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christy okane (Order #18077923)

Sean Chick The Battle of Shiloh 1

Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................. 2
2.0 COMPONENTS AND GAME CONCEPTS .......................................................................................................................... 2
3.0 SEQUENCE OF PLAY ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.0 INITIATIVE PHASE ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.0 RANDOM EVENTS PHASE ............................................................................................................................................... 4
6.0 ARTILLERY BOMBARDMENT PHASE ............................................................................................................................... 4
7.0 ACTIVATION PHASE ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
8.0 MOVEMENT PHASE ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
9.0 COMBAT PHASE.............................................................................................................................................................. 7
10.0 RECOVERY PHASE ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
11.0 VICTORY PHASE ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
12.0 BAGGAGE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
13.0 NIGHT ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
14.0 OPTIONAL BRIGADIER PERSONALITY RULES ................................................................................................................ 9
SCENARIOS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10

christy okane (Order #18077923)

Sean Chick The Battle of Shiloh 2

Cruel Morning: Shiloh 1862

Cruel Morning: Shiloh 1862 is a brigade-level game 2.21 COMBAT UNIT EXAMPLE
recreating the US Civil War Battle of Shiloh.


The game is played with a map, a set of counters,
at least two six-sided dice, and two Player Aid
Cards with charts and tables.

2.1 MAP
The map has a hex grid superimposed over it to
Brigade: The name of the Brigade.
regulate movement and combat. Each hex is
identified by a letter-number combination such as
Corps/Division: The organization to which the
"A1" or "D11" for ease of set up and represents
Combat Unit belongs; dictates the Leader(s) who
roughly 1/3 of a mile (1,700 feet).
can activate the Combat Unit. This is color coded
(see blue and grey Order of Battle Chart).
Strength Points (SP): Representing approximately
400 men per SP.

Quality: A number ranging from 1 (very bad) to 5

(very good).
• 1: Green: Recent recruits without sufficient
• 2: Trained: Drilled but lacking even
skirmishing experience, or a solid Brigade
with a bad Leader.
• 3: Experienced: These men have seen the
Units are represented by die cut counters. Union
elephant or are inexperienced but well
units bear blue backgrounds and Confederate
drilled. Most Brigades are this Quality. They
units bear grey backgrounds. Infantry and Cavalry
are the backbone of the army.
Units, collectively called Combat Units, represent
Brigades; these move and fight across the map. • 4: Veteran: Troops with experience, good
Leaders are used to activate and inspire the leadership, and a fine reputation. These are
Combat Units. Artillery counters are placed at the men you will rely on most.
certain times during the game with Combat Units • 5: Elite: The troops you turn to when a
for defensive and offensive purposes. mission must succeed. Very rare.

christy okane (Order #18077923)

Sean Chick The Battle of Shiloh 3
Personality (Optional): A rating that dictates how 2.23 ARTILLERY COUNTER EXAMPLE
the unit acts when using the Optional Brigadier
Personality Rules (see 14.0).

Combat Unit Strength: Units have two steps of

strength. When a full strength unit sustains losses
in combat it becomes Damaged; flip it to its
reverse side with lower Strength Points. If a
Damaged unit sustains a further loss, it is
Shattered and set aside. Bombardment Value: At ranges 0, 1, 2-3, and 4-5
hexes respectively. The "0" range value is used
2.22 LEADER EXAMPLE only when the Artillery Unit is defending (See 9.1).


The Game Turn Marker is used on the Game Turn
Record Track on the bottom of the Player Aid Card
with the Random Events Table.


At various points throughout the game, Combat
Units will be required to make a Quality Check: roll
one die and compare the result to the Combat
Unit's Quality Rating. In most cases, if the result is
Leader Name: The Leader's name. An “R” on the less than or equal to the Quality Rating, the
counter means a Replacement Leader. Unless Combat Unit passes the Check. If the result
otherwise stated, Leaders begin scenarios on the exceeds the Quality Rating, the Check failed and
side without the “R”. the Combat Unit may be forced to Retreat and/or
take a step loss (becoming Damaged or Shattered),
Corps: The Corps to which the Leader belongs, if depending on the circumstances which called for
any. the Check. A roll of 1 always passes a Quality
Check and a roll of 6 always fails.
Combat Bonus: The Bonus the Leader lends to
Combat Strength.
Each Game Turn is comprised of the following
Quality Bonus: The Bonus the Leader lends to a
Phases, which are performed in this order:
Brigade's Quality. The Leader must be in the hex to
1. Initiative Phase [4.0]
provide the bonus and the bonuses do not stack.
In other words, two Leaders in the same hex 2. Random Events Phase [5.0] (If triggered during
cannot add their bonuses. Initiative)
3. Artillery Bombardment Phase [6.0]
Command Range: The maximum range, in hexes, First Player Phases
over which the Leader can command Combat 4. Activation Phase [7.0]
Units. Do not count the Leader’s hex, but do count 5. Movement Phase [8.0]
the commanded unit’s hex. 6. Combat Phase [9.0]
Second Player Phases (same as 4-6)
Initiative: Used when attempting to activate 7. Recovery Phase [10.0]
certain groupings of Combat Units. 8. Victory Phase [11.0]

