Introduction For Research

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Restaurants are one of the most common and profitable business

in the Foodservice industry, with a focus on entrepreneurship, innovation and

growth. Due to the strong purchasing power of consumers drove a higher of

Dinning out. Full - service restaurants have welcomed new customers who can

now spend their time trying out other meals, influenced by today's fast - paced

lifestyle, the food service industry has continued to improve over the past few

years. Food services Business is expanding to accommodate more Filipinos

increasing demand, since the population is constantly growing, the demand for

restaurants will never dwindle. This opens the opportunity for people to

venture into restaurant business or expand their restaurants into restaurant

chains (local or international).

Competition among restaurants is intense as there are plenty of

dining options. And, while in this industry there are certainly dominant players

no one company has the market cornered. Indeed, almost every restaurant

location has to compete not only with other publicly traded chains, but also

with a wide range of small, local establishments.

Homegrown restaurants are Business establishments which

started in a particular place, or country. A homegrown restaurant which has

two (2) or more branches is called homegrown restaurant chain.

Homegrown Restaurant usually the main dishes are made of “Local

Food” in the sense it was either prepared frequently by the indigenous to the

place or agriculturally local that was prepared from the ingredients notably

known in that particular place. Rather, it is also culturally local; in the extent

that a cuisine that could only have been created by the specific combination of

cultural groups even foreign culture that had settled in the Philippines.

Therefore they can also be called native restaurants and often cater menus,

which a specific place demands.

This paper presents a study on homegrown restaurants in Angeles

City, Pampanga, Philippines. It focuses on the aspects of food, managing, time

and duration, and area of the restaurants.


What is the type of restaurants and services are being offered?

What is the most common type of food are being served?

A. Filipino or Kapampangan Cuisine

B. Eastern Cuisine

C. Western Cuisine

D. Others

Price range of the products that are being sold

A. 150php-200php

B. 250php-350php

C. 450php-550php

D. 600php and Above


There was no significant differences were found based on their

management approach, performance horizon, coordination control, attention

sphere, management qualities and core resources.

In other words, what was done here was the equivalent of testing their

management style that concerns different aspects in management strategies.


This study aims to create a restaurant profiling of the homegrown

restaurants in Angeles City conducted by BSCM 3Y2-1 in the College of

Hospitality and Institutional Management (CHIM) at Our Lady of Fatima

University (OLFU), Pampanga that could be beneficial to the following:

To Researcher

It can be used as a reference data for the future researchers and may

have related findings to develop a better research writing that could eventually

be of help for the future generation of researchers.

To CHIM Students

This research exposes the students to gain knowledge that could help

them to widen their perspective toward homegrown restaurant management

and may enable to come-up with new ideas of management in the industry of

hospitality management by compiling the information given by the

restaurateurs in Angeles City.

To CHIM Department (Professors)

This study provides an informative information that may give them a

profitable knowledge regarding the homegrown restaurants in Angeles City that

will give them various information and may give them ideas to teach for the

benefit of the students.



The scope of the study involves the homegrown restaurants in Angeles

City, the time and money spent, the techniques used in gathering information
and the number of participating personnel’s for each restaurants needed for
the study to be completed.

There are many restaurants in Angeles City but only the willing
participants are included in our study. The estimated time range for the
information gathering ranges from a minimum of 2 hours to 72 hours
depending on the availability of the restaurateurs.

The money used for this study ranges from a minimum account of
500php, includes raw materials such as paper, ink and the travelling fare to a
maximum account of 2000php.

The gathering information technique we used was a survey questionnaire

form and interview for an additional information.

The personnel needed for this study was from a minimum of 3 crew
members and 1 manager/owner, and may vary depending on the available
personnel for each homegrown restaurant in Angeles City.

The study is limited only to the homegrown restaurants in Angeles City and act a

care that won’t disturb during their operational hours.

The main source of the study was the survey questionnaires which were prepared

by Mr. Mark Aron A. Tuazon and the students in College of Hospitality and Institutional

Management in Our Lady of Fatima University, Pampanga.


Accommodate; to make an adjustment to suit a particular purpose.

(, 2019)

Business; refer to the activities you perform for your job.

(, 2019)

Cater; to supply food for a certain event such as party, meetings or

celebration. (, 2019)

Consumer; someone who buys or consume something. (,


Cuisine; a type of food that is cooked or prepared in a specific way based

on a culture's ingredients, region and tradition. (, 2019)

Entrepreneurship; the activity of setting up a business. (,


Establishment; the act of forming something. (, 2019)

Homegrown; originating in a particular place. (, 2019)

Indigenous; originated in a certain area. (, 2019)

Industry; a group of manufacturers that produce a particular kind of

goods or serviced. (, 2019)

Innovation; the introduction of something new. (, 2019)

Management; the act of controlling something. (, 2019)

Manager; the one who manages or takes charge of something.

(, 2019)

Native; has to do where you're from. (, 2019)

Profiling; recording a certain individual in order to assess or predict their

ability. (, 2019)

Personnel; a group of people who follow orders. (, 2019)

Restaurateur; the proprietor of a restaurant. (, 2019)

Restaurant; a place where people go to eat. (, 2019)

Survey; to look something over. (, 2019)

Venture; undertaking with an uncertain outcome. (,


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