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Evolution of university-industry collaboration in Brazil from a technology

upgrading perspective

Bruno Brandão Fischera, , Paola Rücker Schaefferb, Nicholas S. Vonortasc,d,e
School of Applied Sciences, University of Campinas, Brazil
Department of Science and Technology Policy, University of Campinas, Brazil
Institute for International Science and Technology Policy and Department of Economics, The George Washington University, USA
São Paulo Excellence Chair, Department of Science and Technology Policy, University of Campinas, Brazil
Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation


Keywords: Due to its ability to create and disseminate knowledge, the modern university is understood as a central agent in
Technology upgrading innovation systems and technology upgrading dynamics. The main objective of this article is to assess the
Universities evolution of universities' embeddedness within the innovation system of an emerging economy in terms of
University-industry linkages patenting activity and linkages to industry. The study is based on information relating to the twelve most
Social network analysis
eminent universities in Brazil for the years 1994, 2004 and 2014. These institutions are found responsible for a
Emerging economy
substantial share of Brazilian patents – with an upward trend over the years - and these institutions have de-
monstrated a progressive embeddedness to the national innovation system. Such behavior seems to have co-
evolved along with improvements in the national institutional environment, leading to expectations that aca-
demia can become strategic in shaping the catching-up conditions in Brazil for the coming years. However,
deeper connections with both domestic and foreign agents and multinational corporations are needed in order to
accelerate the pace of university contribution to value chains and technology upgrading.

1. Introduction element of technology upgrading. The relationship between scientific

and technological development has long been recognized as a pillar of
A striking challenge for most developing economies concerns the innovation systems' development and of the competitive capabilities in
structural barriers embroiled in middle-income traps (Im and knowledge-based societies (Eichengreen, 2004; Etzkowitz and
Rosenblatt, 2013). Catching up with advanced countries depends on Leydesdorff, 2000; Nelson and Rosenberg, 1993). If anything, this re-
multiple aspects related to innovation systems' functioning.1 One ap- lationship has become more deeply entrenched in productive structures
proach to explaining these dynamics has been recently put forward as in modern times and in multi-player settings (Caraça et al., 2009;
Technology Upgrading, a term that can be straightforwardly defined as Leydesdorff and Meyer, 2007). Accordingly, the modern university is
“a gradual shift from lower to higher value-added activities” (Radosevic and viewed as a central agent of the knowledge infrastructure on which
Yoruk, 2016, p. 4). While not entirely a new concept – akin to the innovation dynamics rely (Asheim et al., 2011; Conceição and Heitor,
concept of ‘structural change’ – it involves a complex array of vectors of 1999; Cooke et al., 1997; Guerrero et al., 2016; Mazzoleni and Nelson,
interest, it is closely connected to the diversification in the knowledge 2007).
portfolio of nations (Lee, 2013), and it is connected to the omnipresent Empirical evidence shows that universities function as fundamental
interaction of global and local actors (firms, universities, governments) sources of technological opportunities for the private sector (Klevorick
(Ernst and Kim, 2002). These modern approaches to the dynamics of et al., 1995), and for emerging economies' catch-up processes (Kruss
innovation in catching up economies stress that closing the technology et al., 2015). Academic technology transfer generates pervasive effects
gap with advanced countries functions differently than pushing the for society at large – such as improved human capital, knowledge ca-
knowledge frontiers back. pital and entrepreneurship (Guerrero et al., 2016). Universities have
Within this context, the knowledge infrastructure stands as a key also been related to contributions to the innovation environment

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (B.B. Fischer).
Terminologies are still fluid. Similar issues are discussed under the label “catch-up, post catch-up”, for instance, where basically the discussion is about the transition of economies

from an upper middle-income level to a fully developed stage where they can generate new-to-the-world innovations (Choung, 2016; Choung et al., 2016).
Received 27 September 2017; Received in revised form 25 April 2018; Accepted 2 May 2018
0040-1625/ © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Fischer, B.B., Technological Forecasting & Social Change (2018),
B.B. Fischer et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

