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The effect of poverty on children’s educational achievement

Poverty has a direct impact on children’s academic and educational lives, many studies have
already been conducted related to this topic and this study would try to further elaborate on

so basically we can look at it from different angles, like Home life influences a child's
educational growth, it affects child’s vocabulary and memory skills. Many studies have proven
that children from the higher income families develop better language and vocabulary skills as
compared to the low income households. Low income conditions cause brain development
delays, which happen because of many reasons caused by low income.

Low income and poverty caused poor performance at school. For example many studies have
proven that kids from the low income households are more likely to drop out from schools and

Right from the childhood we are forced to believe that one can only be successful if he or she’d
be able to stay in school in a consistent way, finding a good job comes later but its emphasized
as strongly as staying in school, low income can impact both. I. Statistics show that for children
who live below the poverty line, the chances of having school success is much lower than their

The impact of poverty starts from the very early age of any children for example kids from the
higher income families start early and they go to kindergarten better prepared. Cognitive skills
of kids from the higher income households develop in much better way as compared to the kids
from the lower income families. This happens because parents from low income families don’t
have resources for pre schooling, a stable environment and healthcare facilities.
Low income households rarely nurture productive habits such as reading and memorizing new
words that happens because kids from low income households rarely o hear new words on
regularly basis. Reading habits get nurtured only in a vibrant environment, and low income
affects the vibrancy of any household, so the kids from low income households rarely get to
become veracious readers of any sorts, which ultimately affects their larger world view.

Basically low income creates unstable home circumstances which brings negativity and stress,
stress can kill so many simple things for kids, stress affects the brain capabilities and it hinders
the growth of brain, stress makes problem solving really really tough for the kids, under stress
kids are unable to set goals, under stress kids are unable to complete tasks on time and those
tasks wouldn’t bring the required results.

The correlation between low income and children’s educational productivity has been
researched for many a times, and the it has been found that kids from low income households
are more likely to get dropped out from schools and universities as compared to the kids from
higher income families, kids from low income households are more likely to stay unemployed
for the longer periods of time, they find work hardly, this leads to a greater problem, which is
indulgence of kids from low income households in crime and negative activities.

Another area which is immensely affected by the individual household income levels is
attendance rate; usually it is observed that kids from low income households tend to have low
attendance rates in schools, that happens because low income households usually have
negative and unstable kind of environment, which doesn’t make the whole getting an
education process fun, that negative environment creates stress, and that stress makes the kids
vary of studies in many ways, they don’t look forward to going to schools.

The correlation between children’s educational productivity and income level is obvious and it
has been looked into many a times, my study would further elaborate on that.

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