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ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character

Generator v2.0 Instructions for Use

This is an unauthorized Go-By for ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator
compiled by flwad and others for use strictly as a go-by and not to be
construed as a definitive reference.

First of all, we want to thank ForgedAnvil for all his incredible work on the Character Sheet.

The purpose of this document is to compile info from the thread and personal experience to reduce the
number of repeat questions that ForgedAnvil (FA) is faced with. We encourage people to post questions
about the Character Sheet not answered here or for clarifications to the thread @

For questions/comments about this document, please do not post in the Character sheet thread. Post
here instead:

We apologize for any errors caused by changes to the Character Sheet after compilation of this document
or from oversights. We take no responsibility for lost data in response to instructions herein. We think
everything works, but it’s always good to back-up before trying something new.

All users are expected to be familiar with Microsoft Excel®(versions shown on FA download page) and the
Player’s Handbook© for D&D® 5th Ed. Basic knowledge is all that is necessary for use of this tool, but for
more involved areas a more thorough knowledge will be helpful.

FA has stated that he will only add material to the sheet which is officially published by WotC. This does
not include data from the Unearthed Arcana column or any other publisher, sanctioned or not. He has
graciously included both a Custom page for many of the subordinate designations, such as Sub-Class, or
Custom Spells, etc., but DOES NOT INCLUDE CUSTOM CLASSES. He has also included a Design-Your-Own
(DYO) page which can be turned into anything you desire. More on this inside.

FA has also said he is avoiding using macros except for the transfer tool and the sheet reset function. This
is to allow compatibility with as many programs as possible.

Free-type entries for some cells can only be done in the formula bar. If you are having trouble typing in the
cell, select the cell, then free-type in the formula bar. The Character Sheet will show an error if the area is
truly not Free-type.

PHB - Player’s Handbook EEPC – Elemental Evil Player’s Companion

MM - Monster Manual SWAG - Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide

DMG – Dungeon Master’s Guide

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character
Generator v2.0 Instructions for Use

Table of Contents
Getting Started ............................................................................................................................................. 1
Selecting Options .......................................................................................................................................... 1
Entering Ability Scores (Stats)....................................................................................................................... 1
And So On (See the following sections for content details) ......................................................................... 2
Ways of Using the Character Sheet .............................................................................................................. 3
Sheets ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Start .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Title Block ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Options ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Character Details ...................................................................................................................................... 3
1. Ability Scores ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2. Class & Level ......................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Character Details .................................................................................................................................. 6
4. Skills ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
6. Languages ............................................................................................................................................. 8
7. Tools...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Additional Details ..................................................................................................................................... 9
5. Ability Score Improvement & Feats ...................................................................................................... 9
8. Coinage & Starting Equipment ...........................................................................................................10
Additional Active Features, Additional Actions, Additional Ability Features, Conditions, Exhaustion and
Additional Damage Resistance & Reduction ..........................................................................................11
9. Equipment Worn ................................................................................................................................12
10. Armor & Shield .................................................................................................................................12
11. Attacks ..............................................................................................................................................13
Familiar, Animal Companion, Mount, Pet (shown twice, 1st defaults to familiar, 2nd to mount)...........13
Wildshape ( 5times) ................................................................................................................................14
Spellcasting .................................................................................................................................................14
ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

Character Sheet I ........................................................................................................................................15
Character Sheet II .......................................................................................................................................15
Gear ........................................................................................................................................................16
Carrying Capacity ....................................................................................................................................18
Familiar and Mount Sections ..................................................................................................................19
Character Sheet III ......................................................................................................................................19
Character Sheet IV ......................................................................................................................................19
Character Sheet V .......................................................................................................................................19
Wildshape ...................................................................................................................................................19
Character Summary ....................................................................................................................................19
Adventurers Log .........................................................................................................................................19
Advancing in Level ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Dealing with Magic Items ........................................................................................................................... 20
Transfer Tool and Copying Data without Using It ...................................................................................... 20
DYO and Named Variables.......................................................................................................................... 20
Calculated Weight of Packs, etc. ................................................................................................................20

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

Getting Started
As you might expect, when there is a sheet named ‘Start’, you start there. The first thing is to select your
options at the top of the sheet. Then follow the instructions shown at the right under ‘Character Details’

Selecting Options

} Display Options for

Character Details Section

Consult your DM about these options, except Language and Colour Code.

