degree in geology from the Univeraty of Auckland, and M.Sc.
years o f cumulative research experience at Lakehead Unver- and Ph.D. degrees from Imperial College, London. He
sity, the Ontario Geological Survey, and the Geological Sur­ taught at Imperial College (1973-1982) and at the University
of California at Sania Barbara (1982-1990) before returning PHAEDRA UPTON received a B.Sc. (Hons) degree in
to New Zealand as professor of geology at the University of chemistry from Canterbury University in 1989, and a Ph.D.
Otago (1990-2001). His research focuses on the structure of degree in geology from the University of Otago in 1995. She
crustal fault zones and the mechanics of shallow crustal earth­ was a postdoctoral fellow with CSIRO from 1996 to 1998.
quakes. Increasing recognition of fluid involvement in fault­ Since 1998 she has been a Foundation o f Research, Science
ing has led to an interest in mechanisms for fluid redistribu­ and Technology postdoctoral fellow at the University o f
tion around seismicaily active faults, and structural controls Otago. H er research is focused on the geodynamics of, and
on the development o f fault-hosted hydrothermal mineral­ the fluid flow systems associated with, convergent plate
ization. He is author o r co-author o f more than 60 research boundary settings. The majority of her work has been based
papers and is an elected fellow o f the Geological Society of around the Southern Alps of New Zealand. She uses geody­
London, the Geological Society o f America, the American namic modeling, fieldwork, and stable isotope geochemistry
Geophysical Union, and the Royal Society o f New Zealand. in her studies of coupled deformation and fluid flow. She is
a m em ber o f the Geological and Geophysical Societies of
RICHARD TOSDAL received a B.A. degree from the Uni­ New Zealand and of the American Geophysical Union.
versity of California at Santa Barbara, an M.Sc. degree from
Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, and a Ph.D. degree RICK VALENTA is Chief Geologist of M ount Isa Mines
from the University of California at Santa Barbara. Tosdal Exploration and has been with MIM for over six yews. Prior
has worked for the U.S. Geological Survey and as an inde­ to that he lectured in geophysics, image interpretation, and
pendent geologist for the mining industry. He currently is structural geology at Monash University and also consulted
the Director of the Mineral Deposit Research Unit at the for MIM, World Geoscience, and Acrodata. He has a B.Sc.
University of British Columbia in Vancouver, where he super­ (Hons) degree from the University of New Brunswick and a
vises research groups invesdgadng intrusion-related Au Ph.D. degree from Monash University (specializing in defor­
deposits, Carlin-type sedimentary rock-hosted deposits, mation and ore genesis at the Hilton Pb-Zn mine near Mt.
epithermal systems, and pericratonal VMS deposits, and is Isa). Rick has been instrumental in regional and local area
developing projects in die diamond-related fields and in car­ selection and geological synthesis of MIM projects in Aus­
bonate terranes. He has worked on geologic, tectonic, and tralia, Africa, and South America. He is well known across
metallogenic problems in the cordilleras and cratons of Ausualia as an expert in integrated geological and geophysi­
North and South America. His personal research interests cal approaches to project generation and terrain interpreta­
include the role o f structure and tectonics in ore genesis and tion. H e is involved with several collaborative research pro­
magmatism, the role of climate in ore genesis, and the jects, including one on geophysical interpretation, structure,
source of metals in ore deposits. and ore genesis in the Ernest Henry Cu-Au district
The spark for this volume arose am id the euphoria of For those readers who seek more discussion o f this aspect
completing Techniques in Hydrothermal Ore Deposits Geology o f the discipline, we provide below a Table o f Events for the
(Reviews in Economic Geology, v. 10), and the accompany^ construction o f a Reviews in Economic Geology volume:
ing Society of Economic Geologists-sponsored short course
at the 1998 Geological Society of America Annu;il Meeting in Event Reality
Toronto. Dick Tosdal noted the lack o f any structural geol­
Protolith formation Volume editors dream up concept;
ogy in the Techniques volume, and I glibly replied that this
inrite authors to submit chapter
could be the subject o f a whole Reviews volume on its own.
Several espressos later we shook hands on a new project, this
one also to be presented in Toronto, bu t as part o f the D, Editors tell authors what they
Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Conven­ actually wanted
tion in March 2001. Unconformity Time passes...
The reason that Dick's comment triggered such precipi­ Sj, M, Manuscripts prepared by authors
tate action was that we recognized, both in ourselves and in regardless, and sent ou t for review
the wider economic geology community, a lack o f clear
understanding about this fundamental aspect of our disci­ Unconformity Time passes...
pline. T h e m antra o f hydrogcologists and hydrotherm al Reviews received
ore deposits geologists alike is “permeability, permeability, S, Reviews considered
permeability," and one o f the best ways to enhance perme­ Unconformity Time passes...
ability is by fracturing rock. This we all know, but for many
o f us, formal training in structural geology ceased in our M, Some changes made and revised
undergraduate years. What this volume aims to do is to pro- versions submitted
ride a refresher on basic aspects o f structural geology and Mineralization Revised manuscripts accepted by
its control on fluid flow, and also to review some o f the editors
m ore sophisticated models that can be used to predict DS,M , Copyediting and production
paleo fluid flow paths—and therefore, zones o f potential
Uplift Publication of volume
mineral deposition—from structural and rheological data.
The closing chapter attempts to place deposit-scale struc­ Erosion No! Volume withstands the test of
tural controls on ore deposition in the context o f regional time...
crustal stress fields and plate tectonic models, using por­
phyry deposits as an example. No volume such as this can be prepared without the ded­
The volume is intended for economic geologists whose icated efforts of the various authors, and Dick and I thank
specialization is not structural geology, and should appeal the 14 contributors who stayed the course. We also thank
to a wide audience from academia and industry, including David John, who guest-edited our own contribution, and all
students. It is not intended to supplant formal instruction the reviewers who provided timely and incisive critiques
in this field, but instead aims to renew interest in structural that have, we hope, kept us honest—their names are listed
approaches to ore deposits geology, and to showcase some below. Production of this volume would not have been pos­
of the developments that allow the formulation of predic­ sible w ithout the untiring efforts of Lisa Laird and AJice
tive models for deposit localization. Bouley at SEG, and Lee Ewert, who expertly handled the
Perhaps surprisingly—and this may be a relief to some copyediting.
people—only one chapter alludes to multiple deformation
events, the staple of many classic structural geology courses. Jerem y P. Richards
Richard M. Tosdal

Jennifer Adams Michel Jebrak
Anne-Marie Boullier David John
Ron Bruhn Robert Kerrich
Mark Duffett John Ridley
David Hill Tom Schroeter
Jay Hodgson Stephen Temperlcy
Carol Finn Ted Theodore
Chapter 1—Principles o f Structural Control Chapter 4—Utility o f Magnetic and
on Permeability and Fluid Flow in Gravity Data in Evaluating Regional
Hydrothermal Systems Controls on Mineralization:
S. F. Cox, M. A. Knackstedt, andJ. Braun Examples from the Western United States
Absu-act............................................................................. 1 T. G. Hildenbrand, Byron Bergen
In tro d u c tio n .................................................................... 1 R. C. Jachens, and Steve Ludington
Principles of Fluid Flow in Porous and A b stra c t...........................................................................75
Fractured Rocks ........................................................... 2 Introduction ..................................................................75
Principles o f Macroscopic Fracture F orm ation......... 10 Potendal-Fieid Data and M ethods............................... 76
Evolution of Flow Pathways Mineralized Areas in the Western United States . . .85
during D e fo rm a d o n ...................................................19 Relationships of Geophysical Structures
Conclusions....................................................................22 and Deposit P attern s...................................................90
Acknowledgm ents......................................................... 22 Conclusions and Summary ......................................104
R eferences...................................................................... 22 Acknowledgm ents....................................................... 106
R eferences.................................................................... 106
Chapter 2—Seismogenic Framework for
Hydrothermal Transport and Chapter 5—Vein Formation and
O re Deposition Deformation in Greenstone Gold Deposits
Richard H. Sibson Fmnfois Robert and K. Howard Poulsen
A b stract...........................................................................25 A b stra c t.........................................................................I l l
Introduction ..................................................................26 Introduction and Scope ............................................ I l l
Seismogenic C ru st......................................................... 26 Structure of Greenstone Gold Districts .................. 112
Tectonic Stress and Fluid Pressure R egim es...............31 Veins and Their A nalysis............................................ 118
Faults, Fractures, and Fluid Pressure L evels..............35 Classification of V e in s .................................................124
Dynamic Structural Permeability ........................38 Vein Deformation and Superimposed Strain ......... 138
Fluid Redisuibution Mechanisms Structural Timing o f V e in s ........................................ 146
Linked to the Earthquake Stress C ycle.................... 41 Discussion o f Concluding Rem arks........................... 150
Summary D iscussion.....................................................47 Acknow ledgm ents....................................................... 152
Acknowledgm ents......................................................... 47 R eferences.................................................................... 152
R eferences...................................................................... 47
Chapter 6—Magmatic and Structural
Chapter 3—Deformation, Fluid Flow, Controls on the Development of
and Ore Genesis in Heterogeneous Rocks, Porphyry Cu ± Mo ± Au Deposits
with Examples and Numerical Models R. M. Tosdal and J. P. Richards
from the Mount Isa District, Australia A b stract.........................................................................157
Nicholas H. S. Oliver, Alison Old, Inuoducuon ................................................................ 157
Richard K. Valenla, and Phaedra Upton General Porphyry Model .......................................... 158
A b stract.......................................................................... 51 Convergent Plate Margin M agmadsm ...................... 165
Introduction ..................................................................51 Volcanoes and Shallow-Level
Principles o f Fluid Flow .............................................. 52 Intrusive Complexes: The
Deformation and Fluid Flow ........................................54 Environment o f Porphyry Cu D eposits.................. 166
Heterogeneous Deformadon and Fluid F low ........... 54 Structural Sequence in Porphyry Systems ..............171
Numerical M odels......................................................... 56 Origin of Breccia Pipes in Porphyry Cu Deposits . .173
Exam ples........................................................................ 57 Tectonic Setting o f Porphyry Cu Deposits ..............174
D iscussion...................................................................... 71 Concluding R em arks...................................................175
Acknowledgments......................................................... 72 Acknowledgm ents....................................................... 177
References...................................................................... 72 R eferences.................................................................... 177

Society of Economic Geologists
Reviews v. 14, 2001, p. 1-24

Chapter 1

Principles o f Structural Control on Permeability and

Fluid Flow in Hydrothermal Systems
S. F. Cox,+
Centre fo r Advanced Studies o f Ore Systems, Department o f Geology a n d Research School o f Earth Sciences,
The Australian N ational University, Canberra, A C T 0200, Australia

M . A . Kn ack sted t,

Research School o f Physical Sciences and Engineering, The Australian N ational University, Canberra, A C T 0200, Australia

a n d J. B raun
Research School o f Earth Sciences, The Australian N ational University, Canberra, A C T 0200, Australia


Fluid pathways between metal sources and sites of ore deposition in hydrothermal systems are gov­
erned by fluid pressure gradients, buoyancy effects, and the permeability distribution, Structural controls
on ore formation in many epigenetic systems derive largely from the role that deformation processes and
fluid pressures play in generating and maintaining permeability within active faults, shear zones, associ­
ated fracture networks, and various other structures at all crustal levels.
In hydrothermal systems with low intergranular porosity, pore connectivity is low, and fluid flow is typ­
ically controlled by fracture permeability. Deformation-incluced fractures develop on scales from microns
to greater than hundreds of meters. Because mineral scaling o f fractures can be rapid relative to the life­
times o f hydrothermal systems, sustained fluid flow occurs only in active structures where permeability is
repeatedly renewed.
In the brittle upper crust, deformation-induced permeability is associated with macroscopic fracture ar­
rays and damage products produced in episodically slipping (seismogenic) and aseismically creeping faults,
growing folds, and related structures. In the more ductile mid- to lower crust, permeability enhancement is
associated with grain-scale dilaiancy (especially in active shear zones), as well as with macroscopic hydraulic
fracture arrays. Belotv the seismic-aseisntic transition, steady state creep leads to steady state permeability
and continuous fluid flow in actively deforming structures. In contrast, in the seismogenic regime, large
cyclic changes in permeability lead to episodic fluid flow in faults and associated fractures.
The geometry and distribution o f fracture permeability' is controlled fundamentally by stress and fluid
pressure states, but may also be influenced by preexisting mechanical anisotropies in the rock mass. Frac­
ture growth is favored in high pore fluid factor regimes, which develop especially where fluids discharge
from faults o r shear zones beneath low-permeability flow barriers. Flow localization within faults and shear
zones occurs in areas o f highest fracture aperture and fracture density, such as damage zones associated
with fault jogs, bends, and splay’s. Positive feedback between deformation, fluid flow, and fluid pressure
promotes fluid-driven growth o f hydraulically linked networks o f faults, fractures, and shear zones.
Evolution o f fluid pathways on scales linking fluid reservoirs and ore deposits is influenced by the rel­
ative proportions o f backbone, dangling, and isolated structures in the network. Modeling o f the growth
o f networks indicates that fracture systems reach the percolation threshold at low bulk strains. Just above
the percolation threshold, flow is concentrated along a small proportion of the total fracture population,
and favors localized ore deposition. At higher strains, flowr is distributed more widely throughout the frac­
ture population and, accordingly, the potential for localized, high-grade ore deposition may be reduced.

Introduction monly localized wi thin faults, shear zones, o r associated frac­

ture systems. Additionally, mineralization can be restricted
T he Formation of many types of epigenetic ore deposits to particular parts of faults o r shear zones such as jogs or
involves some form of control by structures produced dur­ bends (Hulin, 1929; Newhouse, 1942; McKinstry, 1948; Sib-
ing crustal deformation. In particular, ore deposition is com- son, 1987), to fold-related structures such as saddle reefs
(Hulin, 1929; Chace, 1949; Cox et ah, 1991), o r related to
- ’Corresponding au th or e-mail, deform ation around heterogeneities such as com petent
rock masses (Oliver etal., 2001). Epigenetic mineralization permeability is generally high enough that pore spaces are
also is typically localized along low displacement faults and highly interconnected and fluid pressures are close to
fracture systems (e.g., Robert et al., 1995; Cox, 1999). hydrostatic values (i.e., owing to the weight of the fluid col­
Hydrothermal mineral deposits are produced by focused um n). In this regime, topographic relief is a m ajor factor
flow o f large volumes o f fluids (Henley et al., 1985; Fyfe, establishing hydraulic gradients that drive subsurface flow
1987; Cox, 1999). Mass balance calculations, based for downward from regions o f high topography towards
example on silica and metal solubility, indicate that time- regions o f lower topography. Depths o f topographically
integrated fluid volumes in many types of hydrothermal ore driven fluid penetration are typically up to several kilome­
systems are typically greater than several cubic kilometers. ters (Forster and Smith, 1990).
Crustal deform ation processes influence fluid flow in Transient, deformation-induced pore pressure changes
hydrothermal systems via controls on rock penneability and that set up vertical and lateral hydraulic gradients can be
the driving forces for fluid flow. Undei-slanding how defor­ im portant at all crustal depths. These changes arise from
mation processes and structures influence permeability evo­ compaction o f intergranular pore spaces during burial or
lution is a key aspect to understanding the architecture of regional deformation, grain-scale dilatation associated with
fluid pathways in hydrothermal systems, and die factors con­ granular flow, or from microscopic to macroscopic crack
trolling where ore deposits form along these pathways. This growth and closure during deform ation. Such deform a­
review explores how active deformation controls the permc- tion-induced pore pressure gradients are associated with
ability of rock masses through the formation of macroscopic both small elastic responses (poroelastic effects) or larger
fracture systems, damage zones, and grain-scale microcrack inelastic deform ations o f intergranular pore spaces and
permeability within actively deforming structures. The role fractures owing to stress changes associated with the seismic
of fluid pressures and stress regimes in driving permeability cycle and heterogeneous deform ation (Muir-Wood and
enhancem ent and growth o f perm eable fau lt/fractu re/ King, 1993). In particular, macroscopic dilatancy associated
shear networks is highlighted. We outline how stress regimes with episodic fault slip exerts a powerful control on fluid
and variations in fluid pressure in hydrothermal systems gov­ migration around active faults in the crustal scismogenic
ern the location and geometry o f fluid pathways between regime (Sibson, 1987,1993, 2001). Transient fluid migra­
metal sources, fluid sources, and sites o f ore deposition. We tion in response to pressure gradients due to deformation-
also examine how linkages among structures develop during induced grain-scale dilatancy during regional deformation
progressive deformation, and how they control the architec­ has been discussed by Cox and Etheridge (1989) and
ture o f fluid pathways from deposit to crustal scales. McCaig and Knipe (1990), and modeled by O rd and Oliver
(1997) and Oliver e ta l. (2001).
Principles of Fluid Flow in Porous and Fractured Rocks Driving pressure-gradients within the crust are also gen­
Fluid m igration through the E arth’s crust occurs in erated by development o f suprahydrostatic-pressurcd fluid
response to various driving forces. The fluid flux and geom­ reservoirs. For example, suprahydrostatic fluid pressuriza­
etry of flow is fundam entally controlled by permeability tion can be associated with emplacement of magmas into a
variations in the crust. In this section, we outline the forces cooler, porous, fluid-saturated rock-mass. Transient driving
driving crustal fluid flow and examine the dependence of pressure-gradients are also associated with m etam orphic
fluid flux on rock permeability. We also discuss how the evo­ fluid-procluction and fluid-absorption reactions (Walther,
lution of grain-scale to macroscopic permeability in 1990; Rumble, 1994), as well as by fluid expulsion associ­
hydrothermal systems is influenced by stress regimes and ated with crystallization of hydrous silicate melts. Modeling
fluid pressure regimes during both brittle and ductile styles of two-dimensional advective flow regimes associated with
of deformation. Two central points are highlighted: firstly, drainage of suprahydrostatic reservoirs has been conducted
the geometry of fluid pathways is strongly dependent on by Matthai and Roberts (1997). In these flow regimes, spa­
the geometry and style of deformation; and secondly, per­ tial variations in permeability (for example, owing to the
meability is a transient rock property that can be rapidly presence of active and perm eable faults or shear zones)
reduced by porosity-destruction processes such as com­ establish hydraulic gradients that focus fluid flow and gov­
paction and sealing of intergranular pores and fractures. ern flow pathways (Fig. 1). Temporal and spatial variations
Maintenance of permeability and fluid flow in hydrother­ in permeability induced by episodic fault rupture particu­
mal systems is, therefore, dependent upon active deforma­ larly influence the dynamics of fluid flow in pressure-driven
tion repeatedly regenerating permeability. Accordingly, flow regimes in the seismogenic upper crust (Sibson et al.,
fluid flow is localized within structures that were active dur­ 1988; Cox, 1999; Sibson, 2001).
ing the operation of hydrothermal systems. Buoyancy drive for crustal fluid flow arises from vertical
variations in fluid density, either through effects of tempera­
D riv in g forces f o r f l u i d flo w ture gradients or variable concentrations of dissolved species
Fluid flow occurs in response to two major classes of dri­ (e.g., salinity) in pore fluids. Decreasing density of hydro-
ving forces: (1 ) pressure-driven flow, and (2) buoyancy- thermal fluid with increasing tem perature and depth for
driven flow. many pore fluid compositions leads to gravitational instabil­
Pressure-driven flow arises from a num ber of causes. Par­ ity and convection of fluid through porous media in near-
ticularly at crustal depths less than several kilometers, rock hydrostatic fluid pressure regimes. An excellent example of
this is provided by thermally driven convection around hot
intrusive complexes, as m odeled by Norton and Knight
(1977), Forster and Smith (1990), and Cathles et al (1997).
Flow in porous media
In addition to a driving force, crustal fluid flow also
requires a rock mass with pore spaces to contain fluid, as
well as connectivity between pore spaces. The pore spaces
can be intergranular pores o r grain-scale to macroscopic
fractures. The one-dimensional macroscopic flux o f a sin­
gle-phase fluid in a horizontal plane through an isotropic,
porous medium is described by a simplified form o f Darcy’s
law, which states that

q = Q /At = k / fj(dP/dx), (1)

q is the fluid flux (i.e., the volume Q o f fluid traversing
cross-sectional area A perpendicular to the x axis, per
unit time t);
k is the permeability o f the porous medium;
t) is the kinematic viscosity o f the pore fluid; and
d P /d x is the horizontal fluid pressure gradient that drives
flow (Bear, 1972; Fig. 2).

T he volume flux has dimensions of velocity, and is some­

times referred to as the Darcian velocity. Note, however,
that the Darcian velocity is not the actual velocity at which
the fluid moves through the pore space. Rather, it is a mea­
sure o f the fluid volume per unit time moving through unit
cross-sectional area o f the rock. It is related to the real aver­
age fluid velocity, v, by the relationship,

q = v-Q. (2)

Particularly in low-porosity rocks, the real fluid velocity at

the pore scale can be much larger than the Darcian veloc­
ity. Darcy’s law assumes laminar flow, and applies in porous
rocks at flow rates up to about 1 m /s. At higher flow rates,
turbulence and high inertial forces lead to breakdown of
Darcy’s law (Gueguen and Palciauskas, 1994).
Permeability has units m2 (1 darcy = 10-12 m2), and is an
intrinsic rock property quantifying the capacity of fluids to
pass through rock. Permeability is influenced by the con­
nectivity between intergranular pore spaces o r fractures in
a rock, and is particularly sensitive to the minimum throat
size between connecting pores. Natural rocks have perme­
Fig. 1. Numerical (finite element) models simulating steady state, pres­ abilities that range over more than ten orders of magnitude
sure-driven fluid flow patterns around permeable faults or shear zones (Brace, 1990; Manning and Ingebritsen, 1999). For exam­
embedded in a less permeable medium. A vertical lithostntic fluid pressure ple, porous sandstone (porosity, <f>>15%) and poorly com­
gradient is maintained in the medium away from the fault. Length o f flow
vectors corresponds to flow velocity; flow vectors within faults not shown,
pacted tuffs can have perm eabilities as high as 10"12 m2,
Contours indicate departures o f fluid pressure from liihostatic values: light whereas unfractured, “tight” metamorphic or igneous rocks
areas arc below and dark areas arc above liihostatic pressure, a. Simple pla­ can have permeabilities less than 10-22 m2. Fluid fluxes and
nar fault or shear zone with a permeability 10s limes that o f the surround­ the geometry of flow are, therefore, particularly dependent
ing host rock matrix. Note fluid focusing at the upstream (lower) part o f on spatial and time variations in permeability within the
the structure, and fluid discharge around the downstream (upper) part of
the structure, b. Fluid flow patterns associated with the presence o f a fault crust. We examine below the critical effect o f deformation
stepover region. Permeability and imposed fluid pressure gradients arc processes in generating large, although commonly tran­
the same as in (a). sient, changes in rock permeability.
pressure, whereas the p%(di/<kj) term accounts for gravity
and also buoyancy effects associated with spadal variations
DARCY’S LAW in fluid density. This full Darcian relationship illustrates
that the driving force for fluid flow is the difference
Q/At = k/r|(dP/dx) between the fluid pressure gradient and the hydrostatic
com ponent o f the fluid pressure gradient. This result is
illustrated by considering fluid pressure variations in a ver­
tical colum n o f fluid in a porous medium with fully con­
nected porosity. The depth dependence of fluid pressure Pr
in a column o f fluid at rest is given by

Pf^Pgz. (4)

where z is the depth below the surface.

In this case, the vertical fluid pressure gradient, pg,

owing to the weight o f the fluid column docs not drive flow,
and is known as the hydrostatic fluid pressure gradient.
Deviations in d P /d z from pg are required to drive vertical
flow. Accordingly, for vertical flow o f a uniform density
fluid, Darcy’s law reduces to

q = ( k /7j)* (d P /d z-p g ). (5)

Fic. 2. Darcy’s law and control o f horizontal fluid flow rate by driving
pressure gradient, rock permeability, and fluid viscosity. Where d P /d z is greater than pg, upwards flow occurs,
whereas if dP /dz is less than pg, downwards flow occurs in a
fluid of uniform density. For general pressure-driven flow in
The Darcy equation also illustrates how fluid flux is rocks with isotropic permeability, flow is parallel to the non-
inversely proportional to the kinematic viscosity of the pore hydrostatic com ponent o f the fluid pressure gradient. Per­
fluid. At temperatures between 100° and 800°C, and pres­ meability anisou opy may result in flow that is not parallel to
sures between 50 and 300 MPa, the viscosity of water ranges the driving pressure gradient
over about one o rder o f m agnitude (40-400 ji/Pa-s),
decreasing with increasing tem perature and decreasing Types ofporosity
pressure (H aaretal., 1984). Viscosity increases with increas­ Porosity, is the ratio o f the volume of void space to the
ing salinity (Garven and Freeze, 1984). The extreme range bulk volume o f a porous medium,
in permeability in rocks compared with the much smaller
range in viscosity in typical ore fluids, means that variations ^ = Vpora/(V pores + VslJids). (6)
in permeability usually have a greater impact on fluid flux
than variations in viscosity in simple water-dominated Permeability is not always simply related to porosity. It is
hydrothermal systems. The dynamics of two-phase flow in dependent on various factors, including pore diam eters
porous media can lead to complex effects that will not be and shapes, diameters o f pore throats (which connect large
treated in this review (Sahimi, 1994). intergranular pores), and connecdvities between pores.
For fluid flow with a vertical com ponent o f m otion (z From the standpoint o f flow through a porous medium, the
axis), the driving force for flow is no t the absolute fluid interconnected pore volume is o f interest.
pressure gradient, but the nonhydrostatic com ponent of Porosity usually comprises intergranular porosity and
the gradient. An expanded expression for Darcy’s law is fracture porosity. Intergranular porosity, such as primary
given by the relationship, pore spaces in poorly cemented o r weakly compacted clas­
tic sediments and pyroclasdc materials, can control fluid
flow in shallow, low-tem perature hydrotherm al systems.
Examples include some carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn systems
where (Garven, 1985) and some parts o f shallow, volcanic-related
qi is the fluid flux in die coordinate direction i; geothermal systems. Intergranular porosity, although usu­
ky is die permeability tensor (allowing for anisotropy of per­ ally very low, may also be present in metamorphic regimes
meability); (Holness, 1997). Reacdon-enhanced porosity is associated
p is the fluid density; and with volume changes during metamorphic reacdons at ele­
g is the gravitational acceleration (Forster and Smith, vated tem peratures and pressures (Rumble e t al., 1982;
1990); Zhang et al., 2000). This effect is particularly important in
dP/dxj represents die driving force due to gradients in fluid controlling grain-scale fluid infiltration in skarn environ-

ments, and pervasive hydrotherm al alteration associated

with fluid discharge from fracture-controlled hydrothermal
systems into relatively low-permeability wall-rocks. Volume
change between the solid reactants and reaction products
tends to produce transient changes in intergranular poros­
ity and permeability in these regimes. Macroscopically duc­
tile deformation in shear zones can be associated with grain
translation and grain-scale cracking, which also enhances
intergranular porosity. Similarly, in low-temperature brittle
deform ation regimes, cataclasis in active fault zones may
modify the intergranular porosity of the host rocks.
In rocks with low, or poorly connected intergranular
porosity, fluid transport is controlled by fracture porosity.
Fractures can be present at scales ranging from grain-scale
to macroscopic (> tens o f meters long). Fracture formation
is usually controlled by the stress and fluid pressure states
during deform ation o f a rock mass (see “Principles of
Macroscopic Fracture Formation” below), but may also be
influenced by thermal shocking.
Powsity-permeabttUy relationships
Low temperature regimes— Clastic rocks and fault rocks: In low-
tem perature crustal regimes where primary intergranular
porosity can survive for geologically long periods, perm e­
ability exhibits a simple relationship with porosity, espe­
cially at high porosities. For porosity greater than about 6 to
10 percent, pores are generally fully interconnected and
porosity is related to permeability by a relationship of the

koc 0n, (7)

where n is approximately 3. In this regim e, permeability

decrease with decreasing porosity is controlled by pore
shrinkage. At lower porosities, progressive loss of connectiv­
ity between pores occurs through closure o f narrow throats
between the larger intergranular pores. Pores that form part
o f a connected network that spans the sample/systcm com­
prise what is known as the backbone porosity (Fig. 3a). All
flow is localized along this backbone pore network; accord­
ingly, the backbone porosity controls the permeability. The
rem aining porosity comprises two elements: (1 ) isolated
pores, which do not connect with the backbone porosity,
even' though they may form localized clusters o f pores that
are connected to each other; and (2) dangling, or dead-end Fi<;. 3. a. Schematic illustration o f classes o f intergranular pores. Flow
pores, which connect to the backbone porosity from one rate is controlled by the backbone porosity, rather than by total porosity or
side only. Although they are p art o f the interconnected total con n ected (i.e., backbone + dangling) porosity, b. Relationship
porosity and contain pore fluid, they do not contribute to between total porosity and permeability in Fontainebleau samistone (after
Bourbic and Zinszner, 1985). The percolation threshold porosity and the
the flow. At low porosities, permeability changes are direedy relationship k« arc indicated.
related to progressive changes in the reladve proportions of
backbone, dangling, and isolated pores, as well as the total
porosity o f a rock. threshold. W here permeability is controlled by approxi­
T he relationship, k « 0s, breaks down where the back­ mately equant intergranular pores, the percolation thresh­
bone porosity becomes less than the total porosity. At lower old typically occurs at total porosities in the range 3 to 6
porosity, permeability typically becomes m ore sensitive to percent in many types of clastic rocks.
small changes in porosity (Fig. 3b). The porosity at which Above the percolation threshold, permeability associated
all pore connectivity is lost (i.e., ^ ckb(,nc = 0, £lso!;ilcd = 1 ) with intergranular porosity is influenced only moderately
and perm eability vanishes, is known as th e percolation by confining pressure (David and Darot, 1989). Permeabil-
ity decreases with increasing confining pressure (Fig. 4) in
response to elastic and inelastic deformation, causing pore
shrinkage and collapse. Note that at constant confining
pressure, changes in pore fluid pressure (i.e., changes in
effective confining pressure) lead to relatively small
changes in permeability. Poroelastic effects on total inter­
granular pore volume, driven by changes in stress states
associated with fault rupture events and interseismic stress
recovery, may play a role in episodic fluid redistribution
around aedve fault zones (Muir-Wood and King, 1993; Sib-
son, 1993). Such effects are likely to be a small part o f the
overall fluid budget in a high-flux hydrothermal system. b
The relationships between porosity, permeability, and
effective stresses, found for clastic sedimentary rocks, will
apply also to granular damage products (gouge, cataclasite,
and breccia) produced in fault zones.

High temperature regimes— metamorphic rocks: In high-

tem perature m etam orphic regimes, atomic diffusion,
creep, grain boundary migration, and chemical reactions
are fast on geologic timescales. In this case, intergranular
porosity and pore connectivity in rock-fluid systems is con­
Fig. 5. Schematic illustration o f pore geometries in polycrystalline grain
trolled principally by interfacial surface energy effects, pro­ aggregates at elevated temperatures where pore shapes are controlled by
vided that the polycrystalline aggregate is not deforming. surface energy minimization, a. Cross section through a gran-edge chan­
Where pore shapes are controlled by surface energy mini­ nel; dihedral wetting angle, S . is indicated, b. For dihedral wetting angles
mization, there is a balance o f surface tension forces along S60“. fluid forms isolated pockets o n twograin interfaces, and fluid chan­
nels along three-grain edges may connect fluid pockets at four-grain cor­
the surfaces where two solid grains and a fluid phase meet, ners. c. For dihedral wetting angles >60°, fluid o n two-grain interfaces,
and we can define a dihedral wetting angle, 0 , which is the three-grain edges, and four-grain com ers occurs as isolated pockets (after •
angle between the two solid-fluid interfaces (Fig. 5a). The Watson and Brenan, 1987).
magnitude of die wetting angle is controlled by the balance
of interfacial forces expressed by the relation,
The three-dim ensional connectivity o f intergranular
0 = 2 arcos(ys_s/ 2ys_fl) , (8) pores in isotropic mineral aggregates is dictated by interfa-
cial wetting angles and total porosity. We distinguish
where y ^ and y ^ are the solid-solid and solid-fluid sur­ between pores that form at two-grain interfaces, along
face energies per unit area, respectively (Smith, 1964). three-grain edges, and at grain corners (Fig. 5). For dihe­
dral welting angles greater than 60*, pores at two grain
interfaces tend to form isolated pockets. At low porosity,
grain-edge channels pinch off to form discontinuous beads
along grain edges, and pores at grain corners tend to be
isolated (Fig. 5c). In contrast, at dihedral wetting angles less
than or equal to 60°, connectivity between pores at grain
corners may be provided to low porosities by continuous
channels along grain edges (Fig. 5b). For ©greater than 0°,
the equilibrium fluid distribution on two-grain interfaces is
disconnected bubbles. Only in die extreme case of 0 equal
to 0° can a continuous fluid film exist stably on two-grain
interfaces. Experim ental studies o f interfacial wetting
angles for common minerals and pore fluids indicate that
for some common mineral-fluid systems, dihedral wetting
angles are greater than 60* (Holness, 1997). For example,
in the quartz-H20 - C 0 2 system at elevated pressures and
tem peratures in the range 950® to 1,150°C, dihedral wet­
ting angles are typically greater than 60® unless high solute
concentrations are present in the pore fluid (Watson and
Brenan, 1987).
FlG. 4. R elationship betw een perm eability and confining pressure, at
various pore fluid pressures, in Fontainebleau sandstone with porosity of The evolution of permeability with decreasing porosity at
0.06 (after David and Darot, 1989), elevated temperatures, where surface energy effects control

pore geometry, is illustrated by high-temperature isostatic

compaction experiments on calcite aggregates (Zhang et
al., 1994a). The overall porosity-permeability relationship is
similar to that for clastic sedimentary rocks (Fig. 6a). For
the calcite-argon system, the dihedral wetting angle is
greater than 60°, so the situation is analogous to many min­
eral-fluid systems at elevated temperatures. The porosity-
permeability relationship approximately follows the cube
law (i.e., n = 3 in equation 7) to porosities down to about
0.06, where full connectivity between pores starts to be lost
(Fig. 6b). Below this porosity, permeability is much more
strongly dependent on total porosity. The critical porosity,
0C, at which pores completely lose connectivity (i.e., the per­
colation threshold) occurs at a porosity of 0.04. For min­
eral-fluid systems with wetting angles less than 60®, the per­
colation threshold will occur at porosities less than 0.04.
Near (f>c, the permeability of the intergranular pore network
obeys the scaling law (Knackstedt and Cox, 1995),
h 0.16 |-----------------1---------------- T1-----------------1--------------
a experimentally measured

k ~ ( 0 - 0 c)2- (9) . ✓ ti•e
/tl “
P • model backbone porosity A
GO 0.12 -
For high-temperature, isostatically stressed (i.e., all prin­
cipal stresses equal) m ineral-fluid systems, where pore
geometry is controlled by minimization of interfacial sur­ £ ✓ O
Hi 0 .0 8 - , d'a ° ♦* #
face energy, dihedral wetting angles have a profound effect m rf' ♦
on fluid transport. For wetting angles greater than about sf. a **
60®, pore connectivity is lost at porosities of several per­ •*
cent. Accordingly, many metamorphic fluid-rock systems, 8o 0 .0 4 -
e •

which have porosities less than one percent, will be below < S/ O *
the percolation threshold and effectively im perm eable,
0 * ----------- ^ ----------- 1------------- 1------------- 1
unless deform ation processes actively generate fracture 0 0 .0 4 0 .0 8 0 .1 2 0 .1 6
Fracture-controlledfluid flout
Fig. 6. a. Porosity-permeability relationships for calcitc grain aggre­
In hydrothermal systems where compaction, pore sealing gates, isostatically hot-pressed at temperatures between 360° and 560*0.
processes, o r diffusion-controlled surface energy effects Confining pressures ranged from 200 to 300 MPa and argon pore fluid
have driven intergranular porosity below the percolation pressures ranged from 100 to 250 MPa (after Zhang c ia l., 1994a). b. Rela­
tionship between total porosity and connected (or accessible) porosity
threshold, fluid migration is dependent on the generation
experimentally determ ined during isostatic hot-pressing o f calcite aggre­
of fracture porosity. gates. Also shown are numerically modeled values o f (lie backbone poros­
ity. M odified after Zhang c ta l. (1994a) and Knackstedt and Cox (1995).
Macroscopic to microscopic fractures at low temperatures: For
steady state, laminar, incompressible flow in an ideal, hori­
zontal, parallel-sided plane fracture, the volume flow rate In reality, relationships between fracture apertures and
(m3/s) is given by the relationship, flow rates are more complicated owing to the effects of frac­
ture roughness leading to aperture changes and tortuous
Q,= wb3/ 12 tj*(dP /dx), (10) flow paths. Experimental studies provide clear evidence of
surface roughness causing departures from the cubic law in
where natural rough fractures (Witherspoon et al., 1980; Tsang
b is the fracture aperture; and W itherspoon, 1981; Brown, 1987). Numerical model­
w is the width o f the fracture (m easured in the fracture ing o f flow through rough fractures also confirms that frac­
plane); and ture roughness and tortuosity lead to substantial departures
d P /d x is the fluid pressure gradient along the fracture from the cubic law (Waite et al., 1999).
(Gueguen and Dienes, 1989). Because cracks have high aspect ratios, elastic opening or
By analogy with Darcy’s law, for a fracture with cross- closure o f cracks in response to changes in effective stress
sectional area wb, the equivalent fracture permeability is states has im portant effects on crack aperture and perme­
given by - ability (Walsh, 1981). The dependence o f fracture perme­
ability on effective confining pressure (i.e., confining pres­
k = b2/ 12 . (H ) s u re -flu id pressure), illustrated in Figure 7, shows that the
tems, and is discussed below in “Evolution o f Flow Pathways
during Deformation.”
In summary, for flow in fracture-controlled hydrothermal
systems, the highest flux will occur where and when ( l)
fracture apertures are highest, (2) fracture density Is high­
est, and (3) fracture connectivity is highest.

Permeability during macroscopically ductile deformation:

Experimental results, together with field observations o f
fluid-rock interaction in exhum ed shear zones, indicate
that perm eability enhancem ent is comm only associated
with macroscopically ductile deform ation. Experimental
studies indicate that macroscopically ductile deformation at
elevated temperatures and confining pressures is only asso­
ciated with permeability enhancem ent when a com ponent
EFFECTIVE CONFINING PRESSURE, MPa o f strain (albeit small) is accommodated by microfractur-
ing, which generates grain-scale fluid pathways.
Fig. 7. Dependence o f crack permeability on effective confining pres­ T he evolution o f perm eability during deform ation
sure {after Guegucn and Palciauskas, 1994).
involving both intragranular plastic deformation and grain-
scale crack growth is illustrated by experimental studies on
pressure dependence is substantially greater than for mate­ calcite rocks (Zhang e ta h , 1994b). This work demonstrates
rials where perm eability is controlled by approximately that for low effective confining pressures, permeability
equant intergranular pores (Fig. 4). Accordingly, low poro- increase with increasing strain can be very rapid and large
eiastic and inelastic strains in cracked rocks will be more (Fig. 8a, b ). For example, a t an effective confining pressure
effective than deformation of intergranular pores in chang­ of 30 MPa, permeability increases by two orders o f magni­
ing permeability, and driving fluid redistribution in tude with three percent shortening, and increases by a fur­
response to stress changes (e.g., around active faults). ther order of magnitude after ten percent shortening. Only
For a cracked rock with fracture porosity <p(, and where small increases in permeability occur with higher strains,
penny-shaped cracks are fully interconnected and ran­ however.
domly oriented, permeability k is given by Major increase in permeability, at strains as low as a few
percent, is associated with growth o f m icrocracks and
k=aV 3, U 2) rapid development of connectivity in grain-scale crack net­
works (Fig. 9a). Such behavior persists well into the domi­
where a is the average crack half-aperture. For an average nantly crystal plastic deform ation regime, provided that
crack radius, r, and average crack sparing, 1, fluid pressures are high enough to facilitate some defor­
m ation by m icrocracking (Fischer and Paterson, 1992;
0c = 2m-L,a /I3, (13) Storm ont and Daemen, 1992; Zhang e t al., 1994b; Peach
and Spiers, 1996). As both tem perature and effective con­
and so (Gudguen and Palciauskas, 1994), fining pressure increase, brittle/frictional processes are
impeded and intracrystalline plasticity is favored. So, crack
k = 2m -V /3F. (14) growth rates reduce, and the critical strain required to
develop a well-connected, high-permeability crack network
This relationship holds true for fractured media where increases.
fractures are developed at microscopic to macroscopic The experimental studies demonstrate that where high
scales. It illustrates how both fracture density and fracture fluid pressures produce low effective confining pressures,
connectivity play a critical role in controlling permeability. grain-scale crack growth significantly increases the perme­
For randomly distributed fractures that are not fully con­ ability o f active shear zones relative to their host-rocks,
nected, permeability is given by even though most displacement may occur by microscop­
ically ductile deformation mechanisms such as dislocation
k= (4 7 T /1 5 H aV /l:\ (13) flow and dissolution-precipitation creep. A significant
aspect of the experimental work is that fracture networks
where connectivity, f, is 0 < f < 1 (Gueguen and Dienes, can develop high crack connectivity and high permeabil­
1989). As in the case for a single fracture, this relationship ity at very low strains. One implication of this result is that
illustrates how the permeability of a cracked medium is very low strain deform ation, especially when localized in net­
sensitive to average fracture aperture. The evolution of con­ works of faults, shear zones, and associated fracture arrays,
nectivity among elements of networks of fractures, faults, may have a big im pact on the localization o f fluid flow
and shear zones, and its influence on flow architecture, is (see “Evolution of Flow Pathways d uring D eform ation”
an important aspect of the evolution of hydrothermal sys­ below).
relationships in veins in shallow epitherm al systems and
deeper mesothermal systems commonly indicate muldple
episodes o f fracturing and vein sealing (Fig. 9c). Experi­
m ental studies o f fracture healing (Hickman and Evans,
1987; Brantley e t al., 1990; Zhang e t al., in press), also
dem onstrate that, at tem peratures greater than approxi­
mately 300*C, diffusional crack healing and associated loss
o f crack connectivity in minerals such as quartz and calcite
can be fast, even on laboratory' timescales.
Permeability evolution in faults in the seismogenic upper
crust can be influenced strongly by porosity changes associ­
ated with defoimation during repeated, episodic slip events
(over several seconds), or during aseismic creep. In rocks
with high initial intergranular porosity, fault slip is associated
with reduction in porosity and permeability owing to the
production of fine-grained, compact, low-porosity gouges
(Knipe, 1998; Zhang et al., 1999). In this case, faults become
seals or aquitards in hydrothermal systems. However, in
intrinsically low-porosity, tight rocks (e.g., metamorphic and
igneous rocks), faulting leads to porosity and permeability
increase during slip, owing to fracture growth and cataclasis.
In contrast, porosity evolution during interseismic intervals is
governed by progressive porosity destruction by pore col­
lapse and hydrodiermal sealing (Angevine et al., 1982; Cox
and Paterson 1991; Cox, 1995). Episodic slip and interseis-
mic sealing may result in large, time-dependent changes in
penneability in fault zones (Fig. 10). Particularly in fiacture-
controlled hydrotherm al systems, flow within perm eable
faults and associated fracture arrays (Fig. 1) promotes rapid
pore sealing by mineral deposition. As soon as porosity drops
below the percolation threshold, fluid flow will shut off. An
im portant conclusion then, is that in the immediate post­
Fig. 8. Relationship between (a) porosity an<l strain, and (l>) perme­ rupture phase, faults in low-permeability host rocks are
ability and strain, as a function o f effective con fin in g pressure during highly permeable structures that act as fluid conduits. How­
deformation o f Carrara marble at room temperature and in the presence
o f argon pore fluid. Relationships at cflcctivc confining pressures o f SO.
ever, with progressive interseismic sealing and loss of perme­
50. and 100 MPa arc illustrated. Confining pressure « 300 MPa; nominal ability, faults can become aquitards until a later slip event
strain ia te= 1 .2 x 1(H s-1 (after Zhang eta)., 100-lb). Accordingly, in active hydrothermal regimes, permeability
is rapidly destroyed unless ongoing deformation regenerates
permeability. Additionally, for permeable fluid pathways to
Competition between deformation-induced permeability develop, the rate o f deformation-induced penneability
enhancement and permeability reduction processes enhancement must be greater than the rate o f permeability
reduction owing to closure and sealing of pores and fractures.
;: At depth in the Earth’s crust, and especially at elevated
tem peratures in active hydrotherm al systems, porosity- E pisodic versus c o n tin u o u s flo w
destruction processes such intergranular cem entation, Com petition between porosity-creation processes and
compaction, and healing and sealing o f fractures can cause porosity-destruction processes in actively deforming rocks
permeability to decrease on timescales that are short rela­ results in a contrast between flow regimes in the upper
tive to the lifetimes o f hydrothermal systems. Penneability crustal seismogenic regime and the lower crustal aseismic
evolution is, therefore, controlled directly by competition regime. At depths below the seismic-aseismic transition
between deformation-induced porosity-creation processes (typically 10-20 km deep), where steady state creep
. and various porosity-destruction processes. processes usually dom inate, a balance between rates of
The structure o f veins in ore systems provide spectacular porosity destruction a n d porosity creation in creeping
evidence o f repeated fracturing and fracture sealing in shear zones is expected to generate quasi-steady state per­
hydrothermal systems. For example, crack-seal microstruc­ meabilities that are higher than those o f the surrounding,
tures in veins (Ramsay, 1980; Cox, 1995) indicate that less rapidly deforming rock mass. This leads to essentially
, macroscopic fractures in some deep hydrothermal regimes continuous fluid flow along actively creeping elements of
/: can open and seal up to several thousand times in the life- shear networks. Creeping faults and shear zones probably
time o f one active vein (Fig. 9b). Similarly, overprinting play a key role in focusing the migration of deeply sourced
Fig. 9. a. Grain-scale crack networks produced in Carrara marble during macroscopically ductile deformation at room
temperature and an effective pressure o f 100 MPa. The shortening direction is paraltet to the micrograph long axis. Inci­
dent light micrograph, b. Quartz-rich extension vein with dark, crack-seal inclusion bands composed o f tourmaline. This
texture indicates multiple episodes o f extcnsional fracturing and fracture-scaling associated with gold mineralization,
Sigma Mine, Val d ’Or, Quebec. Transmitted light micrograph, c. Laminated fault-fill veins indicating multiple episodes
o f fault slip and dilation during gold mineralization. Revenge gold deposit, St Ives goldfield. Eastern Goldfields Province,
Western Australia.

fluids upwards lo the base o f the seismogenic regime. In these structures is inherently influenced by the orientations
contrast, above the seismic-aseismic transition, potentially and relative magnitudes o f stresses in hydrothermal systems.
large, cyclic changes in fault permeability cause episodic The distribution o f these structures is also controlled by fluid
fluid flow. Episodic flow is associated with fluid pressure pressure regimes. This section outlines the critical influence
cycling and episodic fluid redistribution around active o f both fluid pressures and stress states in controlling macro­
faults, and has important implications for the dynamics of scopic fracture growth and associated permeability genera­
flow and reaction in hydrothermal systems in the seismo­ tion in hydrothermal systems. Importantly, macroscopic frac­
genic regime (Cox, 1999; Sibson, 2001). ture systems can develop not only in the brittle upper crust,
but also in the more ductile deeper crust, provided fluid
Principles o f Macroscopic Fracture Formation pressures are high enough.
The development of faults, shear zones, and associated
Types offractures and orientation relationships
fracture arrays plays a key role in controlling the local per­
meability distributions and the macroscopic architecture of with stress fields
fluid pathways in hydrothermal systems. The geometry of Three classes of macroscopic fractures may form during
a regimes during crustal deformadon produce distinctive ori­
entauons of shear fractures (faults) and spatially associated
extension fractures (and veins; Fig. 13). The relative orien­
tations o f faults and extension veins provide one o f the
most powerful ways of determ ining shear sense on struc­
tures that were active during hydrothermal mineralization
(Robertand Poulsen, 2001).
Faults and associated fracture arrays exhibit heteroge­
neous distributions o f fracture apertures and fracture den­
sities at mesoscopic to macroscopic scales. Areas with the
highest apertures a n d /o r fracture densities produce the
highest permeability sites, which localize most fluid migra­
tion if they connect to fluid reservoirs. High fracture aper­
tures a n d densities are typically associated with dilatant
TIME fault bends, stepover regions, or jogs that link approxi-
mately planar segments of faults and shear zones (Figs, l i d
b and 14a). High fracture densities and apertures can also
develop in areas o f com petence contrast (Oliver e t al.,
2001) and during dilation a t fold hinges during flexural
slip folding (Cox e t al., 1991). High fracture permeability
can also localize aro u n d fault term ination zones, where
fault splays, wing cracks, or brecciated regions develop (Fig.
14b). Contractional jogs, as well as dilationa! jogs, can be
sites o f high fracture density, which localize fluid (low and
ore deposition.
T he orientation relationships between shear fractures,
jogs, and slip directions result in the long axis o f jogs devel-
oping approxim ately parallel to the <%orientation (Fig.
14c). This produces a permeability anisotropy favoring flow
parallel to the jo g axis. For reverse and norm al faulting
regimes, extensional and contractional jogs have subhort-
zontal plunges (Fig. 14d). This produces good horizontal
Fig. 10. Schematic illustration o f liinc-cicpcndetu changes in (a) poros­
ity and (b) permeability in fault rocks during the seismic cycle. Sudden fracture connectivity within faults, and may cause ore shoots
permeability enhan cem ent is associated with episodic fault slip (EQ). to have gentle plunges. In contrast, strike-slip regimes pro­
Interscismic pore sealing and compaction reduces permeability between duce jogs with good vertical connectivity that can control
slip events. After Cox (1995). the geometry of steeply plunging ore shoots (Fig. 14d).
Stress magnitudes and fracture formation
brittle deformation: (1 ) pure extension fractures; (2) shear The types o f fractures that control permeability in hydro-
fractures; and (3) hybrid extensional-shear fractures. Mineral thermal systems in the brittle regime are governed by the mag­
filling in each of these fracture types produces veins (Fig. 11). nitudes of stress differences (<T( - <J3). The stress states in rocks,
Any stress field can be resolved into three mutually per­ and the relationships between stress magnitudes, stress differ­
pendicular components, which are known as the maximum ences, fracture type, and fracuire orientation can be illustrated
principal stress (Oj), the intermediate principal stress (o2), by two-dimensional Mohr circle constructions.
and the m inim um principal stress (o3). Pure extension The stresses acting on a plane inclined to O, at an angle
fractures form perpendicular to 0:<and open perpendicu­ a can be resolved into a normal stress (o„) acting perpen­
lar to die fracture wall (Fig. 12a). In intact, isotropic rock, dicular to the plane, and a shear suess (fs) acting parallel to
shear fractures (i.e., faults) tend to form at angles typically the plane (Fig. 15a). The magnitudes o f the normal stress
between 20® and 35® to the orientation o f a ,, such that the and shear stress are given by the relationships,
fault plane contains the orientation o f <r2 (Fig. 12b). Two
conjugate sets o f shear fractures can form, and where devel­ on = l/2(o, + o3) + l/2(o, - a,)-cos 2a (16)
oped, their intersecdon is subparallel to o2. Hybrid extern and
sionai-shear fractures have com ponents o f displacem ent
both parallel and perpendicular to the fracture plane. They r,= 1/2(0, -O t) sin 2a. (17)
form a t angles between 0° and approximately 25° to the <Tt
direction. A M ohr diagram plots on against Ts, and has the geomet­
The orientauons o f the maximum principal stresses asso­ ric property that the normal and shear stresses acting on a
ciated with contractional, extensional, and wrench tectonic plane inclined at angle a to O, are given by the coordinates

Fig. 1 i. Examples o f vein types classified according to fracture modes, a. Pure extension veins; opening direction is
po rjoenclicu lnr to the fracture walls. Mt Lyell. Tasmania. Coin is 2 cm in diameter. I>. Hybrid cxtcnsional-shear vein, with
opening direction inclined to the fracture wall indicated by orientation o f displacement-controlled crack-seal quartz
fibers. This vein is associated with smaller, snbhorizontal extension veins. Mt Lyell. Tasmania c. Gendy left-dipping exten­
sion veins spatially associated with gendy right-slipping fault-fill veins, within dilatant segments o f two faults associated
with gold mineralization. The orientation relationship between the subhorizontal extension veins and the fault veins
indicates that mineralization formed during reverse faulting. Victory gold m ine. St Ives goldfield. Western Australia.
Field o f view is 6 m wide. d. Calcite-Filled dilacintjogs developed on stepovers Iretwcen small, steeply dipping, sinisual
wrench faults. Lcs Matches, Languedoc, France.

of the point P on the perimeter of the circle haring diame­ line BC in Figure 15a. This line specifies the brittle shear ■'M
ter (<Tj - <T3) and center at (<7, + <%)/2 on the normal stress failure strength of the m edium as a function o f norm al 'M
axis (Fig. 15a). This circle is cailed the stress circle (or stress. So, in dry, intact rock, brittle shear failure occurs
Mohr circle). Note that P is on a radius inclined at 2 a to the where and when the M ohr circle (describing the shear
normal stress axis. stress and normal stress state in a rock) contacts the failure
envelope BC. Shear failure may, therefore, be induced by
Brittle shearfailure: U nder fluid-absent conditions, the decreasing <73 a n d /o r increasing the value o f <7j (stress cir­
stress state that causes compressional brittle shear failure cle A in Fig. i5b). Because the angle between die Mohr cir­
(i.e., faulting) in an intact, isotropic medium is approxi­ cle radius (AP) and the normal stress axis is 2a, the angle a
mated by the relationship, between the shear failure plane and the orientation o f the
maximum principal stress is given by the relationship,
T>= C + P ni (1 ®)
a= (90° - arctan fl)/2. (19)
C is the cohesive strength of the medium; and For typical friction coefficients of approximately 0.75,
shear fractures are inclined at approxim ately 27° to (7j.
u is die coefficient o f friction. .....................
This Coulomb shear failure critenon is indicated by the Shear fractures form ed in intact rock and obeying rela-



subvertical extension

Fig. 12. Orientations of fracture types with respect to principal stress C WRENCH FAULT
directions, CT>, and o3. a. Pure extension fractures, b. Conjugate shear
fractures, with sense of shear indicated.

tlonship (19) a re term ed “optimally oriented” faults (Sib-

son, 1985). Activation, o r re-activation, o f misorienecd
structures may also be im portant in controlling fracture
permeability in hydrothermal systems. For example, mts-
priemed faults may develop by rotation away from optimal
orientations with respect to the stress field, due either to
rotation o f stress fields a n d /o r rock masses d uring pro­
gressive deformation. Additionally, preexisting faults, or
o th er mechanical anisotropies such as bedding o r folia­
tion, can also be (re-)activated. Shear (re a c tiv a tio n
occurs when the shear stress on the misoriented plane sat­ Fig. 13. Orientations of faults and associated extension veins relative to
isfies the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion (Fig. I5c). Fig­ the principal stress directions for contraction.!/ (n), extensions! (b), and
u re 15c has been constructed with the cohesive strength, strike-slip (c) tectonic regimes.
C, o f the preexisting fault or anisotropy less than that of
intact rock. Note, however, that rapid sealing o r com­ and shear stress state (Mohr circle) contacts die nonlinear
paction o f gouge on fault slip patches in hydrothermal sys­ part o f the failure envelope at negative (i.c., tensile) nor­
tems may cause some faults to quickly regain cohesive mal stresses. Pitre extension failure occurs where the nor­
strength (Kanagawa et al., 2000). mal stress equals the tensile strength (T) o f the rock (stress
circle C in Fig. I5b). Note that the angle 2 a is zero, as
Extension and hybrid extensional-shearfailure: Extension fail­ expected for extension failure a long the Oj-dg plane, per­
ure a n d extensional shear failure occur if the normal stress pendicular to Gy Hybrid extensional shear failure occurs

Fig. U . a. Geometry of coturactional and dUautnt jogs. b. Wing cracks and coniractional splays developed around
fault icmmauons. c. Geometry of a tUlaiant jog relaiive lo fault slip direction, d. Orientations ofjogs in coniractional,
extension*!, and wrench tectonic refines. High fracture density, aperture, and connectivity along jogs favors high fluid
flux along the jog axis.

w here the stress circle contacts the failure envelope in term s of the M ohr circle representation o f stress
between -T and C (stress circle B in Fig. 15b). states, the role of fluid pressure is to move the stress circle
Bute extension failure only occurs a t relatively small to the left (Fig. 16). Note that although fluid pressure mod­
stress differences, typically less than approximately 4T. For ifies normal stress, it does not influence shear stress.
4T < (CFj - o-\) < 6T, failure occurs in extensional-shear In hydrotherm al regimes, changes in stresses a n d /o r
m ode. Shear failure occurs a t stress differences greater fluid pressures can induce brittle failure. For example, at
than approximately 6T. Because rock tensile strengths are low stress differences, pure extension failure is induced by
typically less (sometimes substantially less) than about 10 increase in fluid pressure (Fig. 16a), provided the effective
MPa, the occurrence of pure extension veins in hydrother- minimum principal stress becomes negative and equal in
ma\ systems indicates stress differences less than 40 MPa magnitude to the tensile strength of the rock. This fluid-dri­
during vein opening (Etheridge, 1083). ven extension fracturing is known as hydraulic extension
fracture. The hydraulic fracture criterion is, thus,
T he role o f fluids
Fluid pressure modifies stress stales at depth in the Pr=<r3 + T. (21)
Earth’s crust. The effect of pore fluid pressure (Pr) is lo
reduce the effective normal stress (<Jn') according to the The abundance of mineral-filled extension fractures in
relationship, many epigenetic ore deposits indicates that tensile effective
stress states, and, thus, fluid pressures greater than <r3, are
< = (20) common in hydrothermal systems. Importantly, equation

Fig. 16. Mohr circte constructions illustrating the effects o f increasing

fluid pressure, by an am ount P(, o n effective stress states and conditions
for failure in intact rock. a. Increasing fluid pressure at low stress differ­
ences results in extension failure, b. Increasing fluid pressure at high stress
differences induces shear failure.

(2 1 ) illustrates how the opening o f hydraulic extension

fractures limits the maximum fluid pressures that may
develop in hydrothermal systems.
An im portant aspect of the role o f fluid pressure in frac­
ture processes is that brittle failure may be induced at any
depth, provided fluid pressures are high enough. Perme­
Fig. 15. a. Mohr diagram and inset illustrating relationship between
principal stresses, shear stress, and normal stress. The normal stress (<7n) ability enhancem ent by fracture growth can occur in
and shear stress ( t5) on a plane inclined at angle a to the orientation o f response to changes in stress difference (i.e., through
the maximum principal stress are given by the coordinates o f the point P changes to Oj a n d /o r <j3), and also by changes in fluid
on a Mohr circle having diameter (or, - er;1) and center at (o’, + a3) / 2 on pressure. This concept is illustrated in Figure 17, which
the norma! stress axis. The curved line -TCB is a typical brittle failure
envelope (modified Griffith-Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion). T is the ten*
plots failure modes as a function o f stress difference and
silc strength o f the rock; the shear failure envelope (CB) is approximated fluid pressure. H ere, fluid pressure is expressed as the
by the relationship t ® C + pr where r is the shear strength, C is the cohc- pore fluid factor (Av), the ratio o f fluid pressure to over­
' sive strength, jA is the coefficient o f friction, and Cn is the normal stress. burden stress (<rv). The pore fluid factors and stress differ­
Note that shear strength is dependent on normal stress. Stress states to the ences leading to failure in extensional, extensional-shear,
right o f the failure envelope do not result in brittle failure, b. Mohr dia­
gram illustrating Mohr circles for (A) shear failure (faulting), (B) hybrid and shear modes are plotted for a strike-slip regim e at a
cxtcnsional shear, and (C) pure extension failure o f intact rock. c. Mohr depth of 3 km. From some ambient stress state, failure can
diagram illustrating stress conditions for reactivation o f a nonoplimally be induced either by increasing the pore fluid factor along
oriented, Iqw cohesion, shear failure plane (c.g., preexisting fault, or foil* the trajectories such as Q a n d S (Fig. 17) without changing
ation/bedding anisotropy) inclined at angle (i to the maximum principal
stress: Note that when the shear failure envelope (AB) for a preexisting
the absolute stress state (an example o f purely fluid-driven
: mechanical weakness lies below the failure envelope for intact rock, the failure), or by maintaining a constant pore fluid factor and
preexisting structure may be preferentially reactivated. increasing the stress difference (e.g., trajectory P), or some
strike-slip faulting, depth * 3 km (Nguyen et al., 1998) that cannot be ascribed to repeated
fluctuations in tem perature and depth. They are instead
related to fluctuations in shear stress and fluid pressure asso­
ciated with episodic fault slip and fault-valve behavior in
shear zones (Sibson et al., 1988; Sibson, 2001). Changes in
deformation style, caused by changes in fluid pressure states,
are a key factor influencing deformation style, the nature of
permeability, and pervasiveness of flow and alteration.
For example, in die shcan-hostcd Revenge gold deposit in
the St. Ives Goldfield (Eastern Goldfields Province, Yilgarn
craton, Western Australia), Au-mineralized shear zones
exhibit initial brittle shear failure, subsequent mixed brit­
tle-ductile behavior, and finally, fully brittle behavior during
progressive hydrothermal alteration (Nguyen etal., 1998).
Initial fluid flow was controlled by macroscopic shear frac­
ture at pore factors near one, that is, near-lithostadc fluid
pressures (Fig. 18a). Progressive potassic alteration o f
Fig. 17. Failure mode diagram illustrating how changes in stress differ­ metabasalt and m etadolerite host-rocks produced weaker,
ence and fluid pressure (expressed as pore fluid factor; sec text for expla­ biotite-rich alteration assemblages. Reduced plastic shear
nation) lead to brittle failure. Reids for pure extension, extcnsional-shcar.
and shear failure are indicated for a strike-slip regime at a depth o f 3 km. strength, due to reaction-weakening, induced a transition to
A failure envelope (AB) is indicated for intact rock with cohesive strength ductile deformation (Fig. 18b). In this deformation regime,
o f 10 MPa. Failure occurs when the pore fluid factor an d /or stress differ­ fluid flow was controlled by permeability enhancem ent asso­
ence increase to touch the failure envelope AB. Trajectory P leads to shear ciated with grain-scale dilatancy and reaction-enhanced
failure at constant fluid pressure with increasing shear stress. Trajectory R
leads to shear failure by increase in both fluid pressure and stress differ­
porosity. Repeated brittle slip events occurred during ongo­
en ce. Trajectories S and Q lead to shear failure and extension failure, ing ductile deformation, and were associated with formation
respectively, by pore fluid pressure increase alone. of breccias and laminated fault-fill veins in dilatant bends
and jogs. Episodic fast seismic (?) slip events are interpreted
to have been driven by increasing pore fluid factors during
com bination of both stress and fluid pressure increase individual fault-valve cycles. Each brittle shear failure event
(e.g., trajectory R). was preceded by an interval of interseismic ductile shear at
Fluid-driven failure is extremely important in generating lower pore fluid factors (Fig. 18b). Sodic metasomatism late
fauk/fracturc networks in hydrothermal systems in both in the hydrothermal history produced localized albite-rich
the upper and lower crust, provided fluid pressures are assemblages, which resulted in reaction-strengthening and a
high enough (Sibson, 1996; Cox, 1999). A significant late transition back to fully brittle behavior and macroscopic
aspect of fluid-driven fracturing is that, even without fracture-controlled fluid flow (Fig. 18c).
changes in the stresses acting on a previously nondeform­
ing rock medium, infiltration o f high-pressure fluids can Implications of stress and fluid pressure regimes for
localization offracturing, fluid flow, and mineralization
drive the spontaneous growth of fractures. The orientations
of these fractures are controlled by the orientation of the Fluid pressure regimes in the crust are controlled to a
principal stresses, magnitudes of the stress differences, and first o rder by permeability and fluid driving pressures. In
geometry of any preexisting mechanical anisotropies in the the upper few kilometers o f the continental crust, where
rock mass. fracture and pore connectivity is high, pore fluid pressures
are generally close to hydrostatic. At deeper levels, where
Effects of stress and fluid pressure on transitions pore sealing and collapse are more rapid, loss of long-term
between failure modes pore connectivity results in fluid pressures increasing
Particularly in hydrothermal systems form ed at mid- towards Uthostatic levels. Deeper level fluid reservoirs are
crustal depths (e.g., some mesothermal gold systems), fluid accordingly suprahydrostatically pressured. Tapping of
flow, hydrothermal alteration, and mineralization are con­ these reservoirs by active and permeable faults, fractures,
trolled by faults and shear zones that exhibit mixed brit­ and shear zones provides transient pathways for rapid
tle-plastic behavior. First order transitions between brittle upwards migration of fluids under high driving pressure
and plastic behavior in the crust are commonly ascribed to gradients. Fluid discharge from the upper levels of these
the effects of increasing tem perature and confining pres­ structures can generate overpressured dom ains at these
sure (with increasing depth) inhibiting brittle deformation sites (Fig. 1), especially if die fluid discharge zone is capped
and promoting the operation of thermally activated defor­ by a low-permeability dom ain. Fluid-driven growth of
m ation processes such as dislocation creep and diffu- fault/fracture systems is more favored as pore fluid factors
sional/advcctive mass transfer processes. However, shear progressively increase above hydrostatic levels (Fig. 19).
zones in some mesothermal gold systems exhibit evidence An example o f localized fluid pressurization and associ­
for repeated transitions between brittle and plastic behavior ated mineralization is provided by the development of the
swarm o f subhorizontal extension veins which hosts tung­
sten mineralization at Panasqueira in Portugal (Foxford et
aL, 2000). The vein swarm in this deposit developed above a
granitoid stock in a subhorizontal, lenticular domain which
is less than 200 m thick. The veins are interpreted to have
grown where fluid m igrating up from the stock became
trapped below a low permeability zone and developed a
supralithostatic-pressured domain of hydraulic fracturing
(i.e., Pf = c%+ T). Because extension veining at Panasqueira
is no t associated with faulting, stress differences are inferred
to have been low. The thickness o f the veined domain is con­
trolled by the limited depth interval over which supralitho-
stadc fluid pressures developed above die stock.
The Bendigo goldfield in central Victoria, Australia, pro­
vides an example o f where the structure of low penneabil-
ity stratigraphic units may have localized the distribution of
high pore fluid factor sites and associated vein gold
deposits. The Bendigo goldfield occurs in the regional cul­
m ination zone o f a series o f doubly-plunging folds. Addi­
tionally, most fault-related and vein-related gold deposits in
the area are located in and near saddle reefs in the hinges
of anticlines. High pore fluid factors, associated hydraulic
fracturing, and veining at Bendigo are interpreted to have
been controlled by fluid migration to the structurally high­
est levels beneath folded, low-permeability stratigraphic
seals (C oxetal., 1991).
At the Porgera gold deposit in Papua New Guinea, early
hydrotherm al alteration, fluid flow, and low-grade, dis­
persed mineralization was associated with pervasive grain-
scale and fracture-controlled flow around a mafic intrusive
complex (Munroe, 1995). Early in the development o f the
hydrotherm al system, stress differences were not high
enough to generate faults, but high pore fluid factore pro­
duced extension veins. Subsequent growth o f a fault across
the active, intrusive-related hydrothermal system was asso­
ciated with a rotation o f the stress Held and increase in
stress difference (Cox and Munroe, 1999). The increase in
stress difference, together with high pore fluid factors,
drove the growth of a fault and its associated high-perme­
ability damage zone, which tapped deeper level hydrother­
STRESS DIFFERENCE, MPa mal fluids. Localization of fluid flow within the fault and its
F ig. 18. Failure m ode diagrams illustrating brittle and plastic failure damage zone led to the formation of a very high grade gold
envelopes as a function o f pore fluid factor and stress difference. The dia­ deposit around the fault. This contrasts with the early min­
gram is constructed for optimally oriented reverse faulting at a depth o f 12 eralization which is more dispersed and not spatially associ­
km in rock with a cohesive strength o f 10 MPa, tensile strength o f 5 MPa. ated with faulting.
and, friction coefficient 0.73. Fluid pressure and stress changes associated
with fnult-valve behavior may produce episodic transitions between no
Competence contrasts within rock masses also control
deformation, ductile shear failure, brittle shear failure, and brittle exten­ localization of fracturing (see also Oliver et al., 2001). For
sion failure at various phases o f the seismic cycle. The failure envelope is example, where strong rock masses occur within a weaker
indicated by the curve PQRST. Ductile shear failure occurs for fluid pres­ matrix, with boundaries oriented at a high angle to the short­
sure and stress states in die interval ST; brittle shear failure occurs between ening direction, viscous or frictional drag along the contacts
S and R; cxtcnsional-shcar occurs between R and Q; and extensionn! fail­
ure occurs in the interval PQ. a. Brittle shear failure at point B induced by-
reduces the minimum principal stress in the competent rock
increase in stress difference and fluid pressure, b. Reaction-weakening unit. As fluid pressures build-up, hydraulic extension frac­
decreases the ductile shear strength (ST), so that increase in stress differ­ ture or shear failure (depending on stress difference) occurs
en ce and fluid pressure leads firstly to ductile shear failure (ascismic first in the zone of decreased minimum effective principal
creep) at point B, followed by brittle shear failure at point S, in response to
stress in the com petent rock unit. Examples include the
progressive increase in pore fluid factor, c. Latc-stagc reaction-hardening
increases ductile shear strength, so that failure occurs by brittle shear fail­ development of mesothermal Au-mineralized extension vein
ure at high stress differences, or extension failure occurs nt low stress dif­ arrays in dolerite in the Mt Charlotte orebodies at Kalgoorlie
ferences and high pore fluid factors. (Clout et al., 1990); ladder vein systems in dikes, such as at
a surface


Fig. 19, Localization o f fluid-driven failure controlled by depth-dependence o f stresses and fluid pressure, a. Upwards,
head-driven fluid flow in a fault, which taps an overpiessurcd fluid reservoir. Fluid discharge at the downstream end o f
the fault drives fluid pressure build-up beneath a low permeability leaky seal zone. W here stress differences are low,
hydraulic extension fracture arrays can form in the domain where Pf > a 3 + T. For higher stress differences, britde shear
failure can occur where Pf < + T. b. Schematic profile o f fluid pressure as a function o f depth (solid line XY) for the
fault-controlled flow system illustrated in (a). Depth dependence o f fluid pressures equivalent to hydrostatic and (crs +
T) levels shown for comparison. For low stress differences (<J( - <4T ), hydraulic extension fracturing occurs where P(
■ cr3 + T. At higher stress differences, shear failure may occur at lower fluid pressures.

