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Tributary wise Physical & Financial progress of Swan Rive

Sr. Name Name of River/ Tributary As per DPR/AA & Increase/decrease

No. of ES estimate in the scope of
Constit work as per
uency decision taken in
the Govening
Body meeting

S.No. Name of Tributary Length Area to Length Area Working

to be be of reclaime estimate/DNIT
channeliz reclaime Embank d (ha)
ed (km) d (ha) ment
ed (km)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Haroli 1 Panjawar/Nagnoli (A) 7.00 114.75 0 0 Approved
Panjawar/Nagnoli (B) 5 81.96 Approved
2 Khad di Khad 7.25 92.00 (+) 1.00 12.69 Approved
3 Pandoga (A) 7.50 82.25 0 0 Approved
Pandoga (B) 4 43.87 being prepared
4 Ispur(A) 7.80 96.00 (-) 0.92 (-)11.32 approved
Ispur(B) 0.00 0.00 0 0 being prepared
5 Bhadsali (A) 7.75 57.50 0 0 approved
Bhadsali (B) 0.00 0.00 (+) 4.00 29.68 being prepared
6 Saloh 5.00 99.00 0 0
7 Kanger Bhadera(A) 5.80 68.25 0 0

Kanger Bhadera(B) 0.00 0.00 1.23 14.47 tender floated

8 Dharampur 5.80 48.75 (-) 3.00 (-)25.22

9 Sansowal 5.00 50.25 (-) 4.00 (-)40.20
10 Haroli 3.50 28.50 0 0
11 Bhadouri 2.95 38.00 (-) 2.00 (-)25.76
12 Palakwah 5.80 39.00 0 0
13 Chandpur 5.50 37.00 (-) 2.00 (-)26.91
14 Lalahri 7.10 37.00 (-) 2.00 (-)20.85

Una 15 Lalsingi(Khurd) 13.50 36.75 0 0

16 Rampur Khad 7.50 151.20 0 0
17 Kudhar/Una/ Malat 14.50 118.25 0 0
18 Nangran/Rakkar 19.00 213.50 (+) 2.00 56.18
19 Fatehpur-II 14.00 144.00 0 0
20 Holi 14.50 300.00 (-)7.06 (-)103.45
5 Kutlehar 21 Basal (A) 21.00 143.00 0.000 0
0.00 0.00 9.440 34.05 worhing
estimate not
Basal (B) approved
22 Badoli Teudi 8.00 120.58 (+)6.239 75.36
Grand Total 195.750
ess of Swan River Flood Management Project Phase-4 (HP-4)
Total length of As per Approved As per actual Physical Expendit Balance
channelization Working work done in the status of the ure funds
and area to be Estimates for the Khad work incurred required
reclaimed Khad/awarded (completed till date for
or not) if (Rs. competion/
not status of Lakh) expdt.
work in likely to be
%age incurred for
Length Area Length Area Length Area completion
of reclaime of reclaime of reclaime (Rs. Lakh)
Embank d (ha) Embank d (ha) Embank d (ha)
ment ment ment
(km) complet complet
ed (km) ed (km)

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
7.00 114.75 10 163.9286 8.40 completed 1802.00 0.00
5.00 81.96 5 81.96 20% 113.00 1000.00
8.25 104.69 10.00 126.897 5.39 completed 1289.00 200.00
7.50 82.25 6.00 65.8 6.40 completed 1376.00 0.00
0.00 900.00
6.88 84.68 4.80 59.07907 5.80 completed 934.00 0.00
2.00 24.00 - - - - - - 450.00
7.75 57.50 5.36 completed 963.00 0.00
4.00 29.68 0.00 900.00
5.00 99.00 9.00 178.2 5.072 90% 1297.00
7.03 68.25 8.29 80.48257 6.50 completed 1279.00 0.00

1.23 14.47 - 0.00 280.00

2.80 23.53 - 0.00 600.00

1.00 10.05 - 0.00 (-)200.00
3.50 28.50 4.24 34.52571 5.28 98% 874.00 200.00
0.95 12.24 - 0.00 (-)200.00
5.80 39.00 2.50 90% 654.00
3.50 10.09 - 0.00 600.00
5.10 16.15 - 0.00 (-)1000.00

13.500 36.8 DNIT under check 0.00

7.500 151.2 12.00 241.92 12.1 completed 2723.60
Pertain Gagret
21.00 269.68 - 0.00 0.00
14.00 144.00 14.00 144.00 10% 788.00 800.00
7.44 196.55 - 0.00
21.00 143.00 24.60 167.51 12% 1599.00 4500.00
9.44 34.05 - - - 0.00

- 2125.00
14.239 195.94 18.20 250.45 0.00 0.00
ure likely
to be
on of
work (Rs.







