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Mathematics Grade 7-STE: Elementary Algebra


Lesson 2
Standard and Non-Standard Measurement
A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of measurement.
B. Performance Standard
The learner is able to formulate real-life problems involving measurements and solve these using
a variety of strategies.
C. Learning Competency
The learner illustrates what it means to measure. M7ME-IIa-1
The learner describes the development of measurement from the primitive to the present
international system of units. M7ME-IIa-2
In this lesson, the students should be able to:
 Describe the development of measurement from the primitive to the present
international system of unit;
 Identify a standard measurement from a non-standard measurement.
 Apply understanding of the Standard and Non-Standard Measurement to complete a
practical task.
Content : Standard and Non-Standard Measurement
About the Lesson: This is an introductory lesson on measurement.
Prerequisite : Knowledge in Real Numbers and Operations
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide: Lesson 15
2. Learner’s Materials on Lesson 15
3. Textbook Pages:
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) Portal: none
B. Other Learning Resources
 Powerpoint presentation
 Measurement Task Cards, mini-workbook in Measurement,
 Emoji’s, and activity kits
A. Reviewing Task 1: Measurement Timeline
previous  The class is grouped in 10 with 4 members each team.
lesson  Each group is asked to make a timeline of historical developments of
measurement from ancient times to how it is developed as it is today.
Objective 4 Remind students to always “Proceed to your groups QUIETLY!”
Managed classroom  Time allotted to make the timeline is only 10 minutes.
through activities.  After the time allotment, student posts answer to the board so that the
teacher checks group outputs.
B. Establishing Task 2: Approved! Disapproved!
purpose for Directions: With various situations below, students are to identify whether
the lesson the attitudes shown are acceptable or not-acceptable under the Filipino
Objective 1 Traits and Values. If actions are acceptable give a ‘thumbs-up’
Integration across the or if not, give it a ‘thumbs down’ .
curriculum 1. Children applying the ‘mano po’ tradition to elderly.

Teacher: Mrs. Maria Maida L. Bagcat (T-II)

2. Children not helping in household chores.


Teacher: Mrs. Maria Maida L. Bagcat (T-II)

3. Children do not butt in to elderly conversations.
4. Uttering bad words and cussing in public!
5. Children disobey their parents.
This activity highlights acceptable traits as ‘with standard’ while the not
acceptable traits as ‘out of standard’.

C. Presenting Deepen discussion by giving the meaning of the word ‘Standard’ and
examples/ emphasizing the importance of having standard. To concretize the
instances of importance of ‘standardization’ let students measure the length of the
the new
a. a stick using a handspan
lesson. b. a book using a palm
Objective 2
Literacy skill
c. a pen using a paper clip
enhancement d. a table using popsicle sticks
Follow-up Questions: After the activity, the class discusses the answers
guided by the following questions:
1. How did you get your answer/s?
Objective 3 2. Describe the way you measure the length of the objects?
Effective Questioning 3. Are the different tools assigned to you reliable in measuring objects?
using HOTS and
4. Do you think these measuring tools are ‘standardized’?
5. Is there a need to make a standard measurement? Why?

D. Discussing Task 3: Standard and Non-Standard Measurement Comparison

new concepts Teacher differentiates Standard and Non-Standard Measurement. Then,
and students are asked to determine if the examples below use a standard
measurement or non-standard measurement. If Standard give it a
thumb’s-up or give it a thumb’s-down if not a standard unit!
new skills #1
1. The LGU-Madrid office is about 1,000 steps from the highway.
2. I am 10 minutes late from class.
3. 1 water pitcher is about 6 glasses of water.
4. I can consume 1gallon ice cream.
5. The area of the triangle is 16 meter squared.
6. Anna’s room is about 10 steps wide and 15 steps long.
7. The world’s smallest fish measures roughly the same height as
the nail on your finger.
9. 1-liter coke is enough to serve 4 visitors.
10. I stand 5 feet and an inch which is regular height for a Filipina.
11. A typical adult blue whale is about the same length as three
double-decker buses or five family-sized cars placed end-to-end.
E. Discussing Analyze students answer by categorizing standard and non-standard
new concepts measurements through the table below:
& practicing What can you say? Standard Non-Standard
new skills #2 a. Units of Minutes, gallon, Steps, roughly the same
Measure used? meter squared, liter, height, about the same
5 feet and an inch length
b. Type of the (usual and typical (unusual units; uses
units of units of estimation only)
measure used? measurement)
c. Advantage / - -
d. Units of Metric System Body Parts
Measure English System Anything unusual

