002 - The Fifth Discipline - Summary

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The Fifth Discipli

Summary of the Book e taken to help learning organizations flourish
in any business.
The last part of the book is quite short and
introduces the notion of interconnectedness an
The Fifth Discipline written by Peter Senge d how we must see that we “nature (and t
in 1990 impresses upon the reader the c hat includes us) is not made of parts within
ore disciplines for a successful learning or wholes. It’s made of wholes within wholes” (
ganization, which he notes is paramount f p. 371)
or a successful business in the
knowledge era. A learning organization see
ks to help encourage life long learning at
all level of the organization and continually
aims to be competitive
in the workforce. (Senge, 1990, p. 6)

Dr. Senge, a professor of business at MIT,

divides the book into 5 parts that are in
terrelated. The first part of the book is a
critical look at the necessary components
of the learning organizations and common
pitfalls or learning disabilities present in co
ntemporary business organizations.
The second part of the book looks at th
e key concepts that are the necessary cor
nerstones to understand learning organizatio
ns. These concepts are the able to see t
he bigger picture, patterns, templates, and
the importance of cause and effect in org
The third part of the book dives into t
he title of the book and looks at the f
ive core disciplines or principles that are
present in successful learning organizations.
The five principles are (1) personal maste
ry, (2) mental models, (3) shared vision,
(4) team learning and (5) system thinking
The fourth part showcases best practices a Continued on page 2
nd concrete steps or strategies that can b
Written in 199
0 by
Peter M. S
Part 1 (Ch. 1-­­3)

The Lever analogy showcases the

organizations inability to look at t
he complexities affecting the organ
ization and that many organization
The Beer Game
s are missing the leverage points
The game consists of three pla where the smallest effort can ma
yers in the game including a ke the biggest change.
retailer, a wholesaler, and a m
arketing director at a brewery.
Each player's goal is to maxim
ize profit. Learning Disabilities in Organizations:
1. I am my position-
What the game showcases: ­­ people who only see their position
do not see the systems that interact
1. Systems cause their own pro
as a whole and for results produced.
blems, not external forces. Ever
yone in the game blamed othe
rs for their failures but refused 2. The enemy is out there-
to see their own position in t ­­ people need to understand how t
heir organization or actions impact th
he system.
eir success and not look from an e
2. There is no individual blam xternal threat
e within systems but a series 3.
of workers with learning disabili The illusion of taking charge – proactiv
ties that stunt productivity. eness is usually misguided in business
and we do not see how we contribut
e to the problem
4. The fixations on events-
­­ people too often see their lives, a
s a series of events need to see th
e organizational bigger picture.
5. The parable of the boiling frog-
­­ need to see slow

Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit
gradual process is important i rarely do we see the consequences
n companies of these experiences.
6. 7. Myth of the management team-
Delusion of learning from experie ­­ the belief that management knows
nce- more but this only breeds skilled inc
­­ experiences help us learn but ompetence from many leaders.

Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit

Part 2 (Ch. 4-­­8)

TONE The Laws of
the Fifth Disc
The world is influences by every action that we take
in business. One of the biggest ideas within Part 2 is
the understanding that actions are complex and circular
in nature. “If we want to see systemwide interrelatio 1.
nships, we need a language of interrelationships, a lang Today’s problems come from
uage made up of circles” (Senge, 1990, p. 74)
The harder you push
, the harder the sys
tem pushes back
Behavior grows better before

it grows worse
The easy way out usually le
back in
The cure can be worse than

the disease
6. Faster is slower
Cause and effect are
not closely related in
time and space
Small changes can produ
ce big results-­­
but the areas of highest
leverage are often the l
east obvious

The Art of Seeing the Forest and the Trees

The complex issues surrounding businesses so
metimes inhibits leaders and management to
be able to formulate a clear perspective on
the details. Peter Senge uses the analogy
of trees in a forest to showcase this proble
m. He notes that we need to be able to
step back and see the forest as a whole a
nd not look and focus our attention at a f
ew selective trees.
Businesses need to understand what is imp
ortant and what is not as important and t
o keep focused on important issues and n
ot to be weighed down by the intricate d

Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit
Personal Mastery Part 3 (Ch.
Personal Master is a process 9-­­12)
of special proficiency that is
lifelong and never finished or
complete. It is a discipline “ THE
as a series of practices and
principles that must be appli
ed to be useful” (p. 147). It
embodies two main ideas-
Peter Senge discusses how to put into practice the
­­ (1) continually
Learning Organization using the core disciplines: Person
clarifying what is important inc
al Mastery, Mental Models, Shared Vision, Team Learni
luding personal vision and (2)
ng, and Systems Thinking
how to see current reality m
ore clearly and work towards
the vision. The rubber band
Mental Models
picture below showcases the
creative tens This is our worldview or paradigm that is
ion that is deeply engrained in a person. It is how
present fro we see the world, how we understand ou
m your real r position, and shape how we act.
ity to

s must reflect on their own mental m

rstand other mental models that are
your vision. Manent in the workforce and alter their
ager ways of
and un king to ensure shared understanding o
de f
pres als and vision of company.

