Test 9 B Martie2019

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NAME___________________________, R1


I. Choose the correct answer: 20 p

1. The two ................. demanded a ransom of 150,000 in order to release the businessman.
A burglars B kidnappers C muggers
2. Don’t forget to ................. the blender in before turning it on, otherwise it won’t work.
A switch B put C plug
3. The boy ................. was speaking to your daughter is the captain of the football team.
A who B which C whose
4. Isn’t the soup delicious? It was made ................. mushrooms and onions.
A by B from C with
5. Professor Marcus is married ............. a well-known actress.
A to B with C at
6. We ................. to complete our reports before lunchtime.
A had made B were made C must be made
7. When travelling by aeroplane, keep in ................. that your luggage shouldn’t be more than 20
A thought B mind C reason
8. I haven’t ................. to attend the meeting. Have you?
A being asked B be asked C been asked
9. He’s got two brothers, one of ................. lives in the USA.
A whom B which C whose
10. If you are caught ................. on an exam, you will not receive a grade.
A deceiving B forging C cheating

II. Fill in the missing words. Write only one word in each gap: 20 p
1The police have still not found the man who ......................the crime.
2 I had a puncture and to make matters ..........................,the car battery was flat.
3 Did you hear? Paul Simpson will .......................... awarded a medal for his bravery.
4 The old man was .......................... of his money.
5 Could you please .......................... the radio on? I want to listen to the 6 o’clock news.
6 He’s the man ................................ dog we found on the beach yesterday.
7 All gang members were .......................... to two years in prison.
8 When Mark said he knew who had robbed the bank we all laughed .......................... him.
9 If you like your meals prepared fast and easy then you need a .......................... oven.
10 When .......................... the natural history museum first opened to the public?
11 How much were you .......................... for not stopping at the stop sign?
12 He was accused .......................... murder.
13 The island, .......................... he was born, is located in the south of the country.
14 Who was the exhibition organised .......................... ?
15 An eye .......................... gave the detective a detailed account of the incident.
16 Laura is married .......................... James.
17 Your ID card is .......................... checked, sir. Please wait.
18 We have .......................... offered a 20% discount at the computer store. Isn’t that great?
19 Can you tell me the reason .......................... you lied to your teacher?
20 Keep in .......................... that this needs to be finished before Monday.

III. Rephrase using between 2 and 5 words: 20 p

1.Visitors without a pass aren’t allowed to enter the building. forbidden
Entrance to the building ................................................................... don’t have a pass.
2 .Everyone thinks that the famous couple is married. thought
The famous couple ...................................... married.
3. The player didn’t stop running even though the referee blew the whistle. kept
The referee blew the whistle but the player...................................................... running.
4. Dan was the only student who failed the exam. passed
Everyone .....................................................Dan.
5. I liked the film so much that I saw it twice. Such
It .................................................................that I saw it twice.
6. She has to finish her essay by next Monday . finished
Her essay ......................................................................................by next Monday
7. People believe that the train crash was caused by a signal failure. believed
lt . . ..................................................................................................train crash was caused by a signal
8. The government has suggested that we should t ry to conserve water. By
It........................................................ the government that we should try to conserve water.
9.Works of art can be seen in a museum. Where
A museum.......................................................................be seen.
10.It is believed that the thief got in through the bathroom window. Have
The thief.............................................................................................in through the bathroom window.

IV. Word formation: 15 p

1.You could never depend on Rick. He’s so................................... . RELY
2 The way people communicate changed with the ................................... of mobile phones. INTRODUCE
3 ................................... is a very effective way to reduce crime. PREVENT
4 The doctors say that his condition is................................... getting better. STEADY
5 The authorities of most countries rely on................................... cards as a means of recognition.

V. Fill in the gaps with only one word: 15 p

Most of us,at some time or another suffer from the 'winter blues'.As the days get shorter and cooler we find
ourselves feeling tired and we tend 1) .. ... eat more than we should. It is perfectly natural,our internal
biological clocks are simply reacting to the changes in sunlight patterns.The only solution is to carry
2)............ and to try to make the best of things 3 ) . . . . . . ...waiting for spring. Some people, however,
4)............... the 'winterblues' overwhelming.They have little or no interest 5)................. work, school,
family or friends. They are tired all the time, 6)................ matter how muchs sleep they get, and they crave
carbohydrates (potatoes,bread, spaghetti, etc).They also experience feelings of despair, misery and
hopelessness.These are symptoms of the disease7 ) ..... as SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder. The cure
8) . . . a logical one. Sufferers need exposure to bright light. For mild forms of the disease simply spending
more 9) . . . . . . . outside usually helps to relieve the symptoms, but serious SAD sufferers need 10)............
more effective treatment.According to medical professionals,the recommended treatment 11) . .... . SAD is
exposure from 30 minutes to two hours daily, to a 'light box'. This box produces a bright light which is
similar to being outside on a cloudy winter 's day in Alaska.The patient 12) . .................. to allow the light
to make contact with their eye as research has shown that it is the effect of light on the eyes, rather
13)............. on the skin, which reduces SAD symptoms. Exercise can also help relieve symptoms of
depression. Luckily though,most14) ..............us simply experience mild form of the disease.In this case, an
effective cure includes anything15)............. a Caribbean holiday to a great evening out with friends.
NAME___________________________, R2


