Graphic Organizers: Graphic Organizers Are Visual Aids That Are Used For Organizing and Illustrating Ideas. These Help in

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At the end of the lesson, you should be able to organize information using graphic organizers.

What are graphic organizers? Do you use them in your writing?

Graphic Organizers
Graphic organizers are visual aids that are used for organizing and illustrating ideas. These help in
figuring out the connections between ideas. Using the appropriate graphic organizer will help you in
writing a clear and well-organized composition.

Types of Graphic Organizers

 Mind map or word cluster
 Cause-and-effect organizer
 Venn diagram
 Sequence organizer

Mind Map or Word Cluster

The mind map is used for brainstorming ideas. This is particularly useful for when you have a broad
topic that may be divided into several subtopics.

Let us say you want to write an essay about your city. You could write the name of your city in the
center circle then add the different topics you can write about on the circles connected by lines that
shoot off from the center like rays of the sun.

Cause-and-Effect Organizer
As suggested by its name, this graphic organizer is used for topics that discuss causes and effects.
The cause is the reason, and the effect is the result.

The given diagram shows one kind of a cause-and-effect organizer, in which the causes are written
on the boxes in the left side, with their corresponding effects to be written on the boxes on the right.

Venn Diagram
The Venn diagram is used for comparing and contrasting things.


Say you want to compare your city to another one. In one of the circles, you write the characteristics
of your city. In the other circle, you write the main features of the other one. In the center, where the
two circles overlap, you should write what they both have in common.

Sequence Organizer
A sequence organizer is used for organizing ideas for a story or the steps of a process.

The first box in the illustration should be filled with what comes first; the second box with what comes
next and so on.

When you need to write a composition, think about which type of graphic organizer you would need
to use for organizing your ideas. Making a graphic organizer before working on a composition will
help you in writing clearer and more organized texts.

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