Alexander 1966

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8 AUGUST, 1966

Influence of Design and Operating Practices on

Excitation of Generator Step-Up Transformers

Abstract-The damage resulting from overexcitation of generator

step-up transformers could have an impact on generator reserve
requirements unless suitable steps are taken by the industry. This
paper discusses transformer design theory relating to overexcitation,
utility operating practices, and overexcitation experiences; also, an
estimate is made of the probability of overexcitation occurrence for
units rated 150 MW and larger. Automatic corrective action is
recommended, and a logic circuit is presented to accomplish this
objective. ,,LJ A UNIT AUXILIARY
S EVERAL instances of generator step-up trans-
former overexcitation have occurred during the past
year. Consequences have varied from minor costs, atten-
dant to a unit tripout, to penalties in the $500 000 to $1- Fig. 1. One-line diagram of unit-connected turbine-generator-
million range, resulting from loss of generation revenue and
repair costs for a damaged transformer. The transformers systems, and 4) proper action by standards and industry
involved were supplied by domestic manufacturers and committees. This paper is intended to cover the first three
had been subjected to overexcitation under various of these items.
operating conditions. The rate of incidence and size of the
units damaged demonstrate the necessity for reviewing RELATION OF TRANSFORMER STANDARDS AND DESIGN
conditions which can cause overexcitation and methods THEORY TO OVEREXCITATION
for preventing future damage. In view of the extremely The turns-ratio of the generator step-up transformer is
large turbine-generators which are installed, or are chosen to allow both transformer and generator to operate
planned, this reassessment is especially inmportant to within their ratings as established by ASA Standards. Co-
ensure that no additional burden be placed on generation ordination had been established in the past by EEI
reserve requirements. (Edison Electric Institute) and NEMA (National Elec-
The generator step-up transformer is part of a system, as trical Manufacturers Association) [11. The recommenda-
in Fig. 1, consisting of a turbine, generator, exciter, and tion has been that the transformer low-voltage rating be
transformer. These components are designed and built to approximately 95 percent of the generator voltage rating.
industry standards and customer specifications. They are For a transformer with approximately 5-percent full-load
then integrated into a unit-generator system by utilities regulation, this permits both generator and transformer to
and their consulting engineers in order to meet design ob- operate at the same percent output voltage at full load.
jectives. The investigation and search for solutions to the Most generator step-up transformer voltage ratings are
overexcitation problem must therefore be an industry selected on this basis. This is a handicap when considering
effort and include: 1) an understanding of ASA Standard overexcitation at no-load since the transformer has 105
limitations on overexcitation and the basic theory of percent excitation applied when the generator voltage is
transformer design which makes them necessary, 2) recog- 100 percent. At higher generator voltages, the transformer
nition of operating practices which cause overexcitation, 3) excitation is increased by the same percentage.
attainment of solutions which are workable on utility Permissible levels of excitation for power transformers
are specified in ASA Standard C57.12-00.400 (1958) as
Paper 31 TP 66-88, recommended and approved by the Trans- follows:
formers Committee of the IEEE Power Group for presentation at
the IEEE Winter Power Meeting, New York, N. Y., January 30-
February 4, 1966. Manuscript submitted November 3, 1965; made 12-00.410 Transformers shall be capable of:
available for printing November 24, 1965. 12-00.411 Delivering rated output in Kva at 5 percent above rated
G. W. Alexander and S. L. Corbin are with the General Electric secondary voltage without exceeding the guaranteed
Company, Schenectady, N. Y. temperature rise. This requirement applies to load power
W. J. McNutt is with the General Electric Company, Pittsfield,
Mass. factors of 80 percent or higher.

12-00.412 Operating at 10 percent above rated output voltage at no

load without exceeding the guaranteed temperature rise.
12-00.414 The foregoing requirements apply to the rated voltage
and rated Kva for any tap.