Tributary wise Physical & Financial progress of Swan River Flood Management Project Phase-4 (HP-4)
Sr. Name of Name of River/ Tributary As per DPR/AA & ES Increase/decrease in the Total length of As per Approved As per actual work Physical Expenditure Balance Total
No Constitue estimate scope of work as per channelization and Working Estimates done in the Khad status of the incurred till funds expenditure
. ncy decision taken in the area to be reclaimed for the work date (Rs. required for likely to be
Govening Body meeting Khad/awarded (completed Lakh) competion/ incurred for
or not) if not expdt. likely completion
status of to be of work (Rs.
work in incurred for Lakh)
S.No. Name of Tributary Length Area to be Length of Area Working Length of Area Length of Area Length of Area %age completion
to be reclaimed Embankm reclaimed estimate/DN Embankm reclaimed Embankm reclaimed Embankm reclaimed (Rs. Lakh)
channeliz (ha) ent (ha) IT ent (km) (ha) ent (ha) ent (ha)
ed (km) completed completed completed
(km) (km) (km)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

1 Haroli 1 Panjawar/Nagnoli (A) 7.00 114.75 0 0 Approved 7.00 114.75 10 163.93 8.40 132.75 completed 1802.00 0.00
Panjawar/Nagnoli (B) 5 81.96 Approved 5.00 81.96 5 81.96 0 20% 113.00 1000.00
2 Khad di Khad 7.25 92.00 (+) 1.00 12.69 Approved 8.25 104.69 10.00 126.90 5.39 92 completed 1289.00 0.00 225.00
3 Pandoga (A) 7.50 82.25 0 0 Approved 7.50 82.25 6.00 65.80 6.40 82.25 completed 1376.00 0.00
Pandoga (B) 900.00
4 43.87 being 0 0.00 900.00
4 7.80 96.00 (-) 0.92 (-)11.32 prepared
approved 6.88 84.68 4.80 59.08 5.80 96 completed 934.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0 0 being 2.00 24.00 - - - 0 - - 450.00 450.00
Ispur(B) prepared
5 Bhadsali (A) 7.75 57.50 0 0 approved 7.75 57.50 5.36 53 completed 963.00 0.00
Bhadsali (B) 0.00 0.00 (+) 4.00 29.68 being 4.00 29.68 0 0.00 900.00 900.00
6 Saloh 5.00 99.00 0 0 5.00 99.00 9.00 178.20 5.072 41.5 90% 1297.00
7 Kanger Bhadera(A) 5.80 68.25 0 0 7.03 68.25 8.29 80.48 6.50 68 completed 1279.00 0.00
Kanger Bhadera(B) 0.00 0.00 1.23 14.47 tender 1.23 14.47 0 - 0.00 280.00 280.00
8 Dharampur 5.80 48.75 (-) 3.00 (-)25.22 2.80 23.53 0 - 0.00 0.00 630.00
9 Sansowal 5.00 50.25 (-) 4.00 (-)40.20 1.00 10.05 0 - 0.00 (-)200.00
10 Haroli 3.50 28.50 0 0 3.50 28.50 4.24 34.53 5.28 21.5 98% 874.00 75.00 75.00
11 Bhadouri 2.95 38.00 (-) 2.00 (-)25.76 0.95 12.24 0 - 0.00 (-)200.00
12 Palakwah 5.80 39.00 0 0 5.80 39.00 2.50 27.5 90% 654.00
13 Chandpur 5.50 37.00 (-) 2.00 (-)26.91 3.50 10.09 0 - 0.00 0.00 788.00
14 Lalahri 7.10 37.00 (-) 2.00 (-)20.85 5.10 16.15 0 - 0.00 (-)1000.00
Total 83.750 888.250 84.290 900.790 57.330 790.873 50.702 614.500 10581.000 5361.000

Una 1 Lalsingi(Khurd) 13.50 36.75 0 0 13.500 36.8 DNIT under check 0.00
2 Rampur Khad 7.50 151.20 0 0 7.500 151.2 12.00 241.92 12.1 135.00 completed 2723.60
3 Kudhar/Una/ Malat 14.50 118.25 0 0 Pertain Gagret
4 Nangran/Rakkar 19.00 213.50 (+) 2.00 56.18 21.00 269.68 - 0.00 0.00 4500.00
Sr. Name of Name of River/ Tributary As per DPR/AA & ES Increase/decrease in the Total length of As per Approved As per actual work Physical Expenditure Balance Total
No Constitue estimate scope of work as per channelization and Working Estimates done in the Khad status of the incurred till funds expenditure
. ncy decision taken in the area to be reclaimed for the work date (Rs. required for likely to be
Govening Body meeting Khad/awarded (completed Lakh) competion/ incurred for
or not) if not expdt. likely completion
status of to be of work (Rs.
work in incurred for Lakh)
S.No. Name of Tributary Length Area to be Length of Area Working Length of Area Length of Area Length of Area %age completion
to be reclaimed Embankm reclaimed estimate/DN Embankm reclaimed Embankm reclaimed Embankm reclaimed (Rs. Lakh)
channeliz (ha) ent (ha) IT ent (km) (ha) ent (ha) ent (ha)
ed (km) completed completed completed
Una (km) (km) (km)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
5 Fatehpur-II 14.00 144.00 0 0 14.00 144.00 14.00 144.00 10% 788.00 2000.00 2000.00
6 Holi 14.50 300.00 (-)7.06 (-)103.45 7.44 196.55 - 0.00
7 Total 3511.60 6500.00
8 Basal (A) 21.00 143.00 0.000 0 21.00 143.00 24.60 167.51 12% 1599.00 4500.00
9 0.00 0.00 9.440 34.05 woring 9.44 34.05 - - - 0.00 6625.00
estimate not
Basal (B) approved - 2125.00
10 Badoli Teudi 8.00 120.58 (+)6.239 75.36 14.239 195.94 18.20 250.45 0.00 0.00 4200.00
Total 112.000 1227.280 108.119 1171.170 68.800 803.881 12.100 135.000 8622.200 23825.000