(Choung et al., 2014), the generation of aggregate competitive ad- (typically labor and natural resources) and imitation of foreign tech-
vantages (Goddard and Chatterton, 1999), and as vectors of integration nologies are exhausted, requiring a productive shift towards high value
with international knowledge communities (Heitor, 2015). added activities for sustaining growth (Perez-Sebastian, 2007;
The acknowledgement of this role for academia has given rise to Vandenbussche et al., 2006).
institutional changes aiming at promoting a closer connection between In this regard, technological knowledge from advanced economies
universities and markets (Caraça et al., 2009) which intensifies the need represents a strategic asset for emerging economies' evolutionary tra-
to further explore the relationship between the science base and tech- jectories (Gerschenkron, 1962; Giuliani et al., 2005). However, tradi-
nological and industrial knowledge (Radosevic and Yoruk, 2014). This tional approaches have rarely emphasized the barriers faced by devel-
is critical for emerging and transition countries – those in search for oping countries in the generation of technological capabilities (Lall,
technology upgrading. These economies often lack adequate knowledge 1992). This implies that innovations generated in advanced nations
infrastructures able to feed the economic system with skills and ideas should be appropriated in developing economies at low costs and that
necessary to attain higher levels of productivity. some level of convergence should be attained over the long run. But a
Aiming at contributing to this debate from a new perspective, this closer look on catching-up processes reveals that convergence is con-
study assesses the evolution of universities' embeddedness within the ditional on the capability of absorbing and diffusing frontier technol-
innovation system of an emerging economy. We explore the evolution ogies from advanced markets (Abramovitz, 1986; Esterhuizen et al.,
of patenting activity and linkages to industry over the past decades and 2012). In order for these conditions to materialize, catching-up
how these dynamics may fit into technology upgrading and catching-up economies must be able to promote the development of learning cap-
processes in an emerging economy: Brazil. As it is known, the role abilities (Dahlman et al., 1987; Lall, 1992; Verspagen, 1991).
played by universities within National Innovation Systems varies over Distinct analytical approaches have been directed towards the
time and across countries at different stages of development (Kruss catching-up processes of developing and emerging nations. Key items of
et al., 2015; Mowery and Sampat, 2005), making such an approach a interest include participation in Global Value Chains as a transmission
fundamental step in understanding the trajectory of Brazil's National channel of knowledge (Ernst and Kim, 2002), complexity of economic
Innovation System. Emphasis is given to the intensity and breadth of structures (Hidalgo and Hausmann, 2009; Krüger, 2008), dynamic
technology upgrading, as well as to interactions with domestic and specialization towards emerging technologies (Radosevic and Yoruk,
foreign firms. The assessment extends to the most eminent research- 2014), and sequential upgrading based on leading sectors (Ozawa,
intensive Brazilian universities for three distinct years (1994, 2004, 2009), among others. Jindra et al. (2015) have summed up these ar-
2014) in order to capture inter-temporal trends. guments in three dimensions of technology upgrading processes in
According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2016/2017,2 Brazil order to address the evolution of value-added within emerging econo-
is classified among the efficiency-driven economies, a development mies:
stage in which technological readiness and higher education institu-
tions are among the strategic pillars, justifying our interest in academic a) Intensity of Technology Upgrading: a vector of technology acquisition
institutions. Also, this country presents some interesting traits, such as a strategies conditional upon countries' current technological cap-
history of successful cases in University-Industry linkages (Dutrénit and abilities;
Arza, 2015; Guennif and Ramani, 2012) and a high concentration of b) Breadth of Technology Upgrading: structural factors connected to the
researchers in academic institutions (Ryan, 2010). Our findings indicate dynamics of technology upgrading, such as infrastructure, structural
that leading universities in Brazil have increased their participation in features of productive systems, and firm-level capabilities.
technology upgrading processes, as well as their connections to mar- c) Interaction with the Global Economy: international interconnectedness
kets, following a substantial enhancement of the institutional environ- that is embedded in knowledge flows, highlighting inter-
ment. However, deeper connections with foreign agents and multi- dependencies across different nations and technological systems.
nationals hosted in the country are needed in order to accelerate the
pace of technology upgrading. The overarching argument behind these dimensions resides in
The article is structured in six sections. Following the introduction, technological capabilities and human capital (Agénor, 2017; Stokey,
Section 2 reviews the literature on technology upgrading and the role of 2015). The reasoning is that human capital, along with broader struc-
universities in it. Section 3 describes the analytical method. Section 4 tural changes, influence innovation rates, driving up sophistication of
presents empirical findings, while Section 5 discusses these results in production and exports. That is because advanced foreign technology
light of the institutional evolution of the Brazilian regulatory frame- absorption and the expansion of domestic technological activity are
work. Section 6 concludes with final remarks and potential implications hampered in a context of scarce high-quality human capital (Stone and
for researchers and policy. Shepherd, 2011), such as the case of Brazil (OECD, 2014).
As previously outlined, a socioeconomic environment that tackles
these challenges comprises several distinct elements. One of the key
2. Middle-income trap, catching-up and technology upgrading
players in these dynamics is the academic system (Lee, 2013; Mazzoleni
and Nelson, 2007). The next section discusses how and to what extent
Middle-income traps consist of a state of growth decelerations fol-
universities can influence technology upgrading trajectories as a means
lowing periods of sustained increases in per capita income (Gill et al.,
for catching-up.
2007). This situation is a function of the exhaustion of imitative
strategy opportunities and low value added production. As income le-
2.1. Universities as agents of technology upgrading
vels rise, international price-based competitiveness decreases. In the
absence of structural upgrading, this condition is persistent, creating a
From a systems perspective, several organizations interact with one
barrier for emerging economies' evolution towards higher stages of
another to contribute to the construction of technological capabilities
development (Agénor, 2017). A key aspect in this discussion concerns
(Bergek et al., 2008; Cohen et al., 2002; Lundvall, 2009, 2010;
the inability of middle-income countries to generate sufficient levels of
Mazzoleni and Nelson, 2007; Nelson, 1993; Yoon, 2015). Academic
innovative capabilities and product differentiation in international
institutions are central agents in these evolutionary processes due to
markets. Eventually, gains from the exploitation of low-cost resources
their ability to create and deploy knowledge (Bercovitz and Feldman,
2006; Conceição and Heitor, 1999). This is mainly a function of the fact
2 that universities operate as sources of aggregate industrial competi-
TheGlobalCompetitivenessReport2016-2017_FINAL.pdf tiveness and brokers' of international knowledge to domestic industries

