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Technological University of the Philippines

Ayala Boulevard, Ermita, Manila

College of Industrial Technology
Civil Engineering Technology Department


Submitted by:
Correa, Guilian A.

Submitted to:
Prof. Charlene F. Ricopuerto
1. Whose responsibility is the recruitment, selection, and hiring of personnel? Discuss.

It is the responsibility of the human resource, such as the recruitment of workers wherein

they are the ones that will interview the employees, analyze their skills, their livelihood, their

families, their attitude, behaviour, etc, also, the selection of personnel wherein they are the

ones that will pick a worker to work in a specific job or task. They are the ones that will

analyze the person’s skill and place them on the right specialization. And lastly is the hiring

of workers, they are responsible for every workers who has been accepted inside the

company. They are the ones in trouble when a worker is not physically fit, mentally fit and

emotionally fit to work inside the company.

2. What are the dangers of too much reliance on the probationary period in hiring


Probationary periods can lead to confusion regarding whether the employment

relationship is "at-will." "At-will" means that either the employee or the employer may

terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any lawful reason. Additionally, the

term "probationary period" may have a negative connotation for new employees. New hires

may misinterpret "probationary" to mean that they are immediately placed on a disciplinary

action plan at the start of their employment. This could negatively impact the employee’s

perception of the company.

3. Explain how supervisory training in the Philippines came about.

Candidates to supervisory role must undergo Supervisor Leadership Training before

promoting them as supervisors because most supervisors who got promoted without the benefit

of training eventually failed in leadership. As a supervisor, the skills that he/she learned there are

the essential skills he/she should have learned before they took the job. The company needs to

provide every supervisor a well-thought leadership development program to ensure the long-term

success of the organization. Supervisor training is a must. It is as important as technical skills


4. Distinguish the different approaches used for training needs analysis. In your particular

situation, what approach can you use?

a. Organizational Analysis. An analysis of the business needs or other reasons the training is

desired. An analysis of the organization's strategies, goals, and objectives. What is the

organization overall trying to accomplish? The important questions being answered by this

analysis are who decided that training should be conducted, why a training program is seen as

the recommended solution to a business problem, what the history of the organization has been

with regard to employee training and other management interventions.

b. Person Analysis. Analysis dealing with potential participants and instructors involved in the

process. The important questions being answered by this analysis are who will receive the

training and their level of existing knowledge on the subject, what is their learning style, and

who will conduct the training. Do the employees have required skills? Are there changes to

policies, procedures, software, or equipment that require or necessitate training?

c. Work analysis / Task Analysis. Analysis of the tasks being performed. This is an analysis of

the job and the requirements for performing the work. Also known as a task analysis or job

analysis, this analysis seeks to specify the main duties and skill level required. This helps ensure

that the training which is developed will include relevant links to the content of the job.

d. Performance Analysis. Are the employees performing up to the established standard? If

performance is below expectations, can training help to improve this performance? Is there

a Performance Gap?

e. Content Analysis. Analysis of documents, laws, procedures used on the job. This analysis

answers questions about what knowledge or information is used on this job. This information

comes from manuals, documents, or regulations. It is important that the content of the training

does not conflict or contradict job requirements. An experienced worker can assist (as a subject

matter expert) in determining the appropriate content.

f. Training Suitability Analysis. Analysis of whether training is the desired solution. Training is

one of several solutions to employment problems. However, it may not always be the best

solution. It is important to determine if training will be effective in its usage.

g. Cost-Benefit Analysis. Analysis of the return on investment (ROI) of training. Effective

training results in a return of value to the organization that is greater than the initial investment to

produce or administer the training.

In all of this training need analysis, I think that Person Analysis, Work Analysis and performance

Analysis are the approached that I can use in my particular situation as a student. I can analyze

each person on what skills do that person have, like on what are their strengths and weaknesses

and on how they can improve their skills with the use of training. In work analysis, I will be able
to understand each person in their given duties in which I can assign them to the specific tasks

where they are capable and comfortable to work in. And lastly, the performance analysis, in

where I will be able to see the person's strengths in performing their tasks, I will be able to see

their productivity in a given period of time

5. A. H. Herrera, general manager of a firm with a work force of 1,700 men, does

not believe in performance rating. He does not require such rating to be made on his personnel.

What may be some of Mr. Herrera’s reasons?

Because, A.H Herrera has a huge population of workers in his company, It is too hard for

him to look at all those 1,700 men everyday in their performance, and to only check if their

work is being productive or not.

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