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SERVSAFE MANAGER be Ceresnte | EELS RESTAURANT * | ASSOCIATION, Disclaimer ‘<2012Ntonal Restaurant Aazoition Educsons Foundtan. ‘Aeghs reserves. ‘Theiloraton presented inthis pbleaon provided x nlerationa purpoaes cy ands at tended to provide legal adver estblshstandorcs of easenabe ‘ehovar Operator whe deraop oe salty rested aces and rcedires are urged {wlan tw avice nd gulcanee egal counea Aug National Restaurant ‘Associton Soins LLC (MRA Seliton)ardenvosoinclde accursed ue Ieormation compton sources baleed tote elabl. NFA Sluins adits ens aon Restart Asoiton dustin Founda (NRAED) Stuer, naan ake no reprezeiston or warrants afte sure, coer, oF ompllenessol he ntarmation No responsibly assamelor imped bythe NRAEF NRA Sluis. strbuterso agnor ny domageor loss resting fom inacausce or assis or any actions en flake sed onthe content a ths pebliaton No part hs ubeaton maybe epoduced, sovedina ater stem, of ‘ensign ay fr ory any means lection mechanical selocopyie ‘ecard, scoping, cthervse excep 5 permed ude elon 107 an OB {Yel076Unted tts Copyright Actos rar witenpemioncl he pubis et tour repose mater kam th publesonshulte dct te Cony Permissions NatonsiResouat Associaton 175 West achson ulead Suite 1500 (hicag. 160506281 Cl pinnate ‘Seite andthe ServSafe logo are regsteredtradomarks fe National atouratAssocition Edson Foundation, ond wad ude zeae by Naor festoratASsocitionSluns LC, awl owned subsidy othe atonal estore Association. ‘Manapor Book, 5X6 vtheram answer shee) IBN 9784158280299 ‘Manager Book, E5V6(withentneexam vouch) SBN 978:-58280300-5 Manag Boo. 56 (ext nl) 'sBN 978:-56780.298-5 Prandin tha USA 10987654321 Introduetion Introduction [AMessage rom the National Restaurant Assocation Staying Connected with the Nation! Resturant Assoclation throushout Your Career Arkonwladgamente ow to Use the SerSafe Monage Boot Chapter 1 Provi Foodborne lnesses Hom Foodbomeilesses Occur esping Food Sate Chapter 2_ Forms of Contamination Biological, Chemical, and Physical Contaminants Deliberate Contamination ol Food Responding toa Foodborne-lIness Outbreak Food allergens Chapter’3 The Safe Food Handler How Food Handlers CanContamioate Food “A Good Personal Hygiene Program ‘Chapter 4 The Flaw of Food: An Introduction Hazodsin the Fw of Food Monitveg Time and Temperature ‘Chapter. The Flow of Food: Purchasing Receiving, and Storage General Purchasing and Receiving Principles Storing Sale Food 2 4 18 22 23 ais aw az aa az 46 52 58

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