Wood’s Reef, Victoria (Clappison, 1954; Edwards, 1954), and For T{greater than or equal to 0, shear failure will occur;
at Lamaque, Quebec (Robert, 1990); and gold-bearing vein for rf less than 0, shear failure will not occur. This parame­
systems hosted within dikc-like, competent felsic intrusions ter is the same as the Coulomb stress param eter used to
in the St Ives goldfield in Western Australia. predict locations o f aftershocks triggered by stress transfer
In the seismogenic regime, fluid pressure and shear after major earthquakes (King et al., 1994; Stein, 1999).
stress cycling associated with fault-valve behavior potentially Similarly, the growth o f hydraulic extension fractures will
lead to complex, but cyclically repeated changes to pore occur where and when
fluid factors and stresses (Sibson, 2001). Time ancl space
variations in pore factors, shear stress, and normal stress are Pf > ff3 + T. (24)
the main parameters influencing the timing and location of
episodic fracture, and distribution of high-permeability T hat is, where and when fluid pressure is highest, c;* is
zones within hydrothermal systems. least, or tensile strength is least (Cox et ah, 1987).
According to Coulomb failure criteria, brittle shear fail­ Understanding how stress and fluid pressure states vary in
ure occurs where and when shear stress rs is greater than a rock mass has important implications for predicting local­
the rock shear strength; that is, where ization o f fluid flow and ore deposition in hydrothermal sys­
tems. The use of Coulomb failure criteria to predict where
rs > C + M ^ - P t). (22) deformation-induced flow paths can form requires a knowl­
edge of the variation of shear stress, normal stress, fluid pres­
Proximity to shear failure can, thus, be described by a sure, friction coefficients, and cohesive strengths in rock
tim e-dependent param eter, Tp which is the difference masses in three dimensions, over time. Numerical modeling
between the shear stress and the shear strength. Thus, approaches such as that by Holyland and Ojala (1997) used
two-dimensional and three-dimensional linear elastic defor­
Tf=Ts_ C -/i(< rn - P f). (23) mation modeling to predict where minimum mean stresses
or effective minimum principal stresses occur. However, cient connectivity to create networks that link fluid source
equation (23) illustrates that these approaches are highly rocks and ore deposition sites. Percolation theory (Sahimi,
simplified and might not adequately treat all the important 1994) provides useful insights about the evolution of
parameters controlling “proximity to failure.” In pardcular, hydraulic connectivity and the partitioning of fluid flow
potential spatial variations in fluid pressures need to be mod­ amongst elem ents of a network of relatively perm eable
eled. Modeling strategies, used to assist prediction of where structures in an otherwise low-permeability medium
fluid flow and mineralization may be localized, need to treat (Berkowitz, 1995; Cox and Knackstcdt, 1999).
coupling between stress and fluid pressure, as well as poten­ In the same way as for grain-scale pore networks, macro­
tial time and space variations in stress states associated with scopic percolation networks, comprising faults, fractures,
stress relief, stress transfer, and fluid pressure fluctuations and shear zones, can be described in terms of three types of
during the seismic cycle. This is a fertile field for further elements: backbone, dangling, and isolated elements (Fig.
development. 20a). Backbone elements provide a direct connection from
An example of potendal feedbacks between deformation, one side of the system to the other (e.g., metal source reser­
effective stress states, and permeability in controlling ore voir to ore deposit) and carry the bulk of the fluid flux. Dan­
localization is provided by the distribution of some gling elements, also known as dead-end elements, branch
fault/shear-hosted mesothermal gold deposits around shear from the flow backbone and act as fluid feeders to the back­
systems. Archean mesothermal deposits are typically located bone in the upstream part of the system, or as distributary or
within low displacement faults, shear zones, and associated discharge structures in the downstream part o f the system.
fracture systems adjacent to larger, crustal-scale fault systems Isolated elements are disconnected from both the backbone
(Robert et al., 1995; Cox, 1999). Timing, spatial, and kine­ and dangling elements in the network, and are, therefore,
matic relationships between low-clisplacement and high-dis- low-flux sunctures not connected to fluid reservoirs.
placement structures indicate that many of the low-displace­ At very low bulk crustal strains, most of the faults or shears
ment faults, shear zones, and fracture networks that host Au in a deforming domain will be short, isolated structures. With
deposits probably formed as aftershock structures in response increasing deformation, active faults and shears increase in
to slip events on major faults. Co-seismic stress transfer is a length and surface area; new structures also nucleate and
major factor controlling the locadon of aftershock activity grow so that fault connectivity increases with strain. A critical
(Stein, 1999). Accordingly, fluid invasion of slipped fault seg­ point, known as the percolation threshold (Sahimi, 1994), is
ments, the consequent decrease in effeedve stresses, and reached when enough elements connect to allow fluid flow
fluid-driven failure after major slip events, may act together across the entire width o f the network. Reaching die percola­
with mainshock-related stress transfer in localizing growth of tion threshold corresponds to the sudden onset o f flow. The
low-displaccment structures, high fluid flux, and mineraliza­ point at which the percolation threshold is reached is depen­
tion that produces mesothermal gold systems. d en t on several factors including strain accommodated by
growth o f permeable faults, fractures, and shear zones, as well
Evolution o f Flow Pathways during Deformation
as by fracture geometries and relative rates o f fracture growth
and nucleation (Zhang and Sanderson, 1994; An and Sam-
Localization o f deformation and flow
mis, 1996; Roberts et al., 1998).
The strain distribution associated with crustal deformation Partitioning o f flow among elements o f a fracture/shear
is typically very heterogeneous, with higher strains and asso­ network is dependent on the relative proportions o f back­
ciated permeability enhancem ent being localized along bone, dangling, and isolated elements (Cox and Knackst-
structures such as faults and shear zones. The significance of edt, 1999). Just above the percolation threshold, the flow
active fracture networks in controlling fluid migration is illus­ backbone is a very small fraction o f the total network, but
trated by analytical solutions and numerical modeling stud­ most of the flow is localized along this part o f the system
ies of two-dimensional flow patterns around high-permeabil­ (Fig. 20b). At higher strains the proportion o f elem ents
ity zones in a less permeable matrix (Phillips, 1991; Matthai that are p art o f the backbone progressively increases, so
and Roberts, 1997; Taylor et al., 1999). For permeable struc­ that flow becomes progressively m ore evenly distributed
tures inclined at low angles to the regional gradient of across the system as m ore faults or shears becom e con­
hydraulic head, fluid focusing occurs around the higher nected to each other and to fluid reservoirs.
pressure (upstream) levels of shear zones, whereas fluid dis­ At low displacements, all fracture segments are isolated
charge occurs in the lower pressure (downstream) levels o f from one another and the fluid reservoir. The percolation
shear zones (Fig. l).T h e dimensions of fluid charge regions threshold is reached when approximately 30 percent o f the
are comparable to the dimensions o f the high-permeability sites are occupied. For the three-dimensional fault configu­
segments o f faults and shear zones. Importantly, shears ration illustrated in Figure 20b, and using typical
inclined at high angles to the regional hydraulic head gradi­ length/displacem ent scaling relationships for faults
en t are much less effective at focusing fluid flow. (Scholz, 1990), the percolation threshold is reached at bulk
strains o f only a few percent. For three-dimensional perco­
Development ofpercolation networks in hydrothermal systems
lation, flow pathways can be very tortuous and produce
; Fracture/shear-controlled hydrothermal systems develop point-like distribution o f high fluid flux sites along
where and when linked permeable structures develop suffi­ restricted segments of faults and shear zones (Fig. 21). This
a jfj
tures, which link fluid sources and sinks. This situation max­
imizes fluid/rock ratios in die fluid-accessible parts of perco­
lation networks, and therefore maximizes the potential for
§cc generation of “giant” ore deposits. In conuast, for hydrother­
0 mal systems well above the percolation threshold, fluid flow
3UJ is distributed over a larger proportion of die fracture popu­
1 lation. This more dispersed flow is likely to produce more
o distributed, potentially lower grade mineral deposits.
An example of this control could be provided by the typ­
ical distribution o f m ajor mesothermal gold deposits, or
I clusters o f deposits, along a small proportion of the total
population of kinematically related (and thereby broadly
co-active) faults and shear zones (Cox, 1999). This distribu­
tion indicates dial most fluid flow is localized along a small
num ber o f active structures, and, therefore, that the
fau lt/sh e ar networks that successfully generate m ajor
mesothermal lode gold systems have operated near die per­
colation threshold during ore genesis. Some poi*phyiy-type
b systems, where flow occurs through dense and highly inter­
connected fracture networks (e.g., Haynes and Titley,
1980), may be deposit-scale examples o f flow systems well
above the percolation threshold.
At any instant, hydraulic connecdvity in a network is
dependent upon which parts of the system are actively frac­
turing (and hence permeable). For example, as deforma-
don migrates through a shear system, not all parts o f a geo­
metrically connected and kinematically linked network of
faults and shear zones are active. So, the locus of fluid flow
will be transient and m igrates with active deform ation
through the system. In thrust systems, where new thrusts
FRACTION OF TOTAL SITES commonly nucleate progressively deeper into the footwall
OCCUPIED o f previously active thrust sheets, the locus o f fluid flow will
migrate towards the foreland widi time.
Fig. 20. a. Schematic two dimensional representation o f a fault/fracturc Particularly in the middle to upper crustal seismogenic
network consisting o f isolated dem ents, dangling dem ents, and the back­
regime, rapid changes in permeability in fault networks on
bone structure. Most flow is localized along the flow backbone. Dangling
elements in the upstream (lower, in this ease) part o f the system feed fluid timescales o f seismic slip recurrence can also lead to sud­
to the backbone o f the system, whereas dangling elements o f the network den changes in the location and architecture o f flow back­
in the downstream (upper) pait o f the system act as fluid discharge sites, b. bones, unless m ost displacem ent is also localized on the
Fraction o f isolated, dangling, and backbone sites as a function o f total fluid flow backbone.
number o f sites for the three-dimensional ease o f conjugate fractures or
faults inclined at -15s to die bulk flow direction (after Cox and Knackstcdt. Self-organization o f flow networks
It was noted earlier that the distribution o f mesothermal
gold deposits along a small proportion of die total popular
factor will act together with variations in fracture densities don o f kinematically related and co-active faults or shear
and apertures to control flow distribution. zones may indicate that these systems develop m ost effec­
Several points emerge directly from percolation model­ tively in percolation networks that operated close to their
ing. Firstly, th e result that the percolation threshold is percolation threshold. This raises a question: do some
reached at bulk strains o f only a few percent indicates that processes maintain fault/fracture/shear networks near the
fracture-controlled hydrothermal systems and associated percolation threshold? Such behavior is a manifestation o f
ore deposits can develop at very low strains. High-displace- "self-organized criticality,” a term used to describe processes
m eiu structures and large regional strains are not necessary which hold complex o r disordered systems near their critical
to facilitate high fluid fluxes. In this regard, small strains point (e.g., percolation threshold). Many natural processes
during the initial stages of changes in plate kinematics may such as slope failure in sandpiles and earthquake rupturing
be im portant in developing new fracture systems that tap events exhibit self-organized behavior (Bak, 1997).
into previously inaccessible fluid reservoirs. In the seismogenic regime, interseismic fault scaling can
Secondly, for networks just above the percolation thresh­ repeatedly drive networks back below the percolation
old, where the backbone is a very small proportion o f the threshold after rupture events, so that on the lifetime o f the
total fault population, flow is localized on relatively few struc­ hydrothermal system the network may oscillate about the

Fig. 21. Three-dimensional flow paths associated with flow through part o f a network of intersecting fractures or faults
ju s t above th e percolation threshold. Fluid enters the network at the bottom and follows a tortuous path (shown in
black) to higher structural levels. Three-dimensional flow near the percolation threshold produces a point-like distrib­
ution o f high flux in map view.

percolation threshold. However, other factors may also lead Such extreme fluid focusing generates high potential for
to self-organization in hydrothermal systems. formation o f giant ore deposits.
The network m odeling described above assumed that,
although elements o f a percolation network nucleate ran­ Ore deposition in percolation networks
domly, all elements grow at the same rate. In cases where In many cases, ore deposition is controlled by processes
fracture systems connect to an overpressured fluid reser­ such as (1) fluid mixing, (2) fluid-rock reaction, (3) phase
voir, invasion of high-pressure fluids along fluid-accessing separation driven by sudden fluid pressure drop, and (4)
elements of the network may preferentially weaken these gradients in pressure and tem perature (Skinner, 1997).
elements and dramatically enhance their growth rates rela­ O re deposition is dep en d en t on structurally controlled
tive to elements isolated from fluid reservoirs. This occurs delivery o f fluids to appropriate reaction sites. These
through the effects o f high fluid pressures promoting fail­ processes operate with different effectiveness in different
ure and reaction-softening processes. Accordingly, con­ parts of percolation networks.
nected elements can slip and grow at much faster rates than Isolated elements of percolation networks have the low­
isolated elements. The fluid-driven growth, or “self-genera­ est fluid flux and, therefore, have minimal ore potential in
tion” (Sibson, 1996), o f percolation networks in response hydrothermal systems. The ore potential of backbone and
to invasion o f overpressurized fluid, therefore, provides a dangling elements depends on the nature o f the ore depo­
positive feedback between fluid access and fracture growth sition reactions, and whether the site is in the upstream o r
rate. This may localize repeated slip and fluid flow on the downstream part o f the system.
flow backbone that form s at the percolation threshold. Most flow occurs along the network backbone. Even
Fluid-driven network growth may well lead some hydrother­ though they are high-flux sites, flow backbones are unlikely
mal systems to self-organize near the percolation threshold. to be sites o f substantial fluid-rock interaction o r fluid mix-
mg away from their upstream o r downstream terminations. fault termination zones (wing cracks and splays) and fault
However, backbone sites do provide potential for ore depo­ intersections, form structural sites with high potential for
sition in response to tem perature and pressure gradients. localizing fluid flow.
Backbone elements also have the potential for sudden fluid T he macroscopic fluid pathways in fracture-controlled
pressure drops (and associated phase separation) caused by hydrothermal systems are influenced by the evolving con­
co-seismic dilatancy associated with large slip on these struc­ nectivity among elements of fracture/fault/shear networks
tures in the seismogenic regime. The potential for ore during progressive deform ation. The most extreme flow
deposition involving fluid-rock reaction is dependent on localization and greatest potential for ore localization
the grain-scale pervasiveness of flow. Especially during flow occurs at the onset of system-wide fluid flow, when the sys­
along macroscopic fractures, fluid migrating along the flow tem reaches the percolation threshold. Percolation thresh­
backbone has limited interaction with the fracture walls. olds may be reached at bulk strains as low as a few percent.
However, where flow is controlled by grain-scale dilatancy, Systems well above die percolation threshold are associated
such as in cataclasite o r ductile shear zone materials, fluid- with m ore dispersed fluid flow, and may provide lower
rock reaction can occur along the flow path. potential for ore formation.
High potential for fluid-rock reaction is provided in the
downstream parts of percolation networks, where fluids dis­
charge from active structures into die surrounding, perme­ This work was funded partly by a g ran t from the Aus­
able rock medium. Fluid discharge from the downstream tralian Research Council, as well as by support from the
termination of the flow backbone (Fig. 1), or from down­ Research School o f Earth Sciences and WMC Resources
stream dangling members o f the network, promotes fluid- Ltd. R. Henley, S. Munroe, P. Nguyen, K- Ruming, R. Sib-
rock interaction. Similarly, this part o f the flow network son, W. Stone, J. Streit, and S. Zhang all provided valuable
generates potential for fluid mixing if deeply derived fluids discussion about ore systems and fluid flow in rock media.
discharging from the network interact with shallow-level KA. Foxford is thanked for providing a preprint. The con­
fluid reservoirs already present in the discharge regime, as structive review comments o f M. Jebrak and S. Temperley,
may be the case for many types of porphyry-type and as well as the editorial contributions o f J. Richards, are also
epithermal systems. greatly appreciated.
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Society of Economic Geologists
Reviews v. H , 2001, p. 25— 50

Chapter 2

Seism ogenic Framework for Hydrothermal Transport and Ore Deposition

Richard H . S ibson *
D epartm ent o f Geology, U niversity o f O tago, P.O. B o x 5 6 , N ew Z ea la n d

A further result attending the disturbances o f the surface of the Earth has been to produce rents
or Fissures in the rocks which have been subjected to these violent movements, and to convert
them into receptacles o f metallic ores accessible by the labors of man. The greater part of metal­
liferous veins o r ig in a te d in enormous cracks and crevices, penetrating irregularly and obliquely
d o w n w a rd s to a n u n k n o w n depth, and resembling the rents and chasms which are produced by
m o d e r n e a rth q u a k e s .
— VV! B u ckla n d , 1 8 3 6 (w ritin g o n th e “a d va n ta g eo u s effect o f
distuvbingforces in g iv in g origin to m ineral v e in s’")

Fault motion in th e upper c o n tin e n ta l crust is accommodated principally by earthquake rupturing
within a seismogenic z o n e w h o se base, depending on composition, generally lies in the 300° to 450°C
tem perature range. R u p tu r e in itia tio n , propagation, and termination within this zone arc affected by
structural and rh e o lo g ic a l irregularities. Sawtooth accumulation and release of shear stress on the seis­
mogenic structures leads to cy clin g o f both shear and mean stress (affecting fluid content) throughout
the surrounding rock m ass, w ith significant fluid redistribution throughout the aftershock phase follow­
ing large earthquakes. S tr u c tu r a l permeability in such regions is intrinsically dynamic: episodic creation
of permeability a c c o m p a n y in g seismic slip and fracturing is counteracted by the development o f low-per­
meability fault gouge and hydrothermal cementation, so that flow systems are modulated by intercoupled
stress and permeability cycling. Because criteria for all modes o f brittle failure and fault reshcar depend
o n fluid pressure as well as tectonic stress, a variety o f mechanisms may link fluid redistribution to
episodic faulting and fracturing. Stress changes accompanying large-scale rupturing on established faults
redistribute fluids through sul>$idiary fracture networks during aftershock periods, but packages of over-
pressured fluid migrating through stressed crust may also create new structural permeability by distrib­
uted brittle failure, generating earthquake swarms.
T he fluid pressure state at different crustal levels is critical to the formation and preservation o f void
space. Fluid overpressuring above hydrostatic values is generally easier to sustain in compressional tec­
tonic regimes, but maximum sustainable overpressure in any particular setting depends not only on the
intrinsic permeability o f the rock mass but also on the tectonic stress state and existing fault architecture.
Large-scale hydrothermal flow through low-permeability rocks is often channeled within dilatant mesh
structures o f interlinked shear and extension fractures. These fault-fracture meshes can form and reacti­
vate only u n d er low effective stress ( o f < 0, o rP f > o f ) in the absence o f throughgoing low-cohesion faults
that are well oriented for frictional reactivation. High-flux flow o f this kind can, therefore, occur only
u nder special structural circumstances. In extensional-transtensional tectonic regimes, dilatant meshes
can be m aintained under hydrostatic fluid pressures in the shallow crust to depths dependent on rock
tensile strength, defining the cpizonal environment for mineralization. However, at all depths within
compressional-transpressional regimes, development o f fault-fracture meshes involves hydrothermal flu­
ids overpressured to ncar-lithostatic values. In particular, mesozonal lode mineralization requires the ac­
cumulation and interm ittent high-flux discharge of strongly overpressured fluids in the midcrust, most
commonly around the base o f the continental seismogenic zone.
Im portant precipitation mechanisms linked to intermittent seismic slip include the suction-pump mech­
anism arising from rapid slip transfer across dilational faultjogs and bends, and various forms of fault-valve
action where ruptures transect boundaries to overpressured portions of the crust. These mechanisms in­
duce abrupt localized reduction in fluid pressure at specific structural sites, triggering phase s e rra tio n
and hydrothermal precipitation throughout the postseismic period o f readjustment (aftershock phase).
However, renewal o f fault-fracture permeability may also lead to episodic mixing of fluids derived from dif­
ferent sources. For example, each fault-valve discharge may promote precipitation through the mixing of

♦E-mail, Rick.Sib$
originally deep, hot, overpressured fluids of mctamorphic a n d /o r magmatic origin with colder fluids cir­
culating in the near-surface hydrostatic regime.
Regional episodes o f fluid redistribution are likely to accompany major tectonic transitions (c.g., tec­
tonic inversion) because o f changes in the stress state and sustainable levels of fluid overpressure, and an
inherited architecture o f faults poorly oriented for slip in the new stress field. Evidence o f structural
channeling in such settings reveals interesting comparisons between the flow paths of hydrothermal and
hydrocarbon fluids.

Introduction tectonic stress field (Barton et al., 1995). Thus, processes of

fluid redistribution in the vicinity of faults, if not directly dri­
St u d ie s o f exhumed fault zones provide abundant evidence ven, seem likely to be strongly modulated by stress and per­
for their role as fluid conduits at all crustal levels (McCaig, meability cycling tied to the earthquake stress cycle (Fig. 1).
1997; Parry, 1998), but from the viewpoint of mineralization Different fluid flow regimes are, therefore, expected to
the key problem is to identify the specific conditions that prevail in intraplate regions, where seismic activity is low, in
promote focused, large-flux flow at specific sites (Cox et al., comparison with seismically active plate boundaries. In (he
2001). A large proportion of hydrothermal mineral deposits former, steady flow systems may develop under a relatively
are associated with faults and allied fracture systems that constant intraplate stress field. In the latter, seismic failure
were active in the upper, seismogcnic crust, although it is along m ajor fault systems, with episodic regeneration of
notable that the hosting faults are often comparatively low- structural permeability coupled to stress cycling in the sur­
displacement features (Knopf, 1929; McKinstry, 1948). Solu­ rounding crust, leads to cyclical modulation o f flow systems
bility criteria, incremental vein textures, and the need for (Sibson, 1994). This contribution discusses dynamic
rapid transport between different P-T-X environments to processes of fluid redistribution coupled to the earthquake
promote instability and localized precipitation suggest that stress cycle that may induce mineral precipitation at specific
mineralization generally results from multiple transient structural sites through dramatic reductions in fluid pressure
episodes of rapid flow (Henley and Berger, 2000). This, cou­ a n d /o r fluid mixing. In terms o f basic exploration practice,
pled with structural evidence that mineralization was synk- it emphasizes the importance o f identifying (1 ) the tectonic
inematic, developing in the same tectonic stress field as the stress regime and mode o f faulting, (2) the structural geom­
hosting faults, has led many workers over the years to postu­ etry related to fault irregularities, (3) the level in the crust,
late a relationship between episodes o f hydrothermal pre­ and (4) the fluid pressure state at the time of mineralization.
cipitation and seismic slip increments (e.g., Buckland, 1836;
Seismogenic Crust
Hulin, 1925; Knopf, 1929; Newhouse, 1942; Robert and
Brown, 1986; Cox, 1995). Earthquakes in the shallow crust arise from frictional
O ur understanding of the relationship between fault instability with ruptures propagating over p a rt o r all o f a
structure and earthquake activity hits improved greatly over fault surface (Scholz, 1998). Earthquake m agnitude (M)
the past three decades through the development o f high- increases with rupture dimension (L) and rupture area (A =
density seismograph networks and improved location tech­ L2), and the am ount o f slip (u) averaged over the rupture
niques (e.g., Hill etal., 1990). Paramount is the recognition surface. Scaling relationships have been established on the
that away from subduction interfaces, earthquakes are gen­ basis o f the near-constancy of earthquake stress drops allow­
erally confined to the upper half of deforming continental ing approximate correlations to be made between M, L, and
crust and that earthquake rupturing, involving frictional A and Cl (Table 1). In any active region, the statistical distri­
reactivation of existing faults, is die predominant means of bution o f different sized earthquakes follows a power law
accom m odating fault slip within the upper seismogenic relationship such that earthquake frequency increases by
crust. Additionally, modem seismotcctonic analyses employ­ about a factor of 10 for every unit decrease in magnitude.
ing focal mechanism studies have given us a far better pic­ Also shown in Table 1 is the relative seismic wave energy
ture of the styles and patterns o f fauldng that occur in dif­ release with respect to an Ml earthquake, estimated from
ferent tectonic settings. Direct evidence of fluid involvement the Giuenberg-Richtcr relationship (wave energy increases
with shallow crustal earthquakes comes from observations of by a factor o f -32 for every unit increase in magnitude). It
substantial postseismic discharge in the vicinity o f some follows that, although small earthquakes are highly numer­
active faults (Muir-Wood and King, 1993), and recent geo­ ous com pared with large ones, the energy released as a
chemical studies suggest a very large CO., flux through the whole by small events tends to be insignificant compared
San Andreas fault system (Kennedy et al., 1997). In addi­ with that released by die largest events in a region.
tion, theoretical and laboratory studies emphasize the cou­
pling of stress and fluid pressure conditions in fault and Continental seismogenic zone
fracture formation and in the reactivation of existing struc­ Away from areas o f active subduction, where thermal and
tures, and there is accumulating evidence that active struc­ fluid pressure regimes are strongly perturbed (e.g., Hase-
tural pemieability in the crust is controlled by the prevailing gawa e t al., 1994), m icroearthquake activity (M < 3) is
sequences, sometimes with premonitory foreshocks. Recur­
rence intervals between successive mainshocks typically
range from decades to many thousands of years, depending
on the level o f fault activity. These larger earthquakes tend
to nucleate towards the bottom o f the microseismically
defined seismogenic zone (Fig. 2) with the ruptures propa­
gating either unilaterally o r bilaterally as well as upwards,
typically at around the shear wave velocity of ~3 km /s. As a
general rule, only M > 6 ruptures break through to the
Earth’s surface to produce a surface rupture trace. Seismo-
logical and geodetic studies coupled with analyses of sur­
face fault-breaks and precision aftershock locations suggest
that the bulk o f slip during rupture is confined to a thin
tabular zone o f indeterm inate thickness. However, after­
shock activity may be distributed through substantial vol­
umes o f rock, especially around the perim eter of the main-
shock rupture o r near rupture irregularities (e.g.,
Reasenberg and Ellsworth, 1982). Aftershock sequences
extend for time periods generally ranging between months
Fit;. 1. "Delta" diagram illustrating how earthquake (EQ) rup­ and years for moderate to large ruptures, the level of activ­
turing leads to illtcrcoupied changes in tectonic stress, permeability, and ity decaying inversely with time from the mainshock.
fluid pressure, thereby effecting fluid redistribution and hydrothermal Scholz (1982) argued that the typical 10 to 20 km thick­
ness o f the seismogenic zone imposes a fundamental length
scale on crustal rupturing (Fig. 2). Small ruptures (M < 6)
largely confined to the top 10 to 20 km of deforming conti­ confined within the seismogenic layer follow somewhat dif­
nental crust (Fig. 2) in a r e a s of moderate to high heat flow ferent scaling laws from large earthquakes (M > 6), which
(60-100 m W /m 2; Sibson, 1983; Hill et al., 1990). Seismicity rupture the full depth o f the seismogenic zone and then
deepens to -25 km in colder cratonic crust, a s in eastern extend along strike to total rupture lengths that are many
North America, but also shallows to depths o f only a few times the seismogenic thickness (Pacheco e t al., 1992).
kilometers in areas of intense geothermal activity. Predom­ Major fault zones such as the San Andreas fault system also
inant factors affecting seisrnogcnic depth are inferred to be exhibit significant along-strike variations in seismic style
heat flow and crustal composition: temperatures at the con­ (Hill et al., 1990). Background micioearthquake activity is
tinental seismic-aseismic transition have been inferred to extremely low along the two segments o f the San Andreas
vary from ~300° to -450*0 for, respectively, quartz-domi­ Fault, which ruptured historically in great (M - 8) earth­
nant and feldspar-dom inant rheologies (Sibson, 1984; quakes in 1857 and 1906, b u t along segments o f the San
Scholz, 1988). Similarly, Ito (1999) infers a temperature of Andreas and Calaveras faults that arc actively creeping, the
350* ± 50®C for the base o f the seismogenic zone in south­ fault zone is defined by clustered microseismicity as a sub-
westJapan. In the Kakkonda geothermal field o f northeast vertical tabular structure extending through m ost o f the
Japan, drilling through a contact aureole into a late Qua­ seismogenic zone.
ternary granitic pluton (T > 500*C) has allowed direct cor­
relation o f the local microseismicity cut-out at -2 km depth Swann activity: Earthquake swarms are a variant o f seismic
to the 350*C isotherm (Muraoka ct al., 1998). activity' where a large num ber o f small earthquakes occur
without a distinct principal shock, the activity waxing and
Variations in seismic style waning through time and sometimes migrating. Swarms
Mainshock-aftershock sequences: Moderate to large tectonic tend to be distributed throughout a substantial rock vol­
earthquakes generally occur as mainshock-aftershock ume—a key distinction from standard tectonic earth-

TAIILF. 1. Approximate Correlations between Earthquake Magnitude, Rupture Parameters,

Relative Wave Energy Release with Respect to an M l Earthquake, and Relative Frequency o f
Different Magnitude Ruptures in Relation to the Average Occurrence per Year o f M7 Earthquakes
Magnitude u L A Energy release w.r.t. Ml Relative frequency
M7 -1 m -3 0 km - 1 0 s km 2 - 10 ” N /yr
Mo - 1 0 cm - 3 km - 1 0 km 2 - 10 R -1 0 0 N /yr
M3 - 1 cm -3 0 0 m ~ l 0 ->in2 - 10 * -10,000 N /yr
Ml - 1 mm ~30 m - 1 0 * m2 1 -1.000,000 N /yr
Abbreviations: M * earthquake magnitude, u= average slip, L = rupture dimension, A = L2 = area
Note: assumes constant shear stress drop i » 3 MPa across circular ruptures (estim ated from relationships in
Kanamori and Anderson, 1975, and Hanks and Kanamori. 1979)
Fic. 2. Strike-parallel longitudinal profile illustrating varying seismic style along die transition from locked to creep­
ing segments o f a major strike-slip fault zone (m odeled in part on the San Andreas fault) and the relationship o f small
and large ruptures (perimeters defined by aftershock concentrations—filled circles) lo die continental seismogenic zone
defined by background microseismicity (open circles). Stars represent hypocenters (points o f rupture initiation) for
laiger ruptures.

quakes. They are frequently associated with areas of recent fluid overpressure (Fig. 3). A fundam ental change in
volcanic o r geotherm al activity within extensional and shearing processes occurs within continental fault zones
transtensional tectonic regimes. Within the latter, swarms at the onset of greenschist fades metamorphic conditions
are often localized within dilaiional stepovers. Hill (1977) (T > 300°C), m arked by the appearance o f mylonite series
proposed a mechanical model accounting for swarm char­ fault rocks with penetrative L-S fabrics (foliation plus
acteristics that involves m igration o f magmatic a n d /o r stretch Uneation) developed by temperature-sensitive crys­
hydrotherm al fluids through a distributed honeycomb tal plastic flow. Flow by dislocation creep sets in for quartz
mesh of interlinked m inor shear and extension fractures a t tem peratures h ig h er than 300° to 350°C, a n d for
(see below). feldspar at tem peratures higher than 450°C (Carter and
Tsenn, 1987). Greenschist mylonitization, however, gener­
Correlation tofault structure and rheology ally involves a m ixture o f deform ation mechanisms with
Studies of exhumed faults suggest that major transcrustal plastic flow of quartz accompanied by feldspar cataclasis,
fault zones arc predom inantly tabular features in upper perhaps aided by diffustonal mechanisms as grain size is
brittle and lower ductile regions of the crust (Fig. 3), flaring reduced by dynamic recrystallization a n d /o r cataclasis
out somewhat with increasing depth in the middle to lower (White e t al., 1980). The quasi-plastic (QP) flow regime
crust (Hanmer, 1988). Their internal structure is often het­ (Sibson, 1983) embraces all these flow mechanisms. How­
erogeneous with slip a n d /o r strain localized on principal ever, flow shear resistance throughout the quasi-plastic
displacement zones that may continue as planar features regim e is likely bounded by a tem perature-dependent
over considerable distances o r anastomoze within a mesh­ power law appropriate to dislocation creep, decreasing
like structure (Wallace and Morris, 1986). In the brittle with increasing tem perature and d e p th , so th a t peak
upper crust, principal displacem ent zones are localized sh ear resistance occurs in the neighborhood o f the
within or, commonly, at one or other o f the margins to a FR /Q P transition. U nder higher greenschist to amphibo­
fault zone o f varying thickness (o -l km for large displace­ lite facies m etamorphic conditions in the lower crust (T >
m ent strike-slip faults) comprising variably fractured and 500*0), textures o f mylonitic gneisses record m ore con­
cataclastically deform ed material. At deeper ductile levels, tinuous and presum ably aseismic shearing deform ation
high-strain shear zones anastomoze around lozenges of within ductile sh ear zones that com m only range from
comparatively low-su'ain material. A generalized depth pro­ hundreds o f m eters to kilometers in thickness (Hanmer,
gression o f dom inant fault rock types—g o u g e /b re ed a 1988) (N.B. T he F R /Q P transition correlated with the
(often day-rich) —» cataclasite —» mylonite —> mylonitic base o f the seismogenic zone can only loosely be equated
gneiss (Sibson, 1983; Passchier and Troutv, 1996; Snoke et with the ill-defined “brittle-ductile transition,” which has
al., 1998)—provides the basis for a simple rheological different connotations for field geologists, seismologists,
model that accounts for the depth o f the seismic-aseismic and experimentalists in rock deformation; Rutter, 1986).
transition in quartzo-feldspathic continental crust. Fault rock textures in the vicinity of the FR/Q P transition
T he predom inance o f pressure-dependent cataclastic record a m ixture o f continuous and discontinuous shear-
processes in the u p p e r crust defines a frictional (FR) ing (e.g., mylonitic fabrics interlaced with deform ed
regim e where shearing resistance increases with depth pseudotachylytes o r hydrothermal fault-veins). Commonly
unless increasing overburden pressure is counteracted by inferred temperatures at the base o f the seismogenic zone


Fig. 3. General rheological model and schematic strength profile for a transcntscal strike-slip fault zone (SS) in typi­
cally heterogeneous crust (horizontal scale = 2 x vertical sente). Base o f scismogcnic zone is defined by the transition
from unstable frictional (FR) sliding on principal displacement zones (PDZ) to distributed quasi-plastic (QP) shearing
flow. Frictional fault strength has been calculated assuming optimal fault orientation for a friction coefficient p%= 0.75
under hydrostatic fluid pressure O.'l; comparative strengths o f optimal normal (NJ and reverse faults [R] also
shown). Average frictional strength through the scismogcnic zone imposed by heat flow constraint on the San Andreas
fault shown for comparison.

in continental crust (350° < T < 450°C) accord well with the The earthquake shear stress cycle
recognition o f a fundam ental change from frictional to
quasi-plastic deform ation in fault zones occurring some­ Faulting occurs to relieve accumulated shear stress (T) on
where within the greenschist facies environment, depend­ faults. Seismological and geodetic studies demonstrate that
ing on the quartz/feldspar ratio. Crustal heterogeneity con­ shear stress adjacent to a major seismically active fault fol­
tributes to die smearing-out of the FR/QP transition zone, lows an approximate sawtooth oscilladon (Fig. 4a). Periods
which involves a complex m ixture o f discontinuous and of steady linear accumulation of shear stress (and elastic
continuous shearing processes. strain) over interseismic periods ranging from decades to

O ther important stress parameters influencing fluid flow

(a) such as m ean stress, o, are tied to this basic shear stress
cycle, although the nature of the coupling depends on the
mode of faulting (Fig. 4b, c). The aftershock phase, conse­
q u en t on ab ru p t localized stress change and creation o f
fresh fracture permeability (Fig. 1), seems likely to repre­
log k sent the most intense period of fluid redistribution around
a seismically active structure.
“Characteristic ”earthquakes and structural
controls on rupturing
(b ) »
REVERSE FAULT Paleoscismic studies along fault zones have demonstrated
th at activity along individual fault segments commonly
involves “characteristic" ruptures o f about the same dimen­
sion and slip, rather than a mixture o f different sized earth­
quakes (Schwartz and Coppersmith, 1984). Repeating char­
acteristic earthquakes have also been observed down to the
(0 s microearthquake (M < 3) level in detailed studies of the San
Andreas and other major active faults (Bakun and McEvilly,
1984; Nadeau and McEvilly, 1997). Such behavior implies
the existence o f structural controls that determ ine where
characteristic ruptures initiate and term inate. A range o f
geometrical and rheological irregularities have been pro­
posed as structural controls accounting for characteristic
earthquake behavior, including fault bends (King, 1986), en
echelon segment stepovers (Segall and Pollard, 1980; Sib-
son, 1986), and rheological heterogeneity at the base of the
seismogenic zone (Sibson, 1984). As yet, no consensus exists
on the relative importance o f these different controls.
Along strike-slip faults, where microearthquake epicen­
ters can be (Erectly correlated to geometrical irregularities
seen in map view, there are clear correlations between after­
shock concentrations and major fault irregularities. Partic­
FlC». -1. Fluid-pressure cycling in relation to the earthquake (EQ) stress ularly noticeable is the tendency for intense clustering o f
cycle, a. Sawtooth oscillation o f shear stress, T, along a seism ogenic fault aftershocks within dilational sites, especially dilational
with inferred fluctuations in fault zone permeability, k. b. Coupled varia­ stepovers (jogs) linking en echelon fault segments (Fig. 5).
tion in mean stress, 8 , along a reverse fault, c. Coupled variation in mean By contrast, in the case o f contractional stepovers, after­
stress, a, along a normal fault, d. Fluid-pressure cycling accompanying
fault-valve action in overpressured crust, and suction-pump effect within a shocks often extend well into the surrounding crust adja­
dilational fault jo g (Ph and P, equal hydrostatic anti lithostatic fluid pres­ cent to the stepover (Sibson, 1985a; 1986). Strike-slip rup­
sure levels, respectively). tures often term inate, o r are severely perturbed, in the
neighborhood o f larger dilational stepovers with subse­
quent tim e-dependent slip transfer across the jo g (Peltzer
many thousands o f years are punctuated by rapid stress e t al., 1996). Recent advances in Coulom b interaction
drops during rupturing, with evidence o f nonlinear relax­ analysis (see review by Harris, 1998), involving modeling of
ation during the postseismic aftershock phase, which for changes in shear and normal stress throughout the region
larger earthquakes may last from m onths to years. A key around a complex earthquake rupture, have demonstrated
point, therefore, is that the stress state around a fault post- good correlations between areas of enhanced failure poten­
failure may differ substantially from the prefailure state, tial (raised shear stress and lowered norm al stress) with
especially if the degree o f shear stress relief is high. observed aftershock distributions (e.g., King e t al., 1994).
Whereas the absolute level o f shear stress driving faulting at This technique holds great promise for identifying likely
depth remains contentious, the average shear stress drop mineralizing sites around complex fault traces.
accompanying rupture generally lies in the range 1 < A < In a global study of the distribution of major irregularities
10 MPa (Kanamori and Anderson, 1975). Am plitude o f on strike-slip faults, Wesnousky (1988) demonstrated a gen­
stress cycling diminishes with distance from the causative eral decrease in the frequency o f fault irregularities with
fault: for larger earthquakes that rupture across the seismo­ increasing finite displacement, and a corresponding increase
genic zone, stress cycling will extend through the adjacent in the maximum size of earthquake ruptures. This recogni­
crust to distances comparable with the depth o f die zone tion o f fault-smoothing with increasing displacement has
(say, ±15 km). important implications for mineralization: the high degree


(0 )
FlO. 5. Contrasting aftershock distributions around dilational and con-
cractional jogs on dextral strike-slip fault ruptures in California (stars indi­
cate mainshock epicenters, arrowheads indicate direction o f rupture prop­
agation, stippling intensity reflects aftershock concentrations), a. 1979
M5.9 Coyote Lake earthquake (after Reascnbcrg and Ellsworth, 1982).
b. 1968 M6.4 Borrego M ountain earthquake (after H am ilton, 1972).
c. 1992 M7.3 Landers earthquake (after Hauksson et a!., 1993).

o f complexity along low-displacement structures renders F i g . 6 . Basic properties o f stress, a. Axial cross o f the principal com*
them much more favorable as mineralizing sites. pressive stresses (stress ellipsoid) defining the state o f stress at a point,
b. Components o f shear ( f) and normal stress (<7n) on a plane containing
Tectonic Stress and Fluid Pressure Regimes a , and lying at an angle $ to <T,. c . Plot illustrating the satiation o f rand cr„
as a function o f 0 for the case when = 5 and Oj = 1 stress unit, rcspcc*
State o f stress tn fluid-saturated crust lively, d. \foriation o f local stress field within a budding layer with respect
to far-field applied stress (n.s. = neutral surface).
The stress state at a point in a continuum under load may
be represented by an axial cross comprising three orthogo­
nal principal compressive stresses: o th er orientations have resolved com ponents o f shear
stress, t, as well as normal stress (ojj < <7n < <7|). The differ­
<7, > ff2 > (!) ential stress (<T| —a3) is a measure o f the “devtatoric" char­
acter o f the stress field. Maximum shear stress (rni;tx = 0.5
(Fig. 6a). No shear stress occurs on the principal planes (<Ti —0*3 ) ) always lies along planes containing the <X2 axis
containing any two o f the principal stresses; planes a t all oriented a t ±45° to the <JXdirection. Mean stress (which.

because it determines volumetric strain, can be thought of Compressional

as the “grasp on the sponge”) is Thrust Fault

_ = (gi_+ y gO (2)

In fluid-saturated crust with internal pore-fluid pressure,

Pf, however, the mechanical response of a rock mass is gov­
erned by the effective principal compressive stresses:

<y{ = (dj - Pf) > = (tr2 - Pf) > cr3' = {<%- Pf) (3)

(H ubbertand Rubey, 1959).

For the family o f planes containing the 0>2 axis» shear
stress is given by

t - & + 2 !L sinae (4)

and the effective nonnal stress by

{0\ + 0*) (0\ + 0$) cos20, (5)

<7n'a <t n - P f)
2 2

where 0 is the angle between <Ti and the plane (Fig. 6b, c).
Effective mean stress is then

5' (ff-P f) (6)

"A n d e rs o n ia n " stress ( a n d f a u lt ) regimes

Anderson (1951) recognized the existence of three basic Fig. 7. The three Andersonian stress regimes, showing the expected
stress regimes within the crust. Given that the Earth’s sur­ orientations o f faults and associated extension fractures at initiation.
face is approxim ately horizontal in most cases, with the
rock-air interface incapable o f supporting shear stress, it provinces, corresponding to one o r o th e r o f the three
follows that stress uajectories near the surface are generally A ndersonian regim es, extending over large portions o f
either vertical o r horizontal with the vertical stress, 0 . * <Tj, the Earth’s crust (Zoback, 1992).
<72, o r o j (Fig. 7). Recognizing also that brittle faults gener­
ally form through Coulomb failure along planes containing Correlation of stress regimes to tectonic setting
the CTj, axis at 6 25° to 30° to <7, (see below), Anderson Andersonian extensional regimes incorporating normal
(1951) defined three fundamental modes o f faulting in the fault systems are dominant along divergent plate boundaries
different stress regimes: steeply dipping normal faults form­ (Yeats et al., 1997). Sets of parallel, predominandy inward­
ing in extensional stress regimes (Oy = Cf(); gendy dipping facing norm al faults tend to be symmetrically disposed
thrust faults forming in compressiona! stress regimes (cfy = about die rift axes along midocean ridges and some conti­
a3); and subvertical strike-slip faults form ing in wrench nental rifts (Cowie, 1998), where they are frequently associ­
regimes (cfy *=<r2) (Fig. 7). Note, however, that Anderson’s ated with magmatic intrusion o f parallel-striking dikes. In
classification is based on fault orientation with respect to other regions of distributed continental extension, such as
the stress field at the time o f fault inception. the Basin and Range province o f western North America,
At d e p th , stress trajectories may curve as a conse­ sets o f normal faults with consistent feeing direction bound
quence o f horizontal shear tractions developed, for sets o f tilting fault blocks undergoing domino rotation, sep­
exam ple, a t th e base o f th e b rittle u p p e r crust o r the arated by half-graben sedimentary basins (Fig. 8; Roberts
lithosphere (Westaway, 1998). C onsiderable stress h e t­ and Yielding, 1994). In such regions, the fault sets remain
erogeneity may also result from m aterial o r structural seismicalty active down to dips of 30° to 35°, at which they
heterogeneity within the Earth (e.g., Segall and Pollard, apparently lock up (Jackson and White, 1989). Formation of
1980). Indeed, situations may arise where the local stress a new generation o f steep normal faults and their subse­
field is very different from the far-field stress (Fig. 6d). quent dominoing may then allow the early inactive fault set
Nonetheless, regional studies employing a combination to rotate down to still lower dips (Proffett, 1977). Arc-paral­
o f focal m echanism and b orehole stress analyses have lel normal faults may, however, also develop in island arc set­
dem onstrated the existence o f rath er uniform stress tings, often in association with magmatic activity in back-arc
(a) EXTENSIONS. DOMINO LOCK-UP undergo dom ino steepening to frictional lock up at dips
approaching 60° (Fig. 8).
Comprehensive reviews o f strike-slip fault geometry, prin­
cipally in continental and island arc environments, are pro­
vided by Yeats e t al. (1997) and Woodcock and Schubert
(1994). Continental strike-slip fault systems occur in a
range of patterns and tectonic settings: (1 ) as braided sys­
tems o f subparallel strike-slip faults defining continental
transforms; (2) as trench-parallel strike-slip faults con­
tributing to strain partitioning along island and mountain
arcs; (3) as indent-related strike-slip faults in collisional oro­
gens; (4) as local transfer structures in predominandy dip-
slip fault systems; and (5) as distributed strike-slip faults,
developed in either parallel o r conjugate sets, accommo­
dating crustal deformauon over broad areas, often with sig­
(b) COMPRESSIONAL DOMINO LOCK-UP nificant rotations o f crustal blocks about vertical axes (e.g.,
Luyendyk, 1991). In many cases it seems that the orienta­
tion o f large-displacement strike-slip faults no longer bears
any simple Andersonian relationship to regional Oj stress
trajectories (e.g., M ount and Suppe, 1992). Major irregu­
larities induce subsidiary deformation. Thrusting develops
in the vicinity of restraining bends and within contractional
jogs, and normal faulting occurs near releasing bends and
within dilational jogs. Such irregularities serve as local
amplifiers o f vertical m otion within the strike-slip system
but many appear to be comparatively short-lived (Brown et
al., 1991).
Fluid pressure regimes in the crust
The pressure, Pf, exerted by fluids saturating pore and
Fig. 8 . Scu o f initially Andersonian normal and reverse faults undergo­
fracture space within the rock mass is o f huge importance
ing domino rotation to frictional lock up at 55° to 60® to cr, during progres­ to mineralization. Through the principle o f effective stress
sive regional extension and contraction, respectively. Light dashed Hues (H ubbert and Rubey, 1959), fluid pressure may reduce
indicate likely orientations o f secondary fault sets forming after lock up. rock strength a n d induce brittle failure, and also plays a
critical role in the creation o f void space. At depth, z, within
basins and, in the vicinity o f the outer rise in subduction sys­ the Earth, the level o f fluid pressure is conveniently defined
tems, through bending o f the subducting slab. Normal fault­ with reference to the vertical stress (overburden pressure)
ing also develops orthogonally to thrusting in active colli­ by means o f the pore-fluid factor,
sion orogens such as the Himalaya to allow lateral distension
of the uplifted welt (Armijo et al., 1986).
A y) (Pf)
Andersonian congressional regimes and active reverse P rg * • (7)
faulting are principally associated with convergent plate
boundaries (Yeats et a t, 1997). In island and mountain arc where pR is the average rock density and g is gravitational
systems, imcrplatc motion is primarily accommodated on acceleration. Effective overburden pressure may then be
the m egathrust at the subduction interface; subsidiary written,
thrusting may develop in the fore-arc basin on the subduc­
tion hanging wall, and on opposite-vergent thrusts in the <V#= (Ov- pf) = p Rgz • <1 - Ay). (8)
back-arc. Thrust faulting likewise dominates in the foreland
and hinterland flanks o f collisional orogens. Local areas of Where pore and fracture space is saturated with aqueous
thrusting are also associated with contractional irregulari­ fluid and freely interconnected up to the water table (usu­
ties on continental transform faults. However, isolated ally assumed coincident with the Earth’s surface), the fluid
reverse fault ruptures also occur in intraplate regions such pressure state is said to be hydrostatic with Ay = pu.„vr/ p R *
as the cratonic crust o f eastern N orth America and Aus­ 0.4 along a linear hydrostatic gradient of approximately 10
tralia. Steeper reverse faulting tends to characterize for­ MPa/km (Fig. 9). In sedimentary basins with impermeable
merly rifted crust undergoing shortening (positive inver­ horizons (e.g., shale o r evaporite formations), however, it is
sion tectonics), but may also develop in collision-accretion not uncom m on for fluid pressures to exceed hydrostatic
complexes where, as a consequence o f progressive hori­ rallies (Ay > 0.4) a t depths o f m ore than a few kilometers
zontal contraction, sets o f early shallow-dipping thrusts and to approach lithostatic values (Ay —» 1 .0 ) at greater
100 200 300 400

Fits. 9. Hypothetical fluid pressure profiles and associated frictional shear resistance (normalized to hydrostatic Tfr)
through the FR regime o f an active fault zone. Thick dashed lines (a, b) represent two o f a range o f smoodt progressions
from hydrostatic to neai -lithostatic fluid pressures towards the base o f d ie seisinogenic zone; line c represents a profile
through a compartmentalized fault zone with hydrostatic gradients between each scaling horizon (stippled). Thin
dashed lines define overpressures at constant pore-fluid factor (Ay).

depths. Underpressured zones (Ay < 0.4) also exist in some phic dehyclradon processes aided by organic maturation;
sedimentary basins and in vapor-dominated geothermal sys­ (3) igneous intrusion into fluid saturated crust (Fournier,
tems (Allis, 2000). 1999); and, perhaps (4) direct linkage to zones o f mantle
More detailed recent studies o f fluid pressure distribu­ degassing, as recendy postulated for the San Andreas fault
tions in sedimentary basins have revealed evidence o f over- system (Kennedy e t al., 1997). Fluid pressure levels are usu­
pressured compartments bounded by sealing surfaces that ally reckoned to be near-lithostatic (Ay ~ 1.0 with Pf» crv) in
may include stratigraphic horizons, tabular zones o f regions undergoing prograde m etam orphism a t green-
hydrothermal cementation in some cases following isother­ schist and higher grades, where m ineral deform ation
mal surfaces, and im perm eable, generally clay-rich fault mechanisms contribute to rapid sealing, infilling, and col­
seals that may be steep o r shallow (H unt, 1990; Powley, lapse o f pore space (Edieridge et al., 1984). As a general
1990). Though overpressured to suprahydrostatic values, rule, fluid overpressures are easier to sustain in congres­
vertical pressure gradients inside such sealed com part­ sional as opposed to extensional regimes because o f the
ments generally rem ain hydrostatic. Hydrocarbon prove­ tendency for fault and fracture systems to be shallow dip­
nance studies coupled with the presence o f localized ping in the former, but steeply inclined in the latter (Sibson
hydrothermal plumes in the high levels o f some overpres­ and Scott, 1998).
sured basins (Roberts et a!., 1996; McKenna and Sharp, Various dynamic forms o f overpressuring have also been
1997), and abnorm al diagenede assemblages localized in postulated as mechanisms accounting for the apparent
die vicinity of faults (Burley et al., 1989; Bruhn et al., 2000) weakness o f major seismically aedve plate boundary faults
provide evidence that bounding seals are breached from such as the San Andreas fault. Rice (1992) suggested a
time to time by faulting and fracturing (fault-valve action). model where overpressuring is sustained by a continuous
Fluid overpressuring may arise through the following: upwards fluid flux through the fault zone, whereas Byerlee
( 1 ) compaction, especially in areas o f rapid sedimentadon (1993) proposed that fault zones are subdivided into over­
perhaps aided by compressionat deformadon as in fore-arc pressured com partm ents separated by seals, in each o f
prisms (Davis c ta l., 1983); (2) diageneuc and metamor- which the pressure gradient remains hydrostatic, with local
fluid redistribution occurring at the time of earthquakes. failure may be induced by increasing either differential
Sleep and Blanpicd (1994) advanced a model in which stress or fluid pressure with the o th er held fixed, o r
fluid overpressure is regenerated in each seismic cycle through some combination o f these changes.
through compaction o f fault gouge. Figure 9 illustrates a
range o f possible fluid pressure profiles through the seis- Criteria for theformation offaults and fractures
m ogenic zone, and their effect in reducing frictional Stress/fluid pressure conditions under which the differ­
strength below that expected for a fault that is uniformly ent failure modes develop are illustrated by a composite
hydrostatically pressured (see eq. 9). Profile (a) in Figure 9 Griffith-Coulomb failure envelope for intact, hom oge­
represents an initial low degree of overprcssuring with a neous, and isotropic rock plotted on a M ohr diagram of
sharp transition to near-lithostatic pressures under green- shear stress, r, versus effective normal stress, o f = (<7n - P,),
schist conditions near the base of the scismogenic zone; normalized to rock tensile strength, T (Fig. 10). The condi­
profile (b) a more progressive transition to near-lithostatic tion for frictional reactivation (reshear) of a cohesionless
pressures; and profile (c) a compartmentalized fault zone existing fault (equivalent to that for a cohesionless aggre­
with the pressure gradient reverting to hydrostadc within gate) is also illustrated. For simplicity, the slopes of the lin­
each compartment. ear portions of the intact failure envelope in die compres-
sional field and the reshear criterion are both constructed
Faults, Fractures, and Fluid Pressure Levels with slopes of 0.75, corresponding to the average of the
Three modes o f macroscopic brittle failure—shear frac­ experim entally determ ined range for the coefficient of
tures (faults), pure extension fractures, and hybrid exten- internal friction (0.5 <p%< 1.0;Jaeger and Cook, 1979) and
sional-shcar fractures—may develop in intact, isotropic near the middle o f Byerlec's (1978) range for static friction
rock with predictable orientations to the principal stress (0.6 </is < 0.85).
axes (Fig. 10). In a fluid-saturated rock mass, the type of Within a particular rock unit, the mode o f brittle failure
failure that occurs is greatly affected by fluid pressure depends on the balance between the differential stress (CTj
through the law of effective stress (eq. 3). Relevant failure - c%) and rock tensile strength, T (Secor, 1965). When (cTj
criteria are listed in Table 2, both in their standard forms in - Oj) < 4T, extension fractures form in accordance with the
t / o f space and, to emphasize their dependence, as func­ hydraulic fracture criterion along planes perpendicular to
tions of fluid pressure, P,-. For a particular rock type, brittle Oil (Fig. 10). When (tjj —<T3) > 5.66T, shear fractures (faults)

Fic. 10. Composite failure envelope for intact rock (bold line) plus the reshear condition for a cohesionlcss fault
(dashed) plotted o n a Mohr diagram o f shear stress, r, against effective normal stress, o f . normalized to rock tensile
strength, T. Slopes o f the linear portions o f the failure envelopes for intact rock and reshear arc both taken as 0.75. cor­
responding respectively 1 0 the coefficients o f internal friction and static friction ( /t j . Critical stress circles arc shown
for the three m acroscopic m odes o f brittle failure, and for the reshear o f an optim ally oriented cohesionlcss fault
(dashed). Expected orientations with respect to the principal stress axes o f new-formed shear (sh.). cxtcnsional-shcar
(e-s) and extension fractures (ext.) arc shown in the attached cartoon.
Note: T * tensile strength, T. C 2T * cohesive strength, and cocfficcni o f internal friction, f t = 0.75;
reshear condition for a cohesionlcss fault calculated for static friction, p , = 0.75

form in accordance with the Coulomb criterion along reactivation angle 9r to o v may be rewritten in terms of the
planes containing the cr2 axis at initiation angles 9{ = 27° ± ratio of effective principal stresses as
5* to (allowing for the 0.5 < fij < 1.0 experim ental
range). When 4T < (Cj - of) < 5.66T, extensional-shear G\ _<X i - P f ) _0 +/i»ccfl r)
( 10)
fractures form along planes also containing the a2 axis but (03- Pf) - (1 -/is tafl r)
at lower angles (0< Q{) to Ov Note that only Coulomb shear
discontinuities may develop in a cohesionless aggregate, at (Sibson, 1985b). Figure 11 illustrates how this stress ratio
similar orientations to faults forming in intact rock. varies with 9r for p s = 0.75 (cf. Fig. 10), reflecting the rela­
Thus, for the standard Andersonian stress states, normal tive ease of reshear at different reactivation angles. The
faults should form with initial dips of 58° to 68° in exten- optimal angle for frictional reactivation (at which the stress
sional tectonic regimes (Oy = <7,), striking parallel to verti­ ratio for reactivation reaches a positive m inim um ) then
cal extension fractures; thrust faults should form in com- occurs when 9 * = 0.5tan- , ( l / ^ s) ~ 27°. U nder this optimal
pressional tectonic regimes (crv = o f at initial clips of 22° to reshear condition, equation ( 10) reduces to
32°, possibly in association with subhorizontal extension
fractures; and strike-slip faults should form with subvertical (Cj - 0-3) = 3Oy' or (0! - 03) = o.750v' (11)
dips in wrench regimes (<JV « <t2), striking at 22° to 32° to
sets o f subvertical extension fractures (Fig. 7). for compressional and extensional regimes, respectively.
These optimal conditions for reshear have special signifi­
Frictional reactivation of existingfaults cance in that the tectonic stress state in many settings
Reshear o f existing cohesionless faults depends on their appears to be governed by the critical stress required for
orientation as well as differential stress and fluid pressure lev­ reactivation o f favorably oriented faults (Townend and
els. The general criterion for frictional reshear o f an existing Zoback, 2000).
cohesionlcss fault with static coefficient o f friction, /is, is As the orientation o f an existing fault becomes progres­
sively less favorably oriented for reactivation (either greater
T= J M ,'= /is(o; , - p r>. <fl) o r less than optimal) the ratio o f effective stresses required
for reactivation increases, reaching infinity when Br = 20r*
which, for faults containing the o., axis and oriented at a (-54° for = 0.75), the angle of frictional lock up (Sibson,
for intact rock are constructed as a function o f intact tensile
strength, T, which, for m ost sedimentary rocks lies in the
range 1 to 10 MPa, but may reach 20 MPa o r more for crys­
talline rocks (Lockner, 1995). Values o f <7V' may then be
converted to equivalent depths for different values o f the
pore-fluid factor, Ay.
In Figure 12, brittle failure conditions for optimal res­
hear and for intact rock have been constructed for com­
pressions! (<7V= ojj) and extensional (C7V = tectonic
regimes with T = 5,10,15, and 20 MPa. The two sets of fail­
ure conditions also represent end-member cases for strike-
slip faulting where <r3 £ <7V = a 2 ^ <7,. Each failure curve
defines the transition with increasing cfv' from purely
extensional fracturing through extensional-shear to com-
pressional shear failure, the equivalent depths for the tran­
sitions increasing with rock tensile strength. For example,
in an extensional regime under hydrostatic fluid pressures
(Ay » 0.4), pure extension fracturing for T * 10 MPa
extends to depths of -2 km and the transition from exten­
sional-shear to compressional-shear failure occurs at depths
o f - 3 km. These brittle failure m ode plots have a broad
range of implications for the development of hydrothermal
mineralization around faults:

1. It is much easier, in terms of differential stress a n d /o r

fluid pressure levels, to develop brittle faults and fractures
Fit;. 11. Ratio o f greatest to least effective principal stresses (tTj'/Oj')
within an intact rock mass in an extensional tectonic
required for reshcar o f a coliestonless fault plotted against the reactivation regime than within a compressional regime.
angle (0r). 9 * is the optimum angle for reactivation at which the stress 2. For positive Oy' (Ay; < 1.0), only compressional shear
ratio reaches a positive minimum. Frictional lock up occurs at 29*. failure can occur in contractional tectonic regimes (except
in cases of extrem e stress heterogeneity), whereas exten-
1985b). This accounts nicely for the commonly observed sional and extensional-shear fractures may form in exten-
lock up o f normal and reverse faults within dominoing sets sional regim es to depths dep en d en t on rock tensile
at 50° to 60° to vertical and horizontal Oj directions, respec­ strength.
tively (Fig. 8). Reshear o f severely misoriented faults with $t 3. Processes such as hydrotherm al silicification, by
> 29 * is possible only under special circumstances when increasing the tensile strength o f the rock mass, may
the tensile overpressure condition, <7S' < 0, is met. increase the depth range over which extension fracturing
Extremely im portant from the viewpoint o f mineraliza­ may occur.
tion is that a throughgoing cohesionless fault, favorably ori­ 4. At high values o f o f , brittle structures can only form
ented for frictional reactivation within die prevailing stress by com pressional shear failure, but when o f is low, the
field, inhibits any o th er form o f brittle failure within the mode of failure becomes extremely sensitive to variations in
adjoining intact rock mass (Sibson, 2000a). T he tensile tensile strength reflecting changes in rock competence.
overpressure condidon ( o f < 0) needed for extensional- Mixed m ode failure then becomes likely within a heteroge­
shear o r pure extension fracturing cannot be attained in neous rock mass.
the presence o f an existing fault oriented at 0r < 20r*, 5. Again, it is apparent that the presence of an through-
because reshear will always occur first (fig. 10). Cohesion- going cohesionless fault that is favorably oriented for fric­
less faults other than those containing the a , direction may tional reactivation within the prevailing stress field prevents
likewise inhibit brittle failure o f intact rock, but the critical attainm ent of the tensile overpressure condition (Pf > <r3)
fault orientations in three dimensions then depend also on needed for hydraulic extension fracturing and extensional-
the value o f the intermediate principal stress. shear failure.
Brittlefailure mode plot Maximum sustainable overpressure
Stress conditions for the three modes o f brittle failure In low-permeability rocks the degree o f overpressuring is
and for fault reshear (as in Fig. 10) may be transcribed by limited by the formation (or reactivation) of fractures and
m eans o f the in d e p e n d e n t forms o f the failure criteria faults that may act as flow conduits. Critically im portant is
listed in Table 2 to plots of differentia! stress (<Tj - <%) ver­ the lowest o f (corresponding to the highest Pf and Ay val­
sus effective vertical stress, Oy' = (<fy- Pf), for different ues) that can be sustained in a particular tectonic environ­
Andersonian stress regimes (Sibson, 1998). Failure curves m ent. Consider two end-m em ber situations. Hydraulic
2 \
0 i—








to „ . . r .. . . ,c ,^ ,h differential stress (cr, - crn) plotted against effective vertical stress, o v'. for
I-io. 1_. Buttle failure inode p > (cctonjc regimes. Effective vertical stress can be equated to depth
extension^ (a v - cr,) and comiJreMi ^ Dashed lines represent the optimal reshcar conditions forcohe-
(ng ,t) fo r ■.H e ro n * a lu c,o f l i r e i n t a c t r o c k v m h thedifferentfailu refieldsoudin ed (shadedpor-
!!o" 'defin e ti ” ex.e"is!o,I’a l l e a r (<*) iransiuon regions between purely extensional fntm tring and compressional
shear failure). Insels shore expected orientations o f the resulung bntde structures (abbrevtauons as in Ftg. 10).

extension fracturing with o f = - T occurs at the lowest pos­ ticular depth and the higher the differential stress, the
sible Gf value for a given tensile strength (Fig-10) but can lower die sustainable overpressure.
only occur under low differential stress with (<7, - <%) < 4T. Dynamic Structural Permeability
Alternatively, if fluid overpressure is limited by the presence
of throughgoing cohesionless faults that are optimally ori­ Components of stress-controlled structural permeability
ented for reactivation, then maximum sustainable over­
pressure is governed by equation ( 1 1 ), and diminishes with Stress-controlled structures affecting rock permeability
increasing differential stress. Relevant here are the obser­ include brittle mtcrocracks, extensional and extensional-
vations of Barton e t al. (1995), who found that the most shear fractures, faults, and stylolitic solution scams. Their
perm eable fracture systems in a crystalline assemblage characteristic orientations at initiation with respect to a tri­
u n d er triaxial stress were those that were optimally ori­ axial stress state are illustrated in Figure 14, along with some
ented for reshear. o f the interlinkages that are frequently observed such as
In Figure 13, maximum sustainable fluid pressure. Ay, is dilational fault jogs, en echelon tension gash shear zones,
plotted against depth for a normal-fault regime (Gy= cr,) and fault-fracture meshes o f the kind proposed by Hill
and for a thrust-fault regime (Gy = <73), again representing (1977). Permeability o f individual components is, however,
end-m em ber cases for strike-slip faulting. Following the not simply predictable and is also generally time dependent
procedure of Secor (1965), Ay values for hydraulic exten­ (Cox et al., 2001; Sibson, 1994). This is especially the case
sion fracturing at maximum permissible levels o f differen­ for faults, where fault permeability relative to the country
tial stress, (cr, - <73) = 4T, are plotted against depth for dif­ rock depends critically on the nature of that rock, and may
ferent values of T in the two regimes. Also shown (from eq. also vary with displacem ent activity, gouge development,
1 1 ) are the Ay values required at different levels of differ­ and hydrothermal cementation.
ential stress for reshear of optimally oriented cohesionless M inor faults developing in initially high porosity sedi­
faults in each regime. Interm ediate situations between mentary or volcanic rock may, through grain comminution,
these end-members arise when the faults retain some porosity collapse, and alteration to clay-rich assemblages,
degree of cohesive strength. Clearly, the presence of form deform ation bands that are relatively impermeable
throughgoing cohesionless faults drastically lowers the with respect to the wall-rock (Antonellini and Aydin, 1994).
maximum fluid overpressure that can be sustained at a par­ Thus, some inactive faults in sedimentary basins form seal-
(<*v = Oi)
0 0.5 1.0

Fig. 13. Maximum sustainable fluid pressures. Ay. plotted against depth in compresstonai and cxtensional tectonic
regimes. Bold lines for T = 5 and 10 MPa assume that fluid overpressure is limited by the formation o f hydraulic exten­
sion fractures under maximum allowable differential stress, (a ( -cr3) = 4T. Thin lines arc the maximum sustainable over­
pressures in the presence o f existing, optimally oriented, cohcsioulcss faults under various levels o f differential stress.
Double-headed arrows link sustainable fluid pressure curves for the different failure modes at the same differential stress

ing barriers to fluid m igration but others clearly act as ever, that the common intersections o f all stress-controlled
cross-stratal conduits for fluid flow (Burley et al.( 1989). In components o f structural permeability lie parallel to the <f2
contrast, faults developed in strong, initially low-porosity axis, as do tubular components of permeability such as dila-
rocks tend to enhance local permeability through the mis­ tional jogs and fault-fracture intersections. Strong direc­
match o f opposing walls, by cataclastic brecciation, and by tional perm eability in the <r2 direction is, therefore,
the developm ent o f subsidiary fractures (Brown and expected provided there is adequate three-dim ensional
Bruhn, 1996). Studies of exhumed fault zones in crystalline continuity and interconnectedness between the various
rock suggest that a low-permeability core of extremely fine­ components of structural permeability. Moreover, regard­
grained ultracataclasite is often flanked by a comparatively less of w hether faults are low-permeability structures in
high-permeability damage zone o f distributed fracturing highly porous and permeable host-rocks, or comparatively
(Evans etal., 1997). high-permeability structures disrupting low-porosity rocks,
developm ent o f conjugate fault sets inevitably leads to
Directional permeability strong <72 directional permeability.
■ Both macroscopic and microscopic extensional fractur­
ing enhance permeability in the cfi/cr2 plane provided the Fault permeability in relation to the earthquake stress cycle
cracks rem ain unccm ented (Fig. 14); the effect becomes Evidence from geotherm al fields and experim ental
more pronounced as Pf $7 3, with large apertures when Pf > deformation under hydrothermal conditions suggests that
Pg. U nder these conditions, extensional shears may likewise fault permeability in active hydrothermal environments can
form gaping conduits for high-flux flow. O n the other be destroyed over time periods that are short com pared
.hand, flow perpendicular to the <j 2/ cfh plane may be with earthquake recurrence intervals (Fournier, 1991,
restricted by stylolidc seams o f insoluble clay material in 1996; Moore etal., 1994; Hickman et al.f 1995). Permeabil­
planes perpendicular to o l (Groshong, 1988). Note, how­ ity within seismically active fault zones is, thus, inherently

Self-generation of structural permeability by migratingfluids

Because the failure criteria for different modes o f britde

failure (Table 2) all depend strongly on fluid pressure, infil­
tration o f pressurized fluids into stressed low-permeability
crust may selfgenerate structural permeability throughout
the rock mass, the components including reactivated exist­
ing surfaces (bedding, cleavage, fractures, dike contacts,
etc.) and newly form ed extension fractures, extensional-
shcai'S, and m inor faults. As each individual structure forms
or reactivates, the stress field is locally perturbed, adding to
stress heterogeneity within the evolving fault-fracture sys­
tem. A range o f fault-fracture meshes comprising various
combinadons o f structural permeability components (Fig.
14) may then develop (Sibson, 1996). At high o f , only shear
fractures can form o r reactivate, but wherever the tensile
overpressure condition, o f < 0, is achieved, developing
fault-fracture meshes may also incorporate gaping exten-
sional and extensional-shear fractures as in Figure 15. In
general, fault-fracture meshes tend to be highly irregular as
a consequence o f heterogeneity o f m aterial properties,
stress, and fluid pressure within die rock mass, but system­
atic mesh structures may develop where the stress field is
symmetrically disposed with respect to competence layering.
Hill (1977) proposed that mesh structures of interlinked
shear and extensional fractures driven by infiltrating
m agma o r hydrotherm al fluid could account for earth­
quake swarm aedvity distributed throughout substandal
rock volumes. Field studies suggest th at Hill-type mesh
structures comprising extensional vein systems interlinked
through m inor shears (Fig. 16) are common over a broad
range o f scales, often serving as im portant conduits for
hydrothermal a n d /o r hydrocarbon flow (Sibson, 1996; Sib­
son and Scott, 1998).

