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How to Focus More in Class: 13 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow https://www.wikihow.


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Updated: March 22, 2019

Slacking off during class isn't only a bad habit, but it's also very detrimental to your
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grade! Focusing in class really proves to teachers that you are a capable student but it
also shows that you have got a solid level of maturity and self-control, which will be Participating in Class
Removing Distractions
very important in your future life.
Preparing Before Class
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Article Summary
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Participating in Class
Look at the teacher and make eye contact. Your teacher is not just standing up for their health; they are
trying to educate you. Give them respect. Show them that they have your full attention, by looking them in
the eye, and listening. Try your best to look alert. If you feel your eyes averting to something else in the room,
catch yourself and focus back on your teacher. Your teacher should have your full attention at all times during
class. Your eyes should not be drifting elsewhere.

Tip: If you're drifting off, try drinking few gulps of water, or getting up and walking down the hall. A physical
reset can often help you get in the zone mentally.

Understand the objective. Most teachers tell you the subject of the class and the objective they are
aiming for you to learn. If possible, write down this objective the minute you hear it. What is it that needs to
be done today? What will you be learning about? How can you remain alert and focused during this time? Set
goals for yourself, and remind yourself of the objective throughout class. This way, you know exactly what you
have to do.

Take notes. By taking accurate notes, you'll be able to "get into" the lesson. Recognize key points as your
teacher speaks, and listen for key phrases such as "This is important," "This is the main idea," and "This
will be on the test,", for example. This can alert you to listen more intently; you'll have something to do and focus
Objectives: If your teacher normally writes down the lesson's objective at the beginning of the class,
keep it in your head and make sure you've achieved it by the end of the lesson.
Don't try to finish up old notes or homework in class. Do that later, when you have free time or else you
might miss key points.

Get involved in class discussions. This is a wonderful way to become a more focused, successful
student. When a teacher asks a question, offer to answer it. If she/he asks for an opinion, share your own.
This shows that the teacher that you're listening intently during the class and that you know your stuff. This can
also help you avoid those embarrassing moments, when you get called on and you happen to not be paying
attention. Also, teachers will note to college officers that you are actively contributing in class.

Ask a question. If you don't understand something, never be afraid to ask. This really shows your teacher
that you want to learn and can recognize the things you're having difficulty with. Chances are, someone
else in the class has the same question and may have been afraid to ask.

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How to Focus More in Class: 13 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Do your best. When you walk into that classroom, put a smile on your face and some confidence in your
pocket. Be the best that you can be at all times, and show your true potential.

Removing Distractions
Sit at the front of the class. This helps you focus on the teacher.

This also allows you to hear your teacher clearly, making it easier to understand more what she/he is
talking about.

Avoid sitting with friends. Although the urge to sit with your buddies may be appealing, try your best to
avoid the temptation. Chatting with friends is will distract you and cause you to lose. This will not only get
you trouble, but lower your concentration rate for the class altogether.

Tip: If your friends talk, reply quickly to what they're saying and then remember to look back at the teacher
and continue with your notes. Keep your ears open for things like "this is important" or "listen up" or
phrases that might indicate a particularly important part that you need to know.

• If you feel the urge to speak with a classmate, yet are seated in an assigned location, talk to your
teacher about getting your changing seats. Failing that, let the friend know (outside of class!) that this is
not meant to insult them; you just need to focus.

Rid yourself of any other distractions. Some of us get distracted very easily and distractions keep us
from learning. Is that water bottle catching all your attention? Immediately remove it from your desk. How
about that gum you're chewing? Throw it out and start taking notes. Eliminate these distractions (even if you
don't want to) and you'll soon find your attention immediately going to the teacher each class.

Preparing Before Class
Get a good night's sleep. Students should get at least nine hours of sleep each night. However, it's hard
to maintain those good sleep habits. Set a bedtime routine, and go to bed at the same hour each night.
Your mind will not be able to concentrate if it's not needs a break!

Eat a healthy breakfast. Although this may seem irrelevant to focusing during class, eating a nutritious
meal in the morning gives you fresh energy for the day. Remember: a healthy breakfast does not mean a
big breakfast. Two simple slices of toast, fresh orange juice (with pulp, if possible) and serving of a hard boiled
egg(s) is an example of a good breakfast.

