Sepoy Rebellion Lesson Plan

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CSULB History Social Science Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Title: The Sepoy Rebellion of 1857 Date: 3/10/17

Why did European countries
Unit Central Historical
place such an emphasis on
acquiring new colonies?

Subject / Course: World History

Grade: Grade 10

Lesson Duration: 1 Day – 90 Minutes

Content Learning Objective (content and product):

Students will examine two primary sources on the Sepoy Rebellion of 1857 to gather evidence on
the conditions of British colonization of India. Students will then write a letter to the British
Crown, warning them of a possible rebellion.

Historical Thinking Learning Objective (thinking skill and product):

After analyzing the primary documents, students will compare and contrast two Natives’
perspectives on the British colonization of India by writing a letter to the British Crown, listing the
Natives’ quandaries and warning of a possible rebellion.

Historical Thinking Skill, California Content, and Common Core Standards Addressed:

Historical Thinking Skill: Compare and Contrast; Evidence and Interpretation

California Content Standards: 10.4.1 – 10.4.3 – 10.4.4
CCSS.ELA – Literacy. RH. 9-10.2
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate
summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text.
CCSS.ELA – Literacy. RH. 9-10.6
Compare the point of view of two or more authors for how they treat the same or similar topics,
including which details they include and emphasize in their respective accounts.

Narrative Summary of Tasks / Actions:

The purpose of this lesson is to help students understand British Imperialism and their occupation
of India by helping students comprehend the issues leading up to the Sepoy Rebellion of 1857 and
the effects the rebellion would have on India. After the anticipatory set, the instructor will play a
short, 5 minute video on the causes and effects of the Sepoy Rebellion in 1857 then introduce the
student activity. Using “Think-Pair-Share”, students will individually read the 3 documents
answering the accompanying questions on their graphic organizer. In pairs students will share the
information they have gathered and ask each other any questions that may have arose. After
reading the 3rd and final document, each pair of students will be grouped with 2 other pairs to form
groups of 6. In these groups, students will be comparing and contrasting the documents read, and
drafting a letter to write to the British Crown, warning them of a possible rebellion in India, citing
quotes from the documents.

CSULB History Social Science Lesson Plan Template

Materials / Equipment:

 Projector – Computer
 Pen/Pencil – Lined Paper – Historical Journals
 Graphic Organizer
 Short Video on Sepoy Rebellion:
 Anticipatory Set Map:
 Primary Source Documents A, B, C:
1. Sir Colin Campbell, Narrative of the Indian Revolt Its Outbreak to the Capture of Lucknow,
1858. – (British within India Perspective)
2. Sita Ram, From Sepoy to Sudebar: Being the Life Adventures of Subedar Sita Ram, A
Native Officer in the Bengal Army, Written and Related by Himself. – (Sepoy Perspective)
3. Sayyid Ahmed Khan, The Causes of the Indian Revolt. Medical Hall Press, 1873. – (Native
Elite Perspective)

Inquiry-Based Lesson Plan for History-Social Science

1. Anticipatory Set Time: 5 minutes

World Map of Colonial Possessions will be displayed for students as they enter the classroom. On
a sheet of paper, students will answer the question:
 Why do you think Britain considered India its “jewel in the crown”?

2. Central Historical Question for Lesson Time: 1 minute

Why did the British Crown assume control of India from the East India Trading Company?

3. Teacher Input (delivery of historical context) Time: 5 minutes

I will play a short, 5 minute video summarizing the Sepoy Rebellion from a British perspective.

4. Student Activity and Investigation (w/

Time: 70 minutes

CSULB History Social Science Lesson Plan Template

1. Primary Document #1 and the accompanying questions (combination of questions about the
author and questions that will focus student’s attention while reading) will be displayed on
the projector. Students will be given 15 minutes to source, read, and answer the questions
individually. Students will then be given 5 minutes to discuss what they read with a
partner. – 20 minutes
2. Primary Document #2 and the accompanying questions (combination of questions about the
author and questions that will focus student’s attention while reading) will be displayed on
the projector. Students will be given 15 minutes to source, read, and answer the questions
individually. Students will then be given 5 minutes to discuss what they read with a
different partner. – 20 minutes
3. Primary Document #3 and the accompanying questions (combination of questions about the
author and questions that will focus student’s attention while reading) will be displayed on
the projector. Students will be given 10 minutes to source, read, and answer the questions
individually. Students will then be given 5 minutes to discuss what they read with the same
partner. – 15 minutes
4. Pairs of students will group together into groups of 5 to 6, in order to draft a letter to the
British Crown, warning them of a possible rebellion, citing issues from the documents they
read (1 per document). – 15 minutes
5. Differentiation: Grouping allows for lower achievers to take advantage of peer support
while higher achievers gain the opportunity to organize and voice their thoughts in support
of lower achievers in the pair or group.

5. Lesson Assessment (w/ differentiation) Time: over course of period

Students will complete the accompanying graphic organizer (for their own notes) as they read the
documents and this will allow me to monitor student’s progression and comprehension of the text.
Groups will turn in written letters at the end of the period as an exit ticket.

Differentiation: Rather than assessment taking place at the end of learning, students are assessed
on an on-going basis throughout the lesson. Students will have all answers to questions asked
throughout the lesson compiled for their reference. Students will answer open-ended question in
response journal

CSULB History Social Science Lesson Plan Template

6. Closure Time: 4 minutes

Instructor will hold a class discussion to answer any questions at the end of the activity and assess
student’s understanding of each author’s perspective as well as compare and contrast. Students
will turn in their “Letters to the British Crown” as an exit ticket.

7. Student Reflection (metacognition) Time: 4 minutes

Students will answer the following question:

 Was the Sepoy Rebellion of 1857 justifiable? Why or why not?

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