Team Learning red Vision

vision is imperative for learning
Team learning starts ns “because it provides the focus and
wit Sha energy
dialogues and ensurin Shared” (p. 206)
g p h organizatio
thinking together. It eople are for learning
s to discover
aligning and
insight. It is a proc
ess of
developing (p.236) of a group of
to function as one, or as a w
Systems Thinking is the umbrella concept that encompasses all of these
disciplines to enable a learning organization to be actualized. It is the
understanding of cause and effect are connected, being able to see bi
g picture and patterns in organizations. “Business and other human end
eavors …are bound by invisible fabrics of interrelated actions, which oft
en take years to fully play out their effects on each other. (p. 7)

Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit
Part 4 (Ch. 13

Peter Senge then moves on to the key problems that may arise once an organizati
on attempts to move to a learning organization. He reveals his answers of solving
many underlying issues present in the workforces.
“Significant innovation cannot be achieved by talking about
new ideas:
you must build and test prototypes”
(p. 272)

Openness Localness Time

Two forms of Localness is simply

openness: the notion of wh Time is a very impo
ere control is plac rtant issue in organi
Participative openne zations. Managers ne
ed. Localness mean
ss is the freedom s moving decisions ed to take time to
to speak one’s mi and control down learn, time to reflec
nd, is the most c the organizational t, and time with th
ommonly recognized eir children.
hierarchy to ensure
aspects of opennes
everyone has a v
s (pg. 277). “One cannot build
oice. This can be
a learning organizati
Reflective Openness very hard for ma
on on a foundatio
is based on skills, ny mangers to los n of broken homes
not just intentions, e control and to and strained perso
the skills of reflec see themselves gui nal relationships” (p
tion and inquiry (p ding ideas not de . 312).
. 278). manding them is
a huge part of le
arning organizations.

People learn best

from first hand ex
perience, companies
need to strive to
create learning acti
vities or learning si
mulations to help
people understand
cause and effect f
future business
Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit

Part 5 (Ch. 19

The Indivisible Whol

Peter Senge ends his book
with the beautiful notion of
wholeism. The universe is n
ot made up of parts to cr
eate a whole, but
made up of many smaller
whole systems that creates
a large whole. The world-­­
people, nature, objects are
animate, balanced, and whole
so must our organizations.

Discussion Questions after reading the 5th D


What are the first steps needed to really operationalize your business/ or
into a learning organization?

• How do we help linear thinkers to begin to see the non-­­

liner world?

What does a company do when ideas fall outside one of Peter Senge fi
ve disciplines?

How does one change their mental model that has been embedded thro
socialization and rewards and merits in the workforce?
Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit

Critical Evaluation of 5th Discipline

This book is aimed at business organizations with a strong business concept

embedded in the examples and wording but it has strong implications for a
ll forms of leaders within the Educational field. The 5 disciplines (personal
mastery, shared vision, systems thinking, team learning, and mental models) a
ll can help teachers, educators, and leaders to emphasis and deepen their k
nowledge of what to teach, how to teach it, and the way in which you
present yourself as a teacher.

Without realizing the depth of his information, Senge’s vision matches that o
f Indigenous knowledge and paradigm. His knowledge on mental models co
uld easily be called paradigms and creates a map for non-­­
indigenous people to understand Indigenous knowledge through the lens of c
oncepts of a learning organization. The concepts of understanding the linear
language used in English language, systems of interconnectedness, and life lo
ng learning are all paramount to understand Indigenous knowledge. As an In
digenous woman, the parallels to his teachings and the teaching of Indigeno
us knowledge were amazingly similar and succinct. It gave me a different a
pproach to help teach the beauty of Indigenous knowledge from a different

This book at times was interesting but since not all individuals come from
a business mindset, its concepts could be hard to grasp. The examples in t
he book really helped to cement the information and showcase real world s
cenarios for his very philosophical beliefs. He nicely infused real world practic
ality within a very philosophical based ideology.


Senge, P. (1990). The fifth discipline: The art and practice o

f the learning
organizations. New York: Doubleday
M2MSys Video. (2008, February 4). The fifth discipline boo
k review-
­­ the learning organization. [video file]/ Retrieved from

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