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4.0 INITIATIVE PHASE down a hex side does not block unless there is
Each player rolls a die. The player with the highest blocking terrain on both sides of the line. Count
result goes first. If there is a tie initiative is given to the target hex but not the Artillery counter's hex.
the player who did not have it the previous turn. If Roll one die and compare the result to the relevant
there is a tie on the first turn roll again unless the Bombardment Value:
side with the first turn initiative is designated by • If the results exceeds the Bombardment
the scenario. If a tie occurs on any turn it triggers Value, nothing happens.
the Random Events Phase. • If the result equals the Bombardment Value,
the Combat Units in the hex must pass a
Quality Check. If a Combat Unit fails, it must
5.0 RANDOM EVENTS PHASE retreat one hex. If all units in the hex retreat,
In the event of a tie during the Initiative Phase, the any Leaders in the hex may retreat with
Random Events Phase is triggered. If the tied result them.
was a 1-3 it is a Confederate Event; a 4-6 is a Union
• If the result is less than the Bombardment
Event. The affected player will roll two six sided
Value, the Combat Units must pass a Quality
dice according to the Random Events Table.
Check. If the Combat Unit fails, it must take a
step loss and retreat one hex. If all units in
6.0 ARTILLERY BOMBARDMENT the hex retreat, any Leaders in the hex may
PHASE retreat with them. If any units incur a step
loss, any Leaders in the hex must roll for
In the Artillery Bombardment Phase, players
elimination as delineated in 9.6. If all units in
alternate placing Artillery counters and then
the hex are eliminated surviving Leaders may
Bombarding with the same, until both players have
retreat to an adjacent hex.
placed all the counters which they desire and/or
The Artillery counter remains in the hex after
are able to place. The player with initiative
resolving Bombardment. Artillery that Bombards
chooses whether the player or the opponent
halves its "0" range Bombardment Value for the
places the first counters.
remainder of the turn, rounded down. Note that
Bombardment is optional and therefore units that
6.1 PLACEMENT are placed during this Phase, but do not fire, retain
In order to place an Artillery counter, its their full "0" range Bombardment Value for that
destination hex must contain a Combat Unit to turn. Indicate that an Artillery has Bombarded by
which the Artillery is subordinate. Artillery may be facing the counter in the opposite direction of the
placed in swamp or rough hexes only if the hex other units in the hex.
contains a road. Artillery may not be placed in
forest hexes unless the hex contains a road or is
adjacent to a hex that contains a road. If all other
Any hex, after being Bombarded, can have an
criteria is met Artillery may be placed in an enemy
available Artillery counter placed in the hex. If so,
Zone of Control. No more than one Artillery
that Artillery fires on any Artillery within range. If
counter may be placed per hex. Upon placement
the roll is equal to or less than the firing Artillery’s
of an Artillery counter, the owning player may opt
Strength Points at that range, the Artillery counter
to Bombard but is not required to do so.
being fired upon is removed. Such fire does not
affect non-Artillery units in the same hex.
The acting player wishing to Bombard with an If an unfired Artillery (Remember, you can place an
Artillery Unit announces a target within five hexes. Artillery counter without firing with it) is fired
Terrain can block line of sight as detailed in the upon in this manner and is not removed, it may
Terrain Effects chart. Center to center, terrain is return fire as if conducting Counter Battery Fire.
considered to encompass the entire hex, drawn The Union always subtracts one from its die roll

christy okane (Order #18077923)

Sean Chick The Battle of Shiloh 5
when conducting Counter Battery Fire. After 7.2 SPENDING COMMAND POINTS
conducting Counter Battery fire, the firing Artillery A player may spend all of the total CP available on
are considered to have fired. Rotate them 180 their turn. CP is not saved or carried over from
degrees as described in 6.2. Any Artillery removed turn to turn. Note that Leaders activate with their
by Counter Battery fire is removed as per Rule Division/Corps and Union forces do not have 4 or 5
10.3. CP Activations. CP is spent in the following
6.4 EFFECTS OF TERRAIN ON • 1 CP: Activate any one Leader, or one
BOMBARDMENT AND COUNTER BATTERY Combat Unit attached to the Army
FIRE Commander.
If the target unit occupies a forest, hill, or • 1 CP: Activate one Brigade, if it passes a
forest/hill hex, the Bombardment Value of enemy Quality Check.
Artillery is halved, rounding up. • 2 CP: Activate one Brigade.
• 2 CP: Attempt to activate an entire Division.
Each Brigade must pass a Quality Check to
activate. Units in Command [7.3] subtract
During a player's Activation Phase, the player
one (-1) from the roll.
spends Command Points (CP) to activate his units.
• 3 CP: Activate all units in a Division
The activated units are then able to participate in
provided they are in Command; units Out
the Movement and Combat Phases.
of Command are activated if they pass a
Quality Check.
7.1 COMMAND POINTS • 4 CP: Attempt to activate all Divisions
Each player has a base number of Command under a Corps Commander, rolling for each
Points (CP) per the scenario rules. The acting Division. If the roll is less than or equal to
player will roll one die to determine if they receive the Division Commander's Initiative Rating,
extra CP: all units for that Division are activated.
• On a roll of 6, the player receives no extra Division Commanders in Command (7.3)
CP. subtract one (-1) from their die roll.
• If the roll exceeds the Army Commander's • 5 CP: Activate all Combat Units in all
Initiative Rating but is less than 6, that Divisions under a Corps Commander,
player receives one extra CP. provided the Divisional Leaders are in
• If the roll is less than or equal to the Army range of the Corps Commander. Divisions
Commander's Initiative Rating, the player out of range are only activated if they roll
receives CP equal to the die roll. less than or equal to the Divisional Leader's
• If there is no Army Commander then no roll Initiative Rating.
is made. Units directly attached to a Corps Commander
A player's base CP may be reduced in the following may be Activated by using the same rules as
circumstances: for Activating a Brigade (1 or 2 CP) or they will
• -2 after a player has permanently lost at be Activated along with all the other units in
least 20 Strength Points of the Corps by expending 4 or 5 CP.
• -2 if the Army Commander is eliminated.
• -1 if a Corps Commander is eliminated.
A player’s base CP may never be reduced below
Brigades are in Command when their Divisional
Leader is within a number of hexes equal to the
Leader's Command Range. Combat Units outside

