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Lesson Plan in English 9

Subject: Anglo-American Literature Time Frame: 5 Meetings

Quarter: Four Teacher: Charm A. Posadas
 Literature: Excerpt from The York Corpus Christi Plays
 Grammar: Passive and Active Voice

Stage 1-Desired Results

Content Standard Performance Standard

The learner demonstrates The learner competently performs in a

understanding of how Anglo-American full- length play through applying effective
literature and other text types serve as verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT
means of preserving unchanging values in resources based on the following criteria:
a changing world; also, how to use the Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic
features of a full-length play, tense Conventions.
consistency, modals, active and passive
constructions plus direct and indirect
speech to enable him/her competently
performs in a full-length play.

Essential Understanding (EU) Essential Questions (EQ

The students will understand that:

1. One literature serves as means of 1. How does one literature serve as

preserving unchanging values in means of preserving unchanging
changing world through its records values in a changing world?
of the values that are being passed
on by one generation to another
2. Studying active and passive voice is 2. Why need to study active and
important and useful in a way that passive voice?
they can use them in their speech
and writing. There is also a need in
studying active and passive voice in
order to avoid confusion between
the two.

Knowledge Skills

The students will know … The students will be able to …

1. literature as a means of understanding 1. EN9LT-IVa-17: Analyze literature as a

unchanging values in a changing world means of understanding unchanging
values in a changing world

1.1 EN9VC-IVa-10: Determine the

1.1 the relevance and the relevance and the truthfulness of the
truthfulness of the ideas presented in the ideas presented in the material viewed
material viewed
1.2 EN9F-IVa-3.11: Produce the
1.2 how to produce the sounds of sounds of English effectively when
English effectively when delivering lines in delivering lines in a full-length play
a full-length play

2. EN9G-IVa-22: Use active and passive

2. how to use active and passive constructions.
Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Product or Performance Task Evidence at the Level of Other Evidences


The learner should be able

This task is designed to help the  Paper-pen Test
to demonstrate
students improve their creativity  Oral Recitation
understanding covering the  Group and
in featuring the cultures in their following facets of Individual
Province. understanding: Activity
Goal:  Homework
Explain:  Test/Quizzes
 To feature the culture/s of  Board work
Show the importance  Performance-
the people of South
Cotabato through a of culture in a certain based task
dialogue. group of people.

Role: Interpret:

 To act as the newest Construe how culture

actors and actresses of drives one’s life.
the Apat sa Tag-Lamig
who are featuring the Apply:
culture/s of the South
Cotabateños. Confidently deliver
the dialogue
Audience: featuring the chosen
culture/s of the South
 The expected audiences Cotabateños.
are the students,
teachers, and parents.

Situation: Contrast the ideas of

one poem to another.
 The Apat sa Tag-Lamig’s
theme for this year’s
performance is “Diversity Empathy:
of Cultures”. The team will
choose one or more  Showing respect to
culture that are present in each group’s culture.
the Province of South
Cotabato and the chosen Self-Knowledge:
culture/s will serve as the
main idea of the dialogue Recognize the
to be presented. process of writing
and delivering a
Performance: dialogue.
 Write and deliver a
dialogue that features the
culture/s of the South


 The presentation will be

evaluated based on the
following criteria:
 Focus
 Voice
 Delivery
 Dramatic Conventions

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