Fic;. 14. Stress-controlled com ponents of Structural permeability in rela­

High-flux flora th rough fault-fracture meshes
tion to a trinxial stress field (shear-sense indicators define faults [Coulom b In general, rock permeability increases as P| and o f
shears]; extension fractures and extcnsional-shears: cross-hatched; stylo- decreases (Seront et al., 1998; Cox et al., 2001), increasing
lites: "squiggly” lines). As drawn, the diagram illustrates possible structural
permeability in vertical sections through an extensional regim e ( ctv = 0 ]); flow rate for a given head gradient. However, in low-perme­
or, w hen ro tated 90°, for a com pressional regim e (<?v = cr:i); or, w hen ability rock masses, bulk permeability is dominated by frac­
treated as a m ap view, for a strike-slip regim e (0y ■ &'])■ Note the com m on ture flow. Flow rate is then highly sensitive to fracture aper­
intersection o f all stress-controlled com ponents in the a> direction. ture, varying as the cube of aperture for a set o f parallel
planar Fractures (Snow, 1968). Although faults may signifi­
cantly enhance bulk permeability, especially postfailure, max­
dynamic, with faulting, fracturing, micro-cracking, and imum flow rates under a particular head gradient will be
brecciation com peting with processes of permeability achieved at the highest levels of fluid overpressure, with gap­
destruction that include hydrothermal alteration accompa­ ing extensional and extensional-shear fractures distributed
nying gouge formation, microcrack healing, hydrothermal throughout a rock volume in some form of fault-fracture
cem entation of fractures, and solution-precipitation mesh (Figs. 15 and 16). This requires the tensile overpressure
(Angcvine et al., 1982; Cox et al., 2001). In particular, condition, o f < 0, to be maintained, at least locally, providing
hydrotherm al precipitation is generally prom oted by a general condition for high-flux flow in low-permeability
decreases in fluid pressure; the more abrupt the pressure rocks. The higher the tensile strength, the greater the range
drop, the faster such self-sealing will tend to occur (Parry, of differential stress levels under which extensional and
1998; Fournier, 1999). Permeability in the vicinity of the extensional-shear failure may occur in preference to faulting
fault zone is, thus, likely to be highest immediately postrup­ (Fig. 12). High-flux flow through fault-fracture meshes is
ture (Brown and Bruhn, 1996), diminishing through the therefore favored by the presence of high tensile strength
aftershock phase to comparatively low values through the material within the rock mass, provided that the hydrofrac­
interseismic period (Fig. 4). ture condition (Pf * <TS + T) is met for the stronger material.
well oriented for frictional reactivation in the prevailing
stress field. High-flux flow through fault-fracture meshes, as
illustrated in Figure 15, is therefore, to be expected only in
three circumstances: (1) in effectively intact low-permeability
crust devoid o f throughgoing favorably oriented faults, for
example in crust recently reconstituted through meuunor-
phism (Sibson and Scott, 1998); (2) where existing faults
have become severely m isoriented in the prevailing stress
field, perhaps through progressive dominoing of an existing
fault set (Fig. 8); and (3) where existing faults regain cohe­
sive strength between successive slip increments through
hydrothermal cementation (e.g., Nguyen etaL, 1998).
In fact, field evidence suggests that distributed fault-frac­
ture meshes are in many cases precursors to the develop­
m ent o f throughgoing faults which form by the progressive
amalgamation o f mesh com ponents into a favorably ori­
ented structure, after which the rest o f the mesh system
becomes inactive (Sibson and Scott, 1998). Conditions
favoring high-flux flow at maximum sustainable overpres­
sure are, therefore, likely to be short-lived.
Concentrated flow along individual faults
High-flux flow along an individual fault may arise when it
serves as the principal high-level discharge route during
fault-valve action (see below), following the postfailurc col­
lapse o f a dilatant overpressured fault-fracture mesh at
depth . Such behavior is especially likely on load-strength­
FlO. 15. Cross sections o f Hill-type fault-fracture m eshes developed in ening reverse o r reverse-oblique slip faults in compres-
extensional and com pressional stress regimes: a. in the absence o f existing
faults (b o ld er lines indicate eventual am algam ation into thro u g h g o in g
sional-transpressional settings, where fault-normal stress is
fault); b. in co rp o ra tin g existing faults th at arc severely misoriented for reduced postfailure. However, the progressive amalgama­
reactivation in th e prevailing stress field (a fte r Sibson and Scott, 1998). tion o f any kind o f fault-fracture mesh into a dom inant
throughgoing fault (Fig. 15) may also provide transient
conditions for high-flux flow along individual faults. In
Attainment of the tensile overpressure condition requires such circumstances, local flow focusing is likely at dilational
either absolute tensile values o f cr3 (i.e., cr3 < 0) or the con­ sites arising from m inor fault curvature (Brown and Bruhn,
dition Pf > 0$ to obtain locally. Local reductions in <73 may be 1996) and in areas o f stress heterogeneity near fault tips,
brought about by stress field heterogeneity, for example at especially as they approach dilational jogs or isolated fault
fault tips or in dilational jogs between en echelon fault seg­ bends (Segalland Pollard, 1980).
m ents (Segal! and Pollard, 1980; O hlm acher and Aydin,
1997). Favored localities for mesh development, therefore, Fluid Redistribution Mechanisms Linked
include linkage structures along large-displacement fault to the Earthquake Stress Cycle
zones such as dilational jogs, lateral ramps, and transfer Interlinkages between changes in tectonic stress, fault-
faults. However, in general the condition Pf > cr3 must be fracture permeability, and fluid pressure (Fig. 1) give rise
maintained for meshes to continue deforming and acting as to a range o f potential mechanisms coupling fluid redis­
high-permeability structural conduits. In extensional- tribution to the earthquake stress cycle. More than one
transtensional regimes, this condition can be achieved mechanism may operate at any time and place, and their
under near-hydrostatic fluid pressure levels at shallow relative im portance in different tectonic regimes and at
depths (Figs. 12 and 13), contributing to the formation of different crustal levels is far from fully established. Taking
epizonal m ineral deposits in the boiling environm ent of special account o f the conditions for high-flux flow estab­
ascending hydrotherm al plumes (Henley, 1985; Sillitoe, lished above, this review places emphasis on redistribution
1993). At other than shallow depths in extensional-transten- mechanisms capable o f giving rise to the focused large-
sional settings, significant fluid overpressuring is required volume flow needed for m ineralization. Note, however,
for this condidon for gaping extensional and extensional- that much of the thinking is based on simple two-dimen­
shear fractures to be maintained. sional geom etrical and stress analysis of fault environ­
A critical point also apparent in Figures 12 and 13 is that ments. The more complex natural environment inevitably
the tensile overpressure condition allowing high-flux flow allows for a greater range of three-dimensional structural
through dilatant fault-fracture meshes can only be achieved controls with high mineralization potential (e.g., Bruhn et
in; the absence of throughgoing low-cohesion faults diat are al., 1990).


Ftc. 16. Cross sections through mineralized hull-fracture meshes, a. Extension*! cpizona! mesh. Martha mine. Coro­
mandel, New Zealand (after Morgan, 1924). b Comprcssional mesozona) mesh. Perron m ine (now Pascalis N ord), Val
d ’Or, Abiribi belt, Quebec (after Ames. 1948).

Cyclical dilatancy pumping faults are load-weakening with average mean stress decreas­
ing during loading only to increase abruptly postfailure,
Various forms of shear-stress-dependent grain-scale, whereas reveree faults are load-strengthening, with average
microcrack, and fracture dilatancy directly related to the mean stress increasing during loading only to decrease at
earthquake stress cycle (Fig. 4a) have been proposed, both failure. Mean stress cycling around strike-slip faults may lie
for the crust adjacent to seismogenic faults, and for mater­ anywhere between these two end-member cases, approach­
ial within the fault zones themselves (reviewed by Sibson, ing the normal fault and reverse fault situations in transten-
1994). Early suggestions of regional microcrack dilatancy sional and U'anspressional settings, respectively.
operating at high (>100 MPa) levels of shear stress in the Because o f strong directional permeability along
crust adjacent to active fault zones and capable of large- strike, m ean stress cycling in dip-slip fault systems may
scale fluid redistribution (Scholz et al., 1973; Sibson ct al., induce significant strike-parallel redistribution postfailure,
1975) have not been substantiated, although the search for with lateral movement of fluids away from a failed normal
other forms of stress-dependent dilatancy continues fault segment but inwards towards a failed reverse fault seg­
(Crampin, 1994). Until the stress levels driving faulting and m ent (Fig. 17). Effects are likely to be most noticeable in
appropriate constitutive dilatancy laws are more fully estab­ the vicinity of fault tips and overlaps where stress hetero­
lished, it is not possible to evaluate the contributions of geneity allows the condition for high-flux flow to be main­
these various mechanisms to crustal fluid redistribution. tained. Such redisu'ibution may be especially important in
the case of norm al faults, which are likely to have a high
Coupled mean stress (6~)-shear stress ) cycling concentration o f associated subvertical fractures in the
In general, tectonic shear stress on faults cannot change near-surface (Sibson, 2000b). Closure of such subvertical
without fault-normal stress also changing, thereby altering cracks from increased horizontal stress postfailure has been
the level of mean stress and the fault’s frictional strength postulated as the cause of the large surface effusions some­
(eq. 9; Sibson, 1991). For dip-slip faults, changes in mean times observed following rupture of normal faults (Muir-
stress (d~) are roughly comparable to the shear stress drop Wood and King, 1993).
(generally 1 < A < 1 0 MPa, equivalent to changes in
Postseismic redistribution around rupture irregularities
hydraulic head o f 0.1 to 1.0 km ), b u t the coupling is dia­
metrically opposite for reverse and normal faults (Figs. 4b, Rupturing and slip transfer across fault irregularities leads
c). Neglecting local stress heterogeneity at fault tips, normal to abrupt postfailure changes in m ean stress localized

Flo. 17. Map views o f strike-parallel fluid redistribution around failed segm ents o f normal and reverse dip-slip faults
as a consequence o f the change in mean stress accompanying failure ( d - ).

around the irregularities (Segall and Pollard, 1980), with a where reverse faults refract through fold hinges under con­
tendency for fluids to be redistributed from areas o f raised ditions o f strong fluid overpressuring (e.g., Cox, 1995).
to areas of reduced mean stress (Nur and Booker, 1972). In The internal structure o f large dilationaljogs is generally
strike-slip fault systems where epicenU'a! concentrations can a fault-fracture mesh comprising various combinations o f
be directly correlated in map view to structural irregularities subsidiary faults, sheeted arrays o f extension veins, and
on subvertical faults (jogs, isolated bends, and fault inter­ multiply recem ented wall-rock breccias developed by
sections; Figs. 5 and 18), there is a notable tendency for hydraulic implosion (Sibson, 1985a). In mechanical terms,
aftershocks to cluster in areas of inferred mean stress reduc­ it appears that dilationaljogs and bends act as suction
tion at fault tips and, especially, in dilational jogs and bends pumps (Fig. 4d). Rapid slip transfer during rupture propa­
(Sibson, 1986). Slip transfer across dilational jogs reduces gation leads to abrupt localized reductions in fluid pressure
mean stress in the stepover region with compensating lobes below ambient (hydrostatic?) levels, triggering brecciation
of elevated mean stress in the flanking areas, in conuust to by hydraulic implosion accompanied by episodes of boiling
contractional jogs where mean stress is increased in the and mineral precipitation at high levels in geothermal sys­
stepover region but lowered in the flanking regions (Fig. tems (Sibson, 1987). Induced suctions contribute to rup­
18). Structural response at isolated fault bends is affected by ture perturbation or arrest, promoting the time-dependent
the direction of rupture propagation, which determ ines slip transfer across dilationaljogs that has been observed
whether mean stress on the across-bend segment decreases during the aftershock phase as fluid pressures restore to
(promoting dilation) or increases as a rupture propagates background levels (Peltzer et ah, 1996).
into the bend. It is in such dilational sites, through local From the viewpoint o f the explorationist, the three-
stress heterogeneity, that the high-flux flow condition (<7/ < dimensional geometry of dilational structures is paramount.
0) is most likely to be achieved. Simple dilationaljogs usually develop approximately per­
Jog suiictures linking en echelon strike-slip fault segments pendicular to fault slip vectors (Fig. 14), acting as pipe stinc­
have cross-strike dimensions ranging up to several kilome­ tures of locally enhanced permeability within fault zones. In
ters. Detailed aftershock studies show that, in at least some suike-slip systems, larger dilationaljogs also serve to localize
instances, such structural irregularities extend through the magmatic intrusions, including porphyries (Tosdal and
full depth o f the seismogenic zone (e.g., Reasenberg and Richards, 2001). This, coupled with strong localized
Ellsworth, 1982). However, dilational and contractional jogs enhancem ent of vertical permeability, may set up powerful
also develop on dip-slip faults, though generally on a lesser hydrothermal systems its in the Salton Sea geothermal fields
scale. Dilationaljogs (sometimes referred to as cymoid loops; of the southern San Andreas fault (Sibson, 1987). Dilational
M[cKinstry,1948) are often well developed on normal faults jogs in dip-slip systems tend to enhance along-strike perme­
at shallow depth, reflecting the comparative ease of exten- ability; and upwards flow of buoyant hydrothermal plumes
sional fracturing under hydrostatic fluid pressures in the epi- may be significantly deflected by gently rakingjogs, which
zonal environment (Fig. 12), especially where competence outcrop as fault overlaps (Sibson, 2000b). Explorationists
layering promotes mixed-mode brittle failure and fault should note, however, that complexities in rupture geome­
refraction (Sibson, 1998). Dilationaljogs may also develop try coupled with three-dimensional material heterogeneity
1997), areas o f active m agm atic intrusion (Fournier, 1999),
DILATIONAL FAULT JOG CONTRACTIONAL FAULT JOG a n d th e brittle carap ace to reg io n s u n d e r g o in g prograde
m etam orphism (Sibson a n d Scott, 1998). Valve action may
involve localized discharge alon g established faults e x ten d ­
in g through th e aftershock period, o r distributed discharge
in volvin g self-g en era tio n o f fault-fracture m e sh e s d u rin g
earthquake swarm activity.
F o llo w in g ru p tu re, flu id d isch arge a lo n g th e tran sien t
p erm ea b ility o f th e rup tu re z o n e o r z o n e s ca u ses lo ca l
reversion towards a hydrostatic fluid pressure gradient. T h e
accom panyin g pressure d rop p rom otes hydrotherm al self-
sea lin g , a llo w in g flu id o verp ressu res to reb u ild at d ep th
(Figs. 4d and 19a). T im in g o f successive failure ep isod es is,
tfot8i<8 0< intomal structure
thus, co n tro lled by th e cycling o f tectonic shear stress, fluid
pressure, and frictional fault strength th rou gh ou t th e inter-
seism ic p e r io d . W id esp read d e v e lo p m e n t o f sy n te c to n ic
fault-veins in e x h u m e d fau lt zo n es d e v e lo p e d w ithin both
sed im en ta ry and crystalline h o st rocks, c o u p le d w ith evi­
(b) Oitational Response at Isolated Fault Bend d en ce for fluid pressure cycling from fluid inclu sion studies
o n th e vein m aterial (e.g ., Robert e t al., 1995; Parry, 1998),
su ggest th at m in o r valving action involving sm all fluid vol­
rupture nuctealion u m es is w id esp rea d in cru stal fa u lt z o n es. H ow ever, th e
p o ten tia l for ex trem e valving activity clearly relates to th e
Contractions! Response at isolated Fault Bend
m axim um overpressure that is sustainable in d ifferen t tec­
tonic settings (Fig. 13).

rupture nucieation
Complex Rupture Trace C onditions fo r extreme valve action: For significan t m ineral­
iza tio n to d e v e lo p th ro u g h fault-valve a c tio n , e a c h cycle
rupture nudeation
contractional sh o u ld id ea lly in volve rapid d isch a rg e o f large flu id vol­
jog. tfHationai
bend um es co u p le d to a large-am plitude d rop in flu id pressure.
contractional dilational B ecause high-flux flow at d ep th in th e crust req uires dila-
bend Jog tan t fau lt-fracture m e sh e s, a first r e q u ir e m e n t is th e
absen ce o f th rou gh goin g, low -cohesion faults that are w ell
Fir.. 18- Rupture interaction with smictural irregularities on faults, a.
o r ie n te d for reactivation (Fig. 15). T h u s, th e greater the
Dilations*! and contractional jogs (schematic indicates interna! structure of d eg r ee o f m iso riem a tio n o f existin g faults in th e tecton ic
dilational jog) with associated areas of mean stress decrease and increase, stress field , fo r e x a m p le by progressive d o m in o rotation
b, Dilational and contractional response of isolated fault bends, c. Zones (F ig. 8 ) , th e g r ea ter th e lik e lih o o d o f sig n ifica n t valve-
of contraction and dilatation along a complex rupture trace.
a ctio n an d flu id pressure cycling. C om pressional regim es
ca p a b le o f su sta in in g th e h ig h e st lev els o f overp ressu re
in th e rock m ass may lead to m u ch m ore co m p lex dilational (F ig. 13) h ave th e h ig h e s t p o ten tia l fo r large-am p litu d e
structures in th ree d im e n sio n s th an th e stand ard two- flu id p ressu re c y c lin g (S ib son e t a!., 1988; C ox, 1995;
d im en sion al d ilational j o g m o d el. B ruhn e t a!. (1 9 9 0 ). for R obert e t al., 1995). T hus, alth ough in esozon al gold-quartz
ex a m p le , have c o n sid e re d th e sp a ce p ro b lem s created by v ein s o c c u p y in g fau lt-fractu re m e sh e s m ay d e v e lo p in a
ru p tu rin g w ith in a n orm al fault system m ad e up o f inter­ ran ge o f tecto n ic en v iro n m en ts (Sibson an d Scott, 1 9 9 8 ),
linked nonparallel fault segm ents. th e m o st in ten se form s o f su ch m in eralization ten d to b e
h o sted in th e sem i-d u ctile roots o f steep reverse fault sys­
F ault-valve action tem s in c o llisio n -a c c r e tio n settin g s (e .g ., th e M eso zo ic
V alving a c tio n , in v o lv in g th e p o stfa ilu re d isch a rg e o f M o th er L o d e v ein system in th e fo o th ills o f th e Sierra
overpressured fluids th rou gh fauit-fracture systems, occurs N evada, C aliforn ia). S u ch vein system s co m m o n ly ex ten d
w herever ruptures breach im p erm eab le barriers b ou n d in g over 1 to 2 km vertically, com prising fault-veins d evelop ed
overp ressu red p o rtio n s o f th e crust. T h ese barriers n e e d o n reverse or reverse-oblique faults in term esh ed in m utual
n o t be su b h o riz o n ta l b u t m ay a lso in volve ste e p sea lin g cross-cutti n g relationships with arrays o f flat-lying exten sion
faults b o u n d in g flu id pressure com partm ents (H u n t, 1990; veins (Figs. 15 an d 16). M ineralization generally occu rred
Powiey, 1 9 9 0 ). O v erp ressu rin g m ay b e restricted to th e u n d e r sub -grecn sch ist to green sch ist m ctam orp h ic c o n d i­
vicinity o f th e fault zo n es th em selves o r e x ten d in to broad tio n s (1 0 ± 5 km d e p th ) in com pressional-transpressionai
areas o f th e su rrou n d in g crust (Fig. 19). Settings for differ­ tecto n ic regim es. T h e com pressional stress field served to
e n t form s o f fault-valve action in clu d e overpressured sed i­ co n ta in d eep -so u rced , lithostaticafly overp ressu red H 20 -
m entary basins (R oberts e t a!., 1996; M cKenna an d Sharp, COy flu ids a ro u n d d ie base o f th e seism o g en ic z o n e until
(a) R isin g r In c rea sin g Pt

•c*C*j»s(0n*Pf__ — Pf CYCLE

F luid D ischarge
‘ D ecrea sin g P ,




v ///////////////////^ ^ ^ ^

X ^ °3

/ w/ / w/ /...s/ \s/ \/w./


Fig. 19. \farieucs o f fault-valve behavior, a. Schematic o f general fault-valve cycle, illustrating coupled cycling o f shear
stress ( t), fluid pressure (Pr),a n d frictional fault strength (ff). b. Distributed and localized valving in an cxtensional tec­
tonic regime, c. Distributed and localized valving in a compressions! tectonic regime (diagrammatic and not to scale).
rupture, followed by focused upwards discharge along the (a)
reverse faults. S N W E
Valving action in sedimentary basins: There is accumulating
evidence that varieties of fault-valve activity may also occur at
comparatively high levels in overpressured sedimentary
basins, promoting oil and gas as well as hydrothermal fluid
migration. The presence o f localized hydrothermal plumes
above overpressured portions o f the Gulf Coast basin
(Roberts et al., 1996; McKenna and Sharp, 1997) is sugges­
tive of valving action along normal faults, as are abnormal
diagenctic assemblages localized around faults in the North
Sea basin (Burley e t al., 1989). A likely candidate for an
active fault-valve province in an area of compressional tec­
tonics is the east Santa Barbara Channel-Ventura Basin
region in the western Transverse Ranges of California, an
actively contracting and overpressured fold-and-thrust belt
characterized by steep, seismically active reverse faults and
rapidly amplifying folds (Yeats et al., 1988; Shaw and Suppe,
1994). One such fold structure is the Vemura-Rincon antl-
clinorium (Fig. 20), host to a super-giant oilfield. Growth of
this structure has occurred within the last 200,000 years, and
the anticlinal crest is currently uplifting differentially at up
to 10 mm/yr. Oil production from strata as young as Pleis­ Fki. 20. a. Reverse faulting, often rooted in bedding shears, defined by
tocene suggests that hydrocarbon migration is still ongoing. drilling in the core o f the growing, fluid-overpressured Ventura anticline
This growing su*ucture is flanked by steep, outward-dipping o f southern California (after Yeats. 1983). b. Gold-bearing quartz veins
hosted in saddle reef structures and reverse faults rooted in bedding
reverse faults that remain microseismically active with focal
shears within the Garden Gully Anticline in deform ed Ordovician tur­
mechanisms defining almost pure reverse dip-slip (Yeats et bidites, Confidence Extended mine, Bendigo, Australia (after Cox et al.,
al., 1987). The core of the Ventura Anticline, which is 1991; Whitelaw, 1918).
strongly overpressured with Ay values approaching 0.9 at
depths of 3 km or so, is likewise disrupted by a mesh of bed­
ding-parallel and cross-stratal reverse-slip faults, m ost of associated with major episodes of fluid redistribution within
which dip at moderate to steep angles (Yeats, 1983). the crust. Particularly interesting situations arise during
Figure 20 draws attention to the remarkable similarities positive tectonic inversion, where there is an approximately
between the internal structure o f the Ventura Anticline and coaxial change from regional extension to compression,
the system o f gold-quartz veins hosted by a folded and and during negative inversion where the reverse occurs.
cleaved sequence of Ordovician turbidites within the Gar­ During positive inversion, the mean stress increases from
den Gully Anticline (Whitelaw, 1918) near Bendigo in the a value less titan the vertical stress in the extensional regime
State of Victoria, Australia. Incremental development of the to a value greater than the vertical stress in the compres­
vein system provides evidence for episodic large-volume sional regime, thereby boosting fluid pressure levels (Sib-
flow along reverse-slip discontinuities, some of which paral­son, 1995). Maximum sustainable overpressure is also
lel, and some of which crosscut bedding (C oxet al., 1991). higher in the compressional regime because inherited nor­
A reasonable inference, given the similar structural perme­ mal faults are poorly oriented for reactivation in the new
stress Field. Such scenarios favor the developm ent o f
ability in the two anticlinal structures, is that fluid migration
within the actively growing Ventura Anticline is likewise regional fault-valve provinces where compressional reacti­
episodic and concentrated along active reverse-slip sur­ vation o f inherited normal faults leads to extreme valving
faces. Migration o f overpressured fluids through compara­ acuon on steep reverse faults. Extreme fault-valve behavior
ble reverse-fault-coied anticlines in Cook Inlet, Alaska, hasin such settings will eventually be terminated by the devel­
also been recognized by Bruhn e t al. (2000). Despite the opm ent o f new, favorably oriented thrusts in the compres­
considerable variations in scale and structural level within sional stress field, and is, thus, likely to be comparatively
the crust, redistribution o f overpressured fluids in all o fshort lived. T h e eastern Santa Barbara Channel-Ventura
these cases seems attributable to valving action on moder- Basin region discussed above is one such area o f active tec­
ately-to-steeply dipping reverse-slip discontinuities. tonic inversion where inherited normal a n d /o r strike-slip
faults developed during Miocene extension have, since the
Regional valve-action from changes in stress regime Pliocene, been reactivated within an actively contracting
The dependence of maximum sustainable overpressure fold-and-thrust belt as steep reverse faults. The changeover
on the stress state and fault architecture (Fig. 13) suggests between active extension and shortening took place within
that regional changes in die tectonic regime are likely to be as little as 2 million years (Yeats et al., 1988).
D uring negative inversion, high fluid overpressures ization and tectonic setting. Within extensional-transten-
developed and m aintained during progressive regional sional tectonic regimes, conditions for high-flux flow lead­
contraction cannot be sustained in the extensional stress ing to epizonal mineralization can be m aintained under
field because o f the decrease in maximum sustainable over­ hydrostatic fluid pressures in the shallow crust to depths
pressure (Fig. 13). Rapid release o f overpressured fluids dependent on rock tensile strength, but in compressional-
may then take place through self-generauon o f extensional transpressional regimes, fluids overpressured to around
fault-fracture meshes (Fig. 15), as appears to have occurred lithostatic values are needed for mesozonal mineralization
during formation of the Alaska-Juneau gold-bearing quarts to develop through fault-valve action in the midcrust.
vein system in southeast Alaska (Miller et al., 1992; Sibson Extreme valve-action on steep reverse faults is most likely to
and Scott, 1998). develop in areas of positive tectonic inversion, or in colli­
During both positive and negadve inversion, the speed of sion-accretion complexes where initially shallow-dipping
the tectonic transition is likely to be a critical factor in thrusts have steepened to lock up as a consequence of pro­
determining the extent o f fluid redistribuuon and its effec- gressive horizontal contraction.
dveness in prom oting mineralizadon. The same phenom ­
ena may also occur on rather short dme-scales in strike-slip Acknowledgments
fault systems, where poruons of the crust move rapidly from Thanks to G. Broadbent, S. Cox, L, Miller, H. Poulsen,
areas of local transtension to transpression, or vice versa. and F. Robert, and to the earthquake researchers of the
U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, especially D. Hill, S.
Summary Discussion
Hickman, B. Ellsworth, and T. Hanks, who over many years
Dynamic fluid redistribution within the seismogenic have focused my attention on issues o f faulting and fluid
upper crust involves intercoupled stress and permeability flow, and to the course organizers for the opportunity to
cycling. Large earthquakes on established faults induce participate. R. Bruhn, D. Hill, andj. Richards provided con­
fluid redistribution into diladonal sites during aftershock structive advice on the manuscript and S. Read helped with
periods, but packages o f overpressured fluids m igrating the figures. This work was funded by the NZ Public Good
through stressed crust also self-generate structural perme­ Science Fund through FRST Contract #C05611.
ability by earthquake swarm activity involving distributed
brittle failure and reshear. Intermittent seismic slip in fault- REFERENCES
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Society o f Economic CrttlogiUs
Reviews v. 14, 2001, p . 5 1 -7 4

Chapter S

Deformation, Fluid Flow, and Ore Genesis in H eterogeneous Rocks, with

Examples and Numerical Models from the M ount Isa District, Australia
N icholas H. $. O liver*
Econom ic Geology Research U n it, School o f E a rth Sciences, Jam es Cook U niversity, Tow nsville Q L D 4 8 1 I, A u stra lia

Alison O rd,
C S fR O D ivisio n o f E xploration a n d M in in g , P O B ox 4 3 7 , N ed la n d s, VVA 6 0 0 9 , A u stralia

Richard K. Valenta,
M o u n t Is a A lin es E xploration, B risbane, A u stra lia

and P haedra U pton **

C SIR O D ivisio n o f E xp loration a n d M in in g , A 'edtands, W A 6 0 0 9 , A u stra lia


Consideration o f the role o f rock property variations is crucial in any analysis o f the effects of defor­
mation o n fluid flow and mineralization. An empirical analysis of any mineralized terrain should consider
this factor, in addition to those used in any other analysis o f geometry and kinematics, such as orienta­
tion, evolution o f the stress and strain Acids, and the known distribution o f veins, shear zones, breccias,
a n d a lte ra tio n . T h e conceptual models that arise from such an analysis can be enhanced by computer
m o d e ls . T h e m o d e ls sh o w n here are finite difference models that simulate fluid flow in deforming rock
masses, one fo r flu id flow along predefined rock boundaries (Universal Distinct Element Code, UDEC),
a n d another for fluid flow through d e f o r m i n g porous media (Fast Lagrangian Analysis o f Continua,
FLAC). UDEC modeling of the p e r tu r b e d stre ss field a r o u n d stronger, lower permeability meta-intnisive
rocks in the Mary Kathleen district a n d th e H ilto n m in e o f th e M o u n t Isa district, northwest Queensland,
reproduces the observed location of th e m o s t in te n s e v c in in g a n d a lte ra tio n . FLAC modeling o f the Mary
Kathleen U-REE orebody reproduces th e lo c a tio n a n d g e o m e try o f o r e s h o o ts and provides an explana­
tion for focusing of regional fluid to w a rd s th e o r e d e p o s itio n sites. FL A C m o d e ls of the giant Mount Isa
copper deposit reveal that the effect o f th e rh e o lo g ic a l h e te r o g e n e ity o n flu id flow and solute transport
is amplified if consideration is made o f w h e th e r o r n o t th e ro c k s a r e c o n tr a c t a n i or dilatant, with in ­
creasing strain. Multiple working h y p o th e s e s c a n b e e v a lu a te d q u ick ly by s u c h modeling; therefore, the
models can be used in exploration a n d o re b o d y e x te n s io n stu d ie s . F u r th e r m o r e , it is suggested from our
work that the size and spacing of e p ig e n e tic , s tru c tu ra lly c o n tr o lle d o r e d e p o s its is related in a fairly sys­
tematic way to the scale and degree o f ro c k p r o p e rty v a ria tio n s , a t le a st f o r a g iv en strain history. For giant
ore deposits to form, it requires th a t th e g r a d ie n ts in p o r e p r e s s u r e g e n e r a te d a t local scales by hetero­
geneous rock packages must be s u b o r d i n a te to th o s e o p e r a tin g a t b r o a d e r scales.

Introduction netic ore deposits on major structural boundaries is well

known, and such localization is a complex interplay between
T his Paper is primarily concerned with understanding the rock permeability, rock rheology', fluid properties, and the
dynamics of fluid flow and rock deformation assuming het­ applied stress suite. Deformation of rock in the presence of
erogeneous rock properties, in order to predict better the fluid can cause a change in the stress state, which in turn
spadal distribution of epigenetic ore deposits in exploration can affect the relationships between permeability and pore
and expansion of existing operations. Fluid flow controls fluid pressure, causing fluid advection. Likewise, fluid move­
the dissolution, transport, and concentration of metals into m ent can affect the bulk stress state of the rock, which in
epigenetic ore deposits. The common occurrence of epige- turn can cause deformation (Ord and Oliver, 1997).
This paper also presents some principles and examples
♦Corrcsponding author: e-mail, nick.oliver@ of com puter m ethods used in hydrodynamic analysis of
*Present address: MIM Exploration, GPO Box 1042, Brisbane, QLD deformed terrains. Com puter simulations, constrained as
4001, Australia.
’‘“"Present address: D epartm ent o f Geology, University o f Otago,
much as possible by field observations, provide an iterative
D unedin, New Zealand. means to test different models of deformation, fluid flow,
and alteration, and to assess the relative importance o f var­ gradients that affect fluid flow. More comprehensive details
ious structural features. Realistic simulations can now be of these principles are provided by Cox et al. (2001) and
run on m icrocom puters with short run times, allowing Robert and Poulsen (2001). Although the numerical mod­
consideration o f num erous input conditions and iterative els we present are capable of including the effects of topog­
comparison with reality. Detailed cause and effect scenarios raphy, buoyancy, compaction, etc., on fluid advection, we
for interrelationships between fluid flow and deformation focus attention on the interplay o f deformation, stress, per­
cannot be readily defined, and for this reason numerical meability, and rock properties, such as may occur in the
modeling is playing an increasingly im portant role in the active core o f deforming m ountain belts.
developm ent o f new research and practical exploration Channeled fluid flow through fractures, and flow via a
strategies. Questions that can be addressed include: continuum of grain-scale permeability (porous media flow),
are convenient end-m ember styles o f fluid flow, although
1. What were the relative magnitudes and orientations there is a com plete spectrum between these two types of
o f the principal stresses during deformation? flow for most geological scenarios. The governing equations
2. Where were the zones o f deformation-enhanced per­ for fracture flow as opposed to porous media flow are dif­
meability relative to the large scale geometry? ferent, although they converge; nevertheless, as yet, no sin­
3. What were the resultant patterns of fluid flow? gle num erical code has been able to address the conver­
4. What was the likely location of mineralization? gence realistically for deform ing geological materials. In
both cases, fluid flow is strongly affected by heterogeneous
Commonly, die structural geology in a given area is well rocks with different mechanical properties. It is also perti­
understood geometrically and temporally. By combining nent to note at this stage that the two numerical codes we
conventional structural analysis with an understanding of present in this paper, UDEC and FLAC, simulate fracture
the spatial and temporal variation o f rock and fluid prop­ flow (by discrete elem ent modeling) and porous media flow
erties, an analysis o f the effects of deform ation and fluid (by continuum modeling), respectively. Each type o f model,
flow on mineralization can be performed. Here, we explore and each way of thinking, has advantages and disadvantages.
the range of relauonships in which the distribution o f rocks Porous m edia flow in which fluid flow occurs through
o f varying rheological properties influences the develop­ interconnected pore space (or theoretically through inter­
m ent and evolution o f fluid pathways, and ultimately, epi­ connected fracture networks) occurs in response to
genetic syntectonic orebodies. The work has implications changes in hydraulic head as expressed by Darcy’s law
for all o f the categories o f ore deposits for which syn- or (Etheridge etal., 1984):
late-tectonic origins have been proposed, including
Archean greenstone-hosted gold deposits, orogenic gold J^ K - \ r \.V P , (1)
deposits, and many Proterozoic and Phanerozoic Cu and
Cu-Au deposits. Numerical models can assist this process by where J A is the volumetric fluid flux (m V m -/s),
attempting to determine the likely size and spacing o f ore Kis the permeability (m2),
deposits form ed by epigenetic processes in deform ing
v the viscosity (k g /m /s ), and
crust. Models for deformation of homogeneous materials
generally fail to predict the location of epigenetic ore VP the gradient in hydraulic head (M Pa/m).
deposits, and do not readily describe the redistribution of
ore-forming components in rocks already containing min­ The units for flux are given in this form because they can
eralization. Deposits in which sulfides are localized in struc­ be equated with estimates of time-integrated fluid fluxes
tural sites, but arc regarded as being deformed and remo­ determined petrologically, using the principle by which the
bilized, may also be strongly influenced by the distribution progress of a reaction as measured by the proportions of
o f rocks o f varying strength around them. reactant and p ro d u ct m inerals is a m easure o f the total
fluid flux (e.g., Ferry and Dipple, 1991). For a given fluid
Principles o f Fluid Flow viscosity fluid flow is controlled by permeability and gradi­
Porous media flow and fracture flow are terms used to ents in hydraulic head. In deforming rocks with aqueous
describe fluid m igration in relatively shallow subsurface fluids, the head gradients may be largely a function of
environments involving, for example, basinal fluid flow and deform ation and mineral reactions, whereas in shallower
hydrocarbon and contam inant transport (e.g., Domenico scenarios this VP term may be dominated by the effects of
and Schwartz, 1998), and the formation of sediment-hosted buoyancy, topographic, o r thermal gradients.
ore deposits (e.g., Garven and Freeze, 1984a, b). This sec­ There are several important differences between shallow
tion briefly examines to what degree these same principles groundwater flow and that inferred for deeper crustal flu­
can be applied to the understanding o f transport and accu­ ids. Primary porosity is largely irrelevant at depth, because
m ulation o f metals in deeper crustal environments. The it is vanishingly small for most crystalline rocks. In crys­
geological environments we are considering in this paper talline rocks, the creation and destruction o f secondary
are ones in which rock perm eabilities are generally low, porosity, particularly effective porosity (that available to
fluid is most commonly overpressured, and the role o f rock contribute to permeability), is dom inated by combinations
deformation is prominent or predom inant in the hydraulic of: ( 1 ) mineral reactions that involve a change in volume
o f the solid phase a n d /o r liberation o f volatiles previously pressure, and stress (e.g., Griffith, Anderson, Riedel, Mohr-
bound up in the minerals (Rumble and Spear, 1983; Ferry Coulomb theories), and also by considering fluid flow solu­
and Dipple, 1991); (2) dynamic crack propagation during tions in parallel-walled o r cylindrical channels (much engi­
deformation (Cox e t al., 2001); and (3) pressure solution neering literature), especially laminar flow. The important
and dissolution/precipitation creep resulting from load or equation here is the condition for laminar flow between par­
tectonic stress (Durney, 1976; Beach, 1977). allel-sided smooth plates:
Many models of fluid flow in deform ing rocks use
Darcy’s law as the basic principle, with the assumption that (Pa-Pb)W 2
the behavior of fluids in rocks at depth can be described Q= 12 Lv » (2)
by porous m edia flow (O rd and Oliver, 1997). This
assumption requires that the permeability o f rocks can be where Q is the instantaneous fluid flux (m /s),
represented by realistic averages o f all of the above com­ L is the distance between the levels o f pressure Pa and Pb,
plex processes. In comparison to hydrogeological studies W is the channel width, and
in which perm eability can be m easured and related to vth e viscosity (modified from Phillips, 1972).
grain size, grain size distribution, pore shapes, and wetting
angles, our qualitative to semiquantitadve estimates of per­ Equation (2) contains the basic information needed to
meability in rocks at depth are frustratingly inadequate, consider the specific geometry of flow channels, although
and are the primary limitation on quantification of fluid equations for rough (e.g., Brown, 1987) or highly tortuous
flow models. Despite this limitation, more realistic under­ channelways (e.g., Helgeson and Lichtner, 1987) are con­
standing of permeabilities at depth has been achieved in siderably more complex. The degree of intcrconnectivity of
recent years through recognition o f the complex arrays of individual fractures (see Sibson, 1996; Cox et al., 2001) is
processes that affect permeability, a few o f which we pre­ also particularly important. By assessing fracture connectiv­
sent here. ity and percolation thresholds for a specific, known fracture
At high tem peratures (>200*0, m ineral reactions can array (Cox e t al., 2001), flow m odeling can proceed to
make a substantial contribution to permeability and fluid demonstrate the localization, for example, of high fluid flux
flow, because most metamorphic devolatilizadon reactions sites and, hence, potential sites for mineralization.
liberate fluid that may result in changes in V? and therefore The m odeling conundrum and its link to exploration
fluid flux (Etheridge et al., 1984). The effect of mineral models is now a p p a re n t-sh o u ld we include specific frac­
reactions on hydraulic conductivity is difficult to quantify tures in models, or try to represent rocks by averages in
because wetting angles and percolation thresholds for rocks which dynamic fracture permeabilities are implicit o r vary
undergoing mineral reactions are different to those pre­ throughout rock bodies in a systematic way? Equation (2)
dicted o r measured by compaction experiments in the pres­ can be extended to a volume o f rock having several or
ence o f fluid (e.g., Zhang et al., 1994). Typical prograde many fractures (Dom enico and Schwartz, 1998). If an
mineral reactions involve a decrease in the volume o f the appropriate average can be selected for a representative
solid products and an increase in the total volume o f all the rock volume, the permeability o f the fractured rock body
products (solids plus released volatiles), and, thus, have con­ can then be approximated by an average, and Darcy’s law
siderable potential to create permeability (Rumble and may be applied so that the rock can be modeled in a con­
Spear, 1983). However, such reaction-enhanced permeabil­ tinuum sense. In o rd er for an approxim ation o f porous
ity will most likely only predominate at relatively low strain media flow to hold in fractured rocks, the representative
rates; otherwise, intragranular plastic deformation a n d /o r volume of rock under consideration must contain an aver­
formation of fluid-filled fractures will predominate (Oliver, age num ber o f fractures with respect to their abundance,
1996; Cox et al., 2001). For example, in a ductile shear zone, size, and hydraulic conductivity, an approximation that is
mineral reactions that create fluid overpressure will be difficult to demonstrate practically. In our porous medium
important, but permeability enhancem ent is unlikely to be analogy for fluid flow through fractured rocks in deep-
dominated by porosity related to the AV o f reaction; rather, seated crustal environm ents presented below, we m ust
it will be dominated by dynamic processes o f microcracking assume that the representative volume of fractured rock is
and intracrystalline deformation. smaller than the size of the finite difference grid elements
Abundan t veins in many crustal rocks attest to the flow of (typically 50 x 50 m ), that the models, therefore, present
fluid along fractures, and in low-permeability rocks at low to realistic averages o f fluid flow and rock properties, and that
moderate temperatures (<200°C), it is well understood that Darcy’s law, therefore, applies. This assum ption also
fracture-flow dom inates the permeability, for example in requires, for example, that the average permeability o f frac­
limestones (e g., Lattman and Parizek, 1964) o r fractured tured rocks is characteristically up to Five o r six orders of
granites (Brace, 1968). However, to solve explicitly for the magnitude greater than revealed by in situ testing o f intact
fracture flow requires information on fracture orientation, rock (see synopsis by Domenico and Schwartz, 1998). This
density, connectivity, aperture, hydraulic conductivity, and approximation has been presented, but is still difficult to
smoothness, a very challenging list o f requirem ents. Flow constrain, in many m odeling studies (cf. Holyland and
through fractures is simulated by various rock failure theories Ojala, 1997; Ord and Oliver, 1997). For example, a 1-mm-
which specify the relationships between fractures, fluid wide open fracture running across an essentially imperme­
able 1 m2-rock face will conduct as much fluid as a porous Pf >ff3 + T, (4)
m aterial with a perm eability o f 84 Darcys (c.g., a coarse
unconsolidated sand body near the E arth’s surface; where a 3 is the minimum compressive stress, and
Domenico and Schwartz, 1998). T is the tensile strength of the rock (Secor, 1965;Jaeger, 1969).
A difficulty remains with assessing specific fracture arrays
in gathering sufficient information to adequately account These equations describe the simplest possible relation­
for the variability of fracture properties in time and space. ships between an applied stress and the fluid pressure, in
This difficulty explains the preference o f many authors, which high fluid pressures reduce effective stresses and may
both in petrological and geom echanical simulations, to lead to rock failure, and, conversely, high applied stresses
attempt to model fluid flow using continuous porous media may increase the fluid pressure. Although these relation­
sim ulations in which the details o f the fracturing are ships are superficially simple, they become very complex
em bedded within assumptions concerning average rock when different rock types are included in the analysis, and
properties and permeability (c.g., Dipplc and Feriy, 1992; when complex deform ation histories and geometries are
Hanson, 1992; O rd and Oliver 1997). considered. For example, deformation o f several different
A nother m odeling approach is the discrete elem ent rock types, each with different tensile strengths, will result
m ethod in which fluid flow is confined to rock boundaries in variations of + T throughout, which will cause local­
or specified joints and fractures (e.g., Holyland and Ojaia, ization o f the potential conditions for tensile failure at any
1997; Jiang e t a!., 1997; some examples below). This given time. Continued deformation, which would result in
approach focuses on the stress conditions accompanying another distribution of <73, would further modify the area
deformation, and numerically treats the rock bodies them­ where tensile failure is possible (Holyland and Ojaia, 1997).
selves as impermeable. T he distribution o f areas o f low Once failure occurs, the fluid pressure changes, causing
mean and differential stress are then used as a proxy to pre­ effective stress changes, which may lead to further defor­
dict fluid pathways, rather than the continuum methods in mation. Some numerical models can simulate this complex
which it is possible to fully couple deform ation and fluid coupling between fluid flow and deformation (see below).
flow. Although this type o f modeling has drawbacks (e.g.,
Homogeneous deformation
Darcy’s law cannot fully be incorporated), it is one o f few
approaches to date, other than percolation theory, that Although a hom ogeneous stress field can be imagined
allows sim ulation o f fluid flow along specified fracture leading to evenly distributed fluid flow, plastic deformation
arrays. To make a decision concerning the use o f any par­ in frictional m aterials generally leads to localization o f
ticular practical or conceptual m odel of fluid flow in strain, and hence o f fluid flow, owing to liny perturbations
deforming, mineralized rocks, the following questions must of the stress field emanating from instabilities (Ord, 1990).
first be answered: In reality, small irregularities in homogeneous rock bodies
can lead to localization of deformation and of fluid flow.
1. Which type o f process dominates the flow system: flow However, such irregularities will generally be far subordi­
along specific meso- o r macroscale fractures, o r flow nate to those occurring along the boundaries between rock
through permeable (porous or microfractured) bulk rock? bodies, because o f the rheological contrasts.
2. Can the permeability of different fractured rocks in An approach to homogeneous flow in duciilely deform­
the area be averaged over a suitably small representative ing rocks may occur if the fluid flux is very high relative to
volume? die strain rate (Ord and Oliver, 1997). In such cases the
3. Are sufficient data available on properties and con­ rock is swamped with fluid and the deformation conditions
nectivity o f the fractures to warrant a simulation that spec­ are o f secondary im portance (see below). In regional
ifies the properties o f individual fractures? m ctam orphic rocks, this situation would be relatively
unusual, but may apply in some cases of contact m eta­
Deformation and Fluid Flow m orphism , near-surface flow, o r intrusion-related fluid
The general principles o f the interrelationship between expulsion where fluid fluxes are very high relative to strain
deformation, fluid pressure, and fluid flow have been dealt rates. A m ore comm on scenario, however, would be the
with at length in the literature, and are summarized in this situation where stress perturbations arising because o f the
volume by Cox et al. (2001) and Stbson (2001). Pertinent juxtaposition o f two (or more) unalike rocks extend out­
to this discussion are (a) the law of effective stress: wards into otherwise hom ogeneous rocks, causing local­
ization of fluid flow (see below). Again, such localization
<Vir = <7„-pf. (3) will most likely be subordinate in comparison to that devel­
oped immediately around the rock interface that caused
where C7vi} is the effective normal stress acting on a plane, the perturbation.
(Tn is the normal stress, and Heterogeneous Deformation and Fluid Flow
Pf is the fluid pressure (e.g.,Jaeger, 1969), Three main factors apply in the control o f fluid flow dur­
as depictable on Mohr circle diagrams; and (b) the condi­ ing deform ation of heterogeneous rock suites (see also
tion for tensile failure at high fluid pressures: Oliver etal., 1990): (1) the pore pressure, Pf; (2) gradients
in Pf; and (3) the orientadon and magnitude o f the applied
The effects of pore pressure and pore pressure gradients
on fluid flow in deform ing rocks are addressed by Cox et
al. (2001) andSibson (2001), building on a long history of
study in the field including seminal papers by Secor (1965),
Kerrich and Allison (1978), Etheridge etal. (1984),Sibson
e ta l, (1988), Boullier et al. (1994), Valenta e ta l. (1994),
and Cox (1999). In this section, and for the rest of the
paper, we focus particular attention on the role of variable
rock properties and boundary conditions in influencing
the above factors.
Rock boundaries and other planes of xueakness
Figure 1 shows how failure on an anisotropy is favored at
Pf lower than that required to fracture the bulk rock. Con­
sider a body o f rock with a plane o f weakness oriented at
60° to <7,. The cohesion and friction angle will, for most
cases, be considerably lower along the plane of weakness
than in the rock itself. The Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion
for this plane is different from that of die rock, as shown in
Figure 1. Even though a fracture set may have low perme­
ability according to the law of effective stress (eq. 3), if this
is the only anisotropy in the rock, then failure will occur on
this plane before failure occurs on the bulk rock. For exam­
ple, this process could result in the formation o f bedding- Fig. 1. T he effect o f planes o f weakness on failure criteria, a. Schematic
or foliation-parallel veins in unusual orientations relative to rock body with planes o f weakness, b. Mohr circle representation. Mohr
the inferred stress field (Reynolds and Lister, 1987; Valenta circles are show n with a secon d failure envelop e that represents the
etal., 1994). strength o f the rock along a plane o f weakness. Failure o n an anisotropy
(a) is favored a t Pr lower than that required to fracture the bulk rock. Note
Orientat ion of rock boundaries that for the fracture set a, although it has low permeability according to
the law o f effective stress (eq. 3), if this is the only anisotropy in the rock,
Localization of fluid flow and o f orebodies commonly then failure will occur on this set before failure occurs o n the bulk rock.
occurs along misoriented structures (see also Holyland and Modified from Oliver e ta l. (1990).
Ojala, 1997; Cox et al., 2001). Such misorientation (relative
to the plane o f shear for failure in homogenous rock) nor­
mally implies that the favorable structure is aligned at a rel­ may arise as a consequence o f deform ation o f highly het­
atively low angle to the m aximum compressive stress. erogeneous rocks, for example when space problems occur
Hence, the structure will be in a dilatant orientation in resulting from folding at different wavelengths in adjacent
which perm eability is enhanced according to the law o f layers (Cox et al., 2001), or when rigid bodies are deformed
effective stress (eq. 3), and in which tensile failure may be in a soft matrix, such as metagranite in pelites or calc-silicate
favored in contrast to shear failure on o th er parts o f the rocks (Oliver et al., 1990; see below). Large fluid-filled cracks
structure. Misorientation of this type may occur in response may be generated along rock boundaries, giving rise to large
to fault bends, fault-tip bends, fault linking, and fault refrac­ variations in Pf and, hence, a strong hydraulic driving force.
tion through different rocks (Holyland and Ojala, 1997; The large fluid pressure gradient may allow spalling o f the
Cox e t al., 2001). T h e m ore general case is one in which stronger rock into the dilatant zone created by the strain vari­
deform ation o f rock packages containing layers a n d /o r ation, thus, triggering brecciation and providing potential
blobs o f strong rocks in weaker matrix rocks causes local­ sites for mineralization (e.g., Phillips, 1972). The required
ization o f stress and strain, with rock boundaries in orien­ amounts o f overpressuring leading to fracture, and conse­
tations a t a high angle to the m aximum principal com­ quent underpressure leading to spalling and brecciation, will
pressive stress being the first to show particularly dilatant be far more readily attained along such boundaries than in
behavior (see below). more homogeneous rock bodies.
In general, it is difficult to separate an observed bulk
Perturbation ofstress and strainfields across rock boundaries strain gradient from an inferred stress gradient, even
/ Regions o f substantial dilatancy are required for the devel­ though the latter is harder to quantify. Strong bodies within
opm ent o f very large fractures in deep-seated lithostatically weaker materials tend to act as stress guides. W ithin the
pressured rocks. In rocks otherwise deforming in a largely stronger body, and in specific areas around it, both the ori­
ductile manner, dilation and fracturing may occur across entation and magnitude o f the principal stresses change rel­
areas o f very large strain gradients. Strain incompatibilities ative to the far-field o r applied stresses (Edwards, 1951;
Stromgard, 1973; Hobbs et al., 1976, figs. 1.6,1.7; jaeger and UDEC is ideal for m odeling rocks that show predom i­
Cook, 1979; Oliver et al., 1990; Ojala et al., 1993; Ord and nantly brittle behavior and fluid flow channelized along
Oliver, 1997). Similarly, local stress varies significantly near-planar fractures. These fractures or interfaces between
around openings o r planes of weakness, such as cracks, rocks have their properties specifically defined in the mod­
faults, tunnels, etc., an effect that has been well documented els, so the fracture properties and the input geometry, thus,
in the mining engineering literature (see Jaeger and Cook, control the fluid flow to a large degree. UDEC uses an
1979 and references therein), and has equal application in explicit calculation procedure. By this method, each calcu­
geology (e.g., Etheridge et al., 1984). These local variations lation cycle covers a small enough time step that it is not
in stress can lead to failure in orientations and magnitudes necessary to consider the spatial and temporal interdepen­
not predicted by simple analysis o f the average far-field dence of variables in the model. This removes the need for
stresses away from the perturbation (Jiang et al., 1997). m anipulation o f large matrices, and allows simulation of
modest strains. However, small timesteps are required to
Numerical Models m aintain model stability, and UDEC has problem s with
In recent years, numerical models for deformation and complex grids and block overlap. Hence, the models can
fluid flow have been used to retrospectively demonstrate only be run to relatively small total strains, because there is
reasons for fluid flow localization around rigid bodies and no capacity for re-gridding during model inns which would
related ore deposits (Oliver et al., 1990, 1999), to explain alleviate this problem. Its utility is, thus, restricted unless it
broad variations in fluid flow in m etam orphic environ­ can be demonstrated from the geology that the configura­
m ents (O rd and Oliver, 1997), and to take results from tion o f rocks and deform ation fields at the time of fluid
known geometric relationships around ore deposits and flow did not change greatly (i.e., did not accumulate large
apply these to exploration in the surrounding areas (Ojala strains), and details of these assumptions for some scenar­
et al., 1993; Holyland and Ojala, 1997; Mair et al., 2000). ios have been presented by Holyland and Ojala (1997).
The concepts are based primarily on analogue (e.g., Within these provisos, models of stress distribution, derived
Stromgard, 1973), finite elem ent, and finite difference from UDEC modeling, have been used to constrain paleo-
models of the state of stress within and around strong bod­ orefield fluid flow, even in rocks showing brittle-ductile
ies in a weak mauix, which allow for the prediction of areas behavior. It is particularly useful if it can be demonstrated
that may undergo tensile or shear failure. Such modeling, that tire bulk o f fluid flow was along meso- to macro-scale
however, is not a requirem ent for understanding the prin­ fractures, because UDEC treats the intervening rock mass
ciples of fluid flow in heterogeneous rocks. The models are between the fractures as essentially impermeable. In this
an aid to the logical process of identifying and characteriz­ regard it is not fully coupled even though the fluid obeys
ing key controls on fluid flow, and the process o f con­ Darcy’s law in the fractures, and this is the m odel’s main
structing and modifying a series o f num erical m odels is limitation. However, it has some utility in rock masses that
akin to a risk analysis and refinem ent o f exploration crite­ contain micro-, meso-, and macro-scale fractures, because
ria. Knowledge o f the principles alone can lead to greatly the stress distribution in the rock bodies between the spec­
improved strategies for extension o f operating mines and ified fractures can also be viewed as having the potential to
exploration for structurally controlled ore deposits. develop fracture-related permeability if the stress condi­
tions are suitable (see below). Jiang etal. (1997) use UDEC
UDEC in scenarios in which the geometry and evolution o f chan-
Two commercially available numerical codes have been nelways are specified and varied, and this analysis includes
used by us and by colleagues in recent years for modeling appraisal o f fluid flow rates and conduit width, critical in
o f fluid flow in deform ing rock masses, and examples of specific localization o f m ineral deposits (Helgeson and
both are presented here. T he first o f these, UDEC (Uni­ Lichtner, 1987).
versal Distinct Elem ent Code; Lemos et al., 1985; Starficld
and Cundall, 1988), is a two-dimensional, finite difference FLAC
m odel that does n o t fully couple deform ation and fluid Fl-AC (Fast Lagrangian Analysis o f Continua; Cundall and
flow throughout the rock mass. A two-dimensional body of Board, 1988) is a finite difference code for m odeling
rock is treated as a group o f separate, fully deform able deform ing porous media; that is, it treats rock masses as
blocks that interact a t edge and co m er contacts. Internal though they are continua represented by average values o f
deform ation o f blocks is sim ulated using time-stepping mechanical, fluid flow, and heat transport properties. Fluid
finite difference calculations, with specified block internal flow in FLAC is more completely coupled with the deform­
properties. Constitutive properties o f contacts can also be ing rock mass than is the case with UDEC. Unlike UDEC,
specified. Fluid flow through block interiors is not simu­ FLAC can handle large strains, rotations, and displacements
lated. Rather, UDEC m odels stress distributions ("stress both in two o r three dimensions, although complex simula­
m apping”) in rock masses deform ed a t low bulk strains tions using FLAC30 require long run times. We have favored
(<5% bulk shortening), and emphasizes fluid flow along FLAC in recent years because most o f the deposit and
predefined fractures, faults, jo in ts, and rock interfaces regional scenarios we have been considering involve fluid
(Holyland and Ojala, 1997). A three-dimensional version is flow during ductile and brittle-ductile deformation in which
available (3DEC), b u t is n o t presented here. flow occurs in rock bodies, as well as along rock boundaries.
In this model, the fluid obeys Darcy’s law such that fluid
flow is a function primarily of gradients in hydraulic head
and permeability (eq. 1). Permeability can be fixed for
given rock types or allowed to change as a function of the
deform ation. In hydrogeological studies o f clastic sedi­
m ents dom inated by prim ary porosity (space between
clasts), porosity-permeability relationships are dominated
by expressions that focus on grain shapes, size distributions,
and pore space shapes (Domenico and Schwartz, 1998).
Such approximations are inappropriate for rocks in which
pore space is dom inated by secondary porosity, and in par­
ticular, dynamic porosity that arises from deformation. In
FLAC, the porosity has two components, one being a FLAC-
defined porosity that is rock-type dep en d en t b u t strain
independent; the second is deform ation related, being
related directly to the volume change occurring during
deform adon (O rd and Oliver, 1997). The volume change
during deform ation (and the linked porosity change) is
conceptualized by the diladon angle (Fig. 2). The increase
Fk;. 2. Simplified microstructural interpretations o f the dilation angle
in pore volume during plasdc deform auon arises from the
o f a material, for granular porous media (a), and for material with per­
sliding o f irregular surfaces past each other, such as along meability dominated by microcracks (b). showing how shearing can result
grain boundaries and fractures surfaces (Brace, 1968; Ord, in increases in volume and potential for fluid inflow. For granular mate­
1991). The assumpdon is then made diat this deformation- rials, the porosity generated by deformation may dominate over the pri­
induced dilatancy is duplicated at broader scales within mary intrinsic porosity, as depicted. In the FLAC models presented in the
text, the deformation-related porosity term is characteristically predomi­
specified volumes o f rock, generally corresponding to dif­ nant over intrinsic porosity. Adapted from Ord and Oliver (1997).
ferent rock types. Common rocks such as sandstones and
marbles have dilation angles on the order o f +5° to +10®,
whereas some strong rocks (e.g., gabbro, skarn) may have 1995). H ere, com petent, low perm eability m etadolerite
larger angles, and, less commonly, highly porous limestone and metagranite bodies were surrounded by weak calc-sili­
and similar rocks may have negadve diladon angles. Dila­ cate rocks during syn-metamorphic fluid flow. Fluid flow in
don angles may change during deformation; for example, those rocks o f the ~1760-Ma-old Corella Form ation
decreases may occur due to gradual sealing o f deformadon- occurred at 1550 to 1500 Ma during the Isan orogeny, and
induced porosity by the reaction products o f protracted was strongly concentrated around the metadolerite-calc-sil-
fluid/rock interaction, such as vein infill or altcradon zones icate interfaces. T he distribution o f alteration and veins
: (see below). suggests that the m etadolerites acted as stress guides for
Volume changes due to deform auon o f dilatant rocks deformation and fluid flow (Fig. 3a, b). T he abundant brit­
result in pore pressure changes, causing changes in the tle and brittle-ductile structures within these alteration
hydraulic head and, hence, fluid flow according to Darcy’s zones are atypical o f normal amphibolite-facies rocks, and
law. Changes in effective stress owing to volume change can are m ore characteristic o f deformation a t much shallower
also lead to plastic deform ation, which leads back to levels in the crusL However, vein crosscutting relationships,
changes in volume. Feedback between fluid flow and defor­ textural observations, and P-T data confirm that the laqje
m adon, thus, continues. These fundamental principles are majority o f alteration products and veins developed near
easiest to appreciate in the case o f intensely altered ductile the peak o f regional amphibolite-facies m etam orphism
: shear zones, where micro-scale dilatancy, coupled with (Oliver, 1995). Mineralization (Cu, Au, U-REE) in the belt
localized shear, causes repeated fluid pressure changes is widespread and spatially related to the alteration. How­
leading to concentrated ingress and flow o f fluid along the ever, it is fairly consistently o f low tonnage, and with a few
shear zone (Cox e t al., 2001; Robert and Poulsen, 2001). exceptions, uneconom ic for metals. Links have recently
In the rem aining sections, we use com binations of been drawn between this belt and the Q oncurry Belt some
mapped field o r m ine relations, and either UDEC o r FLAC 40 to 60 km further east, where much richer Cu-Au miner­
models, to dem onstrate the principles o f fluid flow that alization occurs (Oliver et al., 1999).
have led to ore accumulation. Alteration and m inor mineralization is found near the
boundaries o f the meta-imrusive rocks and the metasedi­
ments, characteristically form ing calcite vein networks (±
chalcopyrite) surrounded by irregular or shear-related
UDEC stress modeling of the Mary Kathleen fold belt
albitic alteration zones (Fig. 3b). Large vein crystals of
Geologic background: O ur first model is based on the geol­ clinopyroxene, amphibole, and calcite, locally up to meter
ogy o f the Mary Kathleen fold belt in the central Mount Isa scales, suggest that there were substantial dilations during
block (Oliver and Wall, 1987; Oliver et al., 1990; Oliver, vein formation.
approx, scale boudinaged
altered beds

t N
r [y \v v 0
«,/ S/ S/ N/
z p
\ X\
/ / / 30 M Pa
0 s
0 K A V D

c D

200m T5 M Pa

Fig . 3. Geology and UDEC m odeling o f the Mary Kathleen fold belt. a. Schem atic three-dim ensional geology o f the
Mary Kathleen fold belt show ing how distribution o f infiltrated, altered rocks (shaded) was controlled by deform ation
(E-W sh o rten in g ) o f co m p eten t m etadoierite bodies in calc-silicate host rocks (adapted from Oliver, 1995). b. Som e
detail in m ap view o f the distribution o f alteration products and the inferred m axim um principal stress direction d u r­
ing sh o rte n in g deform ation (m odified from O liver e t ai., 1990). c. C onceptual in p u t for two-dimensional, plan-view
UDEC m odel showing applied stresses on a co m p eten t m etadoierite body within w eaker calc-silicate rock (rock p rop­
erties from O liver c t al., 1990); lateral boundaries rem ain p lan a r d u rin g m odel deform ation but are free to change
length and move E-W; no fluid flow occurs, d. C ontoured effective m ean stress (MPa) g enerated after -5 p e rce n t E-W
shortening. N ote correspondence o f zones of low effective m ean stress (shaded) with field occurrences o f intense alter­
ation a n d veining (i.e., a “stress guide" effect).
Model construction and parameters: Although several geo­
metric situations can be applied to specific m apped alter­
ation zones (Fig. 3a), the overall patterns of fluid flow may Matrix Block
be m odeled by deform ation of a tabular meta-intrusive
Shear modulus (CPa) 1.0 5.0
body surrounded by metasediments, and subject to short­ Bulk modulus (CPa) 1.67 8.33
ening orthogonal to the elongate boundaries of the tabu­ Density (k g /m 3) 2,700 2,700
lar body (Oliver et al., 1990). O ur first approach is to use Cohesion (MPa) 10.0 10.0
UDEC to determ ine w hether there is a good correlation Friction angle 30® 30®
Dilation angle 10® 10®
between the distribution o f the altered rocks and the stress Permeability (m-) lO e ll 5cI3
field operating over small deformation increments (Fig. 3
c, d). Physical properties o f rocks were obtained from the
tabulations o f Birch (1966), and all rocks were modeled as
Coulom b materials. Rock properties are presented in In an applied sense, the results o f the modeling allow us
Oliver et al. (1990) and are similar to those given in Table to equate a regional deform ation with the localization of
1; data for the m odel m etadolerite are those for Sudbury alteration products, rather than requiring a specific defor­
diabase, and the m etasedim ent is based on a m ixture o f mation phase o r change in the stress field, o r other defor­
Framingham schist, Idaho Springs Formation schist, and m ation conditions. Secondly, the models show th at the
Cockseyville m arble (Oliver e ta l., 1990). The calculated stress guide effect is sufficiently well correlated with the
Young’s modulus ratio o f Sudbury diabase to this metased- shape and size o f the more competent, less permeable bod­
imentary aggregate is 2.4, consistent with the strain shadow ies, that exploration for large deposits is m ore likely to be
patterns observed around the meta-intrusive bodies in the successful when the stress guides arc large. In the Mary
Mary Kathleen fold belt. Deformation in both bodies was Kathleen fold belt, this situation corresponds to 10-km-scale
taken as elastic-plastic, and the applied stresses in the X and metagranite + skam bodies, rather than the smaller meta­
Y directions (Oj and <r2) were 30 MPa and 5 MPa (300 bars dolerite bodies depicted in Figure 3. The Mary Kathleen U-
and 50 bars), respectively. The total area is divided into 200 REE deposit, for example, is localized on such an interface
finite-difference triangles (sub-blocks), with the appropri­ (see below). Finally, the m odels suggest that all o f the
ate properties applied to the m etadolerite, the metasedi- observed vein and pod geometries (Fig. 3a) can be ratio­
ments, and the boundary between the two rocks (Oliver et nalized as being a product o f east-west shortening, includ­
al., 1990). The finite-difference triangles interact during ing steeply dipping, northerly oriented altered shear zones
the simulation, from which an array of mean and differen­ along interfaces between the two rock types. The effect of
tial stresses is com puted at intervals during the run. The the different rock properties may be sufficiently strong to
methods are generally the same as those presented by Holy- perm it favorable low stress conditions for rock failure and
land and Ojala (1997). fluid flow in locations and orientations that would not read­
ily be predicted from an inspection o f the geometric con­
Model results, implications f o r exploration, and limitations: figuration relative to the shortening field.
The model shows good correlation with the observed dis­
tribution of alteration products, and suggests that low mean A saturated, continuum modelfor the Mary Kathleenfold belt
(and differential) stresses were important for focusing flu­ The limitations o f UDEC do not readily allow us to test
ids. However, we cannot assess the realism o f the magnitude conceptual ideas regarding fluid flow in general. In this sec­
o f the generated stresses because of limitations o f model tion, we briefly present numerical models that assist with an
inputs. The model shown was run without fluids, and there­ understanding o f how variable strains and fluid fluxes
fore the effective stress shown has arisen by our application might influence the patterns predicted in Figure 3. UDEC
of low confining pressures on the block boundaries (Fig. cannot fully couple deform ation with fluid flow through
3c), to simulate artificially a total mean confining pressure the rock masses, so what is the effect o f fluid flow on the
of 350 MPa (low pressure am phibolite facies) and an deformation patterns? And what is the effect of having ver­
applied differential stress (assumed) in the horizontal tical gradients in initial fluid pressure distribution, as would
dimension of 25 MPa. The m odel is, thus, not fully cou­ be expected for deforming, metamorphic rocks?
pled, nor three dimensional, so we cannot portray realistic
flow vectors because Darcy’s law (eq. 1) and the law of effec­ Model construction and parameters: Figure 4 shows some
tive stress in the presence of fluid (eq. 3), are not incorpo­ simple two-dimensional cross-section models, which ini­
rated. Despite these model restrictions, the extreme varia­ tially are 5 km wide and 5 km deep, and contain a rectan­
tion in rheology o f the m apped rock types produces (a) gular block, 2 km wide, 1 km deep, and centrally placed.
large gradients in differential and mean stress (Oliver et al., Because o f o u r fluid pressure param eters and boundary
1990), and (b) zones of high inferred fracture permeabil­ conditions (see below), similar results would pertain if the
ity in orientations that would normally not be considered larger block were made 20 by 20 km, so that we could sim­
suitable for dilation, particularly along the walls of the ulate the amphibolite facies depths pertaining in the Mary
intrusiye bodies aligned north-south, at right angles to the Kathleen fold belt. Elastic constants and plastic Mohr-
maximum compressive far-field stress. Coulomb properties have been selected for representative
i i i i
0 1 2 3km
30% e, 30% e,
10% e, low fluid flux low fluid flux high fluid flux
Fig, <1. FLAC m odel o f ih e effects o f different fluid flux nucs and total strains o n die pattern o f fluid flow and defor­
mation in a two-dimensional cross-section o f heterogeneous rocks, a. T he conceptual m odel for input into FLAC is
based loosely on the geometry o f rocks in the Mary Kathleen fold belt (Fig. 3 ), but could easily be applied to any situa­
tion o f com petent rocks em bedded within weaker surrounds. Initial conditions (Table 1) arc: (1) two rock types, the
central block hating low permeability and moderate strength, and the surrounding rock hating low strength and m od­
erate permeability; (2) a lithostauc fluid pressure giadicnt (giving overall upwards flow; (3) the lithostatic fluid pres­
sure gradient is always enforced along the latcial boundaries and at the base o f the m odel to ensure fluid flow for the
duration o f the model; (4) lateral boundaries are free to move horizontally and vertically but must remain planar, sim­
ulating a general shortening strain; (5) the base can shorten but must remain planar, and the free top surface is open
to potential hydrostatic conditions. Rock property data are given in Orel and Oliver (1997). b. FLAC finite difference
m odel in two dimensions o f instantaneous fluid flow vectors after approximately 10 percent shortening (e) o f the orig­
inal block, showing the subtle effects o f the central block on the fluid flow vectors body, for a situation with 1 fluid flow
step per deformation step (equating to “typical" regional mctamorphic fluid fluxes), c. Same parameters except at 30
percent shortening, and in comparison to (b), note the strong fluid focusing and the developm ent o f a region o f sub-
lithostatic fluid pressure conditions corresponding to the draw-down vectors in the top center o f the model, d. Same
conditions as for (c), but with 100 fluid flow steps per deformation step, equating to fluid fluxes similar to those in con­
tact aureoles and metasomatic shear zones, showing how the high fluid fluxes can dampen the effect o f the deforma­
tion. Note that die draw-down effect shown in (c) is also swamped by the very high upward fluid fluxes. Adapted from
O rd and Oliver (1997).

rock types from Birch (1966; Table 1). The bulk modulus tative volume across which we assume average fracture-
for the elastic fluid in all models is 2 GPa and the fluid den­ related perm eability and rock properties. Hence, these
sity is 1,000 kg/m 3 for fully saturated fluid flow. The mate­ models are only pertinent to the flow o f fluid at broader
rials follow a non-associated Coulomb constitutive law (Ord scales than this, although the same principles would apply
and Oliver, 1997) with individual rock bodies having spec­ to local, more specific situations.
ified values of cohesion, friction angle, and dilation angle Each model is brought to equilibrium under gravity prior
(Table 1). In this example all properties for each rock stay to horizontal compression under plane strain conditions.
constant throughout the experiment; some properties are The out-of-plane stress is incorporated in the calculations.
allowed to vary in the M ount Isa model presented below. In order to attain these conditions, the base of the model
The finite difference sectors within the models are initially is fixed vertically but is free to deform in a horizontal direc­
100 m across, and as little as a third o f this after deforma­ tion, the sides of the model are constrained to be planar
tion. Thirty to one hundred meters is, thus, our represen­ during deformation but are free to move horizontally and

■ ■
to extend vertically, and the top surface is free to deform in orogeny at 1550 to 1500 Ma, during D2 a n d /o r D3 (Page,
any m anner (Fig. 4a). The fluid pressure throughout each 1983). One model appeals to protore preconcentration of
model is initialized to lithostatic conditions prior to begin­ U-REE in the skarns during granite intrusion (Maas et al.,
ning the experiment, giving an overall upward flow due to 1988), whereas another proposes more distal mass sources
buoyancy, but is constrained to remain at these conditions (Oliver et al., 1999). In both cases, the focusing mechanism
only at the edges o f the m odel for the duration o f the for the present ore distribution is thought to be related to
experim ent. The vertical stress is also initialized to litho­ fluid focusing during the Isan orogeny.
static conditions, and with Poisson’s Ratio approximately Allanite-uraninite-garnet ore shoots form an irregular
one quarter, the horizontal stresses are initialized to one vein array that steepens westwards as the large Mary Kath­
third the vertical principal stress, prior to shortening. leen shear zone is approached (Fig. 5). The shear zone has
For this model and the M ount Isa model presented a clear west-block-up m ovement sense defined by strati­
below, gravity (10 m /s 2) is applied, and the m odel is graphic markers and shear-sense indicators. The veins,
brought to an initial force-equilibrium state before being thus, do not represent deform ed planar markers, because
compressed horizontally a t a rate of 0.2 length units per their overall curvature would otherwise give an east-block-
time step, which for a model 5,000 units wide (500 sectors) up m ovement sense. Rather, it would appear that the
results in a horizontal shortening of 4 percent every 1,000 change in orientation is a function of distance away from
steps. Fluid flow histories can be tabulated for individual the shear zone, and so may be related to ihe coupling o f
points, or plotted for the entire grid, but here we have used shear with brittle fracturing in the adjacent rocks, because
vectors of instantaneous fluid flow to provide the best visu­ field relationships also point towards a likely synchronicity
alization (Fig. 4). of mineralization and shearing (Oliver etal., 1999).

