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Jenna Sowards

Professor Madden

English Composition II

13 July 2019

Annotated Bibliography

My essay will aim to answer my question about should standard exams do a little more

than just measure a student`s ability and should they be prohibited for approval of another

structure of assessment. By doing this research on this topic, I want to know if all the states have

the same exact standard exams or if states do it differently. If so how does each state do it and in

other countries? But also, how does the different demographics of each standard exam of each

school play into measuring a student`s ability?

“Standardized Lies, Money & Civil Rights: How Testing Is Ruining Public Education. Jim Del

Conte, Daniel Hornberger. Rockfish Productions. 2014. IMDB. Documentary.,

Standardized testing has been a big part of our education world and public education.

But the last ten years, our testing has taken a major role into our education and our lives. One

important note is that our testing is damaging more than actually helping us in the education

world. This documentary shows how invalid these tests are and how tests scores are viewed as

effective assessments on student`s ability and the teacher`s and school`s effectiveness throughout

this film. Therefore, the tests have horrifying consequences of high stake testing and a lot of

money that is involved in taking these standardized tests.

This documentary is targeting students, teachers, and overall schools that need to learn

about the overall issues and effectiveness of standardized testing. This documentary drives the

viewer to come to conclusions about our education society and our education world. This film

drives our educators to think deep into the issues on standardized testing and to not have just a

one-sided perspective on this issue.

This documentary`s director is Jim Del Conte. The director is credible because you are

diving into civil rights about standardized testing and all the other aspects of what goes into this

subject. The director has adequate information to direct this documentary due to all of the topics

that are discussed in this documentary. This source is reliable because it is a documentary that is

a reality for the purpose of our education in this world.

I plan to use this documentary in my research paper by breaking down the specific topics

in my paper. It will answer my research questions by implementing the different aspects

standardized testing has on students, teachers, and overall schools. Also, it will help me articulate

my position toward this topic overall in my final paper.

Howell, Zaria. “Opting out of Standardized Testing.” New York Amsterdam News, vol. 107,

no. 35, 25 Aug. 2016, p. 29. Ohio Link. Sinclair Library, Dayton, OH. July 2019.


Opting out of standardized testing focuses on the impact of standardized tests and the

overall learning that helps students. The teaching performance that schools have and the views of

education in their communities. The different topics that is discussed are, anti-standardized

testing, the results of the public poll on standardized testing, and whether to destroy standardized
testing or not. In addition, standardized tests have a lot of bias to them whether schools approve

of them or do not.

This article is targeting teachers and schools that needs a lot of work in understanding

the impact of standardized testing and the learning aspect that it has on their students. This article

drives the reader to understand how much testing impacts students in so many ways than they

think. It also drives the reader to think about how they would feel if they were a student and had

to take these standardized tests.

This articles writer is Zaria Howell. The writer is credible because they are plunging into

a lot of bias of whether schools should have standardized testing or not. The writer has adequate

information do to having information from both sides. This source is reliable because it has a lot

of purpose for both for and against standardized testing.

I plan to use this article in my research paper by discussing the different views of the

specific topics such as standardized testing. It will answer my research questions by knowing the

different impacts that it has on students, schools, etc. Therefore, it will help me with my

perspective on this topic for my final paper.

Madeja, Stanley S., et al. “Alternative Assessment Strategies for Schools.” Arts Education Policy

Review, vol. 105, no. 5, May 2004, pp. 3–13. Ohio Link. Sinclair Library, Dayton, Ohio.

July 2019.


Alternative Assessment Strategies for Schools have several alternatives instead of

standardized tests in order to assess the performance of the schools and their students. The
different existing state-wide tests has so many effects to them but also so many that are not

effective. But there are so many evaluations that are used by these tests that show the

performance of the school`s students. Therefore, there are so many other forms of assessing such

as modeling their performance over the years, keeping track of their performance each six

months, etc.

This article is targeting schools and states that need help in finding alternative forms for

standardized testing. This article wants the reader to dive in to understand that there are many

different ways to assess students than just standardized testing. It also drives them to think of

new ways that we can assess students than testing and how it would work, would it have an

advantage, and if it would assess students learning.

This articles writer is Stanley Madeja. The writer is credible because they are diving into

a very controversial topic that has a lot of ideas. The writer has adequate information do to

having information from teachers, administration, etc. This source is reliable because it has so

much purpose for finding different forms of standardized testing for our future.

I plan to use this article in my research paper by discussing the different ways of

standardized testing. It will answer my research questions by seeing the ways that we can assess

the students learning and how it will help them. In addition, it will help me with my perspective

on the different ways we will have in our future for standardized testing.

Mulvenon, Sean W., et al. “Test Anxiety: A Multifaceted Study on the Perceptions of Teachers,

Principals, Counselors, Students, and Parents.” International Journal of Testing, vol. 5,

no. 1, Mar. 2005, pp. 37–61. Ohio Link. Sinclair Library, Dayton, OH. July 2019.


Test anxiety has a big impact on standardized testing because it affects their overall

performance on the tests. It also discusses the act of “No Child Left Behind,” which is an

awareness to school systems and testing. There are different studies that have been done on

teachers regarding standardized testing, which is correlated with the impact of anxiety and stress.