Variant Ability Scores – PHB p. 13 (Tool Tip)

Variant Encumbrance – PHB p. 176
Variant Human – PHB p. 31
Proficiency Dice –DMG p. 263
Hero points – DMG p. 264 (Tool Tip)
Colour Code – controls the display of color on CSI (Tool Tip)
Factions – Controls whether Faction information is displayed on Character Sheet (CS) IV in the Allies and
Organizations section
Language – Controls Translations of many areas throughout entire Character Sheet – contributed by
thread followers, please contribute if you can.

Entering Ability Scores (Stats)

Enter your stats using the rolling convention instructed by your DM (4d6, drop the lowest x6 is the most
common) or Variant Ability Scores.

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

Enter your Experience Points (0 if you are just starting out) and Select a Class for your 1st level.

Note: As you do these things, note how the Stats and Character Details areas update.

And So On (See the following sections for content details)

Usually at this point, I leave the subclass, etc entries further down in Section 2 for later and move to
Section 3 (Character Details), as these will influence most of the other sections, especially Race &
Background. Details of each of these sections can be found in the ‘Sheets: Start’ section.

I usually return to Section 2 at this point and finish it.

Then I follow the numbers: (Selections granted by your Race/Sub-Race, Background, Class & Sub-Class, for
each section are shown)
4: Skills
5: Ability Score Improvement and Feats (This will only be active at this point if you are using the Variant
Human option)
6: Languages
7: Tools
8: Coinage and Starting Equipment
9: Equipment Worn
10: Armor & Shield
11: Attacks
The rest of the Start sheet is usually left blank it this point as these areas don’t usually come into play until
your character reaches higher levels.
If you are a spellcaster, you need to move to ‘Spellcasting’ and deal with your spellbook. If not, or after
‘Spellcasting,‘ you can move to CSI - CSV and review your character. If something seems wrong, return to
‘Start’ and you will probably find the problem.

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

Ways of Using the Character Sheet

Fill it out and print it off with spaces to keep track of your spell slot usage, hit points, etc. with tick marks.

Use it as your online character sheet at the table, with online features (like the red eyes on the skull for
death saving throws, or the effect of temporary hit points or effects of exhaustion)

As the DM, getting the character summary sheets, or to create NPCs with much more fleshed out stats and

Modeling for future levels (what if I dipped a level of sorcerer, etc. )


This sheet may not be ‘Unprotected’
Resets entire sheet contents to
Title Block baseline. (Macro) No recovery

Resets custom sheet contents to

baseline. (Macro) No recovery

Imports from previous versions.

All sheets including DYO except
self-created & saved as new sheet

Takes you to the Enworld

In Beta 5, only ‘Check for Updates’ work. ForgedAnvil thread

See the Getting Started Section Above.

Character Details
(Read Only) Shows data auto-generated by your choices throughout this sheet as well as data entered in
the Additional Details Section. Display options controlled in Options Section. You can’t screw anything up
by toggling these options, so play and see.

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

1. Ability Scores
Under Ability Roll, enter your initial stats as generated in keeping with your DM’s instructions. These
entries will then automatically fill-in the Ability Modifier column. Racial & Class Modifiers automatically fill
based on the Race & 1st Level Class chosen in sections 3 & 2 respectively. Modifiers entered in Custom:
Race will show if that race is chosen.

Used ability points

Unused ability points

When Variant Human in Options or Feats which effect Ability Scores or Ability Score Improvement in
Section 5 are chosen, the available scores to be improved will be shaded in green and there will be an
available total shown at the bottom of the column. Once the added points are allocated, they will show in
the blocks effected and the available points will show +0.

Enter ability score changes positive and, yes, negative which are caused by Magic Items, etc. in the Magic
Modifier column. Final Score and Ability Modifier will fill in automatically. Saving Throws Proficiency will
fill in automatically based on 1st level Class and any upgrades from feats, etc. Any Saving Throw
Proficiencies granted by Magic Items, etc. can be given by toggling the Override column. Any Saving Throw
Adjust(ments) can be entered in the Saving Throw Adjust column (If the value is not shown in the drop
down, free type it in the formula bar).

Honor and Sanity are free-type entries if they are used by your DM.