Results and implications: Comparison between Figure 4b Model construction, parameters, limitations: To test the
and 4c shows that increasing strain at a constant fluid flux extent to which vein localization and geometry was related
rate has the effect of focusing fluid flow more strongly. This to adjacent shearing, numerical modeling was applied to a
scenario is not particularly applicable to predom inantly geometry in which a hard skarn body was coupled with a
brittle situations, where faulting can focus fluid a t relatively soft shear zone at die time of ore genesis (Fig. 5). The start­
low strains (Cox e t al., 2001), but does appear to be impor­ ing conditions we chose were based on an understanding
tant in m ore ductile rocks such as those m odeled here. of the regional and local kinematics (Fig. 5a), such that a
Comparison of Figure 4c and 4d shows that fluid pays little broader east-west shortening was locally modified by west-
attention to rock heterogeneities if fluxes are very high rel­ block-up shearing in the late stages of the D2 deformation.
ative to deform ation rates. Such a scenario would not be Rock property data are presented in Tabic 2. The bound­
particularly useful for concentration o f mass into an ore ary conditions were sim ilar to those for Figure 4, except
accumulation, but it may be useful in the dissolution and that both the bottom and top boundaries were allowed to
transport phases o f a hydrothermal cycle during which it change shape to accom m odate the m ore complex kine­
would be desirable for fluid to scour as much rock as pos­ matics. A lithostatic fluid pressure condition was imposed
sible. By comparison with the real geology (Fig. 3a, b ), we for the duration o f the runs, based on the assumption that
can, therefore, surmise that at the present level o f expo­ sufficient fluid was available from the progress o f regional
sure, the stress guide effect, was particularly important, and metamorphic reactions a n d /o r late syntectonic granites.
the volumetric fluid flux was sufficiently high to cause sub­ We did not run models with different fluid pressure condi­
stantial alteration, but not so high as to swamp the effects tions, nor did we change the rock properties during the
of the heterogeneous deform ation. Differences between runs. Also, the total strains at the end of the run (Fig. 5c)
the shapes o f the m etadolerite block in Figure 4c and 4d were considerably less than inferred from the geolog)’—the
testify as to how the fluid-coupling via Darcy’s law can feed 200 m west-block-up model displacement is much less than
back to the stress state sufficiently that the strain pattern is the calculated >2 km displacem ent from the geology
changed; however, this appears to be a second-order effect (Oliver et al., 1999).
for the materials modeled.
Results and exploration implications: Both UDEC (Oliver
FLAC modeling of the Mary Kathleen U-REE ore deposit
1995) and FLAC models (Fig. 5d, e) produce a heteroge­
Geological background: Modeling of a specific ore geome­ neous stress field in vertical section in which the orienta­
try was applied in numerical studies of the Mary Kathleen tion and magnitude o f the stresses changes systematically
ore deposit (Oliver, 1995; Oliver et al., 1999). This unusual across the host skarn body, mimicking to some degree the
deposit (12 million tonnes at 0.12% U3O s, 6-7% REE), measured orientations of most ore veins (Fig. 5b). To a first
hosted by a garnet-pyroxene skarn, was mined from 1956 approxim ation, this suggests that deform ation-coupling
until 1982, and is located 55 km east o f M ount Isa and between the shear zone and the adjacent strong skarn body
approximately 65 km west o f Ernest Henry. The host gar­ was the prim ary mechanical control on ore deposition,
net-pyroxene skarn form ed during an early phase o f gran­ both spatially and with respect to ore shoot orientation.
ite intrusion (1740 Ma) into the Corella Formation (Page, The response o f the skam to the immediately adjacent high
1983). T he orebody was form ed late during the Isan strain zone was to deform via tensile and shear failure on a
M ary




____ ] At yield in shear (plastic)

FlG. 5. Geology and FLAC model o f the Mar)’ Kathleen U-REE
deposit, adapted from Oliver et al. (1999). a. Regional cross section H H H Elastic, yield in shear in past
showing buttress effect of Wonga Belt against the Mary Kathleen fold
belt, based in part on Holcombe et al. (1992). Because o f this 10-km- At yield in tension
scale buttressing, the broader Isan orogeny D.j E-\V shortening is per­
turbed in the vicinity of the Maty Kathleen Shear Zone such that the
local strain field is heterogeneous and includes a significant compo­
nent of west-block-up shear, b. Cross section of geology showing ore
shoots in host skarn, progressively steepening down and to the west as
the Mary Kathleen Shear Zone is approached, c. Conceptual model
used as geom etric input into the FLAC modeling, showing the 200 m
resolved components of the regional shortening as an imposed hori­
zontal east to west velocity on the eastern boundary, and an inclined
west to east and up velocity for the western boundary, based on our
inferences from (a) and (b). The Figure shows the geometric starting
condition and 2 snapshots of the numerical modeling (middle and
end of the run), showing weaker shear zone rocks to the west, hard
skarn in the middle (hosting later ore veins), and moderate-strength
and -permeability calc-silicate rocks and amphibolite to the east (rock
properties given in Table 2). d. Summary o f results for enlargement
of the final run, showing curved lines of the trajectory of <7,, varying in
a fashion similar to the variation in the geometry of the ore shoots,
and variation in the failure mode, which is a rough approximation of
the ore grades at broad scale. These correlations vindicate our inter­
pretation that ore shoots formed by coupling o f the shear zone with
the hard skarn body during deformation, e. Instantaneous fluid flow
vectors at the final model stages, showing that fluid may have been
drawn from west o f the skarns towards the areas o f tensile failure
within the skarns, and that the calc-silicate rocks to the east may not
have allowed easy fluid access into the skarns.
ern Succession o f the M ount Isa block. M ineralization
Marble H ornfcls/ occurs within impure dolomitic siltstones o f the Urquhart
(west o f MKSZ) amphibolite Skarn Shale. T he structural history o f the area comprises early
Shear modulus (GPa) 1.0 4.0 14.9
thrusting (D{), regional north-trending folding (D2), and
Bulk modulus (GPa) 1.67 6.67 2-1.8 late faulting and development of fold zones in various ori­
Density (k g /m 3) 2.700 2.700 2,700 entations (D3-D 5). Rocks in the Hilton area lie on the west
Cohesion (MPa) 10 50 500 limb of a large scale D2 anticline, contain a weak but pene­
Friction angle 15® 20® 30®
Dilation angle 10® 5®
trative $2 cleavage, and have undergone intense fauldng
Permeability (m2) 2c-16 lc -1 6 lc-1 6 and block rotation associated with the D«, to D- deforma­
tion episodes (Valenta, 1994).
MKSZ = Mar>' Kathleen shear zone
Mineralization in the Hilton area can be divided into two
broad types: (1) stratiform lead-zinc mineralization occurring
set of planes systematically related to the stress field gener­ in numerous lenses associated with strongly pyritic shales; and
ated by this coupling o f hard rock against soft rock. This (2) transgressive copper mineralizadon occurring within
effect has enabled fluid to be drawn in towards the skarn lead-zinc orebodies and crosscutdng dolerite dikes in the
from the west, and to a lesser extent from the east (Fig. 5e). Hilton area, generally associated with deformed zones that
At the bottom western side o f the skarn body, the correla­ clearly postdate lead-zinc mineralizadon. Relationships
tion between the stress field and the observed vein orien­ between copper mineralizadon and structural features have
tation is not so good, and this could be a function o f the rel­ shown that copper mineralizadon occurred mainly during
atively low shear strains we have imposed for the modeling, the D2 and D3 deform adon episodes, associated with late-
in comparison to reality. Alternatively, ore shoots near the stage fluid circulation on the major fault zones in the area
shear zone may have been deformed and rotated towards (Valenta, 1994). In the Hilton mine, the copper-rich zone is
m ore vertical orientations by the shearing, possibly by associated with an area of high strain within the three hang­
expansion of the shear zone with time. ing-wall lead-zinc orebodies where they are cut by a vertical
At ore-field scale, these model predictions would be use­ extensional fault adjacent to a precopper dike (Fig. 6a).
ful in controlling orebody extension planning, because the
parts o f the skarn away from the m ain shear zone are Model construction and parameters: The model used in this
unlikely to bear good grades unless other shear zones were study simulates behavior of rocks in the Hilton mine block
found. The m odeling also confirms that the ore shoots during syntectonic copper mineralizadon (i.e., late D2-earIy
were not preexisting veins that were deform ed by the Mary D3). Modeling is performed on an east-west vertical section,
Kathleen shear zone. In local exploration, large skarn bod­ in order to test the relative contributions o f fracture and
ies adjacent to large shear zones would clearly be possible boundary geometry and sulfide-doleritc-shale rheological
targets, and in regional exploration, the results confirm the contrast to fluid flow and copper mineralization patterns
propensity for localization o f ore deposits along boundaries inferred from field observations.
between the hardest and softest rocks available in the Shear zones separate the rocks along most contacts. The
regional setting (see below). Although this last observation two largest bounding shear zones are steeply west-dipping,
is hardly surprising, the models also provide a mechanism and represent the Paroo fault zone on the west side and the
for drawing fluid from the surrounding rocks into the vicin­ Barkly shear zone on the east. Six m inor shear zones, with
ity of the skarns. The protore model for orebody formation slightly su onger mechanical properties, occur between the
(Page, 1983a; Maas e ta l., 1988) appeals to preconcentra­ bounding shear zones. These represent m inor bedding-
tion o f U-REE in the skarns, but the model does not clearly parallel shear zones, and also serve as contacts between
explain the low eNd signature and LREE-enrichment of the shale and lead-zinc ore. Shearing also occurs on the hang­
orebody (Maas et al., 1988; Oliver et al., 1999). The alter­ ing-wall of the dike (Fig. 6a). Values of bulk modulus, shear
native m odel presented here proposes external fluid modulus, density, cohesion, friction angle, and tensile
ingress from sources west o f the Mary Kathleen shear zone, strength have been estimated based on data reported in
which would help to explain these geochemical signatures. Birch (1966), and are shown in Table 3. Dike rocks are con­
sidered to be the strongest, followed by barren shales. Lead-
UDEC stress mapping of the Hilton Pb-Zn-(Cu) ore deposit
zinc orebodies are the weakest model lithology. Estimates
Geological setting: The Hilton Pb-Zn ore deposit is one of o f normal stiffness, shear stiffness, cohesion, friction angle,
a family o f well-known giant sediment-hosted base metal and tensile strength for m ajor and m inor faults are also
sulfide deposits in the western Mount Isa district. Situated shown in Table 3. Low shear stiffnesses have been estimated
some 40 km north o f M ount Isa, it differs from that deposit for faults in the m odel, based on the fact that faults at
m having far less copper. However, the lower grades and Hilton are commonly wide zones o f mylonitization, poly-
i esuicted distribution of copper has allowed Valen ta (1994) clinal folding, and cataclasis (Valenta, 1994) rather than
and Valenta et al. (1994) to define and refine a structural simple rough joints. Values o f cohesion and tensile strength
m odel for syntectonic copper m ineralization which also have been set at zero for the same reason.
applies at Mount Isa (see below). Rocks in the Hilton area The constitutive model for internal deform ation of
are part of the - 1 670-Ma-old Mount Isa Group of the West­ blocks is elastic/piastic, with Mohr-Coulomb failure. Vein
Lead-zinc Major Minor
Shale sulfides Dike faults faults

Dcnsilv (fcg/m*) 2,850 3.500 2,850

Bulk modulus (Fa) 40e9 30c9 5Ge9
Shear modulus (Fa) 20e9 I5c9 25e9
Tensile strength (Fa) 3e6 I.5c6 4e6 0 0
Cohesion (Pa) 4e6 2c6 4e6 0 0
Friction angle (can 0 0.6 0.4774 0.7 0.4 ; 0.5
Normal stiffness (Fa) 2.5c9 3.5e9
Shear stiffness (Fa) Ic2 2e2
Initial aperture (m) 0.05 0.03
Residua! aperture (m) 0.005 0.003

and shear zone orientations (Valenta, 1994) show that <7, dipping fault/dike system. The models have shown that <7,
was roughly subhorizontal and east-west at this time, and Oj rotated into a steep east-plunging orientation, parallel to
was subvertical. A horizontal compressive stress o f 20 MPa the dike margins (Figs. 6c, d), inferred to be a function of
was applied on the side boundaries, whereas stress on the the greater strength o f the dike. The resultant low normal
top and bottom boundaries was set a t 0 MPa. As for the stresses on jo in ts in this zone will cause dilatancy and an
Mary Kathleen fold belt UDEC model (Fig. 3), stresses this increase in jo in t aperture, leading in turn to fluid focusing
low were used to simulate the effect o f high pore pressures in the dike area.
within the blocks, according to the Law o f Effective Stress 2. Fluid m ust be focused into the intersection between
(eq. 3). Each timestep in the model corresponds to approx­ the Paroo fault zone and the Dyke Trace fault zone. The
imately .0025 percen t bulk shortening; 3,000 timesteps, models show that this is a zone o f large variation in m ean
thus, equates to only 7.5 percent shortening. and differential stress. Zones o f high and low stress migrate
and sometimes reverse during the evolution o f individual
Results: During model runs, the maximum principal stress model runs (R.K. Valenta, unpub. data). This would favor
is rotated into perturbed orientations around the dike, and alternate fluid inflow and outflow, accelerating the alter­
a zone of generally low to moderate differential stress and ation and m ineralization process by repeated fluid infil­
high m ean stress develops adjacent to the dike a t early tration.
stages (Fig. 6c, e). This zone developed as a result of the rhe­ 3. Fluid m ust m igrate into the orebody horizons. The
ological contrast between dike rocks, and the shales and Pl> area around the dike displays high mean stresses and low
Zn orebodies. It is likely that increased fracture permeabil­ differential stresses relative to the rest o f the m odel. A
ity and the low differential stress may have drawn fluid into result o f this will be that fluid migration outside the mzyor
the dike, even though the mean stress was higher than that shear zones should be predom inantly into the orebody
in die surrounding rocks. At later stages in the model (Fig. zones. Permeability gradients are provided by the rheolog­
6f), mean stress drops but remains relatively high at the dike ical contrast between the orebodies and interlayered shales,
tips, whereas the differential stress is lowered even further which causes brittle behavior in the shales.
(Fig. 6d). These model outputs are all consistent with the
intensity of alteration observed in the dike, and support the The models of both Hilton and the Mary Kathleen fold
inference that the perturbed stress field within and around belt indicate that variadons in mean and differendal stress
the dike has allowed high permeability even though the of up to an o rd er o f m agnitude can be expected in a
dike has accumulated high mean stresses. faulted, lithologically heterogeneous pile. This has m«yor
Copper mineralization is also strongly spatially associated implications for syndeformational fluid circuladon
with the intersection between the Paroo fault zone and the processes at various scales. Principal stresses can be reori­
dike-east-dipping fault system (i.e., the upper dike dp, Fig. ented by up to 90° from a given far-field stress. This obser­
6f). In the mine, there is a major zone of intense veining in vation also has implications for fluid flow, and places a cau­
this area. This observation requires a combination of high tionary note on acceptance o f regional stress orientadons
fluid pressure and low differential stress, or a local reori­ based on m easurem ent of local vein geometries.
entation of the principal stresses. The UDEC model shows
this is a zone of high mean stress but very low differential Model limitations: There are a num ber o f problems asso­
stress (Fig. 6e). If fluid pressures were high enough, it ciated with blind acceptance o f models o f the type pre­
would be possible to form veins perpendicular to the max­ sented in this paper. These include edge effects, zone gen-
imum principal stress in this zone. eradon effects, and problems with input parameters. We
are not trying to recreate the whole deform ation history,
Implications: The implications are as follows: but only the stress patterns associated with a short ume slice
1. Large volumes of fluid must be focused into the east­ during Cu mincralizadon. In this regard, we are uncertain
if the faulting along the contacts resulted in sufficient geo­ deeper than the lead-zinc orebodies (Fig. 7a). The copper
metric changes that the stress field was strongly perturbed. deposits sit adjacent to the Paroo fault, the same fault sys­
Minimal offsets are shown in Figure 6c to 6f because large tem that extends northwards to the Hilton mine. Copper
offsets and high strains cause block overlap and crashing of deposits do n o t extend westwards o f the fault.
the program.
It can be seen in all stress plots that the least principal Model construction and parameters: Unlike at the Hilton
stress decreases dramatically near the upper and lower mine, we are not testing specific local controls on copper
boundaries of the model, and that the corners bend in mineralization; rather, we are concerned with the broad
towards the end of the run (Fig. 6d). Both these effects regional controls that may have led to focusing of copper
arise because o f the low confining pressure on the top and into the present site. The conceptual model we are propos­
bottom boundaries which were implemented to artificially ing involves east-west shortening o f the host sequence dur­
simulate high fluid pressures (and low effective stresses). ing the Isan orogeny, and fluid flow via regional deforma­
The best way to avoid these problems is to make the dimen­ tion-enhanced permeability. In this regard our models are
sions o f the block much greater than the area o f interest. a test o f the physical aspects o f the Heinrich et a!. (1995)
In most of the plots presented in Figure 6, it can be seen model, which involves syntectonic extraction and concen­
that edge effects do not extend into the area of interest. In tration of fluid and mass from external sources into the pre­
some cases (e.g., Fig. 6f) it can be seen that model-gener­ sent location of the orebodies in the Mount Isa Group.
ated stress build-ups o r shear zones appear outside the A simplified geometric model was developed for a pre­
bounding faults. These initiate on discontinuities in the deformation half-graben geometry with the Eastern Creek
finite difference zones, produced by irregular block geome­ Volcanics sitting within Knlkadoon Basement rocks (O’Dea
tries. It is difficult to avoid this problem, and the effects are et al., 1996; Betts and Lister, 2001), all o f which are overlain
generally minor. by the M ount Isa G roup and a cover sequence o f sand­
The fluid flow code in UDEC is limited by the fact that stones, which have since been eroded (Fig. 7b). The
fluid flow can only occur along block contacts, and flow is bounding fault o f the half-graben is the Paroo fault, which
not allowed through block contacts with a normal stress of inverts during shortening. In reality, the fault is a complex
zero. The latter constraint severely limits the usefulness of fault zone with a protracted movement history (Fig. 7a). In
the code for simulation of fluid flow in models involving models presented here, the fault acts purely as a bounding
localized dilation. Nevertheless, an attempt has been made fault rather than a conduit or fluid aquitard. The models
to infer fluid flow patterns by combining model-generated are pushed with a constant velocity from die left (west) with
flow with inferences from stress and permeability patterns. this boundary able to move vertically b u t constrained to
remain vertical. T he base is fixed vertically but is allowed to
FLAC modeling of the regional context of the
move horizontally. T he eastern boundary is fixed in the
Mount Isa copper deposits
horizontal direction but allowed to move vertically. The top
Geological setting: Perkins (1984) and Swager (1985) boundary is allowed to move in any direction. These model
caused controversy when they published data and models constraints correlate with the inference from the geology
for syntectonic origins for the sediment-hosted M ount Isa that the Kalkadoon-Leichhardt basement below and to the
copper deposits, but these models arc now widely accepted. east acted as a rigid buttress d u rin g the Isan orogeny
In detail, as at Hilton, the local structural controls are very (O ’Dea et al., 1996; Betts and Lister, 2001).
complex, and although the general paragenesis o f copper An elastic-plastic rheology, based on a non-associated
overprinting preexisting lead-zinc orebodies is apparent, Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion and flow law, was used to
the relationships are obscured by the size of die copper ore- describe the mechanical behavior o f all rock types in the
bodies, the intensity o f the surrounding silica-dolomite models, and fluid flow obeys Darcy’s law, as for die earlier
alteration, and a spatial offset from the lead-zinc ores. FLAC models described. Rock properties are presented in
A nother controversy concerns the source o f the copper, Table 4. Fluid pressures in the model were allowed to vary
with the most recent model (Heinrich et al., 1995; Waring from hydrostatic to greater than lithostatic, with an initial
et al., 1998) preferring regional sources rather than remo- hydrostatic fluid pressure regime. Unlike in the Mary Kath­
bilization from preexisting stradform Pb-Zn-Cu ore. At 1 to leen models, all boundaries except the top are impermeable
50 km scale, the deposit is situated at die complex interface to fluid, and fluid is permitted to recharge from the surface.
between the Mount Isa Group shales, o f low metamorphic This aspect o f the model corresponds to the shallow geo­
grade, and a complex basem ent com prising the Eastern logic setting, the likely low permeability and fluid produc­
Creek Volcanics (upper greenschist to amphibolite facies) tivity of the basement rocks, and the likelihood that shallow
and the older Kalkadoon-Leichhardt block, exposed to the fluid sources (basinal, meteoric) were present during defor­
east (Fig. 7a). Chalcopyrite mineralization and related sil­ mation in addition to those produced during low rade
ica-dolomite alteration form ed during the Isan orogeny, regional metamorphism of the Eastern Creek Volcanics and
under greenschist facies conditions, and involved m eta­ the Mount Isa Group (Waring et al., 1998). The FLAC mod­
morphic, basinal, a n d /o r meteoric fluid sources (Heinrich els calculate pore pressures and the instantaneous fluid flow
et al., 1995). The copper orebodies are hosted predom i­ vectors. We have also calculated the total am ount o f fluid
nantly by the U rquhart Shales, and lie adjacent to but that goes into or out of a cell during the run time o f the
Mt Isa

A A 7\
10 km 1 0 km

FlCi. 7. Geology and FLAC simulations o f the district around the M ount Isa copper deposit, a. Simplified cross sec­
tion o f the western Mount Isa terrain, showing position o f copper orebodies in thickened and faulted western rift mar­
gin, silting above basement blocks. Approximate exposure level shown by horizontal line; ECV = Eastern Creek Vol­
canics. Adapted from G olcbycta). (1996) and Betts and Lister (2001). b. Starting geometry o f the models, and boundary
conditions for model runs (see text). c, d. Deformed grid and instantaneous fluid flow vectors after 25 percent short­
ening for a m odel with n o change in material properties during model run (Tabic 4). e. Corresponding zonaiion o f
areas o f inflow and outflow relate to differences in degree o f volumetric strain (dilation) within the deform ing rock
bodies. N ote how shear zone deformation occurs in several locations in the M ount Isa Group, which would not (under
these m odel conditions) be favorable for localization o f copper ore in only the present location (see text), f, g.
Deformed grid and instantaneous fluid flow vectors after 25 percent shortening for a model in which the dilation angle
o f the Eastern Creek Volcanics decreases from +5 to - 5 s during the model run (see text), h. Corresponding localiza­
tion o f outflow from the Eastern Creek Volcanics, and inflow into the Mount Isa Group, in a scenario that simulates the
localization leading to the present orebody disposition. Fluid movement is concentrated in the center o f the model,
where the half-grabcn has thickened and inverted. Fluid has moved out o f the Eastern Creek Volcanics, where they arc
m ost deform ed, and into the Mount Isa Group directly above the region o f the half grnben which is most thickened, i.
Pore pressure profiles at different degrees o f shortening (without erosion) through the western edge o f the half-graben
in the second m odel. As the Eastern Creek Volcanics in the half-graben contract, due to its increasingly negative dila­
tion angle, the pore pressure increases to be nearly lithostatic near the base, strongly driving fluid upwards into the
overlying rocks. Downwards flow is inhibited by the low penneability o f the basement rocks (Tabic 1).
10 k m

f) g)

10 km 10 km
h) Copper
Pore Pressure (10s Ma)
0 1 2 3 4

10 km
T abu•: -1. Material Properties for the FLAG Model: Presented in Figure 7
Bulk Shear Tensile
Density modulus modulus strength Cohesion Friction Dilation Permeability
(k g /m :*) (Pa) (Pa) (Pa) (Pa) angle angle (m-)

Cover 2.700 2.7cl0 7e9 1.2c6 2.7c7 28= 5s 1o—l 3

MIG 2.700 2.3c 10 l.ielO 1.6c6 6.7c6 42° 10" Ic-12
ECV 2.700 2.7eI0 7e9 1.2e(5 2.7e7 28° 5®1 ic -1 3
Basement 2,700 4.4c 10 3c 10 i.3e7 G.Ge7 31° 5" lc - I 6

1 In the second m odel, the dilation angle is a linear function o f tlte amount o f plastic strain, ranging from*+»® initially to -5 ° after 25% shorten­
ing deformation (see text for details)
ECV = Eastern Creek Volcanics; MIG = Mount Isa Group

model. In these two-dimensional models, a net inflow into zones where the largest change in volume takes place (Fig.
a cell means that more fluid is moving into that cell from 7d, e). W ithin the M ount Isa Group, the shears are well
the surrounding cells, and a net outflow means that fluid is defined, whereas within the half-graben, the material is
moving from that cell into the surrounding cells (there is thickened rather than forming discrete shear zones, tins pat­
no consideration o f fluid m ovement in the third dim en­ tern developing as a function o f the different rock proper­
sion). This calculation provides a useful visualization o f the ties and their geometric arrangem ent during shortening.
two-dimensional time-integrated fluid flow, to complement Most o f the fluid movem ent occurs within the M ount Isa
the images of instantaneous fluid flow vectors. Group, the unit with the highest permeability and dilation
angle. Generally, flow is into the shear zones where the
Results and implications: It is outside the scope of this largest volume increase has taken place. Calculation o f net
paper to describe all of the 20 m odel perm utations that fluid flow within the grid show that fluid is moving from the
were run. However, o f key significance in comparison to the surrounding m aterial into the shear zones (Fig. 7c).
other models is that wc have allowed certain rock properties Because o f die dilatant nature o f the Mount Isa Group and
to vary during deform ation, in particular to simulate the the localization o f deformation within the conjugate shears
effects of reaction softening or hardening, and permeabil­ in this rock type, volume increase occurs in these shears.
ity changes accompanying alteration and syn-tectonic fluid- The increase in volume pulls in fluid from the surrounding
rock interaction. The model presented above for fluid flow material. However, the model fails to explain the localiza­
at the Mary Kathleen U-REE deposit contained no provision tion o f fluid flow in the area corresponding to the copper
for change of rock properties as a function of lime/strain. deposits; that is, there is insufficient focusing to explain the
The first model for Mount Isa follows the same principle, its very high tonnage and grade o f the ore bodies at these locar
a benchmark for the subsequent models (Fig. 7c-e). In the tions. Also, the model does not explain the geochemical rig-
second model, the dilation angle of the Eastern Creek Vol­ nature of the ore-forming fluids which indicates interaction
canics was made a function of the amount of plastic strain with the Eastern Creek Volcanics (Waring et al., 1998).
(Fig. 7f-h). As deformation takes place, the dilation angle
decreases until it becomes negative and the material is then Model 2 (dilation angle in Eastern Creek Volcanics decreases as
contractant rather than dilatant. We have inserted this func­ a function ofstrain): Having scavenged the necessary ore com­
tion to simulate the effect o f pore space collapse and fluid ponents from one rock unit (e.g., copper from the Eastern
pressure build up in the Eastern Creek Volcanics as plastic Creek Volcanics), fluid must then be focused in some way as
deform ation and mineral reactions progressively occlude it moves into a different environment where chemical, pore
the porosity. This effect will be greater in these rocks as they pressure, or thermal condidons cause it to precipitate m e t
are buried deeper in the pile, where secondary porosity als. As deformauon in this model proceeds, pore space in the
reduction by deformation and mineral reactions would have plasucally deforming regions of the Eastern Creek Volcanics
proceeded to a greater degree than in overlying rocks, is progressively destroyed (the diladon angle decreases lin­
enhanced also by the reactivity of the mafic rocks in contact early with percentage strain), the pore fluid becomes over­
with basinal fluids (Heinrich et a!., 1995). pressured, and fluid moves upward into the deform ing
regions o f the Mount Isa Group where volume increase with
Model l (no change in parameters during run): When the deform ation is occurring. Because o f the inverted basin
model geometry is shortened by 25 percent using FI AC, the geometry’, a large am ount o f fluid from the Eastern Creek
response of the basin is to invert and thicken with deforma­ Volcanics, thus, flows into a small region o f the Mount Isa
tion concentrated into conjugate shear zones whose loca­ Group (Fig. 7g, h), simulating the desired conditions for
tion is controlled by the geometry o f the basin within the generation of the copper ore deposits. Significant fluid flow
stronger basement rocks (Fig. 7c). The boundary between occurred from the Eastern Creek Volcanics into the Mount
the half-graben and the basem ent steepens as the basin Isa Group, near die Paroo fault (Fig. 7a), mimicking die pat­
inverts. Fluid flow is coupled to the deform ation as tern determined from the geochemical and isotopic studies
described earlier and fluid moves into o r out o f the shear (Heinrich et al-, 1995; Waring et al., 1998).
The geometry of die focusing structures was provided by ference in rheology between adjacent rocks; (3) ranking
the interaction between the deformation and the preexist­ rock boundaries according to orientation relative to the
ing configuration o f the different rock bodies, which any inferred stress field; and (4) conducting an analysis of the
stress modeling would provide, but the effectiveness o f the degree of interconnectivity of the indicated and prioritized
focusing (and, hence, the ability to produce a giant ore- rock boundaries according to the principles outlined in
body) was simulated in the model by our interpretation of this volume by Sibson (1996, 2001) and Cox e t al. (2001).
the relationship between dilation and deform ation in the Once the geometry and inferred kinematics o f the study
Eastern Creek Volcanics in comparison to the M ount Isa area arc established, assumptions m ust be m ade regarding
Group. T he evolution o f pore pressure with tim e in this boundary conditions for input into the numerical models.
model (Fig. 7i) shows the type o f pattern one would expect We have found this process o f boundary condition defini­
in a compacting sedimentary basin affected by an initial vari­ tion to be the m ost difficult, b u t scientifically the m ost
able distribution o f rocks with different rheology and per­ rewarding, o f all o f the processes o f m odel construction,
meability. Upflow is favored, particularly at higher strains because It forces us to face the fundamental conditions of
when the fluid pressure In the Eastern Creek Volcanics the geology that will n o t generally be revealed by an empir­
approaches lithostatic, whereas the overlying M ount Isa ical, map-based analysis. Critical factors are the assumptions
Group continues dilating and maintains near hydrostatic regarding fluid pressure boundary conditions, and the pos­
conditions due to hydrodynamic interconnection with over- sible shape changes and movements perm itted for the
lying units and the surface. Although downflow would be model boundaries. Generally, it will only be possible to con­
possible from the Eastern Creek Volcanics into the lower strain these factors through a good knowledge of the geo­
basement because of the reverse fluid pressure gradient, this logical problem. For example, the Mount Isa model (Fig.
is not favored because of the very low permeability and 7) has assumed initial hydrostatic conditions with hydraulic
greater cohesion of these underlying rocks. interconnection to the surface, based on the known pre-
The modeling provides an explanation for how syntec- deformational history of the Mount Isa basin. In contrast,
tonic copper orebodies could be localized in the vicinity of the Mary Kathleen orebody formed during the regional
former basin-bounding faults, thus, explaining superposi­ metamorphism, at depths of around 15 km, so it would not
tion of copper on syn-sedimentary or diagenetic lead-zinc be reasonable to assume initial hydrostatic conditions
orebodies. In the case o f the lead-zinc deposits, basinal because the metamorphism was likely to have elevated fluid
architecture would have been param ount in providing the pressures to near-lithostatic values, and the possibility of ini­
appropriate conditions for ore deposition (Betts and Lis­ tial hydraulic interconnection to the surface is remote. In
ter, 2001). For the copper deposits, the geometric require­ most cases, we have considered the local kinematic frame­
ments would seem to be a localization in the area of great­ work and geometry in relation to the broader pattern (e.g.,
est thickening, adjacent to a former half-graben bounding Fig. 5a), crucial in any analysis that moves from regional to
fault. O ur first model (Fig. 7d, e) provides for regional fluid local scales. Testing these different scenarios is a vital part
movement within the M ount Isa G roup, which may have o f the modeling, because it stimulates and focuses thought
been a necessary com ponent o f the dissolution and trans­ processes towards realistic outcom es. Multiple working
port phase o f copper mineralization. However, the neces­ hypotheses can be constructed that equate to different,
sary focusing mechanism is n o t provided by the real o r testable exploration models.
FLAC-simulatcd geometry' alone, n o r would it be by a sim­ An understanding o f the scale and m agnitude o f rheo­
ple stress m apping approach (i.e., with UDEC modeling). logical variability also provides a way o f determ ining the
An additional necessary criterion is one in which some of likely spacing, and to some extent the size, o f ore deposits
the properties o f the Eastern Creek Volcanics (such as dila­ whose localization is primarily controlled by the action o f
tion angle) change during deformation so dial fluid is both fluid flow during deformation (i.e., syntectonic epigenetic
driven upwards and focused into the present location of ores). For a given strain, th e scales over which zones o f
the ores (Fig. 7g, h). In combination, these models would anom alous stress develop around rheological hetero­
satisfy the regional geochemical m odel which appeals to geneities are related mainly to the difference in material
interaction o f evolved basinal brines with M ount Isa Group properties o f the different rocks involved, as well as the spe­
sediments, the Eastern Creek Volcanics, and a metamor- cific geometry o f the rocks. For simple models, the scale o f
phic fluid source (Waring etal., 1998). fluid flow perturbation induced by deform ation is on the
o rd er o f the size o f the rheological a n d /o r permeability
heterogeneity. If m ore com plicated situations are intro­
An empirical approach may be used by exploration geol­ duced into the models, the fluid flow' pattern will be corre­
ogists when dealing with target selection in areas of strongly spondingly complicated (O rd and Oliver, 1997). In Figures
heterogeneous rocks, and it also forms the basis for selec­ 4,5, and 6, perturbation in the vicinity of the stronger rock
tion o f parameters and geometry in any numerical simula­ bodies gives rise to lateral and local downwards fluid flow,
tion. Such an approach would concentrate on the follow­ because the lateral gradient in mean stresses and, hence,
ing: ( l) determining the likely orientation of the su*ess field fluid pressure, is similar in magnitude to vertical buoyancy-
during fluid flow and mineralization; (2) identifying rock related fluid pressure gradients; that is, the deformation-
boundaries and ranking these according to perceived dif­ induced com ponent of flow is at least as im portant as the
fluid buoyancy. The scale o f the fluid flow perturbation is tion. An improved understanding o f how reaction- and
related to the scale of the rock heterogeneity in all models. deform ation-enhanced permeability and softening/hard-
For structurally controlled ores, this implies that the spac­ ening relationships affect fluid flow, will lead to great
ing and abundance o f small, moderate, and large mineral­ improvements in the utility of the num erical m odeling
ization targets could be predicted by an analysis o f the geo­ approach. The overall aim of adding quantitative numeri­
metric configuration of rock bodies whose rheological cal models to the science of geology will ultimately benefit
properties can be adequately surmised. all who are concerned with the ways in which large ore
Orebodies form ed in deform ing rocks are commonly deposits were constructed.
located at sites of the greatest rheological and permeability
contrast in the regional system, and in many cases the size Acknowledgments
of the deposit reflects the scale of operation of the fluid We would like to thank G. Lister and R Betts for infor­
flow system. A requirem ent for large ore deposit genesis is, m ation pertaining to the M ount Isa reconstructions, R.
thus, that there are mechanisms or parameters of the sys­ Holcombe, R Pearson, and Z. Jiang for assistance with the
tem whereby local fluid flow perturbations are subordinate Mary Kathleen work, B. Mutton at the Hilton mine, and B.
to an overall flow pattern. Otherwise, insufficient source Hobbs, Y. Zhang, P. Gow, and M. Couthard for assistance
rocks may be accessed for metal dissolution, or there may with the modeling aspects. The field and mine com ponent
be insufficient focusing to concentrate much ore precipi­ of the research was supported and funded by M ount Isa
tation (Fig. 7d, e). Complex rock geometry at all scales will Mines Ltd, Monash University, AGSO (then BMR), Uni­
tend towards forcing a highly tortuous fluid flow with mul­ versity of Queensland, and the Australiari Research Coun­
tiple focii. Rocks that show strain-dependent permeability cil through its Large Grant scheme. We would also like to
changes will act as good sources or sinks for fluid flow. thank A. Boullier, an anonymous reviewer, and the superb
Broad gradients produced by buoyancy, topography, or editorial skills of J. Richards, for greatly contributing to
fluid overpressure will enhance long distance fluid flow as improvement of the manuscript.
long as the local perturbations occur over lesser magni­
tudes. Small fluid fluxes enhance the tendency for flow REFERENCES
localization, but conversely, very large fluid fluxes will Beach, A., 1977, Vein arrays, hydraulic fractures and pressure-solution
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physics, v. *10, p. 201-225.
cumstance is ideal for metal dissolution from large rock vol­
Betts, P.G., and Lister, G.S., 2001, A comparison o f the “strike-slip" versus
umes. To emphasize these points, the giant M ount Isa cop­ the "episodic rift-sag" hypotheses for the origin o f the Isa Superbasin:
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Society of Economic Geologists
Reviews v. 14, 2001, p. 75-109

Chapter 4

Utility o f Magnetic and Gravity Data in Evaluating Regional Controls on

Mineralization: Examples from the Western United States
T. G. H ildenbrand,1
U .S. G eological Survey, M a il Stop 989, 5 4 5 M id d lejield R oad, M enlo P ark, C alifo rn ia 9 4 0 2 5

Byron Berger,
U .S. Geological Survey, M a il Stop 964, D enver Federal Center, D enver, Colorado 8 0 2 2 5

R. C. J achens, and Steve L udington

U .S. G eological Survey, M a il Stop 9 8 9 , 3 4 5 M id d lefteld R oad, M enlo P ark, C alifo rn ia 9 4 0 2 5


In te r a c tin g fra c tu re s enhance and localize permeability in the Earth’s crust and are, therefore, impor­
ta n t p h e n o m e n a in lo c a liz in g magmatic and hydrothermal systems. The ability to identify where such in­
te ra c tio n s a re p r e s e n t is useful in evaluating likely areas of mineralized rock, particularly in covered ter­
ra in s. R e g a rd le s s o f m a p scale, the interpretation of gravity and magnetic data can define deep-seated
c ru sta l f ra c tu re s a n d faults that may have guided emplacement of igneous rocks and large ore deposits.
H e r e w e e m p h a s iz e recurring regional-scale structural relationships mainly from the western United
S ta te s b a s e d o n th e interpretation of potential-field data, which can elucidate areas of past and present
fluid flow in th e crust.
In particular, we explore the utility of regional gravity and magnetic data to aid in understanding the
distribution of large Mesozoic and Cenozoic ore deposits (primarily epithermal and pluton-related pre­
c io u s and base metal deposits, a n d sediment-hosted g o ld deposits) in the western United States
c o rd ille ra . On the broadest scale, m o s t o r e deposits lie within areas characterized by low magnetization.
T h e Mesozoic Mother Lode gold belt displays characteristic geophysical signatures (regional gravity high,
re g io n a l low-to-moderate background magnetic field anomaly, long curvilinear magnetic highs) that
m ig h t serve as an exploration guide. Geophysical lineaments characterize the Idaho-Montana porphyry
belt and the La Caridad-Mincral Park belt (from northern Mexico to western Arizona) and, thus, indi­
cate deep-seated control for these mineral belts. At a more local scale, in Nevada, geophysical data de­
fine deep-rooted faults and magmatic zones that correspond to patterns of epithermal prccious-mctal de­
posits, and that may relate to the Carlin gold trend and the Battle Mountain-Eureka mineral belt. One
recurring structural model evolving from this study is that mineralization in the western United States
may be localized along strike-slip fault zones where pull-apart basins or releasing bends provided the in­
creased fracture permeability for the migrating ore-forming fluids (e.g., die Butte, Tombstone, Bagdad,
and Battle Mountain districts).
Many deposits discussed in the paper appear, at least in part, to be associated with reactivated older
faults as well as with faulting contemporaneous with ore deposition. We conclude that at a local scale,
structural elements work together to localize mineral deposits within regional zones or belts. Perhaps the
greatest utility of regional geophysical data is the identification of structural relationships that help nar­
row the study area, where more intensive multidisciplinary team studies can be carried out in a concerted
effort to evaluate the mineral potential.

Introduction ing primary structures related to mineralization (e.g., inter­

secting faults, kimberlite dikes, and folds). At regional
At a l l map scales, th e forem ost role o f the geophysicist in scales, geophysical data help elucidate the geological frame­
mineral exploration is to provide geological inform ation in work, mainly by defining major compositional boundaries
three dim ensions, particularly in areas covered by younger or structural zones that may be favorable environs for min­
rocks. At local scales (deposit and district studies), high-res­ eralization. Here we review and investigate the utility of grav­
olution magnetic an d gravity data are clearly useful in defin- ity and magnetic data in understanding the distribution of
large ore deposits primarily at regional scales, concentrating
^Corresponding author: e-mail, on epitherm al and porphyry precious- and base-meta!
deposits, and sediment-hosted gold deposits in the western regional scales (1:50,000 or less). As we explore the utility o f
United States. potential-field data from regional to local scales
The view that geophysical data provide structural and (-1:5,000,000-1:50,000; i.e., from lower to greater data res­
lithological information essential in mineral investigations is olution), the am ount of geological inform ation derived
evidenced in the allocation o f m onetary resources by gov­ from the potential-field data clearly increases, and, thus, the
ernments to carry out national data collection programs to benefits o f using potential-field data in mineral investigation
encourage exploration. For example, mineral exploration studies significantly increase.
in Australia over the past four decades has relied heavily on We emphasize recurring geological structural relation­
national geophysical databases (primarily magnetic data col­ ships that may apply to many classes of deposits. One com­
lected at a 1.6-km flight-line spacing, and gravity data col­ m on relationship evolving from the present study is that
lected at an average spacing o f l 1 km; Jaques et al., 195)7). many ore deposit types are present along major strike-slip
This data collection period resulted in the discovery of a fault zones within magmatic arc environm ents (Fig. 1).
num ber of major ore deposits, some world class, such as O ther empirical relationships such as ore deposit districts
Olympic Dam (copper-gold-uranium), Kambalda (nickel), lying at die intersection of major crustal boundaries are also
Argyle (diamonds), and Century (zinc-lead). The success of discussed.
this collection of geological and geophysical data spawned
the 1990 National Geoscience Mapping Accord which incor­ Potential-Field Data and Methods
porated the acquisition o f aeromagnetic data at a line spac­
Magnetic data and method
ing o f 0.4 km in selected areas o f Australia. The high num­
ber o f new exploration licenses in surveyed areas The western United States aeromagnetic data set is based
demonstrates the utility o f detailed geophysical data in min­ on a patchwork o f over 300 surveys (line spacings ranging
eral exploration, particularly in covered areas (Robson and from 0.4-8 km; Fig. 2 and inset), acquired to address a wide
Lewis, 1997). In Canada, aerom agnetic and gravity data variety o f objectives over a period of nearly 40 years (Hildcn-
were acquired mostly by the Geological Survey o f Canada brand e t al., 2000). During the past twelve years, the U.S.
(CSC) through a 50-year-long national program, in which Geological Survey recompiled these individual data sets by
consistent and high-quality survey specifications were main­ continuing all the data to a common reference level o f 0.305
tained (Teskey et al., 1993). Canadian aeromagnetic anom­ km above the ground, and by carefully merging the 1-km-
aly maps are used extensively in exploration and geological gridded data from each aeromagnetic survey with adjacent
mapping by private, academic, and government agencies. data. Some surveys were made with line spacings o r altitudes
Other countries have observed the exemplary, cost-effective that were far too large to properly resolve shallow magnetic
geophysical programs of Australia and Canada and have ini­ sources. For example, over some parts o f the area, the only
tiated their own surveys (e.g., Botswana, Finland, Green­ existing data are those collected for the National Uranium
land, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Namibia, Norway, Sweden, Resource Evaluation (NURE) Program at flightline spacings
Thailand, and Zimbabwe). of 5 km or greater, which are generally too wide to properly
In order to investigate the usefulness of geophysical darn characterize isolated sources lying at depths much shallower
to determine regional structures and their relationship to than 5 km. Nevertheless, the data in Figure 2 are shown
the dismibution of ore deposits in the western United States, below to be of adequate quality to provide new insights on
we adopt several working hypotheses, ideas that have structures important to mineral investigations.
appeared frequently in the literature. Implicit throughout Several excellent reviews of the magnetic m ethod have
our study arc the following assumptions: (1) deep-seated been published by Reford (1980), Grant (1985a, b), Hinze
fault systems at both regional and local scales can localize (1985), Blakely (1995), Gunn and Dentith (1997), and
igneous activity, major ore deposits, ore districts, and min­ Reeves et al. (1997). We give a brief outline of the method
eral belts by providing plumbing systems for intrusions, ore- with which the reader can understand the basics o f aero­
forming fluids, and heat entering the crust; (2) these fault magnetic interpretations. The magnetic method, one of the
systems are susceptible to repeated reactivation through oldest geophysical exploration techniques, is based on map­
geological time; and (3) intersecting fault systems are espe­ ping the subsurface distribution of magnetic minerals con­
cially favorable for ore deposits. In particular, we examine taining iron oxide minerals (e.g., magnetite) and iron sul­
the main utility of regional geophysical data in aiding the fide minerals (e.g., pyrrhotite). The principle of magnetism
definition of zones or lineaments representing these reacti­ of rocks has been used in mineral exploration since 1640,
vated fracture or fault systems. Examples of structures char­ when a mining compass located iron ore bodies in Sweden.
acterized by fracture systems that penetrate the crust and Because oxides and sulfides of iron are associated with many
possibly the upper mantle include major fault zones (e.g., different types of mineral deposits, the magnetic method
transform a n d /o r shear zones), intrusive zones, failed rifts, continues to be a viable approach to directly focus mineral
and relicts of tectonic plate margins. exploration efforts (Grant, 1985a, b). Magnetic measure­
Geophysical studies at scales 1:24,000 o r greater are not ments also contribute indirectly to unraveling the geological
emphasized here. Rather, we focus on geophysical studies setting of ore deposits.
leading to generalized ore deposit relationships or empiri­ The most effective platform from which to measure the
cal information useful in evaluating m ineral potential at magnetic field is an aircraft, making the magnetic method
one o f the most cost-effective approaches in 3D mineral
exploration studies. Although airborne geophysics has held
a prom inent position in mineral applications over the past
50 years, many striking technological advances have taken
place during the past 10 years, as evidenced by the substan­
tial increase in survey coverage during the 1990s (e.g., Den­
ham, 1997). Furthermore, advances in spatial control using
the Global Positioning System (GPS) have reduced survey
costs and increased data accuracy (Reeves et al., 1997).
Moreover, new visualization software enhances the expres­
sion o f subtle geological features with unprecedented clar­
ity, such that they are intuitively identifiable by nonspecial­
ists. The increased effective usage o f aeromagneuc data can
also be attributed to a combination o f faster computers,
improved inversion software, and geographic information
systems (GIS),
Knowledge of magnetic properties of minerals is critical
in understanding die magnetic response ofcrusuil sources.
The volume percentage, geometry, and history of magnetite
grains are generally of greatest importance in crustal mag­
netic studies. Although pyrite is nonm agnetic, hematite,
pyrrhodte, and alloy's of iron can also be important in some
mineral studies (e.g., pyrrhotile in massive sulfide deposits;
pyrrhotite can be roughly one-tenth as magnetic as mag­
netite). Individual dipoles representing magnetic grains can
coalesce into a distribution of dipole moment per unit vol­
“Q P iu to n - ' ume defining magnetization. Total magnetization of rocks is
related the vector sum of two components: induced magnetization
El Epithermal (which is proportional in magnitude and generally parallel
A Sediment- T.;$ to the Earth’s ambient field), and remanent magnetization
hosted gold yjf: <i (which has a direction and intensity dependent on the ori­
tirLow sulfide gin and geological history o f the rock). The intensity o f
gold quartz > ' 1 induced m agnetization is related to the intensity o f the
+ Distal disseminated ambient field through a constant o f proportionality known
Ag Au as the magnetic susceptibility, a unitlcss constant that is
t~30° 0 100 200 km determined by the physical properties o f the magnetic rock.
Rocks have widely varying magnetic properties. Typical
values o f susceptibility and rem anent magnetization for
Thnm fault— Sawteeth on common rock types are provided by Clark (1966,1997a, b)
Sedimentary basin upper plate and Carmichael (1982). At regional scales, magnetic highs
PY*.. I] Magmatic center are commonly associated with large masses o f igneous rock
pv7*T1 Zone of inctainotphism and with crystalline basement. Magnetic lows often occur
over areas of thick sedimentary basins and altered basement
Fit;. I. Map o f the western U nited States cordillera, showing ore rock (where magnetite is altered to hematite, for example).
deposits Mi|K*rimposcd on major tectonic elem ents and Laramidc igneous Mafic igneous rocks can be very magnetic, whereas fclsic
zones, sedimentary basins, and mctamorphic belts. T h e western United
States is divided into four generalized geological provinces (boundaries igneous, mctamorphic, and particularly sedimentary' rocks
shown as heavy solid and dashed lines): Pacific margin. Magmatic arc, generally have weaker magnetic expressions. Intrusive rocks
Cordillcran Fold and Thrust belt, and the Rocky Mountain foreland. The commonly have a lower rem anent magnetization and
smallest and largest post-Jurassic deposit symbols represent gross tallies o f higher susceptibility than extrusive rocks with the same
about $20 million and $60 billion, respectively. Intermediate sizes o f sym-
l>ol$ arc based linearly on deposit gross values lying between tlicsc extreme
chemical composition. These statements on magnetic prop­
values. I he short dashed line in northern Utah shows a segm ent o f the erties should be viewed as a general guideline with many
boundary between the Archcan basem ent to the north and Proterozoic exceptions.
l>ascmcni to die south. It should be noted that although Jurassic accretion T he magnetic properties o f rocks arc not only lied to
attd maginatism resulted in complex geological lerrancs along the Pacific their original chemistry but also to many factors related to
coastal states, during dtc l-aiamidc these regions experienced downwarp­
ing and basin developm ent. D = Butte and C - Cannivan Gulch deposits
their history (Grant, 1985a, b). For example, the magnetic
(M ontana); BD = Bagdad and TS = Tom bstone deposits (Arizona); T = response observed in magnetic anomaly maps is influenced
Thompson Creek deposit (Idaho). (Modified from M illerct al.. 1992.) by the geometry and depth o f the magnetic sources, their
orientation with respect to magnetic north, and the indina-
1*10.2. Reduced-to-pole (KTP) ncromagncttc anomaly map o f the western United States. M any M csowmc- O uozcmc plu-
tonic and volcanic rocks are sufTicicnlly magnetic to be expressed in this map, Assuming induced magnetization is more
dominant than remanent magnetization, the RTP transformation reduces anomaly asymmetry (due to the inclined mag­
netic field) by roughly centering the anomalies over their sources (Blakely. 1995). Inset shows the highly variable fiightlm'e
spacings o f the many surveys forming the patchwork coverage, and highlights the overall poor data resolution. Black lines
show selected major magnetization boundaries (sec Pig. 7) within structural zones discussed in the text. Symbols as in Fig­
ure 1. BD ®Bagdad deposit, Arizona.

lion o f the am bient field at the latitude o f their location. Gravity data and method
The degree of oxidation, alteration, weathering, and meta­
morphism also affect the rock’s magnetic properties. All Simpson et al. (1986), Jachens etal. (1989), Simpson and
these factors combine to generate a complex picture of Jachcns (1989), and Blakely (1995) provide excellent reviews
crustal magnetic properties, particularly near ore deposits of the gravity m ethod and discuss m ajor density-defined
where highly variable mineralogies and thermal histories of domains in the western United States. The gravity method
associated rocks are frequently obseivcd. characterizes lateral density variations. It depends on reduc­
ing gravity measurements made at the Earth’s surface to study. Here we emphasize data enhancem ent techniques.
enhance die expression of geological targets by removal of Filter’s are applied to potential-field data to enhance partic­
predictable effects. For example, to derive the complete ular anomaly characteristics, such as wavelength or trend.
Bouguer gravity anomaly, corrections are made that relate to For example, we apply wavelength filters to enhance the
the total mass, rotation, and ellipsoidal shape of the Earth, to expression of major crustal structures, shaded-relief maps to
the elevation of the gravity station, and to die attraction of highlight the trend of shallow sources, and gradient meth­
nearby topographic or bathymetric relief. Bouguer gravity ods to define magnetization and density boundaries.
anomaly maps traditionally have been used to provide a geo­ Long-wavelength structures: Part of the geophysicist’s goal in
logical picture of the subsurface overland areas (Simpson et mineral investigations is to characterize major geological
al., 1986). At regional scales, however, the Bouguer gravity terranes or boundaries that extend deep into the crust. A
map displays broad anomalies inversely correlated with simple transformation of the reduced-to-pole (RTP) mag­
regional topography. These anomalies are caused by deep- netic field (see Fig. 2 caption) to the magnetic potential
seated masses that isostaucally support the topographic (also known as the pseudogravity transformation; Baranov,
loads. To remove the effects of diese loads, the isostadc resid­ 1957; Fig. 5) helps alleviate the difficulty of identifying and
ual gravity anomaly is determined by subtracting an isostadc isolating broad regional magnetic features partially masked
regional field from the Bouguer gravity anomaly. This by high-amplitude, shallow-sourced anomalies and by mag­
regional field is commonly calculated using an Airy-Heiska- netic dipole edge effects. Thus, short-wavelength'magnetic
nen model for local compensation (Simpson et al., 1986). anomalies in Figure 2 related to sources with shallow roots
Using the topographic data to define the surface load and are largely absent in Figure 5.
assuming that a 30-km-thick crust has a 300 kg/m 3 density The magnetic potential and residual isostatic gravity
conmist with die mande lead to the residual isostadc anom­ anomaly maps are composed of anomalies from a variety of
aly field shown in Figure 3. From diese data, die gravity lows sources that range in size and depth. This superposition o f
associated with the low-density sedimentary and volcanic anomalies can result in interpretational ambiguities. For
basins in the Basin and Range Province have been removed example, broad wavelength anomalies (roughly >400 km;
using a modeling procedure described by Jachens and Mor- Figs. 3 and 5) overwhelm the contributions o f some impor­
ing (1990) and Saltus and Jachens (1995). tant short-wavelength features. In o rd er to de-emphasize
The gravity data (402,384 stadons) were taken from the both long wavelength (related to sources extending laterally
Department of Defence (DOD) database (Fig. 4). All data for several hundred kilometers) and short wavelength
were ued to the IGSN-71 gravity datum and reduced to com­ anomalies (related to shallow, relatively thin sources resid­
plete Bouguer-anomaly values using a reducuon density of ing in the upper crust), a match filter (Syberg, 1972) was
2.670 kg/m 3 and the 1967 formula for the theoretical grav­ applied to highlight intermediate wavelength features (Figs.
ity. The spacing of gravity stations is variable within die study 6 and 7). The responses from middle-crustal sources lying at
area. For example, in areas of poor coverage (e.g., eastern depths roughly greater than 5 km are enhanced. Note that
Oregon or northern Arizona), data resoludon is only one the separation of anomalies based on rough depth estimates
station per 40 km2 or poorer, but in areas of dense coverage is not complete because, for example, broad sources within
(e.g., southern Nevada and California) one station per 1 to the shallow crust associated with intense anomalies will be
2 km2 is commonly observed. Within the study area, the represented in Figures 6 and 7. The regional anomalies of
average spacing is 1 station per 6 km2. interest here appear on the intermediate-wavelength maps
Density is a bulk property that varies considerably less (Figs. 6 and 7) and are observable in the unfiltered data
than rock magnetization. Sedimentary rocks have low den­ (Figs. 2 and 3). However, enhancing these interm ediate
sities (generally <2,600 k g /m 3) and, thus, result in pro­ wavelengths isolates the magnetic and gravity anomalies
nounced gravity lows. Crystalline rocks with typical average most likely related to major crustal sources (i.e., those that
densities of 2,750 kg /m 3 generally produce gravity highs, are relatively thick, deep-rooted, and limited to widths of
except when intruded by felsic plutons (densities of about less than a few hundred kilometers). This enhancem ent,
2.670 kg/m 3). Prominent gravity highs are generally attrib­ thus, focuses and greatly simplifies our study o f regional
uted to mafic crystalline rocks. controls on mineral deposits.
Magnetization and density boundaries: Three general types of
Filtering techniques geophysically defined boundaries are commonly considered:
An arsenal of interpretive methods exists for potential-
field enhancem ent and modeling (Blakely, 1995; Leaman, 1. An edge of a large crustal block with relatively uniform
1998). Modeling studies help determine the subsurface con­ density or magnetization properties that may be expressed
figuration in the distribution of density and magnetization. as a large isolated potential-field anomaly (e.g., flanks of a
The interpreter applies all other available geoscience data linear zone of plutons).
(e.g., geology, geochemical data, other geophysical data, 2. A linear source with a depth extent much greater than
and physical property data) in order to narrow the possible its width, expressed essentially as a narrow band on a geo­
quantitative solutions characterizing the modeled sources. physical map (e.g., a dike).
Although m odeling sources is beyond the scope of this 3. An edge formed by numerous sources and expressed
review, it is the critical last phase in any derailed mineral as an alignment o f anomalies o f varying intensity and size
124° 120° 116° 112°
FlG. 3. Isostatic residual gravity anomalies in the western United States. In the Basin and Range Province, the anom­
alies primarily reflect density variations in prc-Cenozoic basement. The gravity effects o f the sedimentary and volcanic
cover deposits in the Basin and Range Province have been removed using tire procedure described byjachens and Mol­
ing (1990). These sedimentary and volcanic cover deposits obscure the gravity effects o f the basement and are related to
tectonic and volcanic processes accompanying widespread Ccnozoic extension. Symbols as in Figure 1.

(e.g., a major fault abruptly terminating various geophysical An area in southern Arizona is used to illustrate two other
terranes). approaches to define boundaries. Maxima in the horizontal
gradient o f the gravity field o r the magnetic potential occur
To emphasize magnetization boundaries, the magnetic near steep boundaries separating contrasting densities o r
potential is shown as a shaded relief map in Figure 8. The magnetizations, respectively (Fig. 9). The locations of high
magnetic potential coupled with the shaded-relief filter pro­ horizontal gradients are automatically determ ined and
vides a wealth o f inform ation on the regional structural drawn with the aid of a com puter in the First approach
grain of the western United States. (Blakely and Simpson, 1986). Such gradient maxima are
Fig. 4. Gravity stations in western United States.

shown on Figures 6 and 9a (alignment o f very small black tri­ Short-wavelength structures: The expression o f near-surface
angles and crosses, respectively). The terrace m ethod, the sources can be enhanced using measured (McMullan and
second boundary enhancem ent technique, is a lithological McLellan, 1997) or calculated gradients (Blakely, 1995; e.g.,
or structural mapping tool that defines interpreted rock-unit vertical and horizontal gradient maps or shaded-relief maps;
boundaries on the basis of local curvature of the gravity field Fig. 8). Here we also use another approach to sharpen the
or the magnetic potential (Grauch and Cordell, 1987; effects o f near-surface sources. In a small area in southeast
Cordell and McCafferty, 1989). Terracing utilizes the loca­ Arizona (Fig. 9a), the magnetic data analytically are upward
tions o f horizontal gradient maxima by simply steepening continued a small interval (0.4 km) to generate a regional
the anomaly curve at maxima locations to resemble a step field (i.e., calculating the magnetic field as if it was mea­
function. In other words, a terraced m ap contains mathe­ sured 0.4 km above the actual measurement surface). This
matically derived terranes (areas o f constant density o r mag­ regional field o r low-frequency-passed field (because the
netization) separated by hard-edged boundaries that resem­ m easurem ent surface is farther from the sources) is then
ble lithological or structural boundaries on a geological map. subtracted from the unfiltered data set to derive a residual
Figure 9b shows a terraced gravity map o f southern Arizona. or high-frequency-passed field. The unfiltered and residual
Flo. 5. Magnetic potential map. The transformation o f the magnetic fietd to the magnetic potential emphasizes sources
o f large vertical extent by eliminating many o f the effects o f shallow sources. Units are arbitrary magnetic potential units
(mpu), dimensionally amperes. Symbols as in Figure 1.

magnetic data (Fig. 10a, b) illustrate the effectiveness o f this Although the isostatic gravity correction used to generate
approach in highlighting subtle geological information. Figure 3 accounts for locally com pensated surface loads
These magnetic data and the terraced gravity data (Fig. owing to topogtaphy, it fails to consider the possibility of
lOd) reveal many linear features probably representing subcmstal masses that compensate for large geological bod­
faults. From a close inspection of Figure 10, one can infer ies residing in the crust (e.g., sedimentary basins and intru­
new faults, intersecting faults, and caldera boundaries, and sive zones generally wider than 100 km). Cordell e t al.
extend mapped faults. (1991) considered the decompensative anomaly to account
Bmad geophysical patterns: Simplistic inteipretadonal meth­ for these large geological bodies with no surface topo­
ods can invert regional geophysical data to define a single sur­ graphic manifestations. By isolating the gravity effects of
face separating major changes in density or magnetization. sources within different zones o f the lithosphere, Cordel! et
124° 120° 116° 112°
FlG. 6. Imcrmcdiatc-wavelengih isosialic residua) gra\ity anomaly map. A match filter was applied lo (he isostatic resid­
ual gravity anomaly shown in Figure S to remove the cflccis o f both very broad regional (shallow anti deep) and local
(shallow) gravity sources. The enhanced anomalies in this Figure are interpreted as expressing major regional masses
extending to substantial crustal depths. A heavy- while line shows the frontal thrust licit (Fig. I), because this thrust licit
separates thin-skinned thrust faults to the cast from deep-seated thrust faults to the west, the dec|>*rooicd structures
related to the Rocky Mountain Foreland probably lie west o f the thrust belt and may be related to mincm) deposit clus­
ters in western Montana and northern Utah (Fig. I). To emphasize density boundaries, locations o f horizontal gradient
maxima o f the intermediate-wavelength isostatic residual field are highlighted by very small black uianglcs. Symbols as in
Figure I. BH = Bingham deposit in Utah.

al, (1991) developed a scheme to approximate lithospheric boundary. Because many simplifying assumptions are neces­
thickness. Following their interpretational scheme, Hilden- sary, the absolute values of the calculated thicknesses are
brand ct al. (2000) calculated the lithospheric thickness in highly unconstrained. Nevertheless, our estimated asthenos-
the western United States (Fig. 11a), assuming a density con­ phere depths compare reasonably well with values based on
trast o f -5 0 k g /m 3 across the lithosphere-asthenosphere seismic velocities (Iyer and Hitchcock, 1989). Within the
124° 120° 116° 112°
F iu 7. Intermediate-wavelength magnetic potential map. A match filter was applied to the magnetic potential data
shown in Figure 5 to remove the effects of both very broad regional (shallow and deep) and local (shallow) crustal mag­
netic sources. Thus, the enhanced anomalies in this Figure arc interpreted as expressing major regional magnetic sources
extending to substantial crustal depths. 'Id emphasize magnetization boundaries (abrupt lateral changes in magnetic
properties), locations o f selected horizontal-gradient maxima o f the intermediate-wavelength magnetic potential arc high­
lighted by the white dashed lines {black lines in Fig. 2) in areas o f structural zones discussed in the text. BD » Bagdad
deposit, Arizona, Symbols as in Figure 1.

Pacific coastal states, die overestimates in lithospheric thick­ properties using the interpretive scheme of Cordell and
ness based on gravity data are probably related to lower- Henderson (1968). The bottom of the magnetic lithosphere
crustal dense sources, which are not compensated for in the is usually assumed to occur at the depth of the Curie point
calculations. Elsewhere, the results shown in Figure l ia isotherm, the temperature level at which minerals in rocks
seem useful in understanding relative changes in lithos­ lose their magnetic properties (roughly f>50°C for mag­
pheric thickness. netite). In the inversion process, the thickness o f a single
To calculate changes in the thickness of the magnetic magnetic-potential layer is calculated assuming die proper­
lithosphere, we assume uniform lithospheric magnetic ties of the layer and the depth o f either the top o r bottom of
124° 120° 116° 112°
Fk.. 8. Shadcd-rdicf map o f the magnetic potential shown in Figure 5. Such a map highlights magnetic lineaments.
Illumination direction is from the north. Symbols as in Figure I.

the layer. We assume that the magnetic lithosphere is uni­ defined lithospheric thickness and the calculated thickness
formly magnetized and iis top lies at an average depth of0.7 of the magnedc portion of lithosphere (Fig. 11). Such thick­
km. Clearly, rock, magnetization varies considerably in the ness calculations primarily highlight regions where major
western United States, where rocks range from highly mag­ lateral changes in the bulk density and magnetic properties
netic ophiolttc and serpcntiniie to weakly magnetized meta­ of the lidiosphcre are likely to be present.
morphosed and altered rocks. Thus, die assumption o f uni­
form magnetic properties is expected to lead to poorly Mineralized Areas in the Western United States
constrained results. Because die calculated values arc poorly
constrained (Fig. 1lb), only relative changes in the thick­ D eposit types
ness should be considered and interpreted as major The ore deposits and districts portrayed in Figure I are
changes in the bulk magnetic properties of die lithosphere. slighdy modified and updated from the database of known
Nevertheless, remarkable correlations exist between gravity- deposits reported in Long et al. (1998). T he gross values
(a) Magnetic-anomaly map of southern Arizona

-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 mGal

(b) Terraced isostatic gravity map of southern Arizona
Fig. 9. a. Magnetic-anomaly map o f southern Arizona. To emphasize magnetization boundaries, locations o f horizon­
tal gradient maxima o f the RTF magnetic field (Fig. 2) arc highlighted by the small black crosses. I>. Terraced residual iso­
static gravity anomaly map o f southern Arizona. Terracing enhances density l>oundaries. In both maps, the northwest and
northeast structural grains are apparent. White dashed rectangles define areas shown in Figures 10 and 16. Orc-deposil
svmltols are circles for pluton-rclatcd anti squares for epithermal deposit types. BD = Bagdad dc|K>sit; TS * Tombstone
deposit. Arrows in the Tombstone anti Bagdad districts highlight northeast and northwest geophysical features shown at
larger scales in Figures 10 and 16, respectively.

a. Magnetic field b. Residual magnetic field
MOW 110*20* no* 110*40' 110*20' 110s

FlO. 10. a, Magnetic-anomaly map of the Tombstone area in southeast Arizona (location shown in Fig. 9; 1.6 km flight­
line spacing flown at 300 in above terrain), b. Residual magnetic-anomaly map created by subtracting an upward contin­
ued (0.4 km) regional field from the RTP magnetic field (Fig. 2). Small black dots in a and b highlight magnetization
boundaries based on horizontal gradient analysis, c. Isostatic gravity anomaly map showing basement features. Black dots
show gravity stations, d. Terraced isostatic map. Caldera boundaries (heavy dashed lines) taken from Lipman and
Hngstnim (1992) and Moore (1993). Most deposits (c.g., Tombstone deposit, TS) appear to be located near geophysical
anomalies reflecting inferred fault zones, intersecting faults zones, and calderas. These structures may have interacted to
increase permeability allowing magmas to be channeled into the shallow cnist. Ore deposit symbols arc circles for pluton-
relatcd and squares for epithermal deposit types. Two inferred fault zones are highlighted with arrows. DC = Dragoon
caldera; PTC = Parker and Turkey Canyon calderas, TC * Tombstone caldera. Solid lines depict mapped faults (taken
from Wilson etal., 1977).