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of the range are Out of Command. If a Combat arrive are placed on the entry hex, ignoring
Unit is Out of Command: stacking limits for that hex only on the turn of
• The Combat Unit must pass a Quality Check arrival. Two CP may be spent instead of a die roll
to potially be activated. to automatically have the units arrive on time
• Combat Units that pass the Quality Check
must roll a die and subtract one (-1) from 8.0 MOVEMENT PHASE
the result. If the modified result is 0, the
During a player's Movement Phase, the player may
unit has only one Movement Point (MP).
move any, all, or none of their activated units and
Any other result will indicate the number of
Leaders. Each in Command Infantry Unit has five
MPs available to the unit in the Movement
Movement Points (MP); in Command Cavalry Units
and Leaders have nine MP, and Out of Command
Combat Units must roll for MP per 7.5. Units move
7.4 ARMY COMMANDER BONUS one at a time, one hex at a time. You cannot begin
Units within the Army Commander Command one unit's movement, then move another, then
Range cost one less CP to activate but never less return to the first. Units cannot share, split, or save
than one. Leaders within range of the Army MP. Each hex entered requires the expenditure of
Commander subtract one from all rolls when Movement Points as defined on the Terrain Effects
testing their Initiative Rating. The Army Chart; modifiers from terrain are cumulative.
Commander Bonus is applicable only if the Army
Commander has NOT moved in the current turn. 8.1 STACKING
More than one friendly Combat Unit may occupy a
7.5 NON-ACTIVATED UNITS hex. A maximum of 10 Strength Points (SP),
If a unit fails an activation roll, there is still a combined for Infantry and Cavalry, may occupy
chance that the unit may move. Roll one die and and move through a single hex. An unlimited
subtract two from the result. If the modified result number of Leaders may occupy a hex, and one
is "0", the unit has one Movement Point (MP). Any Artillery counter may occupy a hex regardless of
other result will indicate the number of MPs friendly Infantry/Cavalry stacked in the same hex.
(Exception below.) the unit will have available in If a hex is over-stacked, at the end of the
the Movement Phase. The unit cannot move into Movement Phase each unit suffers one step loss.
an enemy’s Zone of Control. If a 6 is rolled, the unit
may not move. 8.2 ZONES OF CONTROL
Each unit exerts a Zone of Control (ZOC) into the
7.7 REINFORCEMENTS six hexes adjacent to it. An Enemy Zone of Control
Reinforcements will be scheduled to arrive on a (EZOC) has certain effects on movement and
given turn as specified in the scenario rules. At the combat.
start of the owning player's Activation Phase, the
player will role one die to determine if the 8.3 ENTERING AND EXITING THE ENEMY
reinforcements arrive as scheduled:
• On a roll of 4 or greater, they arrive as
A Combat Unit that enters an EZOC ceases
movement for the phase. On subsequent turns the
• On a 2 or 3, they arrive the next turn
Combat Unit may exit the EZOC, but upon doing so
• On a 1, they arrive in two turns; any future
it must make a Quality Check. If the Check fails,
scheduled reinforcements that are to arrive
the Combat Unit still moves, but takes a step loss.
in that same hex are automatically delayed
Combat Units may move directly from one EZOC
the same amount of time, i.e. two turns.
hex to another but this still triggers a Quality
A roll is made only on the original turn the unit Check (because it is leaving an EZOC), and causes
was scheduled to arrive. Reinforcements that

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the Combat Unit to cease movement (because it is Bombardment Value to the Defender's Combat
entering an EZOC). Strength. If the Artillery counter is not placed it
may be eligible for placement in a different hex or
8.4 ENEMY LEADER on the following turn. The placement restrictions
A Leader does not exert a Zone of Control. If in rule 6.1 apply.
entering a hex with an Enemy Leader by itself, roll
a die: if the result is 3 or more, the Leader retreats 9.2 DEFENSIVE FIRE
one hex. If the roll is less than 3, the Leader is Each defending Combat Unit may perform
Captured; see 10.1 and 11.1. Defensive Fire against attacking enemy Combat
Units. Each attacking Combat Unit may be fired
8.5 RIVERS upon once. The defending player indicates which
Rivers are impassable, but sometimes land is Combat Unit will fire on which enemy Combat Unit
depicted on either side of the river in one hex. If and then the attacking player will make a Quality
this is the case a unit is considered to be on the Check for that Combat Unit, subject to the
side of the river from which they entered the hex following modifiers:
and cannot be attacked by units on the other side. • +1 if Attacker in clear terrain
They can be targeted normally by Artillery. • +1 if firing unit's Quality Rating is four or
9.0 COMBAT PHASE • +1 if Attacker is Damaged
During a player's Combat Phase, activated Combat • -1 if Defender is Damaged
Units must attack all adjacent enemy units. This is • -1 if firing unit's Quality Rating is one or
mandatory. All enemy Combat Units adjacent to two
activated Combat Units must be attacked and all • -1 if unit being fired upon has a Quality
activated friendly Combat Units adjacent to enemy Rating of four or more
Combat Units must attack. Each enemy Combat • -1 per additional unit involved in the attack
Unit can be attacked only once in a Combat Phase, • -1 if Attacker in forest terrain
and each attacking Combat Unit may attack only If the Check fails, the attacking Combat Unit takes
once. Multiple friendly Combat Units adjacent to a step loss. Regardless of the result, the defending
the same hex may attack that hex together; Combat Unit may not perform Defensive Fire
multiple enemy hexes may be attacked by the against additional enemy Combat Units.
Combat Units in a single friendly hex. After the Regardless of the results of the Defensive Fire the
acting player has declared all combats, the player attack will continue unless the attacking Combat
resolves them in any order that they choose. Unit was Shattered. You cannot call off the attack if
Combats are resolved by performing the following the odds are now unfavorable.
steps in order:
• Artillery Placement 9.3 COMBAT
• Defensive Fire After resolving Defensive Fire, determine the
• Modifier Calculation Combat Table odds. To do so, compare the SP of all
• Die Rolls attacking Combat Units to that of all defending
• Retreats and Advances Combat Units and Artillery Units (see 9.1) and
express it as a ratio. Find this ratio on the Odds
9.1 ARTILLERY PLACEMENT Table. If the ratio falls between two columns of the
Odds Table, round to the left. Apply additional
If the Defender has any Artillery counters that
column shifts per the Player Aid Card:
were not placed during the Bombardment Phase,
he may attempt to place one counter in the hex • If the Odds are 1:4 or worse, all Attackers
being attacked by rolling one die. On a 3 or less, automatically take a step loss and no
the counter is placed and will add its "0" range Quality Checks are made.