An examination of transformer operation will reveal I

reasons for such limitations. When an alternating excita-
tion voltage is applied to a transformer, alternating flux
flows in the core and energy loss results from the phe-
nomena of eddy currents and hysteresis. This is the well-
known core loss or no-load loss with which both trans-
former designers and users are familiar. The electrical
energy input, which appears to be lost, is actually con- Fig. 2. Magnetic flux path for rated voltage on low voltage. No load.
verted to heat energy and produces temperature rise in the
core. As core loss and temperature rise are proportional
to the level of excitation, it is necessary to limit the excita-
tion which can be applied to a transformer.
Also, the flux in a transformer core must be recognized
as a function of both voltage and frequency. The standard
limitations on overvoltage apply to rated frequency; it
has been proposed to the IEEE Committee on Trans-
formers that section 12-00.414 be nmodified to read as
follows: "The foregoing requirements apply to the rated
voltage, rated frequency and rated Kva of any tap." Since
flux is directly proportional to voltage and inversely pro-
portional to frequency, the limitations on allowable over-
voltage at rated frequency must also be considered as a
limit on allowable volts per c/s at other than rated fre-
M\Ioderate levels of excitation beyond rated, such as Fig. 3. Magnetic flux paths for rated voltage on secondary high-
those permiltted by the Standards, will not result in ex- voltage terminals at full load.
cessive temperature in the transformer core. However,
extreme levels of overexcitation will produce a quantity of
magnetic flus which saturates the core steel and overflows The leakage flux produced by load current will be leading
into structural steel parts and into the air. At saturation the main flux by 53.1 degrees of time-phase angle. The main
flux density, the core steel will overheat. Structural steel flux which links both windings is approximately the same as
parts, which are unlaminated and were not designed to that shown in the no-load case of Fig. 2. Actually, rated
carry magnetic flux, will heat rapidly. Flux flowing in un- voltage at the HV terminals is equal to the phasor sum of
planned air paths may link conducting loops in the wind- the voltage resulting from main flux linkages, plus the volt-
ings, leads, or structural parts, and resulting circulating age resulting from HV leakage flux linkages. Since the HV
currents in these loops can cause dangerous temperature leakage flux linkages are opposite in sense to the main
increases. flux linkages in Fig. 3, the latter must be somewhat greater
As an illustrative example, consider the magnetic flux than would be required to produce rated voltage at no
field for a simple single-phase 2-leg core-type step-up trans- load.
former. Some leakage flux, which links only the low-voltage
Figure 2 illustrates the fact that the magnetic flux path (LV) winding, adds to the main flux in the core legs. It is
is completely within the core steel and the same in all parts evident that the core legs will saturate at a lower level of
for the case of rated excitation at no-load. The unsaturated overexcitation for the full-load case; for this reason, the
core steel has a much higher permeability than any ad- Standards permit only 5-percent overvoltage on the
jacent structural steel, so the core steel path is the more secondary terminals at full load.
favorable one. A sufficient quantity of core steel must be When extreme overexcitation is applied to the LV ter-
provided so that 10-percent additional flux, resulting from minals at no-load, the flux field appears as in Fig. 4. The core
10-percent overexcitation, can be accommodated without steel will contain a quantity of flux, sufficient to saturate
having the core steel saturate. it, and the remainder will overflow into the structural steel
Figure 3 shows a case when the transformer is supplying parts and the air. It can be seen in the figure that the core
0.8 power factor lagging full-load output kVA at rated leg is in the region of highest flux density, since all of the
voltage on the secondary high-voltage (HV) terminals. flux produced by the primary winding passes through that



I I - 70
I U)
uL. 60

'- 5C

w 40

Fig. 4. Magnetic flux paths for extreme overexcitation on low volt- C.)
age, core saturated. No load.
E - 20
region. Hence, the core leg is most susceptible to thermal 0
damage resulting from overexcitation. IC0
Overexcitation must be extreme and of long duration
to produce damaging heating in core laminations. How-
ever, unlaminated structural parts can experience runaway 110 120 130
heating in a remarkably short time. Figure 5 shows cal- PERCENT VOLTS (CONSTANT FREQUENCY)
culated losses on a relative basis for a solid steel member Fig. 5. Loss in structural steel for overexcitation at no load.
in the leg region of one particular transformer design.
Losses were calculated by using Agarwal's analysis [2],
but with modification for the nonsinusoidal magnetizing greater than that of a sinusoidal load current because it is
force. The structural steel has attempted to carry flux rich in harmonics. Typical exciting current wave shapes
when the core steel became saturated but, since it was un- and their harmonic contents are shown in Fig. 6 for cur-
laminated, it was quite susceptible to eddy-current over- rents whose rms values are 10, 50, and 100 percent of full-
heating. The purpose of Fig. 5 is to illustrate how rapidly load current. For the transformer investigated, these would
losses in structural parts increase beyond some critical occur at excitations of approximately 125, 133, and 143
level of excitation. percent, respectively, as of course, the percent excitations
Outside of the core-leg region, other flux lines prin- and wave shapes are a function of each particular trans-
cipally in the air, as A and B in Fig. 4 may cause trouble former design.
by straying into locations where the flux is not anticipated. For a core-type transformer design, having an average
Appreciable flux flows in the air paths oinly during the strand eddy loss equal to ten percent of the 12R loss with
portion of the cycle when the core is saturated. Therefore, sinusoidal load current, the average eddy loss for the ex-
air flux is pulse-like in form as is the exciting current. citing current whose rms value is equal to 100 percent of
The pulse-like waveform has a high harmonic content, load current would be about 450 percent of 121R loss.
which increases its heating effect. Calculations were based on harmonics through the 15th.
Heating problems are not restricted to steel members. In the winding strands on the inner radius of the coil,
When flux passes through any conductor, eddy currents where magnetic flux density is greater than the average
result. Flux lines A and B in Fig. 4 may pass through value for the coils, the eddy loss would be in the vicinity of
structural parts outside the core, may link conducting loops 1300 percent of IPR loss. The loss in the inner strands would
in the leads, or may get into the tank base at the bottom of be about eight times that in the maximum-loss strands for
the core. normal-load current. In the transformer design used as
Overexcitation may even result in winding overheating an example, the winding conductor loss for a range of
if it is sufficiently extreme. Exciting current of the same excitations is shown in Fig. 7. If the winding conductors
magnitude as full-load current can occur for about 140 per- are not perfectly transposed for the overexcitation flux,
cent of rated excitation levels. For the same rms value, additional losses will result from circultating currents be-
however, the heating effect of the exciting current is much tween winding strands.