(a) Estimated thickness of lithosphere (b) Estimated thickness of the magnetic
based on the inversion of gravity data part of lithosphere
Fig, 11. a. Lithospheric thickness obtained by inversion o f a derived gravity field (following Cordell c t al., 1991)
assumed to represent mass effects deeper than the M oho. Symbols as in Figure 1. Seismically determined estimates o f
lithospheric thickness arc shown with numbers from P-wave models and with numbers within ellipses from Swave models
(Iyer and Hitchcock, 1989). b. Thickness o f the magnetic portion o f the lithosphere is based on the inversion o f magnetic
data. Because many simplifying assumptions arc necessary (c.g., uniform magnetization) in making this inversion, the
poorly constrained data shown here are only useful in understanding relative changes in lithospheric thickness or bulk
magnetic properties. Symbols as in Figure 1.

used to determine the size o f the symbols in Figure 1 and of deposits of this size among all five classes of deposit con­
subsequent figures are based on a compilation of past pro­ sidered in this study.
duction and remaining reserves for those deposits and dis­ For this analysis, we have grouped the deposits into five
tricts (Long c t al., 1998). T he largest symbols represent classes: epitherm al, ptuton-related, sediment-hosted gold,
gross values, based on current metal prices, o f roughly $60 low-sulfide gold-quartz vein, and distal-disseminated silver-
billion; an example is the porphyry copper deposit at Bing­ gold deposits. Deposits belonging to the first three classes
ham Canyon, Utah. Porphyry copper deposits arc the are primarily of Laramide to Holocene age, along with a few
largest, most valuable type o f metallic mineral deposit in the Jurassic porphyry-related deposits. The age o f sediment-
American cordillera. The smallest symbols represent gross hosted (Carlin-type) deposits in the Great Basin is a matter
values of about $20 million; there are numerous examples of continuing debate; although there is a growing consensus
that most deposits are middle Tertiary (Hofstra et al., 1999), here that the present distribution o f known ore deposits is
some may be as old as Jurassic. The low-sulfide gold-quartz representative o f the actual distribution o f both known and
vein deposits, primarily in California’s Mother Lode district, undiscovered deposits on a regional scale.
are Cretaceous in age. Deposit types o f the epithermal class Another problem in understanding the regional controls
include hot-spring gold-silver, quartz-alunite vein, and for mineralization is that the Mesozoic and Cenozoic metal-
quartz-adularia vein (including Comstock, Creede, and logeny o f the western United States is related to continu­
Sado subtypes; Cox and Singer, 1986). These deposits are ously evolving magmatic, stratigraphic, and tectonic systems.
commonly hosted in volcanic rocks and are generally asso­ We limit our discussion to particular deposit types, primarily
ciated with subvolcanic intrusive activity; they are most abun­ those form ed from Laramide time (80-40 Ma) to the
dant in the Great Basin. Deposit types in the pluton-related Holocene (Fig. 1). Even for this limited set o f deposit types
class include porphyry copper (including copper-molybde­ and ages, our discussion will not be comprehensive owing to
num and copper-gold, as well as skarn-related copper), the large volume o f deposit data and to the expanse of the
skarn gold, skarn lead-zinc, polymetallic replacement, and study area. These data nevertheless reveal some interesting
polymetallic vein deposits. These deposit types are com­ examples of relationships between mineral deposits and
monly associated with mesozonal-to-epizonal, intermediate- inferred regional crustal features in the western United
to-felsic plutons, found throughout the cordillera. The dis­ States.
tal-disseminated silver-gold deposits include both those During Laramide time, a calc-alkaline magmatic arc
defined originally by Cox (1992) and the gold-rich deposits related to subduction along the Pacific Coast shifted east­
discussed by Theodore (1998). Although in specific ward owing to an acceleration and change in direction of
instances these deposits may be difficult to distinguish from plate motion. The subducting plate apparently flattened
sediment-hosted gold deposits, they are believed to be fun­ (dip -20°), resulting in uplift and magmatism as far inboard
damentally a product of igneous activity. Sediment-hosted as 1,500 km from the trench (Lipman e t al., 1972; Coney,
gold deposits lack a dem onstrated magmatic affiliation, 1978). Associated northeast-southwest-dirccted regional
although opinion is far from unanimous on this point. In compression accom panied em placem ent o f plutons and
the United States, they are geographically limited to a small porphyry and vein deposits throughout the region from
area in northeast Nevada and adjacent parts of Utah and Idaho to Arizona (Hutchinson and Albers, 1992).
Idaho, and are unknown in areas with many porphyry- From 80 to 55 Ma, calc-alkaline magmatism and related
related deposits such as southern Arizona. Low-sulfide gold- m ineralization occurred primarily in the northern and
quartz veins are included in this study because of their clear southern cordillera (e.g., porphyry copper deposits near
association with prominent geophysical features. Unlike the Butte, M ontana, and porphyry copper and polymetallic
other deposit types, the veins in the Mother Lode occur in a deposits o f Arizona, respectively), although deposits are
long linear belt that is closely coincident in time and space also scattered throughout the southwestern United States
with Mesozoic accretion along the western cordllleran mar­ to the Rocky M ountain front (Fig. 1). From 55 to 40 Ma,
gin. The veins, mainly in shear zones in volcanic and vol­ additional magmatic activity occurred in the northern
cano-sedimentary rocks, form ed during subsequent Cordillera (e.g., the T hunder Mountain district in Idaho).
regional metamorphism that accompanied the intrusion of Although the shallowing subduction plate hingeline ini­
the major part o f the Sierra Nevada batholith exposed a few tially moved eastward, the dip o f the plate later steepened,
tens o f kilometers to the east o f the deposits. resulting in a southwestward retreat o f the hingeline
(-40-22 Ma; Coney, 1978). O ne o f the world’s largest cop­
Deposit distribution
per deposits, the 36 Ma Bingham porphyry copper deposit
The complex geological evolution o f the western United in Utah, formed during this period o f steepening subduc­
States provided favorable environm ents for the episodic tion (James, 1978). From late Tertiary to Quaternary (22-0
concentration o f metals over the past 3 b.y., but here we Ma) most epithermal districts formed during and after the
focus on Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits and their rela­ transition from a com pressional to extensionai tectonic
tionship to regional geophysical features. A fundamental regime, which led to die formation o f the Great Basin. Dur­
problem encountered in conducting any geophysical-ore ing this transition, the most important epithermal deposits
deposit study in the western United States is defining a rea­ in western Nevada were form ed in near-surface volcanic
sonable representation o f the distribution o f mineral rocks (Ludington et al., 1993).
deposits. T he geophysical data sets, in general, present a The absence o f deposits in certain geological terranes is
continuous image of the distribution o f density and magne­ apparent. For example, the Colorado Plateau lacks impor­
tization. In contrast, most known ore deposits are discrete tant metallic hydrothermal mineral deposits, perhaps due to
entities generally confined to areas o f exposed bedrock. ovcrthickcncd crust that im peded magmatism (Coney,
Because most o f the western United States is covered by sed­ 1976). In post-Laramide time, the Columbia River flood
imentary and volcanic rocks, many covered areas must con­ basalts have likely concealed older mineral deposits in Ore­
ceal undiscovered mineral deposits. Therefore, the popula­ gon and Washington. In southern Nevada in an area
tion o f known deposits provides an incomplete information roughly between 36* and 37*N known as the “amagmatic
base with which to interpret the interrelationships between corridor,” mineralized rocks, Cretaceous plutons, and Ter­
geophysical features and deposits. Nevertheless, we assume tiary volcanic rocks are rare (see Stewart, 1980).
Relationships of Geophysical Structures Wyoming, is characterized by thick gravity-defined lithos­
and Deposit Patterns phere and magnetic lithosphere.
The apparent coincidence of thin gravity-defined lithos­
Comparisons of the spatial distribution o f mineralized phere (Fig. 11a) and magnetic lithosphere (Fig. lib ) may
systems and the locations of geophysically defined lithotec- simply result from shallow asthenosphere leading to higher
tonic crustal features have contributed to a better under­ heat flow and, thus, a shallow Curie point isotherm. Thin
standing of deep-seated regional controls on mineral con­ magnetic basement produces low regional magnetic inten­
centrations (e.g., Gunn et al., 1997a, b; Jaques et al., 1997; sities (Blakely, 1988). Thin lithosphere might also be associ­
Leclair et al., 1997; Moore et al., 1998). For example, ated with voluminous magmatism and consequent
Kutina and H ildenbrand (1987) noted that some ore hydrothermal alteration, possibly leading to the destruction
deposits in the western United States conspicuously cluster of magnetic properties (e.g., alteration of m agnetite to
within pronounced gravity lows or near the flanks of promi­ hematite or pyrite). Interestingly, mineral deposits tend to
nent gravity highs. Their regional study concluded that the be located in areas of thinner magnetic lithosphere.
interpretation of gravity data to characterize the regional Although correlation of regionally thin gravity-defined
mass distribution in the crust constitutes a useful explo­ lithosphere and magnetic lithosphere may be reasonable,
ration tool for defining low-density felsic intrusions and tec­ their correlation with post-Jurassic mineral deposits is enig­
tonic zones possibly related to the regional controls on matic, especially because the lithospheric thickness at vari­
mineralization. Grauch et al. (1995) identified a relation­ ous times of prior mineralization may have been signifi­
ship between a basement gravity lineament and die Battle cantly different from its thickness today. For example, many
Mountain-Eureka mineral belt in Nevada. They suggested metallic deposits were formed during the Mesozoic to late
that the gravity lineament expresses a boundary separating Tertiary subduction o f the Farallon plate beneath N orth
major crustal blocks, possibly reflecting a Jurassic or pre- America. By the Late Cretaceous, back-arc tectonism had
Jurassic fault. This boundary would have subsequently influ­ resulted in a thick entst through overthrusting over a large
enced the localization of hydrothermal activity. Blakely et region (50-60-km thickness; Miller et al., 1992). Beginning
al. (1991) carried out a statistical proximity study of sedi­ in the Eocene in eastern Nevada, the ductile lower crust
m ent-hosted gold and distal-disseminated silver-gold began to extend through delam tnation (Zoback e t al.,
deposits in Nevada to gravity-defined boundaries, and pro­ 1981), and the crust had been thinned 30 to 50 percent by
posed that these deposits are preferentially located near the early late Miocene. From the Eocene to the Miocene,
prom inent crustal boundaries. Hildenbrand et al. (2000) rapid delam ination in the ductile lithosphere was appar­
expanded on these earlier regional geophysical studies uti­ ently manifested in the brittle crust by strike-slip faulting
lizing upgraded m agnetic and gravity databases and fil- (Berger et a l, 1998; Bourne et al., 1998; B. Berger, U.S. Geo­
tered-anomaly maps of the western United States. Here we logical Survey, unpub. data, 2000; Drew and Berger, in
review the results of these earlier studies and provide some press). This style o f faulting, for example along the Carlin
additional insights. and Getchell mineral u ends, accom panied delam ination
To investigate the regional controls on mineral deposits, due to traction forces across the brittle-ductile transition.
we first discuss the broad relationships between geophysical Extensional faulting did not dom inate the surficial land­
features and the structural geology important to the local­ scape of the region until approximately 20 to 18 Ma in the
ization of some deposits. Then we turn to specific linear southern Basin and Range, and as late as 11 to 10 Ma in the
arrays and clusters of deposits to discuss possible deep- northern Basin and Range.
seated, regional controls on ore deposition. Here, die geo­ Mineral deposits were formed during all stages of this tec­
physical data indicate that the pull-apart structural model tonic evolution. During the Late Cretaceous to early Eocene
may be related to the localization of many deposits regard­ period of overthickened crust in the western United States,
less of their type or age. Lastly, the utility of high-resolution a num ber of world-class mining districts were formed. Dur­
potential-field data is highlighted in detailed ore-deposit ing the uppermost Late Cretaceous and earliest Tertiary, the
studies. In particular, we demonstrate the ability of geophys­ polymetallic veins and porphyry copper deposits at Butte,
ical data to help focus exploration in complex geological Montana, were emplaced (Snee et al., 1999), whereas most
regimes by defining deep-crustal fracture systems or intru­ porphyry copper deposits of Arizona and New Mexico were
sive zones, which represent potentially favorable environs formed in the Paleocene to earliest Eocene (Titley, 1995).
for mineralization. As the crust began to thin, the giant Carlin-stylc gold
deposits in north-central Nevada probably formed during
O v e ra ll deposit p atte rn s in. the western U nited States the Eocene to early 01igocene(?) (e.g., Hall et al., 1997;
(scale ~ 1 :5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ) Hofstra et al., 1999). By the middle Miocene the crust was
R egional geophysical patterns: O n the broadest scale, the cal­ considerably thinner and the world-class Comstock Lode
culated thicknesses of gravity-defined lithosphere and mag­ and Goldfield epitherm al deposits form ed in western
netic lithosphere are thinnest in regions of high heat flow, Nevada (cf. SeedorfF, 1991). The net result is that most west­
such as the Great Basin and Yellowstone National Park ern United States ore deposits (Fig. 1) tend to be now
(Morgan and Gosnold, 1989). In contrast, a zone of low located within broad regions characterized by inferred thin­
heat flow, extending from eastern Utah northward into ner magnetic lithosphere (Fig. l ib ) and low magnetic
potential (Fig. 7). However, like the crust, the lithosphere Thus, regional magnetic lows may be a useful indicator of
thickness changed during die course of die Cenozoic; con­ favorable geological environments for mineral occurrence.
sequently, proposing a general genetic relationship between This tendency for deposits to b e associated with m agnetic
mineralization and thin lithosphere is problematic- Perhaps potential lows in th e w estern U n ited States w arrants addi­
in som e local areas w here gravity-defined lithosphere and tional study. In C anada, regional m agnetic lows a re also
m agnetic lithosphere are currently characterized by small- im portant in m ineral exploration because greenstone belts,
to-im erm ediate thicknesses, deep faults related to m ineral­ the location o f m any ore deposits, are deficient m m agnetite
ization w ere reactivated d u rin g e x te n sio n (i.e., existing (Grant, 1985a, b).
faults related to m ineralization possibly facilitated a n d local­ Intersection of regional structures: Geophysical lineaments
ized la te r e x te n sio n ). Clearly, areas largely u naffected by defined at regional scales are also useful in mineral explo­
m agm atism since Precam brian tim e a n d presently charac­ ration. Billingsley and Locke (1941), Lowell (1974), Sillitoe
terized by thick lithosphere (Fig. 11a) are nearly devoid of (1975), and Kurina and Hildenbrand (1987) proposed an
post-Jurassic m in eralized system s, su ch as th e C o lo rad o influence of crustal lineament intersections in the distribu­
Plateau, c entral W yoming, a n d central M ontana. tion of mineral deposits. A classical example in southern Aus­
Such speculations at continental scales based on the inter­ tralia is the giant Olympic Dam deposit (Fig. 12) located at
pretation of magnetic and gravitydata may be useful in lim- the intersection of major gravity discontinuities (O’DriscoH,
itingmincrai exploration to very large regions (e.g., possibly 1990). In reviewing the geological framework of the Olympic
restricting exploration to southern Arizona and eliminating Dam deposit, Woodall (1998, p . 9) states, “We need to b e
large regions in northern Arizona). For the type of deposits more aware of the effects of d e e p basem ent shears. Deep
being considered here, more fruitful studies to limit the structures penetrate the Earth's crust and upper mantle and
area in evaluating mineral potential are likely when a closer may act as the plumbing system for fluid and heat entering
inspection of the regional geophysical data is carried out, the lithosphere. Em pirical evidence indicates th a t such
even at scales o f 1:5,000,000. For example, the magnetic su’uctures control many of the giant m ineral deposits..."
data show that 90 percent of the deposits considered here An analog in northern Utah may be deep-basement frac­
correlate with low intensities (<0.0 mpu) in the intermedi­ tures associated with the cluster of ore deposits at Bingham,
ate-wavelength magnetic potential (Fig. 7), although the one of the world’s largest copper districts. East-west gravity
ratio of the area of negative magnetic potential values to and magnetic trends east of Bingham (Erickson, 1976) on
total area i s about 67 percent (Hildenbrand et al., 2000). Figures 6 to 8 delineate features paralleling the east-west-

Fta. 12. Bouguci gravity map of south-central Australia, Note that the Olympic Dam deposit is located a u h e intersec­
tion o f 2 major gravity lineaments. (Taken from O'Driscoll, 1990; reprinted with permission of the Australasian Institute
o f Mining and Metallurgy)
Relationships o f Geophysical Structures Wyoming, is characterized by thick gravity-defined lithos­
and Deposit Patterns phere and magnetic lithosphere.
The apparent coincidence o f thin gravity-defined lithos­
Comparisons o f the spatial distribution o f mineralized phere (Fig. 11a) and magnetic lithosphere (Fig. lib ) may
systems and the locations of geophysically defined lithoiec- simply result from shallow asthenosphere leading to higher
tonic crustal features have contributed to a better under* heat flow and, thus, a shallow Curie point isotherm. Thin
standing o f deep-seated regional controls on mineral con­ magnetic basement produces low regional magnetic inten­
centrations (e.g., Gunn et al., 1997a, b; Jaques et al., 1997; sities (Blakely, 1988). Thin lithosphere might also be associ­
Leclair e t al., 1997; M oore e t al., 1998). For example, ated with voluminous magmausm and consequent
Kutina and H ildenbrand (1987) noted that some ore hydrothermal alteration, possibly leading to the destruction
deposits in the western United States conspicuously cluster o f m agnetic properties (e.g., alteration o f m agnetite to
within pronounced gravity Iowa o r near the flanks of promi­ hematite o r pyrite). Interestingly, mineral deposits tend to
nent gravity highs. Their regional study concluded that the be located in areas of thinner magnetic lithosphere.
interpretation o f gravity data to characterize the regional Although correlation of regionally thin gravity-defined
mass distribution in the crust constitutes a useful explo- lithosphere and magnetic lithosphere may be reasonable,
radon tool for defining low-density felsic intrusions and tec­ their correlation with post-Jurassic mineral deposits is enig­
tonic zones possibly related to the regional controls on matic, especially because the lithospheric thickness a t vari­
mineralization. Grauch e t al. (1995) identified a relation­ ous times o f p rio r m ineralization may have been signifi­
ship between a basement gravity lineament and the Battle cantly different from its thickness today. For example, many
Mountain-Eureka mineral belt in Nevada. They suggested metallic deposits were formed during the Mesozoic to late
that the gravity lineament expresses a boundary separating Tertiary subduction o f the Farallon plate beneath N orth
m ajor crustal blocks, possibly reflecting a Jurassic o r pre- America. By the Late Cretaceous, back-arc tectonism had
Jurassic fault This boundary would have subsequently influ­ resulted in a thick crust through overthrusting over a large
enced the localization of hydrothermal activity. Blakely et region (50-60-km thickness; Miller etal., 1992). Beginning
al. (1991) carried out a statistical proximity study o f sedi­ in the Eocene in eastern Nevada, the ductile lower crust
m ent-hosted gold and distal-disseminated silver-gold began to extend through detam inaiion (Zoback e t al.,
deposits in Nevada to gravity-defined boundaries, and pro­ 1981), and the crust had been thinned 30 to 50 percent by
posed that these deposits are preferentially located near the early late Miocene. From the Eocene to the Miocene,
prom inent crustal boundaries. Hildenbrand et al. (2000) rapid delam ination in the ductile lithosphere was appar­
expanded on these earlier regional geophysical studies uti­ ently manifested in the brittle crust by strike-slip faulting
lizing upgraded m agnetic and gravity databases and fil- (Berger et al., 1998; Bourne e t al., 1998; B. Berger, U.S. Geo­
tcred-anomaly maps of the western United States. Here we logical Survey, unpub. data, 2000; Drew and Berger, in
review the results of these earlier studies and provide some press). This style o f faulting, for example along the Carlin
additional insights. and Getchell mineral trends, accom panied delam ination
To investigate the regional controls on mineral deposits, due to traction forces across the brittle-ductile transition.
we first discuss the broad relationships between geophysical Extensional faulting did not dom inate the surficial land­
features and the structural geology important to the local­ scape of the region until approximately 20 to 18 Ma in the
ization of some deposits. Then we turn to specific linear southern Basin and Range, and as late as 11 to 10 Ma in the
arrays and clusters of deposits to discuss possible deep- northern Basin and Range.
seated, regional controls on ore deposition. Here, the geo­ Mineral deposits were formed during all stages of this tec­
physical data indicate that the pull-apart structural model tonic evolution. During the Late Cretaceous to early Eocene
may be related to the localization of many deposits regard­ period of overthickened crust in die western United States,
less of their type or age. Lastly, the utility of high-resolution a num ber of world-class mining disu'icts were formed. Dur­
potential-field data is highlighted in detailed ore-deposit ing the uppermost Late Cretaceous and earliest Tertiary, the
studies. In particular, we demonstrate the ability of geophys­ polymetallic veins and porphyry copper deposits at Butte,
ical data to help focus exploration in complex geological Montana, were emplaced (Snee et al., 1999), whereas most
regimes by defining deep-crustal fracture systems or intru­ porphyry copper deposits of Arizona and New Mexico were
sive zones, which represent potentially favorable environs formed in the Paleocene to earliest Eocene (Titley, 1995).
for mineralization. As the crust began to thin, the giant Carlin-style gold
deposits in north-central Nevada probably formed during
O v e ra ll deposit p atte rn s in the western U nited States the Eocene to early 01igocene(?) (e.g., Hall et al., 1997;
(scale ~ 1 :5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ) Hofstra et al., 1999). By the middle Miocene the crust was
R egional geophysical patterns: On the broadest scale, the cal­ considerably thinner and the world-class Comstock Lode
culated thicknesses of gravity-defined lithosphere and mag­ and Goldfield epitherm al deposits form ed in western
netic lithosphere are thinnest in regions of high heat flow, Nevada (cf. Seedorff, 1991). The net result is that most west­
such as the Great Basin and Yellowstone National Park ern United States ore deposits (Fig. 1) tend to be now
(Morgan and Gosnold, 1989). In contrast, a zone of low located within broad regions characterized by inferred thin­
heat flow, extending from eastern U tah northw ard into n er m agnetic lithosphere (Fig. l ib ) and low magnetic
potential (Fig. 7). However, like the crust, the lithosphere Thus, regional magnetic lows may be a useful indicator of
thickness changed during the course o f the Cenozoic; con­ favorable geological environments for mineral occurrence.
sequently, proposing a general genetic relationship between This tendency for deposits to be associated with magnetic
mineralization and thin lithosphere is problematic. Perhaps potential lows in the western United States warrants addi­
in some local areas where gravity-defined lithosphere and tional study. In Canada, regional magnetic lows are also
magnetic lithosphere are currently characterized by small- important in mineral exploration because greenstone bells,
to-intermediate thicknesses, deep faults related to mineral­ the location of many ore deposits, are deficient in magnetite
ization were reactivated during extension (i.e., existing (Grant, 1985a, b).
faults related to mineralization possibly facilitated and local­ Intersection ofregiotial structures: Geophysical lineaments
ized later extension). Clearly, areas largely unaffected by defined at regional scales are also useful in mineral explo­
magmatism since Precambrian time and presently charac­ ration. Billingsley and Locke (1941), Lowell (1974), Sillitoe
terized by thick lithosphere (Fig. 1 la) are nearly devoid of (1975), and Kutina and Hildenbrand (1987) proposed an
post-Jurassic mineralized systems, such as the Colorado influence of crustal lineament intersections in the distribu­
Plateau, cenu-al Wyoming, and central Montana. tion o f mineral deposits. A classical example in southern Aus­
Such speculations at continental scales based on the inter­ tralia is the giant Olympic Dam deposit (Fig. 12) located at
pretation of magnetic and gravity data may be useful in lim­ the intersection of major gravity discontinuities (O’Driscoll,
iting mineral exploration to very large regions (e.g., possibly 1990). In reviewing the geological framework of die Olympic
restricting exploration to southern Arizona and eliminating Dam deposit, Woodall (1993, p. 9) states, “Wc need to be
large regions in northern Arizona). For the type of deposits more aware of the effects o f deep basement shears. Deep
being considered here, m ore fruitful studies to limit the structures penetrate the Earth’s crust and upper mantle and
area in evaluating mineral potential are likely when a closer may act as the plumbing system for fluid and heat entering
inspection of the regional geophysical data is carried out, the lithosphere. Empirical evidence indicates that such
even at scales o f 1:5,000,000. For example, the magnetic structures control many o f the giant mineral deposits..
data show that 90 percent of the deposits considered here An analog in northern Utah may be deep-basement frac­
correlate with low intensities (<0.0 m pu) in the intermedi­ tures associated with the cluster o f ore deposits at Bingham,
ate-wavelength magnetic potential (Fig. 7), although the one o f the world's largest copper districts. East-west gravity
ratio o f the area o f negative magnetic potential values to and magnetic trends east o f Bingham (Erickson, 1976) on
total area is about 67 percent (Hildenbrand et al., 2000). Figures 6 to 8 delineate features paralleling the east-west-

Fic. 12. Bougiicr gravity map o f south-central Australia. Note that the Olympic Dam deposit is located at the intersec­
tion o f 2 major gravity lineaments. (Taken from O ’DriscoII, 1990: reprinted with permission o f the Australasian Insdtutc
o f Mining and Metallurgy)
uendingArchean-Proterozoic boundary (Fig. 1). Near Bing­ leached and transported during high-tem perature Meso­
ham, north-northeast-trending gravity anomalies roughly zoic m etam orphism , and precipitated in quartz veins in
follow the boundary (frontal thrust belt, Fig. 6) between car­ greenschist-grade metamorphic rocks and syndeformation
bonate platformal rocks to the east (characterized by thin- intrusions.
skinned thrust faults) and Paleozoic miogcoclinal slope- The Mother Lode districts correlate with geophysical fea­
facies rocks to the west (characterized by deep-seated thrust tures at both regional and sub-regional scales. They lie along
faults; Miller e t a t , 1992). This region of intersecting geo­ a well-defined north-northwest-trending gravity high (Figs.
physical features also includes nonhwest-trending gravity 3,6, and 13b) caused by mafic metavolcanic and dense Cre­
and m agnetic lineam ents o f unknown geological origin taceous plutons o f the western Sierra Nevada batholith.
(Figs. 6 and 7). Billingsley and Locke (1941) nam ed this These igneous rocks likely intruded slabs o f dense accreted
area the “Salt Lake crossroads” (Fig. 1), where ancient inter­ oceanic crust, from which they may have inherited their
secting fracture systems may have cut the crust and acted as dense mafic character (Jachens and Griscom, 1985). Mag­
channelways for plutons and metal-bearing fluids. Whatever netically, the districts generally lie within a region o f low-to-
the specific origins o f m ineral clusters, their correspon­ m oderate m agnetic field strength typical o f only slightly
dence with linear magnetic and gravity features (Figs. 6 and m agnetic rocks, bu t n ear long, narrow, high-am plitude
7) supports an origin related to deep-seated structural dis­ curvilinear magnetic highs (Figs. 2 and 13a). The long, nar­
continuities. Below, we review how die diverse structural ele­ row magnetic highs are caused by tabular bodies o f serpen-
ments work together to localize mineral deposits. tinite which lie along and define many o f the regional-scale
LateJurassic fault zones that are associated with the deposits
Mineral bells (scale -1:500,000) (H enderson e t al., 1966; U.S. Geological Survey, 1969,
Linear arrays o f deposits, generally called “belts" or 1976). T he low-to-moderate background magnetic field
“trends,” have long been the focus o f study by economic strength over die metamorphic terranes hosting the ore dis­
geologists. For example. Card and Poulsen (1998), in study­ tricts is consistent with the metamorphic grade o f the host
ing the m ineral deposits o f the Superior Province o f the rocks because greenschist metamorphism normally destroys
Canadian Shield, describe num erous clearly defined belts the magnetite in these rocks (Grant, 1985a; Clark, 1997b).
characterized by deposits o f diverse metal associations and The predom inant lithologies o f the host rock include: (1)
genetic types. Many Superior Province gold deposits tend to harzburgite, pyroxenite, and dunite; (2) basaltic pillow lava
cluster near large faults and shear zones, sometimes and breccia; (3) basaltic-andesitic lava; (4) debris How and
referred to as deformation corridors o r tectonic zones due turbidite deposits derived from the basaltic-andesitic lava;
to their relationship to intensely deform ed rock in zones (5) epiclastic conglomerate, mixed volcaniclastic-epiclastic
several kilometers wide (see figs. 2.25, 2.50, and 2.52 in Card wacke, sandstone, and siltstone; (6) hemipelagic organic,
and Poulsen, 1998). Also, most die gold deposits ofVictoria, carbon-rich argillite; and (7) mafic dikes (Landefeld, 1990).
Australia, lie along linear structural zones within a 70-km- Greenschist facies metamorphism is characteristic of low-sul­
wide belt in the Lachlan fold belt (Maher et al., 2000; Van- fide gold deposit environments worldwide (e.g., Kerrich,
derB ergetal., 2000). 1999), thus, providing a direct logical link between the
Several m ineral belts in the western U nited States are M other Lode deposits and their associated regional mag­
explored here with respect to their relationships to geo­ netic signature. In the Canadian Superior Province,
physical lineaments at scales of roughly 1:500,000. Archean greenstone belts have characteristic magnetic sig­
Mother Lode gold belt: Brittle-ductile mesozonal hydrother- natures (Grant, 1985b) similar to those over the M other
mal gold deposits are localized in major fault zones near Lode belt—namely, regional lows interrupted with linear,
sutured plate margins, and regional geophysical data are local, high-amplitude anomalies. Grant (1985b) pointed out
helpful in defining such favorable areas. For example, a that favorable ore environs within these greenstone belts are
group o f low-sulfide gold-quartz vein deposits, commonly related to permeable tectonic zones sometimes character­
term ed “M other Lode” deposits (star symbols in NE Cali­ ized by linear magnetic features, where the quantity of mag­
fornia, Fig. 1), arc hosted mostly by metamorphic rocks in netite has been enhanced (e.g., through serpentinization)
a series o f accreted volcanic arc and other oceanic terranes o r diminished (e.g., through hydrothermal alteration). An
in the western foothills o f the Sierra Nevada and the adja­ example is the group of gold and base metal deposits along
cent Klamath M ountains, California (Landefeld, 1990; the 400-km-long Porcupine-Destor-Qucuco fault system in
H utchinson and Albers, 1992). A few districts occur in Ontario and Quebec.
Mesozoic plutons that intrude the metamorphic rocks and As described above, the M other Lode districts have a
are part of the Sierra Nevada batholith, primarily exposed characteristic three-part geophysical signature consisting of
a few tens o f kilom eters to the east. T he M other Lode a regional gravity high, a regional low-to-moderate back­
deposits in the Sierra Nevada are closely associated with ground magnetic field anomaly, and long curvilinear mag­
regional-scale, curvilinear fault zones (Melones, Bear netic highs. Hildenbrand et al. (2000) suggested that these
Mountains, and related fault zones tens to hundreds o f kilo­ characteristics may serve as an exploradon guide for similar
meters long; Landefeld, 1990; Ashley, 1991),some of which deposits in nearby areas, especially areas where oceanic
may be reactivated suture zones first developed during crust is likely to exist o r m ight have existed in the past. Of
accretion o f the volcanic arc terranes. Gold may have been particular interest in Figure 13b are the gravity highs imme-
122® 120° 1 2 2 ° 120®

a. RTP magnetic field b. Filtered isostatic gravity

Fici. 13. RTP magnetic-anomaly field (a) and intermediate-wavelength, rr^irfual isnstaiie graviiy anomaly PHd (b) over
the M other Lode gold belt in the western foothills o f the Sierra Nevada, California. T he Mesozoic Mother Lode gold belt
displays characteristic geophysical signatures (regional gravity high, regional low-co-modcratc background magn«»iir field
anomaly, long curvilinear magnetic highs) that might s e n e as an exploration guide. The Mother Lode deposits are closely
associated with regional-scale, curvilinear fault zones, som e o f which may b e reactivated suture zones first developed dur­
ing accretion o f the volcanic arc ternm es. Black lines show faults (taken from Jennings e l al„ 1977). Stars locate deposits
o f the M other Lode.

diately west of the Mother Lode gold belt (also west of lesser- Releasing bends o r extensional stepovers along strike-slip
valued gold deposits not shown in Fig. 13). Here, accreted fault zones (Dooley and McCIay, 1998) commonly localize
volcanic arc terranes similar to those hosting the Mother magmas in the shallow crust. A schematic model illustrating
Lode deposits descend beneath younger sedimentary rocks the possible relationships between mineral deposits, faults,
of the Great Valley and are likely intruded by Cretaceous grabens, and intrusions is shown in Figure 14. The exten-
plutons. Detailed examination of the local magnetic field sional stepover model may be important in understanding
over the eastern margin o f the Great Valley for areas of low the structural setting o f many deposits in western United
background magnetic field interrupted by linear magnedc States (Berger et al., 1998; B. Berger, U.S. Geological Survey,
highs could be an effective means o f focusing a search for unpub. data, 2000.
buried Mother Lode type deposits. In applying such a model, geophysical data are useful for
Magmatic-hydrothermal mineral (porphyry) deposit bends: Mag­ defining the deep-seated regional fracture zones important
matic-hydrothermal mineral deposits (e.g., porphyry copper to the intrusion o f magmas in the crust and the delineation
deposits) are frequently localized along m ajor strike-slip of near-surface volcanic features such as dikes or calderas.
fault zones within magmatic-arc environments (Nishiwaki, O f particular importance are intersecting fracture trends
1981, Drew and Berger, in press). An explanation is that where permeability' may be enhanced. For example, Henley
strike-slip fault zones provide localized zones of high per­ and Adams (1992), in investigating linear trends of epither­
meability, thereby allowing the necessary focusing o f mag- mal gold deposits in the Drummond Basin, Australia, sug­
matism and fluid flow to form hydrothermal ore deposits. gest that mineralization is related to local pull-apart basins
94 H lW E N liliA M ) E T A L .

b Intrusion in hinge C Intrusion within

of releasing bend pull-apart basin Extension

Fid. 14. a. Schematic model o f a duplex o f faults that make up a pull-apart giabcn or basin (releasing bend) between
two interacting cn Echelon right-lateral strike-slip faults; cross-basin strike-slip faults accommodate strain across the bend
when extension terminates (after Dooley and McQay, 1998). b. Form o f igneous intrusions in a hinge zone into the pull-
apart basin. The composite intrusive bodies tend to take the form o f a vertically elongated cylinder (B. Berger, U.S- Geo­
logical Survey, unpub. data, 2000), c. Form o f igneous intrusions within the center o f die pull-apart structure (B. Berger,
U.S. Geological Survey, unpub. data, 2000).

along linear reactivated strike-slip fault zones (identified in 15; O ’Neill and Lopez, 1985). Schmidt e t al. (1990) pro­
high-resolution aeromagnetic data). To illustrate the utility posed that the Boulder Batholith was em placed within a
of the pull-apart basin model and o f geophysical data in the local pull-apart basin between two east-westerly transfer
application o f this model in studying magmatic-hydrother­ faults active as the regional thrust front pushed east (Fig.
mal mineral deposits in die western United States, we pro­ 15a). When extension within the pull-apart could no longer
vide three examples related to two porphyry-copper deposit accommodate strain in response to the regional east-west
trends: the zone of porphyry deposits in the Idaho-Montana maximum principal stresses, northeast-striking, right-lateral
porphyry belt, and in southern Arizona (Fig. 1). strike-slip faults developed. Applying the structural model of
Example 1: A zone o f northeast-trending magnetic fea­ Figure 14, we propose that an extensional stepover between
tures from east-central Idaho across Montana to the Cana­ two e n echelon strike-slip faults controlled the emplace­
dian border (Figs. 7 and 8) contains a num ber of porphyry m ent of m ineralization-related intrusions at Butte (Fig.
molybdenum deposits including Cannivan Gulch and 15b). T he Butte district stepover appears to be located
Thompson Creek (Fig. 1). This alignm ent o f deposits where a reactivated, northwest-striking, Proterozoic fault sys­
defines the Idaho-Montana porphyry belt o f Rostad (1978), tem (Schmidt et al., 1990) caused the primary cn echelon
itself within the much longer, 1,500-km-long, Great Falls tec­ northeast-striking faults to elastically interact and thereby
tonic zone (O’Neill and Lopez, 1985; Fig. 1). form linking faults (Fig. 15b; Fig 14). Ore-bearing veins at
The zone of northeast-trending magnetic lineaments is Butte occur along the northeasi-suiking, northwest-striking,
coincident with a zone o f strike-slip faults, including the set and stepover faults.
that may have localized the Late Cretaceous Boulder Example 2: In southern Arizona, several porphyry copper
Batholith and the early Tertiary Butte mining district (Fig. deposits are localized along northwest-striking, right-lateral
FlG. IS. a. Residua) Ki r magnetic anomaly map o f the Boulder batholiih area, Montana. These residual data were gen*
crated by subtracting an upward continued (1.0 km) regional field from the data in Figure 2. Pinion-related and cpilhcr*
mal deposits are shown as white circles and squares, respectively. Faults (narrow black lines) and the boundary o f the Butte
quartz monzonitc pluton (magenta dashed line), largely representing the boundary o f the Boulder batholiih, arc taken
from Smcdcs ct al. (1988). Heavy black lines show the proposed model o f emplacement o f the batholiih (located near B
in Fig. 1) in the pull-apart region during compressional tectonics due to cast-northeast segmentation o f the advancing
thrust sheet (Schmidt et a!.. 1990). b. Pattern o f faults in the Butte mining district (after Sales. 1913) within tltc Boulder
batholiih demonstrating (he localization o f porphyry-style copper deposits in a releasing bend along a right-lateral strike-
slip fault (highlighted with arrows).
fault /.ones where they step right due to interactions with
reactivated, older northeast-striking fault zones (B. Berger,
U.S. Geological Survey, unpub. data, 2000; Drew and
Berger, in press). These im portant northwest structural
zones, which are reflected in the magnetic and gravity data
(Figs. 6-10), may delineate the primary fault zones along
which porphyry copper deposits can be localized. The
northwest-trending geophysical anomalies, locally inter­ v
rupted by northeast-trending features, coincide with the
650-km-long zone of copper-bearing plutons (Fig. 1)
extending from northern Mexico to west-central Arizona,
sometimes called the “La Caridad-Mineral Park belt"
(Evcrnden and Kistler, 1970).
Another example of the control of stepovers on the local­
ization of magmatic activity (Fig. 14) may be the Tombstone w.w
volcanic center. We suggest that the pattern of faults and veins
in the Tombstone mining disu ict (Butler e t al., 1938) imply
that it is localized at the intersection of northwest- and north-
northeast-trending fault zones expressed in the geophysical
data jus lineaments adjacent to a circular magnetic feature
defining the Tombstone caldera (Figs. 9 and 10; cf. Moore, (a) Magnetic field
1993). Fold, fault, and polymetallic vein and replacem ent
mineralization patterns within the Tombstone district indi­
cate north-south compression at the time o f Late Cretaceous
mineralization, which implies that the geophysical features
reflect fractures with favorable orientations for reactivation.
Example 3: The Bagdad region underscores the impor­
tance of antecedent structures to the localization of magmas
and related ore deposits, and how a close inspection o f geo­
physical data can help in predicting such situations. Promi­
nent regional northeast-trending magnetic boundaries cross
this i cgion (Figs. 2 and 7). One such boundary (Figs. 9 and
16) separates a region of magnetic highs to the southeast
from magnetic lows to the northwest (e.g., the low associ­
ated with the Proterozoic Lawler Peak granite; cf. Anderson
ct al., 1956). Tile Bagdad deposit lies in the region of inter­
secting northwest- and northeast-trending magnetic bound­
aries or zones, coinciding in part with features in the poorly
resolved gravity data. As at Tombstone, the orientation of
Laramide regional stresses (N-S to NW-SE) favored princi­
pal displacem ent along northwest-striking, right-lateral
faults and the reactivation of northeast-striking faults such as 0 _ __ _J _ ___ 10 KM
the Proterozoic faulting observed in the geophysical data (b) Terraced gravity
(cf. Davis, 1981). Dike swarms (Anderson etal., 1956) delin­
eate the surface expression of the fault zones (Fig. 16). Fit;. 16- a- Reduccd-to-pole magnetic-anomaly map in the region o f the
Applying the structural model in Figure 14, we propose that Bagdad mineral district. The site o f Utc old Bagdad shaft is indicated by the
the mechanical interaction o f the two fault trends resulted letters Bl). Survey specifications are i.6 km fiighdinc spacing? and 150 tn
in the development of a releasing or extensional bend along above terrain. Small while circles highlight m agnetization boundaries
kised on horizontal gradient analysis. Black solid lines are interpreted mag­
die nordiwesi-striking fault zone. For fractures that intersect
netization boundaries (the two heavier lines are inferred major tectonic
at high angles, tensile forces are greatest at the intersections. zones highlighted in Fig. 9 ). b. Terraced isostatie basem ent gravity field
Thus permeability is also higher, and such intersections help over the Bagdad deposit (white ring). Although the gravity coverage is poor
to localize the em placem ent o f magmas such as the (stations located with white circles), several interpreted northeast and
Laramide stock that hosts the 72.6 ± 2.3 Ma Bagdad por­ northwest gravity lineaments (black lines) correlate with magnetic bound­
phyry copper deposit and related polymetallic veins. Analo­ aries. O f particular interest are the intersections o f magnetic and gravity
boundaries. Black dashed lines and the area highlighted with horizontal
gous intersections of geophysical features may be seen at
lines locate mapped faults and the Proterozoic Lawler Peak granite, respec­
several other localities in Figure 16. tively (taken from Wilson etal., 1977). White lines depict dike swarms near
Epithermal deposit trends: In Figures 17 to 20, the interme­ the Bagdad deposit (Anderson et al., 1956).
diate wavelength magnetic potential and gravity data and
120° 118° 116® 114°

Fic.. 17. Intermediate-wavelength isostatic residual gravity anomaly map in (lie region ofim portant ore deposit trends
in Nevada. The blocky appearance o f die anomalies is due to die application o f a terrace filter, which enhances lithologic
or structural boundaries across which density varies (as explained in the text). Heavy black lines show interpreted major
density boundaries based on maxima o f horizontal gradient magnitudes shown in Figure 18. These boundaries define
zones of dense crustal blocks labeled A to C. Other gravity lineaments arc shown as light-weight black lines. The Protero­
zoic edge o f the craton (B?S r /w'Sr ■ 0.706) and the boundaries o f the Walker Lane tectonic zone are shown as dashed
white and black lines, respectively. Dotted line shows the Pine Nut (PN) Fault (Oldow et al., 1989). BT * Big Ten Peak
caldera; MJ = Ml. Jefferson caldera; RM = Round Mountain; SC> = Shoshone granite. Symbols as in Figure 1.

their horizontal gradient magnitudes are shown together Ludington et al. (1993) described the distribution of
with the ore deposits in parts of Nevada and surrounding epithermal deposits as displaying a crescent-shaped pattern
regions. Using maxima of horizontal gradient magnitudes covering western and northern Nevada (black squares, Fig.
(Figs. 17 and 20), Hildcnbrand etal. (2000) defined crustal 17). There appears to be a rough correlation of these deposits
blocks characterized by major changes in density (Fig. 17) with regional gravity highs (features A and B, Fig. 17). Iri the
and magnetization (Fig. 19). O ther secondary lineaments southwestern arm of die coincident epithermal-deposit cres­
are shown in these Figures. The attempt of Hildenbrand et cent and gravity high (feature A), a prominent magnetic-high
al; (2000) to define primary and secondary linear geophys­ zone (feature D, Fig. 19) suggests that some of the sources of
ical features is subjective and not well constrained. For die gravity anomalies are dense and magnetic igneous intru­
example, although dense regional bodies labeled A, B, and sions, probably of Mesozoic age (Stewart, 1980). Of particular
G in Figure 17 are shown as separate identities, these bod­ interest are die northwest-striking magnetic and gravity fea­
ies m ight be interconnected a t depth along secondary tures (Figs. 8,18, and 20) aligned within the Walker Lane tec­
boundaries. tonic zone (Figs. 17 and 19), a broad northwest-trending zone
Fig, 18. gradient magnitudes of the intermediate-wavelength isostauc residual gravity anomaly data shown
in Figure 17. Maximum magnitudes (light gray shades) define boundaries separating regions o f contrasting densities.
Symbols as in Figure i.

of diverse topography and strike-slip faults (Stewart, 1988). strike-slip faults (Fig. 21). Similarly striking lateral fault
The northwest strike of die Pine Nut fault (exposed along die zones, reflected in the magnetic data, bound the late
eastern flank of die Wassuk Range near Walker Lake; Fig. 17), Oligocene to early Miocene Big Ten Peak and MountJeffer­
Cretaceous dikes, and shapes of some plutons in the Walker son calderas. Hilclenbrand et a!. (2000) proposed that the
Lane imply that deep-seated nordiwest-striking and related calderas may be accommodating extensional strain between
faults controlled die emplacement of pillions in the Mesozoic these en echelon, strike-slip fault zones analogous to the
back-arc. Blakely (1988) noted that the width of the north­ emplacement of granites into pull-apart structures (Fig. 14).
west-trending zone of magnetic highs in western Nevada A nother im portant relationship is the one between vein-
extends farther northeast dian die generally accepted struc­ bearing fractures and the regional principal stresses.
tural boundary of the Walker Lane. Hilclenbrand et al. (2000) Caldera-associated mineralization as at Round Mountain is
pointed out that a related gravity high also extends nordieast often localized along fractures related to the principal
of die Walker Lane. regional faults, in this case parallel to northwest-striking,
The geology (e.g., Shawe, 1995, 1999) along the north­ strike-slip faults (Shawe, 1995,1999), indicating the impor­
eastern edge of these northwest-trending regional geophys­ tance of die regional suess field to ore deposition. Hilclen-
ical features indicates that Late Cretaceous intrusions (e.g., brand et al. (2000) also pointed out that the correspon­
the Shoshone Granite in the Toquima Range) and mineral­ dence of the northeastern extent o f Tertiary epitherm al
ization were localized in a region of northwest-trending mineralization and the boundaries o f geophysically inferred
120° 118° 116° 114®

Fic. 19. Intermediate-wavelength magnetic potential map in the region o f important ore deposit trends in Nevada.
Heavy black lines show interpreted major magnetization boundaries based on maxima o f horizontal-gradient magnitudes
shown in Figure 20. These boundaries define zones o f magnetic crustal blocks labeled D anti E. Other magnetic linea­
ments are shown as light-weight black lines. The Proterozoic edge o f the craton (fi7S r /wi5r » 0.706) and the boundaries o f
the Walker Lane belt are shown as dashed white and black lines, respectively. Dotted line shows the Pine Nut (PN) fault
(Oldlow e t al., 1989). B T = Big Ten Peak caldera; MJ * Mt.Jefferson caldera; RM = Round Mountain; SC = Shoshone gran­
ite. Small squares define the map area shown in Figures 21 and 22. Symbols as in Figure 1.

Mesozoic intrusions (feature A in Fig. 17) supports a this northeast-trending zone o f magnetic lows reflects a
hypothesis that there is a relationship between Tertiary m ajor lithospheric irregularity, possibly the rem nant o f a
epithermal deposits and reactivated antecedent structures, segment in the subducting plate that was propagated into
and further emphasizes the importance of deep-seated frac- the overriding plate. Recent interpretation o f seismic data
.lure systems to the localization of mineral deposits. (Van der Lee and Nolet, 1997) indicates that the subducted
The northern part o f the epithermal deposit crescent is Farallon plate is segmented and that one o f the boundaries
characterized by low magnetic potential intensities occur­ is roughly coincident with this trend o f magnetic lows.
ring in a northeast-trending, 500-km-long zone (Fig. 19), There are numerous northeast-trending faults, dikes, and
and an abrupt change from northwest to a more northerly mineralized veins within this zone that underscore its struc­
direction of mountain ranges (see fig. 3 in Stewart, 1980). tural importance (Mackenzie and Bookstrom, 1976; Henry
Hildenbrand et al. (2000) proposed that the northeast­ and Bodcn, 1998).
trending magnetic low is a region characterized primarily by Magnetic feature E strikes obliquely to the Carlin and Bat­
upper-crustal, unaltered igneous rocks with magnetizations tle Moumain-Eureka mineral trends (Fig. 19), although its
of low amplitude and normal polarity. They suggested that western margin closely coincides with the western boundary
120° 118° 116° H4°
F ig . 20. Horizontal-gradient magnitudes o f the intermediate-wavelength magnetic potential shown in Figure 19. Max­
imum magnitudes (light gray shades) define boundaries separating regions o f contiasting magnetization. Symbols as in
Figure 1.

of gravity feature C (Fig. 17). This north-northwest-trending belts, numerous investigations have focused on understand­
positive magnedc anomaly is coincident with highly mag­ ing the geological controls that led to these linear trends.
netic mafic rocks in the northern Nevada rift (Blakely and The Battle Mountain-Eureka trend, for example, lies near
Jachens, 1991; Zoback et al., 1994). Middle Miocene dikes the boundary separating less dense crustal rocks to the
and flows within the northern Nevada rift indicate that the southwest from dense rocks to the northeast (Figs. 17 and
rift post-dates the Eocene mineral deposits within the Battle 18; Blakely et al., 1991; Grauch et al., 1995,1998). Although
Mountain-Eureka and Carlin trends (discussed below). the trend o f the southern part of this mineral belt generally
However, the young rift zone parallels the western boundary follows inferred geophysical boundaries (Figs. 17 and 19),
of the dense crustal feature C and, thus, appears to have its n orthern p a rt appears to be oblique (~10°) to the
form ed along reactivated older structures. Epithermal regional geophysical trend.
deposits (15.5-15.0 Ma) follow the northern Nevada rift sys­ In contrast, the well-defined Carlin trend o f sediment-
tem extending roughly 300 km from the Oregon border to hosted gold deposits, paralleling and approximately 75 km
central Nevada (Fig. 19). John and Wallace (2000) suggest cast o f the Battle Mountain-Eureka trend, does not possess a
that faulting, mafic magmatism, and high heat flow related clear gravity or magnetic expression. O n the intermediate
to rifting led to precious metal mineralization by enhancing wavelength gravity anomaly map (Fig. 17), the combination
permeability and fluid flow along the lift o f removing the gravity effects of basins and de-emphasizing
Battle Mountain-Eureka and Carlin deposit trends: Because the effects of upper crustal and broad regional mass sources
many im portant gold deposits in Nevada lie along linear highlights a density boundary that roughly parallels and lies
Fig. 21. Magnetic-anomaly field over the Round Mountain and Manhattan mineral districts, Nevada (area located in
Fig. 19). Four northwest-striking faults (black or white dotted lines) mapped by Shawe (1999) and Keith (1987) Hank the
Mt. Jefferson, Manhattan, and Big Ten Peak calderas (long dashed lines), suggesting a structural relationship. Black lines
arc inferred magnetization boundaries (based on interpretations o f derivative maps), indicating a northwest- and north­
east-trending structural grain. Epithermal deposits shown as squares. The Round Mountain and Manhattan mineral dis­
tricts spatially correlate with north west-trending magnetic lineaments. In the Round Mountain mineral district, local
northwest-striking faults have l>ccn mapped by Shawe (1999). The Mesozoic Baxter Springs intrusion supports the con­
clusion that the northwest-trending zones o f gravity atul magnetic highs (Figs. 17 and 20) reflect the extension o f the
Mesozoic granitoid rocks northeast o f the Walker Lane tectonic zone.

east of the Carlin trend. This gravity boundary continues far­ data control in removing the gravity effects o f basins from
ther southeast to approximately latitude N39e,40', where it the gravity field (errors of several kilometers are possible;
abruptly changes direction to the southwest, intersecting die see Jachens and Moring, 1990). The offsets associated with
Battle Mountain-Eureka trend near latitude N39°05'. A few these two ore deposit trends are troublesome but explain­
Carlin-style gold deposits and o th er deposit types occur able. Three explanations are feasible if one accepts that the
along this proposed gravity lineament representing the east­ intermediate-wavelength geophysical anomalies enhance
ern boundary of feature C in Figure 17. the effects o f deep crustal mass sources, whereas deposits
- The correspondence between the elliptical pattern of may be localized in shallow geological features which can be
Carlin-style gold deposits and the interpreted boundaries laterally offset from their deeper roots. First, the crustal
defining a dense crustal zone (feature C, Fig. 17) is too close block boundaries may have a variable dip and thus only
to be dismissed as wholly fortuitous. In some locadons, off­ appear to be offset from the mineral trends. Second, north-
set of the boundaries defining the dense crustal block (fea­ west-suiking strike-slip faults (e.g., Tosdal and Nutt, 1999) in
ture C) from the alignm ent of deposits along the Battle the overlying brittle crust formed due to extension during
Mountain-Eureka and Carlin trends may be due to poor delamination of the overthickened, early Cenozoic crust by
traction forces within the transition zone between the strong from a reconnaissance photogeologic m ap o f Nevada
brittle crust and the underlying weaker ductile zone (Berger (Dohrenwend et al., 1996) generally terminate or abruptly
et al., 1998; Bourne et al., 1998; B. Berger, U.S. Geological change strike at all three o f these northwest-trending struc­
Survey, unpub. data, 2000; Drew and Berger, in press). How­ tural zones. O f particular interest is that most deposits lie
ever, over long time scales the slip rate in the brittle zone is in the area between the two western northw est-trending
equivalent to the deformation rate (cf. Bourne et al., 1998), structural zones. The age o f these two zones may be Juras­
so the differential strain may result in a structural offset sic or older because dikes and faults along the southern
between shallow crustal regions and their deeper roots. boundary o f a Jurassic pluton at Buffalo M ountain (Neff,
Third, rigid local bodies in the upper crust may act as obsta­ 1966; Fig. 22) follow one o f these zones. Doebrich and
cles to upward fracture propagation and divert the strain T heodore (1996) previously suggested that these north­
features around them , analogous to a knot in a piece o f west-trending structural zones may be related to the shat­
wood under stress. tered hinges of broad, regional-scale Jurassic folds.
The source producing the positive gravity anomaly We propose that there was northwest-trending strike-slip
defined as feature C in Figure 17 may be related to both faulting in the Battle M ountain region during the late
dense carbonate rock and igneous intrusions (Grauch, Eocene, possibly related to forces imposed o n the brittle
1998). Grauch et al. (1998) suggested that the density and crust by rapid extension in the lower crust. The two inter­
resistivity boundaries associated with the Carlin and Battle preted northw est-trending structures bounding Battle
M ountain-Eureka trends represent deep-penetrating M ountain were probably reactivated with right-lateral
crustal faults, possibly related to the rifted Precam brian m otion leading to roughly east-west extension (Fig. 22).
continental margin, and that these faults later focused the Apparently, the northw est faults interacted elastically
circulation o f hydrothermal fluids derived during increased because, based on fault patterns and dike trends, the area
Tertiary heat uansfer. A recent study of feldspar Pb isotope between them displays interlinked diladonal structures and
compositions in Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Ternary granitic shears typical of pull-apart structures. Dikes tend to follow
rocks supports this interpretation. Along the Carlin trend, the northwest-striking structural zones b u t strike largely
Wooden et al. (1998) define a northwest-trending Pb iso­ north-south in the region between them . Faults trend
tope province boundary separating high ^ P b / ^ P b on north-south from the southern northwest-striking strike-slip
the northeast from lower values on the southwest. Another fault, and then bend to the northwest to merge with o r run
Pb-province boundary is located near the 87S r/86Sr = 0.706 parallel to the northern northwest-striking strike-slip fault.
line (Figs. 17 and 19) and may reflect the Proterozoic era- That the linking faults make up an interactive system o f ten­
ton margin in Nevada. Wooden etal. (1998) proposed that sile and shear faults is known also from the m apping of
the Pb-isotope boundaries define Proterozoic crustal-scale veins and faults in underground m ines (cf. Roberts and
faults. Subsequent tectonism may have reactivated these old Arnold, 1965). We propose that the Battle Mountain min­
northwest-trending structures. The episodic reaedvation of eral deposits form ed in an extensional regim e between
deep-rooted faults as expressed in the gravity data (Figs. 17 northwest-trending faults with right-lateral motion. Thus,
and 18) can explain the alignment of ore deposits of vary­ the fracture permeability for the ore-forming fluids could
ing ages and origins. Thus, die Carlin and Battle Mountain- have developed in an extensional stepover (Fig. 14) with a
Eureka trends probably formed along antecedent Protero­ structural pattern similar to the dike and fault patterns at
zoic faults. Battle Mountain.
Battle Mountain mining district: In the northern area of
Mineral deposits (scale -1:50,000)
the Battle M ountain-Eureka trend, Cretaceous and Ter­
tiary porphyry deposits of the Battle Mountain Mining Dis­ Compared to the regional geophysical data discussed thus
trict (BMMD) are generally associated with plutons far, high-resolution magnetic and gravity data provide,
reflected as magnetic highs (Fig. 22). On the basis of gra­ unquestionably, the greatest information on primary struc­
dient analyses o f the m agnetic and gravity data, three tures needed in evaluating mineral potential. Consequently,
northwest- to north-northwest-trending zones or bound­ national programs to systematically collect detailed or high-
aries are defined. O ne geophysical zone represents the resolution potential-field data over large regions have
western boundary o f the northern Nevada rift. In the Bat­ evolved in several countries. At deposit-scales, Grant (1985a,
tle M ountain m ining district, Doebrich and T heodore b), Hoover et al. (1992), and Gunn and Dentith (1997)
(1996) also defined two similar northwest-trending struc­ have provided discussions o f characteristic geophysical
tural zones on the basis of topographic and magnetic lin­ expressions of several types of deposits.
ear features and on the elongations and alignm ents of Numerous excellent examples exist in the literature that
m ineral systems and dikes. The western two northwest- highlight the utility of geophysical studies based on high-
striking geophysically defined zones bound Battle Moun­ resolution potential-field data (see several examples in
tain and Buffalo M ountain. Because these m ountain Gubins, 1997). A notable exam ple relates to the gold
ranges have northeastern and southwestern topographic deposits of the Tennant Creek gold field, Northern Terri­
expressions following the geophysical zones, the sources of tory, Australia, which are scattered throughout an area of
the geophysical zones appear to have influenced mountain about 2,000 mi2. Ivanac (1954) showed the importance of
building. Q uaternary and late Tertiary faults identified m agnetic data in locating these hidden gold-copper-bis*
117°20' 117° 116*40'

FlG. 22. (Top) Magnetic anomaly field over the region of the Battle Mountain mining district (area located in Fig. 19).
Battle Mountain mining district is highlighted with heavy dash line. The three northwest-trending stippled areas are
inferred structural zones based on gradient analyses of the magnetic and gravity data. Black square defines area shown in
Figure 24; symbols ;is in Figure f. Black lines are Quaternary and late Tertiary faults taken from a reconnaissance photo-
geologic map of Nevada (Dohrenwend ct ah, 1990). (Bottom) Red and black lines show dikes and faults, respectively, tit
Buffalo Mountain (Neff, 1900) and Battle Mountain (Roberts and Arnold, 1965). Cyan lines are interpreted magnetiza­
tion boundaries based on gradient analyses.
m uih deposits (which grade from 3-1,000 g A u /t) in a physical data appear to work together to localize mineral
magnetite* and hematite-rich ironstone. Many other Aus­ deposits, for example, along folds (e.g., Arunta Inlicr, Whit­
tralian studies a t district and ore-deposit scales dem on­ ing, 1986). Each mineralized zone or district appears to be
strate the utility o f geophysical interpretations to describe associated with a different geological history ancl with a dif­
deposits in a structural-stratigraphic context (e.g., Whiting, ferent structural fabric associated with m ineralization.
1986; Isles et al., 1989; Edwards e t al., 1990; G unn and Thus, the greatest utility o f geophysical data at either local
Dentith, 1997; Gunn etal., 1997a, b; Willocks et al., 1999). or regional scales is in the interpretation of structural rela­
We discuss two examples: one from Australia and one from tionships tliat help narrow an exploration area, particularly
the western United States. in covered terrains, so that more intensive interdisciplinary
Amnia block. Northern Territoiy: Whiting's (1986) classical studies can be carried out in the effective evaluation of min­
mineral study o f the Arunta block clearly demonstrates the eral potential.
utility o f quality magnetic data (250 m line spacing and 80 In the present study, the broad application of potential-
m above ground) in compiling a geological map for a cov­ field geophysics has led to new insights and reconfirm ed
ered area with a precision that compares to that of maps of previous interpretations o f the origin o f ore deposits in the
exposed areas produced by conventional m apping tech­ western conterminous United States. O ne recurring struc­
niques. The ability to map accurately a concealed geologi­ tural m odel evolving from this geophysical study is that
cal unit o r param eter uniformly over a large area makes mineralization in the western United States is commonly
aeromagneiic mapping a viable interpretive tool to charac­ localized along strike-slip fault zones where pull-apart
terize structures and lithology over a vide range o f scales. basins o r releasing bends provided the increased fracture
W hiting’s study benefited from a voluminous am ount o f permeability for the migration o f ore-forming fluids. The
detailed physical property data and nearby limited expo­ Butte, Tombstone, Bagdad, and Battle M ountain districts
sures o f targeted geological units. The measured magnetic may be related to igneous activity and mineralization within
property data provided invaluable insights on the relation­ releasing bends in strike-slip faults (Fig. 14). O ther struc­
ship o f anomaly patterns and specific rock types, which tural relationships have been highlighted:
were used to generate the detailed structural and lithologi­
cal map shown in Figure 23. Economic concentrations o f 1. Many deposits lie within regions characterized by low
Ag-Pb-Zn and Cu-Au occur along prom inent elongate mag­ total magnetization (H ildenbrand et al., 2000). This rela­
netic anomalies expressing hidden parasitic folds control­ tionship warrants further study.
ling mineralization. 2. T he M other Lode gold belt closely follows a well-
Elder Creek porphyry copper deposit: In the Battle Mountain defined norih-northwest-trending gravity high reflecting
m ining district (Fig. 22), the 37-Ma porphyritic monzo- dense mafic metavolcanic and piutonic rocks (H ilden­
granitc intrusion related to the Elder Creek porphyry cop­ brand et al., 2000).
per system is clearly expressed in the magnetic data (Fig. 3. Gravity and m agnetic maps em phasizing regional
24). The central magnetic lows coincide with the heavily crustal structures In Arizona, Montana, and Utah support
potassium-silicatc-altered quartz stockworks. The abun­ previous observations that linear geophysical zones define
dance of pyrrhotite in the surrounding homfels results in deep structures apparently related to alignments of ore
prominent magnetic highs. Perhaps nearby magnetic highs deposits (e.g., Idftho-Montana porphyry belt) and ore-
express concealed skarns or dikes of economic significance. deposit clusters (e.g., near Bingham, Utah).
4. In southwestern Nevada, the pattern of epitherm al
Conclusions and Summary deposits (generally younger than 20 Ma) and inferred plu-
Several recurring structural relationships have been tons extends northeastward beyond the border of the north­
highlighted throughout this review of the utility of geo­ west-trending Walker Lane tectonic zone and mapped Meso­
physics in defining structures important in mineral studies. zoic pillions, The correspondence between the northeast
The main relationships Include: (1) deep-seated faults, at edge of the pattern of epithermal deposits and geophysically
both regional and local scales reflected as geophysical lin­ inferred Mesozoic plutons supports the hypothesis that a
eaments, can localize igneous activity, major ore deposits relationship exists between Tertiary epithermal activity and
and districts, and mineral belts; (2) these fault systems may antecedent, reactivated structures. Further, it emphasizes the
be reactivated episodically throughout geological time; and importance of deep-seated fracture systems to the localiza­
(3) intersecting crustal fault systems are especially favorable tion of mineral deposits (Hildenbrand etal., 2000).
for ore deposition. Thus, magnetic and gravity data help 5. In north-central Nevada, an interpreted dense crustal
elucidate the regional geological framework or structural block has a western boundary' that correlates witli the north­
setting and can contribute in locating favorable environ­ west-trending Battle Mountain-Eurcka trend (supporting
ments for hydrothermal mineralization. previous interpretations by Grauch etal., 1998), and an east­
The amount of geological information derived from the ern boundary that roughly parallels the Carlin gold trend.
potential-field data clearly increases from regional to local Both the Carlin and Battle Mountain-Eureka belts may have
scales, and thus the benefits of using potential-field data in formed along Proterozoic faults episodically reactivated dur­
mineral investigation studies significantly increases. At local ing active subduction of the Farallon plate beneath North
scales, structural elements defined by high-rcsolulion geo­ America. These episodic reactivations of old, deep-rooted

k - 1 AdetaUeon [ | 3 Gnoissic Suito Basement depth contours

JERVOIS SCHISTS E 3 Magnetic metasedimonts Fault, Interpreted horizontal movement
Magnetite quartzite (NTRUSIVES _! Fault Interpreted voiticai movement
m C I 3 Granite.grenediorite oa» INTERPRETATION MAP
( y ^ Quartz saririte achltt Gabbro, amphbolite ,v— r Adelaidoan unconformity JERVOIS, N T
UndiffereritEated Uftramallc (ft) Mate or prospect
O motasodimonts Axial plane of fold
' ' i.j .j yAntndrm Synform

Fid. 23. Geological map o f thejervois area, Am nia Inlier. Northern Territory, Australia, based on the interpretation o f
acromagnctic data with the assistance o f geological and rock property data (taken from Whiting, 1986; published with the
permission o f the Geological Society o f Australia). The magnetic signatures o f scattered outcrops o f magnetite-quartz
rocks (associated with the lode horizon) are continued into coveted regions as intense linear magnetic anomalies. The
rcsuldng geological map reveals parasitic folds stmcturally controlling mineralization, highlighting the importance o f geo­
logical mapping based on the synthesis o f geophysical, geological, and rock-property data.

faults, as expressed in the gravity data, help explain the States should n o t be viewed as defining specific targets.
alignment of ore deposits of varying age and origins. Rather they provide a regional geological framework within
6. The Battle Mountain mineral district may be related which to help predict generally favorable environments for
to an extensional stepover between northwest-striking, mineralization.
right-lateral faults. Siting new exploration targets requires a careful analysis
o f geological, geochemical, and geophysical data at local
■In other regions, where the geology and origin o f ore scales in favorable areas defined by regional studies. A pre­
deposits may be less well known, mineral studies leading to dicted growth in the consumption of many commodities
similar geophysical relationships would be a useful early leads to the conclusion that greater success rates by
phase in exploration planning. The above geophysical rela­ prospectors in the exploration of covered terranes are
tionships with ore deposit patterns in the western United needed (Skinner, 1993). Skinner states (1993, p. 5), ‘T h e
117°08' 117°06' 117°04'

Fig. 2*1. Residual magnetic field over the Elder Creek poiphyty copper system, Battle Mountain mining district (area
located in Figure 22). "Hie donation related to the pluton is clearly expressed in the magnetic data. The boundaries o f
exposed porphyritic monzograniic (white lines) and the outer limits o f the quartz stockworks (long dashed line) and
biotitc hornfcls (solid black lines) are taken from Gostyayeva ct al. (1996). A short-dashed line shows the approximate
boundary o f Quaternary sediment covering the eastern part o f the map area (Raines et al., 1996). These residual mag­
netic data were generated by subtracting an upward continued (50 in) regional field from the data in Figure 22.

greatest challenge lies in the finding o f buried ore bodies erences discussing the utility o f geophysical data in mineral
and the solution to the challenge is vested in our scientific studies outside the United States. Communications with R.
understanding o f the way the crust is put together and our Ashley, D. Cox, T. Grauch, and D. John conu ibuted impor­
ability to overcome the technological difficulties of map­ tant information on various aspects of the tectonic history,
ping and sampling the crust in the third dimension." mineral deposits, or structural development of the western
High-resolution geophysical maps reduce the uncer­ United States. Battle Mountain Gold Company kindly fur­
tainty in identifying favorable environs for m ineral nished the high-resolution magnetic data over the Elder
deposits. In m ineral investigations at all m ap scales, the Creek deposit (Fig. 24).
interpretation of potenual-field data clearly will continue to
play a major role by defining geology in three dimensions, REFERENCES
if magnetic and gravity data of adequate resolution are Anderson, C A , Scholz, E.A., and Strobell, J.D., Jr., 1956, Geology nnd ore
available to meet the challenge. deposits o f the Bagdad area, Yavapai County, Arizona: U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 278,103 p.
Acknowledgments Ashley, R.P.. 1991, Gold and silver deposits o f the United States: Geological
Society o f America, The Decade o f North American Geology (DNAG),
This study has greatly benefited from reviews by T. v. P-2, p. 3-22.
Theodore, M. DufFett, C. Finn, andJ.P. Richards. D. Moore, Baranov, V., 1957, A new m ethod for interpretation o f acromagnctic
P. Gunn, and M. Pilkington kindly provided very useful ref­ maps— pscudogravity anomalies: Geophysics, v. 22, p. 359-383.
Berger, B.R., and Drew, L.J., 1997, Role o f strike-slip duplexes in localiza­ and ore deposits o f the American Cordillera: G eological Society o f
tion o f volcanoes, related intrusions, and epizonal ore deposits [abs,): Nevada Symposium, Rcno/Sparks, Nevada, April 1995, Proceedings,
Geological Society o f America Abstracts with Programs, v. 29, p. 359-360. p. 453-483.
Berger, B.R., Goldhaber, M., Hildenbrand, T.G., and Wanly, R., 1998, Ori­ Dohremvend, J.C., Schell, BA., Mcngcs, C.M., Moring, B.C., and McKit-
gin ofCarlin-style deposits, Nevada: Coupled regional fluid flow, core­ trick, M.A., 1996, Reconnaissance phoiogcologic map o f young (Qua-
complex related extension, sirike-slip faults, and magmatism [abs.]: Geo­ ternary and late Tertiary) faults in Nevada: Nevada Bureau o f Mines and
logical Society o f America Abstracts with Programs, v. 30, p. 568. Geology, Open-File Report, 96-2, scale 1:1,000,000, p. 9.1-9.12.
Billingsley, P.R., and Locke, A., 1911, Structure o f ore deposits in the con­ Dooley, T., and McCiay, K., 1998, Analog modeling o f pull-apart basins: Amer­
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Chapter 5

Vein Formation and Deform ation in G reenstone G old D eposits

F rancois R o b e r t !
B arrick G old C orporation, 7 2 5 7 D unver, V erdun, Quebec, C a n a d a H 4 H 2 H 6

and K. H ow ard P o u l sen

5 4 W atford W as, N epean, O ntario, C a n a d a K 2 E 6 B 6


Veins are common com ponents o f greenstone gold deposits. T heir analysis is one key aspect in un­
derstanding the sequence o f events leading to the formation o r deformation o f gold deposits. This analy­
sis is essential for the determ ination o f controls on mineralization and ore-forming processes, and for the
prediction o f the geometry and plunges o f deposits and orebodies. Many greenstone gold districts have
experienced a common structural evolution: D, thin skin-style shortening and D2 thick skin-style short­
ening are largely responsible for the structural trend and penetrative fabrics in a district, whereas Ds and
D4 transcurrent deformation are largely focused along preexisting major fault zones. A majority of green­
stone gold deposits consists o f quartz-carbonate veins in o r adjacent to high-angle reverse, and loss com­
monly transcurrent, shear zones, viewed as splays or subsidiaries of major, complex, belt-scale fault zones.
In Other deposits, veins simply overprint gold mineralization and provide im portant information about
the postore deformation history
T hree main types o f veins occur in greenstone gold deposits and each records small increments of bulk
strain. Laminated fault-fill veins form by slip along the central parts o f active shear zones in low-angle di-
lational bends, or less commonly by extensional opening o f foliation planes. Extensional and oblique-ex­
tension veins form within or adjacent to shear zones, at high angles to foliation and elongation lincation.
They represent opening and filling of extensional and hybrid extcnsional-shear fractures, respectively: In
more competent host rocks, extensional veins can form arrays of en echelon planar o r sigmoidal veins,
or of stacked planar veins, and can also combine into multiple sets to form stockwork and breccia bod­
ies. Multiple types and sets of auriferous veins commonly combine to form variably complex vein net­
works, especially in large deposits. These vein networks record deposit-scale bulk incremental strain, with
axes of elongation and shortening that can be compared with those of the main deformation increments
in the district as a further way of constraining their timing of formation. The formation of vein networks
in many districts is compatible with D2, and in a num ber of others with D3, reflecting their formation in
contractional or transcurrent deformation regimes, likely involving subhorizontal compressional stress
under high fluid pressures.
Veins in many districts also systematically display evidence of overprinting deformation, in the form of
folds, boudins, striated vein margins, and a number of internal vein textures such as recrystallized quartz
and stylolites. Overprinting deformation is a natural consequence of vein formation in active shear zones,
but it can also result from overprinting of veins by a younger increment of regional deformation. This can
lead to local shear zone reactivation or wholesale folding or boudinage of a deposit. The confident deter­
mination of the structural timing of veins in deposits is critical but challenging, and is at the center of di­
vergences of interpretation of the origin of many greenstone gold deposits. A num ber of guidelines are
offered to help distinguish pre-orogenic veins and deposits from those with syn- to postorogenic timing.

Introduction and Scope boudins are important loci of greenstone gold deposits at
some scale, there is no strong consensus on the geological
G eologists have long noted the close spatial association significance of this association (e.g., Mason and Helmstaedt,
between gold deposits in greenstone belts and structures 1992; Hutchinson, 1993). Many of the conflicting genetic
such as faults, shear zones, and folds, as reflected by many of interpretations o f gold deposits in greenstone belts, espe­
the contributions in Newhouse (1042) and Canadian Insti­ cially large complex deposits, stem in part from diverging
tute o f Mining and Metallurgy (1048). A lthough there is interpretations of the structural timing o f mineralization
; wide acceptance that structures like shear zones, folds, and (i.e., timing relative to their host structures). The contrast­
ing interpretations o f the Hemlo deposit by Pan and Fleet
% ^Corresponding author: e-mail, (1992) and by Kuhns et al. (1994), and of the Campbell Red

Lake deposit by Andrews et al. (1986) and Penczak and particularly Poulsen and Robert (1989) and Robert et al.
Mason (1997),serve to illustrate this poin t (1994). The next section addresses the effects of deforma­
Veins are common in greenstone gold deposits, in many tion o f veins in relation to geological structures such as
cases forming a major portion o f the ore, but overprinting folds, shear zones, and mega-boudins. This leads to a third
it in others (e.g., Tourigny et al., 1993; Robert, 1997). Veins, section discussing the problem o f distinguishing syn-tec-
like unconformities and igneous intrusions, arc also useful tonic veins from pre- or posttectonic veins. Key controls on
in separating deformation predating their formation from localization, shapes, and orientation o f orebodies are also
subsequent increments o f strain. T he analysis o f veins in considered throughout the. text. The subject is approached
multiply deform ed metamorphic rocks can be valuable in from the perspective o f the questions and problems facing
deciphering the sequence o f events leading to the forma­ geologists exploring for, o r studying, greenstone gold
tion o r deformation o f gold deposits. Furtherm ore, their deposits. Although features discussed range from the scale
position, orientation, and timing relative to other strain fea­ o f the district to that o f the thin section, outcrop-scale fea­
tures such as shear zones, folds, and boudinaged compe­ tures are emphasized for the most part.
ten t rock units, are factors o f direct interest in m ineral
Structure o f Greenstone Gold Districts
exploration. In cases where veins and deposits can be
linked dynamically to an evolving structure, there are many R ecurring lithologic and structural features o f gold
practical consequences concerning the predictability o f deposits a n d districts, and their evolution have been
their locations and orientations. In cases where deposits reviewed by Card e t al. (1989), Vearncombe e ta l. (1989),
have simply been overprinted by regional deformation giv­ Groves and Foster (1991), Card (1992), Hodgson (1993),
ing the guise o f a relationship to major structures, the task Kerrich and Cassidy (1994), Groves et al. (1995), Groves et
is to look through the deformation to deduce other causes al. (1998), McCuaig and Kerrich (1998), and Hagem ann
for gold localization. and Cassidy (2000). This section summarizes key aspects of
T here are several m odem reviews of structural features the geology o f greenstone gold disuicts to provide a frame­
of gold deposits and districts (Bursnall, 1989; Eiscntohr et work for discussing and analyzing veins in a m ore regional
al., 1989; Vearncombe et al., 1989; Mason and Helmstaedt, context.
1992; McCuaigand Kerrich, 1998). Similarly, the geometric
Lithologic composition o f districts
and kinematic features o f shear zones, so commonly associ­
ated with gold deposits, have also been extensively reviewed Greenstone belts consist of elongate units o f metavolcanic
(e.g., Ramsay, 1980a; Poulsen, 1986; Bursnall, 1989; Han- rocks alternating with generally subordinate metasedimen-
m er and Passchier, 1991). However, there are com para­ tary rocks (Fig. 1), all m etam orphosed at greenschist to
tively few recent reviews emphasizing the structural charac­ lower amphibolite facies (e.g., Card, 1992). Mafic metavol­
teristics, significance, and controls on formation of veins in canic rocks dominate most districts, with locally significant
greenstone gold deposits (e.g., Hodgson, 1989; Poulsen ultramafic rocks and m inor volumes of felsic metavolcanic
and Robert, 1989;J6brak, 1992; Vearncombe, 1993). rocks. Synvolcanic sills, dikes, and subvolcanic plutons
The main objective of this contribution is to examine inuiidc metavolcanic rocks.
structural aspects of veins in greenstone gold deposits, with Metasedimentary successions also commonly occur in
focus on the controls on vein formation, and on how veins greenstone gold disuicts (Fig. 1; e.g., Card etal., 1989). These
can be used in assessing the timing of gold mineralization successions comprise older “flysh-like” graywacke-mudstone
with respect to other geological events. The review also turbidite sequences (Fig. 2), and younger “molassc-like,” allu­
serves as a basis for deciding am ong alternative processes vial-fluvial accumulations of polymictic conglomerate, aren-
responsible for vein formation. In the absence o f conclusive ite, and mudstone (Figs. 3 and 4). Alluvial-fluvial sedimentaiy
geochronological constraints, this interpretation is critically successions unconformably overly volcanic rocks and the
dependent on the field criteria used to decide whether one older turbidite sequences, and represent an important time
is exam ining features associated with vein form adon or marker in the evolution of the greenstone belts (Card, 1992).
with vein deformation. Alluvial-fluvial sedimentary rocks are disuibuted along major
This paper combines aspects o f a review with those of a fault zones, where they occur as tectonic slices or as preserved
discussion, and includes application o f the structural con­ synclinal keels. Examples include the Timiskaming-type sedi­
cepts based on the authors’ experience. Illustrations largely mentary units of the Superior province (Card, 1992) and the
come from examples with which the authors are familiar, Missi type of the Trans-Hudson orogen (Stauffer, 1990) in
and a number of deposits and districts are used repeatedly Canada, the Tarkwaian Group in the West-African greenstone
throughout the text as examples. After a brief review of key belts (Milesi et al., 1992), and the Merougil Formation and
structural features of gold districts and deposits, the paper Jones Creek Conglomerate in the Eastern Goldfields of West­
is organized in three main sections. The first section covers ern Australia (Krapez et al., 1997; Nelson, 1997a). In the
vein formation and analysis; it introduces selected relevant southern Superior Province, Timiskaming-type sedimentary
theoretical concepts of vein formadon, followed by a review units are temporally associated with alkalic magmatisrn in the
of the different types o f veins, their structural characteris­ form of quartz monzonite to syenite stocks and dikes, and
tics, and how they combine to form deposit-scale networks. their locally preserved extrusive equivalents (Corfu et al.,
This section largely builds on previous work by the authors, 1991; Corfu, 1993).
FlG. 1. Simplified geological map of the Abitibi greenstone belt showing the distribution o f major fault zones and sig­
nificant gold districts and deposits. Modified from Robert and Pouben (1997).


greywacke. mudstone

Fig. 2. Geological map o f the Val d'Or district. Abitibi, showing the distribution of different t)pcs o f gold deposits in
the district. Modified from Robert ct al. {1995).
Fig. 3. Simplified geological map o f die Rice Lake district, Manitoba,
showing the distribution o f gold deposits, faults, Timiskaming-type sedi­
mentary rocks, and intrusions. Modified from Poulscn et al. (1996).