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• If the Odds are 6:1 or better, all Defenders 10.0 RECOVERY PHASE
automatically take a step loss and must After both players have resolved their individual
retreat; no Quality Checks are made. player Phases, they will simultaneously resolve the
In all other cases, the Odds Table will indicate the Recovery Phase, replacing Leaders that were
modifier to the Attacker’s and Defender’s Quality Eliminated, attempting to rally Shattered Units,
Checks. and removing Artillery counters.


For each participating Combat Unit, the owning When a Leader is Captured or Eliminated, the
player makes a Quality Check, rolling the die once enemy scores Victory Points (VP) per 11.1. After
and applying the modifier from the Odds Table. resolving Victory Points, place the Leader counter,
Check the result against the Quality Rating of each with its Replacement side up, two turns ahead on
Combat Unit: the Turn Track. At the start of that turn, place the
• If it is less than the Combat Unit's Quality Replacement Leader in a hex with any Brigade hex
Rating, there is no result. controls. If no qualifying Brigade is available, the
• If it is equal to the Combat Unit's Quality Replacement Leader is not placed, nor is he
Rating it must retreat one hex. considered lost for the purposes of Victory Points.
• If it exceeds the Combat Unit's Quality In the interim, the Division may not be activated as
Rating, the Combat Unit takes a step loss. If a whole, although individual Brigades may be
it is a defending Combat Unit and the activated using CP. Replacement Leaders, if lost,
original, unmodified die roll exceeds the are permanently eliminated. The Combat Units are
Combat Unit's Quality Rating, it must also now considered to be led by the Army
retreat one hex. Commander.
Do not apply modifiers to a natural roll of "1" or
Combat Units that were Shattered in the current
9.5 RETREATS AND ADVANCES game turn are rallied by making a Quality Check,
The side that takes the most hits in battle must rolled against the Combat Unit’s highest possible
retreat. If damage is equal, neither side retreats. Quality Rating. Note that if the unit was previously
Combat Units forced to retreat as a result of Shattered that day (in other words, if it has been
Combat must move one hex away from all Shattered and rallied previously that day), then it is
adjacent enemy Combat Units. Leaders must permanently removed. If the check succeeds,
retreat with the Combat Units in their hex. When place the Combat Unit back on the map with its
retreating, a Combat Unit forced to enter an EZOC Damaged side up, subject to the following
must pass a Quality Check. If unable to do so, the limitations:
Combat Unit is Shattered. If the Defender's hex • It must be within three hexes of its Division
contains no Combat Units, at least one surviving Commander.
attacking Combat Unit must enter that hex, if • It must not be adjacent to any enemy units.
possible: • It must not be within effective range of any
• If there is an Artillery counter in the hex, enemy Artillery (i.e. if an Artillery counter
roll one die: on a 1-3 it is Destroyed; on a has a Bombardment Value above "0" for
4+ it is removed and rolled for during that range then it has range to that hex).
Recovery. If it cannot fulfill these conditions, the unit is
permanently eliminated, scoring VP for the enemy.
9.6 LEADER LOSS If the Quality Check fails, it is likewise permanently
After a battle, roll two dice for each Leader in the eliminated, scoring VP for the enemy.
combat. On a 2, 11, or 12 the Leader is eliminated.

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10.3 REMOVING ARTILLERY may be moved, with a movement value of four MP

All Artillery counters are now removed from the and at the cost of two CP. Flip the counter to its
game board. Roll one die for each counter to Inactive side after moving. The Baggage Train may
determine its availability on future turns: be flipped back to its Active side by spending two
• 1-4: Available next turn CP. If an enemy unit is within two hexes, it costs
• 5: Available in two turns only one CP to activate and move the Baggage
• 6+: Available in three turns Train. While Inactive the Baggage Train grants no
bonus and cannot move. For stacking purposes, it
counts as an Infantry Brigade. The Baggage Train
Add +1 to the die roll if Confederate, +1 if the
may begin a scenario on Active. You may capture a
Artillery fired at range "0" or "1" this turn, and +2
Baggage Train by defeating it in combat.
if the unit was removed due to Counter Battery
13.0 NIGHT
11.0 VICTORY PHASE During Night turns, as defined in the scenario
rules, Combat Units may move one hex. They may
During the Victory Phase, players check to see if
attempt to move a second hex by passing a Quality
they have satisfied any automatic Victory
Check. No attacks can be made during Night turns.
Conditions specified in the scenario rules, if
Shattered units may be rallied and Leaders
applicable. Otherwise, this Phase is relevant only
replaced. Otherwise nothing else occurs.
on the last turn of the game.