B.B. Fischer et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

(Giuliani and Rabellotti, 2012; Goldstein and Drucker, 2006; Goldstein 3. Method
and Renault, 2004; Leten et al., 2014; Martin, 1998; Rosenberg and
Nelson, 1994). We analyze university patenting activity in Brazil, focusing on the
A traditional pillar of this knowledge transmission comes in the technological activity of the twelve most distinguished research-or-
form of human capital. Tertiary education has been perceived as a iented Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the country. The
strategic vector of developing countries' growth trajectories, supplying SCImago ranking3 was used to determine eminence in terms of a
economic systems with advanced skills (Bercovitz and Feldman, 2006; composite indicator incorporating research performance, innovation
Hanushek, 2013; Martin, 1998). Education, however, provides a limited outputs and societal impacts. Since research quality significantly affects
interpretation on how universities interact with innovation systems and the university's ability to engage with non-university actors
disseminate capabilities (Giuliani and Rabellotti, 2012). The role of the (Abramovsky et al., 2007; Laursen et al., 2011), dealing with the
university as a supplier of human resources has been extended to in- leading academic institutions is considered appropriate for assessing
clude joint R&D projects and other forms of technology transfer university-industry interaction patterns. This is also supported by evi-
(Etzkowitz, 2004; Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff, 1997; Etzkowitz and dence that positive effects in terms of technological capabilities arising
Leydesdorff, 2000; Leydesdorff and Zawdie, 2010; Van Looy et al., from universities are mainly concentrated in those institutions with
2011; Yoruk, 2013). Eun et al. (2006) refer to the concept of ‘forward higher quality research (Cowan and Zinovyeva, 2013).
engineering’ as involving a direct connection between universities and We first address the level of openness of these universities by
businesses for the process of technological development. It is based on checking to what extent they are involved with markets. For that pur-
refinement of scientific knowledge in academic institutions and sub- pose we analyze data from the Brazilian Census of the CNPq Research
sequent commercialization. Well known examples include spin-offs, Group Directory which identifies relationships between registered re-
patents, licenses, and consulting activities (Breschi et al., 2000; Caraça search groups with industry and the object of these collaborations.
et al., 2009; Cohen et al., 2002; Klofsten and Jones-Evans, 2000; Lee, These data are available for years 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 and
2013; Mazzoleni and Nelson, 2007). These conditions highlight the 2014.
developmental function of the university, going beyond pure teaching Next we turn to university patenting activity. Even though patents
and research activities (Gunasekara, 2006). Ultimately, this can trans- have definite limitations as proxies of catch-up conditions, they re-
late into stronger firm-level technological capabilities, innovation and present a useful tool. Patents are useful indicators of university linkages
economic development (Audretsch and Lehmann, 2004; Feller, 1990; to innovation systems (Cassiman et al., 2007; Cowan and Zinovyeva,
Galan-Muros and Davey, 2017; Klevorick et al., 1995; Malerba and 2013), proxies for technology diffusion (Chang et al., 2016) and for
Nelson, 2011; Wang et al., 2012). This is particularly relevant in a catching-up processes (Giuliani et al., 2016). The top-12 Brazilian
context in which several industries become increasingly science-based universities in terms of academic excellence are responsible for the bulk
(Hobday, 2005; Jensen et al., 2007; Lee, 2013, 2005). of patents deposited by universities in the country.4 Restraining the
A successful case of these dynamics taking place in a catch-up sample to the more usual ‘top-10’ approach would lead to the exclusion
context is that of the Taiwanese chip industry, where universities acted of two relevant universities in terms of patenting activity.
as strategic patenting and licensing agents (Lee and Yoon, 2010). Also, In order to develop a description of the participation of Brazilian
increasing levels of collaboration between academia and industry has universities to technological upgrading intensity, breadth and interac-
been identified as a mechanism to enhance the productivity of the tion with the global economy, we assess: i) domestic and international
Chinese innovation system, helping it to develop the necessary cap- patents; ii) technological domains; and iii) networks of assignees. Data
abilities to move past the middle-income status (Liu et al., 2017). were obtained from Orbit Intelligence. A total of 807 patent applica-
While this discussion is also of interest to developed economies, we tions with participation of at least one of the twelve focal institutions
argue herein for the critical importance to emerging nations. First, were analyzed for three periods: 1994, 2004, and 2014. Data for each
universities form part of innovation systems, being able to influence year includes all patent applications deposited from January 1st until
rates of catching-up in developing country firms (Lee and Malerba, December 31st. Searches were performed for each individual university
2017). Second, considering the incipient nature of innovation systems taking into account application assignees. As a search criterion for pa-
in these countries (Albuquerque, 1999), universities play a pivotal role tent applications, we focused on the earliest publication date of docu-
in shaping overall firm capabilities (Eun et al., 2006; Suzigan et al., ments, minimizing potential double count of patents. University acro-
2009). Dahlman et al. (1987) have proposed that institutions dedicated nyms were used to capture variations in assignees' names5 (see Table 1
to research, education and training can play the role of specialized for the correspondence between institutions and acronyms). Subse-
technological agents in developing countries' evolutionary processes. In quently, each document was analyzed individually. For each patent we
the same vein, universities in emerging economies can function as collected information on the office of application, IPC (International
‘antennae’ for scientific and technological evolutions created in leading Patent Classification) and co-assignees. Table 1 summarizes the overall
innovation systems (Kruss et al., 2015). Therefore, outcomes of aca- quantity of patent applications for each university/year of publication.
demic research – coupled with stronger incentives for university R&D - It is worth noticing the substantial increment over the years in terms of
can assist reducing domestic dependence on foreign sources of tech- patent applications from academic units included in the sample. The
nology and promoting the development of domestic capabilities (Chang exception is the Federal University of São Paulo, which presents a
et al., 2016; Spencer, 2001). negligible patenting activity in spite of its institutional relevance in the
Nevertheless, recent evidence (Britto et al., 2015; Fischer et al., SCImago ranking.
2018) points out that developing countries demonstrate weak partici- The next step in our exploratory exercise consisted of schematizing
pation of universities in the economic structure, indicating barriers for the obtained dataset for university-industry interactions, a measure of
technology upgrading and catching-up. This implies that the mere academic embeddedness in domestic productive structures and inter-
presence of key agents in innovation systems is insufficient and that national knowledge networks. We use Social Network Analysis (SNA)
systemic interactions matter. Still, there is insufficient knowledge on
how universities in emerging nations are connected to developing
countries' productive systems (Suzigan et al., 2009). This provides the
According to detailed data on university patenting in Brazil, these twelve institutions
motivation for the present analysis.
respond for half (49.9%) of patent deposits by universities in the country since the year
2000. The remaining half is spread across other 166 higher education institutions.
Universities' names appeared in different languages, while acronyms remained con-

B.B. Fischer et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 1 Table 2
Patent applications for each university/year. University-industry interactions' openness quotient.
University Acronym 1994 2004 2014 University 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2014*