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

2. Class & Level

Start @ 0, add experience

as awarded, tool tip
shows level requirements

Enter raw dice roll, bonus

awarded automatically

Will fill-in based on class


Select class for each level

as it is gained

Any additional HP
awarded by items, etc.
can be entered here

Proficiency and Initiative

bonuses can be entered
here, drop-down or free-

Will auto-fill based on

selections above – 3
classes max
Subclasses, Fighting Styles, Expertise, Barbarian Totem Spirits, Cleric Knowledge Domain Spells, Fighter
Battle Master Maneuvers, Monk Elemental Disciplines, Ranger Favored Enemies, Ranger Natural Explorer,
Ranger Hunter Features, Warlock Eldritch Invocations, Wizard Bladesinger & Wizard Transmuter Stone
areas will activate based on previous entries, most are restricted drop-downs, but some allow free-type.
Expertise may be selected for a skill only after it has been selected in Section 4 or a tool proficiency (other
than thieves’ tools) can be typed in.

These entries will effect many areas throughout the workbook on many worksheets, especially CSI.

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

3. Character Details

Drop-down w/ Custom races

entered in Custom Sheet, Sub-

race will afford choices based on

Auto-fill based on previous

entries w/ Drop-down/free type
for adjusts and free-type for

Select drop-down including
Custom Background from
Custom Sheet

Drop-down or free-type



} Free-type w/ formulas for

Height & weight based on race
norms from PHB


These character details have major impact on the rest of the sheet’s options, especially Race and
Background. Fill them in early in the process.

Most are shown at the top of CSI or on CSIV.

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

4. Skills

Adjustments are Drop-down or
Proficiencies are toggles

} Shows number of available

proficiencies based on earlier
entries and those added by Feats
below. Green shows some unused

Will auto-fill based on underlying

selection – use as guidance for
filling in table above

Free-type – can be used to increase

number of proficiencies available
above based on items, etc

Will auto-fill based on Feats

selected in Section 5

These are shown on the left side of CSI.

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

6. Languages

Languages are Drop-down or

Shows number of available

languages based on earlier entries

and those added by training
below. Green shows some unused

Will auto-fill based on underlying

selection – use as guidance for
filling in table above

Drop-down or Free-type – can be

used to increase number of
languages available above based on
items, etc
7. Tools

Tool Proficiencies are Drop- For Tool Expertise granted by
down or free-type item, etc., which is not a Class-
based, the entry will need to
be entered in the Additional
Details Section or in the
Shows number of available Tools Additional Ability features
based on earlier entries and those Section.
added by training & Feats below.

Green shows some unused

Will auto-fill based on underlying

selection – use as guidance for
filling in table above

Drop-down or Free-type – can be

used to increase number of tools
available above based on items, etc

Will auto-fill based on Feats

Languages and Tools are selected in Section 5
shown in the middle of CSI.

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

Additional Details
This is a text-wrapping free-type area. Use Alt<CR> for ending a paragraph. Reads out in
Character Details Section of Start; Race, Background, Class & Feats Sections of CSIV &
Character Summary sheets. It can be used for documenting any details which are not covered
somewhere else in the Character Sheet, such as Expertise with a set of Tools derived outside a
Class entitlement.

5. Ability Score Improvement & Feats

Drop-down w/ selection from feats
in published material
Will become available as appropriate
based on class levels. If feats aren’t
used, select Ability Score
Improvement for each occurrence

Free-type – can be used to increase

number of feats available above
based on items, etc

Magic Initiate, Elemental Adept,

Ritual Caster, Spell Sniper &
Weapon Master areas will activate
based on previous entries, most
are restricted drop-downs, but
some allow free type.

Great tool – shows data on feats

based on drop-down selection -
reference only

Ability Score Improvements are shown in Section 1 of Start and the far left of CSI. Feats are not
shown directly anywhere else, but their effects are shown throughout.

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

8. Coinage & Starting Equipment

} Will auto-fill based on underlying

selection – use as guidance for
filling in selection below or buy
using alternate starting money

Drop-down – you must manually

transfer data to CSII

OVERRIDE changes name of each line, next
box overrides abbreviation, EX changes
exchange rate with next row, carried counts
against carried weight, total does not, all
free-type, shown on CSII

} Free-type, shown on CSII, value

adds into wealth shown

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

Additional Active Features, Additional Actions, Additional Ability Features, Conditions,

Exhaustion and Additional Damage Resistance & Reduction

Conditions & Exhaustion Drop-
down or Free-Type, shown on CSI,
All others Free-Type, shown on
CSI, used primarily for magic items

Additional Damage Resistance &
Reduction and Other Senses -
Drop-down or Free-Type, shown
on CSI, adds to existing;
Overrides - Free-Type, shown on
CSI, will completely replace