Victory is determined at Game End per the game PERSONALITY RULES
rules, by comparing Victory Points (VP) earned If both players agree, apply the following
throughout the game: restrictions depending on Personality Ratings
• 1 VP: Every three Damaged Brigades listed on the counters:
• 1 VP: Each Brigade that is permanently lost. • (A) Aggressive: Brigade must be moved
• 1 VP: Each Destroyed Artillery. toward the nearest enemy; if equidistant
• 3 VP: Capturing the Baggage Train (see the acting player chooses.
12.0). • (C) Cautious: Brigade must move away
• 1 VP: Eliminated or Captured Leaders with from enemy and cannot enter EZOC during
a combined Bonus and Quality Rating of movement.
two or less. • (P) Prudent: Brigade cannot move.
• 2 VP: Eliminated or Captured Leaders with • (W) Wild Card: No restrictions.
a combined Bonus and Quality Rating of These affect play only when results of 2, 3, or 10
three. are rolled on the Random Events Table. Corps and
• 3 VP: Eliminated Leaders with a combined Division activations are subject to the same rules
Bonus and Quality Rating of four or more. as above, but activated Combat Units follow the
• Geographic Victory Points as defined by the personality of the Corps/Division Commander,
scenario. overriding the Personality Rating for individual
Each side has one Baggage Train. The counter has
two sides: Active and Inactive. While it is Active all
friendly units within three hexes (don’t count the
Baggage Train’s hex; do count the friendly unit’s
hex) receive +1 to their Quality. The Baggage Train

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Victory Point hexes are marked on the map with
white stars:
F07 1
On turn one, the Confederates always have the
K04 1
K09 1
M05 1
Confederate Units have a column shift to the right Q08 1
on the first three turns of any scenario starting on O11 5
April 5 or 6. Attacking Union Units have a column V08 5
shift to the right on the first two turns of April 7. A01 5
B01 5
He always arrives as scheduled. Units that Victory
accompany him may however be delayed. Round down for ratios.

JOHNSTON AND BEAUREGARD Decisive Confederate Victory (3 to 1 VP ratio or

Johnston functions as an Army Commander for CP automatic victory conditions):
roll purposes. Both Leaders are Army Commanders Grant has been smashed and his career ruined.
for all other purposes. If Johnston is lost, The Union offensive has been halted.
Beauregard takes his place. Johnston is killed on a
roll of 2, 3, 11, 12 for purposes of Leader loss. Solid Confederate Victory (2 to 1 VP ratio):
Confederates still suffer a -2 to their base CP but The Union must retreat further north. Plans to
Beauregard’s initiative is used for bonus CP. take Corinth and Memphis have received a
grievous set back. Grant is removed from
WEBSTER command
This is a special Artillery unit that, once in place, is
not removed during phase 10.3. If it is the sole Minor Confederate Victory (less than 2 to 1 VP
remaining unit in the hex as per 9.5, it is ratio):
Destroyed. Grant is removed but the Union remains in place
and ready to attack Corinth. The advance though
47TH TENNESSEE has been delayed.
Flip one unit in Polk’s I Corps to full strength at
10am on April 7. If none are available then flip any Minor Union Victory (less than 2 to 1 VP ratio):
infantry unit in the army. Historical result. Grant remains in command but
Halleck has come to direct the overall offensive.
The advance on Corinth is ponderous.
These are artillery counters that may be fired only
Solid Union Victory (2 to 1 VP ratio):
from Tennessee River hexes.
Grant becomes a hero and plays a greater part in
the drive on Corinth. The city falls sooner than in
When rolling for Artillery recovery, the die roll is +1
for both sides.

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Decisive Union Victory (3 to 1 VP ratio or Union Set Up
automatic victory conditions): Army Commander (TN)
The Confederate army is wrecked and Corinth is Grant Baggage O11
abandoned and with it Memphis. The fall of
Vicksburg is a mere question of time. 1st Division (TN/McClerland)
McClernand L06
Hare P06
Historical Battle Raith J05
Shiloh was among the most famous, dramatic, and Marsh M05
bloody battles of the war. It was arguably the
Union’s fight to lose. Buell’s Army of the Ohio was 2nd Division (TN/W.Wallace)
close at hand. The Confederate army was poorly W. Wallace O07
placed, woefully inexperienced, and dreadfully Tuttle P10
armed. Yet, the Union had failed to fortify their McArthur Q08
camp or place pickets. The battle that raged ended Sweeny S09
in a Union victory, but a costly one. The Union
advance on Corinth was delayed and Ulysses Grant 4th Division (TN/Hurlbut)
was discredited. Through luck and political Hurlbut L09
connections he remained in the field, but the Williams K08
ghosts of Shiloh haunted him until his triumph at Veatch O08
Vicksburg. Lauman L09

Duration 5th Division (TN/Sherman)

Starts at April 6, 1862, at 7am and ends at 6pm on Sherman J04
April 7. Hildebrand J04
Buckland J03
Base CP McDowell K02
Union base CP is 1. Add +3 CP when Grant arrives Stuart E09
and +2 CP when Nelson arrives. Confederate CP is
9. 6th Division (TN/Prentiss)
Prentiss F07
Pittsburgh Landing Peabody E05
If O11 is captured, Union reinforcements instead Miller F07
arrive at V08, 6 turns later than their scheduled
arrival. Artillery Available: Waterhouse, Hickenlooper

Lew Wallace and His Division 9am

When Wallace arrives, roll a die. On a 1-2, he Army Commander (TN)
arrives at N01. On a 3, he arrives at V08. On a 4-6, Grant O11
he arrives at 6pm at V08.
Artillery Division
April 6 VP Webster O11
The Confederates score VP for K04, F07, and K09
at the start of the Night turn. This means these 6th Division (TN/Prentiss)
locations can be scored twice by the Confederates. Reid O11

Artillery Available: Gunboats

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12pm Confederate Set Up

Army Commander (OH) Commander (MS)
Buell O11 Johnston A01

Artillery Available: Welker Corps Commander (I)