University of São Paulo USP 3 39 112 USP 0.7328 0.7883 0.8003 0.7885 0.9572 1,1084
University of Campinas UNICAMP 8 73 83 UNICAMP 0.5156 0.5275 0.6245 0.5700 0.6348 1,0374
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro UFRJ 0 35 35 UFRJ 0.6232 0.5964 0.6599 0.8541 0.9399 1,2801
State University of São Paulo UNESP 1 9 42 UNESP 0.4921 0.7768 1.0738 1.0745 1.3006 1,1579
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul UFRGS 0 13 47 UFRGS 1.9623 1.8704 1.9263 1.9562 1.4821 1,3232
Federal University of Minas Gerais UFMG 0 26 89 UFMG 0.5502 0.8723 0.9973 0.9582 1.0718 1,0118
Federal University of São Paulo UNIFESP 0 1 0 UNIFESP 0.6183 0.4433 0.5180 0.5508 0.6025 1,1946
Federal University of Santa Catarina UFSC 0 3 20 UFSC 2.8759 2.4809 2.2035 2.1768 2.1602 1,6068
Federal University of Paraná UFPR 0 6 65 UFPR 2.3425 1.9835 2.0499 1.8403 1.7615 1,1340
Federal University of Pernambuco UFPE 0 7 26 UFPE 1.4365 1.6850 1.8798 1.5555 1.5892 1,0816
Federal University of São Carlos UFSCAR 0 7 30 UFSCAR 0.7543 1.0684 0.6456 2.0404 1.0869 1,2748
University of Brasília UnB 0 1 26 UnB 1.2605 1.3710 1.4988 1.4976 1.2385 1,0876
Total 12 220 575
Notes: (*) Most recent data available.

for this purpose, focusing on co-patenting data as proxy of interactions São Paulo (UNESP) were the most ‘open’ institutions in the last period
between universities and other agents (a vector of both knowledge analyzed. Most universities among the top-12 have evolved in terms of
creation and dissemination within the productive system). Co-patenting UeI linkages but, with the exception of the Federal University of Santa
refers to patents applied for by two or more agents. Generally, this is a Catarina (UFSC), they do not demonstrate strong market embeddedness
sign of cooperative technological activity. Concerning the evaluation of relative to the population of academic institutions in Brazil.
social networks, patent data with focus on universities represent a one- The above is based on all sorts of U-I interaction, including research,
mode perspective, i.e., a network that comprises one set of nodes that consulting, training, etc. Limiting attention to U-I research interactions
are similar to each other (Wal and Boschma, 2009). Our panel data produces similar results (Table 3). The universities that presented a
consists of cross-section across twelve universities and longitudinal for higher level of specialization in collaborations with industry in general
years 1994, 2004 and 2014, allowing for the observation of structural are also those with higher R&D-oriented patterns of relationships. This
trends and shifts in social ties related to co-patenting over the last is interesting: the behavior of the top-ranked research-oriented uni-
decades. Density and centrality indicators are also calculated for each versities that could, in theory, have a greater impact on technology
social network. upgrading does not differ significantly from the behavior of the average
Lastly, we cast the discussion of findings within the evolving in- higher education institution in Brazil concerning interactions with in-
stitutional context of the Brazilian innovation system during the 20- dustry (in general and in R&D-oriented projects). What happens here is
year period (1994–2014) to address how it affects university embedd- that the population of research groups in Brazil has become more prone
edness in technology upgrading dynamics. We also extend our argu- to interact with companies over the analyzed period, explaining why
ment to the larger population of Brazilian firms, and how they perceive universities that were much below or above average (value 1) have
the participation of academic institutions within the innovation en- converged in relative terms. In 2002, each research group developed on
vironment. To do so we use descriptive statistics from the Brazilian average 0.4 collaborations with industry (of which, 0.3 collaborations
Innovation Survey (PINTEC). were in R&D). These values evolved to 1.6 collaborations on average in
2014 (1.2 in R&D).7 Potential institutional triggers for this phenomenon
4. Empirical assessment are presented and discussed in Section 5. Nonetheless, this assessment
gives only a quantitative overview of U-I collaborations. The remainder
The first step in our assessment develops a closer look at the top of our assessment deals with important qualifications of these condi-
twelve research-oriented universities in Brazil with particular emphasis tions and the pivotal role played by the top-12 universities within the
to the evolution of their patenting activity over the 20-year period. The context of technology upgrading in Brazil.
purpose is to detect behavioral patterns concerning the extent to which Another interesting feature is that Brazilian science and technology
these institutions participate in processes related to knowledge gen- activities are concentrated in the South-Southeast axis (Suzigan et al.,
eration and deployment. Correspondingly, we look into academic pa- 2009). This corresponds to the geographic distribution of the twelve
tenting and university-industry co-patenting indicators. institutions in our sample, the only exception being the Federal Uni-
We start by analyzing these universities' openness in terms of uni- versity of Pernambuco (UFPE) located in the Northeast. Hence, one
versity-industry interactions relative to the total population of Brazilian would expect disproportionately stronger impacts by these universities
universities (Table 2). This index was calculated as a quotient between in terms of technology upgrading to the more developed regions in the
the average number U-I linkages of each institution's research groups country, thus reinforcing the existing economic geography.
relative to the average number of U-I linkages across the whole popu- Another description of the sample is offered in Graph 1, presenting
lation of registered university research groups in the country. It is based the weight of the top-12 Brazilian universities in total patenting activity
on CNPq's Research Group Directory. Hence, a value below (above) one (domestic and international applications) with at least one Brazilian
represents an Openness Quotient below (above) the national average. assignee. There are clear indications that the most preeminent research-
Data from this Census includes University-Industry linkages reported by oriented universities in Brazil are responsible for a substantial amount
research group leaders over previous periods,6 not representing ne- of patenting activity in the country. According to the Brazilian Patent
cessarily that connections took place in the same year of data collection. Office (INPI), six among the ten most active players in terms of patent
The Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), the Federal generation are universities.8 The top-12 academic institutions have
University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), The Federal University of Rio enhanced their share of patenting from 0.45% in 1994 to 8.57% in 2014
de Janeiro (UFRJ), The Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCAR), the
Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), and the State University of
Collaborations can reach values above one as each research group can engage in
multiple collaborative projects.
6 8
This corresponds to the previous two years in the 2002–2010 editions, and four (in
previous years for the 2014 census. Portuguese).