Multiple generations of mafic to felsic intrusions, ranging

from batholiths to dikes, were emplaced throughout the
evolution of the greenstone belts (see Card, 1992; Kerrich
and Cassidy, 1994; Cassidy et al., 1998). O f these, felsic por­
phyry and lamprophyre dikes are particularly common fea­
tures of greenstone gold deposits and districts (Wyman and
Kerrich, 1989; Hodgson, 1993).
S tru c tu ra l evo lu tio n o f districts
Greenstone gold districts and deposits occur along
crustal-scale, first-order fault zones at boundaries between
contrasting lithological domains (e.g., Etsenlohr et al., 1989;
Hodgson, 1993). Examples include the Boulder-Lefroy fault
in Western Australia, the Porcupine-Destor and Larder
Lake-Cadillac fault zones in the Abitibi belt (Figs. 1 and 2),
the Wanipigow and Manigotogan fault zones in the Rice rics, folds, and shear zones, indicating the presence o f sev­
Lake district, Manitoba (Fig. 3), and the McLennan tectonic eral recognizable increm ents of deform ation. Structural
zone in die La Ronge district, Saskatchewan (Fig. 4). These analysis of gold districts is complicated by the highly hetero­
m ajor high-angle faults are commonly characterized by geneous nature o f the deform ation and by the domainal
anastomosing shear zones, intense L$ fabric (i.e., strong lin- developm ent o f structural fabrics (e.g., Hodgson and
eation an foliation) developm ent and doubly plunging Hamilton, 1989). However, three recurring principal incre­
folds, overprinting crenulation cleavages, and asymmetric ments of penetrative deformation can commonly be identi­
folds. They display evidence of complex, long-lived histories, fied (Tfcble 1), even though the specific terminology used by
involving significant shortening accompanied by some com­ different authors varies from district to disuict (e.g., Hubert,
ponent o f high-angle reverse displacement, and overprint­ 1990; Card, 1992; Milesi et al., 1992; Abraham and Spooner,
ing by strike-slip displacem ents (McCuaig and Kerrich, 1995; Blceker and Parrish, 1996; Nelson, 1997b; Swager,
1998). Along these faults, many districts are located at sites 1997; H eather, 1998). Despite variations in their relative
o f structural complications such as bends and duplexes importance from place to place, these three overprinting
(McCuaig and Kerrich, 1998) and intersections with cross increments of deformation account for the bulk of the sunc-
faults (Hodgson and Troop, 1988; Vcamcombe, 1998). tural geometry o f most gold districts.
The dom inant structural grain o f many districts is subpar­ D, structural features include isolated, upright to recum­
allel to the first-order faults and is defined by moderately to bent folds with only local axial-plane cleavage (Fig. 5), and
steeply dipping supracrustal units, regional folds, and localized layer-parallel penetrative foliation (Hubert 1990;
numerous high-angle shear zones (Fig. 2). In detail, how­ Lewry etal., 1990; Milesi etal., 1992; Swager, 1997; Heather,
ever, the structure of most gold districts is characterized by 1998). Low-angle thrusts are also well-documented effects of
the existence of multiple generations o f metamorphic fab­ D, in some districts, for example in the Kalgoorlie-Kam-

T asil.F, 1, Common Deformation Increments in Gold Districts and Related Structures

Increment Structures Regime

Local evidence o f early sets o f folds or o f Unclear— possible extension?

lilting o f volcanic units
D, Localized foliation and cleavages “Thin-skinned" shortening
Tight to isoclinal, recumbent folds
Local thrust faults
Unconformity Deposition o f alluvial-nuviai sedimentary rocks Uplift and erosion

d2 Penetrative subvertical foliation and mostly "Thick-skinned” shortening

down-dip elongation lincations
Upright, tight to isoclinal folds
Moderately to steeply dipping reverse shear zones
D;i Localized crenulation cleavages Transcurrent deformadon
Asymmetric folds with steep plunges Reactivation o f preexisting structures
Tnmscurrcnt shear zones

Fie.. 5. Schematic representation o f trajectories o f the main structural fabrics and folds across the Val d ’O r district.
Modified from Robert (1990).

balda area in Western Australia (Swager and Griffin, 1990) (Swager, 1997), indicating that sedimentation postdates the
and in the Barberton Greenstone belt in South Africa D, increm ent of deformation (Card, 1992; Table 1). These
(Veamcombe et al., 1989). However, it is commonly the case alluvial-fluvial sedimentary units are commonly overprinted
that the full significance o f the D| increm ent of deforma­ by tight to isoclinal upright folds and by a regional penetra­
tion is difficult to establish because of overprinting by tive foliation (Hodgson and Hamilton, 1989; Hubert, 1990;
younger structures. In a num ber of districts, the major D, Swager, 1997) commonly ascribed to D2.
structures (folds and thrusts faults) trend at m oderate to D2 accounts for the most prominent regional penetrative
high angles to the dominant structural grain in the district foliation, S2, parallel to the structural trend of the districts
(e.g., the Rice Lake, Kalgoorlie-Kambalda, and N oranda (Table 1; Fig. 5). Sg foliation is typically subvertical and axial
areas; Hubert, 1990; Swager and Griffin, 1990; Poulsen et planar to upright, tight to isoclinal, belt-parallel F2 folds
al., 1996). D, can be regarded as a period o f thin-skinned (e.g., Swager, 1997; Heather, 1998). It commonly contains
thrusting and related isoclinal folding. In a few districts, D] an elongation lineation, L2, with variable but most com­
folds are also documented to overprint preexisting folds or monly down-dip plunges (e.g., Robert, 1990). In most cases,
previously tilted volcanic units, reflecting the presence of an S0 records horizontal shortening across the district with
earlier deformation event lacking associated penetrative fab­ accompanying subvertical to subhorizontal elongation in
rics and labeled D0 in Table 1 (Hodgson and Hamilton, the S2 plane. Moderate- to high-angle, reverse to reverse-
1989; Bleeker and Parrish, 1996; Swager, 1997). oblique shear zones are common in gold districts (Hodg­
In many districts, the unconformities at the base o f allu­ son, 1993). They are products of D2, either as newly formed
vial-fluvial (Timiskaming-type) sedimentary units truncate D, structures o r as reactivated earlier structures, such as D }
folds (Hubert, 1990; Bleeker and Parrish, 1996) and thrusts thrusts steepened on the limbs o f F2 folds (Swager, 1997). Da

reverse to reverse-oblique shear zones are subparailcl to the 1990; Robert, 1990). This observation suggests the bulk o f
regional structural trends and in some cases form conjugate the deformation in these shear zones took place during D2.
pairs, recording deform ation consistent with D2 (e.g., The common overprinting of first-and second-order shear
Robert, 1990), which can be regarded as an increm ent of zones by crenulation cleavages and asymmetric folds
thick-skinned shortening across the greenstone b elt reflects their reactivation during D3 strike-slip deformation.
is characterized by steeply plunging asymmetric folds Third-order shear zones may form conjugate sets o f reverse
and Vertical axial planar crenulation cleavages overprinting or strike-slip shear zones (e.g., Robert, 1990; Poulsen et al.,
S,, and D2 shear zones. It may involve strike-slip reactivation 1996; Nguyen et al, 1998), consistent with their formation
of preexisting shear zones and, in some cases, formation o f during either D<_, o r Ds.
new strike-slip shear zones (Table 1; Hodgson and Hamilton,
1989; Hubert, 1990; Robert, 1990; Poulsen et al., 1996; Swa- Ool(l deposits
ger, 1997). En echelon folds, present in the Kalgooiiie-Kam- Where gold districts are distributed near first-order shear
balda area, have also been ascribed to D3 (Swager, 1997). In zones, it is well established that the majority of die deposits
some districts, D3 structures are best developed in the vidn- are actually hosted in higher-order shear structures
ity o f first-order shear zones, and present only in specific (McCuaig and Kerrich, 1998). This pattern o f shear zone
areas, reflecting a domainal distribution (Fig. 5). This third and deposit occurrence is well illustrated in the Val d ’O r
increment of deformation generally records an episode o f and La Ronge districts (Figs. 2 and 4). The reasons for this
late U'anscurrent deformation, resulting largely in suike-slip distribution o f mineralization remain unclear, but the pres-
reactivation of preexisting major shear zones (Card, 1992). ence o f gold-related alteration and some gold mincraliza-
In several districts, subsequent deformation increments tion in shear zones o f all orders suggest that they were inter-
have also been documented, involving development o f dis- connected in three dim ensions a t some stage in the
crete faults and kink bands oblique to the structural trend evolution o f the districts.
of the district, as well as further strike-slip reactivation o f In a large proportion o f gold deposits in greenstone
earlier structures (McRitchie, 1971; Hubert, 1990; Swager, belts, ore consists o f quartz-carbonate veins with a variable
1997; Heather, 1998). These features commonly have little com ponent of wall-rock sulfides. Single veins to complex
effect on the geometry and the structure o f the gold dis- vein networks commonly arc found in and adjacent to brit-
tricts and are not considered further here. tie-ductile to ductile shear zones in a variety o f host rocks,
In summary, it appears that most gold districts have expe- and deposits are vertically extensive (often over 2 km; e.g.,
rienced a similar structural evolution (Table 1), involving Hodgson, 1993). T he Sigma-Lamaque deposit at Val d O r
early, thin-skinned low-angle thrusting (Dt), followed by (Figs. 6 and 7), the San Antonio deposit at Rice Lake (Fig.
thick-skinned shortening (D2), evolving into transcurrent 8), and the deposits of the Star Lake district (Fig. 9) illus-
deformation (DH). In some districts at least, major D , struc- trate the range of complexity and nature o f deposit-scale
tures lie at a m oderate to high angle to the regional D2
structural trend, indicating significant differences in direc­
tions of crustal shortening between D t and D<, (e.g.,
Poulsen et al., 1996; Swager, 1997).
High-angle shear zones are an integral structural compo­
nent of gold districts. They can be grouped into crustal-scale
first-order structures, and smaller higher-order shear zones,
which form three-dimensional arrays of intersecting and
splaying structures (e.g., Eisenlohretal., 1989; McCuaig and
Kerrich, 1998; Nguyen et al., 1998). First-order crustal-scale
shear zones attain lengths of hundreds of kilometers and
are up to a kilometer wide. They are typically parallel to the
structural grain of the district. They are probably the
longest-lived structures and have undergone complex defor­
mation histories (e.g., Hodgson and Hamilton, 1989). Sec­
ond-order shear zones extend for a few to several tens of
kilometers and reach widths o f several tens o f meters,
whereas the more abundant third-order shear zones are less
than a few kilometers long and up to several meters wide.
Second-order shear zones are generally subparailcl to the
structural grain of the districts and third-order shear zones
are more typically oblique (in strike or dip).
The internal structure o f first- and second-order shear
zones is dom inated by an intense foliation and variably
developed elongation lineation parallel to the regional pic;. 6. Simplified geologicali map of iheSjgina-Umaquc deposit, Val
penetrative S2 and L., (e.g., Daigneault and Archambault, d’Or district. Modified from Rol>crt' ''
Fig. 7. Cross sections through clifTerciU parts o f the Sigma-Lamaque deposit, Val d ’Or district; the cross sections are
located in Figure 6. Modified from Robert (1990). A. Section through the Sigma mine. B. Section through the Lamaquc
Main m ine. C. Section through the Lamaquc No. 2 mine.

vein and shear zone networks. Mineralized structures are 1988). In some cases, however, rather than occurring in
•.•.dominantly m oderate- to high-angle reverse to reverse- association with through-going shear zones, mineralization
oblique shear zones (Fig. 7), although strike-slip shear is hosted in fractured com petent units that have acted as
zones host a small num ber o f deposits (Veamcombe et al., fluid conduits (Groves et al., 1995). This is the case at the
,1989; McCuaig and Kerrich, 1998). Quartz-carbonate vein M ount Charlotte deposit in Kalgoorlie (Ridley and Men-
gold deposits are commonly interpreted to have formed in gier, 2000) and in part at the San Antonio deposit (Fig. 8),
compressional settings, at depths corresponding to the brit- where m ineralization is hosted in discrete structures o r
tle*ductile transition in the crust (Fig. 10; Sibson e ta l., stockworks confined to com petent units within differenti-
Fig. 8. Geology o f the San Antonio deposit. Rice Lake district. Modified From Poulsen et al. (1996.2000). A. Surface
map o f the San Antonio mine area. B. Cross section through the San Antonio deposit; line o f section shown in A. C. G eo­
logic plan o f level 7.

ated sills. In sedimentary rocks, the gold deposits can also on the basis o f their timing, metal suites, and associated
be hosted in folds, typically in association with reverse struc­ alteration (e.g., massive sulfide lenses and sulfide-rich
tures (Hodgson, 1993), as illustrated in Figure 10. veins). However, some deposits of disseminated-replace­
There are several structural styles of quartz vein orebod- m ent and stockwork veinlet styles have more uncertain ori­
ies, including breccias and vein stockworks predominantly gins. In some cases they have been ascribed to the deeper
within competent host rocks, continuous laminated quartz parts o f orogenic systems (e.g., Groves et al., 1995) and in
veins in brittle-ductile shear zones, and thin, discontinuous, others to totally different genetic types o f deposits (Robert
highly attenuated veins in ductile shear zones (McCuaig and Poulsen, 1997). These complications and divergences
and Kerrich, 1998). These variations in structural styles of o f opinion reflect different interpretations o f the timing of
quartz vein orebodies have been interpreted to represent mineralization relative to its host structure. Nonetheless,
different erosion levels o f vertically extensive, crustal-scale veins are present in nearly all variations in greenstone gold
“orogcnic” systems, in which these different vein styles deposits, and can be used as structural m arkers to place
formed synchronously (Colvine, 1989; Groves et al., 1995; constraints o n the tim ing o f ore relative to its host struc­
Gioves et al., 1998; McCuaig and Kerrich, 1998). However, ture, and to place it in the context o f the structural evolu­
the existence o f deposits containing more than one age of tion o f its host district.
quartz veins within the sam e district, for exam ple a l Val
Veins and Their Analysis
d ’O r (Robert, 1994) and a t Kalgoorlie (Clout etal., 1990),
complicates such an interpretation. This section examines the characteristics o f veins com­
Additional ore styles, also located in o r near shear zones, monly found in greenstone gold deposits and provides a
are present in gold deposits in greenstone belts. These basis for their structural analysis. After a review o f theoreti­
include dissem inated sulfide replacem ent zones, veinlet cal concepts o f fracture dilation and vein formation, con­
stockwork zones, sulfide-rich veins, and massive sulfide sideration is given to vein classification. This is followed by
lenses (e.g., Robert and Poulsen, 1997). Some o f diese ore a review o f structural and textural characteristics o f differ­
styles arc unlikely to be related genetically to quartz veins ent types o f veins and vein arrays, leading to a discussion o f


Fk;. 9. Star Lake district, La Rongc belt. Modified from Poulscn ct a). ( 1986b. 2000). A. Simplified geological map o f
the district. B. Geological map o f the 21 Zone (Star Lake) deposit. C. Cross section through die 2 1 Zone deposit; line o f
section shown in B.

structural analysis in gold deposits and districts. Although

mineralized veins are emphasized, much of the material
presented applies equally to barren veins that overprint
Theoretical concepts o f ve in fo rm a tio n a n d analysis

Veins and fracture dilation: The term “vein" is used here in

its strict sense to designate the hydrothermal material fill­
ing the space between separated fracture walls (e.g., Ram­
say and Huber, 1987). In a num ber o f cases, especially his­
torically, a distinction has been made between fissure veins,
those filling the space between separated fracture walls,
and replacem ent veins, those resulting from metasomatic
wall-rock replacem ent along fractures without dilation
(e.g., Cooke, 1946; Hodgson, 1989). Figure 11A illustrates
such a replacement vein, across which there is no dilation Fic. 10. Schem atic cross-sectional representation o f the com m on
and no offset o f preexisting markers. Replacem ent veins geom etry and structural setting o f quartz vein networks in greenstone
are not considered further in this paper because they do belts. Modified from Poulsen ct al. (2000).
Fig. II. Geometric aspects o f fracture dilation leading to vein formation, applicable both to cases o f dilation o f pre­
existing fractures and o f newly formed fractures. A. Replacement vein developed along a fracture. B. Orthogonal exten­
sion o f a fracture. C. Oblique extension o f a fracture. D. Oblique extension resulting from shear displacement along a
non-planar fracture. See text for discussion.

noi convey any specific structural inform ation, but the cussed in the next two sections. O ne involves a dynamic
reader is referred to Hodgson (1989) fo ra treatment of this analysis, linking the dilation o f fractures to the causative
topic. stresses that create them (e.g., Moritz and Crocket, 1990;
From a conceptual point o f view, different schemes of Cox, 1995; Nguyen e t al, 1998; Ridley and Mengler, 2000).
fracture dilation can lead to form ation of veins (Fig. The o th er approach, adopted in this paper, considers the
11B-D). Dilation can take place by orthogonal opening of dilation of veins as a contribution to the overall strain in the
die fracture walls, as marked by the lack of shear displace­ host rocks (e.g., Ramsay, 1967; Robert and Brown, 1986;
m ent o f wall-rock markers and the alignm ent of mineral Dube et al., 1989; Tourigny et al., 1989; Robert et al., 1994).
fibers perpendicular to the fracture walls (Fig. 11B). Dila­ The predictive capacity o f dynamic analysis of veins is well
tion can also take place by oblique opening, indicated illustrated by the contributions o f Cox et al. (2001) and Sib-
both by the offset of the markers and by oblique alignment son (2001) in this volume. In this particular paper, however,
o f fibrous minerals (Fig. 11C). An identical offset o f wall- we emphasize the relationships between veins and strain, as
rock markers could result from an appropriate am ount of well as stress. O ne advantage of this approach to green­
shear displacement along the fracture followed by orthog­ stone gold deposits is that they occur in environm ents
onal opening. In such a case, however, fibrous minerals where, in addition to veins, one commonly encounters
would be found to be perpendicular to the vein as in Fig­ many other manifestations o f strain in rocks including foli­
ure 1IB. Shear displacement along a planar fracture does ation, lineation, shear zones, folds, and boudinaged com­
not normally lead to its dilation (Fig. 1ID). However, it is petent units. Linking veins to such structures provides a
well known that dilation o f fractures with this movement is broader framework for their analysis.
theoretically possible where there are favorably oriented Relationshipsbetween tockfracturing, stressaxes, fluid pressure,
curves o r jogs. In geometric terms, dilation in such a jo g is and veinformation: In numerous cases, the development of
actually a special case o f oblique extension with only a fractures, their opening, and their filling (to form veins) can
small angle between the vein and the direction o f opening be demonstrated to be part o f a continuous process. This is
(F ig .llD ). well established in the case o f extensional fiber veins (Ram­
The dilation schemes shown in Figure 11 apply equally to say and Huber, 1987), for laminated veins associated with
cases where a preexisting fracture, even a lithologic contact small shear fractures (Labaume et al., 1991; Petit etal., 1999;
o r a foliation plane, has been subsequently dilated, and to Koehn and Passchier, 2000), and for a num ber of auriferous
cases where both the formation and dilation of a fracture veins (e.g., Boullierand Robert, 1992). Principles governing
are part of a continuous process. Geologists have tradition­ rock fracturing, therefore, provide an appropriate frame­
ally dealt with the interpretations o f veins formed by dila­ work for discussing fracture and vein formation, their rela­
tion o f fractures with two complementary approaches, dis­ tionship to stress axes, and the important role o f fluid pres­
sure. Only key concepts are reviewed here, because the opening vector corresponds to the relative displacement of
topic is covered more extensively in other chapters o f this the walls and is subparallel to the vein. A num ber o f studies
volume (Cox et al., 2001; Sibson, 2001). The reader can also of gold-quartz vein deposits in deform ed terranes have
refer to the reviews of Cox etal. (1987), Kerrich (1989),and shown the existence of veins that correspond to these three
Sibson (1990a), among others. different types (e.g., Robert, 1990; Cox, 1995; Nguyen et al.,
The Mohr-Coulomb theory o f rock failure predicts the 1998). T he orientations o f the veins produced will be
form ation of extensional, extensional-shcar, and shear highly dependent on the orientation of the principal stress
fractures in m eaningful directions relative to stress axes, axes and on the prevailing stress field. Extensional veins are
depending on the magnitudes o f stress and fluid pressure predicted to be subhorizontal in compressional stress fields
(Fig. 12A). Because it acts equally in all directions, fluid (Fig. 12C), but subvertical in transcurrent and extensional
pressure (Pr) counteracts norm al stresses such that the regimes (e.g., Sibson, 1990a). Similarly, fault-fill veins are
effective normal stress acting on a plane is defined as o f predicted to form at dips o f -30° in compressional stress
= o n - Pf. Fracturing o f a rock mass is governed by the regimes, -60° in extensional regimes, and subvertical in
effective principal stresses, defined as (Xj 2 f ■ 0\ a ^ - Pf transcurrent regimes.
(Fig. ISA). .................. Gold-quartz veins in greenstone belts are interpreted to
Shear fractures develop at ~30° to CTj (i.e., along planes have form ed dom inantly u n d er compressional regimes,
offering minimal shear resistance; Fig. 12B) when the accu­ with a significant num ber o f fault-fill veins associated with
m ulating shear stress acting on a plane (r) exceeds the high-angle reverse structures (e.g., McCuaig and Kerrich,
shear resistance of the rock, at a minimum value of differ­ 1998). U nder such conditions, subhorizontal extensional
ential stress. Conditions for shear fracturing are expressed veins likely form as hydraulic fractures at mid-crustal levels
by the equations r> C + p f and - o f > ~6T (where C only where fluid pressure equals o r slightly exceeds litho-
= cohesive strength, fi = coefficient of friction, and T * ten­ static pressures, represented by <J3 in this case (Etheridge,
sile strength of the rock; see Sibson, 1990a). An increase in 1983; Sibson et al., 1988; Cox et al., 2001). The association
fluid pressure reduces the effective normal stress acting on of fault-fill veins with high-angle reverse shear zones departs
the plane, but not the shear stress, thereby facilitating shear from their predicted shallow dips in compressional
fracturing of the rock. Departures from the predicted ori­ regimes. This can be explained by the fact that, under con­
entations of shear fractures are expected in cases where the ditions o f high fluid pressures, preexisting high-angle struc­
host rock has a marked layer anisotropy, such as bedding or tures and lithologic contacts are reactivated preferentially
penetrative foliation, depending on the orientation of the to the formation o f new appropriately oriented, low-angle
layer relative to the principal stress axes (Peacock and reverse faults (Sibson e t al., 1988). Finally, under lithostatic
Sanderson, 1992). fluid pressure and very low differential stresses, orthogonal
Extensional fractures typically develop parallel to cr, (Fig. dilation of planes o f weakness o th er than those oriented
12B when o f equals or exceeds the tensile strength of the perpendicular to is theoretically possible, including sub-
rock. This situation is only possible under conditions of low vertical foliation in high-angle shear zones, as proposed by
differential stress, where o f t - T and o f - a f< 4T. Exten­ Kerrich and Allison (1978), and Kerrich (1989).
sional fracturing can, thus, only occur at negative ralues of
o f (Fig. 12A), a condition only possible through derated Consideration of veins as a component o f bulk strain: Another
fluid pressure in the inferred compressional environments approach to analysis o f veins in greenstone terranes is to
of formation o f greenstone gold deposits (see Sibson et al., consider that the developm ent o f extensional, oblique-
1988; McCuaig and Kcrrich, 1998). Extensional failure by extension, and fault-fill veins constitutes one o r more incre­
hydraulic fracturing takes place when Pf > <r3 + T. ments o f bulk strain in a rock mass and, therefore, can be
Extensional-shear fractures are hybrid between exten­ analyzed with reference to external axes o f strain (Fig. 13A;
sional and shear fractures. They develop at an angle of less e.g., Ramsay, 1982).
than 30° to <7, (Fig. 12B), at negative values o f o f (Fig. This approach allows for consideration o f the dilation o f
12A), and under the following conditions of differential preexisting fractures, as well as o f new fractures formed by
stress (Sibson, 1990a): 4T £ (<y,' - o f ) £ ~6T. failure while the bulk strain accumulated, and it requires a
Based on these three modes of fracturing, one can pre­ less genetic terminology for describing the veins, as used in
dict the formation o f three corresponding types o f veins figure 12C. It also allows for a comparison o f axes of bulk
.• (Fig. 12C). These veins are here designated extensional, strain indicated by die veins with those indicated by other
.oblique-extension, and fault-fill veins, and can be catego- manifestations o f strain in their host rocks, such as folia­
; rized by comparing the direction o f their inferred opening tion, elongation lineations, shear zones, folds, and boudi-
vectors to the orientation o f their walls (Fig. 12C). The naged com petent units. This approach provides a useful
result is a continuous spectrum in which opening or dis­ framework for the interpretation of the evolution, timing,
placement vectors range from perpendicular to subparallel and possible controls of the veins, as well as for considering
to the vein walls (Fig. 12C). By definition, the opening vec­ the effect of superimposed deformation.
tor of extensional veins is perpendicular to the walls of the The opening of veins o f diverse orientation can result in
veins, whereas in the case o f oblique-extension veins, the n et dilation of the host rock in one or more directions (Fig.
opening vector is oblique to the walls. In shear veins, the 13A). Unless counterbalanced by mctasomatic volume loss
Failure envelope
Shear fracturing for intact rocks

E x ten sio n s!


O ^ C T j- P f cr,' = o , - pf


^1 G1 CT1

Extensions! Extensional-shear Shear fracturing

B fracturing fracturing (faulting)


I dZ dZ

Extension Oblique-extension F au lt-fill

vein vein vein

Fl(i. 12. Relationships between stress and fluid pressure conditions, rocks fracturing, and vein formation. A. Mohr
representation of stress suite conditions required for cxtcnsional, oblique-extension, and shear fracturing of intact rocks,
and the effects of fluid pressure on effective stresses and fracturing (adapted from Sibson, 1990). The inset shows the
angular relationships between the effective principal stress axes (<jj\ <%'), effective normal stress (o’/ ) , and shear stress
(r). B. Illustration of the angular relationships of the three npcs of rock fractures and the principal stress directions. C.
liJustnuion of three types of veins expected to result from formation and opening of fractures in intact rocks, and of the
axes of incremental strain represented by the formation of such veins.
Fig. 13. A. Isometric block diagram illustrating how dilation o f extension, oblique-extension, and fault-fill w ins might
contribute to the bulk strain o f a rock mass. As illustrated, vein dilation contributes to extension only in the dX direc­
tion but is compensated by unidirectional volume loss along dZ. B. Isometric block diagram o f an ideal mesh o f fault-fill,
oblique-extension, and extension veins. The shear sense on the shear zones and the opening vectors in the veins arc
compatible with a single increment o f plane, coaxial strain with no net volume change.

in the surrounding rock, this might result in a net volume Veins, however, may be only one manifestation of discon­
increase for the bulk rock (Ramsay and Wood, 1973). For tinuous strain in the bulk rock, and may be accompanied
example, the Sigma deposit (Fig. 7) contains approxi­ by the developm ent o f shear zones (Fig. 13B) which,
mately 100 significant subhorizontal quartz veins, on aver­ depending on orientation, need not have dilated (Hodg­
age 25 cm thick, plus more abundant but less well-recorded son, 1989). Such a mesh o f shear zones can, independent
thinner veins, distributed over a vertical interval o f 2,000 m
(Robert and Brown, 1986; M. Crevier, pers. com m un.,
2000). The veins are, thus, estimated to contribute to a ver­
tical dilation of the rock mass on the order o f 1 to 2 per­
cent, even though they are discontinuously distributed.
Nevertheless, considerations o f volume change aside, the
vein-related dilation involved in many gold deposits is small
compared to that indicated by observation o f other features
in surrounding rocks. Shape fabrics in deformed conglom­
erate o r pillow basalt in greenstone belts commonly indi­
cate shortening o r extension exceeding 100 percent. This is
one o f the reasons why dilation o f veins can be treated
effectively as an increment of strain (Etheridge et al., 1984).
Some of the preexisting fractures and planes of weakness
in a deforming rock mass, such as lithologic contacts and
foliation planes, are m ore favorably oriented for dilation
than others. For a given two-dimensional strain (Fig. 14),
fractures with poles in the field of predicted elongation are
expected to dilate, unlike those with poles in the field of
shortening. For fractures with poles in the shortening sec­
tor, dilation is only possible at favorably oriented bends or
jogs along the fracture plane if it is activated as a shear,
according to the case illustrated in Figure 1 ID. The three-
dimensional distribution of fracture orientations favorable
for dilation is determ ined by the shape o f the strain ellip­
soid and is governed by the same principles that apply to FlC. II. Strain ellipse showing the expected sectors o f lengthening and
shortening during incremental horizontal shortening and vertical clonga-
the development o f boudins and folds during progressive don, as well as die orientation o f preexisting fractures for which dilation is
deformation (Flinn, 1962; Chapter 4 in Ramsay, 1967). expected.
o f contributions from vein dilation, contribute discontinue
ously to bulk suain (Ramsay and Huber, 1987), as can other
more familiar and more continuous geological features like
penetrative rock foliation and lineation.
There are several advantages to analyzing veins in terms
o f incremental strain axes in greenstone belts, because sev­
eral factors complicate the reconstruction o f their causative
stresses. The stress approach is only viable where there has
been very limited post-vein strain and tilting, something not
always possible to ascertain in multiply deformed terrancs
such as greenstone belts. Layer anisotropy, omnipresent in
gold districts and deposits, imparts significant refraction of
strain axes across layers o f contrasting competencies (e.g.,
Treagus, 1985; Hodgson, 1989). This effect will result, for
exam ple, in significant changes in orientation o f extern
sional veins across different layers (Fig. 15), which poses a
significant challenge to the reconstruction o f external
stress axes responsible for vein formation. Finally, the strain
approach allows for the analysis o f veins fonned by dilation Fig. 15. Refraction o f extensional veins across the contact between a
o f preexisting fractures, whose orientation may bear no feldspar porphyry dike (left) and folded banded iron formation (right).
genetic relationships to the stress field at the time o f vein Note the difference in orientation o f die opening vectors (white arrows)
between the two rock types. Section view. Victory mine. Western Australia.
formation (Ramsay, 1967).
Classification of Veins
A classification scheme for veins and vein arrays provides veins in low-strain rocks outside shear zones especially in
a useful framework for their p roper identification, for com petent units, as arrays o f en echelon sigmoidal o r pla­
assessment o f their structural significance, and for struc­ nar veins within shear zones where they commonly fringe
tural analysis. In the context o f greenstone gold deposits, fault-fill veins, o r as arrays o f stacked planar veins in com­
veins have been classified on the basis of cither the nature petent layers. Extensional veins typically lie at a high angle
of their host fracture (e.g., McKinstry, 1948; Ramsay, 1967; to both local foliation and lineation (Fig. 16). Oblique-
Hodgson, 1989; Poulsen and Robert, 1989; Cox, 1991) or extension veins are grouped with extensional veins in this
of their internal structure and texture (e.g., Hodgson, paper, in the light o f close similarities in their internal fea­
1989;Jdbrak, 1992; Vearncombe, 1993). The internal struc­ tures and form adon mechanisms. Vein stockworks consist
ture and texture of the veins generally reflects the nature of of multiple three-dimensional sets o f veins, most typically of
their host fracture or structure (e.g., shear versus exten- extensional or oblique-extension types, and are best devel­
sional fractures) and the mechanisms responsible for their oped in com petent lithologic units. Breccia veins (breccias
dilation. with a hydrothermal matrix) are commonly associated with
The practical classificadon of veins adopted here (Table faults and shear zones, where they cut competent lithologic
2) is based on the host structure, geometry, and internal units. Intense stockwork developm ent can also lead to
features of the veins, all aspects that are generally observ­ developm ent o f breccia zones. The setting, geom etric
able in the field. It is a hybrid classification in the sense that arrangements, internal features, and formation of these dif­
it considers both individual veins and sets of intimately asso­ ferent types o f veins are examined in detail in the following
ciated veins, such as vein arrays and stockworks. Building sections.
on the classifications of Hodgson (1989), Poulsen and
Robert (1989), Robert (1990), Sibson (1990a), and Cox Fault-fill veins
(1991), veins and vein groups are distinguished in this Fault-Fill veins are by far the most common type in gold
paper as fault-fill veins, extensional (and oblique-exten­ deposits and are the source o f most o f the vein-type ore
sion) veins, extensional vein arrays, vein stockworks, and extracted from these deposits. Fault-fill veins are charac­
breccia veins (Table 2). terized by the presence o f lam inated quartz, of slicken-
Fault-fill veins, as their name indicates, typically occupy sides a n d siickenlines, and o f foliated wall-rock slivers.
faults and the central parts of shear zones (Fig. 12C)> where They form elongate lenses within th eir host structures
they may be parallel or slightly oblique to their host struc­ and, thus, define oreshoots with plunges corresponding
ture (Fig. 16; Hodgson, 1989). T he term fault-fill vein is to their long axes. Fault-fill veins are commonly hosted by
preferred over shear vein l>ecause it is commonly unclear if brittle-ductile to ductile sh ear zones, an d the rea d e r is
these veins actually formed as a result of movement along a referred to Ramsay (1980a), Poulsen (1986), Bursnall
shear fracture (Fig. 11D ),or asaresult o f extensional open­ (1989), and H anm er and Passchier (1991) for reviews of
ing o f preexisting shear fractures o r foliation planes (Ker- the geom etry, internal characteristics, a n d kinem atic
rich, 1989; Cox, 1991). Extensional veins occur as planar interpretation o f such structures.
T a b i.f. 2. Classification and Main Characteristics of Different Types ofVeinsand Vein Arrays
Vein type Internal features Structural site Geometry
Fault-fill vein Laminated structure Shear zone or fault, especially Parallel or slightly oblique
Foliated wall-rock slivers at bends and dilation a! jogs to host structure
Slip surfaces Fold limbs, thrusts Lenticular veins common
Fibers at low angle to vein walls
Extcnsional vein Internal layering Outside shear zones Planar veins at moderate
(oblique- Open-space filling ACjoints in folds angle to shear zone
extension vein) Mineral fibers at high (moderate) At high (moderate) angles Perpendicular (oblique)
angle to vein walls to competent units to fold hinge
Rock bridges
Massive quartz
Extcnsional Internal layering: multiple Shear zones En echelon planar to
vein array openings Competent layers sigmoidal veins
Stacked planar veins
At a high angle to foliation
or competent layer
Vein stockwork Two or more oblique to Non-specific but common at Tabular to cigar-shapcd
orthogonal vein sets of vein intersections zones
extcnsional or oblique Preferentially developed in
extension veins competent lithologic units
Breccia texture developed in
intense stockworks
Breccia vein:
1.Jigsaw puzzle 1. Angular wall-rock clasts, no 1. /Xiong faults Parallel to host structure
(implosion) rotation, hydrothermal matrix
2. Fault breccia 2. Vein and wall-rock clasts with 2. Fault or shear zone;
rotation and abrasion, component o f fault-fill veins
hydrothermal matrix

F ig . 16. Common geometric arrangements o f fault-nil and extcnsional veins in shear zones, and their relationship to
incremental axes o f shortening (dZ) and elongation (<IX). A. Fault-fill veins in the central pan o f a reverse shear zone
showing conflicting crosscutting relationships with planar extcnsional veins extending outside the shear zone. B. Arrays
o f en echelon sigmoidal extcnsional veins within shear zones. C Arrays o f stacked planar extcnsional veins within shear
zones; these arrays can also develop in competent layers such as dikes.
Geometric arrangements: Most fault-fill veins form mineral­ ated wall rock (Fig. 18B, C) o r by millimeter-thick septa likely
ized lenticular bodies in discrete faults or, more commonly, derived from the wall rocks. They can also be separated by
in the central parts o f shear zones. Several fault-fill veins, slip surfaces enhanced by the presence o f hydrothermal min­
separated by barren segments, may occur along strike or erals such as tourmaline, sericite, or chlorite (Fig. 18D, E). In
down dip within a single structure (Fig. 16A). Within shear o th er cases, the laminated character o f the veins is only
zones, fault-fill veins are either parallel or at low angles to defined by subtle differences in the color and texture o f
the shear zone boundaries, respectively distinguished as quartz. Individual laminae within fault-fill veins are generally
central and oblique types by Hodgson (1989); they are also parallel or subparallel to the vein margins.
at a low angle to the shear zone foliation. Fault-fill veins can Laminated fault-fill veins range from sheeted veinlet
also be associated with folds (in dilational jogs along limb- zones, in which the proportion of the wall-rock component
thrusts crossing bedding and along bedding on fold limbs, is approximately equal to or greater than that of the vein
corresponding to neck and leg reefs, respectively; Hodg­ com ponent, to book-textured or ribbon-textured veins in
son, 1989), as well as saddle reefs in fold hinges (Hodgson, which die vein component dominates (Hodgson, 1989). In a
1989; Cox etal, 1991). num ber o f fault-fill veins hosted by shear zones, observed
A majority o f fault-fill veins occur in m oderately to variations in vein to wall-rock ratio and in vein morphology
steeply dipping structures (>45*; Figs. 7-9), as reflected by define a lateral o r vertical zonation (Fig. 16). Fault-fill veins,
their dips in cross section (e.g., Colvine, 1989; Foster, 1989; near their lateral and vertical terminations, grade into iso­
Groves et al., 1995). A relatively small num ber o f fault-fill lated veinlets separated from each other by significant thick­
veins also occur in shallowly to moderately dipping suoic- nesses of wall rock. Such isolated veinlets are relatively com­
tures, such as those at Grass Valley, California (Sibson, mon in barren segments o f shear zones between fully
1990b), and Victory, Australia (Clark et al., 1986). developed fault-fill veins. Moving laterally towards die cenu-al
part of the fault-fill veins, individual veinlets increase in abun­
Internal features: Internally, fault-fill veins commonly con­ dance and are more closely spaced, defining what can be
sist o f laminated quartz (Figs. 17 and 18A-C; Hodgson, 1989; regarded as a sheeted veinlet zone (Fig. 17). These veinlets
Poulsen and Robert, 1989;Jebrak, 1992). Individual quartz are parallel or subparallel to die foliadon in die host shear
bands o r laminae are commonly separated by slivers of foli­ zone, and their dimensions are similar to those of individual

FlG. 17. Characteristics o f fault-fill veins in shear zones. A. Schematic representation o f tatcral zoning in the propor­
tion o f vein to wait rock along a shear zone. B. Line drawing, plan view, o f a fault-fill vein illustrating how individual vein-
lets amalgamate to form larger laminated quartz lenses {Sigma mine, Vnl d'Or).
Fig. 18. Characteristics o f fault-fill veins. A. Laminated fault-fill vein, plan view. Internal quartz laminae arc separated
by dark (tourmaline-rich) semi<ontinuous to discontinuous wall-rock septa (1) and slip surfaces (2). Some o f the indi­
vidual quartz laminae have a breccia texture (3), whereas others have a massive texture (-1). Note also how some of the
quartz laminae have developed by reopening o f an existing vein (4). Sigma deposit, Val d’Or, plan view. Vein is 1 m thick.
B. Laminated fault-fill vein containing strongly foliated slivers o f wall rock (dark). Pamour deposit. Timmins, down-dip
view. Hammer for scale. C. Laminated fault-fill vein. Rod main zonc.Jolu deposit, La Rongc, cross section view. Hammer
for scale. D. Laminated fault-fill vein in which individual quartz laminae arc separated by discrete slip surfaces, lined with
flne-grained tourmaline (1). Note also the sigmoidal nature o f the lateral terminations o f individual quartz laminae (2).
Sigma dc|>osit, Val d’Or. oblique view. Wood blocks are -25 cm long. Courtesy o f the Geological Suivcy o f Canada, photo
no. I999-015S. E. Laminated fault-fill vein in which individual quartz laminae arc separated by discrete slip surfaces
coated with tourmaline (1). Note how a subhorizontal cxtcnsional vein in the hanging wall truncates the external pan
o f the fault-fill vein (2), to merge with slip surfaces well within the vein. Lucicu Beliveau deposit, Val d ’Or. cross section
view. Hammer at bottom right for scale. F. Stepped quartz and tourmaline fibers (slickcnlincs) along a slip surface widtin
a fault-fill vein, clearly indicating diat mineral precipitation accompanied reverse slip along the fault-fill vein. Lucien
Beliveau deposit, Val d'Or. Reprinted with permission o f Economic Grolngf, Robert, 1996, fig. 3. G. Fault breccia on the
margin o f a laminated fault-fill vein. The breccia consists o f angular clasts o f altered wall rocks (dark) in a hydrothermal
matrix o f quartz (white). Panunaque deposit, Val d ’Or. Plan view. Scale bar in centimeters.

laminae comprising fault-fill veins. The central parts o f fault-

fill veins are dominated by quartz laminae with subordinate
proportions o f wall-rock slivers, which commonly become
thoroughly altered and completely replaced by hydrother­
mal minerals (e.g., Robert and Brown, 1986). It is important,
in a drilling program, to recognize whether such lateral zon­
ing is present in fault-fill veins because relatively abundant
foliation-parallel veinlets may indicate the off-hole proximity
o f thicker fault-fill veins. The central o r thicker parts of fault-
fill veins can commonly result from the merging and juxta­
position of numerous quartz veinlets (Fig. 17B) due either to
reopening of existingveins (Fig. 18A), or to the formation of
new veinlets immediately adjacent to or overlapping with
existing ones. Accordingly, the incorporation of wall-rock
slivers within the veins is generally considered to be a natural
consequence of their incremental growth (e.g., Robert and
Brown, 1986; Moritz and Crocket, 1990).
Striated fault surfaces, or slickensides, are also commonly
observed along wall-rock slivers o r along the interfaces
between individual quartz laminae within fault-fill veins (Fig.
18F; Hodgson, 1989). In some cases, hydrothermal minerals
such as quartz, tourmaline, or calcitc define the striae, or
slickentines. Such striae are term ed slickenfibers and they
clearly indicate that vein development was accompanied by
slip along the veins. In some other instances, steps defined by
the slickenfibers further indicate the sense o f movement
(Fig. 18F). Such vein structures are exactly those expected to
form in fault-fill veins as defined above. Finally, in other rela­ Fig. 19. Schematic representation o f the geometric relationships
tively rare instances, dilational jogs are also observed along among structural elements of shear zones, the w ins they contain, and the
fault-fill veins, consistent with reverse movements (fig. 16e in corresponding incremental strain xxes. Lineations and suiations on slip
Robert, 1990; fig. 3c in Nguyen et al., 1998). Such dilational surfaces w ithin fault-fil! w in s a re subparallcl to the movement direction
(w hite arrow ); lo n g axes o f fault-fill veins a n d lines o f in te rse ctio n of
jogs not only indicate that vein development is accompanied
extensional veins are p erpendicular to the m ovem ent direction. See text
by slip, but they also indicate the sense of movement. It is not for discussion. A dapted from Pouiscn (1986).
dear at present if such dilational jogs along fault-fill veins are,
truly rare features, or if they are common but not recognized
because they occur at scales exceeding those of vein expo­ cases foliated) and vein material, enclosed in a hydrothermal
sures in outcrops or within stopes. matrix dom inated by quartz (Fig. 18G). The existence of
Where present within laminated fault-fill veins, slicken- fault breccia within fault-fill veins indicates active slip during
lines or slickenfibers commonly show consistent rakes within mineralization. It further indicates seismic slip during vein
single veins or sets of veins within a deposit (e.g., Robert and formation, in contrast to the more ductile flow commonly
Brown, 1986). Furthermore, where complete datasets exist, recorded in the host shear zone (e.g., Robert et al., 1995).
slickenlines indicate the same direction of movement as the
elongation lineation in the host shear zone (e.g., Robert, Dilation mechanisms: Several detailed studies provide good
1990; Nguyen et al., 1998). Where stepped slickenfibers or evidence for formation of the fault-fill veins during active
dilational jogs are observed, they indicate the same sense of slip along their host structure, based on structural features
movement as that deduced for the host shear zones (Fig. 19). described above (e.g., Robert and Brown, 1986; Dube et al.,
There seems to be good compatibility in direction and sense 1989; Nguyen e t a l, 1998). It is also well documented that
of shear between discrete slip events within the veins and a majority o f these veins have formed during active reverse
ductile flow in the host shear zone, indicating that both are slip (e.g., Vearncom be e t al., 1989; Hodgson, 1993;
part o f the same progressive deformation event (e.g., Robert McCuaigand Kerrich, 1998). However, the mechanisms for
and Brown, 1986; Nguyen et al., 1998). However, such com­ dilation and opening o f these veins are no t firmly estab­
patibility is not expected in cases where slickenlines are pro­ lished. Two mechanisms are most commonly proposed to
duced during postore reactivation of fault-fill veins and their explain the formation of fault-fill veins. In the first, dilation
host shear zones. occurs at releasing bends and jogs at a low angle to a shear
Some fault-fill veins, o r individual laminae within them, fracture or fault during slip (Fig. 11D; McKinstry, 1948; Sib-
consist largely of fault breccia and cataclasite (e.g., Nguyen et son, 1990a). This process may be recorded by crack-seal
al., 1998). These breccias are composed o f rotated angular textures parallel to the jo g and inclusion trails and mineral
clasts of variable sizes, made up of altered wall rocks (in some fibers parallel to the slip direction (Ramsay and Huber,
198S; Labaume e t al, 1991; Koehn and Passchier, 2000). selective mining, such as at the Sigma-Lamaque deposit at
The second mechanism, designated crack-seal-slip, involves Val d ’O r (R obert and Brown, 1986). In o th e r deposits,
dilation resulting from repeated episodes o f orthogonal or extensional veins overprint the ore and may be barren o r
oblique extension o f a shear fracture, alternating with mineralized (Hodgson, 1989). Extensional veins can occur
episodes of slip along the fracture (Jebrak, 1992; Petit et al., within brittle-ductile shear zones, where they form arrays of
1999). The presence o f dilationaljogs (fig. 3c in Nguyen et sigmoidal o r planar veins (Fig. 16B, C) and where they
al., 1998) and o f foliation-parallel veins with orthogonal commonly fringe fault-fill veins (see below). They also com­
mineral fibers (fig. 8 in Robert and Brown, 1986) indicates monly occur in low-strain rocks outside shear zones, where
that both mechanisms can operate to form fault-fill veins. they are planar and m ore extensive (Fig. 16A). Finally,
Other, less commonly invoked dilation mechanisms are extensional veins also occur as arrays o f stacked planar
reviewed in Hodgson (1989). veins in extended competent layers (Figs. 15 and 16C) and
in association with folds (Hodgson, 1989). Oblique-exten­
Associated ore shoots: Ore shoots are common characteris­ sion veins are generally planar and occur as links between
tics of fault-fill veins in lode gold deposits in shear zones, extensional or fault-fill veins or as conjugate sets in compe­
and determ ination of their plunge is a daily concern of tent layers (see below).
exploration and m ine geologists. O re shoots can be
defined by the elongate shape of fault-fill veins, by the Geometric arrangements: Extensional veins can occur in
increased grade a n d /o r vein thickness at shear zone bends three main geometric setdngs and arrangements relative to
or vein and shear zone intersections (Fig. 19), and by inter­ shear zones (Table 2; Hodgson, 1989). They can occur as
section of shear zones with chemically (e.g., banded iron arrays of en echelon veins, planar or sigmoidal in shape
formation) or theologically (e.g., com petent dike) favor­ (Figs. 15B and 20A, B), which define brittle-ductile shear
able layers (Poulsen and Robert, 1989). The plunges of ore zones in their own right, even in absence o f well-developed
shoots in fault-fill veins are generally predictable, because foliation and lineadon (Beach, 1975; Rickard and Rixon,
they bear specific geometric relationships to some struc­ 1983; Ramsay and Huber, 1987). In such arrays, the indi­
tural elements of the vein, host shear zone, or entire vein vidual veins are generally small, less than 10 cm thick, and
network. Ore shoots at splays and shear zone intersections lie at a high angle to the foliadon and lineation in the host
are perpendicular to the movement direction, which is also shear zone if present (Figs. 16B). E n echelon arrays o f sig­
parallel to the intersection of extensional veins with the moidal extensional veins can occur as the single vein type
shear zones (Fig. 19). Ore shoots resulting from repeated within the shear zone (Fig. 20B). They can also fringe fault-
slip at dilational bends or jogs also tend to be perpendicu­ fill veins present in the shear zone (fig. 7i in Burrows e t al.,
lar to the m ovement direction and their orientation is 1989; Moritz and Crocket, 1990; fig. 7 in Cox ct al., 1995),
clearly related to shear zone kinematics. O re shoots can leading to form auon o f so-called centipede veins (Hodg­
also be parallel to the slip direction along the host shear son, 1989). T he sigmoidal shapes and the orientation o f
zone, as pointed out by Veamcombe et al. (1989), particu­ vein tips with respect to array boundaries are indicative o f
larly if the veins are significantly overprinted by strain dur- the sense o f shear in this case (Fig. 16B; Beach, 1975; Ram­
. ing continued, postdepositional shear movement. say and Huber, 1983).
O ther types o f ore shoots are controlled by the orienta­ Extensional veins also form arrays o f stacked planar veins
tion o f the shear zones relative to intersected layers rather in com petent layers such as dikes (Fig. 15), preexisting
. than by kinematics (Poulsen and Robert, 1989). This is the veins, altered portions of shear zones, or specific lithologic
case o f ore shoots a t the intersection between the shear units (Hodgson, 1989). These veins, commonly termed lad­
zones and chemically or Theologically favorable layers: the d er veins (Hodgson, 1989), are typically short and occur at
plunge o f the resulting ore shoots is parallel to the line of high angles to the host layer and to the foliadon if present
intersection. In addition, shear zones are commonly (Figs. 15,16C, and 20C), reflecdng the predicted refraction
deflected where they crosscut contrasting lithologies; the o f the strain axes within the com petent layer (Treagus,
resulting bends and jogs may become the sites o f ore shoots 1983). Such arrays o f stacked planar veins record extension
whose plunge will again be parallel to that o f the intersec­ o f the layer.
tion between the shear zone and the lithologic contacts. Extensional veins may occur as isolated tabular veins
extending away from shear zones and fault-fill veins in less
Extensional veins and vein arrays deform ed rocks (Figs. 16A and 20D). These are not com­
Extensional and oblique-extension veins, singly o r in monplace but are well developed in a few districts around
(arrays, are relatively common in gold deposits, where they the world, for example at Val d ’O r (Robert, 1990) and Tim­
(preferentially, but not exclusively, develop in com petent mins (Moritz and Crocket, 1990). These tabular veins range
rocks. In a large num ber o f deposits, they are auriferous in thickness from a few cendmeters up to a few meters, and
and can be shown to be of the same age as the more signif­ they extend for several lens to a few hundreds o f meters
icant fault-fill veins (see below). However, extensional veins away from shear zones and fault-fill veins (Fig. 20D). For
have limited economic significance: they form orebodies example, the no. 1 extensional vein of the Donalda deposit,
only in rare cases where their grades and abundances justify in the Noranda disuict in die Abidbi belt, covers an area in
bulk mining o r where their grades and dimensions justify excess of 0.5 km2 (Riverin et al., 1990).
Fig. 20. Characteristics o f extensions! veins and vein arrays. A. Sigmoidal extension veins surrounded by bleached
alteration haloes. Note the presence o f tourmaline fibers (black) within the vein. Perron deposit, Val d Or, cross section
view. Pen for scale. B. Array o f sigmoidal extension w in s in granodioritc. The shape o f die veins and the orientation o f
the vein tips relative to the left-dipping envelope o f the array indicate a reverse component o f vertical movement. Perron
deposit, Val d ’Or, cross section view. C. Array o f small planar extcnsional veins (also termed ladder veins) developed
within a competent, tourmatinized shear zone (black) in mafic volcanic rocks. Val d'Or. Compass for scale. D. Small hor­
izontal extcnsional vein, showing regular planar wall, as well as open-space filling internal textures defined by small cal-
cite crystals (white) attached to both walls. Sigma deposit, Val d ’Or, crass section view. Hammer for scale. E. Subhori­
zontal extcnsional shear vein. Note how the opening vector (arrows) is indicated by matching bends along the vein walls.
Internal tourmaline fibers (black) also track a similar opening vector. Sigma deposit, Val d ’Or, cross section view. Ham­
mer for scale. F. Subhorlzontnl extcnsional vein with w elkleveloped subvcriical tourmaline fibers (black). The vein
shows evidence o f multiple opening and filling episodes, including a posttourmaline fiber reopening in the center o f
the vein. The opening vector indicated by matching irregularities along the vein walls (arrows) is parallel to that indi­
cated by tourmaline fibers. Sigma deposit, Val d'Or, cross section view. Hammer for scale. G. Subhorizomal oblique-
extension vein with well-developed subvertical tourmaline fibers (black). Sigma deposit. Val d ’Or, cross section view.
Hammer for scale. Courtesy o f the Geological Survey o f Canada, photo no. 1999-015V. H. Close-up view o f crack-seal
bands (arrow) highlighted by black tourmaline, near the hanging wall contact o f a subhorizomal extcnsional vein in gra-
nodioritc. Perron deposit, Val d ’Or, cross section view. Pen for scale.
Extensional veins associated with folds can form perpen­ Open-space filling textures are characterized by euhcdral
dicular to nearby fold axes, occupying AC jo in t positions o r radiating aggregates o f crystals o f hydrothermal minerals
(i.e., joints perpendicular to fold axis; Hobbs et al., 1976), such as carbonate, pyrite, tourmaline, and scheelite, attached
or parallel to axial plane foliation in fold hinges, forming to the walls o f the veins (Fig. 20D) o r to individual layers.
sheeted veinlct zones similar to those associated with fault- The precipitation o f continuous m onomineralic layers in
fill veins (see above). In both cases, the veins form arrays open spaces produces crustiform banding, present in a small
having long axes parallel to fold axes. num ber o f gold deposits in greenstone belts (Hodgson,
A majority o f extensional veins in greenstone gold 1989). Mineral fibers are n o t uncom m on in extensional
deposits, be they isolated o r part o f en echelon arrays, have veins: they consist o f highly elongate minerals showing a con­
shallow dips (Fig. 20B, D), as illustrated by the Sigma- stant preferred orientation within a vein o r within a layer
Lamaquc gold deposit (Fig. 7). This orientation is consistent (Fig. 20F, G). They represent crystals that grew progressively
with their formation in a compressional tectonic regime as the fracture opened and that generally track the direction
(Figs. 10 and 12C; Sibson et al., 1988; McCuaig and Kerrich, o f opening o f the veins (Dum eyand Ramsay, 1973; Cox and
1998). Examples o f both shallowly dipping and subvertical Etheridge, 1983). Potential mechanisms o f fiber growth o f
(Fig. 20C) extensional veins are known in stacked planar this type are reviewed by Ramsay and H uber (1983). T he
arrays, reflecting their formation in both compressional and extensional veins illustrated in Figure 20E and F proride
in transcurrent (or extensional) regimes, respectively. good examples o f m ineral fibers that indicate an opening
Oblique-extension veins (Fig. 20E) typically do not form direction consistent with that indicated by m atching vein
vein arrays. In some cases, they occur as link structures walls. Crack-seal textures (Ramsay 1980b) can be observed at
between segments o f fault-fill veins; i.e., in dilational jogs the microscopic to mesoscopic scale in many extensional
(Fig. 1ID) or extensional veins (Nguyen e t al., 1998). In veins (Fig. 20H). Such textures record multiple episodes o f
other cases, they form conjugate sets in com petent layers, fracturing along the vein walls, incorporating thin bands o f
recording layer-parallel extension (Robert, 1990; see wall-rock inclusions. The rate o f opening o f an extensional
below). Sets of oblique-extension veins are also expected to fracture relative to the rate o f mineral precipitation is a key
form by dilation o f preexisting fractures along a direction factor in determining the internal structure o f individual lay­
not perpendicular to them (Fig. 11C). ers within extensional veins (Cox, 1991;Foxfordetal., 1991).
According to Foxford et al. (1991), crack-seal textures form
Internal features: Extensional and oblique-extension veins when the rate of mineral precipitation exceeds that of frac­
are relatively easy to identify because they have many diag­ ture separation, whereas mineral fibers form when it equals
nostic attributes, including internal structures and textures the rate of fracture separation, and open-space textures form
indicative of their opening vector. In general, extensional when it is exceeded by the rate o f fracture separation. All
(and oblique-extension) veins have parallel and planar walls, three types o f structures can form in a single layer, reflecting
at least at the mesoscopic scale (Fig. 20C, D), in contrast with variations in rates o f dilation versus rates of mineral precipi­
the irregular outlines of fault-fill veins (Figs.lGB and 18E). tation (Boullier and Robert, 1992).
Irregularities or deflections of the vein walls are relatively Rock bridges (Fig. 21; Nicholson and Pollard, 1985; Fox-
common and can be matched across the vein, giving a good ford e t al., 1991,2000) are relatively common features in
indication of the opening vector. This is well illustrated in extensional veins, but not in oblique-extension veins. They
Figure 20E and F, where matching walls of the vein indicate consist o f planar to sigmoidal slabs o f wall rock partially or
moderately plunging and subvertical opening vectors, completely enclosed within extensional veins, o r separating
respectively. In addition, the opening vector of extensional individual, overlapping, en echelon extensional veins. Rock
veins is also indicated by offset of geological markers such as bridges arc generally oriented at low to moderate angles to
lithological contacts or preexisting veinlets (Fig. 1 IB). the vein walls. Rock bridges and en echelon extensional
Common features o f extensional and oblique-extension veins are natural consequences o f the propagation and dila­
veins include internal compositional layering, massive tion o f extensional fractures and can be regarded as diag­
quartz, open-space filling textures, mineral fibers, crack- nostic of extensional veins (Nicholson and Pollard, 1985).
seal textures, and rock bridges (Table 2). Internal layering Propagation o f an extensional fracture induces rotation of
parallel to vein walls is a common characteristic o f exten- the local principal stress axes a t die fracture tips, resulting
siona! and oblique-extension veins (Hodgson, 1989). The in the development of smaller en echelon extensional veins
presence o f internal layering indicates that the veins result (Fig. 21A, B). As the en echelon extensional veins dilate,
from multiple episodes o f opening and mineral precipita­ the rock segments separating them , o r rock bridges, will
tion (Fig. 20F, G). Mesoscopic internal textures and struc­ break and becom e slabs o f wall rocks partially enclosed
tures commonly observed within individual layers in a vein within the veins (Fig. 21C).
include massive homogeneous filling (bull quartz o r buck
quartz), open-space filling and crustiform textures, mineral Associated ore shoots: Diverse types o f ore shoots are associ­
fibers, and crack-seal textures (Hodgson, 1989; Vearn- ated with extensional veins and vein arrays. Intersections of
combe, 1993). Individual layers comprising a vein may dif­ extensional and fault-fill veins arc commonly the sites o f
fer from one another in m ineral proportions and in tex­ elevated gold concentrations (e g., Robert and Brown,
tures and structures (Fig. 20F). 1986). Such sites define high-grade ore shoots within fault-
fill veins, the plunges o f which are parallel to the lines o f
intersection between the two vein types. In the Val cTOr dis­
trict, extensive subhorizontal extensional veins form elon­
gate tabular bodies in plan view (Robert, 1990). Their long
axes are parallel to the fault-fill veins and shear zones with
which they are associated, defining an o th er type o f ore
shoot. Extensional veins associated with fold hinges, as sets
o f parallel veins in either AC or axial planar orientations,
tend to be restricted to specific folded layers and will form
bodies with long axes parallel to those of the folds.
Stockwork zones and breccia bodies
A num ber o f gold orebodies in greenstone belts consist
o f stockwork zones and breccia bodies (Groves e t al., 1995;
McCuaig and Kerrich, 1998). Stockworks are defined here
to consist o f two or more intersecting vein sets. They are
best developed in competent host rocks and they are highly
variable in their morphology and internal complexities.
Hydrothermal breccias and breccia veins are typically devel­
oped within shear zones (especially brittle ones; Hagemann
et al., 1992) or where they intersect competent host rocks,
in common spatial association with fault-fill veins.

Geometry and internalfeatures: Vein stockworks range from

being internally well organized, with two or three well-
defined vein orientations (Fig. 22A, B), to complex net­
works o f random ly oriented veins and veinlets (Fig. 22C;
Table 2). The M ount Charlotte deposit in Western Australia
is an example o f an organized stockwork (Ridley and Men-
gler, 2000), whereas the stockwork orebodies o f the San
Antonio deposit in the Canadian Superior province repre­
sent a more complex example (Poulsen et al., 1986a; Lau,
1988). Intense stockwork veining results in disaggregation
of the host rocks into angular blocks showing no evidence
of rotation (Fig. 23C), cem ented by quartz and o th er
hydrothermal minerals. Such intense stockwork develop­
m ent produces zones with the appearance of hydrothermal
breccias (Fig. 23C). Organized stockworks can consists of
nearly orthogonal sets o f extensional veins, as a t M ount
Charlotte (Ridley and Mengier, 20(H)), o r o f conjugate sets
of oblique-extension veins, as a t the Louvicourt Goldfield
deposit at Val d ’O r (Fig. 24; R obert, 1990). Conflicting
crosscutting relationships are commonly observed between
veins of the different sets indicating their contem porane­
ous development (Ridley and Mengier, 2000). The overall
morphology of stockwork zones is variable and ranges from
cigar-shaped (c.g., at Louvicourt Goldfield) to elongate tab­
ular bodies (e.g., at M ount Charlotte). The following exam­
ples illustrate the diversity in m orphology and internal
Fig. 21. Rock bridges in cxtcnsional veins. A. Block diagram showing
how rock bridges between en ech elon segments o f an cxtcnsional vein
geometry of stockwork orebodies.
become incorporated within it as a result of growth o f the segments (mod­ Cigar-shaped stockworks o f the A and B ore zones at the
ified from Foxfordct ah, 1991), B, Overlapping subhorizontal cxtcnsional Louvicourt Goldfield deposit at Val d ’O r are confined to a
veins separated by rock bridges. Sigma deposit, Val d ’Or, cross section subvertical, east-west sulking gabbroic sill, cut by a feldspar
view. Hammer for scale. C. Large subhorizontal cxtcnsional vein contain­
porphyry dike (Fig. 23A). The stockwork bodies plunge 25°
ing broken rock bridges (arrow). Perron deposit, Val d ’Or, cross section
view. Hammer for scale. to 30° W; they extend down-plunge as much as 200 m but
are only 15 to 20 m high and approxim ately 10 m wide.
They consist o f two conjugate sets o f oblique-extension
veins (Figs. 22A, 23C) intersecting in a line parallel to their
Fig. 22. Characteristics or stockworks and breccia zones. A. Stockwork zone comprised o f two oblique sets o f shallowly
dipping extcnsional siiear veins developed in a gabbro sill; the photo covers the upper left half o f the cigar-shape ore-
body shown in Figure 23C. Louvicourt Goldfield deposit, Val d ’Or, cross section view. Field o f view —1 m. B. Stockwork
com posed o f (wo orthogonal sets ofextensional veins grading into a breccia texture in the upper left part o f the photo­
graph. San Antonio deposit, Rice Lake, section view. Field o f view - 3 m. C. Breccia zone in the central part o f a stock-
work, with clasts o f altered wall rocks in a quartz-carbonate matrix, grading outward in two somewhat irregular sets o f
orthogonal veins. San Antonio deposit, Rice Lake, cross section view. Hammer for scale. Courtesy o f the n<»ningi«-ai Sur­
vey o f Canada, photo no. 1999-016F. D. Extcnsional quartz veins defining a slab-like brcccia/stockwork body o f o n e dom­
inant set o f veins (right-dipping), parallel to die mylonitic foliation o f die host shear zone, and a less well-developed set
o f left-dipping veins (arrow), cutting across the foliation. Star Lake deposit. La Rouge, cross section view. Hammers for
scale. The inset shows a sketch from a polished section ofaquartz-pyritc vein cutting at a high angle to the foliation. E.
Jigsaw puzzle breccia in a feldspar porphyry dike, consisting o f bleached angular wall-rock fragments in a fine-grained,
black tourmaline matrix. Sigma deposit, Val d'Or, cross section view. Hammer for scale. Reprinted with permission o f
Economic Geology, Robert and Brown, 1986, fig. 7a. F. Well-developed breccia vein fringed by two oblique sets o f extcn­
sional veins. Victory deposit. Western Australia, cross section view. Field notebook for scale.

overall plunge. The two sets of veins commonly merge with stockwork (Fig. 23C). T he localized conjugate sets of
one another and show conflicting crosscutting relation­ oblique-extension veins may have form ed in incipient
ships (Robert, 1990). Mineral fibers and the matching of necks of megaboudins resulting from subvertical elonga­
markers a n d /o r irregularities in walls across veins in both tion o f die host sill (Fig. 23D; Robert, 1990).
vein sets indicate that their opening vector was steeply The stockwork zones o f the San Antonio deposit at Rice
plunging to the east, perpendicular to the plunge of the Lake (Fig. 8) are somewhat m ore complex (Fig. 22B, C;



h - .- .i GABBRO



% II
4 -



• sill

Fig. 29. Geology o f the Louvicouri Goldfield deposit, Val d'Or. Adapted from Robert (1990). A. Plan view o f level 225
(from Sauvfi, 1985). B. Longitudinal section through the Zone B orcbody (from Snuve, 1985), C. Line drawing o f a cross
section view o f the Zone B orcbody, showing the development o f conjugate seta o f oblique-extension veins. The open­
ing vectors o f the two vein sets are indicated, as well as the incremental axes o f elongation and shortening. D. Schematic
section showing how the conjugate sets o f oblique-extension veins can accommodate subvertical extension and incipi­
ent boudinage o f the host com petent gabbro sill.