Teacher: Mrs. Maria Maida L. Bagcat (T-II)

F. Developing Task 4: Classify the units of action! Classify units of measure listed below.
mastery Stand up if the unit of measure belongs to Standard Unit of Measurement
(Leads to or Sit down if the unit of measure belongs the Non-Standard Unit of
Formative Measurement!
Assessment 3)
Units of Measure Standard Non-Standard
Clip foot Stand-up Sit-down
centimeter like
liter centigrade
as heavy as kilogram
inch milliliter
Finalize the activity by saying: all units of measure used by the Metric
System and English System are Standard Measurement. All others,
including body parts, any comparison or description of measures are Non-
Standard Measurement.

G. Finding Task 5: My Activity, My Interest!

practical Students are intelligent in multiple ways and have unique combinations
applications of intelligence strengths. In application, they’ll have to perform task/s
that concretizes their understanding of the standard and non-standard
of concepts &
measurement through this time-bounded activity.
skills in daily
How to do it?
1. The students are grouped in 10 mini-groups and according to 5
different field of interests. Having a maximum of 5 members per
Objective 6 group, each field of interest will be assigned to 2 groups.
Uses differentiated, 2. Each group is tasked to perform a challenge which is drawn by lots.
developmentally appropriate Challenges stimulate 5 field of interests namely:
learning experiences based a. Logical (number smart - the capacity to use numbers effectively)
on learner’s interest.
b. Musical (music smart – use of rhythmic and tonal patterns)
c. Spatial (picture smart – ability to perceive the visual-spatial world
and the relationships which exist between these elements)
d. Linguistic (word smart - ability to use words effectively)
e. Kinesthetic (body smart – the ability to use the body to express
emotion, to play a game, and to create a new product)

Objective 5
Manages learner behavior
constructively by giving
learners equal and diverse

opportunities to
Teacher: Mrs. Maria Maida L. Bagcat (T-II)
3. Each group is given a kit. The contents inside the kit are items that
can be used in the activity. Note: Unused item (from the kit) could
mean deductions from the total score. Use all items wisely!
4. Outputs will be checked through a rubric.
5. Time limit for the group to perform their task is only 10 minutes.
H. Making Gene- (Conclude the lesson by asking students good questions that will help them crystallize their learning so they can
declare the knowledge and demonstrate their skills.)
ralizations / Task 6: PMI your Learnings!
abstractions Students generalize learnings by enumerating Positive, Negative and
about the Interesting points they’ve learned from the topic as guided by the following
lesson questions:
a. (Positive and Negative points): What have you learned today?
b. (Interesting points): Differentiate standard from non-standard
measurement. Give examples.
I. Evaluating Assessment:
Learning Give 2 situational examples for each measurement type.
J. Additional On your Mini-Workbook in Measurement (Measurement Crisis: Reversed),
activities for answer the following:
application  Activity No.
 Activity No.
 Activity No.
remediation  Activity No.
Objective 7
manages and implements
(This sequenced
is a part of the DLP in which teachers shall indicate special cases, including, but not limited to, continuation of lesson plan on the following day in
case and learning
or re-teaching or lack ofprocesses
time, transfer of lesson on the following day in cases of class suspension, etc.)
by scaffolding ideas.

(This part of the DLP should be filled out right after the delivery of the lesson. Teachers are encouraged to think about their lessons particularly the parts
that went well and the parts that were weak and write about it briefly. In the reflection, teachers can share their thoughts and feelings about their
lessons including things about the lesson that were successfully implemented, that needed improvement, or that could be adjusted in the future. As in the
DLP, teachers can also talk about their leaners who did well in the lesson and those who need help.)
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation: _____________________________________________
B. No. of learners who required additional activities for remediation. _____________________________
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ________________________________________________________________
D. Number of learners who continue to require remediation? ______________________________________
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did it work? __ ____________________________
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other
teachers? _______________________________________________________________________________________

Prepared by: Checked by:

Maria Maida L. Bagcat Annabel C. Cubero
Subject Teacher Subject Coordinator

Teacher: Mrs. Maria Maida L. Bagcat (T-II)

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