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1. Which is the correct news headline among the following?

A. Santiago: “I was there”

B. Santiago: ‘I was there’
C. I was there said Santiago.
D. “ I was there, ‘ ‘said Santiago

ANS: B. Santiago: ‘I was there’

- -It follows the rule of space economy in headline writing.

2. Which among  the following is the least important to mention in a summary lead for

A. Winner
B. Score
C. Venue
D. Audience

ANS:  D. Audience
- All other choices are very essential

3. Which rule is followed is using quotations and paraphrases in news?

A.  Use either
B. Alternate them
C. Start with paraphrase
D. Avoid them

ANS: B. Alternate them

- This is the rule. All other choices are not necessary.

4. Which is NOT true about editorial writing?

A. It must be short
B. It must be based on news
C. It must be opinionated
D. It must be written by the editor-in-chief

ANS: D. It must be written by the editor-in-chief

-The editorial may be written by any of the auditors

no5. Which is beat among the following?

A. Police Station
B. 30-word introduction

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C. Space economy
D. Subhead

ANS: A. Police Station

-A beat is assigned place or person from which or whom news data are gathered

6. What is the meaning of the underline phrase in the excerpt?” As of press time,  the
senator is abroad and has not issued a statement.”

A. As of now
B. Before the publication
C. After the writing of the article
D. As of yesterday

ANS: B. Before the publication

-Right before the publication, news items are updated.

7. Which is NOT TRUE about quoted statement of people in articles?

A. They must be corrected using brackets when there are grammatical error
B. There must be insertions for clarification in the event they are unclear
C. They must be verbatim
D. They must be paraphrased

ANS: D. They must be paraphrase

- Quotations are preferred to avoid bias and for directness

8. Which is TRUE about editorial cartoons?

A. They must contain familiar symbolism

B. They must be related  to the editorial
C. They must not contain words
D. They must not contain words

ANS: A. They must contain familiar symbolism

- The caption must summarize the content of the picture

9. Which is a CORRECT photo overrun in journalism?

A. Barrack Obama in black

B. Obama shakes hands with APEC attendees.
C. Obama opens APEC in Malaysia Sunday
D. Barrack Obama delivers his opening remarks last Sunday

ANS: C. Obama opens APEC in Malaysia Sunday

- The caption must summarize the content of the picture.

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10. Which statement/s is/are libelous when no evidence is presented?

I. Funds were released when needed but liquidation documents were missing
II. The recipients denied receiving the supplies and materials
III. Bidding procedures were violated with fake signatures

A. I only
B. II only
C. I, II and III
D. II and III

ANS: C. I, II and III

-All statements are libeleous until evidence are presented

11. Which statement is clear distinction between news features?

A. Lengths
B. Topic
C. Events
D. Treatments

ANS: D. Treatments
-The treatment of the topic is dependent on the nature and goals of the article

12. If an innaccury is brought to the attention of the paper, it should immediately publish
any of the following EXCEPT _____________ .

A. rectification
B. erratum
C. correction
D. verification

ANS: D. verification
-Verification precedes the other 3 options, which are synonyms.

13. In Writing the news story, the following are to be avoided EXCEPT __________ .

A. padding
B. coloring
C. playing up the dominant point
D. editorializing

ANS: C. playing up the dominant point

- The other 3 options are mo-no’s new story writing. Lengthen a story using more words
than necessary is padding. To introduce element bias in a news story is coloring. To

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insert one’s opinion in the news is editorializing.

14. The instinct of a reporter to identify or sort out news form an array of facts is a skill
that is called the newsman’s sixth sense and referred to as _____________ .

A. expertise
B. nose for news
C. watchdog function
D. objective journalism

ANS: B. nose for news

- “nose for news” is the term used to refer to the writer’s expertise of “smelling” what is
news and what is not usually develop through actual coverage. Objective journalism is
the type or reporting events that confines itself to facts and answers to the 5WsH (who,
what, when, where, and how)”Watchdog” function refers to adversarial journalism where
the media is referred to as the “Fourth  estate” or Brach of government with the role of
fiscalizing the three other branches: executive, legislative and judiciary.

15. Which word is erroneous in the sentence “Who do you choose to lead the nation”?

A. Who
B. Choose
C. Lead
D. Nation

ANS: A. Who
- Whom is the objective case of who.  Who functions as direct object in the sentence

16. Which type of error is evident in the sentence “ I came, I saw, I conqueres”?

A. Parallelism
B. Spelling
C. Capitalization
D. Punctuation

ANS: D. Punctuation
-Semicolon or period may take place of commas in the sentence

17. Which of the following components are required by most translation perspectives?

A. Sensitivity to style and faithfulness to content

B. Sensitivity to style and faithfulness to register
C. Faithfulness to register and avoidance of utopia
D. Faithfulness to content and avoidance of domestication

ANS: A. Sensitivity to style and faithfulness to content

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-Style and content are components which must be lost in translation.

18. Which perspective considers the speaker and his/her background when translating

A. Communicative
B. Philological
C. Linguistic
D. Socio-semiotic

ANS: D. Socio-semiotic
- Socio-semiotic per perspective underscores sincerity and knowledge of speaker
among other factors such as paranglinguitic and extra linguistic features of a code.

19. What technique does a translator utilize when s/she uses generic terms to culturally
sensitive words such as “pasma” and “tampo
“without direct equivalent?

A. Closest Equivalence
B. Cultural Equivalence
C. Idiomatic Translation
D. Generic  Corresponding

ANS: B. Cultural Equivalence

-This technique is preferred when greetings, slangs, and idioms of culture are part of

20. Which is the best translation for the verse “For He gave order and perfection to
seven firmaments” (Koran 2:290)?

A. Dahil sya ang nagbigay kaayusan at kagalingan sa pitong kalangitan

B. Sapagkat Siya ang nagbigay kaayusan at kagalingan mula sa pitong  kalangitan
C. Dahil Siya ang nagbigay kaayusan at kagalingan mula sa pitong kalangitan
D. Sapagkat Siya ang nagbigay kaayusan a perspeksyon mula sa pitong kalangitan

ANS: A. Dahil sya ang nagbigay kaayusan at kagalingan sa pitong kalangitan

- The words is the closest equivalents considering meaning and register

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