Poulscn et al., 1986a; Lau, 1988). They form steeply dip­ tabular stockwork bodies wilh the host sill. The core o f the
ping, shallowly plunging elongate tabular bodies arranged stockwork bodies consist of an inner central quartz vein par­
in an en echelon fashion within a moderately dipping gab- allel to the stockwork, commonly surrounded by a central
broic sill (Fig. 8B, C). They attain a thickness of 10 m, are up breccia zone which is composed of angular, altered wall-rock
to 150 m high, and extend up to 500 m along their axis of fragments cem ented by vein quartz, albite, and ankerite
plunge, which corresponds to the line of intersection of die (Fig. 22C). The fringes of the stockworks consist of two sets
Fig. 24. Features o f vein intersections. A. Subhorizontal cxtcnsional vein culling a steeply dipping fault-fiU vein, but
itself truncated by a slip surface close to the right margin o f the fault-fill vein. Sigma deposit, Val d'Or. cross section view.
Field o f view - 2 m. B. Subhorizontal cxtcnsional vein merging with a steeply dipping fault-fill vein. T h e exiensional w in
cuts the intense foliation in the shear zone hosting the fault-fill vein (left), but is itself only slightly buckled, recording a
small amount o f shortening o f the com petent vein. Sigma deposit, Val d ‘Or, cross section view. Hammer for scale. C. Sig­
moidal cxtcnsional veins associated with the down-clip termination o f a fault-fill vein (dipping moderately to the right).
Note how the cxtensional veins are developed only in the hanging wall o f the down-dip termination, and die localized
development o f foliation in the footwall. Lucicn Belivcau deposit, Val d'Or, cross section view. Hammer for scale. D. lin e
drawing o f the area shown in Figure 24C.

of intersecting steep and flat extensional veins (Fig. 22B). ments, showing no evidence of rotation or large scale trans­
The flat extensional veins commonly display sigmoidal lation, set in a m atrix o f hydrotherm al m inerals such as
shapes and make an angle of 45° to die stockwork zone as a quartz and tourm aline (Fig. 22E, F). T he proportion of
whole. The origin o f the stockworks at the San Antonio hydrothermal matrix may be relatively small (Fig. 22E) or
mine is enigmatic but the fact that they occupy planes mak­ may exceed that of wall-rock fragments, in which case the
ing a dihedral angle of 45° to the host sill suggests they may jigsaw puzzle nature o f the breccias may be partly obscured
have formed as extensional meshes by shear along the sill (Fig. 22F). These breccias are interpreted to indicate dila­
margins. This possibility is corroborated by the existence of tion at specific structural sites related to discrete slip events
foliated sericite-carbonate schists at those margins (Fig. 8C). along faults and to result from hydraulic fracturing related
Hydrothermal breccias and breccia veins are thought to to sudden fluid pressure drops following slip (Sibson,
result from repeated individual increments o f fragmenta­ 1986). They have been docum ented to occur at low-angle
tion, driven by a combination of structural and hydraulic dilational bends along shear zones in some gold deposits
processes, and infilling by hydrothermal material (Sibson, (e.g., Nguyen et al., 1998). The fringes of such breccia veins
1986;Jebrak, 1997). Jigsaw puzzle and fault breccias are two record their incipient development and show fractures of
common types o f hydrothermal breccias or breccia veins diverse orientations. They resemble the “crackle breccias"
associated with, or as a com ponent of, fault-fill veins (Table better known from porphyry-type deposits (Jebrak, 1997).
2). The reader is referred to Jebrak (1997) for a more The 21 Zone deposit in the Star Lake district (Fig. 9) pro­
extensive discussion of breccias in vein-type deposits. Jigsaw vides an example of a hybrid breccia and fault-fill vein ore-
puzzle or mosaic breccias, also referred to as implosion body. It is hosted by a subvertical mylonitic shear zone (Fig.
breccias (Sibson, 1986), consist o f angular wall-rock frag­ 9B, C) and plunges southwestward, at a moderate angle to
the shear zone's northeast-plunging elongation lineation Different vein sets display systematic crosscutting relationships:
(Poulsen, 1986; see also Robert et al., 1994). The ore zone Systematic crosscutting o f one vein set by another simply
is up to 20 m wide, 100 m high, and extends at least 250 m indicates that the veins are of different ages and that a sys­
down plunge. It consists o f a mosaic quartz breccia body tematic vein chronology can t>e established between them.
containing slab-shaped blocks o f mylonitic host rocks, This can provide im portant information about the struc­
defined by extensional veins mostly parallel to but also at a tural evolution of a deposit. It is common, but n o t always
high angle to the foliation (Fig. 22D), and locally accompar the case, for'systematically crosscutting vein sets to display
nied by discrete through-going laminated quartz veins. Dis­ differences in vein o r alteration mineral assemblages. It is
cordant extensional vein segments clearly cut the mylonitic also expected that, for example along a given shear zone,
foliation (Fig. 22D), indicating that the breccia vein formed veins o f different ages will show different degrees o f over­
very late in the developm ent o f the shear zone. T he slab­ printing deformation (e.g., Robert and Brown, 1986).
like character o f the mosaic breccia may be attributed to This situation is illustrated by the San Antonio deposit
the fact that the preexisting mylonitic foliation creates an which, in addition to the stockwork zones described above,
inherent anisotropy during late dilation o f the rock. also comprises a set o f fault-fill veins in reverse-sinistral
In contrast to the above examples, fault breccias consist shear zones striking at a high angle to the host sill (Fig. 8C).
o f angular clasts o f single o r varied composition, showing Both the stockworks and fault-fill veins consist o f quartz-
evidence o f rotation, translation, and attrition, set in a ankerite-albitc-pyrite, fringed by sericue-carbonate alter­
matrix o f hydrothermal minerals (Fig. 18G). They are anal­ ation selvages. However, fault-fill veins systematically cross­
ogous to attrition breccias described by Sibson (1986), c u t and offset the stockwork zones where they intersect
except for the presence o f a hydrothermal matrix, indicat­ (Lau, 1988), indicating that the two types have developed
ing that hydrothermal precipitation accompanied slip and at different times in the structural evolution o f the deposit.
fault brecciation along the host structure.
Inasmuch as the opening o f a single planar extensional Different vein sets display conflicting crosscutting relationships:
vein can lead to a unidirectional increm ent o f dilation, Conflicting crosscutting relationships are relatively com­
stockwork and breccia veins, particularly those of irregular m on am ong different vein sets within deposits o r within
shape, appear to accommodate simultaneous multi-direc­ stockwork zones (e.g., Robert and Brown, 1986; Ridley and
tional extension (Fig. 22B, C, E; see also Ridley and Men- Mengler, 2000). They can take the form of an extensional
gler, 2000). vein cutting across a fault-fill vein at one location and the
opposite at another location. They can also take the form
Associated ore shoots: Owing to the diversity of their settings o f an extensional vein cutting across some quartz laminae
and geometries, several types o f ore shoots are defined by in a fault-fill vein, but itself being truncated by a slip surface
stockwork zones. In some cases, as at the Louvicourt Gold­ within the fault-fill vein (Fig. 24A). These types o f conflict­
field deposit, the long axes of the stockwork bodies corre­ ing crosscutting relationships am ong two types o f veins
spond to the line of intersection between their main con­ indicate that they are broadly contemporaneous, and fur­
stituent veins (Fig. 23), and may correspond to die axes of ther indicate their cyclic, sequential development. Because
boudins of the host com petent layer (Robert, 1990). In conflicting relationships are not necessarily exposed at the
cases where overall tabular stockwork bodies are confined same location within a deposit, it is important not to base
to a specific lithologic unit, as at the San Antonio deposit, interpretations of age relationships among veins on a single
the long axes of the stockwork bodies correspond to the o r small num ber of non-representative observations. Fur­
line of intersection of the stockworks with their enclosing thermore! crosscutting relationships among veins represent
host unit. In contrast, the stockworks at the M ount Char­ the final products of their incremental development, and
lotte deposit have pipe-like shapes and subvertical plunges, not necessarily their crosscutting relationships at different
defined by fault-bounded blocks of their com petent host stages in their incremental development (see below). Simi­
unit (Ridley and Mengler, 2000). larities of vein or alteration assemblages between crosscut­
ting vein sets suggest that they have formed from the same
Relationships among vein sets fluids and are potentially contemporaneous.
In most greenstone gold deposits, multiple types and sets
of veins are present. They are commonly spatially associated Veins of one set merge with veins of another set: In a number of
with one another, but are not necessarily temporally related. cases, veins of two distinct sets merge with one another (e.g.,
There are only a few specific cases of closely genetically Moritz and Crocket, 1990). In some deposits of die Val d ’Or
related vein sets, such as arrays of extensional veins near the district, for example, extensional veins merge with specific
term inations of fault-fill veins (see below). In structural lamina within a fault-fill vein (Fig. 24B; Robert, 1990). The
analysis, it is critical to distinguish veins formed during the extensional vein may merge with a lamina on the edge of
same strain increment from those formed during successive the fault-fill vein, or with a lamina well within the center of
increments. The temporal relations between different vein die vein, cutting across outer laminae (Fig. 18E). This type
sets are best established by careful examination of relation­ of merging relationship suggests contemporaneous devel­
ships at vein intersections (Fig. 24). A number of recurring opm ent of the two vein types, especially if they have the
situations in gold deposits are described below. same vein and alteration mineral assemblages.
Kinematically related fracture/vein sets: T here are special The end-result o f this dynamic process is that, at any loca­
cases where the generation o f two types o f fractures, and of tion along a fault o r fault-fill vein other than its termina­
veins by analogy, are intimately genetically related. Because tion, extensional veins will be cut by the fault or the fault-fill
of stress concentration due to die attenuation of displace­ vein, although in fact they develop synchronously. These
m ent at the tips of propagating shear fractures, extensional relationships are illustrated in Figure 24C: the largest
fractures (also termed wing cracks) will develop at their lat­ extensional vein is clearly truncated by the fault-fill vein,
eral and frontal term inations (Pollard and Segall, 1987; whereas other smaller extensional veins are not, and occur
Scholz, 1989; see also Cox et al., 2001). As shown in Figure beyond the down-dip termination of the fault-fill vein. The
25 for the case of a reverse fault, extensional fractures will truncated extensional vein probably formed at an earlier
develop in the footwall o f the up-dip term inadon of the stage at which the fault-fill vein had not yet propagated to
fault, and in the hanging wall o f its down-dip termination its current position. Similarly, if the fault-fill vein were to
(Fig. 24C, D). Arrays o f planar to sigmoidal extensional propagate farther downward, it would truncate and offset
veins can also develop at lateral fault term inadons. The all extensional veins present at the point o f observation.
same geometric configuradon can be expected with fault- This can easily result in incorrect interpretation of age rela­
fill and extensional veins, and examples are n o t uncom­ tionships among the two vein sets. However, identical vein
mon in gold deposits. The extensional veins shown in Fig­ and alteration m ineral assemblages of different vein sets
ure 20B represent an array developed at the lateral and a continuous alteration halo around both vein types (as
term inadon of a reverse fault. The concentrauons o f sub- seen in Fig. 24C, D) may be used as a first indication that
horizontal extensional veins at the up-dip term inadon of the veins are broadly contemporaneous.
reverse shear zones at the Lamaque Main mine (Fig. 7C)
A n a ly sis o f v e in netw orks
are also interpreted as wing cracks at a fault terminadon.
The dynamics of vein developm ent at the dps o f faults Many gold deposits, especially larger ones, are composed
has implications for interpreting resulting crosscutting rela­ of vein networks, which combine several vein sets and types.
tionships between intersecting vein sets. Figure 24C and D This might include multiple sets of fault-fill veins and their
illustrates an example o f extensional veins distributed at host shear zones commonly as conjugate pairs, extensional
the down-dip term ination o f a reverse fault-fill vein, at a veins as en echelon arrays o r planar veins outside shear
fixed time in the developm ent o f the host fault. The sig­ zones, and stockwork veins (Robert, 1990; Nguyen e t al.,
moidal shape of the extensional veins is compatible with, 1998). Contem poraneous vein sets can be used to deter­
and indicative of, reverse movement along the host fault. mine the axes o f the deposit-scale incremental strain (Figs.
Down-dip propagation of this fault will result in the trunca­ 13,26). In the cases of vein sets of multiple ages, incremen­
tion and offset of existing extensional veins by the fault or tal strain axes at different stages in the structural evolution
any fault-fill vein it contains. It can also be accompanied by o f the deposit can also be constrained.
the formation o f new extensional veins farther down dip. Determining some o r all of the incremental bulk strain
axes o f vein networks provides a framework for predicting
the possible plunges o f orebodies within a given structure.
i For example, vein orebodies within shear zones o r within
com petent layers commonly plunge parallel to the axis of
intermediate incremental strain, dY, or rarely perpendicu­
lar to it. As discussed below, the increm ental bulk strain
axes of vein networks can also be used to test the structural
timing o f the deposit by comparison with the finite strain in
the host rocks, as recorded by folds, boudins, shear zones,
and regional foliation and lincation.
Strain axes of gold deposit networks can be determined
in a way similar to the reconstruction o f the three principal
stress axes from faults and shear zones, and from exten-
sional veins and vein arrays (Beach, 1975; Angelier, 1979;
Rickard and Rixon, 1983; Ramsay and H uber 1987). Geo­
0 metric relationships between different types o f veins and
vein arrays and incremental strain axes are shown in Figure
19 for the case of plane suain (i.e., no change along the Y
axis). The intermediate incremental strain axis, dY, lies a t
90® to the slip direction in the plane o f the fault-fill vein o r
shear zone and parallels the long axes o f planar and sig­
moidal extensional veins in en echelon arrays (Fig. 19). In
FlC. 25. Diagram showing the expected arrangements o f extensional
the case of conjugate sets o f fault-fill veins o r oblique-exten­
fractures around frontal and lateral dps o f reverse faults o r shear fractures. sion veins, dY is parallel to the line o f intersection between
Adapted from Scholz (1989). the two sets, and the axes o f incremental shortening, dZ,
dX ping shallowly to the west and extending outside the shear
zones into less strained rocks (Robert and Brown, 1986;
Robert, 1990). All these vein sets are interpreted to be con­
temporaneous on the basis o f conflicting crosscutting and
merging relationships (e.g., Robert and Brown, 1986). The
key geometric and suuctural elements o f the vein network
are represented in Figure 26, along with the interpreted
axes o f incremental strain recorded by the development of
the vein network. Following the principles outlined above,
the incremental elongation direction, dX, is detennined to
be subvertical (actually plunging steeply east), the shorten­
ing direction, dZ, to be horizontal and north-south, and the
intermediate direction, dY (alongwhich there is no change
in length), to plunge shallowly to the west. As discussed
below, there is a good correspondence between the incre­
mental axes o f the vein network with those o f the regional
D.» increment o f deformation (Robert, 1990).
In the stockwork zones o f the Louvicourt Goldfield
deposit, hosted in a subvertical, east-west gabbro sill (Fig.
Fig. 26. Relationships between conjugate shear zones. Fault-fill and 23), the line o f intersection between conjugate sets of
extensions! veins, and incremental bulk, straiu'axcs, based on the geomet*
ric and structural features o f the vein network at th e Sigma-Lamaque
oblique-extension veins defines an intermediate incremen­
deposit (Fig. 7). Adapted from Robert (1990). tal strain axis, dY, plunging shallowly to the west (-25°).
The corresponding axis of incremental elongation plunges
steeply to the east (~65°), whereas the axis of incremental
and incremental elongation. dX, lie in the bisecting angles shortening is subhorizontal (north-south; Fig. 23C). The
of the shortening and extending sectors, respectively (Fig. developm ent o f the vein stockworks at Louvicourt Gold­
26). The axis of incremental elongation, dX, is perpendic­ field can be interpreted to accommodate localized hori­
ular to planar extensional veins external to shear zones, zontal shortening and subvertical elongation in necks of
which, therefore, should contain dY and the axis o f incre­ incipient boudins within the subvertically extending sill
mental shortening, dZ. As a first approxim ation, dX can (Fig. 23C; Robert, 1990).
also be regarded as being perpendicular to extensional In a num ber of deposits, the formation o f contem pora­
veins in en echelon arrays (Ramsay, 1982; Ramsay and neous vein sets cannot be accounted for by considering
Huber, 1987). Examples o f determination of deposit-scale strain in only two dimensions, and requires consideration of
incremental strain axes (or stress axes in some cases) can strain in three dimensions (Dube et al., 1989; Ridley and
be found in Dube et al. (1989), Robert (1990), Robert et al. Mcngler, 2000). This is particularly the case for deposits con­
(1994), and Nguyen et al. (1998). fined to single competent layers: because of strain refraction
The Sigma-Lamaque deposit in the Val d ’Or district (Fig. in three dimensions, the axes of bulk increm ental strain
2) seizes to illusu*ate how deposit-scale incremental strain within the layer may depart from those external to the layer,
axes can be detennined from a vein network and compared especially if the layer is oblique to one o f the external axes
with the main increments o f deform ation in the district. o f strain (Treagus, 1983). The Norbeau deposit in the
The deposit consists of an extensive network of quartz-tour- Abitibi (D ubectal., 1989) and the M ount Charlotte deposit
maline veins, extending over 3 km- on surface and to a in Western Australia (Ridley and Mengler, 2000) provide
depth of 1.8 km (Fig. 7). It is developed in andesitic vol­ examples of such departures from the two-dimensional case.
canic rocks intruded by coeval subvolcanic porphyritic dior- The methods o f analyses of such cases are beyond the scope
ite bodies, cut by a swarm of feldspar porphyry dikes and o f this paper, but they have been discussed in Dube et al.
younger diorite-tonalitc stocks. Volcanic contacts in the (1989) and Robert etal. (1994).
area are subvertical and strike east-west, parallel to axial
Vein Deformation and Superimposed Strain
planes of tight to isoclinal F2 folds and to variably devel­
oped regional So foliation, which contains a down-dip elon­ This section reviews the effects of superimposed defor­
gation lineation (Robert, 1990). Quartz-tourmaline veins mation on veins, with a brief consideration of the effects of
and the regional S., foliation overprint all these rock types. deform ation on oth er styles o f gold m ineralization.
The vein network is associated with conjugate reverse- Because of their form ation in active structures, veins in
o b liq u e) shear zones, intersecting along a line plunging faults and shear zones nearly universally show some evi­
shallowly to the west and containing elongation lineations dence o f superimposed strain (Boullier and Robert, 1992;
raking steeply east. T he network consists mainly o f lami­ Mason and Helmstaedt, 1992; McCuaigand Kerrich, 1998).
nated fault-fill veins within die conjugate shear zones, con­ In structural analysis o f veins, it is critical to determ ine
taining slickenlines raking steeply east (parallel to shear w hether deform ation features of veins result from their
zone lineation), and o f subhorizontal extensional veins dip­ increm ental developm ent in active structures (in which
case they may provide im portant information on the con­ possible that some host rocks, such as feldspar-rich por­
ditions of vein formation; McCuaig and Kerrich, 1998), or phyry dikes (except where sericidzed) which are commonly
from superimposed deformation. The distinction between associated with gold deposits, may be as competent o r more
die two cases is commonly challenging, and is at the root of com petent than the veins. Because o f their generally
many divergences o f interpretations o f the structural tim­ restricted dimensions, either as isolated veins o r as part of
ing of greenstone gold deposits. vein arrays, veins in equally com petent rocks are expected
There is little literature specifically discussing the effects to deform homogeneously with their host.
of superimposed strain on vein-type gold deposits in green­ O f added relevance to gold deposits, however, is the fact
stone belts other than a few papers discussing deformation that selvages of hydrothermally altered wall rock commonly
features related to vein development in active shear zones intervene on both sides between veins and unaltered hosts
(McCuaig and Kerrich, 1998). The material presented here (Fig. 28A, B; McCuaig and Kerrich, 1998). Such alteration
is an application of the basic principles of structural geol­ may therefore be m odeled qualitatively as a multilayer
ogy to the analysis of deform ed auriferous veins, drawing (host rock-altered rock-vein-altered rock-host rock) lead­
for example on die work of Talbot (1970,1982), and Ram­ ing to a different style of deform ation (Fig. 27B; Ramsay
say and H uber (1983, 1987) on veins and dikes. It also and Huber, 1987). The assumption here is that alteration
draws heavily on well-established principles o f structural renders the rock directly adjacent to the vein incompetent
analysis o f deformed rocks in general (Ramsay, 1967,1982; relative to both the unaltered host rock and the vein. This
Talbot, 1970,1982; Ramsay and Huber, 1983,1987) as well scenario is reasonable in the case of a com petent host
as on the experience of the authors. Geologic structures lithology with alteration dom inated by m inerals such as
and relationships observable at the scale o f the hand-speci­ sericite, calcite, and chlorite (Fig. 28A). Dolomite, however,
mens, the outcrop, or the stope are emphasized. is a comm on alteration m ineral associated with gold
deposits in greenstone belts and can lead to a relatively
Theoretical considerations com petent alteration selvage if present (with quartz) in
Veins and dikes are well known markers o f superimposed substantial quantities.
strain (Talbot, 1970,1982). Their behavior during overprint­ The main additional effects of incompetent alteration can
ing deformation depends mainly on two factors: their com­ be expected to be the development of prominent mullions
petence with respect to their hosts (Berger, 1971; Ramsay, on the in n er arcs of buckled veins, and o f bidirectional
1982; Talbot, 1982), and their orientauons with respect to cusps pointing outward from the alteration into both unal­
external axes o f shortening and extension (Talbot, 1970, tered wall rock and the necks o f boudinaged veins (Fig. 27B;
1982). Where there is no competence contrast between veins Talbot and Soukoutis, 1992). Depending on the orientation
or dikes and their hosts, they will deform homogeneously of the veins with respect to the increm ental shortening
with tine enclosing rocks. Where more competent than their direction, the presence of an incompetent alteration selvage
host rocks, they will form buckles or boudins depending on might also lead to significant refraction of external foliation
their orientation with respect to strain axes (Figs. 14 and within the selvage, in a way similar to cleavage refraction in
27A; see also fig. 2.14 in Ramsay and Huber, 1983). Where graded greywacke-mudstone beds. In cases where veins are
' less competent, strong internal foliation and outward point- suitably oriented with respect to the incremental shortening
ing cusps will develop in veins and dikes (Talbot and Souk- direction, shear zones can develop in the alteration selvages
outis, 1992), with the cusps being parallel with or perpendic­ parallel to the vein, irrespective o f the original vein type. In
ular to the foliadon. Veins o r dikes close to the direcdon of this case, the resulting geometric relationships between the
zero finite elongadon in the rock (i.e., near the angle divid­ foliated alteration selvages and the vein might be very diffi­
ing those buckled from those boudinaged; Fig. 14) may show cult to distinguish from those associated with a fault-fill vein
different geometries. Com petent layers may appear to be formed in an active shear zone.
: undeformed or may display boudinaged buckles or buckled Because shear zones in greenstone belts are commonly
boudins (Ramsay, 1967). Inasmuch as the direcdon o f zero sites o f hydrotherm al alteration (McCuaig and Kerrich,
; finite elongadon for most strains is close to that of maximum 1998), the foliated rocks within them may also behave
v ,shear strain (Ramsay, 1967), it is likely that incom petent incompetently during subsequent deformation increments.
veins or dikes in this orientation would be most susceptible It is therefore reasonable to expect their reactivation, with
to lateral slip parallel to their walls. Characterized by oblique contem poraneous folding and boudinage o f veins con­
internal foliadon, such incom petent veins and dikes can tained within the zone o f reactivation. W here preexisting
become incipient shear zones (Berger, 1971). shear zones are oriented at a low angle to external axes of
Quartz veins tend to be more competent than their hosts shortening, the shear zones and the veins they contain
over a range o f metamorphic conditions (Talbot, 1970). In might also be expected to undergo wholesale folding (Fig.
a greenstone belt environm ent, quartz veins can be 27B). In this case, one m ight expect primary shear zone
, expected to be m ore com petent than greenschist-grade fabrics (foliation, lineation, and shear bands) to be com­
•intrusive and volcanic rocks o f intermediate to ultramafic pletely overprinted by the later generation of regional
composition, as well as fine-grained clastic sedim entary cleavage and m inor folds.
rocks. As a result, quartz veins are generally expected to Finally, it must be stressed that the hypothetical case illus­
deform into buckles and boudins (Fig. 27A). However, it is trated here (Fig. 27) relates to an external bulk co-axial



Fig. 27. A. Isometric block diagram illustrating the expected dcformational behavior o f quartz veins more competent
than their hosts overprinted by significant coaxial strain (adapted from Talbot. 1082). B. Isometric block diagram illus­
trating the expected behavior o f a shear zone and extensions*! vein m esh, overprinted by a significant coaxial finite
strain. Note the folded shear zones and die development o f mntlions and cusps in the alteration haloes, modeled here
as less com petent than the veins and unaltered host rocks. See text for discussion.

strain, wherein finite strain axes X, Y, and Z have the same were first folded and then boudinaged, as they rotated from
directions as the incremental strains dX, dY, dZ. This is by no the shortening field to the elongation field during progres­
means the only situation one m ight encounter in nature sive shear zone development (Ramsay, 1980a).
where non-coaxial strains (i.e., where the finite strain axes lie In contrast to quartz veins, sulfide-rich ore, cither as con­
at some angle to the incremental strain axes) may predomi­ cordant lenses or discordant veins, is typically less compe­
nate, particularly in shear zones (see Hanmer and Passchier, tent than its enclosing lithologies. Consequently, sulfide
1991). The same basic principles apply however, and similar veins and layers will deform passively with respect to their
geomeuic relationships among veins, alteration selvages, and host rocks. They will fold with their host rocks and flow into
foliation will be developed. An added complication is that boudin neck areas and fold hinges, producing a variety of
there will be a greater likelihood of encountering veins that cusps and piercemcnt structures (e.g., Maiden et al., 1986).
Deformation features of xleins and their aiialysis sional vein is compatible with the directions of elongation
and shortening within the host shear zone, suggesting it
Distinguishing features related to vein deformation
formed during progressive shear zone deformation. The
from those related to vein growth is a critical task in ana­
lyzing the structural significance of gold deposits. The fact that the quartz-tourmaline vein cuts the foliation and
foliation-parallel veinlets further indicates the vein formed
most common manifestations of vein deformation are
their external forms (folds and boudins), vein margin stri- relatively late during shear zone development and has only
ations, and internal deformational fabrics such as stylo- experienced a m inor amount of subsequent shortening.
lites. In the case o f an asymmetrically folded vein in a shear
zone (Fig. 28D), the fact that the shear zone foliation is
axial planar to the vein fold (and not folded with the vein;
Folding: It is common to encounter veins taking the see below) indicates that the vein has experienced a signif­
form of folds, particularly under greenschist to lower am­ icant amount of shear zone deformation. The fact that the
phibolite facies conditions. Within shear zones or highly fold axis is perpendicular to the elongation lineation within
strained rocks, two general cases o f folded veins need to the shear zone does not provide additional information on
be considered: one where the foliation of the host rock is the timing of vein formation relative to shear zone devel­
axial planar to the folds, and the other where both the opm ent. The same geom etric relationships would be
vein and foliation of the host rocks have been folded to­ expected by folding of a vein formed at a low angle to the
gether. shear plane early during shear zone development, and a
vein of similar orientation but entirely predating shear
Foliation axial planar to veinfolds: Implicit in this case is the zone development. In this example, the laminated nature
greater competency of the vein with respect to its foliated of the vein is typical of fault-fill veins, which may be used to
host and the possibility that the vein predates foliation suggest (but not prove) that the vein was related to shear
entirely. Folding ranges from incipient buckling (Fig. 28A, zone development rather than entirely predating it.
B) to tight folding (Fig. 28C, D) of the vein. Tight folding is Some gold orebodies consist of stockworks of variably ori­
commonly accompanied by boudinage of the vein along the ented veinlets. Where overprinted by deformation, veinlets
limbs (see below). In profile (section perpendicular to the at a high angle to foliation will be buckled (Fig. 28A, E, F),
fold axes), vein folds can be symmetric (Fig. 28C) or asym­ whereas those lying at a low angle to foliation will be boud-
metric (Fig. 28D). The distinction depends in part on where inaged (Fig. 28A). In both cases, the veinlets have clearly
the minor fold is located with respect to larger ones (limbs been overprinted by some o f the shortening across the foli­
or hinges); however, where all folds along a vein are of the ation plane, but it is n o t possible to determ ine if they have
same asymmetry, die enveloping surfaces of the folds reflect formed early during, o r entirely before, shear zone defor­
the overall orientation of the vein in the deform ed state. mation. In the case of the veinlets in Figure 28E and F, evi­
The axes o f folded veins further constrain the three-dimen­ dence indicating that the veinlets predate the development
sional orientation of the deformed vein as a whole, because o f the foliation comes from the existence o f the same,
they coincide with the line of intersection of the vein in its undeformed, stockwork veinlets extending outside the foli­
deformed state with the foliation plane. Finally, it is gener­ ated zone (see Robert, 1997).
ally possible to determine whether the folded vein was orig­
inally an extensional o r a fault-fill vein, based on its m or­ Folded veins and foliation: T here are a num ber o f cases
phological and textural characteristics as described above. where subparalle! foliation and veins are folded together
In shear zones, the internal features o f veins, the geome­ (Fig. 28G, H), suggesting that both features predate a sig­
try and orientation o f the vein folds, and the overall enve- nificant increm ent o f deform ation. In shear zones, two
lope of the veins can be used to assess their compatibility or main situations can lead to this wholesale folding o f a shear
' incompatibility with the strain axes or slip direction within zone: a subsequent increm ent o f regional deform ation,
the host structure. Compatibility o f original vein orienta- and progressive internal folding (Platt, 1993) either during
tions with strain axes might suggest that the vein formed continued movement o r during later reactivation.
during, b u t was outlasted by, shear zone deform ation. Map-scale folding o f both shear zone and veins during a
Incompatibility could be used to argue that the vein pre­ subsequent increment o f deformation is best documented
dated die development o f the host shear zone. The follow­ through systematic mapping. This mechanism can also be
ing examples serve to illustrate different situations. recognized at outcrop scale by the fact that a foliated zone
In the sample shown in Figure 28B, the planar walls of enveloping the veins is itself folded. The foliation is folded
the quartz-tourmaline vein and its internal fibers indicate together with the zone but, in detail, may locally be oblique
that this is an extensional vein. The overall angle between to both the margins o f the veins and o f the zone.
the vein and the foliation, as well as the retained perpen­ Asymmetric folds o f both veins and subparallcl foliation
dicularity of the foliation to vein walls, suggests that the vein are particularly common in intense shear zones (Fig. 28G).
formed at a high angle to the foliation. The trace o f the Such folds imply that, prior to folding, the veins and folia­
vein along the foliation plane and the fold axis are also per­ tion were parallel o r at low angles to each other, which can
pendicular to the elongation lineation in the foliation be the case for fault-fill veins, extensional veins formed by
plane Thus, the inferred original orientation of this exten­ dilation of foliation planes (e.g., Kerrich, 1989), or highly
Fig. 28. Features o f folded veins. A. Small buckled quartz vein (shallow-dipping on photo) at a high angle to the foli­
ation in the host rock, with well-developed chloride alteration selvages (dark) forming small-scale muliions. Note the
incipient boudinage o f the vein at a low angle to the foliation on the left side o f photo. Copper Rand deposit, Chi-
bougnmau, cross section view. Steel plate is -1 5 cm across. B. Small buckled quam-tourmalinc vein with buff-colored
alteration selvages in a sample cut perpendicular to the foliadon but parallel to the elongation lincation o f die host shear
zone. The folded quartz-tourmaline vein cuts smaller foliation-parallel quartz-carbonate vcinlcts (3 and 4) and has an
overall orientation at a moderate to high angle to the foliation. Along the lower right limb o f the vein, the foliation itself
is deflected and retains an orthogonal orientation relative to the vein walls. Within the vein, there are tourmaline fibers
(arrows), now oblique to the vein, linking a pair o f foliation-parallel vcinlcts (1 and 2). Orenada Zone 4 deposit, Val
d'Or. C. Symmetrically folded quartz-carbonate vein in a shear zone. These tightly folded veins represent an earlier gen­
eration than the more abundant quartz-tourmaline veins. Sigma deposit, Val d ’Or, cross section view. Hammer for scale.
D. cross section view o f a asymmetrically folded vein in reverse shear in a view approximately perpendicular to the folia­
don and parallel to the elongation lincation o f the host reverse shear zone. The internal laminated character o f the vein
indicates that it is a fault-fill vein. The vein fold is strongly asymmetric and its vergence is compatible with reverse move­
m ent along the host shear zone. The envelope o f the vein is at a low angle to the foliadon, which is clearly axial planar
to the fold o f the vein; the fold axis is at a high angle to the clongadon lincation within the host shear zone. Con deposit,
Yellowknife, cross section view. Hammer head for scale. Courtesy o f the Geological Survey o f Canada, photo no. 1996-
015K. E. Folded siockwork vcinlcts (white) and associated aibitic alteration selvages (light brown) in moderately foliated
basalt. Holt-McDermott deposit, Harker-Holloway, cross section view. Field o f view -1 .5 m. F. Detail o f a folded vcinlct
and alteration halo from the deformed stockwork shown in Figure 28E. Note that the foliation is axial planar to the vein-
let folds. Holt-McDermou deposit, Harker-Holloway. G. Asymmetrically folded quartz vein (1) and mylonitic foliadon of
the host granitic intrusion (2). Jasper deposit, Star Lake district, map view. Pen for scale. H. Asymmetrically folded gray
quartz vcinlcts and foliation, defining a small intrnfolial fold domain within the Cadillac fault zone. Note the small vein
boudins formed prior to die folds (arrows). Orenada property, Val d'Or, map view. Compass for scale.

rotated extensional veins initially formed at high angles to ation. Symmetric boudins indicate that, prior to its extension
foliation. In all cases, the joint folding of veins and foliation (or boudinage), the vein was oriented subparallel to the foli­
might result either from continued shear zone movement ation plane and to the incremental elongation direction, dX.
(Platt, 1983) or from shear zone reactivation in a different Asymmetric boudins indicate that the vein was initially
sense or direction of movement. The distinction between oblique to the shear zone foliation and rotated toward the
the two situations may be difficult to establish in practice foliation plane and dX. The asymmetry o f the boudins can
but locally can be achieved by exam ining the geometric generally be used to infer the sense o f rotation o f the vein
relationships of the folds to the strain axes in the shear during its deform ation (H anm er and Passchier, 1991).
zone, as defined by its penetrative foliation and lincation. Boudins o f veins typically are elongated objects, with their
In the examples illustrated in Figure 28G and H, the axes long axes perpendicular to the elongation lineation, o r to
of the asymmetric folds of both the vein and foliation are the dX axis, in the related foliation plane.
subvertical, subparallel to the elongation lineation in the Boudinage of veins can also develop along the limbs o f
host shear zone. The close to tight character of the folds (as tight to isoclinal folds (as described above) in shear zones
opposed to isoclinal) suggests that shear strains were not and highly strained rocks. Fault-fill veins, because they gen­
sufficiently high to lead to significant rotation o f the fold erally form a t a low angle or parallel to their host shear
axes towards parallelism with the m ovem ent direction zone, will generally be boudinaged as a result of continuing
; along the shear zone. Based on the near parallelism o f fold movem ent and shortening across the shear zone, o r as a
axes with elongation lineation in the host shear zone, the result of reactivation. The orientation o f the long axes o f
;folds are best interpreted as resulting from reactivation of the boudins helps to discriminate between the two cases. If
•.the host shear zone by transcurrent movements. The asym­ produced during continued shear zone deformation, the
metric folds in the example shown in Figure 28H from the long axes o f the boudins will lie at a high angle to the elon­
Cadillac Tectonic Zone in the Val d ’O r district, have been gation lineation in the host foliation and typically parallel
interpreted by Robert (1990) as resulting from dextral tran­ to the axes of related folds (e.g., Robert and Brown, 1986).
scun ent reactivation o f the shear zone. If produced during later shear zone reactivation, the
boudins will have a different orientation relative to the
Boudinage and related features: Inasmuch as quartz veins elongation lineation in the related foliation. In the exam­
tend to be more competent than their surroundings, it is not ple shown in Figure 29C, the axes o f the boudins are sub­
(.uncommon to observe in them the effects o f vein-parallel vertical, subparallel to the elongation lineation in the folia­
extension. These effects may take the form of macroscopic tion plane, suggesting that boudinage took place during a
pinch and swell structures with cusps developed in boudin subsequent deformation increment.
/ necks (Fig. 29A) or of the development of new extensional Boudinage clearly indicates that a vein has been over­
veins perpendicular to an existing vein in order to accom- printed by strain. However, even in the case o f boudinage
i modate its extension (Fig. 29B). Extreme cases o f boudinage related to continued shear zone deformation, it is not pos­
, in shear zones also lead to development o f isolated quartz sible to determ ine w hether the vein predated the host
iipods along the foliation (Fig. 29C). Boudins can be symmet­ shear zone or if it formed during its development. Choco­
ric (Fig. 29A) or asymmetric (Fig. 29C, D) relative to the foli­ late-tablet boudinage o f a vein indicates its extension in two
Fig. 29. Features of boudinaged veins. A. Pinch and swell structure in boudinaged ankcritc veins (light gray)- Note
the development of cusps of less com petent foliated basalt (dark gray) in the necks of the vein boudins. Note also the
presence of small extensions!! quartz vcinlcis (white) at a high angle to the ankcritc veins. Dome deposit, Timmins, map
view. Steel plate is-15 cm across. Courtesy o f Geological Survey of Canada, photo no. 1999-0150. B. Boudinaged quartz-
tourmaline vein (outlined), folded together with its host foliation. Note the development of white extensional veinlets
perpendicular to the main vein in the necks of incipient boudins. The fact that the veinlets in boudin necks retain their
high angle to the main vein across the fold indicates that the vein was first boudinaged and then folded. Orenada Zone
4 deposit, Val d’Or district. Vein is 15 cm thick. C. Intense boudinage of quartz veins parallel to foliation, leading to sep­
aration of (lie boudins into individual isolated quartz pods in the shear zone. Note the asymmetry of the boudins, indi­
cating rotation of the vein during its boudinage. Orenada Property, Cadillac fault zone, Val d’Or. map view. Hammer for
scale. D. Development of asymmetric boudins in a quartz vein lying at a low angle to the foliation. The boudins arc -5 cm
thick. James Bay. E. Piercemcnt structures (arrows) of sulfides (light gray) in more competent andalusitc schist (dark
gray) developed along the walks of a massive sulfide band. La Rondc deposit, Bousquet district, map view. Steel plates arc
-15 cm across. F. Boudins of andatusilc schist (dark gray) within layers of massive sulfides (light gray), showing flow of
the sulfides in the boudin necks. La Rondc deposit, Bousquet, map view. Steel plates arc >15 cm across. G. Mylonilic
quartz in fault-fill vein (highlighted). Jasper deposit. Star Lake district, map view. Pen for scale. H. Disseminated sulfide
and suifidc-iich vcinlct ore in scricitc schist. Note the elongation of the pyritc grains parallel to the foliation (arrow).
Doyon deposit, Bousquet.

orthogonal directions and reflects bulk flattening o f the formed as a result of vein development or as a result o f their
shear zone. Again, it provides no information on the timing overprinting during subsequent shear zone movement. In
of vein formation, other than to indicate the vein has been the presence of multiple sets o f striations, those parallel to
overprinted by at least some of the shear zone deformation. the m ovem ent direction along the shear zone are most
Because of their commonly incompetent character, sul- likely to be related to its development. Striations produced
fide-rich ores, either in the form of massive sulfide lenses or during reactivation o f a shear zone o r a vein need not be
veins, will display different deform ation features than parallel to the earlier movement direction along it.
quartz veins. Shortening across sulfide-rich layers initially
produces piercement structures of the sulfides into incipi­ Internal deformational features in veins: A variety o f o th er
ent boudin necks in the adjacent competent material (Fig. deformation features, some o f which are only risible a t the
29E; Maiden et al., 1986). In more advanced states o f boud­ microscopic scale, are also comm only developed within
inage of the com petent layers, sulfide material flows into veins. These have been recently reviewed by McCuaig and
the boudin neck areas (Fig. 29F). As in the case of boudi­ Kerrich (1998) and are only briefly considered here. Again,
naged veins, sulfide cusps and piercement structures indi­ such internal deformation features may be an integral part
cate that the sulfides have experienced at least some of the of the progressive developm ent o f fault-fill veins, o r may
shortening across the host shear zone, but they provide no record subsequent overprinting deform ation. In m ost
information on the relative timing of sulfide introduction cases, it is very difficult to discriminate between the two pos­
and shear zone development. sibilities on the basis of these Internal structures alone.
Polygonization and recrystallization o f quartz, observed
Striated vein margins: Striations (slickenlines) on the walls at the microscopic scale, is very common in veins, suggest­
of fault-fill veins or of individual laminae within them are ing overprinting deformation a n d /o r metamorphism. This
relatively common (Fig. 19F), and more than one set may is especially clear in the case o f extensional veins, in which
be present in the same vein. Striations record the direction deform ation features do no t accompany vein growth.
of slip event(s) during vein development or during subse­ Deformation o f vein quartz is also an integral part o f the
quent reactivation. Striations may define steps recording development of fault-fill veins in active shear zones (Bout-
the sense o f movement along the slip plane, and some may lier and Robert, 1992; McCuaig and Kerrich, 1998). In this
be accompanied by fibrous mineral growth. As discussed in case, however, polygonization and recrystallization are not
the previous section, only in rare cases can striations be uniformly developed within the vein, varying between lam­
unequivocally related to vein development: those in which inae depending on their relative time o f growth during the
mineral fibers along the slip surface consist o f a specific history of vein development (Boullier and Robert, 1992).
mineral (e.g., tourmaline) diagnostic o f the main stage fill­ Mylonitic foliation o f quartz is present in a few cases and
ing of the vein. Striations overprinting a given mineral must represents extreme and pervasive recrystallization o f veins
be clearly distinguished from those defined by fibers of the in shear zones. It is defined in outcrops or hand specimens
same mineral. by zones o f strong quartz banding and significant grain-size
' Striations subparallel to the movement direction along reduction (Fig. 29G). It is also accompanied by destruction
tile host shear zone probably relate to the main period of of the prim ary vein textures. Such developm ent o f
movement along the shear zone as deduced from other fea­ mylonitic foliation is not expected to be part of vein forma­
tures, especially if they contain steps compatible with the tion in the case o f fault-fill veins and is, therefore, likely to
sense of shear (Fig. 19F). In the absence o f diagnostic min­ have developed during overprinting deformation or shear
eral fibers, it is not possible to determ ine if the striations zone reactivation.
Stylolites marking trains of insoluble residues also pro­ suain increments in the districts (e.g., Table 1). The second
vide common evidence of internal deform ation o f veins. approach is based on a determination o f the timing of veins
They are most commonly developed in fault-fill veins and relative to specific fabrics and structures in penetratively
may form either during vein developm ent (Boullier and strained host rocks.
Robert, 1992) or during subsequent deformation.
Comparison of vein networks and regional strain axes
Pressure shadows around pyrite grains in altered wall rocks
adjacent to veins and in disseminated gold ores are also com­ In a num ber of districts, the axes of strain related to spe­
mon. They record deformation overprinting mineralization cific deformation increments can be determined from their
but provide no additional constraints on their relative tim­ corresponding penetrative structural fabrics (foliation and
ings. Pressure shadows may have a prolate shape that defines elongation lineations) and folds. The incremental strain axes
a lineation with die same significance as the elongation lin- of vein networks can then be compared with those of differ­
eation in the host foliation. In other cases, disseminated sul­ ent deformation increments. As a first approximation, com­
fide grains are parallel to the foliation (Fig. 29H), also patibility of network axes with those of a specific deformation
recording deformation overprinting the mineralization. increment suggests a temporal link between the two.
For example, in the eastern part of the Val d ’O r district,
Ore shoots resultingfrom vein deformation: The plunge of where not overprinted by Ds structures (Fig. 5), D2 is charac­
long axes of deformed veins and orebodies will reflect both terized an east-west subvertical S2 foliation, containing a sub­
their inidal morphology and its modification by deforma­ vertical L, elongation lineation (Robert, 1990). These struc­
tion in their host structures. Two main cases need to be tural fabrics record D2 strain in which the maximum finite
considered: deposits overprinted by shear zones o r by sig­ shortening direction, Z, is north-south and horizontal, and
nificant bulk strain, and those overprinted by folds. the maximum elongation direction, X, is subvertieal. In con­
Deposits and orebodies overprinted by shear zones will trast, D3 structures are marked by northeast to east-west sub­
tend to plunge parallel to the elongation lineation in the vertical crenulauon cleavages, steeply-plungi ng asymmetric
foliated host rocks. This is expected to be the case for pre­ folds, and subhorizontal striations on D2 shear zones and
shear zone deposits, as illustrated by the pre-deformation veins. They record a late increment of dextral transcurrent
sulfidic gold deposits of the Bousquet district, which plunge deform ation (Robert, 1990), in which Z is horizontal and
steeply to the west, parallel to the elongation lineation in trends broadly southeast, whereas X is subhorizontal and
their intense host shear zone (Marquis et al., 1990). If the trends broadly northeast. As discussed above, the develop­
deposits or orebodies have a well-defined primary plunge, m ent o f the quartz-tourmaline vein network at Sigma-
it will be variably modified by bulk rotation towards paral­ Lamaque clearly records incremental north-south horizontal
lelism with the elongation lineation or the movement direc­ shortening, dZ, and subvertical elongation, dX. (Fig. 26).
tion of the host shear zone, depending on the am ount of The cigar-shaped stockwork zones o f the Louvicourt Gold­
overprinting bulk su'ain. field deposit also define dX, dY, and dZ incremental strain
Deposits and orebodies overprinted by folds will tend to axes plunging steeply east, shallowly west, and horizontally
plunge parallel to the fold axis. Such oreshoots can be north, respectively (Fig. 23C). The axes o f incremental strain
defined by stope-scale concentrations of gold and sulfides recorded by quartz-tourmaline vein networks at both
remobilized in fold hinges, or by the plunge o f the entire deposits are compatible with those o f D2, suggesting that
orebody along the fold axis. The Orenada Zone 4 deposit they formed during this regional increment o f deformation.
at Val d ’Or provides such an example (Robert, 1990). The In contrast, the formation of quartz-tourmaline veins in both
O renada Zone 4 deposit is a small vein-type gold deposit deposits is inconsistent with the D3 transcurrent increment
located directly within the Cadillac fault zone (Fig. 2). It is of deformation, in which the elongation direction, X, is sub­
characterized by a cluster o f thin quartz-tourmaline veins horizontal. A D9 timing is also indicated by the overprinting
parallel to the intense S2 foliation within die fault zone, and o f quartz-tourmaline veins by F3 folds at the Orenada Zone 4
overprinted by mesoscopic F3 folds. The vein cluster occu­ deposit (see above), located within the first-order Larder
pies the core of a map-scale Fft fold and plunges moderately Lake Cadillac fault zone (Fig. 2). The local horizontal striar
to the west, parallel to the plunge of the fold. tions observed on fault-fill vein surfaces at Sigma-Lamaque
can also be explained by a weak D3 overprint (Robert, 1990).
Structural Timing of Veins The weak D3 overprinting of quartz-tourmaline veins north
Auriferous veins in greenstone belts occur in shear of the Larder Lake-Cadillac fault zone reflects the fact that
zones, folds, extended com petent layers, and in zones of this increment of deformation was largely localized along the
broader regional strain. Determining the timing o f vein for­ first-order structure in the district.
mation relative to the history of their host structures or host Timing constraints can also be placed even in the case of
districts is critical in determining key structural controls on sim pler vein networks with less well-defined incremental
mineralization and in selecting appropriate gold deposit strain axes. In the Star Lake district, quartz vein deposits
models. Two complementary approaches can be followed occur in a set of east-northeast- to northeast-trending, sub­
to constrain the structural timing of veins. The first is based vertical shear zones, overprinting a composite granitoid
on a comparison of the axes o f incremental strain recorded intrusion and parallel to the regional D2 structural trend
by the veins o r vein networks with those of well-established (Figs. 4 and 9A). All host shear zones are defined by a
strong mylonitic foliation and contain a m oderately to formed in a system of D3 sinistral wrench faults, for which
steeply northeast-plunging elongation lineadon, recording the elongation direction, by definition, is implied to be sub­
oblique-slip south-side-up movements kinematically com­ horizontal. Although this apparent incompatibility can be
patible with the regional D2 increm ent o f deform ation explained by transpressional deform ation, this approach
(Poulsen et al., 1986b; Thomas and Heaman, 1994). The serves to identify questions needing further attention.
deposits consist of laminated fault-fill veins (Jolu, Rod Main
zone; Fig. 18C), breccia vein bodies (21 Zone; Fig. 22D), Vein timing criteria in penetratively strained rocks
and rare, moderately dipping extensional veins external to A second approach to establishing the structural timing
the shear zones (Jolu, Rod South zone). All deposits have of veins relies on specific structural and geological relation­
similar vein and wall-rock alteration mineral assemblages, ships at the mesoscopic, hand-specimen, and microscopic
suggesting that they are of the same age. At the 21 Zone scales. T hree general cases o f structural timing have typi­
deposit, discordant vein segments in the breccia body cally been argued by geologists for veins in penetratively
clearly truncate the mylonitic foliation of the host shear strained rocks: (1) veins are synchronous with development
zone (Fig. 22D), indicadng the vein formed after foliauon o f penetrative fabrics; (2) veins predate developm ent o f
development. In o th er deposits such at Jasper, fault-fill penetrative fabrics and are unrelated to observed strain in
veins and the enclosing mylonitic foliation are overprinted the host structure; o r (3) veins completely postdate fabric
by asymmetric folds plunging subparallel to the shear development in the host rocks. These three situations are
zone’s elongadon lineation (Fig. 28G). Given their open to discussed below, with an attem pt at formulating some crite­
tight character, these folds are incompadble with the move­ ria for distinguishing among these different cases. The pro­
ment direcdon in the host shear zone and are best ascribed posed criteria can be regarded as a series o f questions that
to the effects of the Ds transcurrent deformadon in the dis­ should guide the observation and docum entation of spe­
trict (Lewryetal., 1990). Orebodies within the shear zone cific features o r relationships in the field. Few o f the pro­
and the dip of external extensional veins all lie at a high posed criteria are entirely diagnostic, and any interpreta­
angle to the slip direction in the host shear zone. This tion of the timing of mineralization relative to deformation
geometry is consistent with their occurrence at branches must therefore be based on as many criteria as possible.
and deflecdons in the shear zones at a high angle to the slip
direcdon (Fig. 19). Only in the Jasper deposit is this larger Veinsfanned synchronously with penetrativefabrics in their host
pattern modified to include smaller ore shoots plunging structure: Many auriferous quartz veins have been inter­
parallel to lineadon and die axes o f m inor folds. These rela­ preted as having form ed synchronously with th eir host
tionships suggest that the veins in the Star Lake district shear zones (McCuaig and Kerrich, 1998). In some cases,
have form ed in existing shear zones, during (the late veins have been interpreted to develop late in the history of
stages?) of D2, but prior to D3. their host structure (Robert and Brown, 1986), such that
Barren veins overprindng mineralized rocks can also be they have retained their primary geometry and their inter­
used to place dme constraints on mineralization if the veins nal textures are relatively well preserved. In oth er cases,
can confidently be ascribed to aspecific deformation incre­ deform ation can outlast vein development, and the veins
ment. In the Harker-Holloway district o f the Abitibi (Fig. will show some evidence o f deform ation overprinting
1), disseminated-replacement gold m ineralization a t the related to continued m ovement along tire host structure.
Holt-McDermott and Holloway deposits is overprinted by a A num ber o f field criteria can be used to establish whether
set o f barren subhorizontal extensional veinlets (Fig. 30A; o r not veins in shear zones are related directly to shear zone
Robert, 1997). These veinlets are perpendicular to the displacement, even though they may be overprinted by con­
local, weakly developed, subvertical elongation lineadon L* tinued shear zone deformation. Some o f the expected geo­
and are interpreted as having formed during D2. T he fact metric and structural relationships for veins formed synchro­
that these veins cut disseminated-replacement orebodies nously with their host structures are listed below:
suggests that gold mineralizarion a t these deposits predate
: some or all o f the D2 deformadon (Robert, 1997). 1. W here both fault-fill veins and fringing extensional
In a num ber o f cases, there may not be a unique solution veins are present, the overall vein configuration and geom­
for the incremental strain axes o f a vein network, leaving etry will be com patible with the kinem atics o f th e host
ambiguides in correlaung vein network axes with those o f shear zone (fig. 19), provided that the two sets o f veins are
regional deformadon increments. This is illustrated by the contem poraneous. For example, the line o f intersection
Mount Charlotte deposit, where two disdnet sets o f strain between fault-fill and extensional veins is expected to be
(stress) axes can explain the development o f stockwork ore- perpendicular to th e slip direction along the host shear
bodies (Ridley and Menglcr, 1998). Finally, this approach zone, and parallel to the intersection between conjugate
can be used to highlight possible uncertainties in the tim­ sets o f shear zones if present (Fig. 19). This is case a t the
ing o f mineralization. At the Revenge deposit, for example, Sigma-Lamaque deposit, as illustrated in Figure 26,
the vein network has been interpreted by Nguyen e t al. where north- and south-dipping fault-fill veins and sub­
(1998) to have formed in a congressional stress field (ver­ horizontal extensional veins all intersect along a line sub­
tical <J3), recording an increm ent of subvertical elongation parallel to the slip direction along the related set o f con­
dX . However, the vein network is interpreted as haring jugate shear zones.
F ig . 3 0 . A . S u b h o r i z o n t a l b a r r e n e x t e n s i o n a l q u a r t z w i n s c r o s s c u t t i n g o r e - g r a d e a l b i t i z e d a n d p y r i t i z e d b a s a l t i n t h e
H o l l o w a y d c j j o s i t , H a r k e r - H o l l o w a y d i s t r i c t , c r o s s s e c t i o n v ie w , h a m m e r f o r s c a l e . C o u r t e s y o f t h e G e o l o g i c a l S u r v e y o f
C a n a d a , p h o t o n o . 1 9 9 9 -Q 1 5 C C . B . P h o t o m i c r o g r a p h o f t o u r m a l i n i z c d s h e a r z o n e i n m a f i c v o l c a n i c r o c k s a d j a c e n t t o a
q u a r t z - t o u r m a l i n e fa u lt- fill v e in o f t h e S i g m a d e p o s i t , V n l d 'O r . S h e a r z o n e f o l i a t i o n is m a r k e d b y t h e tr a i l s o f f i n e r u t i l e
g r a i n s ( b la c k ; s e e a r r o w ) ; i t is f o l d e d a n d c le a r ly o v e r g r o w n b y t o u r m a l i n e p o r p h y r o b l i u t s ( g r a y ) . F i e l d o f v ie w is 1 .3 5 m m
w id e . R e p r i n t e d w ith p e r m i s s i o n o f Economic Geology, R o b e r t , 1 9 9 6 , f i g . l . C . B a r r e n b u t f o l i a t e d d i o r i t c d ik e s ( a r r o w s ) c u t ­
t i n g a c r o s s q u a r t z - c a r b o n a t e - p y r i t c v e in s w i t h i n a n i n t e n s e s h e a r z o n e i n u l t m m a f i c r o c k s . F ir s t C a n a d i a n d e p o s i t , V al
d 'O r . O b l i q u e view , s t e e l p l a t e ~ 1 5 c m a c r o s s . D . I n t e n s e f o l i a t i o n ( r i g h t h a l f o f p h o t o g r a p h ) o v e r p r i n t i n g v e in s o n t h e
f r i n g e s o f a s t o c k w o r k o r e b o d y a t t h e S a n A n t o n i o d e p o s i t , R ic e L a k e . C r o s s s e c t i o n v ie w , h a m m e r f o r s c a le .

2. Planar extensional veins, if present, will cut the pen­ ing determined for the host shear zone (Fig. 19), as in the
etrative foliation and will be nearly perpendicular to the examples shown in Figures 20B and 25C.
foliation and elongation iineation in the shear zone or 5. Striations on slip surfaces within fault-fill veins, and
strained rocks. F urtherm ore, the line o f intersection especially those defined by hydrothermal minerals present
between the veins and the foliation will lie nearly per­ in the veins (Fig. 18F), will be subparallel to elongation lin-
pendicular to the elongation Iineation. M ineral fibers eations in the host foliated rocks (Fig. 19).
within the veins will also be subparallel to the elongation 6. Foliated wall-rock slivers within fault-fill veins are gen­
Iineation. erally intensely altered. In many cases, the foliated nature
3. If extensional veins arc buckled due to continued of the wall-rock slivers is lost due to progressive replace­
shear zone deformation, their enveloping surfaces remain m ent by hydrothermal minerals with increasing intensity of
at a high angle to the shear zone’s elongation, unless shear alteration (Robert and Brown, 1986). This observation indi­
strain is very' high. In this case, the penetrative foliation is cates that vein-related hydrothermal alteration postdates
expected to be deflected around rotated limbs o f buckle the bulk o f foliation development. At the Sigma-Lamaque
folds, as opposed to axial planar to the folds. The line of deposit, trails o f ilm enite and rutile grains defining the
intersection between the vein and the foliation plane, also foliation in wall-rock slivers within fault-fill veins are over­
corresponding to the axes o f the buckle folds, will lie at a grown by tourm aline porphyroblasts (Fig. 30B), clearly
high angle to die elongation Iineation, as is the case for the indicating that veins and associated alteration formed in a
folded veinlet shown in Figure 28B. zone o f already foliated wall rock (i.e., in a preexisting
4. The internal geometry in en echelon extensional vein shear zone; see Robert, 1996). O f similar significance are
arrays, if present, will be compatible with the sense o f shear­ the discordant segments o f veins truncating the myloniiic

foliation at the 21 Zone deposit in the Star Lake district the Hemlo (Robert and Poulsen, 1997), Bousquet (Cos-
(Fig.22D). selin et al, 1994), Val d ’O r (Couture e t al., 1994; Robert,
7. Contrasting degrees of strain will commonly be 1994) , and Chibougamau (Magnan and Blais, 1995) dis­
observed between adjacent quartz laminae in fault-fill veins. tricts in Canada.
Laminae with nearly strain-free quartz (showing only undu- 2. In the case o f veinlet and veinlel stockwork ores, the
lose extinction) will coexist with strained laminae in which presence offish-hooks, isolated fold hinges, and trails o f
quartz is polygonized to completely recrystallized (Boullier isolated boudins o f mineralized veinlets, indicates intense
and Robert, 1992; see also fig. 5 in Robert et al., 1995). The transposition (Hobbs e t al., 1976) and provide a good indi­
contrasting degree o f strain between different laminae in cation that the ores have been intensely deform ed. Such
shear veins reflects different degrees o f deformation over­ fish-hooks and isolated hinges are best observed looking at
printing due to their successive formation at different stages a plane perpendicular to the stretching lineation, as
of shear zone activity, the older laminae being more strained opposed to looking at a plane parallel to it.
than younger ones. In veins overprinted by subsequent 3. The gradation of a stockwork zone from a well-pre­
deformation, for example in the case o f shear zone reactiva­ served state outside a shear zone into a strongly deformed
tion, most if not all quartz laminae would be expected to stockwork within the shear zone indicates that the stock-
show similar, moderate to high degrees o f strain. work predates much if not all of the strain within the shear
zone. An example from the San Antonio stockwork ore-
Overall, veins form ed during progressive penetrative bodies is illustrated in Figure 30D, where intact stockwork
deformation will display some form of conflicting relation­ veinlets (above the ham m er) are increasingly deform ed
ship to deformation features of their host rocks. For exam­ toward the center of the shear zone on the right.
ple, some veins in a given set, or some part of a vein, may 4. The presence of a pervasive, strong foliation within a
truncate penetrative fabrics in the host rock, and die oppo­ vein, as is the case for the quartz vein from the Jasper
site relationship is noted for other veins of the set or for deposit at Star Lake shown in Figure 29G, is indicative of a
other parts of the same vein. This is the case for the 21 significant amount of strain overprinting the vein.
Zone deposit, where some discordant vein segments trun­ 5. Similarly, the joint folding of shear zone foliation and
cate the mylonidc foliauon in the core of the orebody, but foliation-parallel veins reflects the existence o f a significant
where the same veins are slighdy buckled and boudinaged overprinting strain. In the case of the Jasper deposit at Star
on the margins of the orebody, reflecting some weak over- Lake, the plunge of asymmetric open folds (Fig. 28G) is sub-
prinung strain. This type of conflicting relationship is also parallel to the elongation lineation in the host shear zone.
illustrated by the sample shown in Figure 28B, where the The plunge of the fold is incompatible with that of the folds
vein clearly truncates the foliation but is buckled by fur­ resulting from continued movement along the host struc­
ther shortening across it, while retaining geometric com­ ture, and the strain overprinting the vein is best interpreted
patibility with the contained elongation lineation, as dis­ as related to shear zone reactivation (during D3).
cussed above. 6. Folded extensional veins that predate penetrative foli­
ation are likely to display walls that are crenulated by the
; Veinsformed before penetrative deformation in their host struc­ foliation (Fig. 28A). In such cases, the enveloping surface
tures: A num ber o f vein gold deposits have been interpreted o f the veins can be at any angle to the elongation lineation
, as being overprinted by structural fabrics in their host (as opposed to a t a high angle for a vein synchronous with
/rocks, and to predate all o r a significant part o f the pene- fabric development). In the rotated limbs o f a folded vein,
-trative strain. Examples include the Campbell deposit in limited deflection o f the foliation is expected (Fig. 28C;
the Red Lake district (Penczak and Mason, 1997), the compare with Kg. 28B).
Hollinger-Mclntyre deposit in the Timmins district (Mason 7. T he geometric arrangem ent and kinematics o f over­
and Melnik, 1986), and sulfide-rich Cu-Au vein deposits in printed en echelon vein arrays (e.g., sigmoidal extensional
the Chibougamau district (Magnan and Blais, 1995; Pilote veins) or multiple vein sets (combined fault-fill and exten­
etal., 1995). Relationships that can be used to support such sional veins) will be incompatible with the kinematics o f the
interpretations include the following: host shear zone. This would be the case, for example, o f an
array of steeply-dipping, recognizably sigmoidal extensional
1. The presence o f postore dikes, cutting across veins orveins recording strike-slip shearing, overprinted by a pene­
other styles o f mineralization, which are themselves folded, trative foliation with down-dip elongation lineation.
transposed, intensely foliated, o r boudinaged in penetra­ 8. Several gold deposits occur in zones o f intense chlo­
tively strained rocks (shear zone o r regional foliation), pro­ rite o r sericite schists. Some of these schist zones are rela­
vides a clear time m arker in the history o f the host struc­ tively thick compared to their strike lengths and are diffi­
ture. Figure 30C shows a mafic dike crosscutting a vein at a cult to trace for any significant distance. Because shear
small angle within a shear zone; the dike itself is intensely zones along which displacement has taken place tend to be
foliated, which indicates that the vein form ed prior to at long and skinny, one can suspect that short “stubby” zones
least the last increm ent of penetradve deformation within o f schist around veins overprint and mimic the shapes of
the host shear zone. Additional examples o f deform ed preexisting phyllosilicate alteration zones (Pilote e t al.,
dikes cutting gold mineralizadon have been described in 1995) .
Finally, it should be noted that shear zones and synchro­ it difficult to rationalize a late, postkinematic timing for min­
nous veins within them may also be reactivated o r folded eralization. Although one might dismiss the late paragenesis
together during subsequent generations o f deform ation o f gold in veins as evidence of rem obilization, and the
belonging to the same deformational event. Examples of apparent young radiometric ages as evidence o f selective iso­
folded auriferous veins in the Larder Lake-Cadillac fault topic resetting, the observations are real and should never­
zone have been described at the Orenada Zone 4 deposit, theless be considered in the structural analysis of veins in
Val d ’O r (Robert, 1990), and examples o f folded shear gold deposits. O ne must acknowledge, however, the possi­
zones and veins been described in the Rice Lake belt by bility that some deposits may have formed very late in the
Brommecker et al. (1989). Shear zone-hosted veins that are structural history of theregions in which they occur, partic­
folded in subsequent deformation events are difficult to dis­ ularly where evidence o f deformation o f veins i$ minimal.
tinguish from those that have been folded during shear
Discussion and Concluding Remarks
zone developm ent
T he determ ination o f the structural tim ing of veins in
Veins postdating their host structure: There are at least two greenstone gold deposits, either in relation to their host
lines o f evidence that have been used to argue for the for­ structures or to the structural evolution of districts, is a chal­
mation of auriferous veins well after regional deformation lenging task. It is nevertheless essential to attem pt this in
and metamorphism and, thus, postdating the structures to order to highlight structural controls o f mineralization, to
which they appear to be related. select appropriate gold deposit models, and to formulate
The first argum ent is geological and commonly revolves valid predictions of the geometry and plunges o f deposits
around the apparent late paragenesis of gold in some veins and orebodies.
(Mawdsley, 1938; W hite, 1943; McCuaig and Kerrich, It is apparent from die above descriptions that nearly all
1998). These arguments closely parallel ideas set forward by greenstone gold deposits show evidence for some level o f
McKinstry and Ohle (1949), who regarded veins in part as pre-, syn-» and postm ineralization strain. T he task is to
metasomatic replacem ents o f preexisting structural fea­ assign the timing o f the main stage o f ore deposition cor­
tures rather than exclusively dilational fillings of fractures. rectly in relation to the structural evolution of districts and
The type of observation that supports tins view is illustrated o f host structures. Pre-deformation deposits will record the
in Figure 21C, where an entire shear zone and its included effects o f all strain increments in the district, and their orig­
foliadon hits been tourmalinizcd to produce a tabular com­ inal shapes and morphologies will be substantially modi­
petent rock mass overprinted further by an array of exten- fied. This is the case o f the Bousquct no. 2 gold-rich vol-
sional quartz veins. Taken on its own merits this observation canic-hostcd massive sulfide deposit, which plunges parallel
could lead one to conclude that the shear zone played a to the elongation lineation in the highly strained host rocks
passive role, serving only as a fluid conduit well after the (Marquis et al., 1990). In deposits formed synchronously
tectonites were formed within it. This type of argument has with their host structures, there will be evidence that veins
also been applied at a microscopic scale to create a distinc­ and associated alteration overprint the host shear zone foli­
tion between the timing of vein formation as opposed to ation. For example, this can take the form of vein segments
the timing of introduction of gold into the vein. Cases have truncating foliadon planes, as at die 21 Zone deposit (Fig.
been made for late introduction of gold into previously bai^ 22D), or of alteration minerals overgrowing the foliation in
ren veins, for example in the Star Lake district, typically wall-rock slivers within fault-fill veins, as at Sigma-Lamaque
where quartz has recrystallized to finer grain size or subse­ (Fig. 30B). However, there will also be varying degrees of
quently been fractured (e.g., Hrdy and Kyser, 1995). deform ation overprinung the veins. This can result from
The second argum ent for late developm ent of gold continued deformation along the host structure, as can be
deposits in greenstone belts is geochronological. As argued for folds and boudins geometrically consistent with
reviewed by Kerrich and Cassidy (1994) and McCuaig and the slip direction along the shear zone (e.g., the sample
Kerrich (1998), the ages of auriferous veins in the Abitibi shown in Fig. 28B). Overprinung deformation can also be
Greenstone belt and the La Ronge Domain have been esti­ related to the effects of a subsequent deform ation incre­
mated by a variety of methods (U-Pb, Pb-Pb, Ar-Ar, Sm-Nd) ment, producing structural features inconsistent with the
applied to a variety of minerals. In nearly all cases, except movement direction along the host shear zone (e.g., the
for U-Pb zircon data (Kerrich and King, 1993), the results asymmetric folds of vein and foliadon at the Jasper deposit;
suggest vein formation postdating deformation, metamor- Fig. 28G). Deposits can also postdate the development of
phism, and plutonism by as m uch as 50 to 100 Ma after dieir host structure, such as where a vein is produced dur­
regional deform ation and m etamorphism . These young ing reactivadon of a preexisting shear zone during a later
ages have been interpreted as representing either the age increm ent of deform ation. In such cases, the geometric
of primary gold mineralization, selective resetting of iso­ and kinematic features of the veins will not be compadble
topic systems during late hydrotherm al overprinting, or with those of the host shear zone.
remobilization (McCuaig and Kerrich, 1998). Two main factors will influence the degree of preserva-
The above arguments notwithstanding, there is evidence uon of gold deposits. The first is the timing of ore forma­
of at least some deformation overprinting auriferous veins at tion in the evolution of the district, with the youngcr-
most deposits implying pre- or syn-kinematic timing, making formed deposits expected to be the least deform ed and
best preserved. The second factor is the location o f the
deposits within the district, because of the domainal distri­ PLUNGE OF OREBODIES IN RELATION
bution of the effects of some deformation increments, as
shown in Figure 5. As a result, for two deposits formed at
the same time, one may be well preserved if it is located in
an area where the effects o f a subsequent strain increment LONGITUDINAL SECTION STRUCTURAL SITE
are not well developed, whereas the other can show signifi­
cant overprinting. This is the case for the D«> quartz-tour­ Veins in dilationa! jogs
maline veins o f the Val d ’O r district (Fig. 2): those in the
Sigma-Lamaque deposit, located in an area where the Veins at shear zone and vein
effects of D3 are weak (Fig. 5), are relatively well preserved. intersections
In contrast, those o f the O renada Zone 4 deposit, within
the Larder Lake-Cadillac fault zone, are overprinted by F<j Some slockwork zones
folds because of the reactivation of this fault during Ds. The
heterogeneous distribution of the effects of late (Ds) strain
increments can also explain why some veins in the Star - Veins in folds, in axial plane or
Lake district are well preserved, such as those in the 21 "AC" positions
Zone deposit (Fig. 22D), whereas other veins, like those at
Jasper, are overprinted by a strong internal foliation (Fig. - Folded orebodies
29G) and asymmetric folds (Fig. 28G). An important impli­ -intensely sheared orebodies
cation is that it may be erroneous to conclude that a deposit
has formed very late in die evolution o f its host district on
the simple basis of the absence of overprinting deforma-
don: the deposit may have formed in an area where subse­ Veins in dilational jogs at
quent deformation increments had only very minor effects. intersection with favorable layer
Knowledge of the structural timing of mineralization also
/ provides a basis for assessing interpretations of the age of Orebodies at intersection with
mineralizadon reached from other, or from perhaps incom­ favorable layers (e.g., BIF)
plete, lines of evidence. For example, the very young ages
obtained for the quartz-tourmaline veins at Val d ’Or (see
A Elongation Line of

. above), are inconsistent with the fact that the veins have Fold axis
formed during D2, and prior to the last im portant incre­ T or slq»direction intersection
ment of deformadon, Ds. In the Star Lake district, the feet
that gold occupies late brittle fractures in foliated and
Fig. 31. Diagram showing the expected geometric relationships
folded vein quartz at Jasper has been used to argue for between the plunges o f orebodies and the slip direction or elongation lin­
introduction of gold into the veins after they were formed eation in shear zones in diverse structural settings (see text for discussion).
: and deform ed (Hrdy and Kyser, 1995). Consideration o f
the 21 Zone deposit, where there is lim ited overprinting
deform ation and where there is an intim ate association units (e.g., banded iron form ations) intersected by the
between the am ount o f coarse pyrite in the vein and the shear zone (Fig. 31B). Vein deposits formed in folds, con­
gold grades (Poulsen et al., 1986b), rather suggests that sisting o f veins parallel to the axial plane o r o f veins in AC
pyrite and gold were introduced together, during the for­ jo in t positions, tend to be concentrated within specific
mation o f the veins. lithologic units and will plunge parallel to the fold axes
Finally, with constraints on the liming and structural his­ (Fig. 31C). Orebodies overprinted by intense shear zones
tory o f a given deposit, it is possible to make some valid pre­ will likely plunge parallel to the elongation lineation (Fig.
dictions concerning the possible plunges o f deposits and 31C), whereas folded deposits and orebodies are expected
orebodies, o r high-grade shoots within them , depending to plunge parallel to the fold axes.
pn the specific structural and lithologic context. In deposits In summary, careful structural analysis o f veins should
, synchronous with their host structures, orebodies in dila- provide an accurate picture of the permissible dming of vein
;•tional jogs o r at shear zone splays and intersections will formation relative to other deformational events, and, most
plunge at a high angle to the elongation lineation in the importantly, may highlight significant ore controls and pro­
host structure (Fig. 31A). In a few cases, however, orebodies vide some useful guidelines for local mineral exploration. In
'have also been docum ented to plunge parallel to the slip addition, structural analysis provides an assessment o f the
direction (see Poulsen and Robert, 1989). Orebodies in degree to which a deposit has been modified by overprint­
bends caused by refraction o f the shear zone across a litho­ ing deformation. This information can in turn be used in
logic contact will instead plunge parallel to the line of inter­ determining possible and permissible plunges o f orebodies
section between the shear zone and the layer, and so will o r o f high-grade ore shoots within them, even when only
orebodies formed by replacement o f chemically favorable limited structural information is available, information o f
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Chapter 6

Magmatic and Structural Controls on the Developm ent o f

Porphyry Cu ± Mo ± Au Deposits
Mineral Deposit Research Unit, University o f British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T17A, Canada

andJ . p. R ic h a r d s
Department o f Earth an d Atmospheric Sciences, University o f Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E3, Canada


Porphyry Cu ± Mo ± Au deposits require the coincidence and positive interaction of a series o f individ­
ually commonplace geological processes. They, and all their genetically associated deposits, are a natural
consequence of convergent margin magniatism, and reflect the dynamic interplay between magmatic, hy­
drothermal, and tectonic processes. Magmas generated during subduclion rise into the upper crust, com­
monly along zones of lithospheric weakness, where they pond in tabular magma chambers at depths of 6
km or deeper. The chambers grow laterally by chamber floor depression (cantilever mechanism) and
some roof lifting (piston mechanism). Apophyses rise from the parental magma chamber and intrude to
within 1 to 3 km of die surface, where they may undergo volatile exsolution and crystallization as por-
phyritic stocks. Emplacement o f porphyry stocks is facilitated by structural anisotropy in the roof rocks. As­
cending hydrothermal fluids exsolved from the porphyry stocks and the underlying parental magma
chamber are focused into the cupola, taking advantage of vertical structural and rheological anisotropies
introduced either before o r during porphyry emplacement.
From a structural standpoint, three recurrent processes enhance permeability in die form of fracture or
breccia networks through which hydrothermal fluids pass and precipitate minerals. Fracture-producing
events are related to intrusion o f pre-, syn-, and post-mineral porphyry stocks or dikes to near-surface depths
(1-3 km), phase separation and volume expansion o f a hydrothermal fluid through a variety of mecha­
nisms, and tectonically induced failure. Concentric and radial fracture patterns reflect magmatic processes
whereas more linear arrays of veins reflect tectonic influences. The resulting different vein arrays are com­
monly vertically and temporally distributed in the porphyry system; concentric and radial arrays are more
common above o r in the upper parts o f the stocks, whereas linear arrays dominate at depth, forming as the
system cools and the pluton solidifies. Orthogonal and conjugate arrays o f veins characterize all scales and
all parts o f porphyry systems. Veins from a particular paragenetic stage do not have unique orientations, but
rather occur with all orientations typical o f that system. T he common conjugate to orthogonal intcr-vcin re­
lationships in porphyry Cu deposits requires repetitive exchange of principal stress orientations, events that
are facilitated by conditions of low differential horizontal stress. Such stress conditions indicate that many
porphyry Cu deposits form in specific environments where the magmatic arc is under a near-neutral stress
state. These conditions occur cither in areas removed from active deformation, or during periods of stress
relaxation and low strain in the magmatic arc. Achievement o f these conditions in time and space is likely
to be infrequent and transitory during the life of a convergent margin, which may explain the spatial and
temporal clustering o f deposits in large porphyry districts.

