To Explain News. Ordinary News Stories Usually Give Only The Superficial Information

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Other Purposes of the Column

To explain news. Ordinary news stories usually give only the superficial information
regarding an event; only the immediate circumstances surrounding it. The columnists have to
explain their significance and consequences by:

a. Give the background of an event

For example, the news that a miracle rice has been developed. Ordinarily, the
news story about it will tell how many cavans a hectare can yield, when it was
developed, where it was developed, who developed it, and the immediate steps done
which led to its development.
But a columnist goes beyond this. He would probably describe the
organization that took pains in conducting the experiment of series of experiments,
the efforts of the men involved, the length of time- from the moment the idea was
conceived to the harvesting of the yield.

b. Determining whether a certain event is an isolate case or part of the pattern.

For example, a number of cattle in Bataan have died of a certain disease. This
may be reported in the papers. In a few weeks, the same thing happened in
Ilocos Norte. This may again be reported in papers. In a few more weeks, it
happened in Camarines Sur. This may also be written on by new reporter.
Then, lately some cattle in Mindanao died of the same disease. In each case, a
news story was written. But a columnist tells his readers that the cattle in the
different parts of the country died of the same disease. He then calls on the
Bureau of Animal Industry to determine whether or not an epidemic exists.
c. Pointing out how an event will affect or not affect his readers.
For example, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries decides to
increase the price of oil. The columnist will point out to his reader that soon
they may be paying three pesos instead of Ᵽ1.50 for their fare. Now, his
readers are concerned.
Or the establishment of a nuclear power plant. The columnist after having
consulted the proper authorities, tells his reader whether or not this nuclear
power plant will expose them to great health hazard.

d. Pooling together and assessing comments of readers from the different segments of
A controversy may have more than two sides. The columnists must present all
these sides without favoring any of them. If, however, he has to favor one side,
it should be because that side is the one which is right and not because that
particular side happens to be the side of his relatives
To entertain the readers. This purpose of the column enhances the reader’s interest in
the paper, when a reader picks up a newspaper, he does not only want to be informed but also
to be entertained.

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