B.B. Fischer et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 3 Herfindahl-Hirschman Index demonstrates a relative deconcentration

University-industry R&D openness quotient. process in patenting activity: technological concentration reduces from
University 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2014* 0.796 in 1994 to 0.178 in 2014. We see here indications of slow pace of
improvement of technological activity, relatively low levels of inter-
USP 0.6653 0.7526 0.7725 0.7476 0.8870 1,1021 action with the global economy, and gradual deconcentration in terms
UNICAMP 0.5304 0.5827 0.6496 0.5838 0.6024 1,0326
of technological domains, a picture of the struggle to engage in the
UFRJ 0.7176 0.6302 0.6622 0.8718 0.9553 1,2888
UNESP 0.4624 0.8159 1.0872 1.0457 1.2350 1,1575
catching-up process from middle to high-income status (Lee, 2013).
UFRGS 2.0119 1.9009 1.9461 1.9930 1.5113 1,3418 The next step consists in social network analysis of co-patenting
UFMG 0.5623 0.9469 1.0182 0.9764 1.0821 1,0513 relationships involving our focal group of Brazilian universities.
UNIFESP 0.4059 0.2694 0.3356 0.3531 0.4650 1,2032 Emphasis here resides in the characteristics of connections, i.e., the
UFSC 3.2907 2.7573 2.4677 2.4853 2.4136 1,6281
nature of agents (companies, other universities, research institutes and
UFPR 2.4385 2.0446 2.0602 1.8603 1.7640 1,1462
UFPE 1.2829 1.5861 1.7470 1.4914 1.6264 1,1101 research support institutions) and their respective origin (domestic,
UFSCAR 0.9084 1.1001 0.5664 2.4977 1.0967 1,2611 multinational subsidiaries or foreign entities), thus following the
UnB 1.1117 1.2973 1.4311 1.4791 1.3243 1,0972 guidelines provided by the analytical framework of technology up-
grading literature. In the following representation of networks, the size
Notes: (*) Most recent data available.

Participation of top-12 Brazilian universities in total patenting activity (1994-2014).

6848 6712
7000 6359 6603
6000 5393 5521 5420
4814 4920 4969
5000 4451
3782 3948 4031
3091 2953 3087 3073 3329
3000 2669

1000 621 526 575
12 27 10 10 31 21 172 55 133 159 220 150 226 192 255 121 154 252
1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Top 12 Universities Total (patents deposited by at least one Brazilian assignee)

Graph 1. Participation of top-12 Brazilian universities in total patenting activity (1994–2014).
Note: Data for total patents deposited by at least one Brazilian assignee was obtained from WIPO. Data for the top 12 universities was gathered from orbit

(patents with at least one Brazilian assignee). To put this in perspective, Table 4
the participation of the total population of universities in patenting Top-12 university patenting: technological domains, international engagement.
activity in the European Union is around 4%, while in the US this Technology upgrading 1994 2004 2014
number goes up to 6% (Malerba et al., 2016). That is to say, despite
increasing levels of academic patenting in recent decades, universities Intensity of technology upgrading
in developed countries are still marginally relevant (Blind et al., 2006; Domestic 11 200 494
International 1 20 81
Geuna and Nesta, 2006). The analysis of the Brazilian sample of key
Breadth of technology upgrading
institutions reveals a different picture in terms of academic weight in Technological domains (IPC-code)a
total patenting activity. This feature corroborates with the expectation Human Necessities 5 93 258
that universities in Brazil are strategic agents in the technology up- Performing Operations; Transporting 1 27 92
Chemistery; Metallurgy 5 98 214
grading process.
Textiles; Paper 1 2 7
Fixed Constructions 0 6 11
4.1. Brazilian universities and the dimensions of technology upgrading Mechanical Engineering; Lighting; Heating; 0 3 6
Weapons; Blasting
Physics 1 35 81
The next step in our analysis consists in organizing the top twelve Electricity 0 19 29
Brazilian universities' data on patents according to the established Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI)b,a 0.796 0.181 0.178
measures of technology upgrading (Jindra et al., 2015). We look at Interactions with the global economy
domestic and international patents, technological domains, and net- Co-patents 3 47 203
International co-patentsc 1 7 21
works of assignees. Table 4 provides a description of the first two di-
mensions. a
Some patents do not have information on technological domains, while
The patenting behavior of the twelve top ranked research uni- other are assigned to more than one area of knowledge.
versities in Brazil indicates a rather domestic-oriented focus. Academic b
HHI was calculated based on the sub-classifications of technological do-
co-patenting is also strongly inward-oriented, lacking connections with mains containing the 23 subareas with patenting activity for our sample.
agents abroad and with MNEs with subsidiaries in the country. These c
This indicator represents only how many co-patents were deposited with
are capped with a low degree of diversification in the application of international partners. However, the number of interactions may differ from
patents. Inventions are concentrated in only two broad technological this data because each application could consist in multiple interactions.
domains: Human Necessities and Chemistry & Metallurgy. However,
when technological sub-domains are introduced in the analysis, the