Kutlehar 1 Basal (A) 21.00 143.00 0.000 0 21.00 143.00 24.60 167.51 12% 1599.00 4500.00
0.00 0.00 9.440 34.05 working 9.44 34.05 - - - 0.00 6625.00
estimate not
Basal (B) approved - 2125.00
2 Badoli Teudi 8.00 120.58 (+)6.239 75.36 14.239 195.94 18.20 250.45 0.00 0.00 4200.00
Total 29.000 263.580 44.679 372.990 42.800 417.961 1599.000 10825.000

Grand total 224.750 2379.110 237.088 2444.950 168.930 2012.715 62.802 749.500 20802.200 40011.000

Circle Total 243.86 6453.370 486.136 6639.710 414.066 6059.125 212.624 3074.710 53352.820 102193.620
As per DPR/AA & Increase/decrease Total length of As per Approved As per actual work Physical Expenditure Balance Total
ES estimate in the scope of work channelization and area Working Estimates done in the Khad status of the incurred till funds expenditure
as per decision to be reclaimed for the work date (Rs. required likely to be
taken in the Khad/awarded (completed or Lakh) for incurred for
Govening Body not) if not competion completion
meeting status of work / expdt. of work (Rs.
in %age likely to be Lakh)
Name of Tributary Length Area to be Length of Area Working Length of Area Length of Area Length of Area for
to be Embank reclaime estimate Embankme reclaimed Embank reclaimed Embank reclaime completion
channeliz reclaimed ment d (ha) /DNIT nt (km) (ha) ment (ha) ment d (ha) (Rs. Lakh)
ed (km) (ha) complete complete complete
d (km) d (km) d (km)

Lalsingi(Khurd) 13.50 36.75 0 0 13.500 36.8 DNIT under check 0.00

Rampur Khad 7.50 151.20 0 0 7.500 151.2 12.00 241.92 12.1 135.00 completed 2723.60
Kudhar/Una/ Malat 14.50 118.25 0 0 Pertain Gagret
Nangran/Rakkar 19.00 213.50 (+) 2.00 56.18 21.00 269.68 - 0.00 0.00 4500.00
Fatehpur-II 14.00 144.00 0 0 14.00 144.00 14.00 144.00 10% 788.00 2000.00 2000.00
Holi 14.50 300.00 (-)7.06 (-)103.45 7.44 196.55 - 0.00
Total 3511.60 6500.00
Basal (A) 21.00 143.00 0.000 0 21.00 143.00 24.60 167.51 12% 1599.00 4500.00
0.00 0.00 9.440 34.05 worhing 9.44 34.05 - - - 0.00
estimate 6625.00
Basal (B) d - 2125.00
Badoli Teudi 8.00 120.58 (+)6.239 75.36 14.239 195.94 18.20 250.45 0.00 0.00 4200.00
Total 1599.0 10825.00
Tributary wise Physical & Financial progress of Swan River Fl
Sr. No. Name of Name of River/ As per DPR/AA & Increase/decrease
Constitu Tributary ES estimate in the scope of
ency work as per
decision taken in
the Govening
Body meeting

S.No. Name of Length Area to Length Area Working

Tributary to be be of reclaime estimate
channeli reclaime Embank d (ha) /DNIT
zed (km) d (ha) ment
d (km)

2 Kutlehar 7 Basal (A) 21.00 143.00 0.000 0

0.00 0.00 9.440 34.05 worhing
Basal (B) d
2 Badoli Teudi 8.00 120.58 (+)6.239 75.36
ess of Swan River Flood Management Project Phase-4 (HP-4)
Total length of As per Approved As per actual work Physical Expendit Balance Total
channelization Working done in the Khad status of ure funds expendit
and area to be Estimates for the the work incurred required ure
reclaimed Khad/awarded till date for likely to
(complet (Rs. competi be
ed or Lakh) on/ incurred
not) if expdt. for
not likely to completi
Length Area Length Area Length Area
status of be on of
of reclaime of reclaime of reclaime
work in incurred work
Embank d (ha) Embank d (ha) Embank d (ha)
%age for (Rs.
ment ment ment
completi Lakh)
(km) complete complete
on (Rs.
d (km) d (km)

21.00 143.00 24.60 167.51 12% 1599.00 4500.00

9.44 34.05 - - - 0.00

- 2125.00
14.239 195.94 18.20 250.45 0.00 0.00 4200.00
1599.0 10825.00

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