Therefore, the studies say that there is danger to standardized testing and students, parents,

principals, etc. value these tests and that standardized tests do not report any increased levels of

anxiety or stress. But teachers do have strong misgivings about standardized testing.

This article is targeting teachers because a lot of students, parents, principals and

counselors do not see any increases levels of stress or anxiety. But the teachers do, in which

there is bias in this article. The article drives the reader to look deeper into this topic to

understand where all the other people are coming from. But it also drives the reader to think

about how they would feel if they were a teacher and how they would handle this situation.

This articles writer is Sean Mulvenon. The writer is credible because they are diving into

a lot of bias in this topic of having anxiety and stress when taking standardized tests. The writer

has adequate information do to having so much information from a lot of people and from both

sides. This source is reliable due to the purpose of both sides of stress and anxiety when taking

standardized tests.

I plan on using this article in my research paper by discussing the different views people

have about having anxiety and stress when taking a standardized tes.t Also, how it affects them

and their scores. It will answer my research questions by seeing the different impacts it has on
several people and if they have the same views or different views. In addition, it will help me

understand the different aspects that this topic has on several people.

Salaky, Kristin. “What standardized tests look like in 10 places around the world.” Insider. Ohio

Link. July 2019.

Standardized tests look so different in ten places around the world. All different states

have different guidelines that schools and teachers have to follow in order to get their students

prepared to take these big tests. Also, states will have standardized tests over different subjects,

they are not all going to be the exact same. Therefore, standardized tests are different no matter

where you go to take them and they do vary across the world.

This article is targeting schools and states all around the world because standardized tests

are different in their subjects and they all have different guidelines to them as well. But it is also

targeting our government as well, with having all of the state`s testing be different than another

state. The article drives the reader to figure out what is different in each state and figuring out

solutions for standardized testing to be better for the future.

This articles writer is Kristin Salaky. The writer is credible because they have a lot of

information about different states standards and guidelines when they have standardized testing

and what they have to do to prepare themselves and their students. The writer has adequate

information as well because they have information all over the world for standardized testing and

how it affects from state to state. This source is reliable do to the purpose of knowing the

difference between every state with standardized testing.

I plan on using this article in my research paper by discussing the different standards and

guidelines that goes into standardized testing in every state. Also, the different views on why it is

different in every state and why does it have to be different. It will answer my research questions

by seeing all of the different aspects that go into each state. Therefore, it will help me understand

the views on why our government has to have our education the way that it needs to be.

Segool, Natasha K., et al. “Heightened Test Anxiety among Young Children: Elementary School

Students’ Anxious Responses to High-Stakes Testing.” Psychology in the Schools, vol.

50, no. 5, May 2013, pp. 489–499. Ohio Link. Sinclair Library, Dayton, OH. July 2019.


Test anxiety in young children on high stakes standardized testing and low stakes testing

in elementary school students. This is a study to examine the differences in young students with

test anxiety and with “No Child Left Behind Act”. The study shows that young children have

anxiety when they have high stakes testing versus any classroom testing. In addition, young

children go through a lot when they are really young, which one of the being anxiety.

This article is targeting schools, and the government that need to understand that testing

that young is overwhelming for a young child. This article drives the reader to understand why

schools and the government need to do standardized testing that young of an age. It also drives

the reader to think how they would feel as a young child taking standardized tests and having so

much anxiety as a child.

This articles writer is Natasha Segool. The writer is credible because they are diving into

a topic that has a lot of controversial on. The writer has adequate information on this topic
because they have information were people agree and disagree to the topic. This source is

reliable because it has a lot of purpose for both sides for and against standardized testing in

young children in elementary school.

I plan to use this article in my research paper by discussing the different views on

standardized testing in elementary schools for young children. It will answer my questions by

seeing the different perspectives that it has on young children, the schools, etc. This source is

reliable because it has a lot of purpose for both sides with standardized testing.

The Room 241 Team. “Do Standardized Tests Show an Accurate View of Students` Abilities?”

A Blog By Concordia University Portland, May 2018. Ohio Link. July 2019.


Standardized tests play a major role in the education world. A lot of tests measure a

specific knowledge that measure a student`s readiness. There is arguments in favor of

standardized testing in which they like standardized testing and they think that it will help

students. But then there are arguments in favor of not having standardized testing in which they

are against standardized testing and do not think that it helps students at all. Therefore,

standardized testing has bias against them whether you are for them or against them.

This article is targeting schools and teachers that need to understand that tests do not

show an accurate view of a student`s abilities. This article drives the readers to be put in a

student`s position to think that they have to take a test just to show their abilities to take a test.

But it also drives them to dig deep into this article, to see what students go through just to pass a

test to have people see that they can show their abilities.
This articles writer is The Room 241 Team. The writer is credible because they have a

lot of bias for standardized testing. The writer has adequate information from both sides of the

topic with how standardized tests show accurate view on a student`s abilities. This source is

reliable because it supports both sides for and against standardized testing.

I plan to use this article in my research paper by showing and discussing the views on

how standardized testing shows accurate views on student`s abilities to take these tests that are

overwhelming. It will answer my research questions by seeing the different views on this

specific topic. In addition, it will help me with my perspective on this topic for my final paper.

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