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Energy 70 (2014) 605e611

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Criteria for smart grid deployment in Brazil by applying the Delphi

Joaquim J.M. Galo*, Maria N.Q. Macedo, Luiz A.L. Almeida, Antonio C.C. Lima
Department of Industrial Engineering Postgraduate, Federal University of Bahia, Street Aristides Novis, No. 2, 6th Floor, Federação, Salvador,
Bahia 40.210-630, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The deployment of smart grids has become a global trend in the most diverse electrical systems. This
Received 3 December 2013 strategy aims to increase the control and efficiency of electrical systems. However, this deployment
Received in revised form requires major changes to systems, for example, the information of a telecommunications infrastructure
18 March 2014
and the provision of adequate equipment, human resources and financial resources. In Brazil, which is
Accepted 14 April 2014
Available online 10 May 2014
territorially large and contains a power distribution system with centralised generation, the deployment
of smart grids tends to be time-consuming and could require decades to complete, as well as a large
monetary investment. Therefore, the elaboration and implementation of well-defined criteria are
necessary for the planning steps of this deployment to minimise the investment cost.
Delphi method This article aims to develop a methodology for selecting electrical systems that will be implemented in
Deployment smart grids in Brazil by applying the Delphi method based on technical, financial and human resources
Smart grid and environmental applications. This methodology will be used to evaluate electrical systems in their
current operating conditions. The results obtained in this research are the creation of a priority factor to
determine the order of Smart grid deployment to achieve the best cost benefit in electrical systems
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction requires the installation of smart metres and increasing the reli-
ability and stability of electrical systems.
Smart grids represent an important evolution in the design and The complexity of electrical systems is positively correlated with
operation of electrical systems because they integrate automation the challenges posed to all agents of a given system to be successful
solutions, different asset optimisations, process improvement, in the deployment of smart grids in a country. However, the ex-
monitoring and control, the integration of multiple sources of en- pected benefits for a company as a result of this new paradigm
ergy (renewable) and the development of new products and ser- compensate for the required effort during the initial
vices. This integration is already being implemented in several implementation.
countries via communication infrastructure systems, open stan- In different countries, the majority of smart grid projects have
dards and information technology. begun with pilot projects or deployment in specific areas. Evalu-
The goal of this modernisation process is to provide more ating real cases before initiating global implementation is critical,
dynamism in the networks of electrical systems and increase the independent of the deployment strategy employed. The samples
amount of available information to increase the transparency of should be representative, and the benefits offered should cover the
activities for both consumers and regulators. This process also aims entire company to leverage further results. The integration of
to enhance the quality and quantity of services offered to the generation, transmission, distribution and consumers must be
consumer through differentiated tariffs and dynamics that stimu- sought in gathering such results. All regulatory aspects and
late the optimisation of consumption. However, this process necessary infrastructures must be considered in deploying smart
grid projects, and the involvement of consumers from the begin-
ning is essential for success [1e7].
* Corresponding author.
This article proposes criteria for smart grid deployment in Bra-
E-mail addresses:, zil’s electrical power system by applying the Delphi method and the
(J.J.M. Galo). creation of a priority index. Section 2 presents aspects of smart grid
0360-5442/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
606 J.J.M. Galo et al. / Energy 70 (2014) 605e611

Fig. 1. Equivalent duration of interruption per consumer unit (DEC).

(Source: ANEEL [8]).