w -.
o 0 1.0 H
ZD0X 0.8
IxRS=100% IL z
V t43%
0 x 0.6 _ _J_
(.Ix(RMS)=50% I,-_
(, 0.4
V =I33%
z V=125%1
!P 02' 1-
O. 5 6 7 8 0 1
a._ U 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 X




IX(RMS) = 100% IL Ix(RMS)= 50% IL Ix(RMS)= 0O%IL
0.771 0 0.703 0 0.627 0 Fig. 8. General guide for permissible short-time overexcitation of
3 0.567 180 0.575 180 0.552 180 power transformers.
5 0.279 0 0.371 0 0.427 0
7 0.039 180 0.169 180 0.289 180
9 0.062 180 0.025 0 0.169 0
11 0,049 0 0.043 0 0.079 180 beyond some critical level of excitation. It should be ob-
13 0.002 0 Q050 180 0.020 0 vious that the levels of loss which occur in windings at
15 0.028 180 Q027 0 0.011 0 high excitations cannot be tolerated for long if damage is
IX(RMS)/Ix(PEAK) 0.638 0.568 0.474 to be avoided.
Fig. 6. Exciting current wave shape and harmonic analysis.
Physical evidence of overexcitation damage will vary
with the degree of overexcitation, the time applied, and the
particular transformer design. Although the discussion
and examples of losses and heating have been based on core-
type construction, it must be noted that the problem is
equally serious for shell-type construction. The particular
8 component which overheats first, or to the greatest de-
0 gree, may vary from one manufacturer's design to another's
and even between two designs by the same manufacturer.
z However, the problem is universal and depends, for the
most part, oIn severity and duration of overexcitation. At

00 the lower extreme, a moderate overexcitation may go

completely unnoticed or, at most, may cause a relay opera-
tion in the transformer-generator zone. Overheating may
2 WNDGJ produce only minor damage, which will have no permanent
effect on transformer operation. At the other extreme, dam-
0 age may be so extensive that electrical or mechanical
breakdowns prevent operation.
0 A transformer has some capacity for overexcitation on a
short-time basis, since the heated component parts
have thermal time-constants ranging from 5 to 45 minutes.
z 2-
CONDUCTOR -CONDUJCTOR A bare metallic part has a short time-constant and the
core a longer one. The permissible short-time overexcita-

tion will vary from one design to another, and any general

guide must be conservative. Figure 8 is such a guide,

based on restricting the highest temperature of any
heated part to a nondamaging level. It does not permit
PERCENT VOLTS(CONSTANT FREQUENCY) wide latitude for overexcitation, and it emphasizes the need
Fig. 7. Winding conductor loss for overexcitation at no load, based for an automatic control device to maintain operation
on average strand eddy loss equal to 10 percent of P2R loss with within safe limits. For any known case of excitation beyond
sinusoidal load current.
the limit of the standards and Fig. 8, an inspection for
possible damage should be made.
Table I summarizes the physical effects of overexcitation
In actual practice, the regulation of the generator volt- and possible consequences. It does not mention audible
age, as current increases, results in exciting current magni- evidences which might be detected by individuals in the
tudes which typically correspond to approximately 135- vicinity of the transformer during overexcitation. The
percent voltage or 50 percent of full-load current. It can be amplitude of the transformer hum will be increased mark-
seen that loss in winding conductors also increases rapidly edly. The unitwill not onlv sound louder, buthave a deeper,

