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Yvette Marie R.

Pareño Ed 127

Activity 1 – Concept Evaluation

1. Assessment and Evaluation are on the same time.

For me, it is correct because assessment and evaluation are on the same
meaning assessment and evaluation is the estimation of quality or the ability of
someone or something.
2. Assessment is completed once every grading period.
Assessment could be done in the end of the period because it is where
you can know the outcome of your students after the grading period, where you
can estimate their knowledge, skills, beliefs and attitude.
3. Assessment is one-way, Only teachers are involved in assessments.
For me, it is not only for teachers but also for students because the
teacher will share their knowledge to students they can assess students of their
needs in learning.
4. Assessment is ultimately for grading purposes.
Although grades are sometimes treated as a proxy for student learning,
they are not always a reliable measure. Moreover, they may incorporate criteria
such as attendance, participation, and effort that are not direct measures of
learning. The goal of assessment is to improve student learning.
5. Students work should always be given a grade or mark.
Yes, we must always give students a grade for their work always because
it is our basis as a teacher to give them their outcome as a student. We as a
teacher has the criteria in teaching it is the basis were they are passed or failed
in you subject area.
6. Assessment is he responsibility of program coordinators/supervisors.
The roles and responsibilities of assessment coordinators can vary
significantly based on the needs of the schools in which they’re employed. The
educational requirements needed to obtain the position can also be very
different, resulting in a broad range of salaries.
7. Assessment is imposed on teachers by the school and accrediting
The mission of the Office of Accreditation and Assessment is to ensure
that the College provides sufficient and adequate evidence that it meets national,
state, and institutional standards and that such evidence is beneficial to students
and programs without imposing excessive burden and disrupting educational
process. This work falls within the institutional goal of assuring highest quality of
service to the College community.
8. Formative assessment is a kind of test teachers use to find out what their
students know.
Formative assessment can look more structured, too, with teachers
beginning a class period with a discussion of a short list of general
misunderstandings garnered from a recent quiz, grouping students with varied
activities based on the writing they did the class period before, or pairing
students to read each other's drafts with a prepared list of questions and

Activity 2 – Key Players in Assessment

Determine to which group ( student, teacher, parents, administrators, curriculum,

supervisors/coordinators and police maker ) the question is coming from.

1. Do I have control over my own success?

 Student – Because as a student we set our own success and goals in
2. Are my students improving?
 Teacher – Because as a teacher they must know whether their students
are improving or not. They are the teachers so they must know the
learning of their students.
3. Are we doing enough at home to support the teacher?
 Parents – Because as a parents we must also help out children at home
we must ask them what are their assignments we must be hands on our
children because the number one that student can learn is from the
4. Is my teaching strategy effective?
 Teacher – Because as a teacher we encounter different kinds of learners
so we must have our own different strategy in teaching.
5. How am I doing in comparison to my peers?
 Student – Because as student we are engaging different kinds of
classmates but in this college life we set as one it differs only the behind
subject you left. So we help each other doing the requirements on our
6. What should I do to succeed?
 Student – Because as a student we have our different goals in life in
order to succeed someday. We aim to be a successful person someday
just to paid off the sacrifices that our parents do to us.
7. Does the teacher know the needs of our child?
 Parents – Because as a parents we must know the abilities of our child
in school whether they are good or bad. We must guide them on their
stepping stone of their lives.
8. How we define success in terms of student learning?
 Teacher – The true measure of student success is how well students are
prepared and accomplish their current and future academic, personal
and professional goals in life, through the development of their
knowledge and a sense of their responsibility.
9. Is the K to 12 program producing the desired result?
 Curriculum – I think yes because as what can I see now to the new
grade 11 students they are focusing on the development of their skills
and the mastery of concepts. They also develop a lifelong and prepare
graduates for tertiary education.
10. How do we allocate our school resources to achieve success?
 Administrators – Is a process and strategy involving a company
deciding where scarce resources should be used in the production of
goods. A resource can be considered any factor of production, which is
something used to produce goods or services. Resources include such
things as labor, real estate, machinery, tools and equipment, technology,
and natural resources, as well as financial resources, such as money.
11. Is our program of instruction producing good result?
 Administrators - Most students cannot stay focused throughout a
lecture. After about 10 minutes their attention begins to drift, first for brief
moments and then for longer intervals, and by the end of the lecture they
are taking in very little and retaining less. A classroom research study
showed that immediately after a lecture students recalled 70% of the
information presented in the first ten minutes and only 20% of that from
the last ten minutes.
12. What Curriculum adjustments do we need to make to meet students
 Curriculum - I think the curriculum has the power to change the capacity
of students learning, they have the freedom to change the program.
13. Are students optimally achieving to become global, productive citizens?
 Teacher - A global dimension has been added to the lives of all people
on the planet. This new identity compels us to promote an inclusive,
values-based, sustainable world community. The Amherst Declaration
reflects this reality and affirms that the most positive reaction to the
globalization of our lives is to identify with the concept of Global

14. Are our students are qualifying for college?

 Teachers – Because as a teacher they have the power whether tha
students are passed of failed. They have to know that, that students are
qualifying to college. Because some students cannot go to college
because they are lack of financial problems.
15. What do I say during the parent- teacher conference?
 Administrators - A parent-teacher conference, parent-teacher interview
or parents' evening, is a short meeting or conference between the
parents and teachers of students to discuss children's progress at school
and find solutions to academic or behavioral problems

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