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Lesson Exemplar

Module 1: Personal Development

CLC Name: Minda Community Learning Center

Learning Facilitator: Paul Albert P. Navaja
Program Level: Lower and Advanced Secondary

1. Identify effective listening skills & strategies


A. Topic: Activity 3: Effective Listening
B. Reference: MYDev Projet Skills pages 10-12
C. Materials: Mydev Facilitators handbook, cartolina, Manila paper
with a blank Learner’s reflection table, Learner’s Reflection,
handouts, markers, adhesive tape.


Preliminary activities
 Prayer
 Greetings

 Group the class into 3, each group consist of 10 members.
The learners are Going to play a game called “Pass the
massage” the teacher will give the message to the first
member of the group and read it and pass the message to
the next learner until the message is passed to the last
member and the last member will write the message to the

Bumili ako ng bituka ng butiki sa botika


Divide the class into 3 and each group will select 1

scenario on Facilitators Tool 2: A Listening Scenarios The
class are going to observe a 3-minute role play of a
workplace situation. Facilitator Tool 2:A: Listening Scenarios.

Ask the following questions:
 What is the role play all about?
 Can you identify any misunderstanding?
 Why did this situation happen?
 Has similar situation happened to you? Have you experienced
not listening to someone speaking? Have you experienced
speaking and the other person was not listening to you? What


 Has similar situation happened to you? Have you experienced

not listening to someone speaking? Have you experienced
speaking and the other person was not listening to you? What

Have the learners’ take the Handout 2.1: Effective Listening
Observation Form.
Handout 2:1; Effective Listening Observation Form

Raise your hand if your answer is yes (if the listener uses the standard) or
remain if your answer is no (if he/she does not use the standard.)

Standards Yes No
Do you use appropriate body language to show you are
listening? Eye contact, sit upright, no head, etc.)
Do you listen to the speaker without interrupting?
Do you repeat what the speaker has said to make sure you
have understood correctly?
Do you ask questions for clarification when you do not
understand something?
Do you avoid being distracted by noises, mobile phone, or by
what other people are doing?
Do you avoid being distracted by the mannerisms, speaking
style, clothing of the person speaking
Are you aware of your own attitude & do you avoid being


Directions: Put check in yes if your answer is yes (if the listener uses the
standard) or put check in no if your answer is no (if he/she does not use the
standard.) and below explain why it is important to be a effective listener?
Standards Yes No
Do you use appropriate body language to show you are
listening? Eye contact, sit upright, no head, etc.)
Do you listen to the speaker without interrupting?
Do you repeat what the speaker has said to make sure you
have understood correctly?
Do you ask questions for clarification when you do not
understand something?
Do you avoid being distracted by noises, mobile phone, or by
what other people are doing?
Do you avoid being distracted by the mannerisms, speaking
style, clothing of the person speaking
Are you aware of your own attitude & do you avoid being


Give (5) qualities of a good listener?

Prepared by:

Paul Albert P. Navaja

DepEd ALS Mobile Teacher

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