TABLE I 4) Start-up of units, under manual voltage control, may

PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF OVEREXCITATION cause extreme overexcitation if the field current is applied
at reduced speeds and the settingof theexciter field rheostat
Com- is not changed as the unit is brought up to speed with a
ponent Physical direct-connected exciter.
Involved Evidences Consequences
Metallic Discoloration of metal- Contamination of oil and
5) The presynchronizing procedure in starting cross-
support lic parts and adjacent surfaces of insulation. compound units must be monitored or overexcitation may
struc- insulation. Possible Mechanical weakening of be applied.
ture for carbonized material in insulation-loosening of
core and oil. Evolution of structure. 6) Computer-automated units must be carefully pro-
coils combustible gas. Mechanical deformation of granumed to avoid overexcitation on start-up and shutdown.
metallic parts-perma-
nent weakening of me- The transformer may still be susceptible to this condition
chanical structure. under other operating conditions.
Windings Discoloration of winding Electrical and mechanical 7) There are possibly other circumstances, depending
insulation. Evolution weakening of winding
of combustible gas. insulation. upon utility practices, which may causeoverexcitation. This
Lead Discoloration of con- Electrical and mechanical category must be examined by each utility organization to
conduc- ductors, insulation, or weakening of insulation. determine if existing practices are hazardous.
tors supports. Evolution of Mechanical weakening of
gas. supports.
Core Discoloration of insula- Electrical weakening of
Examples of Overexcitation
lami- ting materials in major insulation (wind- The following are typical experiences:
nations contact with core. Dis- ing to core).
coloration and carbon- Increased interlaminar 1) A large new unit was added to the system of utility
ization of organic eddy loss.
lamination insulation. A. After several months of normal operation, the operator
Evolution of gas. was instructed to bring the unit up to speed and synchro-
Tank Blistering of paint. Contamination of oil if nize it to the system. At approximtely 1800 r/min, field was
paint inside tank is
blistered. applied under manual control as per operating guides.
Difficulty developed in some of the plant auxiliaries, and
the operator turned his attention to solving this problem.
lower frequency tone if overexcitation is accompanied by Meanwhile, the unit was being brought up to speed. The
reduced generator frequency. If gas is generated by over- voltage increased with speed and, when the operator at-
heated parts, a bubbling sound also may emanate from tempted to synchronize, he found the synchronizing po-
within the unit. Such audible evidence merely indicates the tential fuse blown. After some period of operation at
existence of abnormal overexcitation; not the extent of approximately rated speed, the synchronizing difficulty was
damage. corrected and the excitation brought down to normal. The
unit was placed on the line and operated normally for about
OVEREXCITATION AS RELATED TO TURBINE-GENERATOR 24 hours. At this point, the unit's transformer differential
OPERATION relay operated, and it was found that the transformer had
Operating Conditions failed.
2) Utility B was operating with a unit on the line under
A list of operating conditions which can cause over- load when suddenly the intercept valves of the reheat unit
excitation covers many aspects of turbine-generator opera- closed unexplainedly. This reduced the output of the ma-
tion, the one significant omission being operation chine to almost zero. The operator attempted to rectify the
of a unit system under normal load. A partial list of these trouble and was finally forced to trip the unit. The unit
conditions, accompanied by short explanatory statements, speed varied as measures were taken to try to open the
is given next. intercept valves. During this interval, the machine was left
1) Generator rotor or stator preheating or prewarming under voltage regulator control. After some minutes of
requires excitation at reduced frequencies. The generator operation, a gas detector relay operated on the generator
step-up transformer is integrally connected to the gen- step-up transformer. Analysis of the generated gas indi-
erator and must be protected against excessive volts per cated probable insulation damage in the transformer.
c/s during this operation. Past recommendations should 3) Utility C scheduled a unit to be taken off the line.
not be relied on for new units. During shutdown, excitation was left on the machine to
2) Load rejection, under manual or voltage regulator cause faster deceleration. The voltage regultor was in ser-
control, can cause overexcitation. Although the most severe vice. At reduced speed, the auxiliary transformer differ-
case would be manual control, load rejection under voltage ential relay tripped the unit. Investigations did not indicate
regulator control can be severe, especially when the output major damage to the transformer, but the described prac-
transmission lines or cables are opened at the far end, in tice was discontinued by the utility company.
which case the excitation might reach 130 percent or more. 4) A turbine-generator of utility D was on line under
3) Shutdown of units under voltage regulator control load when an unusual system condition caused the unit
may cause overexcitation during deceleration, if the reg- to trip on back-up relay operation. Excitation was con-
ulator remains in service. tinued while the operator tried to verify the reason for the

