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b. A horizontal pipe of 0.3 m diameter is maintained at a temperature of 250oC in a room where Reg. No.

the ambient air is at 15oC. Calculate the free convection heat loss per meter length of pipe.

30. a. Twoparallelplates3mx2marespacedlmapart.Oneplateismaintainedat500oCand B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY 2018

1$ to 6tr Semester
other at 200"C. The emissiviff of the plates are 0.3 and 0.5. The piates are located in large
room and walls are maintained at 40oC. If the plate exchange heat with each other and with 15ME3O2 _}IEA'I'AND MASS TRANSFER
the room, find flre heat lost by the plates and heat received by room' @or the candidates admitted during the academic year 2015 - 2016 onwards)
(Use of Heat and Mass Transfer data book permitted)
b. Emissivity's of fivo large parallei plates mainted at 800oC and 300'C are 0.3 and 0.5. Find Note:
(i) The net required heat exchange per square meter of the plate, is a polished (i) Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within frst 45 minutes and OMR sheet should be handed
aluminium shield (e - 0.05) is placed between them. over to hall invigilator at the end of 45fi minute.
(ii) Percentage ofreduction in heat transfer. (ii) Part - B and Part - C should be answered in answer booklet.

31. a. Water is boiled at a rate of 30 kg/hour in a copper pan of 300 mm in diameter at atrnospheric Time: Three Hours Ma"r. Marks; 100
pressure. Estimate the temperature of the bottom surface of an assuming nucleate boiling
Answer ALL Questions
b. In a cross flow, heat exchanger both fluids are ionized, hot fluid with a specific heat of 1. The outer surface of a long cylinder is maintained at constant temperature. The cylinder does
2300 J/kgK enters at 380'C and leaves at 300'C. Cold fluid enterc at 25'C and leaves at not has only heat source. The temperature in the cylinder will
210"C. Calculate the required surface area of heat exchanger. Take overall heat transfer
(A) Increase linearly with radius @) Decrease linearly with radius
(C) Be independent of radius (D) Vary logarithmically with radius
coeftcient is 750 Wm2K. Mass flow rate of hot fluid is 1 kgls.