deployment in Brazil. Section 3 presents a survey of the variables The current scenario of electric systems in Brazil presents the
that can affect the deployment of a smart grid. Section 4 presents following features:
the criteria for selection of the relevant variables and the repre-
sentation thereof as indicators. Section 5 discusses the application  Obsolescence of the assets of the distribution system.
of the Delphi method and the steps to be followed to evaluate the  High level of technical and non-technical losses.
electrical systems that must be established for smart grid deploy-  Generation and transmission systems are automated (SCADA).
ment. Section 6 provides concluding remarks and  The equivalent duration of interruption per customer-annual
recommendations. (DEC) has grown in recent years (a decrease was observed af-
ter the automation of generation and transmission).
 System recovery is slow and precarious.
2. Aspects of smart grid deployment in Brazil  Slow modernisation of the networks and deployment of smart
The Brazilian energy market is based predominantly on cen-
tralised generation. The electric energy sector has always been One of the main factors that must be considered for smart grid
essentially managed by the actions and initiatives of utilities and deployment in Brazil is the possibility of preventing fraud and
regulators of the Regulatory Agency (ANEEL e Electric Energy Na- illegal connections. Each year, utilities lose approximately $5 billion
tional Agency) and the national system operator (ONS). due to this problem [9]. Conversely, the need for high initial in-
In Brazil, the electric generation and transmission systems vestments and the definition of clear government regulations are
employed by electric utilities are already supervised by automated barriers to the expansion of this market. However, this motivation
systems that use digital technology to monitor consumption pro- does not apply to the entire territory, which has resulted in the
cesses in virtually all major centres. These systems offer several heterogeneous deployment of pilot projects, various project types
features such as tele-supervision, remote control and remote and smart grid technologies.
sensing by an SCADA system (system control and data acquisition). The Electric Energy National Agency (ANEEL) and the Ministry of
These systems indicate the operating conditions of all real-time and Mines and Energy (MME), in conjunction with national dealers,
automated systems that can track large volumes of cargo. manufacturers, research institutes, etc., are seeking to create a
The reality of the distribution system in Brazil (which features a national smart grid model that meets the profile of the Brazilian
voltage of less than 34.5 kV) is very different. Due to its complexity consumer and the existing infrastructure, with all of its virtues and
and a high number of consumers (approximately 68 million), the shortcomings.
automated deployment of these systems is still in its infancy and Although the market still awaits a clear definition of regulatory
their management is still performed conventionally. For example, agencies to structure their offerings and set business plans, some of
power is measured manually in approximately 95% of consumer the resources of the smart grid are currently being tested by utili-
units via electromechanical metres, which contributes to the ties in the form of pilot projects. The following are examples of such
vagueness of measurements and poor monitoring of loads [8]. projects being conducted in various Brazilian states:
The graph in Fig. 1 shows the monitoring of an important indi-
cator of quality, Equivalent Duration of Interruption per Consumer  Sete Lagoas (Minas Gerais): The CEMIG concession has been
Unit (DEC)/year in Brazil. conducting a project called “Cities of the future” since 2009,
The monitoring of this indicator is appropriate because it in- which analyses the capacity and the benefits of the adoption of a
dicates that the average time of interruption was 18.35 h in 2010 smart grid architecture based on tests of the electrical system of
and 18.40 and 18.65 h in 2011 and 2012, respectively. This indicator the city. The project examines the feasibility of expansion for the
has grown in recent years, which suggests a need for greater system concession area of CEMIG and evaluates the products, services
control. and solutions available in the market. New metres and modern
J.J.M. Galo et al. / Energy 70 (2014) 605e611 607

