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Course Syllabus: ESL Low/Intermediate Level

Winter Term 2011

PCC SE MS #204; 9:00 – 12:00 pm, M–TH

Instructor: Hanna Castro

Resource Specialist: Esperanza Beck, Mathilda Lee
Office Hours: By Appointment

Course Description
This course is intended to help students improve their English skills in preparation for
GED courses or the Gateway to College program. There is a particular focus on
developing reading and writing skills, speaking, pronunciation, listening, spelling, and
grammar. We will also work on mathematics by focusing on vocabulary. We will be
meeting two hours a week in the computer lab to work on reading comprehension,
vocabulary and speed, and mathematics.

Course Objectives
We will study strategies for improving reading skills including: vocabulary development,
reading speed, comprehension, and identifying main ideas in reading passages.
In writing we will focus on writing paragraphs that include: a clear focus on one topic,
well-developed support of the topic, and proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.

The instructor will be issuing the appropriate texts for the different levels. You are
responsible for returning the textbooks at the end of the term in the same condition that
you received them. You will be charged for the cost of replacing any books that you do
not return.

You need a notebook with four different dividers, pens, pencils, eraser, and a dictionary
available at all times.

Student Responsibilities
 Attendance is mandatory and recorded; therefore you are required to come to
class every day. If a student will be absent, the student has to call the resources
specialist to explain the absence.
 You are required to come to class prepared for work on time.
 You are required to complete and turn in all class work on time.
 You will maintain a student binder or notebook that contains all of the
assignments, handouts, and homework required for the class.
 You must maintain a positive attitude and be respectful to students and the
 To the best of your ability speak only English while in class.
Evaluation :
You will be evaluated on your classroom behavior and academic performance. If you do
not display appropriate classroom behavior (See class rules above) or academic
performance, you will be required to discuss your behavior and performance with your
Instructor and Resource Specialist. If you do not make an effort to improve the situation,
you will be required to explain and discuss your behavior with the Program Manager.

Weekly Schedule:

Week 1 1 Reading: WIT Unit 1: Special Days; Your Personality

03/28-03/31 2.Grammar : Verbs To Be, To Have, To Do (Review Present, Present Progressive, Past, Past
3.Writing: The Writing Process, The Paragraph, Parts of a Paragraph,
Narrative Paragraph
4.Reading Box; Reading Plus
Week 2 1. Reading: WIT Unit 2: Places; Food
04/04-04/07 2. Grammar : Nouns (Count, Non-count, Regular, Irregular), Articles (a, an, the), Adjectives,
3.Writing: Expressions of Time, Transitions, Descriptive Paragraph
4. Reading Box ; Reading Plus
Week 3 1. Reading: WIT Unit 3: Health; Customs and Traditions
04/11-04/14 2. Grammar : Adverbs, 5W Questions, Capitalization, Punctuation
3.Writing: Sentence Structure, Definition Paragraph
4. Reading Box; Reading Plus
Week 4 1. Reading: WIT Unit 4: Customs; Famous People
04/18-04/21 2. Grammar : Prepositions, Conjunctions, Present Progressive
3.Writing: Essay Structure, Process Paragraph
4. Reading Box; Reading Plus
Week 5 1. Reading: WIT Unit 5: Food; Nature’s Disasters
04/25-04/28 2. Grammar : Pronouns
3.Writing: Comparison Paragraph
4. Reading Box; Reading Plus
Week 6 1. Reading: WIT Unit 1-5 Catch Up and Review
05/02-05/05 2. Grammar : Review
Midterm 3.Writing: Catch Up and Review
4. Reading Box; Reading Plus
Week 7 1. Reading: WIT Unit 6: Inventions
05/09-05/12 2. Grammar : Irregular Verbs
3.Writing: Cause/Effect Paragraph
4. Reading Box; Reading Plus
Week 8 1. Reading: WIT Unit 7: People; The Law
05/16-05/19 2. Grammar : Future Tense
3.Writing: Contrast Paragraph
4. Reading Box; Reading Plus
Week 9 1. Reading: WIT Unit 8: Readings from Literature
05/23-05/26 2.Grammar : Modals
3.Writing: Three paragraph essay on favorite subject
4. Reading Box; Reading Plus
Week 10 1. Reading: WIT Catch Up and Review
05/31-06/02 2. Grammar : Catch Up and Review
3.Writing: Review
4. Speaking Test
Week 11 1. Writing Test
06/06-06/09 2. Grammar Test
3. Reading Test
4. Results

*WIT – Weaving It Together 1 (Low Level); Weaving It Together 2 (Intermediate Level)

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