Tip: If you start out with a good breakfast, you'll feel more energized and less groggy throughout the day.
This makes paying attention in class easier.

Staying Focused
Listen to music during your break. It is very refreshing and it can clear your mind between subjects,
which could improve your productivity, but don't get too carried away.
Upbeat music without lyrics is less distracting than songs with lyrics, as your brain will try to focus on the
words being sung.

Visualize your future. Before you go to bed at night, be sure to use your childhood gift of imagination and
think about where you see yourself in the future. How likely you will be able to achieve that dream without
having sufficient focusing skills. Even if your dream isn't academic based, perhaps you are interested in sports
and music, remember that you still need good focus skills to be, for example, a football player. Don't get
distracted at school. Be a smart person and do the right things.

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How to Focus More in Class: 13 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Community Q&A


But what if you are asked a question in class, you get it wrong, people laugh at you, and you are discouraged?

Community Answer

Don't worry. People always get questions wrong. You had the courage to say your answer even though it was wrong.


How do I know if I'm capable of passing high school?

Community Answer

Anyone of average intelligence is capable of passing high school. You need to remain self-motivated and try your
best. Soon you will find you are capable not just of completing high school but further education after graduation!
Your ambition and self-discipline are your only limitations.


What if I can't take notes?

Community Answer

Try your best to remember what your teacher is talking about by quietly repeating it to yourself or focusing on one
main detail, so when you think about it in an exam or even for homework/study, you will remember the main point.
Meet with your classmates after class/school and discuss what each of you remember from the lecture.


How can I stop stressing in class over homework?

Community Answer

Live in the moment. Don't stress about what you have to do later, as this may result in not doing your best in the
class you are currently in.


What can I do if I am afraid to ask a question even when I need help?

Community Answer

Don't be shy. If you want, ask your teacher without the class listening. The whole purpose of school is to learn
through asking questions and finding out information.


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How to Focus More in Class: 13 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

How can I learn to focus more if I sit in the back of the classroom?

Community Answer

Keep everything where it should be, so you don't fidget. When your teacher is speaking, try to repeat or write down
what they say, so you have an easier time remembering the lesson.


What should I do if I'm distracted because I love someone?

Community Answer

Your education is more important than a mere crush. Set aside the lovey-dovey mush, concentrate on the facts in
front of you and realize that your future happiness depends on being knowledgeable and a good thinker, not just
someone in love.


How do I not get involved with conversations?

Community Answer

Do not answer if your friends ask you questions, ignore them. If you don't want to do that, try to nod a little and smile
before saying, "I'm sorry but I need to concentrate." and get back to your work.


If my dream is to become a sports player, should I still concentrate on my studies?

Community Answer

Yes you should. Your academic performance is important to your sports career, because if you do well with your
academics, you will be more likely to get into the college you want.


I sit across from a boy in my class that is REALLY annoying. What should I do?

Community Answer

Don't pay any attention to him. Class clowns are encouraged by attention. If he doesn't get any, he might just stop
being annoying. If he continues talking/acting out, say something to your teacher about it after class.


When you leave class, review what you've learned. See if you can recall the major points of today's lessons, and if
you understand all of the concepts. This will give you an idea of whether or not you did your job that day.

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How to Focus More in Class: 13 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

If you feel like falling asleep, ask to get a drink of water or go to the bathroom and splash your face with cold water
a couple of times. This will help to keep you awake. However, don't make this a habit. You should be well rested
before school.
Have a separate notebook to record all your notes for each class. That way, you can keep them organized and
readable for the next class.
Never have any electronics in class. If you have electronics like a cellphone or a MP3 player, turn them off before
you enter class. You will help to avoid the chance of having your electronics taken away.
If you lose focus while taking a test, relax and just reread the page.
If you are still having difficulty, try talking to your teacher about moving your seat up, or if that doesn't work,
schedule an appointment with your guidance counselor.
Sit up straight and do not look at the clock waiting for class to finish. This can be noticed by the teacher, and show
that you are uninterested in learning.
Remember that homework is important, too. When you come home from school, take an hour to eat and to rest.
Then you should start on your homework and study for the classes you have problems in. Alternatively, you could
start your homework immediately and take a break later.
Always clear your mind after each session and be fresh and ready for the next class.
Understand that eventually class will be over, so make the most of it!

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