B.B. Fischer et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Network of patent collaborations established by the top 12 Brazilian universities – 1994. abroad are included in Graph 3. Again the central role played by the
São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) must be highlighted, inter-
acting not only with universities from its own state (São Paulo) but also
with the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), being responsible
for 20 out of 47 co-patents in 2004. This foundation is the institution
responsible for supporting financially for science, technology and in-
novation in the State of São Paulo, acting as a key player in sustaining
high quality research in several universities across the Southeast region.
As its budget is dependent on value added taxes of the richest state in
Brazil, FAPESP has a substantial amount of resources to invest, thus
shaping a rich environment for academic institutions in the State of São
Paulo. Five out of our twelve focal institutions are located in this par-
ticular State. Among the universities and research institutions of in-
Graph 2. Network of patent collaborations established by the top 12 Brazilian terest, Fiocruz, a public research institute, and the Catholic University
universities – 1994.
of Brasília are those with the largest numbers of co-patents with the
Note: 1Triangles comprehend domestic Universities and Research Foundations
focal universities. In turn, Biolab, a Brazilian pharmaceutical company,
& Institutions. Diamonds identify these same agents that are located abroad.
Circles represent Brazilian firms. Boxes stand for multinational companies with
and USIMINAS, a Brazilian steel company, are the two companies with
subsidiaries in Brazil and foreign corporations. the most relevant representations in terms of co-patents with the top-12
Lines connecting patent assignees illustrate the presence of at least one co- universities included in our analysis.
patent. Notice that lines can also represent multiple co-patents among different The 2014 network is clearly much denser than what was observed
entities. In 1994, the line connecting USP and FAPESP represents two co-pa- for previous periods. Only one university in our sample did not get
tents. The remaining connections stand for single co-patents. involved in co-patenting activity that year. Over the past couple of
decades, then, the role of Brazilian academic institutions as central
of symbols reflects the degree centrality of each agent (absolute number agents in processes related to the production and deployment of
of collaboration in patent applications for each agent). Lastly, in- knowledge has seemingly advanced significantly. The University of São
dicators of network density and centrality are discussed. Paulo (USP), the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), the Federal
The dataset reveals that Brazilian universities have increased the University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and the Federal University of Minas
level of interaction with industry over time, albeit starting from a very Gerais (UFMG) stand out in terms of interactions in patenting activity.
low level (Graphs 2–4). There is a growing level of embeddedness of However, only 25 out of 268 identified collaborations are related to
these institutions into patenting networks involving firms over the multinational corporations or other foreign entities. The remaining 243
specific period. Back in 1994 U-I co-patenting networks barely existed, interactions are with domestic agents. This is a representative aspect of
reflecting the small numbers in overall patents with university appli- the domestic orientation of Brazilian academia, underscoring its diffi-
cants that year (twelve in total). The only institutions among the top-12 culty in participating in international knowledge flows – particularly
academic units examined were the University of São Paulo (USP) and those originating in advanced economies.
the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). The latter was the sole agent to In terms of the main organizations establishing co-patents with the
engage in transnational patenting activity. FAPESP, which is a research focal universities we can mention FAPEMIG, the research foundation of
support institution in the State of São Paulo, is the only agent that has the State of Minas Gerais, with 17 co-patents, Embrapa, a public re-
two co-patents with USP. search body dedicated to agricultural sciences, with 14 co-patents,
Ten years later (2004) we observe that only three of the twelve Petrobras, the public oil company, with 13 co-patents, and the
institutions are left out of co-patenting activity. Still, even if this net- University of São Paulo (USP) with 8 co-patents. It is relevant to notice
work appears to be denser, interactions with multinational companies that only Petrobras can be categorized as firm – even though it follows
and other agents located abroad are marginal: three Multinationals and public directions and it is often used as a policy instrument in Brazil.
four Universities and Research Foundations and Institutions located None of these organizations is located outside of Brazil, or represents a

Graph 3. Network of patent collaborations estab-

Network of patent collaborations established by the top 12 Brazilian universities – 2004.
lished by the top 12 Brazilian universities – 2004.
Note: 1Triangles comprehend domestic Universities
and Research Foundations & Institutions. Diamonds
identify these same agents that are located abroad.
Circles represent Brazilian firms. Boxes stand for
multinational companies with subsidiaries in Brazil
and foreign corporations.
Lines connecting patent assignees illustrate the
presence of at least one co-patent. Notice that lines
can also represent multiple co-patents among dif-
ferent entities. In 2004, the line connecting USP and
FAPESP represents 16 co-patents. The remaining
lines stand for two co-patents or less.

B.B. Fischer et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Network of patent collaborations established by the top 12 Brazilian universities – 2014. Graph 4. Network of patent collaborations
established by the top 12 Brazilian uni-
versities – 2014.
Note: 1Triangles comprehend domestic
Universities and Research Foundations &
Institutions. Diamonds identify these same
agents that are located abroad. Circles re-
present Brazilian firms. Boxes stand for
multinational companies with subsidiaries
in Brazil and foreign corporations.
Lines connecting patent assignees illustrate
the presence of at least one co-patent.
Notice that lines can also represent multiple
co-patents among different entities. In
2014, the line connecting UFMG and
FAPEMIG represents 16 co-patents. The re-
maining connections stand for seven co-
patents or less.