trip operation. The unit's frequency dropped and varied as Since information was meager, a survey was started in
the operator tried to recover and bring the turbine-genera- the hope of verifying whether or not current utility operat-
tor back on the line. After three or four minutes, the trans- ing practices could lead to generator step-up transformer
former differential relay operated. Meanwhile, the trans- overexcitation. The benchmark was operations which could
former had been observed to vibrate severely and become lead to overexcitation if the shift operator's attention could
quite noisy. Inspection revealed little except that com- be distracted by other problems. It must be recognized
bustible gas was noted. that the short time within which damage may occur and
5) Utility E was preparing a unit to be brought on the the consequence of overexcitation are not generally under-
line. Prewarming had been accomplished at rated field stood by plant operators. These operations were studied:
current. During subsequent acceleration, the field current 1) M\Ianual voltage control on start-up.
was not reduced and a relay operation tripped the unit. 2) Voltage regulator control on shutdown.
A workman, standing near the transformer bank, had ob- 3) Load rejection caused by system conditions.
served that the transformer was making a loud noise and 4) Back-up relay operations during system faults.
was on his way to the plant to advise the operator that he 5) Control trouble due to electrical, mechanical, or
thought the transformer was in trouble. A recording mega- pneumatic control failure which could reduce machine
var chart showed a very large increase in megavar out of output.
the generator just prior to the relay operation. 6) Other operations, which necessitate closing of turbine
6) An overspeed test was being run on a machine by valves, included human error, turbine vibration, boiler
utility F. The machine was up to 3900 r/min with excita- trouble, and loss of auxiliary components.
tion applied to it when the transformer differential tripped.
Investigationi did not indicate a transformer fault. The next conditions were not examined:
7) A cross-compound unit of utility G was in service 1) Generator rotor or stator preheating or prewarming.
when boiler trouble necessitated tripping the generator 2) Presynchronizing of cross-compound units.
breaker. The voltage regulator was kept in service because 3) Automated units.
the operator did not have time to manually control the field 4) Utility test procedures, including overspeed tests
to a predetermined value and was reluctant to trip excita- with excitation applied and operational high-potential test
tion which would have required resynchronizing of the of the generator step-up unit.
cross-compound unit. In several cases, after approximately
three to four minutes, the transformer differential relay The sampling, which was necessarily general in nature,
tripped. In these instances, the transformers were given a was combined with outage information contained in EEI
visual inspection and no sign of damage was detected. reports [5], [6] in an attempt to determine the percentage
8) At utility H, a computer-operated unit was being shut of units each year which could experience overexcitation of
down during a change of shifts. Normal procedure was to generator step-up transformers. The listed operating condi-
manually control excitation on shutdown. In this case, the tions indicated, on a pessimistic basis, that up to 20 percent
voltage regulator was left in service through an oversight of all generator step-up transformers could be subjected to
and resulted in a transformer differential relay operation. overexcitation each year. On an individual basis, this
Now, the computer is reprogrammed to automatically re- means that on the average, a large generator step-up
move excitation on shutdown. Computer-operated units transformer could experience overexcitation once every
can be conveniently programmed to sense volts per c/s five years. This does not necessarily imply a catastrophic
quantities and take corrective action. This allows basic experience. As was mentioned previously, there is a good
protection of the generator step-up transformer under possibility that some instances will be of a minor nature
programmed conditions. and some will inadvertently be interrupted by a relay which
misoperates, but it must be emphasized that some will
cause a transformer failure. The catastrophic possibility
NUMBER OF UNITS WHICH MIGHT EXPERIENCE requires that automatic protection be employed to detect
OVEREXCITATION overexcitation and to take corrective action.
Survey of Electric Utility Excitation Practices
There are no industry statistics on generator step-up PROTECTION OF GENERATOR STEP-UP TRANSFORMERS
transformer overexcitation since this subject overlaps AGAINST OVEREXCITATION
product responsibility, industry groups, standards com- It is recommended that transformer overexcitation be a
mittees, and individual operating philosophy. Warnings primary relaying objective and that it not be incor-
appear to have been given in past literature [31, [4], on porated as an auxiliary function to an existing protective
the possibility of transformer damage during overexcita- device. For example, such relays as transformer differential,
tion, but few installations experienced it until the last negative phase sequence (unbalanced current), etc., have
five years. The importance of large units being installed occasionally operated on overexcitation. This creates
or planned for the future necessitated further investigation confusion in the determination of the cause of the relay
of possible occurrence and, hence, of unit outages resulting operation, or in the investigation of possible damage, and
from transformer damage. in the information necessary to make a decision to con-