Introduction tion o f these deposits from a physical and geochemical

standpoint (Burnham , 1967,1979; Gustafson and H unt,
Porphyry C u ± Mo ± Au deposits, hereafter referred to as 1975; Cathles, 1977; Burnham and Ohmoto, 1980; Beane
porphyry Cu deposits, are associated with shallow-level plu- and Titley, 1981; Candela, 1989; Cline and Bodnar, ,1991;
tonic complexes emplaced in magmatic arcs at convergent Hedenquist and Richards, 1998). In addition, the question
plate margins (Figs. 1, 2A; Sillitoe, 1972,1997; Sutherland o f why there is considerable variation in the size o f these
Brown, 1976; Tidey, 1982; Sawkins, 1990). Since their first types o f deposits has been pondered (Clark, 1993). Other
recognition as im portant sources of metals (Ransome, studies have focused on structural controls on vein and
1904, 1919; Lindgren, 1905, 1933, 19S7; Emmons, 1927), fracture distributions within porphyry Cu deposits, and
much work has been devoted to understanding the forma- their spatial and paragenetic relationships to porphyry
stocks (R ehrigand Heidrick, 1972, 1976; Gustafson and
'■ ^C orresponding a uthor: e-maii, rtosdal@
'fy Hum, 1975; Tidey and Heidrick, 1978; Heidrick and Titley,
Fig. 1. Distribution o f Mesozoic and Ccnozoic porphyry Cu ± Mo ± Au deposits along convergent plate margins in the
circum-Pacific region. PNG = Papua New Guinea. Adapted from Thom pson (1995).

1982; Wilkinson et al., 1982; Lindsay et al., 1995). These General Porphyry Model
studies dem onstrate that porphyry Cu deposits are influ­ Physicochemical model
enced not only by magmatic and hydrothermal processes,
but also by regional tectonics at the time of formation. In Important characteristics of porphyry Cu deposits summa­
fact, the prevailing tectonic setting and structural frame­ rized herein are based on the primary physiochemical stud­
work may strongly influence not only die size and form of a ies of Undgren (1937), Hemley and Jones (1964), Sheppard
porphyry system (Sillitoe, 1994,1997; Skewes and Stern, etal. (1969,1971), Lowell and Guilbert (1970), Rose (1970),
1995) but also its location (Rehrig and Heidrick, 1972, Roedder (1971), Sillitoe (1973), Gustafson and H unt
1976; Titley and Heidrick, 1978; Heidrick and Titley, 1982; (1975), Hollister (1975), Sheppard and Gustafson (1976),
Richards etal., 2001). Sutherland Brown (1976), Eastoe (1978), and Reynolds and
This chapter reviews the interplay between magmatism Beane (1985), and reviews by Gustafson (1978), Beane and
and dynamic structural environments in the development Titley (1981), Tilley and Beane (1981), Titley (1982), Hunt
of porphyry Cu deposits. Critical to this goal is the general (1991), Kirkham and Sinclair (1996), and Hedenqtiist and
model of porphyry Cu deposits, which highlights the need Richards (1998).
for consu'uctive interaction between magmatic, magmatic- Porphyry-type systems are so-named because of their spa­
hydrothermal, and tectonic events in the formation of por­ tial and genetic association with porphyritic intrusions (Fig.
phyry Cu deposits. It is equally im portant to consider 2A). Commonly, such intrusions are characterized by phe-
em placem ent mechanisms of shallow-level plutonic com­ nocryst assemblages consisting of one or more of tlte min­
plexes in the upper crust because porphyry Cu deposits are erals quartz, K feldspar, plagioclase, hornblende, and biotite
restricted to these environments. Throughout this chapter, (rarely pyroxenes and olivine) in a fine-grained matrix.
we draw liberally on well-described examples of porphyry Rock compositions vary from granitic to dioritic o r rarely
Cu deposits to illustrate various points. Most examples are gabbroic, and are o f calc-alkaline to alkaline parentage
from the southwestern United States and from the Andes of (Brown, 1982). Parental magmas are believed to be moder­
Peru and Chile. This geographic focus is not intended to ately water-rich as indicated by the presence of hydrous phe-
indicate that other porphyry Cu provinces are insignificant, nocryst phases such as amphibole and biotite, whose stabil­
but merely reflects past history of geologic investigations, ity requires at least 3 wt percent HsO in the melt (Holland,
availability o f literature, and our personal experiences. 1972; Burnham, 1979). Water concentrations are probably
Generalized porphyry-related base metal systems

F ig . 2. Anatomy o f a porphyry Cu ± Mo ± Au deposit and other spatially related

deposits. A. General model o f a zoned magmatic hydrothermal system showing poten­
tial linkages between a porphyry Cu deposit centered on a composite porphyry intru­
sion at depth (adapted from Siilitoe, 1993). The porphyry Cu deposit is Ranked out­
ward and upward by a characteristic suite o f deposit types. N ot all deposits in the
general model are present in every zoned magmatic-hydrothermal system. Peripheral
deposits dominate some systems such as Copper Canyon in the Battle Mountain Min­
ing District (Theodore, 2000), whereas in other systems such as those in southern
Peru and Chile, the porphyry Cu deposit dominates and few peripheral deposits arc
known (Gustafson and Hunt, 1975; Clark c t ah, 1990). B. Simplified distribution o f
hydrothermal alteration and sulfide minerals in an idealized porphyry Cu deposit
(adapted from Lowell and Guilbert, 1970). Abbreviations: AA = advanced argillic alter­
ation; adul « adtilaria; alb = albite; anh = anhydrite; bi = biotitc; carb = carbonate min­
erals; chi * chlorite; cp = chalcopyrite (and bornitc); epi = cpidotc; gal * galena; kaol
= kaolinite; K-fcld » K feldspar; mag = magnetite; mb * molybdenite; py = pyrite; qtz *
quartz; scr ■ sericitc; si = sphalerite; sulf. = sulfidation.

not higher than 5 wt percent, however, because of the com­ content of die residual silicate melt, eventually leading to sat­
mon presence of plagioclase phenocrysts (Gill, 1981). Fluid uration (Burnham, 1967,1979; Whitney, 1975). At this point,
exsolution from the melt upon reaching saturation leads to a separate voladlc phase is exsolved, which becomes concen­
a sudden rise o f the magma solidus tem perature, which trated at die top of the magma chamber (Figs. 4 and 5A). In
quenches the matrix and gives rise to the porphyritic tex­ calc-alkaline to alkaline arc magmas, this water-rich volatile
ture. This magmatic-derived hydrothermal fluid is, in turn, phase will also contain other water-soluble volatile compo­
implicated in the transport and deposition o f metals to form nents such as Cl and S species. D epending on the depth
porphyry mineral deposits. (pressure) of emplacement, initial voladle exsolution yields
The hydrous nature o f the melt derives from magmagene- either (1) a high-pressure, hom ogeneous, supercritical,
sis in an arc environment where water is carried down into aqueous fluid with salinity in the range 2 to 10 wt percent
the upper mantle by subduction of altered oceanic crust NaCl equiv, o r (2) at shallower depths (above approximately
(Fig. 3). Slab dehydration during descent to -100 km depth 5 km) two immiscible fluids, consisting of a low-salinity vapor
metasomatizes the overlying mantle wedge, thereby generat­ phase and a high-salinity brine (Burnham, 1979; Cline and
ing conditions suitable for extraction of hydrous, basaltic Bodnar, 1991; Shinohara, 1994; Gustafson and Quiroga,
magmas by decompression melting (Hamilton, 1981; Arcu- 1995; Hcdenquist and Richards, 1998; Hedenquist et al.,
lus, 1994). As these magmas ascend toward the surface, a 1998). These fluid phases can transport base and precious
combination of processes, including depressurization and metals as chloride and possibly bisulfide complexes (Candela
crystallization of anhydrous mineral phases, leads to a and Holland, 1984,1986; Williams et al., 1995; Gammons
decrease in volatile solubility and an increase in the volatile and Williams-Jones, 1997; Loucks and Mavrogenes, 1999).
Three Dimensional Geometry of Magmatic Arcs lilgh-sulfulailon

Upper Crust (UC): Strike-slip partitioning I Rising magma in

and distributed shearing T dikes / shear zones
Lower Crust (LC): Distributed shearing
Upper Crust (UM): Localized shearing
FMS: Forearc Mantle Sliver
Fig . 4. Fluid circulation patients in a porphyry copper deposit form­
Fie;. 3. Geometry o f a magmatic arc formed at an obliquely convergent ing in the cupola o f a stock at depths in the range o f 1 to S km. Exsolu­
plate margin. Hydrous magmas arc generated in the mantle wedge and tion and trapping o f magmatic fluids in a zone o f lithostatic fluid pres­
intrude the lithosphere along broad deformation zones undergoing varying sure (P r) beneath an isotherm o f -3 7 0 * to 400®C, which marks the
amounts o f strike-slip motion depending upon the degree of obliquity along brittle-ductile transition. W ithin this zone, brine and “steam" interact
the convergent margin. Modified from dc Saint Blanquat etal. (1998). with the country rocks form ing the potassic alteration stage. Above the
transition zone, circulating fluids u n der hydrostatic pressure alter the
country rocks to propyiitic mineral assemblages. In an unperturbed and
Exsolution of a volatile phase from magma necessarily cooling porphyry Cu deposit, the brittle-ductile transition gradually col­
lapses on to th e early potassic alteration zone, leading to phyiiic over­
involves a large positive change in volume (Phillips, 1973; printing and the influx o f m eteoric fluids in to the system. If th e brit­
Burnham, 1979; Burnham and Ohmoto, 1980). Depending tle-d u c tile transition is suddenly perturbed or breached because o f
on the stress regime and the structure and permeability of tectonism or later magmatism, the fluid ltd ruptures, leading to sudden
die confining host rocks, this volume change may be accom­ transition from lithostatic to hydrostatic fluid pressures (see left side o f
modated by pervasive brecciation of the volatile-saturated stock o n diagram ). T he fluid-saturated carapace un dergoes sudden
phase separation lead in g to “steam" plus brine plus crystals, with the
carapace of the intrusion, or direct escape toward the surface potential expulsion o f metal-bearing fluid upward into the epithermal
along fault zones or breccia pipes (Fig. 4). Both mechanisms environm ent. W ithin the porphyry Cu environ m en t, th ese explosive
involve creation of fracture permeability and porosity into pressure transitions trigger the form ation o f hydrotherm al breccias.
which ore minerals may subsequently be precipitated, Adapted from Fournier, 1999.
thereby leading to formation of porphyry deposits.
Hydrothermal fluid exsolved at magmatic temperatures is
initially in equilibrium with the coexisting magma and its As the high-tem perature fluid migrates away from the
mineral phases. High-temperature alteration assemblages parent magma, it rises owing to buoyancy and begins to
(Fig. 2B), therefore, consist of minerals such as quartz, K cool. Two processes may happen, as follows:
feldspar, biotite, anhydrite, and magnetite (the “potassic”
alteration assemblage; Lowell and Guilbert, 1970; Gustafson 1. If the fluid was exsolved originally its a homogeneous
and Hunt, 1975). Base metal sulfide minerals, typically com­ supercritical phase, then upon cooling it will likely intersect
binations o f chalcopyrite, bornite, and molybdenite with its solvus and separate into liquid and vapor phases. This
pyritc (Fig. 2B), are deposited with these alteration minerals phase separation event involves a further increase in vol­
as disseminations and in thin, commonly wavy or ductilely ume leading to additional fracture permeability and brec­
deformed, wispy vcinlets that lack parallel vein walls. These ciation, most commonly in die fluid-soaked carapace above
early veins were term ed “A veins’’ by Gustafson and H unt or at the top of die porphyry stock. Phase separation may
(1975), based on their study o f the El Salvador porphyry also occur during sudden pressure drops such as massive
deposit in Chile. These veins are usually cut by intramineral hydrofracturing, sudden removal o f lithostatic load, o r rup­
porphyry stocks where such stocks are present. Marginally turing o f the brittle-ductile transition zone separating the
later “B veins” at El Salvador are quartz-rich with more abun­ deeper lithostatic from the overlying hydrostatic environ­
dant m olybdenite and chalcopyrite, and straighter vein m ent (Fig. 4; Fournier, 1999).
walls; these veins cut all but post-mineral stocks. The 2. Sulfur originally dissolved in the high-tem perature
straighter vein walls and mineral textures within these veins fluid as SOs will react with water and dispropordonate to
indicate formation at lower temperatures than the A veins. form H3S and sulfuric acid (Burnham, 1979).

«. Palcosurface_

Sedimentary and volcanic rocks (Tri. and Jur.)

It Volcanics of Artesia Lake (Jur.) Granite porphyry dikes
'// a Quartzite (Jur.) 1 9 Luhr Hill porphyritic granite
. *. Siltstonc (Jur.) Border granite of Bear intrusion
1/• 1 Limestone (Tri.) Quartz monzonito of Bear intrusion
yVnv Sedimentary and volcanic rocks (Tri.) Quartz monzodiorite of McLeod Hill intrusion
Volcanic rocks (Tri.) V4 Shamrock batholith

Fig. 5. Relationship between porphyry Cu deposits, porphyry stocks, and dikes to underlying parental magma cham­
bers, which commonly lie at depths o f 6 km or greater. A. Evolutionary model for the exsolution o f high-density saline
aqueous fluid from tabular piutons and the upward escape o f this fluid into the roof zone where a porphyry Cu deposit
forms (Diltes, 1987). The saline aqueous fluid trapped along the roof o f a cooling batholith is channeled upward along :
dikes or stocks that emanate from the inwardly crystallizing magma. B. The Kelvin porphyry Cu prospect in Arizona is
associated with a small porphyry stock that emanates from die apical part o f the Tea Cup Granodioritc (modified from .
Cornwall and Kricgcr, 1975; Crcasey, 198-1). C. The Aim-Mason porphyry Cu deposit in the Yerington batholith is asso­
ciated with dikes emanating from successively deeper parts o f the Luhr Hill porphyritic granite (Dillcs, 1987). Jur. =
Jurassic; Tri. * Triassic.
These processes generate a new set of veins and breccias breccia networks through which hydrothermal fluids may
characterized by gangne and alteration minerals stable at flow and precipitate minerals (Figs. 5-7): (1) intrusion of
lower temperature and pH. In particular, an increase in activ­ pre-, syn-, and post-mineral porphyry stocks o r dikes, which
ity of sulfate in the fluid owing to SOa disproportionation will may be intruded to near-surface depths (1-3 km; Koide
result in voluminous precipitation of anhydrite and further and Bhattachariji, 1975); (2) exsolution of hydrothermal
release of more acid in the form of HC1 (Burnham, 1979). In fluid from a cooling parental magma chamber, with
feldspar-rich host rocks, die characteristic alteration assem­ upward focus into the solidified or partially solidified stocks
blage from these acidic fluids is fine-grained muscovite and warm wall and roof rocks (Fig. 5A); and (3) phase sep­
(scricite) with quartz (“phyllic” alteration assemblage, Fig. 2B; aration o f the hydrothermal fluid. Each event involves vol­
Lowell and Guilbert, 1970). In addition, sulfide minerals are um e expansion and fracturing wherever the fluid pressure
precipitated in response to the increase in H.»S activity. Asso­ exceeds the ambient minimum effective stress (cr3' = o 3- P,,
ciated D veins (Gustafson and Hunt, 1975) are coarse-grained where Pf is the fluid pressure plus the tensile strength o f the
and sharply defined with strong alteration haloes, and consist rock; Jaeger and Cook, 1979; Sibson, 2000). Multiple o r
of sulfide minerals (abundant pyrite, with lesser Cu Fe-sulfide recurrent pulses o f hydrothermal activity, which are com­
minerals, sulfosalt minerals, sphalerite, and galena), anhy­ mon in porphyry systems, lead to repetition of fracturing
drite, and minor quartz. Typically, die highest grades of hypo- and superim position of veins and alteration, leading to
gene Cu ore are present dose to the boundary between die increased complexity.
potassic and phyllic alteration zones, again reflecting the
Vein-dominated versus breccia-dominated porphyry Cu deposits
increased activity of H2S in the fluid as a result of SO., dispro­
portionation. The phyllic alteration zone is commonly Porphyry Cu deposits developed within noncalcarcous
observed as a shell surrounding the potassic core of the por­ country rocks have a considerable range o f morphology
phyry system (Lowell and Guilbert, 1970), and may have a and show variations between vein-dominated and brcccia-
diameter of several hundred meters to a few kilometers. dom inated systems with considerable overlap between the
Separation of a vapor phase may lead to the formation of two. Vein-dominated porphyry Cu deposits represent a rel­
a low-density vapor plume rich in acidic volatiles such as atively simple environment: veining events are consistent
S 0 2, HC1, HF, and COs (Fig. 4). Cooling and condensation with emplacement of a porphyry stock, exsolution of a mag­
o f these vapors a t shallow depths causes intense acid leach­ matic-derived hydrothermal fluid with local influx of exter­
ing (“advanced argillic” alteration; Fig. 4), characterized by nal fluids, and cooling o f an evolving magmatic-driven
total destruction o f primary minerals to leave an insoluble hydrothermal system. These deposits are the most common
residue of quartz, clays (kaolinitc o r pyrophyllite), alu­ variety of porphyry Cu deposits, with numerous well-docu­
minum hydroxides (diaspore), and alunite. Such alteration mented examples (see volumes edited by Titley and Hicks,
zones, being very porous and permeable, may serve as hosts 1966; Sutherland Brown, 1976; Titley, 1982; Pierce and
to high-sulfidation styles of epitherm al mineralization Bolm, 1995; Schroeter, 1995).
(H edenquistetal., 1993; Hedenquist, 1995). The other end-m em ber is breccia-dominated (Sillitoe,
Emplacement of a hot body o f magma into the shallow 1985). Breccias in the porphyry Cu environments have a
crust typically involves interaction with local ground waters range o f morphology and genesis, being form ed from
(Fig. 4). The degree of that interaction depends on crustal igneous, magmatic-hydrothermal, and phreatomagm atic
permeability, but in many cases hydrothermal convection processes. The most common types of breccia are pre- to
cells driven by heat from the intrusion can be shown to syn-mineral bodies that are irregular to pipe-like in shape,
have operated over radii of many kilometers (Taylor, 1974; and are characterized by angular clasts, sharp or grada­
Titley et al., 1986). The fluids involved are typically dilute tional contacts against enclosing rocks, and an intimate
ground waters, and the alteration arising from their flow is association with porphyry stocks o r dikes. The breccia
characterized by hydration, producing minerals such as matrix consists o f igneous rocks o r hydrothermal silicate
chlorite and epidote, commonly with carbonate minerals and sulfide m inerals (Richard and Courtright, 1958;
(“propylitic” alteration; Fig. 2B). Camus, 1975; Zweng and Clark, 1995). Post-mineral brec­
Many variations upon the general porphyry model have cias commonly but not always have a milled rock-flour
been recognized throughout the world, particularly in matrix and rounded clasts; they are referred to as pebble
term s of the sequence o f sulfide minerals deposited in breccias. These breccias essentially excise pans of a prior
veins. For example, at Mineral Hill, Arizona, molybdenite is hydrotherm al system (Richard and Courtright, 1958),
the oldest sulfide mineral recognized and much o f the cop­ although locally, such as at Toquepala, the pebble breccias
per sulfide mineralization is parageneticatly younger, gen­ are intram ineral and contain chalcopyrite in the matrix.
erally associated with D-type veins (Wilkinson et al., 1982). Zweng and Clark (1995) proposed that breccia-dominated
Nevertheless, the general sequence of alteration and sul­ porphyry Cu deposits form at shallow levels based upon
fide mineral deposition described above characterizes the fluid inclusion data from Toquepala. They suggested that
majority o f porphyry Cu deposits, regardless of their size. vein-dominated deposits would m ore commonly form at
From a structural standpoint, three processes contribute slightly greater depths. Implied in their model is a primary
to fracturing during porphyry Cu form ation, and each influence o f the lithostatic load o f the overlying column of
process enhances permeability in the form of fracture or rock on breccia formation (see discussion below).
levels in th e crust. A. Com puter simulation o f growing tabular batholith fed from below (Australian Geodynamics
Research Group, 1997). Subhorizontal fracture and fault systems propagate outward from the expanding tips o f the tab­
ular pluton. Rising above the growing batholith arc stocks extending to shallow levels in the crust. T he surface o f the
Earth is displaced upward by the shallow stock, whose em placem ent develops concentric fracture and fault systems as
well as intense, steep fracture networks in the overlying volcanic carapace. B. A tabular pluton expands laterally and
grows dominantly by a cantilever mechanism. Lifting o f the pluton roof along steep dipping norma) faults accom m o­
dates die vertical expansion o f the stock. Upward expansion o f the pluton may be assisted by stoping o f roof rocks and
potentially by ballooning. R oof uplift is likely accompanied by extension, which leads to weak zones into which apophy­
ses or stocks may intrude. These apophyses focus the ascent o f exsolved magmatic-derived hydrothermal fluids, and sub­
sequent ore formation (see Fig. 5 for exam ples). PCD = porphyry Cu ± Mo ± Au deposit.

Fig . 7. Simplified predicted stress trajectories above a rising, shallow-level stock where the stress state approaches uni­
axial extension above a cylindrical stock. In isotropic rocks, formation o f fractures, veins, and dikes would be guided by
the stress trajectories. In anisouopic rocks, older structural fabrics, such as faults, bedding, and folds, will strongly influ­
en ce the stress distribution, and favorably oriented planes o f weakness will be preferentially opened. In all eases, the max­
imum principal stress ( o {) is oriented vertically. Dikes and veins develop normal to the minimum principal stress (O,)
and in the plane containing o , and die intermediate principal stresses (o 2)- Other planes o f weakness can form conju*
gate systems o f shear fractures, distributed symmetrically distributed about a ,. A. Stress trajectories generated above a
domical slock. B, C. Map and cross-sectional views o f orientation o f stress for generation o f cone sheets or concentric
fractures. D. Map view o f stress trajectories for generation o f radial dikes and fractures. E. Cross-sectional view o f the ori­
entation o f shear fractures generated by a stress system above a domical stock. Modified from Park (1983).
Convergent Plate Margin Magmatism overpressure may drive magmas beyond their level o f neu­
tral buoyancy, comm only resulting in violent eruptions.
Porphyry Cu deposits are the e n d result o f a complex Overpressured magmas may intrude by forcing open dikes
sequence of events initiated by magmagenesis a t conver­ o r pipes, o r by penetrating old faults o r fractures (Bussell et
gent plate margins, and it is, therefore, useful to review the al., 1976; Delaney e t al., 1986; Ida, 1999). T he prevailing
process o f magma ascent and em placem ent in the lithos­ crustal stress field controls the orientations o f dikes, favor­
phere. Convergent margin magmatism is linked to subduc- ing intrusion along older faults oriented at high angles to
tion of an oceanic plate beneath an overriding continental the least principal stress (<J3). Alternatively, tectonic stress
or oceanic plate, upon which the arc is constructed (Fig. 3). and resultant strain may episodically create reduced pres­
In this environm ent, plate m otion vectors are commonly sure o r tensional zones in the crust, such as pull-apart zones
oblique at varying angles to the plate margin, and stress at fault intersections o r jogs, which may focus magma
transmitted to the overriding plate, and the resulting defor­ ascent (Huuon, 1988; Tikoff and Teyssier, 1992; Grocott e t
mation, reflect the degree of obliquity. Strain is partitioned al., 1994; Richards et al., 2001). Thus, the varied styles and
into arc-normal (convergent o r divergent) and arc-parallel mechanisms o f magma em placem ent in the crust involve
(strike-slip) components. A wide range of structural styles an important dynamic interplay between tectonic and mag­
can, thus, be expected in the upper plate depending on the matic processes. T he final three-dimensional form o f the
degree o f convergence obliquity, convergence rate, and the stock is controlled by strain rate, magma supply, country
angle o f subduction (Fitch, 1972; Dewey, 1980; Jarrard, rock versus m agma rheologic differences, and tectonic
1986). O f additional importance is whether trench retreat environm ent (Castro and Fernandez, 1998; Corriveau e t
or advance occurs at the plate margin (Ham ilton, 1988; al., 1998; Hogan et al., 1998; Paterson and Miller, 1998a, b;
Royden, 1993). In the former situation (trench retreat), the Yoshinobu et al., 1998; Wilson and Grocott, 1999).
overall tectonic setting will be extensional, o r transten*
sional where a significant degree o f net convergence obliq­ Growth of a magma chamber
uity is present. In the latter case (trench advance), contrac­ Magmatism at the Earth's surface o r in near-surface envi­
tion or transpression dominates. Regardless of convergence ronm ents is a manifestation o f the relative effects o f tec­
geometry, some relationship between strike-slip tectonics tonic stress and magmatic overpressure. Whereas tectonic
?and magmatism, including porphyry magmatism, is present or vertical stress acting on magma decreases with decreas­
in convergent m argin arcs, although the relative impor­ ing depth, the effect of magmatic overpressure should
tance of strike-slip motion will vary (e.g., Glazner, 1991; de rem ain essentially unchanged because o f hydraulic con­
Saint Blanquat et al., 1998). The ubiquitous association of nectivity to depth. Hence, final emplacement of magma at
plutonic and volcanic complexes and major fault zones in shallow crustal levels will, in large p a rt but n o t entirely,
arcs implies that rising magma concentrates in zones o f reflect magma dynamics o r magma overpressure (Takada,
deformation. A corollary to this observation is either that 1994; H utton, 1997; d e Saint Blanquat e t al., 1998; Ida,
deformation is crucial to the em placem ent o f magma, or 1999). C oherent m agm a cham bers recharge and grow
that magma assists the deform ation processes which, in through the aggregation o f small pulses o f magma, perhaps
turn, helps its ascent to higher crustal levels (McCaffrey, through the intrusion o f m ultiple dikes o r lobate bodies
1992; de Saint Blanquat etal., 1998). Paterson and Schmidt (Petford et al., 1993,1994). Buoyant diapiric rise o f magma
, (1999; see also Schmidt and Paterson, 2000) have argued o r lateral translation by pushing aside o f wall rocks helps
mat many plutonic complexes are not necessarily emplaced create room for an expanding pluton (Tikoff et al., 1999).
, along faults but come to rest in the less deform ed rocks de Saint Blanquat e t al. (1998) proposed that magma
between m ajor faults. However, their analysis applies to ascent into the crust stops where the magma becomes capa­
contractional orogenic belts characterized by thrust faults, ble o f deform ing o r displacing its enclosing wall rocks,
rather than transpressional o r transtensional strike-slip thereby creating space for a growing or ballooning magma
zones in volcanic arcs (Richards, 2000a). chamber. Evidence for varying amounts o f wall-rock strain
Exactly how magma moves through the crust is poorly around plutons at all depths of emplacement lends support
understood. Nevertheless, there is general agreement that to this model.
'<the following factors are important (Hogan and Guilbert, Granitoids emplaced at high levels in the crust tend to
/ 1995; Hutton, 1997): (1) magmas, being fluid, will always have tabular shapes with flat tops and bottoms and steep
move down a hydrodynamic gradient toward regions o f low sides, and lateral dim ensions that are m uch larger than
pressure; (2) in the absence of significant magmatic over­ their vertical dimensions (Fig. 5B, C; Hamilton and Myers,
pressure, the density contrast between a granitic melt and 1967; Dilles, 1987; McCaffrey and Petford, 1997). Such
the surrounding rocks will drive the m elt upwards to an magma chambers grow above narrow vertical feeder zones
“equilibrium ” level o f neutral buoyancy in the crust; (3) o r dikes and spread laterally as sill-like intrusions that
increasing vapor pressure during late stages o f crystalliza- inflate by floor displacem ent o r by roof-lifting (Fig. 6;
lltion generally increases magma pressures; (4) the lithosta- Johnson and Pollard, 1973; Pollard and Johnson, 1973;
tic load of the overlying crust may act as a pressure seal hin­ Corry, 1988). Floor depression leading to lopolithic com­
dering the rise o f magma; and (5) temperature-dependent plexes seems to be the most comm on form o f granitoid
viscous resistance to magma flow inhibits ascent Magmatic emplacement except at high-crustal levels (<3 km depth),
where roof lifting is im portant and laccoliths may form Volcanoes and Shallow-Level Intrusive Complexes:
(Corry, 1988). Mechanisms of lateral growth of a magma The Environment o f Porphyry Cu Deposits
chamber are poorly understood, but they involve relative
downward transport of the country rocks as the magma In the volcanic and nearaurface subvolcanic environ­
expands laterally. Mechanisms include cauldron subsi­ ment (<3 km depth) where porphyry Cu deposits form, the
dence (Myers, 1975), stoping (Paterson et at., 1996), fold­ free boundary provided by the Earth’s surface is a critical
ing (Hamilton and Myers, 1967), and downward transport constraint on magma emplacement, growth, and eruption
on fringing brittle or ductile shear zones along the mar­ (Nakamura, 1977; Takada, 1994). The outward and upward
gins of the pluton (Paterson et al., 1996; Cruden, 1998). pressure exerted by" a rising magma cham ber lifts and
Lateral growth of a tabular body is aided by faults and frac­ extends die roof and adjacent walls of the stock, leading to
ture networks that extend laterally from the edges of the characteristic patterns of brittle deformation in the overly­
plutons (Fig. 6A; Australian Geodynamics Research ing carapace, inflation of wall rocks, and local emanation of
Group, 1997). Such subhorizontal fracture systems could radial dikes or cone sheets from the central stock (Figs. 6
be ductile shear zones or brittle fault zones depending on and 7; Koicle and Bhattachariji, 1975; Park, 1983). Fractur­
the pressure-tem perature conditions and, hence, depth. ing is most intense across the roof of the stock. Most of die
Emplacement o f additional dikes, sills, or veins along the roof uplift is accom plished along faults that root in the
leading fracture tip would facilitate the lateral growth of edges o f the stock, and outwardly progressing roof fault sys­
the pluton. tems are expected above a series o f composite subvolcanic
Cruden (1998) evaluated various mechanisms for the stocks. The faults and fracture networks provide channel-
thickening of tabular granitoid bodies in the upper crust. ways for intrusion o f later stocks and dikes, as well as
He proposed that tabular plutons result from piston or can­ hydrothermal fluids (Fig. 5A).
tilever mechanisms, o r a combination of the two (Fig. 6B). Within this near-surface environment, several factors gov­
Both mechanisms result in plutons that have flat roofs. ern growth and final form o f a magma cham ber and the
Sleep faults developed in the roof o r floor o f the growing overlying volcanic edifice if present (Nakamura, 1977),
magma cham ber would also assist in vertical cham ber and, by extension, the characteristics o f associated mag­
growth (Fig. 6B). If chamber growth is accompanied by an matic-hydrothermal mineral deposits. Volcanoes and sub­
upward expansion somewhat akin to ballooning, or by a volcanic stocks and dikes are commonly emplaced along
piston mechanism on inward dipping faults, extension of fault zones. These fault zones may have formed contempo­
the roof rocks would be expected. Lateral growth in such raneously with magmatism, or may have been older struc­
circumstances would result in the outward development of tures rcactived during magmatism (Bussell, 1976; Shaw,
a sequence of steep faults that presumably nucleated at the 1980). W hether o r not these fault zones were active during
tip of the expanding chamber. Alternatively, the steep faults magmatism depends upon the regional tectonic stress field,
may nucleate along older planes of weakness such as intru­ strain developed as a consequence of this stress, and mag­
sive contacts or older faults. matic pressure. The tectonic stress regime controls which
Plutons emplaced by a piston mechanism will have flat fault orientations m ight be dilatant, as well as whether or
floors and steep sides that correspond to britde o r ductile not original formation of the structures was contem pora­
faults or to feeder dikes. The bell-jar stocks in the Peruvian neous with magmatism. Favorably oriented faults provide
Coastal batholith are excellent examples of this mechanism dilational channels perm itting em placem ent o f magma
(Myers, 1975). Em placem ent by a cantilever mechanism and fluids (Sibson, 1985, 2000). Takada (1994) proposed
results in displacement o f the floor of the chamber down­ that the final form of volcanoes and their shallow-level
a- ward, along steeply o r shallowly dipping shear zones, lead­ intrusive complexes reflects the degree o f magma supply
s- coupled with the differential horizontal stress o r strain rate
ing to an inward sloping floor to the magma chamber.
Combinations of the two mechanisms are likely, and should (Fig. 8). Areas of small differential horizontal stress and
be expected for cham bers emplaced in the brittle upper high magma supply rate are conducive to the formation of
crust a t depths near or below ~3 km. Such depths are large plutonic complexes and overlying polygenedc strato-
believed to be typical for the parental magma cham bers volcanoes. In contrast, regions with a similar magma supply
that source the shallower-level porphyry-related stocks and b u t large differential horizontal stress (and correspond­
dikes (Fig. 5B, C). Steep pluton margins are commonly ingly higher strain rate) are characterized by num erous
controlled by regional fracture sets, active faults, o r older largely monogenetic volcanoes and small, more dispersed,
fault systems (Bussell, 1976; Dehlsetal., 1998). Growth and subvolcanic plutonic complexes.
replenishment of the chamber is via feeder dikes (Petford, Subvolcanic plutons range from circular to elliptical in
1996), which also act to recharge the magma system with map view. T he orientation o f the stock’s ellipticity and any
fresh magma. Each influx o f new magma could be o f dif­ associated dikes will be at high angles to the orientation of
ferent composition, and may carry additional volatiles the finite extension direction and minimum principal stress,
(Folch and Marti, 1998). This process leads to evolutionary whether that is a regional tectonic-induced o r local pluton-
P :i changes in chemistry of the magma body (Matthews et al., induccd stress. T he exact angle depends gready on the
l degree of structural anisotropy in the immediate area o f the
* 1995; Keith et al., 1998) that perhaps contribute to por­
I phyry Cu formation (Clark, 1993). complex. W here the plutonic complex is em placed in

I:5: ^j :
Effect of differential horizontal stress and strain rate
on volcano-plutonic complex development

Fig. 8. Effect o f differential horizontal stress and magma supply on distribution o f volcanoes and subvolcanic intru­
sions; modified from Takada (1094). A large, near-surface, degassing magma chamber is required for the formation o f
a porphyry Cu deposit. Formation o f such magma chambers in the upper crust is seemingly favored by large to probably
intermediate magma input rates, coupled with small to intermediate differential horizontal stress and strain rates.

isotropic or little-faulted rocks, the long axis o f the complex O f additional im portance to the final form o f shallow
may approach orthogonality to o 3 depending upon the plutonic complexes is the interplay between the cooling,
magnitude and style o f deformation. However, where the solidified edges o f the chamber and the dynamic, partially
complex is emplaced into highly faulted crust, its long axis molten, and potentially recharged core. The importance o f
could be at an oblique angle to o3, because favorably ori­ this interplay extends to the country rocks where the
ented faults and o th er structural fabrics will be exploited mechanical contrast between a cooling pluton and its host
preferentially. T he ellipticity o f the stock also gives some rocks governs the spatial development o f faults, fractures,
indication o f the differential horizontal stress and strain rate and shear zones, which may in turn control the locations o f
during magmatism (Nakamura, 1977; Takada, 1994). For later intrusions and hydrothermal systems (Gow and Ord,
example, where radial dikes are well developed, a uniform 1999). Where a strong rheological contrast is present, such
horizontal stress field during magmatism is indicated (Fig. as where plutons intrude sedim entary rocks, faults may
9). This situation seems to dominate the near-vent areas of form along margins of the central stock, thereby permitting
many volcanoes (Nakamura, 1977), and implies that associ­ access o f late magma and fluid to the country rocks. W here
a te d subvolcanic stocks will be circular to slightly elliptical in there is a weaker contrast, however, such as where plutons
■;map view. In contrast, where significant differential hori­ intrude volcanic rocks, deformation is most likely concen­
zontal stress o r high strain rate is established, radial dike trated within the stock, thereby enhancing episodic mag­
, swarms characterize only the core o f the magmatic system matism and hydrotherm al circulation. In addition, the
’ where magmatic pressure exceeds the tectonic stress (Fig. num erical models o f Gow and O rd (1999) indicate that
9). Away from the volcanic core, dikes, peripheral intru­ conjugate zones o f volumetric dilation around the pluton
sions, satellite volcanoes, and axial grabens develop along refract at the pluton margins, and do not reach its center.
fault systems that are aligned at high angles to the minimum The greatest dilatancy, therefore, occurs at the intersection
principal stress. An im portant part o f this transition from of these conjugate zones and above the pluton. Gow and
the volcanic core to peripheral environments is the effect of Ord (1999) further suggested that if horizontal compres­
temperature. Cool rocks away from the magmatic center will sive stress is sufficient, fluid or magma will be drawn up out
fracture under the influence o f a regional stress field, of the stock and into the dilatant zone in the carapace.
whereas near the warm core of the magmatic system, inter­ External fluids may also be drawn into this zone leading to
action between regional and magmatic pressures will con­ fluid mixing, a prediction consistent with evidence for
trol the final form o f the volcano, subvolcanic stocks, and, at influx o f external fluids during potassic alteradon in some
still greater depths, the parental plutonic body. deposits (e.g., Dilles et al., 1995; Bouse et al., 1999).
Cross-sectional views of conduits of subvoicanic plutonic and dike complexes

Uniform or isotivpic regional stress field Differential horizontal or anisotropic stress field
Fic. 9. Radial dike distribution, polygcnctic volcano morphology, and underlying map view o f plutonic complexes in
different idealized stress regimes; modified from Nakamura (1977, and references therein). A. Uniformly distributed
radial dikes, subcircular volcanic edifice, and underlying subvoicanic stock(s) form in an isotropic stress field where the
horizontal stresses at e subcqual (c.g., a 2 3). B. Asymmetric dike distribution and cutviplanar dikes developed under
an anisotropic stress field where a differential horizontal stress is extant (e.g., Oi> > 0 3). The volcano and underlying
stocks would have strongly elliptical oudincs in map view with the long axis at high angles to c s.

Where older structural anisotropy is present, faults may et al., 1997). During the Eocene, this region experienced
be reactivated and may guide magma from the underlying transpressive deformation, with the maximum compressive
source chamber into the shallow crust o r volcanic environ­ stress oriented northwest-southeast, at high angles to north-
m e n t Reactivation o f old structures is a common them e in east-striking Paleocene faults that formed as a result o f ear­
many porphyry Cu-rich regions such as Arizona (Heidrick lier volcanism and tectonism (Tomlinson e t al., 1993;
and Titley, 1982) and the Central Andes (Salfity, 1985; Cornejo et al., 1997). Under the Eocene stress field, north­
Richards, 2000b; Richards et al., 2001). O n a regional scale, east-striking faults would not have been under tension and
reactivation o f old fault and fracture systems is enhanced if should not, therefore, have localized magma intrusion. Nev­
they are oriented favorably with respect to the am bient ertheless, Eocene stocks are aligned parallel to Paleocene
stress field. Furtherm ore, intersections o f such structures faults and fracture systems, beginning with the Cerro Pelado
may provide focal points for m agma em placem ent and and Old Camp complexes to the northeast, and progressing
potential porphyry Cu generation if the conditions are southwestward to Cerro Indio Muerto (Fig. 11A). A weak
appropriate (Fig. 10; Heidrick and Tidcy, 1982; Richards, porphyry Cu system developed in the older and slightly
2000b; Richards e t al., 2001). O n a local scale, however, m ore silicic C erro Pelado and O ld Cam p complexes
structures may be reactivated during magmausm and (Gustafson and Hunt, 1975), but the major porphyry Cu sys­
hydrothermal circulation, even where they are not ideally tem formed in association with granodioritic stocks under­
oriented with respect to the regional stress field, implying lying Cerro Indio Muerto. The latter stocks are elliptical in
that magmatic o r hydrotherm al fluid pressures locally plan view with long axes striking northwest (Fig. I IB;
exceed tectonic stresses. Gustafson and Hunt, 1975), at high angles to the northeast­
Examples of misoriented structural fabrics that have been erly alignm ent o f stocks at the district scale. Late dacitlc
reactivated during intrusion and porphyry Cu formation (latite o f Gustafson and Hunt, 1975) dikes also strike north­
occur in Arizona (Heidrick and Tidey, 1982), theMaricunga west, thereby implying northeasterly extension, consistent
belt of Chile (e.g., compare convergence geometry oudined with em placem ent within the inferred Eocene regional
by Pardo-Casas and Molnar, 1987, with vein orientations stress field (Cornejo e t al., 1997). Thus, although misori­
described by Vila etal., 1991), and at El Salvador, Chile. The ented Paleocene faults broadly localized plutonism on a dis­
alignm ent o f Eocene subvoicanic stocks along northeast- trict scale, the form o f these intrusions reflects the prevail­
striking Paleocene faults around the El Salvador porphyry ing Eocene stress field. Either the horizontal differential
provides a particularly well-documented example of this su-ess was not great, or magmatic pressures were sufficiently
phenomenon (Fig. 11; Gustafson and Hunt, 1975; Cornejo high such that the tectonic stresses acting to close the north-
FlC». 10. Geological sketch map o f the Central Andes showing the locations o f major Cu and An deposits (from Silli*
toe, 1992) and their spatial relationships to the West Fissure Zone and its intersections with cross*orogen lineaments
(from Salfity, 1985). Modified from Richards (2000b).
A Generalized geology o f Co. Indio Mueno. Chile

km______ |

Granodioritc porphyry
Quanz rhyolite
porphyry (Eocene)
Rhyolite (Palcocene)

Rhyolite & flows

Tuff (Palcocene)
Llama Fm.
Sierra Fraga Fm

Simplified geology, 2400 m level.

El Salvador mine
Pebble dike
-N- 'n A porphyry
jififl Hydrothermal
□ L porphyry
E3 K porphyry
n X porphyry
— Quartz porphyry

r n Llama Fm.
*— J (Cretaceous)

Fig. 11. Geology o f Ccrro Indio Muerto and El Salvador porphyry copper deposit, northern Chile. A. Ccrro Indio
Muerto consists o f a Palcocene silicic dom e com plex and tuffs that unconfonnably overlie deformed Mesozoic volcanic,
volcaniclastic, and sedimentary rocks. The com plex sits on the edge o f the Palcocene El Salvador trap-door caldera.
Caldera margin faults and svibparalld faults strike northeast. Palcocene rhyolite dikes, such as the linear on e immedi­
ately east o f Ccrro Riolita, iniimdccl along northeast-trending faults and fracture systems. The inferred orientation o f the
Eocene stress field would have favored dilation along northwest-trending structures, but the strong northeasterly align­
ment o f the Eocene intrusions suggests that their emplacement was nevertheless controlled by the older Palcocene struc­
tural fabric. Quartz rhyolite or quartz porphyry intrusions are about 43 Ma old, whereas the granodioritc porphyries are
•I I to 42 Ma. Modified from Gustafson and Hunt (1975) and Cornejo c ta l. (1997). B. Simplified geological map o f the
2400-m level o f the El Salvador m ine showing the distribution o f porphyry intrusions, listed in order o f decreasing age
from l»ottom to top in the explanation. N ote at this scale the northwesterly long axis o f the piutonic com plex, compared
with the regional northeast-alignment o f plutons; the majority o f the com plex consists o f the laie-mincral L porphyry.
The oldest stocks, the X and K porphyries, seem to be largely semi-circular intrusions in the lower right-hand portion o f
the map area. Post mineral dacitc dikes and genetically related pebble dikes have prominent northwesterly strikes. The
orientation o f the dikes and long axis o f the stocks is consistent with the Eocene regional stress field shown in A. Modi­
fies! from unpublished m apping by A naconda geologists and provided by G uillerm o Mucllar, Com pania del
Cobre-Chilc (CODELCO) at FJ Salvador.
east-trending structures were overcome by the force o f intru­ docum ented a crude radial and concentric o r elliptical
sion. Because no evidence is present for any explosive vol­ arrangem ent o f late-D veins (Fig. 12C). T he patterns are
canic activity associated with the £ocene complexes, it is broadly centered on two L-porphyry stocks, which are late
more likely that the differential horizontal stress was low. intra-mineral intrusions that largely postdate sulfide min­
eral deposition. T he northw estern L-porphyry stock
Structural Sequence in Porphyry Systems directly underlies the center o f one o f the radial vein and
Early veins in porphyry systems (A-veins o f Gustafson and dike arrays, whereas a composite stock o f granodiorite por­
H unt, 1975) form a t near-magmatic tem peratures and phyries cored by another L porphyry underlies the radial
under lithostatic pressures within a ductile environment, vein and dike array to the southeast T he association with
which is surrounded and overlain by a brittle region domi­ the L porphyry implies a genetic linkage, a n d th at the
nated by hydrostatic pressures (Fig. 4; Gustafson and Hunt, radial fractures formed late in the deposit’s evolution. How­
1975; M untean, 1998; Fournier, 1999). D epending upon ever, because the southeast array lies above a composite
rheologic contrast, the transition between the brittle and stock o f X, K, and L porphyry, formation of that radial array
ductile zones may lie within tem porally associated por­ could conceivably have been initiated earlier. A northwest­
phyries o r in the country rocks. As the system evolves and erly elongation to the overall pattern suggests that late-D
cools, later veins at the same depth form under hydrostatic veins at depth reflect not only magmatic stress associated
pressures and u nder brittle conditions. Within the ductile with em placem ent o f the composite porphyry stocks, b u t
region, fractures may form in response to sudden changes also the northeast-southwest-oriented minimum principal
in internal fluid pressure (e.g., owing to chamber recharge stress associated with regional transpressional deformation.
by fresh, volatile-rich m agm a), rapid strain rates that At deep levels in porphyry systems it has been proposed
exceed the capacity o f the rock to deform plastically, or rup­ that a singular trend dominates the veins and fractures, as
turing o f the pressure seal leading to a sudden transition exemplified by the simple pattern at Sierrita, Arizona (Fig.
from lithostatic to hydrostatic pressure conditions. In the 12D; Heidrick and Titley, 1982; Titley e t al., 1986; Titley,
latter case, the volatile phase is likely to undergo phase sep­ 1993). Here, veins and fractures are parallel to quartz mon-
aration and a large positive volume change, which may lead zoniie porphyry dikes emplaced into the host granitic rocks
to extensive hydrofracturing (crackle brecciation). As tem­ as part of (he magmatic evolution of the system. The densest
perature decreases, veins become m ore regular in orienta­ concentration o f fractures is centered on the apophyses of
tion because they form by brittle failure under the influ­ quartz monzonite porphyry, which also localized the Sierrita
ence of external tectonic stresses (Figs. 7 and 12). Fracture and Esperanza porphyry Cu deposits. Support for this mode!
formation and vein filling continues episodically so long as is found at El Salvador, where late pebble dikes exploit older
;■sufficient hydrothermal fluid is channeled into the evolving fracture networks that become progressively more linear and
carapace from the tabular pluton at depth. aligned to a northwesterly strike at depth (compare Figs. 11B
and 12B, C). Strong linear arrays o f veins are common in
Variations in vein and mineralized fracture orientation many deposits (Britten and Marr, 1995; Pierce and Bolm,
Comprehensive vein and mineralized-fracture analyses in 1995; Schroeter, 1995), which, according to the m odel o f
' porphyry Cu deposits are few. Those that have been under­ Heidrick and Titley (1982), should therefore represent the
taken typically reveal a variation in orientation and style deep levels of porphyry Cu systems.
; with inferred depth o f form ation of the porphyry Cu As with many models of porphyry systems, there are excep­
deposit that is consistent with a magmatic and structural tions to these rules. Linear vein arrays at the shallow Marte
framework of shallow subvolcanic stocks (Figs. 7 and 12; porphyry Au deposit are clearly inconsistent with the model
Heidrick and Titley, 1982). At shallow depths, concentric or of Heidrick and Titley (1982), because that deposit can be
' quasi-concentric and radial fracture patterns characterize reasonably assumed to have formed at depths <1 km (Vila et
some deposits (Langerfeld, 1964; Baumer and Fraser, 1975; al., 1991). Exceptions are also found in several other deposits,
Corn, 1975; Dunn, 1982; Heidrick and Titley, 1982). For where vein and fracture networks vary with depth, parage-
example, at the San Juan deposit, Arizona, concentric and netic stage, and location in die deposit (e.g., Wilkinson et al.,
radial fractures and veins are centered around one lobe of 1982; Clark, 1990; Lindsay et al., 1995). At Chuquicamata, for
/ a stock, but dikes that form an orthogonal pattern are off- example, interpretation of die vein geometry is complicated
: set from the center of the fracture and vein array (Fig. 12A; by the apparent superimposition of two discrete porphyry sys­
Heidrick and Titley, 1982). In the shallow levels of El Sal­ tems separated by as much as 3 m.y. (Reynolds et ai., 1998).
vador, two overlapping radial arrays of post-mineral pebble Nonetheless, copper-bearing veins associated with potassic
dikes, veins, hydrothermal breccias, and fractures reflect alteration generally trend northeast and indicate formation
em placem ent o f two apophyses or stocks at depth (Fig. under a regional stress field, in this case dextral strike-slip
12B; Langerfeld, 1964). It is not clear at what point during along die Domeyko fault system. Earlier quartz-molybdenite
the life of the El Salvador porphyry system these fractures veins, in contrast, form a crude elliptical fracture pattern
formed, although they are now filled by late-D veins and around the porphyry complex. Quartz-sericite-sulfide and
! post-mineral pebble dikes (Langerfeld, 1964; Gustafson enargite veins are superimposed on die potassic alteration at
and Hunt, 1975). Beneath the concentric pattern in the Chuquicamata, and their emplacement was controlled by old
shallower levels of the system, Gustafson and H unt (1975) fractures and veins as well as die regional tectonic stress field
D Veins Rock units cud Q u a r tz g r a in p o rp h y ry
— M a jo r le n d l . v . ) Ig n e o u s b re c c ia ED K p o rp h y ry
S u b o rd in a te tre n d l ■■■■■! A p o rp h y ry EZ! X p o rp h y r y
— M in o r tren d
ir ' 1 L p o rp h y ry □ Q u a r t z e y e p o rp h y ry
in - H S e c tio n " A " fe ld s p a r p o rp h y ry A n d e s ite

Fig. 12. Mineralized fracture and vein patterns developed in porphyry copper deposits. A. Concentric and radial miner­
alized fractures and veins developed at high levels in die San Juan mine area, Salford Mining District, Arizona. Note super­
position o f radial and concentric veins and mineralized fractures. In contrast, dikes do not conform to this patient but form
orthogonal sets. Modified from Heidrick and Titley (1982). B. Surface distribution ofdacitc dikes, pebble breccias, and
hydrothermal breccias on Cciro Indio Muerto as mapped by Langerfcld (1964). Pebble breccias are related to the post-min­
eral dacite dikes and D wins, and are paragenetically late. The pebble dikes decrease in abundance with depth and gener­
ally lie in the upper pans of the deposit above a zone that separates scriciic-dominatcd alteration from an overlying mixed
scricitc-kaolin alteration assemblage. With depth and where present, pebble dikes become more linear with dominantly
northwesterly strikes (see C and Fig. 1 IB). 'Hie hydrothermal breccias are cemented by hydrothermal minerals and, thus,
represent intermineral bodies. Superposed on the dikes arc interpreted concentric stress trajectories (dashed lines) that sug­
gest the presence of two domical stocks at depth. When compared with the geological map o f the subsurface (C), the center
o f the concentric tings correspond generally to the center o f die composite stock o f X. K, and L porphyries to the southeast,
and the main mass o f L porphyry to the northwest C. Distribution o f country rock units. Eocene granodioritc porphyries,
and cross-cutting D reins on the 2600- and 2660-m levels o f the El Salvador porphyry deposit. Note the roughly radial and
elliptical distribution o f veins, Modified from Gustafson and Hunt (1975). D. Generalized fracture distribution and orienta­
tion around the Sienitaand Esperanza porphyry deposits, Arizona. Modified from Tilley e l al. (1986) and U tley (1993).
(Undsay et a!., 1995); evidently, the influence of magmatic Taking the simplest case as illustrated in Figure 12, an
pressure over tectonic stress was uansitory. The enargite veins orthogonal set o f veins characterizes many porphyry systems
may represent shallower levels of a younger porphyry Cu (see also Stanley et al., 1995) regardless o f depth o f forma­
deposit emplaced during uplift and unroofing o f the older tion. In some deposits such as El Salvador (Fig. 12C) and
system (Sillitoe, 1994). It is interesting that at Chuquicamata, locally in Sierrita (Titley et al., 1986), other veins bisect the
the dom inant faults and mineralized fractures within the orthogonal veins. During brittle failure of rocks, extensional
composite porphyry Cu deposit form a crude conjugate frac­ fractures are die easiest to form, and are oriented normal to
ture network, a pattern predicted by numerical modeling of the minimum effective principal stress, o f (Jaeger and
porphyry stocks (see above), despite the local structural con­ Cook, 1979; Sibson, 2000, 2001). Such fractures should
trol exerted by the Falla Oeste (Domeyko fault system). Con­ dominate fluid-saturated environments such as porphyry Cu
jugate vein patterns also characterize many other deposits, deposits, and they will be filled by hydrothermal minerals
such as Panguna (Papua New Guinea; Clark, 1990) and High­ whenever open. However, formauon o f extensional shear or
land Valley (British Columbia; Osatenko and Jones, 1976; compressional shear veins requires a higher differential
Casselman ctal., 1995). stress (Sibson, 2000, 2001). Such fractures and veins lie at
high angles to a f and should bisect the intersection of
Implications for stress during mineralization
orthogonal fractures; they will also be less common than
Despite the inherent beauty of Heidrick and Titley’s extensional fractures unless a planar fabric is already pre­
(1982) vertical zonation model, the variety of vein orienta­ sent within the rock, or, if the numerical models of Gow and
tions noted above suggests that it requires some modifica­ Ord (1999) are correct, little o r no rheologic contrast exists
tion. Concentric and radial fractures are expected to be con- between the stocks and host rocks. Hence, from simple rock
cenuated above and exterior to the intruding stock to which mechanical consideration, form auon o f veins in muldple
they arc related; where multiple intrusions are present, frac­ orientations during the life o f the porphyry Cu deposit
tures should form overlapping arrays (Fig. 12B, C). In con­ requires specific stress conditions. In view of the ease of
trast, after solidification, the stock and its host rocks will forming extensional fractures, the simplest interpretadon of
undergo brittle fracture associated with tectonic and the vein pattern in a porphyry Cu deposit, particularly of
hydrothermal activity. The orientations of resulting fractures orthogonal sets, is that G f changed orientadon many times
will reflect a new set of stress conditions controlled either by during the life of the system. In essence, the existence of
magmatic o r tectonic forces. Magmatic stress results from orthogonal veins requires that o f and the other horizontal
renewed intrusion, whereas tectonic stress is externally stress, either the maximum effective principal stress ( a /) or
imposed. Fractures developed under a tectonic stress field the intermediate effective principal stress (o2') depending
will reflect that field, and should be more ordered and linear. upon the stress field, swapped episodically during the life o f
They will also develop later in the system’s evolution, and will the system. This situation can be visualized by comparing
be concentrated within the stocks themselves. The elongate the inferred stress trajectories above a stock in anisotropic
arrays of type-D veins within Eocene granodtorite stocks at El rocks, such as is shown in Figure 7C and E.
Salvador (Fig. 12C) and the concentric and radial arrays in Porphyry Cu deposits form over a short period o f geo­
the overlying rocks can be attributed to supeiposition of frac­ logical time based upon thermal models o f cooling stocks
ture systems derived from early magmatic- and later tectonic- (Cathles, 1977) and geochronotogical data (e.g., Chesley
dominated stress fields (Fig. 12B, C). and Ruiz, 1997; Cornejo e t al., 1997; Marsh e t al., 1997).
Multiple vein sets are normal in porphyry Cu deposits. The Because o f this relatively short duration o f hydrothermal
veins are usually cogenetic, and open episodically and repeat­ activity, it seems unlikely that a significant and episodic
edly at different paragenetic stages during formation o f the rotation o f the regional stress field would occur d uring
deposits. In addition, there is usually either a consistent vein deposit form ation. T herefore, in o rd er to explain the
orientation persisting throughout the deposit laterally and repeated rotation of the effective minimum stress direction
vertically, o r the veins have a consistent angular relationship called for above, a low-differential stress field, modified by
between them, or both. Where documented, veins are com­ fluctuating fluid pressures, may be the norm during por­
monly orthogonal or conjugate, and are rarely completely phyry Cu formation.
randomly oriented with respect to one another. A common
angular pattern is not what would be expected in the case Origin o f Breccia Pipes in Porphyry Cu Deposits
where die veins reflect simple fracturing above a stock under As noted previously, hydrothermal breccia pipes are of
conditions approaching uniaxial extension, o r where they varying im portance in porphyry Cu deposits. They range
result from volume expansion caused by exsolution of from insignificant in vein-dominated systems, to forming
hydrothermal fluids. It is the consistent deposit-scale angular the major portion o f the ore body in breccia-dominated sys­
relationship among veins which suggests that intrusion or tems (Sillitoe, 1985). Most breccia pipes are pie- to synmin-
hydrothermal-related models for vein formation are simplis­ eral, but some pebble breccias are late and are usually bar­
tic. Recognizing a common angular relationship is also criti­ ren (Richard and Courtright, 1958; Sillitoe, 1985). All
cal to understanding the state o f stress that dominates during hydrothermal breccias in the porphyry Cu environment;
porphyry Cu formation, which in turn has important implica­ regardless of their genesis, reflect sudden expulsion of fluid
tions for the tectonic setting of these deposits. at pressures that exceed the lithostatic load, thereby caus­
ing hydraulic fracturing (Burnham, 1985; Sillitoe, 1985). mineralization. The barren Paleocene ring complexes o f
This fluid release is generally attributed to the process o f the San Jeronim o superunit in the Peruvian Coastal
second boiling in the porphyry magma, and rupturing of a batholith are examples from an arc otherwise rich in por­
pressure seal a t the brittle-ductile transition (Fig. 4; phyry Cu deposits o f broadly sim ilar age (Bussell, 1985;
Phillips, 1973; Burnham, 1985; Fournier, 1999). T he resul­ Pitcher, 1985; Zweng and Clark, 1995). O n a m ore global
tant catastrophic fragm entation o f the host rocks propa­ scale, porphyry Cu deposits are sparse in the western Pacific
gates upwards from a narrow source toward areas of (Uyeda,and Nishiwaki, 1980), .w ith notable exceptions in
reduced effective m ean stress. Most porphyry Cu-related Papua New Guinea and the Philippines (MacDonald and
breccias are rooted in porphyry intrusions o r dikes but Arnold, 1994; Sillitoe, 1997; Hedenquist et al., 1998). In
apparently do n o t vent to the paleosurface (Sillitoe, 1985), addition, porphyry Cu form ation is characteristically
resulting in lensoid, ovoid, or irregular pipe-like geometry. episodic and localized, being concentrated during limited
Hydrotherm al m inerals fill the resulting voids leading time ranges within narrow, margin-parallel belts (Sillitoe,
locally to bonanza concentrations o f ore. 1972, 1988; Titley and Beane, 1981; Clark et al., 1982;
Zw engand Clark (1995) proposed that hydrotherm al Dam on e t al., 1983). These considerations suggest that
breccia pipes are more common in porphyry Cu deposits additional factors must be involved in determining whether
form ed a t shallow levels because o f the decreased litho- a porphyry Cu deposit will form or not, including details of
siatic load imposed by the mass of country rocks above the magma chemistry (e.g., water content, oxidation state) and
stock. However, no t all shallow porphyry Cu deposits are tectonic setting (Uyedaand Nishiwaki, 1980).
dom inated by breccias as shown by vein-dominated Cu-Au A review o f structural sellings o f porphyry Cu deposits
and Au-Cu systems emplaced within 1 km o f the surface in indicates that there are no unique environments into which
the Maricunga belt, Chile. Hence, simple magmatic and these deposits are emplaced. They arc found within strike-
fluid exsolution processes may not have been sufficient in slip fault zones with only limited displacement contempo­
all deposits to perm it breccia formation. Because breccias raneous with mineralization (Maksaev and Zentilli, 1988; |
are present to varying degrees in all porphyry Cu deposits, Clark e t al., 1990; Sapie and Cloos, 1994; Lindsay e t al., ||
the obvious question is what controls their formation and 1995), within regions affected by slightly older to concur- j
abundance? Porphyry Cu deposits represent dynamic sys­ rent transpressional o r contractile strain and uplift (Tilley :1
tems where magmatism and fluid circulation are affected and Heidrick, 1978; Heidrickand Titley, 1982; Olson, 1989; ;|
by tectonic stresses, so there is no shortage o f potential Tomlinson, 1994; Sillitoe, 1997), in areas undergoing liin- f
local causes that could trigger breccia form ation. ited extensional deformation (Presnail, 1997), and in areas (1
Amongst these local triggers are fluid-pressure build-up lacking major active fault systems (Sillitoe, 1997). Many but I
(Burnham, 1985), stock or dike intrusion that disrupts the not all deposits are localized along older fault systems that . J
evolving porphyry Cu system (Langerfeid, 1964), sector provided crustal permeability (Heidrick and Titley, 1982;
collapse of the overlying volcanic edifice (Sillitoe, 1994), Richards et al., 2001). Significant porphyry Cu deposits are,
and local seismic activity perhaps associated with intrusion however, seemingly absent from regions undeigoing large-
and volcanism. Skewes and Stern (1994) also proposed scale extensional strain, a negative association that has long
that tectonic-driven changes in magmatism triggered been recognized, ancl which seems to preclude those arcs
breccia form ation in the late-M iocene porphyry Cu or times within arcs where such tectonics dominate. A com­
deposits o f central Chile. Still another potential trigger mon theme throughout these convergent arcs is the limited *
for breccia form ation is rem ote (>500 km) earthquake deformation that is demonstrably contem poraneous with
activity, which has been shown to generate enhanced seis­ porphyry Cu development.
mic activity in active geotherm al and magmatic systems Times of porphyry Cu generation have been causally cor­
(Hill et al., 1993). Evidently, propagation o f seismic related with times of shallow-dipping subduction (Sillitoe, [
energy into a magmatic or hydrotherm al system is suffi­ 1972; Nielsen, 1976; Uyeda and Nishiwaki, 1980; Titley ancl
cient to induce gas separation leading to volume expan­ Beane, 1981), increased convergence rates (Clark et al.,
sion (Linde et al., 1994; Sturtevant et al. 1996). The mag­ 1990), subduction of aseismic ridges (Skewes and Stern, '
matic pressure increase could give rise to volcanic 1995), subduction zone reversals (Solomon, 1990), or fol- '
eruptions (Sahaglan and Proussevitch, 1992), whereas in lowing uplift (Sillitoe, 1997). Many but not all porphyry Cu :f/
the hydrothermal environment of a porphyry Cu deposit, deposits in Arizona (McCandless and Ruiz, 1993), southern :
increased fluid pressures could be sufficient to trigger Peru (Clark et al., 1990), Chile (Maksaev and Zentilli, 1988;
rupturing of the pressure seal above the porphyry system, Skewes and Stern, 1995; Richards et al., 2001), and Papua
leading to generation of breccia pipes. New Guinea (Titley and Heidrick, 1978; Sillitoe, 1997)
formed near the end of major periods of magmatism, con­
Tectonic Setting of Porphyry Cu Deposits
tractile or transpressional strain, and uplift. Sillitoe (1997).
A simple model of porphyry Cu deposit genesis involves suggested that rapid uplift in an arc is an essential precuiv
formation from hydrotherm al fluids exsolved from calc- sor to the formation of giant porphyry Cu deposits, which ;
alkaline to alkaline magmas in a subvolcanic arc environ­ appear near to or just after the end of that event.
ment. However, many shallow-level porphyritic plutonic The above observations, combined with die near-circular '
complexes are devoid of or have only weak porphyry-style plan of many porphyries and the common deposit-scale ori­
entations o f associated veins and dikes, suggest that por­ periods in the arc, compressive stresses in the upper plate
phyry Cu deposits are developed during periods of low-dif­ acting to close m ajor orogen-parallel structures, and
ferential or ncar-isotropic horizontal stress in the arc. The inhibiting ascent of.all but the most overpressured magmas
achievement o f such stress states is likely driven by funda­ (Fig. ISA).'.Those magmas that do eru p t do so violently,
mental changes in subduction geometry and convergence producing widespread .effusive volcanic sequences but
rates. For exam ple, changes in the coupling of stress largely unaccompanied by shallow-level plutonism.
between the subducting and overriding plate may lead to If compressive stress in the lithosphere is locally relaxed,
shifts in the location o f zones of upper-plate deformation however, magma dynamics subordinate tectonic stress, and
with respect to die magmatic arc, either inboard toward the melts may ascend through the crust more passively driven
back-arc or outboard toward the convergent margin. This by buoyancy forces, rather than violently by magmatic over­
shift in the locus of deformation relative to magmatism may pressure (Fig. 13C, D). In consequence, such magmas tend
permit the arc to approach a neutral stress state. The giant to rise to levels of neutral buoyancy in the shallow crust,
Miocene and Pliocene porphyry Cu deposits in central where they may undergo further fractionation and crustal
Chile (Los Pelambres, Rio Blanco-Los Bronces, El interaction, and potentially generate porphyry-style
Teniente) seem to fit this scenario because diey formed in deposits as these distillate magmas cool and saturate with
the hanging wall of a fold-and-thrust belt that lies to the volatiles. Volcanism, where it occurs, is m ore localized,
east in the A rgentinean foreland (Jordan et at., 1993; forming discrete composite edifices directly above shallow-
Ramos et al., 1996). In an alternative scenario, relocation of source magma chambers.
the volcanic arc may be accompanied by relaxation o f com- An analog may be found in the use o f a pressure cooker.
pressional o r transpressional stress in an old, established, Effective stewing is achieved at elevated temperatures and
plutonic-volcanic arc, resulting in late-stage development of pressures by sealing the pot with a lid and a safety;valve
porphyry magmatism. The late-Eocene-early-Oligocene (periodic violent eruptions occur only when high-pressure
porphyry Cu deposits of northern Chile are proposed to fluids overcome the valve weight). Sudden removal.qf the
have formed during such a period of stress relaxation fol­ lid (equivalent to extensional tectonics, and not advised at
lowing a prolonged episode o f Eocene transpression and home) will result in catastrophic eruption o f the contents
effusive volcanic activity; relaxation coincided with flatten­ o f the pot, equivalent to basaltic rift magmatism. To pre­
ing o f the subduction angle and subsequent inland shift of serve the stewed contents ju st right, the pot needs to be
magmatism (Maksaev and Zentilli, 1988; Clark, 1993; depressurized (stress relaxation) before the lid is removed.
Richards et al., 2001). In this model, localization of porphyry magmatism in the
These characteristics may be speculatively tied to models crust can be understood in terms of structural permeability.
of magmagenesis and crustal em placem ent as reviewed During periods o f arc-normal compression, major arc-paral­
above (Fig. 13). First, the simple textbook form o f a lel structures will be closed, and magma penetration will be
destructive margin—that of orthogonal compression, deep- restricted. Upon relaxation of stress, however, these struc­
crustal o r mantle melting, and widespread effusive magma­ tures will proride planes o f elevated permeability through
tism—is not conducive to porphyry Cu form ation (Fig. the crust. More specifically, faultjogs or structural intersec­
13A). N either is a state of arc rifting (extension), where tions may generate pull-apart volumes when oblique com­
crustal m elting is short-circuited and mantle-derived pressive stress relaxes (Fig. 13C, D). Such volumes represent
basaltic melts ascend directly to the surface (Fig. 13B) con­ discrete vertical columns o f maximum permeability through
ducive to porphyry Cu formation. Instead, the various tec­ the crust, which may serve as optim um loci for magma
tonic environments identified during porphyry Cu genera­ ascent and potential porphyry Cu generation. Relatively low
tion around the world suggest that ideal conditions form degrees of differential horizontal stress are implied by this
during transitions between these end-member states, usu­ model, because fault lock-up under high strain will progres­
ally caused by changes in subduction geom etry o r rate. sively destroy permeability (Sibson, 2001).
Geochemical studies show that, even in island-arc settings,
porphyry Cu-related magmas are not direct products of Concluding Remarks
asthenospheric m elting in the m antle wedge above the Porphyry Cu deposits require the precise coincidence
Benioff zone, but result from significant amounts of frac­ and positive interaction of a series of individually common­
tionation and interaction of these magmas with the overly­ place geological processes. The role of magmas and their
ing lithosphere. Isotopic and geochemical evidence for exsolved hydrothermal fluids have long been recognized
crustal interaction in Central Andean magmas, for exam­ and widely studied, and are now reasonably well under­
ple, is overwhelming (Tilton et al., 1981; Barreiro, 1984; stood. In contrast, the detailed influence o f structure and
Harmon et al., 1984; Pankhurst et al., 1988; Walker et al., tectonic setting on deposit localization and evolution in the
1991). A period o f “stewing” near the base o f the lithos­ porphyry environment is under-appreciated, despite several
phere is implied, involving extensive MASH (melting, careful studies. In part, this situation stems from the
assimilation, storage, and homogenization; H ildreth and immense scale of porphyry systems (commonly exceeding
Moorbath, 1988) processes in voluminous but probably dif­ diameters oflO km) and the inherent difficulties that this
fuse, batholithic magma chambers. Conditions appropriate poses to sutictural analysis. It also derives from the research
to this activity are achieved during “classic” convergence focus on mineralogic and geochemical processes during the
Fig . 13. Cartoon depiction o f d ie relationship between convergent margin tectonics, upper plate structures, and mag-
matism. A. In orthogonally convergent settings, major arc-parallel fault zones are compressed. Magmas generated in die
mantle wedge pond near the base o f die lithosphere, and interact with it dirough processes o f melting, assimilation, stor­
age, anti homogenization (MASH processes; Hildredi and Moorbath. 1988). Ascent to the surface is restricted to mag­
mas under high overpressure, which erupt violcndy without significant residence in upper crustal magma chambers. B.
Arcs under tension provide multiple high-permeability paths for magma ascent, to the exten t that asthenosphere-
dcrived magmas may rise directly to the surface. T he distillation and crustal interaction processes that appear to b e nec­
essary for the development o f porphyry Cu-prospcctive magmas arc thereby short-circuited, and porphyry Cu deposits
arc not found in rifling arcs. C and D. Upon relaxation o f stress, localized zones o f extension may be generated during
transprcssional or. optimally, uanstensional strain along arc-related structures. These zones provide high-permeability
conduits for the passive ascent o f magmas to shallow crustal levels, driven primarily by buoyancy rather than magmatic
overpressure. Hypabyssal plutonism with associated localized volcanism is favored, and is an environment conducive to
porphyry Cu formation. PCD « porphyry Cu deposits.
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