local branch of a multinational enterprise. These results are also in line upgrading (Lee and Malerba, 2017). Our assessment (1994, 2004,
with the perception that there is a clear predominance of relationships 2014) covers a rich period of changes in the Brazilian innovation policy
between agents of a similar nature. landscape. A first institutional landmark concerns a major revision of
Table 5 supports our interpretation of the Graphs. The low density the intellectual property law in 1996 (Law 9279/96). The improved
observed in these networks - along with the scarcity of co-patents regulatory mechanism enhanced the institutional stability for filing
(particularly with multinational companies) - ratify the Brazilian patents in Brazil by incorporating issues contained in the TRIPS
landscape of scant interactions between academia and industry, albeit agreement and created a stronger appropriability regime that benefitted
with noticeable evolution. The average number of interactions per technology markets in the country (Ryan, 2010). Better intellectual
university evolved from 0.53 in 1994 to 4.58 in 2014 leaving only one property protection has been associated in the literature with positive
university among the top-12 Brazilian institutions isolated in terms of incentives to collaborate in research.
patenting activity. The density indicator – defined by the sum of all As Ryan (2010; p. 1084) puts it, “Brazilian technocrats in science and
existing connections divided by the number of possible connections technology funding agencies and research universities recall that in the
among agents – varied considerably. In 1994, only 3.84% of possible 1990s they realized that Brazil had great science but little technology in-
connections were consummated. This number goes up to 10.97% in novation”. Albuquerque (1999) found in this situation signs of im-
2004. It is then reduced back to 3.94% in 2014 probably as a result of maturity of the National Innovation System. In the late 1990's FAPESP
the aforementioned increase in the total number of different interacting started providing financial support for collaborative R&D between
partners in the networks with our focal group of universities. Another academic institutions and firms (Alves et al., 2015). Known for its
indication of the decentralized U-I linkages in our sample is offered by pioneering initiatives, FAPESP functioned as a benchmark for funding
the closeness centrality indicator (Nooy et al., 2005). The progressive agencies across the country. But it was not until 2004 that the Federal
increase of the mean value of this indicator between 1994 (0.05) and Government included University-Industry linkages as a pillar for in-
2014 (0.31) suggests a considerable reduction in terms of distances novation policy. Since that year industrial policies have prioritized
among the different agents in the network. Similarly, the low value of closer interaction between academia and the private sector. This ap-
the betweenness centrality indicator across all three years underscores proach was embraced by the Industrial, Technological and Trade Policy
the decentralized nature of linkages. (PITCE 2004–2008), and it remains a core axis of the current National
Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation (2016–2022). In
practical terms, this has resulted in several initiatives that facilitated
5. Institutional framework
the approximation of companies to the S&T infrastructure.
In a similar vein, and inspired by the Bayh-Dole Act in the United
The institutional context can help clarify the empirical appraisal of
States, the Brazilian Innovation Act of 2004 has set the regulatory
data. While we understand that other issues are likely to have played
framework to guide technology transfer processes from academia. This
important roles in these dynamics (such as evolving demand for tech-
regulatory framework also includes the creation of research infra-
nologies and macroeconomic conditions), our focus on institutional
structure in public universities that can be shared with companies in
dynamics covers fundamental structural changes in the environment for
collaborative projects with universities (Santos and Torkomian, 2013).
technology production and diffusion in Brazilian universities, a central
Positive effects of the Innovation Act of 2004 in terms of overall aca-
issue in the discussion of the necessary settings for technology
demic patenting (Santos and Mello, 2009) and for U-I cooperation,
leading to stronger innovative capabilities in companies, have been
Table 5
reported (Dewes et al., 2015). This is not to say that all challenges have
Indicators of centrality and density - 1994/2004/2014.
been resolved, including institutional weaknesses in U-I agreements
1994 2004 2014 mainly a function of inexperienced governance of university technology
transfer offices (TTOs) (Alves et al., 2015; Silva and Guimarães, 2015)
Average degree centrality 0.53 3.29 4.58
Density (no loops allowed) 0.0381 0.1097 0.0394 and high levels of bureaucratic barriers in public universities and re-
Closeness centrality Mean 0.05 0.17 0.31 search institutes (Freitas et al., 2013). This situation perpetuates in-
Std. Dev. 0.0708 0.0865 0.0525 formal agreements (Dewes et al., 2015). Such “teething” problems are
Betweenness centrality Mean 0.00 0.04 0.02 not unique to Brazil, of course. In its first decade, the Bayh-Dole Act did
Std. Dev. 0.00 0.0897 0.0648
not generate significant results in terms of getting academia closer to

B.B. Fischer et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 6
Brazilian innovation survey (PINTEC): UIC trends in Brazil from companies' perspective.
PINTEC Total companies in Innovative Companies with Companies with UIC object (only companies UIC importance (companies with collaborative
the survey companies collaborative processes UIC with UIC) processes)

R&D activities Others High Medium Low/no


2003 84,262 28,036 1052 551 360 191 188 124 740
(3.76%) (1.96%) (65.3%) (34.7%) (17.9%) (11.8%) (70.3%)
2005 91,055 30,377 2194 777 341 436 432 256 1506
(7.22%) (2.56%) (43.9%) (56.1%) (19.7%) (11.7%) (68.6%)
2008 106,822 41,223 4248 1759 1028 732 829 477 2942
(10.31%) (4.27%) (58.4%) (41.6%) (19.5%) (11.2%) (69.3%)
2011 128,699 45,950 7694 3405 1850 1555 1431 826 5437
(16.74%) (7.41%) (54.3%) (45.7%) (18.6%) (10.7%) (70.7%)
2014 132,529 47,693 7299 3432 1882 1551 1098 840 5361
(15.30%) (7.20%) (54.8%) (45.2%) (15.0%) (11.5%) (73.5%)