tinue operating the machine. The physical damage, shown

in Table I, cannot be completely checked, following severe
overexcitation, without a thorough inspection. This might
require untanking the transformer. For these reasons (posi-
tive identification of the problem and influence on op-
erating decisions), this paper recommends that transformer
ooverexcitation detection, with automatic operation to
prevent damage to the transformer, be incorporated as a
separate function in the turbine-generator protection and
control circuits. 'AND" T FIELD
These two indications of overexcitation are rather easy -I SI BREAKER
to detect and together they can cover all probable condi- I , --I
tions under which it may occur: 1) volts per c/s in excess
of 110 percent of normal and 2) with the generator breaker NULLIFIES EXCITER RUNBACK AND PERMITS
open, an indication of excessive field current. TIMER TO TRIP THE FIELD BREAKER DIRECTLY
Fig. 9. Logic circuit for detection of generator step-up transformer
Methods of Protection overexcitation, incorporating circuits for automatic corrective
New designs of modern generator voltage regulators may
be obtained with a volts per e/s limit characteristic which
will provide protection while the regulator is in service. overvoltage relay (field current) for synchronizing cross-
The volts per c/s control for use during start-up and shut- eompound machines at reduced frequency. It may be
down is a desirable feature on new voltage regulators and necessary to exceed 110 percent volts per e/s in synchro-
is available at little additional cost. However, back-up nizing some cross-compound machines and the user may
protection must be provided as though the excitation were make the setting at his discretion following consultation
manually controllcd. This protection will be required to with the transformer manufacturer.
take precedence over the regulator in the event of a mal- The limit switch setting on the exciter field rheostat
function of the latter. If volts per e/s control are not used should be based on obtaining generator no-load field cur-
(i.e., existing regulators or user prefereinee), relaying should rent with a hot field and with the exciter operating on
be incorporated to provide complete protection. its descending saturation curve. It seems reasonable that
The logic circuit of Fig. 9 was evolved after considering generator field current would not exceed 110 percent of the
many different methods of protection, such as sensing volts no-load value for the range of field temperatures expected,
per e/s alone, field current, field voltage alone, harmonic thereby producing maximum generator terminal voltages
content of voltage wave shape, excessive excitation current, in the order of 105 to 106 percent of rated voltage.
and temperature rise in the transformer. These methods During start-up, the exciter will be operating on its
were too slow, too costly, too complicated, too difficult to ascending saturation curve, and it may not be possible to
properly apply, incomplete within themselves, or com- obtain the voltage required for synchronizing to the sys-
binations of these undesirable characteristics. Existing tem without changing the rheostat position. However, at
operating practices may not require the degree of sophisti- rated speed, the regulator can be placed in service, prior
cation inherent in this circuit, and other solutions are avail- to synchronizing, and the voltage required can be achieved.
able which meet the intent of these recommendations.
The voltage relay of Fig. 9 has an essentially linear volts CONCLUSIONS
per c/s pickup down to 30 c/s. If overexcitation is sensed, 1) Glenerator step-up transformers are susceptible to
timer no. 2 will operate after a short while, sounding an damage from overexcitation. Values above 110 percent
alarm and initiating exciter field rheostat runback, unless volts per c/s can produce damaging effects which are a
the disturbance is transient in nature. The exciter field function of the magnitude of excitation and its duration.
rheostat is driven to a preset position, where limit switches 2) Overexcitation can occur during many operating
trip the voltage regulator and prevent the field breaker conditions, including unit start-up under manual voltage
from being tripped. Timer no. 1 is energized at the same control, shutdown under voltage regulator control, load re-
time the exciter field rheostat is energized to allow runback. jection, back-up relay operation, control trouble, starting
If the preset field rheostat limit switch is not actuated cross-compound units, preheating or prewarming, and
within the setting of timer no. 1, the AND circuit will trip testing.
the field breaker. Suggested settings are one minute for 3) Overexcitation of generator step-up transformers
timer no. 1 and ten seconds for timer no. 2. could have an influence on generator reserve requirements
The field dc overvoltage relay is placed in service when unless suitable methods of protection are provided. It is
the generator breaker is opened as a back-up to the ac estimated that 20 percent of all units, 150 MiIW and larger,
overvoltage relay and operates through the same circuit as can experience overexcitation each year.
the ae relay. 4) Present relaying practices do not detect overexcita-
Switch "S" allows slightly different settings of the dc tion, except inadvertently, and it is recommended that

separate relays be installed on each unit to detect this con- Stating this requirement in another way, the volts per c/s or the
volts per r/min should not exceed 100 percent of normal.
dition. Since the field current should not exceed that required to produce
5) It is further recommended that the method of de- 110 percent of rated voltage at rated frequency and load, the no

tection initiate automatic action to reduce the excitation maximum generator field current for operation at reduced frequency
to levels which are permissible. can be established on this basis. Automatic generator voltage
regulators may increase the field current in an attempt to maintain
ACKNOWLEDGMENT rated voltage as the speed decreases, thus causing overexcitation
of the generator transformer under these conditions. Provision
The authors wish to acknowledge the contribution of must, therefore, be made to limit their effect if safe operation is to
A. J. McConnell in developing the protective concepts and be assured.
logic diagram of Fig. 9 of the paper. The flux in a transformer core, produced by exciting current in a
winding, is confined to the core because of its greater permeability
compared to the surrounding volume. When flux density in the core
REFERENCES increases beyond saturation point, substaintial amount of flux will