telecommunications systems are being installed to allow for the Brazil does not possess the resources for full deployment in the
local dealership to monitor the consumption levels of the pop- short term. Thus, deployment should occur in steps that are plan-
ulation and identify any power interruptions in real time [10]. ned in detail over an extended period. The first electrical systems
 Aparecida (São Paulo): The EDP Group company Bandeirante selected to initiate the deployment process should be evaluated
(EDP Energias of Portugal Group) is implementing a pilot project carefully to seek a smaller investment for the expected benefit
called INOVCITY (Social innovation and mobility electric). With because the continuity of the process is necessary for the genera-
an expected investment of $10 million, the company foresees tion of new resources. For example, an indiscriminate exchange of
the feasibility of a set of technologies that will enable greater all metres would not be productive because the electrical networks
efficiency and quality in the provision of customer services, of Brazilian distribution share a poor telecommunications system
including smart metering, efficient public lighting, micro- and obsolete assets based on the current infrastructure. Thus, this
generation with renewable energy sources and electrical indiscriminate change would incur high investments and small
mobility, as well as a set of energy efficiency actions and edu- expected returns.
cation of local communities. Moreover, the CPFL Group is ANEEL has sought to create a national model that meets the
invested in the area of network automation and application of profile of Brazilian consumers and the existing infrastructure by
intelligent network concepts in the city of São Paulo [11,12]. considering its virtues and shortcomings, such as fraud in the
 Buzios (Rio de Janeiro): The Ampla concession has an ongoing supply. The path proposed by this model is long and must be well
project that primarily aims to rationalise consumption and planned to involve all actors in the process.
reduce waste with electricity in general to make the city sus- A survey of the current conditions of electrical systems is
tainable, rational and efficient. Various investments are involved necessary to select the variables involved in smart grid
to affect these smart improvements in Buzios. The total invest- deployment. This survey examines technical considerations,
ment was calculated for an average initiative of R $40 million economic characteristics, installation locations, available human
must end in 2014. Investments were made in transmission lines resources, environmental conditions, potential partnerships and
and power distribution, the installation of smart metres and the socio-economic conditions of the consumers, as listed below
generating electricity from more sustainable sources, such as [16e45]:
wind and solar. In addition, LED lamps were installed for low
consumption at several different points of the city [13,14]. 1. Technical characteristics
 Parintins (Amazonas): The Eletrobrás Group has an ongoing  Importance of the loads of the system;
project in which sensors have been installed at various points in  The system load factor;
the distribution network, which allow for the immediate  System power factor;
intervention of the supplier in the event of system crashes.  System load level;
Furthermore, this project allows for the monitoring of data  Level of technical losses;
provided by metres, such as time consumption and cost of kWh  Level of non-technical losses (commercial);
at different times of the day. The utility can operate at different  Electric system infrastructure (automation, protection and
rates throughout the day to stimulate consumption outside the measurement);
peak hours of demand. Eletrobras invested R$21 million in the  Telecommunications and information infrastructure;
replacement of all metres, the automation of feeders, the mea-  Failure or defect rate;
surement and monitoring of distribution and the establishment  Technical resources for operation;
of a system to improve the use of a 25-MW generator in the park  Technical resources for maintenance;
of Parintins. All information collected in the field will be sent to  Asset lifetime (ageing);
a central intelligence that will be able to intervene in real time to  Potential for the development of energy efficiency programs;
correct defects and failures of the system and interact with the  Inclusion potential of distributed generation sources (wind,
consumer [15]. solar and biomass);
 Critical connection or border (important).
In other states of the country, concessions are exchanging 2. Economic
electromechanical metres for digital metres and are developing  Invoicing of the electrical system;
studies to implement several pilot projects.  Supply cost (kW);
 Cost of maintenance;
3. Survey of the variables that can affect the deployment of  Cost of operation.
smart grid 3. Installation location
 Underground installation;
Most sources agree that smart grids must be implemented in  Distance from the centre of operation;
places where they add value to the electric system via productivity  Distance from research centres;
gains and improvements in energy efficiency. One of the main gains  Borders other concessionaires;
must be in the area of operational efficiency, which includes im-  Region with government social policies;
provements in the control of life assets, facilitating the identifica-  Region with historic cities;
tion of faults or defects, avoiding unnecessary offsets and the lower  Region with tourist towns (coastline, natural beauties, wa-
loading of the system, among others. In the area of energy effi- tering place, etc.);
ciency, the reduction of technical and non-technical losses will  Region with natural resources (agriculture, water, minerals);
enable a more effective distribution of energy because the gener-  Region with interests of large companies;
ation is up to the final customer.  Region with harsh weather conditions;
The practices involved in the deployment of smart grid archi-  Region with forecasted growth (demographic, financial
tecture and the results that will be achieved are strategic and of investment);
interest to various parties, including but not limited to electrical 4. Human resources
power utilities, regulators, consumers, public authorities, suppliers,  Availability of skilled professionals in the area;
research institutions, funders and development agents.  Technical staff with potential for training in the area.
608 J.J.M. Galo et al. / Energy 70 (2014) 605e611

