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Black magic can be a very powerful form of magic and despite

common believe its spells do not necessarily involve malevolence

and can involve spells of love, luck, money, protection, banishment

and healing as well. The basic difference between black magic Search
spells and white magic spells is that practitioners of black magic

can call on the strength of more malevolent spirits. The tone of Search

dark magic spells is a bit different and there are more spells to
destroy things, such as getting rid of household pests, a disease or
Find Real Spell Casters
evil energies. Black magic spells exist in all cultures of witchcraft,
including Voodoo, Obeah, and Santeria. They can be simple or complex but all are extremely powerful
and work to achieve a change in the present circumstances or in the future.

Our Free Black Magic Spells

Powerful Curse Black Magic Love Spells

Free Black Magic Curse Sex Spell
Revenge Spell Control Spells
Voodoo Control Spell End Adultery Spell
Black Magic Protection Black Magic Break-up Spell
Black Magic Binding Spell Spell Return a Lost Lover
What’s new at Wishbonix?
Force Someone to Love You Jealousy Spell
All our Spells Revenge Spell
The Origin of Witchcraft

Voodoo Spell to Return a Lost Lover

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r What are Loa and Deities in Voodoo?

Voodoo Myths and Misconceptions

As in white magic spells, those who practice black magic spells must prepare before they can

successfully do a spell. One easy black magic pre-ritual spell goes as follows: Voodoo Ingredients and Sacrifices

You collect some fresh blood and get a bell. Dip the bell in the blood three times saying the following

three times over:

Expungo, Lumen, Nillus Lux; Vis Levis Luciens Nux.

This means “We extinguish the light, we render its death; violent light, light is dead”. Then you ring the
bell three times over the gait or summoning sigil.

Performing a Spiritual Cleansing

In preparing for a spell, the practitioner of black magic or black witch is cleansed and is emotionally

prepared to go through the rigors of the real spell that is to be performed. Preparation is crucial for the

success of a spell.

Easy Spiritual Cleansing

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Some black magic spells do indeed intend to hurt another human being, although this is not common.

One spell performed by black witches and practitioners intends to curse another person.

How to Cast a Spell

Casting an Easy Curse on Someone

You pierce a red tomato with a knife and add patchouli, black pepper, cinnamon, spearmint, eucalyptus

and tangerine oils to the pierced tomato. Mix the herbs, oils and tomato together. Make it into a pulp and
add some of the pulp to brewed tea. Repeat the following incantation:

Leech of my life that sucks my soul; May you be fed to wolfish fiends whole. Those that
skin you of your joy, may you be subject to their vicious ploys. Oozing droplets of your
blood, may their goblets it royally flood.

Then you should spit into the mixture and make your enemy drink it. Direct all your vengeance toward

the person you want to cast the spell against. Feel your hatred and anger toward the person. Don’t let

yourself relax until you know the black magic spell has been successful. Repeat the spell in twenty days if
it doesn’t work the first time. Remember that you need to be in close proximity to the person you are


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Make sure that the person knows nothing of your free black magic spells, including this one. Spells are
best done in secret with no one knowing what you are up to. The secrecy of the spells allows the magic
to work faster and better. This is actually true of any type of spell you cast, whether it be a black magic

spell or a white magic spell.

No matter why you might need a spell in your life, you may be tempted by the black magic spells you see

online and in books. There is a certain part of you which may not want to look at them because you are
afraid they are evil, but in many ways, dark magic has been given a poor reputation. While there are
certainly some dark practitioners who do bad things with their spells, there are many more who use

magic to help them right a wrong or to change a situation for the better. No matter what your purpose for
dark magic might be, you will find that it’s not as dark as many people believe.

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You might look at black magic spells because you are angry about something. Perhaps someone in your

life is cheating on you or doing something harmful to someone else. Instead of sitting back and hoping
things will right themselves, you might be tempted to change the situation with magic. With black magic
spells, you can begin to alter the situation and feel as though you are in control of the world. This is the

main appeal of black magic. You feel as though you’re actually doing something, as opposed to sitting
back and hoping for the best possible cause. Having this power is tempting, but it doesn’t mean you
shouldn’t carefully weigh your decision to use the magic.

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Movies and books tend to paint black magic as something that is completely evil. They show that
dark magic is something that always hurts someone else and the person who uses the black magic is
completely evil and without merit. This is far from the case. As with anything in the world, there are

shades of gray in the discussion of good and bad magic. The simple definition of black magic is that it is a
magic which tries to change a situation directly. This may or may not interfere with the wills of the people
involved. While this is an ethically shady area, this does not mean the situation is completely bad. For

example, if someone is hurting someone else, you might use dark magic to stop this from happening.
While this might be dark magic, it is also going to save someone from harm.

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Realizing that black magic spells are not all bad can help you to use them in the most positive way

possible. Black magic will allow you to step in when things are not right and it can help you to make sure
that you are doing all that you can to protect those you love. You might also use dark magic to protect
your love relationship or your home from bad people. There are many ways in which magic can be used

to help your life, rather than to simply hurt someone else’s life. You might also use this magic to hex or to
curse someone else – or remove the hex or curse from yourself. After all, when dark magic is done to
you, you may need to return the favor.

With black magic, you do want to make sure you carefully weigh what you are doing before you do it. If
you do harm someone else, you can expect to have that energy return to you in some way. It’s the law of

nature, after all. But realizing that dark magic may have something to offer allows you to see the broader
view of magic.

Related Posts:
1. Black Magic Love Spells
2. Powerful Black Magic Curse
3. The History of Black Magic
4. What is Black Magic?
5. The Effectiveness of Black Magic
6. Curses

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