Bar Practice Crim

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Assume that you are a member of the legal staff of Senator Salcedo who wants to file a bill about

imprisonment at the National Penitentiary in Muntinlupa. He wants to make the State prison a
revenue earner for the country through a law providing for premium accommodations for prisoners
(other than those under maximum security status) whose wives are allowed conjugal weekend visits,
and for those who want long-term premium accommodations. For conjugal weekenders, he plans to
rent out rooms with hotel-like amenities at rates equivalent to those charged by 4-star hotels; for
long-term occupants, he is prepared to offer room and board with special meals in air conditioned
single-occupancy rooms, at rates equivalent to those charged by 3-star hotels. What advice will you
give the Senator from the point of view of criminal law, taking into account the purpose of
imprisonment (7%) and considerations of ethics and morality (3%)? (10% total points)

No. VI. Hubert and Eunice were married in the Philippines. Hubert took graduate studies in New York
and met his former girlfriend Eula. They renewed their friendship and finally decided to get married.
The first wife, Eunice, heard about the marriage and secures a copy of the marriage contract in New
York. Eunice filed a case of Bigamy against Hubert in the Philippines.

(a) Will the case prosper? Explain. (4%)

Ricky was reviewing for the bar exam when the commander of a vigilante group came to him and
showed him a list of five policemen to be liquidated by them for graft and corruption. He was further
asked if any of them is innocent. After going over the list, Ricky pointed to two of the policemen as
honest. Later, the vigilante group liquidated the three other policemen in the list. The commander of
the vigilante group reported the liquidation to Ricky. Is Ricky criminally liable? Explain. (

Charlie hated his classmate, Brad, because the latter was assiduously courting Lily, Charlie’s
girlfriend. Charlie went to a veterinarian and asked for some poison on the pretext that it would be
used to kill a very sick, old dog. Actually, Charlie intended to use the poison on Brad. The veterinarian
mistakenly gave Charlie a non-toxic powder which, when mixed with Brad’s food, did not kill Brad. Did
Charlie commit any crime? If so, what and why? If not, why not? (3%)

No. IV. a. Macky, a security guard, arrived home late one night after rendering overtime. He was
shocked to see Joy, his wife, and Ken, his best friend, in the act of having sexual intercourse. Macky
pulled out his service gun and shot and killed Ken. The court found that Ken died under exceptional
circumstances and exonerated Macky of murder but sentenced him to destierro, conformably with
Article 247 of the Revised Penal Code. The court also ordered Macky to pay indemnity to the heirs of
the victim in the amount of P50,000. Did the court correctly order Macky to pay indemnity even
though he was exonerated of murder? Explain your answer. (10%)

Immediately after murdering Bob, Jake went to his mother to seek refuge. His mother told him to hide
in the maid’s quarters until she finds a better place for him to hide. After two days, Jake transferred to
his aunt’s house. A week later, Jake was apprehended by the police. Can Jake’s mother and aunt be
made criminally liable as accessories to the crime of murder? Explain.

The following day, Romeo was found catatonic inside the maid’s quarters. He was brought to the
National Center for Mental Health (NCMH) where he was diagnosed to be mentally unstable. Charged
with murder, Romeo pleaded insanity as a defense. Will Romeo’s defense prosper?
No. XIII. a. While his wife was on a 2-year scholarship abroad, Romeo was having an affair with his
maid Dulcinea. Realizing that the affair was going nowhere, Dulcinea told Romeo that she was going
back to the province to marry her childhood sweetheart. Clouded by anger and jealousy, Romeo
strangled Dulcinea to death while she was sleeping in the maid’s quarters. The following day, Romeo
was found catatonic inside the maid’s quarters. He was brought to the National Center for Mental
Health (NCMH) where he was diagnosed to be mentally unstable. Charged with murder, Romeo
pleaded insanity as a defense. Will Romeo’s defense prosper? Explain

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