I. Choose the correct answer: 20 p
1. We ................. to complete our reports before lunchtime.
A had made B were made C must be made
2.When travelling by aeroplane, keep in ................. that your luggage shouldn’t be more than 20 kilos.
A thought B mind C reason
3. I haven’t ................. to attend the meeting. Have you?
A being asked B be asked C been asked
4. He’s got two brothers, one of ................. lives in the USA.
A whom B which C whose
5. If you are caught ................. on an exam, you will not receive a grade.
A deceiving B forging C cheating
6. The two ................. demanded a ransom of 150,000 in order to release the businessman.
A burglars B kidnappers C muggers
7. Don’t forget to ................. the blender in before turning it on, otherwise it won’t work.
A switch B put C plug
8. The boy ................. was speaking to your daughter is the captain of the football team.
A who B which C whose
9. Isn’t the soup delicious? It was made ................. mushrooms and onions.
A by B from C with
10. Professor Marcus is married ............. a well-known actress.
A to B with C at
II. Fill in the missing words. Write only one word in each gap: 20 p

1.When .......................... the natural history museum first opened to the public?
2. How much were you .......................... for not stopping at the stop sign?
3. He was accused .......................... murder.
4. The island, .......................... he was born, is located in the south of the country.
5. Who was the exhibition organised .......................... ?
6. An eye .......................... gave the detective a detailed account of the incident.
7. Laura is married .......................... James.
8. Your ID card is .......................... checked, sir. Please wait.
9. We have .......................... offered a 20% discount at the computer store. Isn’t that great?
10 Can you tell me the reason .......................... you lied to your teacher?
11. Keep in .......................... that this needs to be finished before Monday.
12 The police have still not found the man who ......................the crime.
13 I had a puncture and to make matters ..........................,the car battery was flat.
14 Did you hear? Paul Simpson will .......................... awarded a medal for his bravery.
15 The old man was .......................... of his money.
16 Could you please .......................... the radio on? I want to listen to the 6 o’clock news.
17 He’s the man ................................ dog we found on the beach yesterday.
18 All gang members were .......................... to two years in prison.
19. When Mark said he knew who had robbed the bank we all laughed .......................... him.
20 If you like your meals prepared fast and easy then you need a .......................... oven.

III. Rephrase using between 2 and 5 words: 20p

1. I liked the film so much that I saw it twice. Such
It .................................................................that I saw it twice.
2. She has to finish her essay by next Monday . finished
Her essay ......................................................................................by next Monday
3. People believe that the train crash was caused by a signal failure. believed
lt ....................................................................................................train crash was caused by a signal failure.
3. The government has suggested that we should t ry to conserve water. By
It........................................................ the government that we should try to conserve water.
5.Works of art can be seen in a museum. Where
A museum.......................................................................be seen.
6.It is believed that the thief got in through the bathroom window. Have
The thief.............................................................................................in through the bathroom window.
7.Visitors without a pass aren’t allowed to enter the building. forbidden
Entrance to the building ................................................................... don’t have a pass.
8 .Everyone thinks that the famous couple is married. thought
The famous couple ...................................... married.
9. The player didn’t stop running even though the referee blew the whistle. kept
The referee blew the whistle but the player...................................................... running.
10. Dan was the only student who failed the exam. passed
Everyone .....................................................Dan.

IV. Word formation: 15p

1.You could never depend on Rick. He’s so................................... . RELY
2 The way people communicate changed with the ................................... of mobile phones. INTRODUCE
3 ................................... is a very effective way to reduce crime. PREVENT
4 The doctors say that his condition is................................... getting better. STEADY
5 The authorities of most countries rely on................................... cards as a means of recognition.

V. Fill in the gaps with only one word: 15 p

Most of us,at some time or another suffer from the 'winter blues'.As the days get shorter and cooler we find
ourselves feeling tired and we tend 1) .. ... eat more than we should. It is perfectly natural,our internal
biological clocks are simply reacting to the changes in sunlight patterns.The only solution is to carry
2)............ and to try to make the best of things 3 ) . . . . . . ...waiting for spring. Some people, however,
4)............... the 'winterblues' overwhelming.They have little or no interest 5)................. work, school,
family or friends. They are tired all the time, 6)................ matter how muchs sleep they get, and they crave
carbohydrates (potatoes,bread, spaghetti, etc).They also experience feelings of despair, misery and
hopelessness.These are symptoms of the disease7 ) ..... as SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder. The cure
8) . . . a logical one. Sufferers need exposure to bright light. For mild forms of the disease simply spending
more 9) . . . . . . . outside usually helps to relieve the symptoms, but serious SAD sufferers need 10)............
more effective treatment.According to medical professionals,the recommended treatment 11) . .... . SAD is
exposure from 30 minutes to two hours daily, to a 'light box'. This box produces a bright light which is
similar to being outside on a cloudy winter 's day in Alaska.The patient 12) . .................. to allow the light
to make contact with their eye as research has shown that it is the effect of light on the eyes, rather
13)............. on the skin, which reduces SAD symptoms. Exercise can also help relieve symptoms of
depression. Luckily though,most14) ..............us simply experience mild form of the disease.In this case, an
effective cure includes anything15)............. a Caribbean holiday to a great evening out with friends.

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