[1] "Preferred voltage ratings for ac systems and equipment," spread into the air paths. In so doing, the flux lines cut the winding
Joint Edison Electric Institute-National Electrical Manu- copper and other metal parts, including the end frames and trans-
facturers Association Report, EEI publication R-6, NEMA former case, taking paths which normally have little flux. This
publication 17, New York, N. Y., May 1949.
[2] P. D. Agarwal, "Eddy-current losses in solid and laminated stray causes local eddy currents to flow and produce hot spots,
iron" Trans. AIEE (Power Apparatus and Systems), vol. 78, charring adjacent insulation, blistering paint, or even melting metal.
pp. 169-81, May 1959. With overexcitation, the flux lines of the primary coil as an air
[3] W. J. Gilson, Jr. and M. Temoshok, "Turbine-generator rotor core solenoid are superimposed on the flux lines at normal voltage.
prewarming," Trans. AIEE. (Power Apparatus and Systems)
vol. 76, pp. 549-556, May 1957. They cut the conductor of the coils in other directions than normal
[4] "Generator operation," General Electric Company publication and also cut the end frames and transformer tank.
GEI-74424A, June 1960. The amount of local heating and its location depends on the
[5] "Analytical report of equipment availability for the seven- individual transformer construction. A wide variation exists because
year period, 1955-1961," EEI publication 63-42, May 1963.
[6] "Report on equipment availability for the four-year period, other considerations than overexcited operation govern the me-
1960-1963." EEI publication 64-59, September 1964. chanical construction of transformers. Since transformers are
constructed under the assumption that the excitation will not
exceed 110 percent of normal, operation beyond this point is like
placing an air core reactor in the transformer tank and asking for
resultant damage to the transformer.
Discussion The transformer damage may or not be apparent. If the

tank attains a sufficiently high temperature to blister the external

W. C. Sealey (Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company, Milwaukee, paint, this is easily observed. However, local internal hot spots in the
Wis.): The conclusions reached by the authors agree with our copper can be sufficient to carbonize the conductor insulation with
experience. Power transformers are designed to operate continuously no external evidence to warn of damage. Iron parts can even melt
at 110-percent voltage at normal frequency at no load or at 105 or fuse together without revealing external signs, and the trans-
percent of normal voltage at full kVA. former continue to operate even though damaged. For these reasons,
Power transformers do, occasionally, operate at reduced fre- operation at overexcitation beyond 110 percent should be avoided.
quency for periods ranging from a few minutes to a few hours.
Formerly, generators were connected to their step-up transformers REFERENCE
through switches, which generally connected the generator to the [1] W. C. Sealey, "Overexcitation of power transformers," Allis-
same station bus as the transformers. However, it has become Chalmers Engineering Rev., vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 18-19, 1965.
common practice, particularly with larger generators, to connect
transformers directly to the generator terminals. Such transformers
operate at low frequency and reduced voltage as the generator is
being brought up to speed. In such operation, the generator field R. E. Harrison (Montreal Engineering Company, Montreal, Can-
current should not exceed the field current required to produce ada): The question may arise: "Why has not damage, due to over-
100 percent of rated voltage at no load and rated speed. excitation of generator transformers, shown up before?" The answer,
Another case occurs when field current is circulated to warm up of course, is that modern low-loss cold-reduced-oriented core steel is
the generator-rotor forging while the generator is turning at reduced worked at flux densities much closer to saturation than the old hot-
speed. This may take a matter of hours. rolled steel.
When crosscompounded units are taken off the line, the common In view of the danger of overexcitation, it warranted

practice is to maintain field current in the generators to keep them that more attention should be paid to factory-performed excitation
in step with each other and thus facilitate bringing them back up to tests. For a transformer with permissible overexcitation specified
speed. in the ASA Standard, special tests might from
range minute atone

An example of overexcitation at rated frequency is the practice of 120-percent to two hours at 110-pereent excitation.
bringing the generator voltage up to 125 percent at no load for a An alternative approach to this problem, differing from that
few minutes to confirm that the generator is in operating condition. proposed by the authors, may be adopted by users. This

Because of the difference in voltage rating of transformer and will specify that generator transformers have greater margin a

generator, this may produce 130-percent voltage on the transformer. between normal operating flux density and saturation, and that
Because the current taken by an overexcited transformer is less than they be capable of "delivering rated output in kVA at 10 percent
full load and the overvoltage is moderate, it was sometimesmis- above rated secondary voltage ... " instead of five percent as
takenly assumed that the transformer was being operated safely, ASA C57.12-00.411. In many cases, this will obviate the need for
and damage, or even transformer failure, resulted in some instances. special overexcitation detection circuits and corrective action.
To assure safe operation for the transformer, the flux density in Recent studies on base-load thermal and nuclear plants showed this
the transformer iron should not exceed 110 percent of normal. practice to result in lowest overall cost, including a high value for
Manuscript received February 14, 1966. Mnsrp received
Manuscript 96
February 17,7 1966.