Polk B02
3rd Division (TN/L.Wallace) 1st Division (I/Clark)
L. Wallace* Clark B02
Thayer* Russell A02
Whittlesey* Stewart B02
M. Smith *
2nd Division (I/Cheatham)
4pm Cheatham A01
4th Division (OH/Nelson) Stephens A01
Nelson O11 Johnson A01
Ammen O11
Corps Commander (II)
Bragg C02
4th Division (OH/Nelson)
1st Division (II/Ruggles)
Bruce O11
Ruggles C02
Pond D01
6pm Anderson C01
4th Division (OH/Nelson) Gibson C02
Hazen O11
2nd Division (II/Withers)
NIGHT Withers B03
2nd Division (OH/McCook) Chalmers A03
A. McCook O11 Gladden B04
Gibson O11 Jackson B03
Rousseau O11
Kirk O11 Corps Commander (III)
Hardee D03
5th Division (OH/Crittenden) Cleburne D02
Crittenden O11
W. Smith O11 Hindman’s Division (III/Hindman)
Boyle O11 Hindman C03
Shaver C03
April 7, 1pm Wood D03
6th Division (OH/Wood)
Wood O11 Reserve Corps
Garfield O11 Statham B01
Wagner O11 Clanton A03

Artillery Available: Robertson, Shoup

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Confederate Reinforcements
7am APRIL 6 VP
Reserve Corps The Confederates score VP for F07, K04, K09, M05,
Wharton B01 Q08 at the start of the Night turn. This means
these locations can be scored twice by the
Commander (MS)
Beauregard B01
Ignore Confederate battle surge.
Reserve Corps
Breckinridge A01 Union Set Up is Historical.
Trabue A01
Bowen A01 Confederate Set Up
Forrest A01 Commanders (MS)
Johnston C02
Artillery Available: M. Smith, Cobb Beauregard C02
Baggage B01
Corps Commander (I)
Confederate Baggage B01
Polk C08

1st Division (I/Clark)

Better Confederate Attack Plan Clark B08
The Confederates historically attacked in waves, Russell B07
which led to confusion as units mingled together. Stewart B08
This considers an alternate and more rational
attack plan. However, by taking the time to 2nd Division (I/Cheatham)
implement it, the Confederates do sacrifice a bit of Cheatham D06
their advantage in surprise. Stephens C08
Johnson D06
Starts at April 6, 1862, at 8am and ends at 6pm on Corps Commander (II)
April 7. Bragg C02

BASE CP 1st Division (II/Ruggles)

Union base CP is 1. Add +3 CP when Grant arrives Ruggles E03
and +2 CP when Nelson arrives. Confederate CP is Pond E03
9. Anderson F05
Gibson E04
If O11 is captured, Union reinforcements instead 2nd Division (II/Withers)
arrive at V08, 6 turns later than their scheduled Withers F03
arrival time. Chalmers H04
Gladden G04
When Wallace arrives, roll a die. On a 1-2, he
arrives at N01. On a 3, he arrives at V08. On a 4-6,
he arrives at 6pm at V08.

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Corps Commander (III) April 6 VP
Hardee F02 The Confederates score VP for F07, K04, K09, M05,
Cleburne I01 Q08 at the start of the Night turn. This means
these locations can be scored twice by the
Hindman’s Division (III/Hindman) Confederates.
Hindman H03
Shaver H03 Union set up is historical with these
Wood H02 exceptions
Commander (TN)
Reserve Corps (Reserve) Grant M08
Breckinridge A02
Trabue A02
Union Reinforcements
Bowen A01
Wharton D03 1pm
Forrest A03 Artillery Division
Clanton B10 Webster O11
Statham B01 Gunboats

Artillery Available: M. Smith, Robertson, Shoup, 5pm

Cobb 6th Division (TN/Prentiss)
Reid O11

Attack on April 5 NIGHT

Originally, the attack was to happen on April 5. It Commander (OH)
was delayed when Daniel Ruggles’ division became Buell O11
lost due to bad staff work. This scenario looks at
4th Division (OH/Nelson)
the South’s best chance to win, an attack made
Nelson O11
before the weight of the Army of the Ohio had
Bruce O11
Hazen O11
Ammen O11
Starts at April 5, 1862 at 12pm and ends at 6pm on
3rd Division (TN/L.Wallace)
April 6.
L. Wallace*
Base CP
Union base CP is 1. Add +3 CP when Grant arrives
M. Smith *
and +2 CP when Nelson arrives. Confederate CP is
April 6, 12pm
Pittsburg Landing 5th Division (OH/Crittenden)
If O11 is captured, Union reinforcements instead Crittenden O11
arrive at V08, 6 turns later than their scheduled W. Smith O11
arrival time. Boyle O11

Lew Wallace and His Division

When Wallace arrives, roll a die. On a 1-2, he
arrives at N01. On a 3, he arrives at V08. On a 4-6,
he arrives at 6pm at V08.

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Confederate Set Up Confederate Reinforcements

Commanders (MS) 1pm
Johnston D03 Confederate Baggage B01
Beauregard D03
Corps Commander (I) Statham B01
Polk B02
Artillery Avaiable: Cobb
1st Division (I/Clark)
Clark B02 2pm
Russell E03 1st Division (II/Ruggles)
Stewart C02 Ruggles A01
Pond A01
2nd Division (I/Cheatham) Anderson A01
Cheatham F03 Gibson A01
Stephens B02
Johnson F03 Artillery Available: Robertson

Corps Commander (II)

Bragg B08
Day 2: April 7, 1862
2nd Division (II/Withers) This scenario looks at the Union’s counterattack.
Withers D05 After hours of fighting the Confederates were
Chalmers C06 forced back to Corinth. While certainly a victory,
Gladden D06 the attack failed to be decisive. The Confederate
Jackson D05 army was intact and able to hold Corinth, and by
default Memphis, for a few months longer. Not
Corps Commander (III) until Perryville, six months later, would the Rebels
Hardee G03 again fight in the open field and risk a disastrous
Cleburne I01 battlefield reverse. Still, a victory was a victory.
Grant and his army had survived the greatest test
Hindman’s Division (III/Hindman) of their lives.
Hindman G04
Shaver G04 Duration
Wood H03 Starts at April 7, 1862 at 9am and ends at 6pm on
April 7.
Breckinridge A01 Base CP
Trabue A01 Union base CP is 5. Confederate is 7.
Bowen B01
Wharton J01 April 6 VP
Forrest A02 Confederates have already scored 4 VP on April 6.
Clanton B06
Confederates Ready
Artillery Available: M. Smith, Shoup For -1 VP, the Confederates can ignore Union
Battle Surge on the first 2 turns.

