Detailed Lesson Plan Skimming Scanning

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Detailed Lesson Plan

Skimming and Scanning

CONTENT STANDARD- The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a
means of connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of
English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

PERFORMANCE STANDARD- The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of
the past; comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations using appropriate
context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech
effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
 identify the difference between skimming and scanning
 use the appropriate reading style
 read closely to find answers to specific questions
 scan for specific information
 apply skimming and scanning properly

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Skimming and Scanning
Reference: Broader Horizons in English
Daneta O. Gacia p.2-3
Materials: DLP
Visual Aids

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Daily Routine

Good Morning class! Good Morning Ma’am!

Let us pray first.
(one student will lead the prayers)
Before you take your seat, kindly pick up those pieces of
paper under your chair. (the student will pick up the pieces of paper)

Class, face your seatmates and check if they are wearing (students will check if their seatmates are
proper and complete school uniform and their ID’s wearing proper uniforms)
Thank You Ma’am!
You may mow take your seat.
Ms. Secretary, is there any absent for today? None, Ma’am.
2. Motivation
Class, before we start our new lesson. Do you want to
play? So, now we are going to have a game! And our
game is entitled Hidden Words! Yes Ma’am!
What you are going to do is that I will give you set of
sentences and you will identify the hidden words in the
sentences and there is a clue in each sentences. I will only
give you 30 seconds to start guessing the hidden words in
each sentence. Are you ready class?

Class, how do you able to spot the hidden words in our Yes, ma’am! I read it carefully and scan it
sentences? Do you use any style? carefully for me to find out what the hidden
words are and where they are place.
Oh, great! You skim for the information. Another Ma’am in the first sentence the answer is
answer? already seen because it is in the first two
words! the word “ dog”
So, your eyes is too fast, that’s why you saw it
Do you know class that we could use that skill in
understanding passages that we read in English?
Do you love reading? (students will answer)
Some of you think that reading is boring because there
are many passages that should be read but in fact we only
need one answer to one question, right?

Well we could avoid that and make reading as fun as how

you looked for our hidden words earlier by applying the
same style you did.

So are you ready to discover how fun it is to read?

If yes, let’s go now to our lesson which is style of
Let us change your perception about reading!
Class, based on the hidden words in the sentences, you
use some reading style/ techniques for you to really get
the correct words, right?
So our lesson is related to what style you use a while ago.

Our lesson for today is Skimming and Scanning.

Is there anyone of you know the difference between
skimming and scanning?

3. Lesson Proper
A. Generalization
Skimming and Scanning are reading techniques that
use rapid eye movement and keywords to move quickly
through text for slightly different purposes.
Skimming is reading rapidly in order to get a general
overview of the material. Skimming means reading very
fast to find only the main idea of a text.
Scanning is reading rapidly in order to find specific
facts. It is a technique often used to search for key words
or ideas. It is used when one knows what he/she is
looking for, so he is concentrating on finding a particular

Skimming Strategies: reading first and last paragraphs,

using headings ; reading summaries and other organizers
while moving down the page or screen; and reading the
title, subtitles, subheadings, and illustrations.

Scanning Strategies: looking for the author’s use of

organizers such as numbers, letters, steps, or the words
first, second, or next; spotting words that are bold faced,
italics or in a different font size, style, or color, and
looking at the marginal notes.

Okay, class after we know the strategies that we can use

in using skimming and scanning, now let us know how to
skim and scan.
How to skim:
a. Read the title if there is one.
b. Read the introduction or the first paragraph if there
is one.
c. Read the first sentence of every other paragraph.
d. Notice any pictures, charts, or graphs.
e. Notice any italicized or boldface words or phrases.
f. Read the summary or last paragraph if there is one.
How to scan:

a. State the specific information you are looking for.

b. Try to anticipate how the answer will appear and
clues you might use to help you locate the answer
c. Use headings and any other aids that will help you
identify which sections might contain the
information you are looking for.
d. Selectively read and skip through sections of the
Okay, class let’s have some examples here and let’s
apply the techniques that you learn a while ago in
answering my questions.
B. Verification through Illustrative Examples
Degas’s background would never have suggested he
was to become the revolutionary painter he was. He was
born in Paris, on 19 July 1834. His father, Auguste de
Gas, was a banker but his mother died before Degas
reached his teens.

What was the name of Degas’s father?

What reading style did you use?

Yes, that’s correct!

“His father, Auguste de Gas”
How do you find the answer? Do you use any keyword?
“Skimming, Ma’am”
Great! You use

Let’s have another example.

“Yes Mam! I saw the word father and after
First day that word I saw the name.”
My first day of college was a disaster. First, I went to
the wrong classroom for math. I was sitting in the class,
surrounded by people taking notes and paying attention
to how to do equations, which would have been okay if
I was supposed to be in an algebra class. In reality, I
was supposed to be in geometry, and when I discovered
my error, I had already missed the first twenty minutes
of a one-hour class. When I got to the correct class, all
twenty-five students turned and looked at me as the
teacher said, “You’re late.” My first day of school was
so bad that I know the rest will have to be better. “First day of school”

“Scanning, Ma’am!”
The passage is all about, what?
“Mam, because I search for specific
Yes, correct! What skill do you use? information. And I use the headlines.”

How do you say so? And why?

How did he/she describe her first day of school? “Ma’am, she/he said that it was a disaster.”

Everyone should wear a life jacket when they are on a

boat. Because life jackets are important. Life jackets
have been proven to save lives. No one can predict
when an accident might happen. There may not be
enough time to put on a life jacket, but if you are
already wearing it, it may save your life.

“Life jacket”
What is the passage all about?

Why it is important to wear a life jackets when they are “It is proven that life jackets save lives.”
on a boat?
So, now that you understand how to use and what is the
difference between skimming and scanning. Let’s have
an activity.
C. Restatement of Generalization
Skimming is reading rapidly in order to get a general
overview of the material. Skimming means reading very
fast to find only the main idea of a text.
Scanning is reading rapidly in order to find specific
facts. It is a technique often used to search for key
words or ideas. It is used when one knows what he/she
is looking for, so he is concentrating on finding a
D. Application
Each student will be given a bingo card, and they
are going to answer the questions in the bingo card.
Their answer will be based on the passages given.
Question Question Question Question Question

Question Question Question Question Question

Question Question Question Question Question

Question Question Question Question Question

Question Question Question Question Question

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