5. Environmental conditions The next step consists of the representation of variables as in-
 Fossil fuel energy sources (greenhouse gas emissions, carbon dicators, from which quantification can be established (attribution
footprint); of comparative values for selection).
 Regional climate conducive to natural disasters for the electric An indicator provides significant information about a particular
system; area of interest and adequately represents a given situation [32]. An
 Environmental incentives program. indicator corresponds to a selected variable and can primarily
6. Partnerships synthesise a complex set of information to retain only the essential
 Research institution (university, research centre); meaning of the analysed aspects [46,47].
 Telecommunications operator; The indicator term is a selected parameter that is considered in
 Manufacturers of equipment or related area; isolation or in combination with others to reflect the conditions of a
 Software developers; system. Normally, an indicator is used as a pre-treatment for
 Electric utilities (national or international with projects original data.
developed in the area). The selected indicators are diverse to provide a wide scope for
7. Socioeconomic conditions of consumers the evaluation of systems because the implementation relies on
 Purchasing power of the community; strengths (such as electric system infrastructure) and weaknesses
 HDI of the community; that can be improved by the implementation of a smart grid (level
 History of involvement in community projects; of losses).
 Region with social programs in progress; Based on these criteria, 20 indicators and 1 factor of priority
 Community dedicated to the incorporation of new services. (compensation factor in priority projects) were determined:
8. *Special cases
 New Installations; 1. Importance of system (load);
 Existing installation update (reform). 2. Load factor of system;
3. Level of losses of the system;
4. Loading of system and/or low power factor;
5. Forecast growth of load;
4. Criteria for selecting the relevant variables and their 6. Electric system infrastructure;
representation as indicators 7. Telecommunications infrastructure;
8. Failure rate or defect of the system;
Due to the high investment, long time and rapid technological 9. Resources for operation and maintenance;
developments required, a smart grid must be deployed in well- 10. Ageing of assets of the system;
planned steps. The current operating conditions of electrical sys- 11. Potential of energy efficiency;
tems should be studied and evaluated to select the best deploy- 12. Potential of distributed generation;
ment sequence based on the assumption that system investment 13. Environmental impacts of sources that feed the system;
will be lower than the expected benefit. 14. Adverse climates and prone to natural disasters;
This article proposes a method for selecting electrical systems to 15. Availability of human resources in the area;
be deployed with a lower cost per benefit expected via the calcu- 16. Distance of the centre of operation and research centres;
lation of an index that will determine the priority order of smart 17. High HDI or community with involvement in similar
grid deployment in the analysed systems. Fig. 2 shows the various projects;
steps that must be followed in the deployment process. The first 18. Partnership with institutions (research centre, university,
step consists of the preparation of guidelines and criteria to be telecom operator);
followed because the deployment process is usually long and must 19. System based on the results of research and development
also be constantly re-evaluated; thus, certain updates will be projects in the area;
necessary [16e45]. 20. *Special case.
The most relevant variables should be selected from the vari-
ables mentioned in Section 3, and their number should be reduced *Special case indicator
to select only the most significant ones for the deployment process.
These variables should be correlated with the remaining variables.  New installation will be implemented to greatest extent possible
in accordance with new technologies while observing the
fundamental premise of a minor investment for the designed
 Existing installation (update) will be parsed if the deployment
will be a complete update of the assets or a partial adaptation.

4.1. Definition of the priority factor

Several localisation variables, such as underground installation,

cities (historical, tourism, natural resources), are of interest to large
companies with government social programs and investment
growth prospects. These variables will not be represented as in-
dicators, and a “Yes” value will be gathered as a factor, which is
called the priority factor (Kj), to compensate for priority projects. Kj
should have a maximum value of 1.2, i.e. 20%, to avoid masking the
weight of the other variables involved. In other applications,
Fig. 2. Steps for smart grid deployment. Kj ¼ 1.0.
J.J.M. Galo et al. / Energy 70 (2014) 605e611 609

After relevant indicators have been defined, the next step will
create an index called index deployment (IP). This value can be
calculated by applying a weighted average to 20 indicators and
using the priority factor to compensate for the priority projects, as
indicated by the following equation:

Kj X
IP ¼ Wi $Ii (1)

where Ii are the indicators involved in the assessment; Wi is a

weighting factorda value used to determine the weight of an in-
dicator in the consolidation of the index. The factor quantifies the
degree of importance of an indicator; N is the total number of in-
dicators used in the evaluation (20 indicators in this article); and Kj
is the priority factor for priority projects.
The weighting factor (Wi) and priority factor (Kj) should be
determined by the application of the Delphi method, which will be
described in Section 5.