Any unit with an asterisk starts the battle flipped.

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Union Set Up 4th Division (OH/Nelson)

Commander (TN) Nelson K08
Grant Q07 Bruce K08
Grant Baggage O11 Hazen L08
Ammen K09
Artillery Division (Artillery)
Webster O11 5th Division (OH/Critteden)
Crittenden L08
1st Division (TN/McClernand) W. Smith L08
McClernand O07 Boyle L09
Hare* P09
Raith* N11 Artillery Available: Waterhouse, Hickenlooper,
Marsh* O07 Welker, Gunboats

2nd Division (TN/W.Wallace) Union Reinforcements

W. Wallace* R08 1pm
McArthur* R08 6th Division (OH/Wood)
Wood O11
3rd Division (TN/L.Wallace) Garfield O11
L. Wallace R06 Wagner O11
Thayer R06
Whittlesey S05 Union Eliminated Units
M. Smith Q06 6th Division (TN/Prentiss)
4th Division (TN/Hurlbut) Miller
Hurlbut N08
Williams* N08 2nd Division (TN/W.Wallace)
Veatch* M08 W. Wallace
Lauman* Q07 Tuttle
5th Division (TN/Sherman)
Sherman P07 5th Division (TN/Sherman)
Buckland* Q07 Hildebrand
McDowell* Q08
Stuart* P07
Union Captured Units
6th Division (TN/Prentiss)
6th Division (TN/Prentiss)
Prentiss* P07
Reid* P07

Commander (OH)
Buell M08 Confederate Set Up
Commander (MS)
2 Division (OH/A.McCook) Beauregard K03
A. McCook M07 Confederate
Gibson O09 Baggage (Inactive) K03
Rousseau M07
Kirk N09 I Corps (I)
Polk F07

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Confederate Eliminated Units

1st Division (I/Clark) Commander (MS)
Clark* I07 Johnston
Russell* M04
Stewart* I07 1st Division (I/Clark)
2nd Division (I/Cheatham)
Cheatham B02
Stephens* A01
Johnson* B02
Below are options that give players a different
II Corps (II) experience and the chance to investigate
Bragg K03 alternative history. There are no options for Day 2.
Unless noted, the options below can be used for
1st Division (II/Ruggles) any non-Day 2 scenario.
Ruggles M05
Pond* O03 Fort Donelson Division
Anderson* M05 The fall of Fort Donelson was a disaster made
Gibson* O04 worse by the failure of the garrison to escape.
Grant failed to keep up a tight watch on his
2nd Division (II/Withers) prisoners, allowing hundreds to escape, but it
Withers F09 could have been even more if not for the errors of
Chalmers* E09 the Confederate high command. This scenario
Gladden* F09 supposes some of the troops made it out with
Jackson* E07 Forrest and accompanied Johnston to Shiloh.

III Corps (III) Apply to any scenario except for Day 2. For -2 VP,
Hardee H08 the Confederates start off with these units.
Cleburne* H06 Cleburne is now part of Hindman’s division.

Hindman’s Division (III/Hindman) Historical

Hindman L05 B. Johnson A04
Shaver* L05 Gregg A04
Wood* O05 Baldwin B04
Drake A04
Reserve Corps
Breckinridge K05
Trabue* K05 Better Confederate Attack Plan
Bowen* H08 B. Johnson H01
Wharton P04 Gregg H01
Forrest I10 Baldwin G01
Clanton B10 Drake F02
Statham* I06
April 5
B. Johnson G03
Gregg G03
Baldwin E04
Drake F04

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Earl Van Dorn Crosses the Mississippi McCulloch’s Division (West/McCulloch)

McCulloch A01
River Hebert A01
In the weeks after Fort Donelson, Beauregard McNair A01
discussed with Earl Van Dorn a plan to bring his McIntosh B01
16,000 man Army of the West to Corinth. Van Dorn Greer B01
did not accept the offer until after his defeat at Pea
Ridge. This variant looks into Van Dorn arriving in
Little’s Division (West/Little)
time to aid the Confederates, but not with his full
Little A01
force. Sterling Price remains to guard Arkansas
Slack A01
with a little under half of the army. Van Dorn’s
Rives A01
army is eager, but poorly armed, poorly trained,
Gates B01
and suffers from mediocre small unit commanders.
Artillery Available: Landis
Apply to any scenario except for Day 2. For -7 VP,
the Confederates receive these reinforcements.
April 5, 3pm
Commander (West)
Historical Van Dorn A01

10am McCulloch’s Division (West/McCulloch)

Commander (West) McCulloch A01
Van Dorn A01 Hebert A01
McNair A01
McCulloch’s Division (West/McCulloch) McIntosh B01
McCulloch A01 Greer B01
Hebert A01
McNair A01 4pm
McIntosh B01 Little’s Division (West/Little)
Greer B01 Little A01
Slack A01
11am Rives A01
Little’s Division (West/Little) Gates B01
Little A01
Slack A01 Artillery Available: Landis
Rives A01
Gates B01

Artillery Available: Landis

Island No. 10
While Shiloh was being fought, the Union was
concluding a successful siege of Island No. 10. This
Better Confederate Attack Plan
scenario supposes that Beauregard strips the
9am defenses of Island No. 10 and takes some troops
Commander (West) away from Fort Pillow. The division formed,
Van Dorn A01 though, is not in great shape. It would have been
led by John P. McCown, who was lethargic and out
of his depth. More importantly, his men were sick
and poorly armed. Beauregard’s move is risky, for
it would free part of John Pope’s Army of the
Mississippi to possibly reinforce Grant.