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

9. Equipment Worn

Equipment Worn – All Free-Type,

shown on CSI, Does not add into
encumbrance, you must show on
CSII as well for encumbrance,
usually only one entry per line

10. Armor & Shield

Armor/Shield - Drop-Down only,
shown on CSI

Bonuses – Drop-Down or Free-

Type, shown on CSI

} Free-type, shown above & on CSI,

values adds AC block on CSI

} Free-type, shown on CSI, value

adds AC block on CSI

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

11. Attacks

Familiar, Animal Companion, Mount, Pet (shown twice, 1st defaults to familiar, 2nd to mount)

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

Wildshape ( 5times)

This sheet may not be ‘Unprotected’

This sheet may not be ‘Unprotected’

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

This sheet may be ‘Unprotected’

This is the base sheet for Design Your Own (DYO). All it starts with is the Excel grid which FA has used for
all the sheets. (I would suggest you don’t change the grid.) Combine cells to create any shape or size
needed. Refer to the DYO and Named Variables section below for more on this great gift from FA.

Character Sheet I
This sheet may be ‘Unprotected’

Character Sheet II
This sheet may be ‘Unprotected’

Character Sheet II (CSII) lists your possessions including your Carried Possessions, Attuned Magic Items,
Possessions Not Carried, Carrying Capacity, Coinage, Gems, Mount, and Familiar.

Many of the fields on CSII, unlike on CSI, are editable by the player without Unprotecting the Sheet,
primarily those that deal with possessions. However, CSII may also be “unprotected” to access other
functionality or copy its fields for DYO sheets.

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use


Magic Rarity Override Weight Override

Item can be filled-in in 3 ways:

1. Drop down arrow in the far right of the blank reveals an extensive list of armor, weapons, items and
other objects from the PHB – from which the player may choose.

2. Free type the item name into the field. The tab will attempt to match the item name, as typed, to an
existing item from the internal list to get its attributes. If the item is identified as an item in inventory, the
Magic Rarity will be reflected in the color formatting of the Item name, and the Weight of the item will be
listed in the Weight column. If the item does not match something on the Character Sheet’s inventory list,
the words “ENTER WEIGHT” will appear in the Weight column and all of the attributes of the Item can be
filled in manually.

3. Use a Named Variable as an item. Armor, shield and weapons are common. For example,
“=Attack1name” is the variable for the first weapon attack listed on the Start: Section 11. “=ArmorName”
is the variable for the player’s armor. Using variable names, the entry is automatically updated without
having to be retyped. Thus, the inventory list and the weight of all items for encumbrance effects are
always kept up to date.

An auto-complete feature is unfortunately a feature which current versions of Excel do not support
without the use of macros or third-party add-ins, which FA is attempting to avoid.

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

Magic Rarity Override

Drop-down List

Magic Rarity Override

Based on Item entry, the Character Sheet will match to its internal inventory list. Rarity of the magical
item, from PHB or DMG, is expressed by color coding the text of the Item. With Items that the Character
Sheet does not recognize, the Magical Rarity can be selected by typing one of the rarity codes into the
single-cell column just to the right of the Item dropdown. A drop-down is displayed, offering the options
detailed in the table below. The value appears in very small subscript on the far right of the Item field.
Uppercase characters are easier to read in superscript. An ‘A’ may be added for an Attunable Item.

Code Magic Rarity Item Text Color

C Common Very light grey
U Uncommon Light Grey
R Rare Dark Grey/Purple
V Very Rare Gold
L Legendary Rust
S Sentient Maroon
A Artifact Green

Magical Rarity only affects the color of the Item’s text and the small superscript, no other function.

Qty - number possessed. Quantity x weight(from Character Sheet table or Weight Override) = Weight.

Drop-down list or Free-type - It indicates where the item is stored or held. If you are consistent, you will be
able to do interesting things in calculating the weight of the containers in which you store things. See
Calculated Weight of Packs, etc below.

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

Weight Override
Either override the standard weight, or enter an item weight for Items which are not in the inventory.

If the Weight field for the row displays the words “ENTER WEIGHT” this indicates the item entered is not
on the internal Character Sheet inventory list and the Character Sheet is unable to determine the weight
of the item.

Enter a number in pounds. Weight entered is for a single item of this type and will be multiplied by Qty for
the total weight in the Weight column.