industry, except for some specific ‘superstar’ outliers (Nelsen, 2004). for stronger connections between firms and academia.
The system was also underlined by deep mistrust between the two sides Two further issues deserve attention regarding U-I linkages in
(Hertzfeld et al., 2006). Brazil. The first concerns the apparent short-termism of research pro-
Subsequent discussions between government, academia and in- jects which tend to focus on solving the immediate technical problems
dustry over a period of five years led to updates of the Innovation Act of of the industrial partners. The second concerns that such projects are
2004 via a new institutional framework in 2016 (Law 13,243/2016, concentrated in low and medium-tech sectors (Albuquerque et al.,
also known as STI Legal Framework) to further facilitate linkages be- 2015; Dewes et al., 2015; Dutrénit and Arza, 2015; Freitas et al., 2013).
tween academia and industry. The new legal framework further reg- These sectors include the domains of materials, metallurgy, mining,
ulates the participation of academics in firms' in-house projects, as well mechanical engineering, agronomy and chemistry. Computer science
as the use of university laboratories and facilities by industry. It also and electrical engineering respond for domains of interaction with
adds flexibility to the ownership of IP rights. According to the higher technological content. As it can be gathered from the assessment
Innovation Act of 2004 these assets belonged to universities and they of sectoral funds, there is some degree of overlap among priority sectors
could only license it via public bids. Impacts of these new regulations and those domains with stronger presence of U-I linkages, signaling the
should be felt in upcoming years as the new regulatory framework effectiveness of these initiatives.
proceeds to implementation. An explanation for the lack of long-term projects may be the pre-
Several additional programs directed towards fostering linkages dominance of multinational companies in high-tech sectors in Brazil
between universities and firms are also worth mentioning. Law 11.196/ which are primarily interested in adapting their products and processes
2005 – commonly referred to as Lei do Bem (Good Law) – instituted R& to the local market while remaining only marginally involved in longer-
D tax deductions for companies, also including joint projects with term innovation activities locally. Another explanation may be that,
universities. Launched in 2007, the Brazilian Technology System with some notable exceptions, domestic companies that have sig-
(Sibratec) aims at coordinating relationships between academia, re- nificant resources for research tend to be in mature industries with slow
search institutes and firms through collaborative innovation centers and moving technological trajectories. A third, and related, explanation
subsidies for joint technological development. Embrapii (Brazilian may be the low awareness of industry to the possibilities of new tech-
National Association for Industrial Research and Innovation), a public nology and its mistrust for universities. Anecdotal evidence also in-
enterprise, was created in 2013 to foster innovation-oriented U-I col- dicates a “contempt” by academia regarding the low technological as-
laborative projects. Embrapii's current structure consists in twenty eight pirations of Brazilian industry (again with some exceptions). All these
research centers, 23 of which are located in the same regional ecosys- are typical problems observed repeatedly around the world and un-
tems of the majority of our twelve universities (South/Southeast). Main derlie technology upgrading dynamics.
expectations involve technology transfer as a means to generate and Yet, despite the institutional evolution of the innovation system in
strengthen innovative capabilities in firms. Brazil in the direction of strengthening the interaction between aca-
Lastly, we can mention the National Funds for Science and demia and industry, universities are still regarded as marginally im-
Technology Development (FNDCT). These funds were originally es- portant by the private sector regarding its innovative processes. On the
tablished in the period 1999–2002 to foster competitiveness in upside, data from the Brazilian Innovation Survey (PINTEC) shows an
Brazilian firms by financing projects that bring together universities, intensification of U-I interactions (Table 6).
research institutes and firms (Cimoli et al., 2005; Koeller and Nonetheless, the share of firms developing joint R&D-oriented ac-
Cassiolato, 2011). Thus, as the implementation of these funds involves tivities – instead of technical, training and consulting forms of co-
academia and industry, the structure of FNDCT promotes proximity operation – has not increased. More troubling is that the large majority
among these different agents of the Brazilian innovation system. The of firms involved in collaborative processes view Brazilian universities
budget relies on federal taxes, compulsory contributions from firms as of low relevance for their innovative strategies (a constant trend over
benefitted by fiscal incentives, royalties from exploitation of public time). As a result, the persistent chasm between academia and industry
infrastructure and natural resources, donations and loans. These funds hampers a faster diffusion of knowledge in the country, arguably af-
involve priority sectors and transversal actions. Priority sectors are oil & fecting technology upgrading processes (Britto et al., 2015). On the
gas, agribusiness, aeronautics, shipbuilding, biotechnology, water re- other hand, this lack of embeddedness of universities in firm-level in-
sources, ICT, mining, health and land transportation. Among the novative activities can be related to a lack of market incentives for R&D
transversal actions, the Green-Yellow Fund, established in 2000, de- (Radosevic, 2011).
serves attention. It is exclusively oriented towards fomenting U-I lin-
kages. As a general overview, these sectoral and transversal funds
provide financial stability for the innovation system, setting the stage

B.B. Fischer et al. Technological Forecasting & Social Change xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

6. Concluding remarks Acknowledgements

Starting from the proposition that universities play a strategic role Authors acknowledge valuable contributions from participants at
in catching-up dynamics, this article has addressed the embeddedness the Conference Exploring technology upgrading in emerging and tran-
of higher education institutions in the Brazilian national innovation sition economies: From ‘Shifting Wealth I’ to ‘Shifting Wealth II’ held in
system. Implications of this study should help guide institutional ad- London in June 2017. We also appreciate comments and suggestions
justments that promote the integration of a broader spectrum of re- from participants of a Technis webinar held in March 2017. We would
search-oriented universities into national and global value chains. also like to thank the editor, Dirk Meissner, and anonymous reviewers
Closer interaction of academia with productive systems is anticipated to for insights to our analysis. The authors recognize financial support by
boost intensity and breadth of technology upgrading and innovative the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (2013/50524-6) in con-
activity (Caraça et al., 2009; Cohen et al., 2002; Klofsten and Jones- nection to the São Paulo Excellence Chair in innovation systems,
Evans, 2000). In turn, universities may disseminate this knowledge strategy and policy established in the Department of Science and
back to industry via improved education and human capital better at- Technology Policy of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and
tuned to technology transfer activities. As shown by the patent data in FAPESP project 2016/17801-4. Vonortas' contributions was also pre-
this paper, the evolution of the Brazilian regulatory system over time pared within the framework of the Basic Research Program at the
towards closer U-I cooperation has not yet been translated into ex- National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) and
tensive integration of the two parties. Despite the rate of improvement, supported within the framework of a subsidy by the Russian Academic
connections with international value chains are especially lacking. Excellence Project '5-100'. The usual disclaimer applies.
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