32. a.i. A pipe containing ammonia is vented at ambient air by lapping the pipe and inserting a 4mm 2. A composite plane wall is made up of two different materials of same thickness and having
diameter tube which extends to 10 m into atmosphere so as to maintain pressure of one thermal conductivities of K1 and K2 respectively. The equipment thermal conductivity of
atmosphere. The temperature is maintained at 30oC. If ammonia air mixture has diffusion slab is
(A) K1+K2 (B) KtKz
coefficient as 0.4110-4 m2 I s.
Find the mass flow rate of ammonia and air
(C) Kr+Kz (D) 2K$2
KtKz K1+ K2
A wetl is 30 m deep and 9 m in diameter is exposed to atmosphere pressue at 25"C. The air
at the top has 60o/o relative humidity. Find the diffusion rate of water vapour through the well
3. For quick response of a thermocouple to observe varying temperature of fluids.
if Dab -2.58x10-5 m2 I s. (A) Wire diameter must be large (B) Wire material density must be large
(oR) (C) Wire material specific heat must be
@) Wire surface heat transfer coefficients must
large be large
b.i. Air at 20oC and atmospheric pressure containing small quantities of iodine, flo'*,s with a
velocity of 4 m/s inside a 40 mm diameter tube. Determine the coefficient, if diffi.rsion
4. When is transient heat transfer problem considered as a lump capacity problem?
coefficient is 0.75 x lO-5 m2 / s . (8 Mmks) (A) The internal resistance of the object @) The internal resistance of the object is zero
ii. Explain the types of convective mass transfer. (4 Marks) is negative
(C) The internal resistance ofthe object (D) The internal resistance of the object is
is infinite negligible
5. Prandtl number of a flowing fluid greater than unity indicates that hydrodynamic boundary
layer thickness is
(A) Greater than thermal boundary layer (B) Equal to thermal boundary layer thickness
(C) Greater than hydrodynamic (D) Independent of thermal boundary layer
boundary layer thickness thickness
6. Air at 20"C blows over a hot plate of 0.5 x 0.6 m made of carbon steel maintaiaed at 220C.
the convective heat transfer coefficient is 25 Wm2K. ['hat u,ill be the heat loss form the
(A) 1s00 w (B) 2s00 w
(c) 30oo w (D) 4000 w
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7. For fulIy developed turbulent flow in a pipe with heating, the nusselt number no, varies with 19. Mass transfer in fluid takes place when there exist a
Reynolds number Re and prandtl number Pr as (A) Pressure gradient (B) Temperature gradient
(A) Reo.s Pr1/3
(B) Reo.8Pro.z (C) Velocity gradient (D) Concentration gradient
(c) Reo.8Pro.4 (D) Reo.sko.3 20. In situation involving simultaneous heat and mass transfer the ratio of convective heat
transfer to convective ass transfer varies with leis number as
8. In respect of free convection over a vertical flat plate the nusselt number varies with grashoff
number'Gr' as
(A) (r")0.r, (B)
(A) Gr and Gru4 for laminar and @) Gr,, *4 6rt/3 for laminar and turbulent (c) (o)
turbulent flows respectively
(r,)o.u, (2")r.5
flows respectively
(C) Gri/a and Grt/3 forlaminar and (D) Gr,,, *i 6rrra ior laminar and turbulent PART-B(5x4:20Marks)
turbulent flows respectively flows respectively Ansrver ANY FM Questions
9. If the temperature of a solid surface changes from 27"C to 627"C, then its emissive power
will increase in the ratio of 21. Define Fourier number. Explain the significance of it.
(A) 3 (B) 9 22. Explain critical thickness and derive an expression for critical radius of insulation of
(c) 27 (D) 81 cylinder.
10. Fraction of radative energy leaving on surface thht stripes the other surface is called Air at a temperature of 30'C flow past a flat plate at a velocity of 1 .8 m/s. the flat surface has
(A) Radiative flux (B) Emissive power of frst surface a sharp leading edge and its total length equals to 750 mm. Calculate the hydrodynamic
(C) View factor (D) Reradition flux boundary layer thickness and average skin friction coefficient (Take properties at air
11. The shape factor of a hemispherical body placed on a flat surface with respect to itself is temperatures).
(A) Zero (B) 0.2s Explain briefly fouling in heat exchangers.
(c) 0.s (D) 1.0 25. Define irradiation and radiosity.
12. Iceisverycloseto
(A) Gray body (B) 26. Briefly explain the various regines of saturated pool boiling.
Black body
(C) White body (D) Specular body 27. Define Schmidt number and lewis number and explain the physicai significance of the
13. In a certain heat exchanger both the fluids have identical mass flow rate and specific heat number,
product. The hot fluid enters al 76"C and ]eaves at47"C and the cold fluids enters at 26oC PART - C (5 xl2:60 Marks)
and leaves at 55oC. The effectiveness of the heat exchanger is Answer ALL Questions
(A) 0.16 (B) 0.s8 28. a. A cylinder of 50 mm diameter and I m long is placed in atrnospheric temperature 40"C. it is
(c) 0.72 (D) 1 provided with 12 longitudinal straight fins (k : 75.6 WmK), the thickness of fin is 0.8mm
t4. For evaporator and condenser for the given conditions, the logarithmic mean temperature and protrudes 25 mm from the cylinder surface. The heat transfer coefficient between
difference for parallel flow is cylinder and fin is 23.25 Wm2K. The surface temperature of cylinder is maintained at
(A) Equal to that of counter flow (B) Greater than counter flow 150'C. Calculate
(C) Smaller than counter flow (D) Very much small than that for counter flow (i) The rate ofheat transfer(from finned and unfinned surface)
15. The
(ii) Temperature at the end of fin
excess temperature in free convection boiling is
(A) s'c (B) 1o'c (oR)
(c) 3Ooc (D) so"c b. Alloy steel ball of 15 mm diameter is heated to 700'C is quenched in a bath at 100.C.
16. When wet steam condenses on a vertical plate, the local heat transfer coefficient O Temperafure ofball after 10 seconds
(A) Increases along the plate (B) Decreases along the plate (ii) Time for the ball to cod to 400oC
(C) Remains constant (D) Unpredictable Take the material properties as
17. Mass Lransfer is evaluated using a = 0.06 K = 200k1 I mhroC
nt3 I hour;
(A) Fourier law (B) NeMon's law of coolins
(C) Fick's law
p -1865ke tm3, Co -0.45kJ I ksK
(D) Stefan Boluman law
18. Ratio of thermal diffusivity to mass diffusivity is known as
h _l40kl / hr*Z"C
(A) Schmidt number (B) Lewis number 29. a. When water is passed through a tube of 20 mm diameter at 0.6 kg/min, it is found to be
(C) Sherrvood number (D) Stanton number heated form 20oC to 60oC. the surface temperature of tube is maintained at 90"C. Determiue
the length of the tube required for fully developed flow.
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