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Marketing Information


Dr. Gopal Thapa

Tribhuvan University
Marketing Information System
 A marketing information system (MKIS) consists
of people, equipment and procedures to gather,
sort, analysis, evaluate, and distribute needed,
timely and accurate information to marketing
decision makers
 Kotler & Armstrong

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Marketing Information System
 A marketing information system is a set of
procedures and methods for the regular, planned
collection, analysis and presentation of
information for use in marketing decisions.
 American Marketing Association

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Components of MKIS
 Internal record system
 Marketing intelligence
 Decision support system
 Marketing research

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Components of MKIS

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Internal Record System
 Internal databases are electronic collections of
information obtained from data sources within the
 Kotler & Armstrong

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Internal Record System
 Marketing managers rely on data from internal
reports about orders, sales, prices, costs, inventory
levels, receivables, payables and so on.
 The heart of the internal record system is the
order-to-payment cycle.
 Sales representatives, dealers, and customers
dispatch orders to the firm.
 The sales department prepares invoices and
transmits copies to various departments, Out-of-
stock items are back ordered.
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Internal Record System
 Shipped items are accompanied by shipping and
billing documents that are sent to various
 Companies need to perform these steps quickly
and accurately, because customers favor firms that
can promise timely delivery.
 Today many companies organize information in
databases- customer databases, product databases,
salesperson databases and so forth- and then
combine data from the different databases.
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Internal Record System
 The customer database will contain every
customer’s name, address, past transactions, and
even demographics and psychographics (activities,
interests and opinions) in some instances.

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Marketing Intelligence System
 A marketing intelligence system is a set of
procedures and sources managers use to obtain
everyday information about developments in the
marketing environment.
 Kotler & Armstrong

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Sources of Marketing Intelligence
 Marketing Managers
 Sales Forces
 Middlemen
 Specialists
 Outsourcing
 Marketing information section

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Marketing Decision Support
 Marketing decision support system (MDSS) is a
coordinated collection of data, systems, tools, and
techniques with supporting software and hardware
by which and organization gathers and interprets
information from business and the environment
and turns it into a basis for marketing action.

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Marketing Decision Support
 A decision support system is a procedure that
allows a manager to interact with data and
methods of analysis to gather, analyze, and
interpret information.”
--- Stanton

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Components of MDSS
 Data Bank
 Methods Bank
 Model Bank

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Marketing Research
 Marketing research as the systematic design,
collection, analysis and reporting of data and
findings that are relevant to a specific marketing
situation facing the company.
 Most large companies have their own marketing
research departments.
 Some small companies can hire the services of a
marketing research firm or conduct research in
creative and affordable ways.

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Features of Marketing Research
 Systematic
 Problem oriented
 Objective
 Decision making

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Areas of Marketing Research
 Product research
 Advertising research
 Consumer research
 Sales research
 Corporate research
 Competitor research

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Marketing Research Process
 Define the problem and research objectives
 Develop the research plan
 Collect the information
 Analyze the information
 Present the findings

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