If a player enters a value in this column, the column field for that row will be shaded to indicate that an
override has been made.

Total weight of the quantity of items for this row.

“ENTER WEIGHT” – see Weight Override above.

Attuned Magical Items

List the attuned items in this section. Other magic items requiring attunement can be listed in the Gear:
Possessions on Person section, but only those listed in the Attuned Magical Items section will be in effect
on the character.

Possessions Not on Person

Character possessions not normally carried with the character may be listed in this section. If the
character has a keep or home base, typically possessions stored there can be listed here. Items which have
a liquid monetary value should be entered in the Start tab, Section 8 under Gems, Jewelry and Art Objects.

Total Weight Carried

This includes a total of all lines above it & the weight from the Coinage: Carrying Weight

Carrying Capacity
Automatically calculated based upon character’s Strength ability score. Select normal or ‘Variant
Encumbrance’ in Start: Options (See p. 176 of the PHB) based on instructions from your DM. Variant
Encumbrance is checked by default in the new blank Character Sheet when downloaded.

Coinage -may not be changed directly, entered in Start: Section 8.

Weight of the coins in lbs (50 coins= 1 lb).

Wealth - value of all of the coinage plus value of all Gems, Jewelry and Art Objects.

Gems, Jewelry, Art Objects

Gems, Jewelry or Art Objects -may not be changed directly, entered in Start: Section 8.

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

Familiar and Mount Sections

Familiar, Mount, Animal Companion or Pet may not be changed directly, entered in Start: Familiar/Animal
Companion/Mount/Pet, except the Temporary Hit Points, Current Hit Points and the Notes fields.

Character Sheet III

This sheet may be ‘Unprotected’

Character Sheet IV
This sheet may be ‘Unprotected’

Character Sheet V
This sheet may be ‘Unprotected’

It is a free text sheet for the player’s use. Each line on each side is a separate entity and the text doesn’t

This sheet may be ‘Unprotected’

Character Summary
This sheet may be ‘Unprotected’

Adventurers Log
This sheet may be ‘Unprotected’

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

Advancing in Level

Dealing with Magic Items

Transfer Tool and Copying Data without Using It

DYO and Named Variables

Calculated Weight of Packs, etc.
Forged Anvil has included this in the base Character Sheet for Backpack.

Players may enter a formula in the Weight column to determine the weight of a particular container, in
this example we’ll use the Backpack. Follow the instructions below:

1. Ensure that all items you wish to calculate the weight for have exactly the same location text (e.g.
“Backpack”) and avoid using multiple terms (“Pack” “backpack” “rucksack”, etc.)

2. On a blank row of the Items table enter the Item “Dropped Backpack” where Backpack is the location
term used in 1 above (Italics are for example purposes here only). Typically, players enter this on the last
row of the Items list.

3. Enter a value of 0 in the Qty column

4. Enter any value in the Location column (Anything but “Backpack”, “Dropped” is suggested)

5. In the Weight Override column, enter a formula as follows: =IF(CharacterLevel="","",-


6. To drop the Backpack, enter a 1 in the Qty column. The Weight column will now display dropped weight
of all the items listed as being stored in your Backpack.

There are two modes of using this Dropped Backpack function depending on whether the player uses the
Character Sheet electronically at the game table or prints out the Character Sheet and updates between
sessions (but still wants to see what the Backpack weighs).

If the player uses the Character Sheet online at the table, the player can simply set the Qty value for the
Dropped Backpack item to zero (0). When in game, if the character drops the backpack to gain some
advantage or just upon deciding to head out without it, the player should change the Dropped Backpack

ForgedAnvil’s D&D 5E Character Generator v2.00 Instructions for Use

value to One (1). This will subtract the weight of everything in the Backpack from the inventory and
recalculate the encumbrance effects of items carried automatically, including any impacts on CSI.

If the player uses the Character Sheet to print paper character sheets for use at the gaming table, but still
wishes to know what the weight of the backpack is in case it is dropped in game, then the player can
create a second row of Dropped Backpack with the same Weight Override. The player should set the Qty
of one row to one (1) and the Qty of the second row to negative one (-1), thus negating the impact of
having the total in the inventory list, but showing the weight (and negative weight) of the Backpack on
both rows.

Players may also print multiple copies of the Character Sheet with the backpack on and dropped, or can
make other customizations to the Character Sheet to show the weight in the Item description, but these
are beyond the scope of this discussion.


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