Documentary Stamp Tax Rates

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Documentary Stamp Taxes

Of the par value of such shares of stock; or

Original issue of shares of stock P2.00 on each P200
On actual consideration if without par value
Stock dividends P2.00 on each P200 Of the actual value represented by each share
Of the par value of such due-bill, certificate
Sales, agreements to sell, memoranda of of obligation or stock; or
sales, deliveries or transfer of shares or P1.50 on each P200 50% of documentary stamp tax paid upon the
certificates of stock original issue of said stock if without par
Bonds, debentures, certificate of stock
or indebtedness issued in foreign Same as tax required by law on similar instruments when issued, sold or transferred in the PH
Certificates of profits or interest in Of the face value of such certificate or
P1.00 on each P200
property or accumulations memorandum
On each bank check, draft or certificate of
Bank checks, drafts, certificate of
deposit not drawing interest, or order for
deposit not bearing interest and other P3.00
payment of any sum of money drawn upon
or issued at sight or on demand
Of the issue price of any such debt
All debt instruments P1.50 on each P200
Proportional with the ratio of number of days
to 365 days if term is less than one year.
Of the face value of any such bill of
All bills of exchange or drafts P0.60 on each P200
exchange or draft
Of the face value of any such bill of
Acceptance of bills of exchange and
P0.60 on each P200 exchange, or order, or the Philippine
equivalent (drawn out, payable in)
Of the face value of any such bill of
Foreign bills of exchange, and letters of
P0.60 on each P200 exchange or letter of credit, or the Philippine
equivalent (drawn in, payable out)
Exempt if ≤ P100,000;
P20.00 if >100,000 but ≤ P300,000;
P50.00 if > P300,000 but ≤ P500,000;
Life insurance policies Of the amount of insurance
P100.00 if > 500,000 but ≤ P750,000;
P150.00 if > P750,000 but ≤ P1,000,000;
P200.00 if < P1,000,000
Policies of insurance upon property P0.50 on each P4.00 Of the amount of premium charged
Fidelity bonds and other insurance
P0.50 on each P4.00 Of the amount of premium charged
Of the premium or installment payment or
Policies of annuities P1.00 on each P200
contract price collected
Pre-need plans P0.40 on P200 Of the premium or contribution collected
Indemnity bonds P0.30 on each P4.00 Of the premium charged
Certificates P30.00 On each certificate
On each warehouse receipt (exempt in any
Warehouse receipts P30.00 one calendar month covering property of
which does not exceed P200)
Jai-alai, horse racing tickets, lotto and P0.20 + P0.20 on every P1.00 in excess of
On each ticket
other authorized number games P1.00
P2.00 if > P100 but ≤ P1,000 On each set of bills of lading or receipts
Bills of lading or receipts
P20.00 if ≤ P1,000 (except charter party)
On each proxy for voting at any election for
Proxies P30.00
Powers of Attorney P10.00 On each power of attorney
P6.00 for the first P2,000 + P2.00 for every On each lease, agreement, memorandum, or
Leases and other hiring agreements
P1,000 in excess of P2,000 contract for hire
P40 if ≤ P5,000
Mortgages, pledges and deeds of trust Of the amount secured
+ P20.00 on each P5,000 in excess thereof
On consideration contracted to be paid or on
Deeds of sale, conveyances, and P15.00 if ≤ P1,000 + its fair market value, whichever is higher;
donation of real property P15.00 on each P1,000 in excess thereof On actual consideration if one of the parties
is the Government
P1,000 if ≤ 1,000 tons, ≤ 6 months + P100.00
on each month in excess thereof;
P2,000 if > 1,000 tons, ≤ 10,000 tons, ≤ 6 On the registered gross tonnage of the ship,
Charter parties and similar instruments
months + P200.00 on each months in excess; vessel, or streamer
P3,000 if >10,000, ≤ 6 months + P300 on
each month in excess thereof
Documentary Stamp Taxes

Assignments and renewals of certain

Same rate as that imposed on the original instrument

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