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Apply to any scenario except for Day 2. In each Polk can arrive at N01. Each turn roll a die. On a 4-
scenario the Union secretly rolls for each unit. On 6, Polk arrives with Clark and his division as well as
a 1, the player secretly rolls two six-sided dice, and the M. Smith artillery. The following turn,
the unit arrives at O11 in the resulting number of Cheatham arrives with his division on a roll of 4-6.
turns. If Pope does not arrive, all divisions are These rolls are made each turn. May be used in
considered to be under Grant. The Union rolls for the Historical Battle scenario. Place the counters
Pope and the divisions led by Paine, Hamilton, for Breckenridge’s Reserve Corps freely among
Palmer, Stanley, and Plummer. No more than two Polk’s Corps’s starting positions for the Historical
divisions may arrive. The order in which divisions Battle scenario.
are rolled for is not set.

Historical Pittsburg Landing: Headquarters

6am (arrive as reinforcements) Army of the Tennessee
I Corps, 1st Division Instead of being at the front, Grant was back in
McCown A01 Savannah in a mansion, preferring comfort to
Gantt A01 camp life. To be fair he wanted to be in direct
Walker B01 contact with Buell, but he also failed to inform
Mackall B01 Buell of his plans and the army’s placement. He
failed to have his men post sentries or fortify,
Better Confederate Attack Plan which allowed the army to be taken by surprise.
McCown B05 Grant redeemed himself once the battle started,
Gantt B05 but his overconfidence and laziness on the eve of
Walker B06 the fighting was among his gravest blunders.
Mackall B06 Shiloh was to Grant what Marengo was to
April 5
McCown B03 Apply to any scenario except for Day 2. For -3 VP,
Gantt B03 the Union base CP is +3. Place Grant at O11.
Walker B04 Wallace’s division arrives at 10am at V08, but all
Mackall B04 Army of the Ohio reinforcements are delayed 2
turns. The Confederates do not get Battle Surge.
Confederate Flanking Forces
The Confederates could have tried to flank the
Union army, creating a less congested attack Henry Halleck in Command
frontage but also risking coordination failure, After Shiloh, Henry Halleck took personal
always a risk in warfare and much more so in the command at Pittsburgh Landing. This scenario
Civil War. This gives the Rebels options outside of considers if Halleck had done this earlier. Halleck
simply bulling through the Union lines. was meddlesome and cautious, but would have
brought a large staff. He was also less likely to be
Bragg’s Corps can arrive at A12. At the start of turn completely surprised by the Confederates.
one, roll a die. On a 4, Bragg arrives with Withers’
division. On the following turns Ruggles will arrive Replace Grant with Halleck in any scenario. The
with his division and Robertson Artillery, on a roll Confederates do not have the Battle Surge and
of 3-6. These rolls are made each turn. This can be Union base CP is +4.
used in the Historical Battle scenario. Counters for
Polk’s entire I Corps may be placed anywhere in
the indicated Historical scenario starting positions.

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Charles F. Smith in Command not tell Wallace to take it on April 6. This scenario
Smith was widely considered one of the best supposes that Wallace arrives early.
generals in the early war. He was a favorite of
Halleck and was being groomed for army L. Wallace arrives at V08 at 11am. The Union starts
command. Smith replaced Grant after Fort with -1 VP.
Donelson, but Grant was restored after public
outcry. Before Smith handed command back to
Grant he suffered an injury that led to a lingering Don Carlos Buell at Crump’s Landing
death. His main effect on Shiloh was negative: he Buell could have been ferried to Crump’s Landing
encouraged Grant in his belief that the Rebels were and from there made a possible flank attack. While
still at Corinth. His division was led by William not considered during the battle, it is an interesting
Wallace in his absence. Wallace fought well at possiblity.
Shiloh but suffered a mortal wound in the fighting.
You can apply this to any scenario except for Day 2
Replace Grant with C. F. Smith, or replace W. and April 5th. Place Buell and the divisions of
Wallace with C. F. Smith in any scenario. Nelson and Crittenden at Crump’s Landing. At
2pm, roll 1d6. On a 1-3, Nelson enters at V08. On a
This scenario supposes Grant is on the field and 4-6, he enters at N01. Buell, L. Wallace, and
ready for a Confederate attack. Crittenden will follow the next turn and enter
wherever Nelson entered. At the beginning of the
Place Grant at O11. Union base CP is 4. The game the Union player may secretly decide to
Confederates do not get Battle Surge. Union VP send Buell, Nelson, and Crittenden to H01. On
are -2. each daylight turn of Day 2 make a roll, Nelson
enterw on a roll of 5-6. Buell and Crittenden will
then enter the following turn. McCook always
Nelson Arrives arrives per the regular reinforcement schedule.
Nelson wanted to bring his division forward on
April 5, but Grant decided to keep him back in
Savannah. Grant was ailing from an accident and Army of the Ohio and the Transports
feeling overconfident. It was one of the many Grant and the navy bungled their use of transports
errors he made on the eve of battle. on April 6, which delayed Buell.

Apply to any scenario except for Day 2 and April 5. All Army of the Ohio reinforcements arrive 3 turns
For -2 VP, the Union may add these units. earlier. The Union starts with -4 VP.

4th Division (OH/Nelson)

Nelson O11
Bruce O11
Ammen O11

Hazen (OH/Nelson) O11

Lew Wallace Takes the River Road

The most direct route from Crump’s Landing to
Pittsburg Landing was the River Road. Grant did

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Sean Chick The Battle of Shiloh 21

Game Design: Sean Chick

Art Design: Jose Faura

Developer: Robert Schexnayder

Editing: Beck Snyder

Special Thanks: Jo Bader, Daniel Chick, Joseph A.

Rose, Tom Russell, Judd Vance

This game is dedicated to Joseph A. Rose, who

gave me many ideas for scenarios.

christy okane (Order #18077923)

christy okane (Order #18077923)

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