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7/20/2019 Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit – Jaehoo Weblog

Jaehoo Weblog

Blog personal de jaehoo

Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit

julio 9, 2019julio 9, 2019

Red Hat published a free application toolkit to analyse the java enterprise applications based on old
Jboss to migrate or upgrade to newer versions like wildfly.

This tool can review the complexity for the migration, the issues to attend, the dependencies (shared and
circular) and other interesting stuffs to give you important details for the upgrade or migration that you
will must consider.

There a tree ways to install (described by self) and you can download from here

Command Line Interface

Web console (you can deploy a war in a existing jboss server)
Eclipse Plugin
Maven Plugin (it’s not listed but is usefully option)

I’ve tested this toolkit for migration purposes with a few old web applications based on Jboss 5, the
objective is migrate that apps to wildfly.

I used the command line interface because I can analyse the builded artifact (like a war, ear, ejb o jars),
therefore my apps are very old and don’t have a maven structure.

The installation is very simple, only need to unzip the client, set JAVA_HOME variable with JDK 1.8 on
the script file and execute this:

Windows (rhamt-cli.bat)

1 rhamt-cli.bat --input "path\to\file.ear" --output "path\to\output" --sou 1/5
7/20/2019 Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit – Jaehoo Weblog

Unix (

1 ./rhamt-cli --input /path/to/file.ear --output /path/to/output --source

Note this:

–packages to improve performance be specific and select separated by comma without spaces

SOURCE_VALUE  and TARGET_VALUE must be one of: [websphere, jbpm, soa, seam, eap7, hibernate,
oraclejdk, eap6, rmi, jrun, glassfish, java, orion, eap, hibernate-search, log4j, soa-p, rpc, sonic, weblogic,
drools, java-ee, javaee, sonicesb, jonas, resin, resteasy]

In their documentation (

single/cli_guide/index#command_line_arguments)you can view the full description for the arguments

This is my example to analyse the app developed on jboss 5 to Jboss EAP 7:

1 rhamt-cli.bat --input "X:\path\to\file.ear" --output "X:\path\to\output"

Note the “dot” in packages argument, I’ve used for analyse all packages, I know this is a bad practice
but I’ve a lot packages.

Then be patient, at the end the html report is generated on output directory. For me, the must relevant
insights are the dependencies and the issues, because you can review the exactly line in code you must
to change for migrate/upgrade, with this report is more easy estimate the effort.

An issue showing a potential harcoded IP in properties

This are a some captures from my output, my app is an ear with embedded ejb and war. 2/5
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7/20/2019 Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit – Jaehoo Weblog

Saludos from !Mexico!


Publicado en: Development, General, Java | Etiquetado: Java, Jboss, Tools

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