5. Delphi method and the steps to be followed to evaluate the

electrical systems

The Delphi method is a technique used to find a consensus of

opinions among a group of experts about future events. The tech-
nique was first used 60 years ago when it was developed by re-
searchers Olaf Helmer and Norman Dalker at the Rand Corporation.
The Delphi method is a very useful technique, especially when a
qualitative analysis of a market is desired, because it allows for the
design of future trends, such as technological discontinuities, socio- Fig. 3. Flowchart representation of the Delphi method.
economic changes or planning future events. The procedure is
simple: the manager is highly efficient and generates complete
individual ideas via the assumption that the collective consensus is The steps constituting the Delphi method in determining factors
well defined and parameterised to take advantage of all of the can be described as follows:
synergy of the discussion group.
The Delphi method is based on the principle that the predictions Step 1. Initial meeting (in-person or virtual): Discussion of the
made by a structured group of specialists are more precise method, the objectives of the work, the context, the deadlines
compared to those made by unstructured groups or individuals. and the calendar of meetings.
The technique can be adapted for use in face-to-face meetings, in Step 2. Definition of two teams to carry out the work and the
which case it is referred to as the mini-Delphi or Estimate-Talk- selection of their respective coordinators:
Estimate (ETE) method. The Delphi method has been widely used  Team 1: General team with the participation of experts in
for business forecasting and has certain advantages over other several areas of the company;
approaches in making structured predictions in market situations.  Team 2: Team of experts for the smart grid deployment
The internet has been a significant asset in the Delphi methodology process.
for promoting group discussions and thus reaching a consensus Step 3. The elaboration of a project to implement the work:
[48e50].  Definition of the project, complete with job descriptions and
The application of the Delphi method has the following ad- descriptions of the method used, the resources, the schedule, etc.
vantages and disadvantages:  A form containing the list of indicators (with space for new
suggestions) with fields to record the suggestions of the
 Advantages e the technique is suitable for obtaining consensus respective values of weights (weighting factor) as well as a
among experts, and the process can be performed virtually and field for the suggestion of the priority factor.
focus on work details or on an entire project.
 Disadvantages e the technique is a time-consuming process and Suggestions for setting the values of the weighting and priority
requires skill to interpret the reviews. factors:
Weighting factor (Wi): this value should be an integer ranging
Despite the Delphi method be suitable to achieve the consensus from 1 to 5 (wide range for sorting) according to the degree of
among experts, it has the limitation of being time consuming and importance attached to the indicator in smart grid deployment.
requires skill to interpret the opinions of experts from various fields Compensation factor of priority projects (Kj): as defined in
with multiple interests. Section 4, this value should not be too high to avoid interfering with
the comparison between systems.

5.1. Application of the Delphi method to determine factors Step 4. Gather the forms, compile and statistically analyse the
received data (discard the extreme values and apply arithmetic
A flowchart representing the application of the Delphi method mean) and subsequently condense the information into a single
to determine factors is presented in Fig. 3. form without identifying the participants.
610 J.J.M. Galo et al. / Energy 70 (2014) 605e611

Table 1
Matrix for calculating the priority index.

Step 5. Send the new form to all experts requesting a review and When evaluating various electrical systems, the system that
add any new suggestions. obtains the highest priority index is best suited to initiate the
Step 6. Repeat step 4 with the new values to seek a consensus. If deployment of the smart grid.
necessary, repeat steps 5 and 6. Detailed information will be important in evaluating each sys-
Step 7. Prepare a report listing all of the processes performed, tem, such as the name of the system, the coding and the substation
and present the results and targets for implementation. If dif- and the regional centre of operation to which the system belongs.
ferences arise, new rounds should be performed. After the evaluation of the first electrical systems by the specific
deployment group, the validation of the process will be important.
The results (condensed in a table e Table 1) should be forwarded to
5.2. Priority index calculation applied to the selection of electrical the participants of all groups to allow for new suggestions.
systems for smart grid deployment
6. Conclusions
After the consolidation of the list of indicators and the estab-
lishment of the weighting and compensation factors, the deploy- The smart grid deployment process implies a profound trans-
ment team must generate a table containing this information. The formation in energy companies, involving major challenges that
next step will be to assess the system (selection of electrical sys- must be faced via the development of a well-defined methodology
tems) by calculating the priority index. based on criteria that must seek greater efficiency and a lower cost
Verifying that all 20 evaluated indicators apply to the system per expected benefit.
(none may be appropriate to the particular system) will be Brazil does not possess the resources for a full deployment in the
important in the evaluation of each specific electrical system. short term. Thus, this deployment should occur in steps that are
If the indicator applies to a given system, it will then be classi- planned in detail over an extended period. The deployment process
fied as low, medium or high (as described below). If it does not should be carefully and continuously evaluated because the conti-
apply, the indicator will be nullified. nuity of the process will be necessary for the generation of new
 Low: If the value is between 0 and 1; The choice of the Delphi method introduces an opportunity to
 Medium: If the value is between 1.1 and 2; improve the method based on the discussions and experiences of
 High: If the value is between 2.1 and 3. experts. These experts may incorporate other variables and review
the values of the weighting factors and priority throughout the
All values are rounded to one decimal place. deployment process.
The IP for deployment will be calculated using equation (1). Despite the Delphi method be suitable to achieve the consensus
Specifically, the countervailing factor will be multiplied by the among experts, it has the limitation of being time consuming and
weighted media of the indicators. Table 1 shows an example of this require skill to interpret the opinions of experts from various fields
calculation (array for the calculation of the priority index). with multiple interests.
J.J.M. Galo et al. / Energy 70 (2014) 605e611 611

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