Libon Agro-Industrial High School

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Libon Albay
Senior High Department


December 5, 2018

I- Objectives
At the end of the 60 minutes lesson the students are expected to:
1. Understand the human person as an embodied spirit;
2. Recognize own limitations and possibilities ( PPT-12-If-3.1)
3. Evaluate own limitations and the possibilities of transcendence ( PPT-12-Ig-3.2)

II- Learning Content

Subject Matter : Lesson 3. The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit
Reference : Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
Pages 41-44
Materials : ICT,Video Clip, Chalk and Board, Activity Sheets and Reference Book
Teaching Strategies : Video Presentation, Group Work, Discussion , Activity Sheet and

III- Procedure

Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Premilinary

1. 5 s ( Set to Order, Sort, Standardize, ( Students will prepare the room, pick up the pieces
Sustain and Shine) of paper and arrange chairs properly)

2. Prayer

Good morning class. Good morning, Maam.

May I request everyone to please stand (All will stand properly and pray)
and start our day with a prayer. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit)......
3. Checking of Attendance

You may all take your seat.

Kindly say present if your name if called.

B. Motivation

Let us discuss our new topic for today. But

before that we will divide the class into three (3) Yes, Maam.
groups. A short video clip will be presented and
each group will help answer the guide
questions. After the presentation, we will
discuss the video clip. Yes, Maam

Are we all clear? Yes, Maam.

Are you ready? (Presentation of Video Clip)

a. What is the video presentation all about?

b. Why do you think NASA created Voyager
c. What are the collections recorded in the
Golden Disc?
d. Why does NASA wanted to communicate
with the life form that evolve apparently
separate from HUMAN BEINGS?
e. How does the NASA describe HUMAN

C. Abstraction

How did you find the video presentation?

Yes, Divine? Maam, the video is very interesting and informative,
because can we imagine somewhere far,
technologically advanced galaxy that only in the
study of SCIENCE of NASA has kind of projection.

Yes, indeed Divine.

It is very interesting that we able to know that
NASA is actually studying this.

What is the video presentation is all about? Let

us hear the answer of Group 1. Group 1
Maam, the video clip is all about the launching of
Voyager 1 last September 1977 by NASA.

That is correct. Thank you Group 1.

What are the collected records in the Golden

dics? Group 2 Group 2
Maam,the Golden disc records soundwaves ,( cry of
babies, splash of water, horn of the vehicles and
even pictures living and non livings things.
That is correct, Group 2. Thank you.

Why do you think that NASA created Voyager

1? Group 3
Maam, we think that NASA created Voyager 1 so
that to inform the alien somewhere in the galaxy that
we HUMAN BEINGS exist by recording all the things
that are found in Earth.
Correct, Group 3

You mentioned about HUMAN BEINGS and

today we will discuss The Human Person as
an Embodied Spirit.

With the same groupings, let us answer the

activity 1.

Imagine that you are task to write a description

of the human species for the golden record like
in NASA Voyager 1.
How will you describe human beings to aliens?
You will explain how did you came up with this

Activity Sheet 1

( The students will answer the activity sheet 1)

HELLO, WE are the Humans of the Earth
Times up! Are you ready to share your work to your
class. Yes, Maam.
Criteria Rating
Students par tic ipa ted 12345 ( Presentation of the Group Work)
act i vel y i n t h e g r o u p
The presentation is 12345
conducted in an orderly
The ideas ad views 12345
presented are relevant to
topic or issue.
The output clearly 12345
summarizes and
incorporates the points
and ideas raised in the

The human person is the important subject in

Philosophy and an understanding of the nature and
condition of the person is one of the foremost goals of
discipline. Philosophers have a long pondered of human
nature, what it means to be human and what sets us
apart from other beings and things in existence.
We often asked ourselves, “What makes us special? “
Pondering our human nature allows us to determine the
special traits that make us humans unique as a species.
Further reflection on our nature as human will also help
us figure out what makes us special as individuals and
how this uniqueness is shared with the fellow human

A man is not only a body, but he is something infinitely

higher. Of all animal creations of God, man is the only
animal who was created in order that he may know his
maker.Man’s aim in life is not to add from day to day to
his material prospects and to his material possessions
but his predominant calling is from day to day to come
nearer to his matter ( Mohandas Gandhi, 1948.)

To recognize our own limitations possibilities it is right to

know where we are, what is our world.

According to Plato, reality is made up of two worlds

namely, the world of Forms and the world of Sense
where human beings participate in both of the worlds.

The world of sense which is proposed and believe by

Heraclitus, is the world see, experience, the world of
object ; a world change; it s made up of matter and is
bound to decomposition.
Heraclitus proves this through the statements, “ Cold
things grow, hot cools, the wet dries, the parched
moistens.” and “ We bot step and do not step into the
same rivers . We are and we are not.”

The world of Forms which proposed by Pamenides who

influenced Plato in this type of world that is eternal ,
perfect and unchanging.
Parmenides proves that the world of Forms by his
statement “ We can speak and think only of what exists.
And what exist is uncreated and imperishable for it is
whole and unchanging and complete. It was not or nor
shall be different since it is now, all at once, one and

Transcendence means that “ I am my body but at the

same time I am more than my body. The things that I do
all those physical activities and attributes which are
made through body, reveals the person that I am.”

D. Application

Complete the char below. Make sure that you ask or

consult your parents or any adult who have witnessed
your development ad reflect before you write your
answer. Copy and fill out the chart in your notebook.

Age Things that I Thing that

Can do I Cannot do
16 up

IV- Assessment

Answer the following questions in your notebooks.

1. What are your limitations as a person? What are the things that you consider as difficult or hard for you to
accomplish or believe in?
2. What are your strengths? What are the possible things or status that you can reach or achieve in the future?
3. What are the factors affecting your limitations? How about possibilities?
4. Do you see yourself improving in 5-10 years time? How can you say that you are improving?
5. How can you transcend from your current limitations?

V- Assignment
Complete the chart by rewriting your present limitations with reference to your answers in the previous activities.
Make an action plan towards transcendence . Copy the chart in your notebook.


My limitations Plan Towards Transcendence

Prepared by:

Mary Grace P Araojo

SHS,Teacher 1

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