capitalized losses, compared with other possible methods of rating leeway mentioned does not appear to be sufficient to cover all pos-
the transformers. sible operating conditions, some of which have lead to overexcitation
magnitudes well above those which could be protected by the sug-
gested decrease in flux density. It should be realized that the protec-
C. Concordia (General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y.): tive features recommended in this paper are much less costly than
This paper does an excellent job of summarizing all of the various specifying lower flux densities which would protect the GSU against
ways in which generator step-up transformers might become subject the magnitudes of overexcitation which can be encountered. Extra
to excessive flux, and recommending preventive measures. However capacity for overexcitation also means extra weight in the trans-
I could not help but be very much impressed by the fact that most former. This would be a serious complication to the problem of ship-
(5 out of eight) of the actual cases cited were due to a single cause, the ment of very large generator step-up units.
attempt of the automatic generator excitation control to hold The special tests proposed by Mr. Harrison could be made at only
constant volts as generator frequency decreased. These cases would slight inconvenience (increased test time), but it is not clear how they
not have occurred if the excitation control had been designed to would measure the transformer's capacity for overexcitation. Units
hold constant volts per cycle. designed to ASA Standards should be capable of operation at 110
Since the characteristics of the voltage regulator seem to be so percent excitation and no-load indefinitely. There has been no field
important in the cases actually experienced (as distinguished from experience to cast doubt on this capability, so the value of a two-hour
conceivable cases) it would seem that holding volts per cycle would test is questionable.
be an obvious and direct way of solving the majority of the problems The authors agree with Mr. Concordia that the incorporation of a
actually encountered. volts per cycle limit is highly desirable on new excitation systems and,
Therefore I was surprised that this fact was not noted in the if practical, on existing systems as well. This will provide the most
conclusions (although it is mentioned in the text), and I should like straightforward and reliable means of protection under most operat-
to suggest that mention of the desirability of using volts per cycle ing conditions, when the voltage regulator is available. However, we
be made as one of the conclusions. Indeed this seems to me to be must nof overlook the fact that circumstances which necessitate
the most important conclusion. operating under manual control will occur. Hence, use of a voltage
Volts per cycle does not really have to be confined to use during regulator with a volts per cycle characteristic should not detract from
start-up and shutdown. To the contrary it may be desirable at all the recommendations that separate relays should be installed to
frequencies below 60 cycles regardless of the cause, since there are detect overexcitation and to initiate automatic corrective action, as
usually a great many other transformers distributed around a power outlined in the paper.
system, all of which would presumably be better adapted to reduced- In conclusion, it should be noted that cases of damage have oc-
frequency operation at a constant value of volts per cycle. For curred with 0.5 response generator excitation systems having shaft-
frequencies much above 60 cycles the feature should not be in- driven exciters. The use of high response systems and/or motor-
corporated. If there has to be a definite break in characteristic this driven exciters further increases the likelihood of overexcitation
should occur either slightly above or slightly below 60 cycles de damage to generator step-up transformers, assuming that the auto-
pending upon other factors. matic voltage regulators are in service, because
Manuscript received February 23, 1966. 1) With certain exceptions (such as controlled-rectifier excitation
systems), high response is accompanied by increased exciter ceiling
voltage. The higher ceiling voltage, in addition to contributing to a
somewhat higher value of transformer excitation, will sustain excita-
G. W. Alexander, S. L. Corbin, and W. J. McNutt: The authors wish tion at a damaging level for lower turbine-generator speeds, thus ex-
to thank the discussors for their comments on this subject. tending the time the transformer is exposed to overexcitation during
We appreciate the viewpoint of another manufacturer, presented coastdown after a tripout.
by Mr. Sealey, and are pleased to find him in agreement with our 2) A motor-driven exciter provides generator excitation independ-
conclusions. His observation that operation of a transformer at an ent of turbine-generator speed. The end result is that the transformer
excitation beyond 110 percent of normal "is like placing an air core is exposed to overexcitation down to an extremely low turbine-
reactor in the transformer tank," is particularly apt. It suggests the generator speed.
need for a completely different set of design rules than would nor-
mally apply to a power transformer. This is indeed the case. The use of generator excitation to attempt to brake units on shut-
Mr. Harrison suggests a greater capacity for overexcitation be down should be carefully reviewed. The relatively small value of gen-
specified as an alternate solution to the problem. This could be an erator and transformer core loss plus exciter power, in the case of a
acceptable solution, but it might be costly. The extra five percent shaft-driven exciter, contributes little to lowering shutdown time.
Such a small gain can hardly be justified when the consequences of
Manuscript received April 8, 1966. improper operation under such conditions are considered.

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